I have a love/hate relationship with this channel. I love seeing new champs and how they're played and the effort put in, I hate that I lose LP for 2 days straight before seeing a new dobby video and the cycle continues.
The thing about zoe is that between staying cool most of the match, knowing your role in teamfights and performing all the animation cancels to actuall suprise people, playing her well requires quite the galaxy brain compared to picks like lux or lissandra and even then much more effort for little to no outperforming. Fun as shit thou.
@@jesterchester8428 I didnt mean silver mate. Lissandra has survivability for days, and if feed can just smash keyboard to get shit done. zoe has nothing.
When people say Zoe is a braindead champion. Playing her higher elo requires a lot of IQ because everyone knows how Zoe works. It's just a matter of skill at that point.
The point of some braindead hero is some really easy hero for lower ranks since most heroes like either Lux is that easy to use, but heroes like Zoe are not easy to control, even in pc, you would need the hands of a average spammer or a speedrunner to even use Zoe, not just about teleporting with a free kill, its about durability too
@@heavyweaponsweapons2038 brand is a really easy match up for zoe cause he is a mage that doesn't out range her, u just gotta have the reflexes to dodge all his W in lane phase
Leaving a comment under every video until an Aurelion Sol guide comes out - video 10 I'm gonna be honest, this has to be one of the most useful/informative videos I've seen in a while. This doesn't mean that the other vids are bad (because they're pretty darn good too), but this one kinda left me with a mind blown feeling that I usually get from Hoompty videos. And I'm now frightened even at the thought of enemy Zoe players using those cheesy E animation cancels to completely destroy me (it looks pretty cool though, gotta give em that). I liked a lot of the laning tips too, since they apply to a ton of midlaners other than Zoe as well. For instance, continuously pushing the wave will net you results just the same on any ranged champion, especially if they also have a skillshot that gets blocked by minions (Xerath, Ahri, Heimerdinger, Lux, etc). I'd just advice freezing early only against matchups where the enemy laner can run you down and murder you despite the minions (like Irelia, for instance) ...and if you suck at hitting the bubble. And the tips about the W let me know that I shouldn't even think about trading when she has a shard, which seems obvious, but I don't see many Zoe players really trying to exploit that. The only thing I found weird is how you called Zoe "off meta" even though she's pretty good. I know, she isn't like the best pick to climb with by any means, but she works quite well when piloted by a good player, and is nowhere near the levels of Karthus or Taliyah mid. I guess she is getting buffed and all, but I feel like that's just because Riot wants to see one$hot$ at worlds, not exactly because she is a horribly champion. Lastly, you kinda forget to mention with the counters, but Cleanse is a really good summoner spell against her, cus it can deny her sleep which basically prevents you from loosing your entire health bar. It's also a lot less valuable for her to steal compared to Ignite, Exhaust, Barrier or even Teleport (unless you have a strong CC spell that you use after she picks up cleanse, but this is a pretty rare scenario). It does come at the cost of loosing pressure that Ignite or Teleport would provide, but it's definitely a life saver that should 100% be taken if her teammates also have strong CC spells that can lead to death (but not if those are knockups, pulls, supresses, or stasises, cus you can't cleanse those).
LoL Dobby: How to enemy Ryze Me: Let's be main Ryze LoL Dobby: How to enemy Irelia Me: Let's be main Irelia LoL Dobby: How to enemy Zoe Me: Let's be main Zoe
Veeeery good video :D I'm Zoe main and i already knew everything you said here, however that's something that i'd love to know while i was starting my adventure with the aspect of cancer. Zoe and Ivern are the best champs in the game, goodbye
Just another tip vs Yone : if u land ur bubble when he's in e, he just has to e back and it totaly cancel ur's I don't really know why, but it does everytime
Because Yone is unstoppable while recalling from E. As Zoe you want to place the bubble at his starting point so it hits when his E ends and is unavoidable.
I'd say I'm a decent zoe player but she still has her limits. Most the time me enabling my team to win is simply just to tell them to pick their fights and not play too aggressive so I can snipe and then in the end they calm down and voila. Positive mindset helps!
Awesome work Dobby Btw if anyone interested to watch some high elo Zoe gameplay go watch PekinWoof he tell what he is and why he is doing something while playing.
Any instance of damage (except DoT, or dmg from minions, small and medium monster) will wake the enemy from sleep. Even your allied dmg will wake them up. It's just that her W will prioritize "non-sleep" target (if any is nearby).
you forgot to say about yi's q and zed's r.. if zed ulty you you can ulty in another place (like behind a wall) to move zed there, same goes with yi's q
10:20 I am pretty sure, the moment when the 2nd tower shot happened was way after he has already gone out of tower range. Riot spaggetti code strikes again
Ver a alguien jugar de esa manera es realmente emocionante, pues que haga ver a su oponente tan inferior... No lo digo solo por lo poco que se logra apreciar aquí, no. Lo digo porque también lo veo jugar en la plataforma morada.
Hi Dobby! I am a big fan of your creativity, I would very much like to be known about you where I live and play. I would like to ask your permission to upload your videos with russian subtitles for players on the RU server.
this guy playing zoe: 1v5s a teamfight in high elo with great positioning and awareness of his own damage me playing zoe: ults wrong and dies like a piece of shit
@@Ediiiiiiiiiiiiiiii it's cheap and easy to complete when you have decent amount of gold (way more than horizon component, but not enough for horizon, but enough for a cheaper complete item). In term of theories, void staff (also a cheap item) would work best as 2nd item on any mage champion, unless they're too depend on an effect or stats (like Diana, Azir, ... needs atk spd so they'd buy Nashor), even if none is building MR (it's worth just with the normal MR from any champ)
I used to play Zoe a lot and I could make some of these combos I stopped playing her because u can only build damage which it is boring.I think Kassa is a counter too
Pretty much the only champs I have ever had issue with is zed since he can instant tp and you pretty much have no reaction and zoe is already a really slow champ
Azir, AuSol, Katarina, Akali and Zoe: those champions are, for me, the most beautiful in terms of skill expression in the game. Yeah, they have either high or low numbers, but that doesn't matter: if you pick a OTP on the enemy team at any of those, you can be sure that, even if you win the match, you won't be having anything that resembles a fun match. At the same time that feels completely unfair to play against them, you also know that it's pure skill from the players, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Here's his Twitch channel.
도비님 해외체널도 있으셨네
Me: lol that Katarina is so bad.. wasting abilities and getting solo killed by a Zoe
Announcer: DK Showmaker has been slain
Me: Oh sh*t
Same lol
No am kata plat main and i can say He coudnt play any better than that
@@starboy6175 thats the beutiful thing about kata, even a plat player plays her the same as the best kata in the world
@@DerPsychoPanda imagine what hardstuck bronze kata main can actually do
10:05 btw
I have a love/hate relationship with this channel. I love seeing new champs and how they're played and the effort put in, I hate that I lose LP for 2 days straight before seeing a new dobby video and the cycle continues.
: )
His videos are not doing that you just can’t carry 😭
@@jesterchester8428 bro he's saying he loses lp because the new videos aren't out yet u dolt
@@racso628 LOL
The thing about zoe is that between staying cool most of the match, knowing your role in teamfights and performing all the animation cancels to actuall suprise people, playing her well requires quite the galaxy brain compared to picks like lux or lissandra and even then much more effort for little to no outperforming. Fun as shit thou.
Lol landing E and max range Q takes tons of skills lol. Lissandra is much harder to play since she has extremely short range
@@jesterchester8428 I didnt mean silver mate. Lissandra has survivability for days, and if feed can just smash keyboard to get shit done. zoe has nothing.
I'm trying to play her and my small brain can't go past landing the Q trajectory. I'm gonna need practice, a ton.
@@jesterchester8428sometimes you have to just q ult without e because if u hit q on someone the tank will stay in front of them
All Dobby videos makes you want to play the champion he is talking about. Hilarious
Then going 0-5, rage and complain.
I’m happy to announce I only caved and tried Jarvan top
M come macchina da guerra
Number 1: Landing your q
Your e also
Number 2: Landing your e
Number 0: Miss all abilites and auto to death while tanking all enemy abilities
Number 3: Get a correct spell from W. Depending on your opponent.
Number 1: land your E
Finally, as a Zoe main I was really happy when I saw this video.
me too omg, so funny to watch !
When people say Zoe is a braindead champion. Playing her higher elo requires a lot of IQ because everyone knows how Zoe works. It's just a matter of skill at that point.
The point of some braindead hero is some really easy hero for lower ranks since most heroes like either Lux is that easy to use, but heroes like Zoe are not easy to control, even in pc, you would need the hands of a average spammer or a speedrunner to even use Zoe, not just about teleporting with a free kill, its about durability too
what do I do about brand? I went up against one but no matter how much dmg I landed he still ohko me, we were same level.
@@heavyweaponsweapons2038 brand is a really easy match up for zoe cause he is a mage that doesn't out range her, u just gotta have the reflexes to dodge all his W in lane phase
good god, zoe has significantly more combative potential than i thought. thank you!
Dude this zoe player is so good, I can't even imagine going 1 vs 1 in close combat
You just made mid lane a living hell for me
This is by far the best Zoe content on youtube. As a milleonare i really liked it. Thanks for doing it.
dude, i'm not gonna lie, i'm freaking shocked by the amount of things that zoe can do, while i thought there were 3 at most lmao really nice video
0:20 I like how she missed almost all of her kit and she still killed Lb
Zoé things
Well the zhonya was some well played saving
Up half an item, an amp tome and dark seal stacks against a 75% health LeBlanc
Great!!! I have been waiting for this for 7 months since i commented on Irelia tips and tricks video which received your like XD
Leaving a comment under every video until an Aurelion Sol guide comes out - video 10
I'm gonna be honest, this has to be one of the most useful/informative videos I've seen in a while. This doesn't mean that the other vids are bad (because they're pretty darn good too), but this one kinda left me with a mind blown feeling that I usually get from Hoompty videos. And I'm now frightened even at the thought of enemy Zoe players using those cheesy E animation cancels to completely destroy me (it looks pretty cool though, gotta give em that).
I liked a lot of the laning tips too, since they apply to a ton of midlaners other than Zoe as well. For instance, continuously pushing the wave will net you results just the same on any ranged champion, especially if they also have a skillshot that gets blocked by minions (Xerath, Ahri, Heimerdinger, Lux, etc). I'd just advice freezing early only against matchups where the enemy laner can run you down and murder you despite the minions (like Irelia, for instance) ...and if you suck at hitting the bubble. And the tips about the W let me know that I shouldn't even think about trading when she has a shard, which seems obvious, but I don't see many Zoe players really trying to exploit that.
The only thing I found weird is how you called Zoe "off meta" even though she's pretty good. I know, she isn't like the best pick to climb with by any means, but she works quite well when piloted by a good player, and is nowhere near the levels of Karthus or Taliyah mid. I guess she is getting buffed and all, but I feel like that's just because Riot wants to see one$hot$ at worlds, not exactly because she is a horribly champion.
Lastly, you kinda forget to mention with the counters, but Cleanse is a really good summoner spell against her, cus it can deny her sleep which basically prevents you from loosing your entire health bar. It's also a lot less valuable for her to steal compared to Ignite, Exhaust, Barrier or even Teleport (unless you have a strong CC spell that you use after she picks up cleanse, but this is a pretty rare scenario). It does come at the cost of loosing pressure that Ignite or Teleport would provide, but it's definitely a life saver that should 100% be taken if her teammates also have strong CC spells that can lead to death (but not if those are knockups, pulls, supresses, or stasises, cus you can't cleanse those).
If you cleanse after you fall asleep you still take double damage from an auto or ability, you have to cleanse b4 the drowsy goes off
LoL Dobby: How to enemy Ryze
Me: Let's be main Ryze
LoL Dobby: How to enemy Irelia
Me: Let's be main Irelia
LoL Dobby: How to enemy Zoe
Me: Let's be main Zoe
If u can't beat them, join them
And yes
Veeeery good video :D
I'm Zoe main and i already knew everything you said here, however that's something that i'd love to know while i was starting my adventure with the aspect of cancer.
Zoe and Ivern are the best champs in the game, goodbye
For me Zoe and Karthus
as a 500,000 mastery point zoe pain im so happy! ive been waiting for u do to one for zoe
Hey Dobby , do you have any tips and tricks for Rakan individualy ? Would be awsome to know some that i didn t know of
Also alistar would be nice too
The outplay against the neeko was rly insane
im realllllly feeling it guys the "how support mains carry " video is coming
Bruh these Zoe out plays are insane this guide is really good
This inspires me to play Zoe again :>>
9:05 sick prediction!
Just another tip vs Yone : if u land ur bubble when he's in e, he just has to e back and it totaly cancel ur's
I don't really know why, but it does everytime
Zoe is no match for Yone bruh
Because Yone is unstoppable while recalling from E. As Zoe you want to place the bubble at his starting point so it hits when his E ends and is unavoidable.
@@ThanhHuynh-hp7mz A good Zoe eats Yone alive bruh.
YESSS finally it came out... i asked this months ago Lol
Will there ever be a Thresh video? I main thresh and am curious to see how the best of the best carry on him :)
your videos teach me so many things, and i wait for some viedo for gangplank players :D
I'd say I'm a decent zoe player but she still has her limits. Most the time me enabling my team to win is simply just to tell them to pick their fights and not play too aggressive so I can snipe and then in the end they calm down and voila. Positive mindset helps!
Awesome work Dobby
Btw if anyone interested to watch some high elo Zoe gameplay go watch PekinWoof he tell what he is and why he is doing something while playing.
i believe zoe's w can wake enemy up from the sleep
Any instance of damage (except DoT, or dmg from minions, small and medium monster) will wake the enemy from sleep.
Even your allied dmg will wake them up.
It's just that her W will prioritize "non-sleep" target (if any is nearby).
its an auto, of course it wakes up enemy
I tested in practise mode, and W never targets sleeping ennemies even if there is no other ennemy nearby.
@@m4t13u3 I wish that was still the case…. ;(
you forgot to say about yi's q and zed's r.. if zed ulty you you can ulty in another place (like behind a wall) to move zed there, same goes with yi's q
9:07 that fizz's prediction tho 👁👄👁
the fact that as a zoe main I don't know I am just vibing xD
10:20 I am pretty sure, the moment when the 2nd tower shot happened was way after he has already gone out of tower range.
Riot spaggetti code strikes again
Good video as alwayd. Can you do a Jayce one please :)
Amazing video!
Ver a alguien jugar de esa manera es realmente emocionante, pues que haga ver a su oponente tan inferior... No lo digo solo por lo poco que se logra apreciar aquí, no. Lo digo porque también lo veo jugar en la plataforma morada.
Typical Wall-E pixar combo 3:27
2:45 is this trick still possible?
"counters: irelia, fizz, yasuo, lucian"
and i saw three of them got destroyed in the video lol
Thank you dude
The Zoe in this video is secretly Dobby
Can u do Gnar tips and tricks for next video?
Hi Dobby! I am a big fan of your creativity, I would very much like to be known about you where I live and play. I would like to ask your permission to upload your videos with russian subtitles for players on the RU server.
Can you make illaoi or azir? I really like your tips to different champion
Nice vedio bro
1:15 is to q.r.q or q.q.r cuz i tried the second one it didn't work but the first one seemed to work perfectly
7:57 that probably got a question mark ping or two...
What can i use instead of ravenous hunter? It has been removed ;-;
can you make kindred or rell plz :D
next: buffed gankplank pls
*Wall E* is the only combo I can get consistently kek
can you make a video on tf?
this guy playing zoe: 1v5s a teamfight in high elo with great positioning and awareness of his own damage
me playing zoe: ults wrong and dies like a piece of shit
hell yea a zoe video!
Do one on Jinx or Xayah
Can you do mordekaiser tips and tricks
Can you do another zed tips and tricks?
can you do ahri?
make a video abt camille dude
can u talk about kr rank24 who only play zac? plz
I dont get the itembuild @LoL Dobby. Why Morello?
He is building morello quite often instead of horizon etc.
@@Ediiiiiiiiiiiiiiii it's cheap and easy to complete when you have decent amount of gold (way more than horizon component, but not enough for horizon, but enough for a cheaper complete item).
In term of theories, void staff (also a cheap item) would work best as 2nd item on any mage champion, unless they're too depend on an effect or stats (like Diana, Azir, ... needs atk spd so they'd buy Nashor), even if none is building MR (it's worth just with the normal MR from any champ)
I respect the people that master this champ like this, just not for me
i asked about this tyvm
As a Zoe player I'm grateful for this (I'm going to reach mastery 5 yay)
it would be nice if you do shaco :)
Man this is pure marco play.
In my life I've never seen a zoe carry, not in my team and not in the enemy team
Zoe is bad in low elo because of a skill floor.
Her carry potential is pretty low tbh. Extremely fun to play though :)
What to do when botlaners come mid was so needed, i always sitted mid cuz i cant go to sidelane
dobby your videos looks like
how to play zoe
This video I just watching for fun there are no way I can do all of those combo.
I used to play Zoe a lot and I could make some of these combos I stopped playing her because u can only build damage which it is boring.I think Kassa is a counter too
I love how almost everyone here won’t be able to properly execute any of this in a real match, let alone bother to learn any of the combos.
The combos aren't hard ngl. It's just hitting ur abilities while aa with ur passive.
will as zoe main from 2018 i can say it is not that hard you need to practice it and just land your e and gg even in team fights foucs adc
The combos probably aren't hard to perform in itself, however correctly remembering and executing them in a teamfight is what takes practice.
How does he hold the w for so long? Mine disappears after like a second
make a LeBlanc tips and tricks PLEEEEASE!!!
Pls make a camille video
Wait can Zoe hold 2 actives with her W? Like the 2 everfrost or flash/everfrost that was shown?
no, that is a interface and very awful bug , but now is fixed
Waiting for Drew to comment on this one lol
any top zac tips for me
next twisted fate please
Wall-E WidePeepoHappy
Did the ori at 14:16 flash into the wall???
hmm maybe tahm ate her and she jumped back out to the other side of the wall on accident, bc it looks like the flash was successful
Hope Midbeast does a review on this KR Zoe god (;-;) @Midbeast
How many sums did zoe pick up 12:23
3:01 wtf who knew that was a mechanic. I've never seen it used.
i use it occasionally by accident, and then the bubble bounces tooooo slow and i miss my target
sometimes i hate myself xD
Vladimir tips and tricks plss
I guess I'm gonna play Zoe again
Pretty much the only champs I have ever had issue with is zed since he can instant tp and you pretty much have no reaction and zoe is already a really slow champ
Sooooo its time to int with zoe :D
13:39 that xin zhao...
hey can you do nidalee maybe >_
I miss ravenous hunter
Jungle champ pls :3
1:17 cheat script
no nvm my bad.
its too fast
Azir, AuSol, Katarina, Akali and Zoe: those champions are, for me, the most beautiful in terms of skill expression in the game.
Yeah, they have either high or low numbers, but that doesn't matter: if you pick a OTP on the enemy team at any of those, you can be sure that, even if you win the match, you won't be having anything that resembles a fun match.
At the same time that feels completely unfair to play against them, you also know that it's pure skill from the players, and there's nothing you can do about it.