Cloud realizes Zack is dead - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @yuzuki2385
    @yuzuki2385 9 місяців тому +428

    Zack: *“Identity Theft is not a joke Cloud, millions of families suffer every year!!”*

  • @Sanguiluna
    @Sanguiluna 8 місяців тому +243

    “I remember Zack now”
    “This is how he died…”
    NO NO NO

    • @conmane3341
      @conmane3341 8 місяців тому +17

      Timeline changed, he's still getting crazier, on the another way

  • @strelitziamystery21
    @strelitziamystery21 9 місяців тому +555

    Well this was one step forward two steps back.
    He remembers Zack but thinks he died from the river. Oops.

    • @madelinemcmillan4020
      @madelinemcmillan4020 9 місяців тому +126

      cloud doing my boi zack dirty, thinking he got taken out by some water

    • @axceljulio5747
      @axceljulio5747 9 місяців тому +75

      Well, kinda makes sense since Cloud's memories are still completely messed up at this point. Due to him thinking that he's a SOLDIER First Class, he remembered the actual Zack as someone else entirely and not the guy he is unconsciously emulating.

    • @axceljulio5747
      @axceljulio5747 9 місяців тому +41

      @@madelinemcmillan4020 That's the fate of a poor Shinra infantryman who embarked on the Nibelheim mission, with Cloud unconsciously putting Zack in the infantryman's place.

    • @Zaxares
      @Zaxares 9 місяців тому +13

      I haven't played Rebirth yet, but at this point in the game, does Tifa still not realize that Cloud actually WAS there, just that he was actually one of the Shinra soldiers rather than as Zack? If so, that's probably why she didn't mention this to Cloud; she's still baffled by how Cloud can know all of this despite her not seeing him there.

    • @ThatBoySonder
      @ThatBoySonder 9 місяців тому +15

      ​@@Zaxares Nope, we're not at that point yet. Tifa finding out that Cloud was there as the other Shinra grunt will happen in the next game.

  • @iam4026
    @iam4026 9 місяців тому +353

    Tifa knew that Cloud was remembering it wrong the entire time since he never showed himself to her during the Nibel incident. And she knew Zack accompanied her the entire time until Sephiroth’s rampage.
    Quite sad. Neither of them could recall the full story and the only one who could is dead

    • @BedinLife
      @BedinLife 9 місяців тому +26

      But why does Tifa want to tell Aerith, alone? And Cloud is opening up here. He now doubts his memory even more, having completely forgotten Zack. Knowing this, Tifa should be able to fill him in even further because he's more self aware. Tifa does not know if telling him the truth will make things worse at this point. Because even Cloud said it himself, only two Soldiers went to Nibelheim. And Tifa can tell him exactly who was with her. I sense plot armor.

    • @Dunkingsonn
      @Dunkingsonn 9 місяців тому +110

      It's not so much about Tifa knowing Cloud remembers it wrong. Rather, she questions her own memories.
      As far as she knows, Cloud was *never* there. But he tells the entire thing accurately, in great detail. So she doesn't interject because she doubts her own recollection of the events.

    • @gamingdood2987
      @gamingdood2987 9 місяців тому +6

      Pretty sure in the og they were able to remember it anyway even without zack after they fell into the lifestream.
      So sure as hell it's gonna happen in the remake too.

    • @iam4026
      @iam4026 9 місяців тому +15

      @@Dunkingsonn the thing is, earlier in the game Tifa asks where Cloud has been for 5 years. If she never knew Cloud was there at all, then it would’ve been 7 years. Cloud was the one who told her it was 5 years since they last met

    • @BedinLife
      @BedinLife 9 місяців тому +21

      @@Dunkingsonn The only thing Tifa thinks is that the whispers took memories from her like how they took it from Aerith. That is not mixing memories up, it's the removal of memories. The party knows Cloud becomes someone else and unhinged. This is after the gongaga battle when Cloud tells Tifa he remembers things he has no right to. Just think about this really quick. Knowing all this, Tifa would withhold the information for what reason? Tifa thinking she lost memories to whispers is not at all comparable to Cloud admitting 'there might be other people in me' and 'i know things I have no right knowing.'
      The scene after this shows Cloud speaking the same line as Sephiroth and Tifa would think Cloud is actually a Sephiroth clone and has his memories. He is similar to the other hooded figures (Soldier experiments by Hojo). At this point in the game, it would be odd if she 'doubted' her memories, it's quite clear Tifa is afraid of telling him this truth, that he is a fake.
      On the note on why Tifa wants to be the one to break the news to Aerith. Tifa and Aerith have been talking about Zack in the background since the cruise ship to costa del sol. The last time, Cloud said to Aerith that Zack is crazy to leave Aerith alone. It didn't go well it seems. TIfa knows how much Zack means to Aerith. Telling Aerith that Zack is dead would crush her and she doesn't want Cloud to deliver that news. But on the other hand, knowing Aerith is still holding onto Zack would reassure her, that Aerith might not be interested in Cloud. The flashback scene in the gondola date reference how she told Aerith, and there was no mention of Zack dying. There's a chance she may have said it out of scene, but that's all we know so far.

  • @michaelballack3051
    @michaelballack3051 9 місяців тому +137

    Man... It's so sad to see Cloud like this, and Tifa being a witness to all of his crazy distorted memories. It's too depressing

  • @phantomslay5612
    @phantomslay5612 9 місяців тому +653

    Wait…..that’s not how Zack died. Cloud really doesn’t remember what happened. He may remember Zack but he doesn’t seem to know a lot of the specifics.

    • @davidrajaruzicka5546
      @davidrajaruzicka5546 9 місяців тому +137

      That's like the original, too.

    • @emilecaitan2067
      @emilecaitan2067 9 місяців тому +157

      At least he remembered that they're friends.

    • @recordkeepertype0662
      @recordkeepertype0662 9 місяців тому +133

      Exactly. Cloud's memories are still muffled and confused. Because you know. CRISIS CORE.

    • @MiracleX19
      @MiracleX19 9 місяців тому +91

      Cloud's mind is mixed up on account of the mako poisoning he suffered in that test tube Hojo put him in and all the trauma he had to suffer.

    • @fabesey2016
      @fabesey2016 9 місяців тому +29

      ​@@MiracleX19 It's Jenova. It has the power to alter people's memories.

  • @axceljulio5747
    @axceljulio5747 9 місяців тому +277

    Dang, Cloud's memories are even more effed up now. With him currently "remembering" that he and Zack are both SOLDIER 1st Class, and that Zack died due to drowning (which was actually the fate of a poor fellow infantryman that came along with Cloud, Zack and Sephy)

    • @dr.edwardrichtofen365
      @dr.edwardrichtofen365 9 місяців тому +7

      Yeah, his memories are even more screwed than the original. It’ll be interesting once he has his lifestream moment alongside Tifa in part 3 and the truth is revealed…

    • @AdamW-eo2yq
      @AdamW-eo2yq 8 місяців тому

      Poor Kowalski

    • @rayoflight1920
      @rayoflight1920 6 місяців тому

      @@AdamW-eo2yq u mean Ramirez

    • @AdamW-eo2yq
      @AdamW-eo2yq 6 місяців тому

      @@rayoflight1920 Ramirez was the one who was actually Cloud
      Remember when in the lifestream in FF7MA when Tifa says “Oh my God, Cloud YOU are Ramirez!”
      That couldn’t happen if Ramirez was the one who died.
      Also after the bridge collapse MA Ramirez says “Kowalski was my friend 😥”

    • @rayoflight1920
      @rayoflight1920 6 місяців тому

      @@AdamW-eo2yq it's been long since I've watched MA my bad

  • @volk5466
    @volk5466 9 місяців тому +68

    Right answer, wrong equation

  • @Sonngohanda
    @Sonngohanda 9 місяців тому +50

    Looks like Tifa is treating Cloud like he has Alzheimer, which is a really bad illness in real life for old people.
    That illness makes People forget things or mix memories, just like Cloud, and they usually could get sad or angry, if you tell them that they are forgetting things, or something is wrong, so some people prefer to play along with them, to try to assure them that everything is ok

  • @kermitwithamustache3885
    @kermitwithamustache3885 9 місяців тому +152

    I find it hilarious that Cloud puts all the blame of his schizophrenia on the soldier degradation despite him being the only remaining character that can't degrade

    • @jamelgallagher6602
      @jamelgallagher6602 9 місяців тому +54

      Well that’s the most logical conclusion. Cloud doesn’t know that he was injected with S-cells. So it makes sense that he thinks his memory is going because his body is shutting down.

    • @dr.edwardrichtofen365
      @dr.edwardrichtofen365 9 місяців тому +4

      Well, you never know. Nojima and co have included/added some new elements to the story, and made slight tweaks to some. Who’s to say that maybe he is suffering from Degradation. He did have that one vision of himself in a black robe in what appeared to be a cold, windy place so….

    • @jamelgallagher6602
      @jamelgallagher6602 9 місяців тому +10

      @@dr.edwardrichtofen365 nah he’s definitely not. Him having that vision is just his mind fucking with him. Cloud is still a clone of sephiroth that hasn’t change so he’s still infected with s cells.

    • @MinhLe19303
      @MinhLe19303 8 місяців тому +5

      @@dr.edwardrichtofen365 Pretty sure only Genesis and SOLDIER of same type can have cell degradation.

    • @Thecommander248
      @Thecommander248 8 місяців тому +2

      ​@@dr.edwardrichtofen365That may just be Jenova or Sephiroth just torturing him with false information, though. We don't know if he can become a black robe without dying first.

  • @supremeoverlorde2109
    @supremeoverlorde2109 8 місяців тому +24

    This is a really interesting scene. I was confused by it at first, but after thinking about it a bit, I understood. Tifa doesn't want to directly contradict Cloud's version of events because she knows it will only confuse and upset him. But she also knows that it's wrong and doesn't really want this information passed on to Aerith, for whom it would surely cause heartbreak. She's walking a very delicate line here lol. In her own way, she's trying to protect everyone involved, even though she isn't exactly being honest.

  • @juliogomesdesouza9035
    @juliogomesdesouza9035 9 місяців тому +261

    Dude Cloud is coping SOO hard. This plus the "end" of the game, this guy is in so much emotional pain he's bending reality itself to avoid confronting the truth.
    They're really upping the northern crater moment from the og when Sephiroth goes "What I showed you is the truth... what you remember that is the illusion"

    • @haileeraestout5567
      @haileeraestout5567 9 місяців тому +6

      He Survived And I Think Cloud's The One Who Was Swept Away In The Current And Not Zack And If You Remember Their Memories Were Swapped

    • @rextar9961
      @rextar9961 9 місяців тому +14

      ​@@haileeraestout5567sadly no he just denial and confuse because he still believe he is zack or more like a first class soldier

    • @erickreyes7902
      @erickreyes7902 9 місяців тому +5

      ​@@haileeraestout5567it was the other that was swept away... zack saved cloud and tifa....

    • @AliJayShannon
      @AliJayShannon 9 місяців тому +2

      Its gunna be hard to watch him breakdown at that scene. It better be done better than the ending of rebirth. I like how it ended, i just dont like how it was done.

    • @juliogomesdesouza9035
      @juliogomesdesouza9035 9 місяців тому +4

      @@AliJayShannon I believe they're saving the whole scene for the 3rd part, much like in the og you only got the full nibelheim flashback at the ending in the lifestream sequence.

  • @AceCrusaider
    @AceCrusaider 9 місяців тому +39

    Tifa's probably not confident to face this issue. She expressed her hesitant during Cloud's subconscious in the OG.

    • @baylaust
      @baylaust 9 місяців тому +8

      I think another thing (though this is my personal interpretation, not supported by the games) is that even though Cloud's recollection of events clearly don't match up with Tifa's memories, there ARE parts that DO. And he knows about events that wouldn't be possible for him to know unless he actually WAS there during Nibelheim.
      Because of that, she just shrugs it off for a while, until the gaps grow so large and significant that she can't ignore them anymore... which by the time that happens, Cloud's mind is about to collapse in on itself, and Sephiroth is there to give him that last push.

  • @hyperstargaming6150
    @hyperstargaming6150 9 місяців тому +24

    Cloud remembered an important detail… and then messed up a detail he literally got right the first time he spoke about Nibelheim during Kalm. Damn.

  • @KuDastardly
    @KuDastardly 8 місяців тому +14

    0:22 Dude, Zack almost screamed like Link from Ocarina of Time.

  • @dinorex3464
    @dinorex3464 Місяць тому +1

    I literally facepalmed so hard at this scene.
    Here I thought Cloud's mind was finally being fixed, and *this* happens.

  • @Cloud-dt6xb
    @Cloud-dt6xb 8 місяців тому +9

    I like this interesting detail they added about what Cloud thinks happened to Zack. It solves why he does'nt question it later while keeping the true reason secret from new players.

  • @PKLO9727
    @PKLO9727 9 місяців тому +38

    I know some people will be mad at Tifa for keeping it a secret for this long but you got to remember, he gets Mako Poisoning if he remembers his past. Especially the dramatic parts. That and she is being kind of selfish because she doesn’t want to lose him again.
    So as irritating as it may be for some, her caution is understandable. That and she’s quite literally being there for him. In some sense, taking care of him at this point of the game.

    • @Thecommander248
      @Thecommander248 8 місяців тому +9

      Yeah, plus, she's not that much stronger mentally either. Exposed to Mako in OG, she starts to go crazy almost immediately until Aerith's spirit protects her. At this point, she's questioning if she's even sane at this point.
      Cloud is literally the only person she has left. Everyone else is dead or moved on or simply not as close to her as Cloud is. She's terrified that if she just admits it to him, he will have a massive freak out and abandon her for one reason or another. If he does that, she can't keep him safe either. The guy was literally comatose when she found him. Left by himself for too long, who knows what could happen?

    • @nekogamer2508
      @nekogamer2508 8 місяців тому +5

      Yeah especially considering she knows Sephiroth wants Cloud and Sephiroth taunted her about him taking Cloud away from her , so she's playing it safe as well by doing so

    • @jordancrooks6752
      @jordancrooks6752 8 місяців тому +2

      Plus wasn't she angry at Zack and blamed him for her father's death

    • @Thecommander248
      @Thecommander248 8 місяців тому +2

      @@jordancrooks6752 more or less, yes. Unreasonably, but she was half dead and pretty emotional.

    • @taxo
      @taxo 7 місяців тому +1

      Noone is pissed at Tifa.

  • @kuru-cosplay7279
    @kuru-cosplay7279 15 днів тому +1

    So literally 1 Step forward ,5 Steps back.

  • @cliffthiel1666
    @cliffthiel1666 9 місяців тому +18

    them falling in mako(and what follows) in part 3 is gonna be one of those highlight scenes everyone will be hyped for

  • @midimaggie
    @midimaggie 8 місяців тому +30

    The way he says "I think he's... dead." GOD the voice acting in this game is phenomenal.

    • @janchristopherco164
      @janchristopherco164 5 місяців тому

      Got goosebumps it sounded like from a horror movie

    • @midimaggie
      @midimaggie 5 місяців тому

      @@MewluMoon Omg I know, my mom used to watch General Hospital when I was young so when I learned of Cloud's original VA I was like JASON MORGAN IS CLOUD STRIFE???? LMAO

  • @lolcreloux
    @lolcreloux 9 місяців тому +10

    Cloud is that friend who will tell you all about his brave moments that no one was around to see coincidentally.

  • @mohammadalfattal2902
    @mohammadalfattal2902 9 місяців тому +59

    the fact cloud truly talks about hollow like the song, how him forgetting zack is hollowing him out, this is amazing and yet keeps the fact how cloud truly does not remember zack correctly

    • @alexm8d13
      @alexm8d13 9 місяців тому +16

      Hollow is not about Zack unless you think Cloud has romantic feelings about Zack because the song is very romantic and melancholic. It's clear that Hollow is about Aerith, you just have to listen to No Promises To Keep and play the game to realize it.

    • @ugh5281
      @ugh5281 9 місяців тому +5

      @@alexm8d13 it baffles me how ppl are still thinking hollow is about zack when it clearly fitst aerith the most, the lyrics for hollow and NPTK complement each other almost like they're singing to each other. ppl also said no promises to keep was about zack until square enix and the singer made it way too obvious that it was mostly about cloud (granted it's not JUST about cloud, it's also about aerith's burdens and dedicated to everyone aerith loves but for god's sake the lyrics of the song literally talks about her meeting cloud on loveless street and "their place/spot"). it's surprising to me that people genuinely want to believe that the main character and one of the heroines are both talking about a side character (yes zack is important but he is not a main character in ff7's story) instead of talking about each other... at this point everything might as well be about zack lmao

    • @zeroskaterz92
      @zeroskaterz92 9 місяців тому +2

      @@alexm8d13 What makes you think the song is from Cloud's perspective? lmao Have you not been paying attention to the story so far at all? Cloud think himself as Zack. So the song itself was pretty clear has a hidden meaning that was actually meant for Zack and Aerith, not Cloud and Aerith. Hence why it's "hollow".

    • @Lunafreya_Nox
      @Lunafreya_Nox 9 місяців тому +1

      Ff7-CC fans think Hollow is for Zack. Is like listening to a heartbreak grow up song who doesn't read the lyrics think it was a nursery rhyme for babies... IJBOL

    • @zeroskaterz92
      @zeroskaterz92 9 місяців тому

      @@Lunafreya_Nox Sounds like you don't know wtf you're talking about here when certain part of the lyrics were literally a parallel to Price of Freedom.
      Only delusional fans like you would think that the song was strictly for Aerith when the creator themselves stated otherwise.

  • @skullkid2083
    @skullkid2083 9 місяців тому +12

    Cloud was the soldier who stopped tifa from going inside lol

  • @TahaTheArtist
    @TahaTheArtist 5 місяців тому +3

    Poor Cloud. So confused that he thought the Summon-Slaying, Assault-Rushing, Squat-Crunching, Gongaga-born, 1st Class one-man-army that is Zack Fair could be taken down by some fast water.

  • @Thecommander248
    @Thecommander248 8 місяців тому +4

    Christ, this is horrifying. Jenova is doing everything in her power to make sure Cloud doesn't know the truth. Every time he gets a step closer, she pushes him off the correct path. It just really illustrates that no matter what Cloud does, Jenova (and/or Sephiroth) just won't let him go.

  • @watchamigos1232
    @watchamigos1232 7 місяців тому +2

    Cloud's memory is like a puzzle you've completed but all the pieces are at the wrong places

  • @lifeofkai5063
    @lifeofkai5063 9 місяців тому +20

    The gaslighting xloud is being put through along with repressed trauma.... Man part 3 is going to phenomenal... If you do all of the side content in this game and see all the cutscenes it really fleshes out the whole universe and the robed figures.. Square knocked it out the park with this one.. of course it has its flaws but to be honest... Im just grateful i get to spend time with these characters again

  • @angel_in-black
    @angel_in-black 3 місяці тому +1

    Seeing him remember Zack much sooner than he did in the original game is surprising, like what brought about that change. Then he remembers things happening even more differently than they really did. Not only does he think he died by the river, but he thinks that he was the trooper in the helmet. The fact that Tifa really knows what happened but refuses to tell him is endearing but we all know that is a big mistake.

  • @GodKnowsWhatIsInHere
    @GodKnowsWhatIsInHere 9 місяців тому +5

    Cloud really pulled a "right answer, wrong solution" smh lmao

  • @ghostmarx12
    @ghostmarx12 6 місяців тому +3

    Well glad cloud hasn't forgotten about zack but his memories still wrong on some parts hope he regains them soon.

  • @killerkdawg88
    @killerkdawg88 3 місяці тому +1

    Even though this isn’t what happened, I’m happy that Cloud remembers who Zack was, and that they were friends, whereas in the original, he completely erased Zack from his subconscious as if he never existed at all.
    Also: the part where they teamed up to fight Sephiroth at the end was fucking EPIC.

  • @Emberbreezeyoutube
    @Emberbreezeyoutube 8 місяців тому +4

    I think Cloud just blocked out all his trauma. Zack did not drown, he was shot to death VERY VIOLENTLY and traumatically. I think Cloud just wants to believe that Zack died a less painful death. He needs some therapy...

    • @taxo
      @taxo 7 місяців тому

      Or maybe he couldn't remember Zack true role in the story, which would conflict with his own during Nibel mission. There was only one first class along with Sephiroth in the place, that's crystal clear in Clouds mind, and that soldier was him.

    • @konjiki8203
      @konjiki8203 7 місяців тому

      @@taxoNot completely crystal clear, because Cloud realizes during his trip to Gongaga and his flashback that Zack was a SOLDIER that went to Nibelheim, but he is deluding himself into thinking he was also there as a SOLDIER, so now his story changes to THREE SOLDIERS that went to Nibelheim

    • @TonyKanameKuran
      @TonyKanameKuran 6 місяців тому +1

      In the real word Zack is dead... but in the alternate timeline, Zack is alive thanks to one of the white whispers who had intercepted the bullet aiming at his temple.

  • @otakuanimeworld8228
    @otakuanimeworld8228 9 місяців тому +19

    Reading the comments i realize this game's storyline/timeline is far too confusing for my brain to understand 😭

    • @WanderingNerd21
      @WanderingNerd21 9 місяців тому +9

      Cloud is basically traumatized
      I won't say anymore until the next game releases (or you can play CC Reunion if you really wanna know what I mean 😅)

    • @canadious6933
      @canadious6933 9 місяців тому +3

      @@WanderingNerd21 yeah hard to say it is spoilers when the answer comes from the game before....

    • @jamesroad316
      @jamesroad316 9 місяців тому +3

      All you need to know right now is cloud has A LOT of mental issues beneath that head of his, and it ain't his fault at all

    • @Thecommander248
      @Thecommander248 8 місяців тому

      Just think of it like this, both Cloud and Zack were infected with Jenova cells. Jenova used her cells to make a copy of Zack's memories and stick them into Cloud's brain.
      That's why he can't reconcile his memories. They aren't all HIS memories, but a combination of his and Zack's.

    • @Thecommander248
      @Thecommander248 8 місяців тому

      ​@@canadious6933Technically it is, but it isn't. Since they remastered Crisis Core, this is one of those spoilers that most people who pay attention know. Like how Death Vader is Luke's father.
      This is a bit more obscure since this generation didn't play the PSP version of Crisis Core, but the remaster of that game is now widespread.

  • @Frozeya1
    @Frozeya1 8 місяців тому +4

    Even tho its a fake memory seeing zack so weak like that still is so weird 💀like put some respect on bro plz

  • @AzureBrinicle
    @AzureBrinicle 9 місяців тому +5

    Jenova cell make cloud experiencing identity crisis

  • @neutralhero999
    @neutralhero999 9 місяців тому +42

    By the end of Rebirth, Cloud's gone cuckoo. It ain't her fault, and it's definitely not something she'd have known about would happen, but Tifa took the issue too fckin lightly and took too long to tell it all to the guy she knows and understands is having spotty memory and even spottier recall.

    • @DCUnderdog3000
      @DCUnderdog3000 2 місяці тому

      You ever tried resoning with someone you were close to who suddenly shows signs of schizophrenia? It is the scariest shit ever. I kinda understand why she wouldnt wanna tell him.

  • @MrDiomedes1977
    @MrDiomedes1977 8 місяців тому +2

    Tifa knows its not true and Zack lived to fight Sephiroth in the reactor 10 days later. For her is a good step that he now remembers Zack, prefers not to confront him at this moment, but obviously doesnt want him to say Aerith her boyfriend died drowned 4 years ago.

    • @TonyKanameKuran
      @TonyKanameKuran 6 місяців тому

      Cloud is a genetically enhanced SOLDIER with mako poisoning and Jenova cells made by Hojo.

  • @dontran391
    @dontran391 5 місяців тому +1

    In all the FF7 games, the real reason Cloud forgot about Zack is that Cloud got PTSD due to witnessing Zack got gunned down by Shinra. He thought it was the Mako Poisoning, but it was all along PTSD. Normal for soldiers returning back from the battlefield, where if they get PTSD they have the symptom of easy forget what happened (because their mind shuts down that traumatic event they faced).

  • @phantomsanic3604
    @phantomsanic3604 9 місяців тому +1


  • @alimichalkan8046
    @alimichalkan8046 9 місяців тому +9

    Oh gosh Cloud’s memory sure is a jumble mess

  • @Doreai
    @Doreai 8 місяців тому

    I just had a thought. This is happening after they fought the Arbiter of Fate and altered the timeline. I get the feeling Cloud is recalling what happened in the past of this alternate timeline that was created after that battle, whilst Tifa recalls what happened from the original timeline. Sephiroth does mention that countless worlds with their own unique timelines were created after that confrontation after all. So, it isn't outside the realm of possibility that and Cloud mentions he feels like he has different people living inside of him, possibly alternate versions of him from these different worlds / timelines that are all starting to interconnect. So it could be that while Tifa's memories are correct in regard to the original timeline, Cloud's memories are also correct in regard to one of the many alternate timelines that would have been created.

  • @OmarO_721
    @OmarO_721 9 місяців тому +33

    Oh come on Cloud. Both you and Zack survived falling hundreds of feet from a reactor. You think Zack would die from that 😂😂😂. Cloud really be doing his buddy dirty 😂

  • @Jarrik32
    @Jarrik32 8 місяців тому +4

    Something that's interesting is that I'm 99% sure that Tifa doesn't realise that Cloud WAS actually their for pretty much the entire thing. Sure years of torture with mind altering substances infamous for their toxicity has scrambled things a little but his recollection of events was pretty accurate to begin with and beyond his mind shying away from the fact he never made SOLDIER his recollection of events is steadily getting better. Whereas I'm pretty sure Tifa thinks he's actually getting worse and clinging ever tighter to a make believe story.

    • @taxo
      @taxo 7 місяців тому +2

      Tifa has no idea cause he was hiding under an helmet the whole time, and when he came to save her (as promised) she wasn't conscious. So no, she doesn't know yet.

  • @doggypi1532
    @doggypi1532 7 місяців тому +1

    Well hes dead but... I wish hed remember how heroically died for his sake~

  • @maeganjavier
    @maeganjavier 9 місяців тому

    Tifa knows what happened there but doesn't want to upset cloud.

    • @taxo
      @taxo 7 місяців тому +1

      Not exactly. She knows Zack was the SOLDIER that went along with Sephiroth during the Mission at Nibel reactor. She's not aware that the infantryman with them was Cloud tho, so she knows part of the story.

  • @Rezetro
    @Rezetro 9 місяців тому +8

    Its amazing how Cloud remembers Zack in rebirth compared to the og. But he remembers things all wrong. He still thinks he and Zack were both first class SOLDIERS lol 🤣 Zack could have easily stood up in the river like Sephiroth. He forgets that Zack saved his ass instead. Hes the one that nearly met his fate like the shinra infantryman.

    • @Rezetro
      @Rezetro 9 місяців тому +1

      In fact Zacks the one that withstood the strong rivers current and saved your candy ass shinra infantryman grunt Cloud 😂

    • @taxo
      @taxo 7 місяців тому

      In the OG Cloud does remember Zack, just after the Meedel incident. He could have not remembered him before, in his memories HE was Zack.

  • @ronthehybrid
    @ronthehybrid 9 місяців тому +5

    Tifa remembers, shes just helping a mentally ill friend from not crumbing...I would do the same if we are trying to save the world. "Tell you the truth, after we save the world" lol

  • @zenka314
    @zenka314 8 місяців тому

    Tiffa thinks: What are you saying?? 1:18😂

  • @chilomine839
    @chilomine839 9 місяців тому +1

    Cloud bro..bruh...brah...Zack got aired out man by Shinra how could you forget?

  • @gonzo_o_o
    @gonzo_o_o 7 місяців тому +2

    Task Failed Successfully 😃

  • @RyanOstrowski-eh6ft
    @RyanOstrowski-eh6ft 7 місяців тому +2

    is tifa going to save cloud from his mental state in part 3 or do you think she will break her promise to him?

    • @shiroutheherotraceon3313
      @shiroutheherotraceon3313 5 місяців тому

      The Lifestream scene from the original game will definitely be in.

    • @RyanOstrowski-eh6ft
      @RyanOstrowski-eh6ft 5 місяців тому +1

      @@shiroutheherotraceon3313 i don't know if tifa will save cloud in part 3 because tifa was already in the lifestream in rebirth so i don't know if we are going to be seeing tifa and cloud together in the lifestream in part 3?

    • @jesse1381
      @jesse1381 3 дні тому

      ​@@RyanOstrowski-eh6ft We don't know but I'm leaning towards no. We already got the lifestream sequence early in Rebirth but it's not conclusive.

  • @wiffmastermase
    @wiffmastermase 9 місяців тому +1

    He is mistaking Zack for the ones who died during the bridge fall in the original

  • @paulguilbertcapistrano7148
    @paulguilbertcapistrano7148 9 місяців тому +2

    Zack died because the soldiers attacked him wait why does cloud not remember him cloud woke up from mako when zack was bleeding and before cloud gets his sword.

    • @WanderingNerd21
      @WanderingNerd21 9 місяців тому +5

      He ONLY remembers bits and pieces of Zack ( *very* few pieces)
      He knows that he and Zack were at the very least friends, but he doesn't remember _everything_
      And after what happened in crisis core, I don't blame him 😅

    • @MeGongaga1999
      @MeGongaga1999 9 місяців тому +4

      After he picked up Zack’s sword and walked towards midgar his mind started to collapse due to the Mako and the trauma of losing his home and best friend so by the time he gets to sector 7 station he collapses and then Tifa finds him and by that time his mind has altered his memory to protect him beause he can’t handle the trauma

    • @scaleofjudgment
      @scaleofjudgment 8 місяців тому

      Sephiroth will and Cloud's aspiration. Cloud always wanted to be SOLDIER 1st class and now is living it.
      Sephiroth will with Jenova will never acknowledge he was beaten by a shinra grunt. He needs his murderer to be a SOLDIER 1st class to give him streets creds.

  • @harrisoncora4259
    @harrisoncora4259 9 місяців тому +4

    Wait. If he already remembers Zack, how is the scene where Cloud gets his memory restored going to work now?

    • @sanzianagoglinache8696
      @sanzianagoglinache8696 9 місяців тому +2

      I guess we never know .

    • @harrisoncora4259
      @harrisoncora4259 9 місяців тому +6

      @@sanzianagoglinache8696 uh, no? There’s one more game left. It’ll have to cover the rest of the original game.

    • @sanzianagoglinache8696
      @sanzianagoglinache8696 9 місяців тому +1

      I never play final fantasy and I don't know what is going on .

    • @Watermage2
      @Watermage2 9 місяців тому +33

      You see he remembers Zack, but he doesn’t remember that he wasn’t a Soldier.
      Remember that Cloud’s mind is screwed from trauma and mako poisoning.
      So when he remembered Zack, his brain probably filled the gaps in the memory by thinking “Me and Zack were both Soldiers” instead of “Zack was a Soldier and I was a grunt.”

    • @sanzianagoglinache8696
      @sanzianagoglinache8696 9 місяців тому

      No way

  • @erickreyes7902
    @erickreyes7902 9 місяців тому +6

    Seriously tho?... how deadly mako poisoning is?.. that you so your self in others perspective of things?...

    • @babybaby250
      @babybaby250 9 місяців тому +2

      depends on dosage, either you turn into a monster or you get overdosed. cloud dealt with sephiroth then and sephiroth was already dead also cloud himself was pierced by sephiroth but cloud still managed to get sephiroth back and they both fell into mako

    • @MinhLe19303
      @MinhLe19303 9 місяців тому

      @@babybaby250 Pretty sure the whole monster thing are Jenova injection or other Mako experiment by scientists.

      @SUPERSIDESWIPER 9 місяців тому +4

      @@babybaby250 Cloud didn’t fall into the Reactor though. He threw Sephiroth into it, he didn’t go in himself.
      Furthermore, Mako poisoning is only a third of the problem with Cloud.
      The other problems are the Sephiroth cells injected into him alongside the Mako, as well as the severe mental trauma of seeing his hometown burned to the ground, it’s residents butchered and his sorta childhood friend Tifa apparently killed, all done by his childhood hero, Sephiroth.

  • @Bowie-gi7ik
    @Bowie-gi7ik 9 місяців тому

    What if this is another divergence of fate? “He’s in fates hands now” what if this Zack died earlier in the story breaking even more?

  • @majinboo6377
    @majinboo6377 9 місяців тому +8

    for people who confused : cloud died 7 years ago by sephiroth pierced his chest, tifa master came in time and checked on cloud but he is dead, then he went to tifa body and she still had pulse, he tried with his healing magic but to no avail so he has to carry her all the way to midgar by making many stops along the way. shinra has the footage because they have camera, so hojo went there and took cloud's body away and being experimented for another 2 years to be the next sephiroth but failed. the result is he become insane person who tried his best to look cool.
    to tifa it has been 7 years because she live through it all but to cloud its been 5 years because thats as far as he can remember before he died in that reactor by sephiroth. what cloud explained to them in kalm is all fake memories generated by jenova cause jenova has full control of cloud body and mind until later on in the next instalment which is part 3 where tifa will safe him. from tifa POV he was never there. because its all zack.

    • @MrDeflador
      @MrDeflador 9 місяців тому +14

      Cloud never died. He was wounded and at deaths door, but not dead. He and Zack where captured and expiremented upon. Cloud became a potato until He met Tifa. At this Point his brain mixed together what He and Zack did and He pretty much took over Zack in his memory for the Most part.

    • @KamusariHR
      @KamusariHR 9 місяців тому +4

      Wtf are u talking about? Trollo

    • @KamusariHR
      @KamusariHR 9 місяців тому

      ​@@MrDefladorwhat do u mean took over his memorys of zack? Does the memorys of clouds belong to zack?

    • @majinboo6377
      @majinboo6377 9 місяців тому

      @@KamusariHR kamu kenapa nak ? hachi anak sebatang kara, pergi mencari ibunya. kamusari minum nutrisari dulu dechx.

    • @KamusariHR
      @KamusariHR 9 місяців тому

      @@majinboo6377 lol

  • @Dameonkun
    @Dameonkun 9 місяців тому +7

    These comments need to play the og. Smh

    • @RealCFZ
      @RealCFZ 9 місяців тому +4

      And Crisis Core too.

  • @TheEphemeralEternity
    @TheEphemeralEternity 9 місяців тому +1

    Can someone explain to me how the timeline where zack lives even works out in the beginning of rebirth? Not only is zack alive, but the rest of the cast has already met and died before zack and cloud ever came to the city....aerith and red are supposed to have only met the rest of the group thanks to cloud. Ontop of that, talking to biggs later makes it sound like he is the biggs from cloud's timeline in remake and the giant gash in the sky hanging around..... what the heck is going on?

      @SUPERSIDESWIPER 9 місяців тому +1

      No one’s got an explanation yet. Only guesses.
      My own guess is that, by defeating the whispers, they inadvertently opened a invisible space/time rift to an alternate version of remake where the team, (except Aerith (who’s comatose) and maybe Cloud (who’s only missing, not confirmed dead) died.

    • @TheEphemeralEternity
      @TheEphemeralEternity 9 місяців тому +2

      Even Zack being alive is a fascinating thread on its own, and I love how they are still managing to intrigue the audience while retelling the original story. I just hope they manage to pull this all into a satisfyingly consistent explanation by the end of the 3rd game, because at this point... Aside from visiting Wutai, I'm not even sure if the plotline of the 3rd game will follow the original at all.

    • @ss4e982
      @ss4e982 8 місяців тому

      @@SUPERSIDESWIPER I think when Zack confronted those soldiers that timeline split or moments before it cause there was explosion and whisperers were all around. So timeline splits into 2 - one where Zack dies (original) and one where Zack survives but Avalance dies in attempt on Mako reactor cause Cloud is not there actually to help them. I think we just need to find "origin" event where timeline got split into 2. Or more importantly to figure out why it splits. Maybe Sephiroth splits it to give himself more chances of success. Still it makes little sense in the end cause in both timelines Cloud is fucked up by mako poisoning so he wouldnt be able to join Avalance even if he did make it in time to join in the first place. So dame gevs screwed up big time with second timeline in my opinion cause they want that Zack reunites with Aerith moment or something (for money ofc lol).

    • @taxo
      @taxo 7 місяців тому

      ​@@TheEphemeralEternityhonestly it's intriguing, but they tried all they could to keep it as complicated as possible, which isn't the best way to tell a nice story. I can understand it's not easy to tell a well known tale and keep it interesting without a small change, but the multiverse thing is a bit too much. Also, keeping some characters alive is pure fan service

  • @TheTerrorOfDeath71
    @TheTerrorOfDeath71 8 місяців тому

    I don’t know which one is better didnt remember at all until almost at the end (OG) or remember but got it all wrong,
    this is depressing as fuck and Tifa’s current attitude about all of this is not helping Cloud at all, and in the end part 2 ended with Cloud mind more crazy than the original
    Can’t wait for the reveal in part 3, as someone who played the original before CC come out and without spoiler, the reveal scene was really creepy and horrifying, making us questioning whether Cloud really exist or not

  • @amir.m.israilov2033
    @amir.m.israilov2033 8 місяців тому

    So you mean to tell me that Kowalski…was Zack?!😮

    • @mpnuorva
      @mpnuorva 4 місяці тому

      Nah, Cloud just thinks so.

  • @zenka314
    @zenka314 8 місяців тому +1

    0:40 Really What is it?🤣

  • @hepiyepi10
    @hepiyepi10 9 місяців тому +23

    Ffs Tifa you had one job and still choose lying lmao

    • @MiracleX19
      @MiracleX19 9 місяців тому +22

      It's not time yet. But with the way it's going, it seems to be following the old story line for the most part. She'll tell him soon enough.

    • @jadethedarkprincess8415
      @jadethedarkprincess8415 9 місяців тому +14

      its not a good time yet to tell bruh .. telling him that will messed him up even more ..even Tifa doubted herself since she didnt know cloud was there with her at that time

    • @coinslot123
      @coinslot123 9 місяців тому

      @@jadethedarkprincess8415 she has to wait until Sephiroth makes him breakdown into a wheelchair

    • @EvelynL.1112
      @EvelynL.1112 6 місяців тому +2

      Wow, a Clerith shipper desperately trying to make Tifa look bad. No surprise there.
      Tifa is doomed either way, even if she tells the "truth" to Cloud, he'll still lose his mind. It's a lose-lose situation.

    • @coinslot123
      @coinslot123 6 місяців тому

      @@EvelynL.1112 ain't no way you replied to a two month old comment and talking about shipping

  • @HyperRush79
    @HyperRush79 9 місяців тому

    oh my head

  • @jamesroad316
    @jamesroad316 9 місяців тому +2

    Damn, hojo and seph really fucked up his mind

  • @lastson5014
    @lastson5014 8 місяців тому +2

    Isn’t Tifa being an enabler ?

    • @Jarrik32
      @Jarrik32 8 місяців тому +6

      To be fair the game (Remake and Rebirth) does make it clear that being a 'people pleaser' isn't a healthy trait for her or Cloud. As sometimes confronting unpleasant stuff is neccesary. Especially as Cloud is well aware that their is something seriously wrong with him. Given he is physically identical to SOLDIERs and Hojo being Hojo he may not be wrong about degradation either. Turns out pumping toxic goop into people has side effects. Who knew?

  • @DarkSpike83
    @DarkSpike83 9 місяців тому

    Which chapter?

  • @Maverick.D.
    @Maverick.D. 9 місяців тому +1

    The original handled this better. Cloud not accepting reality and trudging on even when confronted by evidence just makes him look like a weaker character overall...

    • @zeroskaterz92
      @zeroskaterz92 9 місяців тому +6

      No it's not. Cloud hardly had any reaction to Zack's fate in the original. You clearly don't know wtf you're talking about.

  • @afkmh2392
    @afkmh2392 9 місяців тому +1

    Might just be jenova sephiroth fucking with his head a bunch more

  • @KamusariHR
    @KamusariHR 9 місяців тому +4

    When tifa know why didnt she say the truth? Lol why is she lying and not helping cloud

    • @Nothing-of2pm
      @Nothing-of2pm 9 місяців тому

      She doesn't remember either, she also didn't witness Zack's death remember?

    • @KamusariHR
      @KamusariHR 9 місяців тому

      @@Nothing-of2pm but she was not poisened with mako

    • @Nothing-of2pm
      @Nothing-of2pm 9 місяців тому +5

      @@KamusariHR She was knocked out and she also more than likely received some trauma, that pushed her to block some memories out along with some minor brain damage. She's just as confused as Cloud, she remembers more than him but she herself doesn't have the pieces. So she's trying to figure it out too

    • @KamusariHR
      @KamusariHR 9 місяців тому

      @@Nothing-of2pm oh thx i forgot about that lol

    • @mariocruz591
      @mariocruz591 9 місяців тому

      ​@@Nothing-of2pmwatch the bedroom scene of Aerith and Tifa. Tifa seems to imply that since Aerith lost some of her past memories that was likely caused by whispers in the 1st game. It is also likely that Tifa did lost some past memories including the Nibelheim incident. If that were true i wish i would know the motive why the whispers are trying to omit some memories.

  • @loregasmic
    @loregasmic 5 місяців тому +2

    Tifa is Cloud’s Jill Biden. You remembered, Cloud! Good job!

  • @ドライデ-ファッサ
    @ドライデ-ファッサ 9 місяців тому +3

    how many times did cloud died, just to be brought back by the life stream??

  • @grimreaper3576
    @grimreaper3576 9 місяців тому +2

    Tifa is the best girl

  • @senpie2865
    @senpie2865 9 місяців тому

    did zack not degrade?

    • @ezenoriega9657
      @ezenoriega9657 9 місяців тому +11

      cloud doesn't degrade because he has Jenova cells only G project degrade.
      Cloud has memory loss due to Mako poisoning and Jenova Cells.

    • @senpie2865
      @senpie2865 9 місяців тому

      @@ezenoriega9657 did zack also have jenova cells?

    • @ezenoriega9657
      @ezenoriega9657 9 місяців тому +12

      @@senpie2865 He has them but they have no effect because he was already a Soldier.

  • @angelicnobody6847
    @angelicnobody6847 9 місяців тому

    Cloud is delusional someone give him medication because Zack didnt died in the river lmao. This guy needs to stop being hero he aint like Zack. Zack pls come back seriously. I'm tired seeing a guy with delusional attacks lmao your pupils needs u zack you need to tell him he was in the river and you save him many times. 😂😂😂

  • @ibechuu9695
    @ibechuu9695 9 місяців тому +7

    This is why I'm not the biggest fan with Tifa in the remake, a bit selfish of her with the way she was handling cloud up to this moment. She wasnt the best person to handle the mental issues Cloud was going through, and in this game and the previous they make it seem even worse than what it was in the OG

    • @gatorssbm
      @gatorssbm 9 місяців тому +7

      tbf he did have a psychotic episode a bit before this with near slashing her and doesnt seem mentally stable enough compared to when he was a kid. While I do wish Tifa spoke up a bit sooner I dont completely blame her for being nervous about it plus even she has doubts on her own memory to compound it.

    • @shiroutheherotraceon3313
      @shiroutheherotraceon3313 9 місяців тому +8

      Tifa is actually very concerned about Cloud's deterriorating mental state. She's afraid if she tells what she thinks is the truth, Cloud's mind will break.

    • @ibechuu9695
      @ibechuu9695 9 місяців тому +1

      She blatantly lies, steals Cloud's moment to put pieces together by not letting him tell Aerith, and compounds a false scenario about not minding Cloud's degradation as a life threatening situation to his own self and others. That's not how you treat someone who has mental issues, and this is why his mind will break worse in this version.
      But to be fair, everyone in this version could have done more or something better, it's just that these changes make Tifa appear to seem selfish. She knows a bit more of what's going on with Cloud becoming more like a shell, but decides to pretend it'll magically go away because she's uncomfortable with the subject. It's pretty messed up.
      Unless they are going to make her do more than what she did to help Cloud compared to what happens in the OG, for part 3... this better build up to her actually admitting she was wrong.

    • @accelerator8929
      @accelerator8929 9 місяців тому +4

      @@ibechuu9695 If you played the original you'd understand why with that hindsight. When Cloud learned the reality of his past, it literally broke his brain and he had a total breakdown.
      Tifa also isn't really all that certain about her own memories of that event either, so she's not exactly in a place to correct him because she barely knows more than he does.

    • @taxo
      @taxo 7 місяців тому +1

      You don't get a guy with heavy mental issues and basically mess up the whole world around him. Also, she's not selfish, just not the strongest character around.

  • @AntiDoctor-cx2jd
    @AntiDoctor-cx2jd 9 місяців тому +7

    I love Tifa but she's a bit manipulative in that scene. In fairness, women tend to help people feel better instead of solving problems, so this is gender-consistent.

    • @DS-dc9zh
      @DS-dc9zh 8 місяців тому +6

      The fuck are you talking about

    • @AntiDoctor-cx2jd
      @AntiDoctor-cx2jd 8 місяців тому

      @@DS-dc9zh the scene depicted in the video. Let me know if you have any other low IQ questions.

    • @taxo
      @taxo 7 місяців тому +1

      Nope, Tifa wasn't selfish, just had no courage to destroy the whole scenario a mentally messed up friend had in his mind. You can't tell a crazy guy his world is a lie, it would plain destroy his psyche. Also, Tifa is NOT a strong, charismatic person.

    • @AntiDoctor-cx2jd
      @AntiDoctor-cx2jd 7 місяців тому +2

      @@taxo I didn't say Tifa was selfish and I don't think she is.

    • @AntiDoctor-cx2jd
      @AntiDoctor-cx2jd 7 місяців тому +1

      @@DS-dc9zh You need more IQ to understand maybe.