AsalaamuAlaykum waRahmatullahi waBarakatuh Akhi, Jazak'Allahu Khayr for sharing this with us, may Allah reward you. I want to just say that I really appreciate the way you made this video Alhumdulillah, very easy to follow along and understand. BaarakAllahu Feek!
Assalamu Alejkum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, Dear Brothers, in the min 10:09 where the shaykh says the Word of Tawheed your translation is as follows: "And I testify that there is no God except for Allah alone" This is not the meaning of la ilahe illAllah. The correct meaning is as the ;Ulamaas explained: "Nothing has the right to be worshiped in truth except Allah" I advise you to fear Allah and to learn the basics of the Islamic knowledge before you run to translate and spread your translations for this Deen.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،جزاكم الله خيرا. What is the meaning of he become Muslim and on behalf of his people, didnt they not have to do the Shahada bythem self?
Aleikumu salam wa rahmetullahi wa barakatu, JazakAllah khayr ya Akhi good question, The leader used to be followed in those days and someone who is looked up to as a role model, that’s why you find the Messenger of Allah salalahu alehi wassalam sending letters to the leaders of a people an invitation to Islam, if the leader rejects the people will reject if he accept the will follow him. we have meany examples like Heraql or Heracles ….. And Allah knows best … One thing I like to mention is today we find people mostly hate there leaders and we don’t have this type of relationship for various reasons . Allahu mustaan
@@basiclessons6840 ok now I understand, jazaaka Allaah gairen for the explanation May Allaah soubhaanahu wa ta'alaa increase you in beneficial knowledge, amien.
AsalaamuAlaykum waRahmatullahi waBarakatuh Akhi,
Jazak'Allahu Khayr for sharing this with us, may Allah reward you. I want to just say that I really appreciate the way you made this video Alhumdulillah, very easy to follow along and understand. BaarakAllahu Feek!
Assalamu Alejkum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,
Dear Brothers, in the min 10:09 where the shaykh says the Word of Tawheed your translation is as follows:
"And I testify that there is no God except for Allah alone"
This is not the meaning of la ilahe illAllah.
The correct meaning is as the ;Ulamaas explained:
"Nothing has the right to be worshiped in truth except Allah"
I advise you to fear Allah and to learn the basics of the Islamic knowledge before you run to translate and spread your translations for this Deen.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،جزاكم الله خيرا.
What is the meaning of he become Muslim and on behalf of his people, didnt they not have to do the Shahada bythem self?
He was their leader
@@elalaouitube جزاكم الله خيرا، I understand he was the leader , so in islam the leader can take the Shahada for whole his people?
Aleikumu salam wa rahmetullahi wa barakatu, JazakAllah khayr ya Akhi good question,
The leader used to be followed in those days and someone who is looked up to as a role model, that’s why you find
the Messenger of Allah salalahu alehi wassalam sending letters to the leaders of a people an invitation to Islam, if the leader rejects the people will reject if he accept the will follow him. we have meany examples like Heraql or Heracles …..
And Allah knows best …
One thing I like to mention is today we find people mostly hate there leaders and we don’t have this type of relationship for various reasons . Allahu mustaan
@@basiclessons6840 ok now I understand, jazaaka Allaah gairen for the explanation May Allaah soubhaanahu wa ta'alaa increase you in beneficial knowledge, amien.