Dang, I wish I had known Ghidra could handle WASM. I just finished working through the PicoCTF "Some Assembly Required" series that use WASM, and did all the reversing using the WABT (Web Assembly Binary Toolkit) CLI tools--mainly just using `wasm2c` and then walking through the code. It wasn't too challenging, but was probably more busywork than Ghidra
Dang, I wish I had known Ghidra could handle WASM. I just finished working through the PicoCTF "Some Assembly Required" series that use WASM, and did all the reversing using the WABT (Web Assembly Binary Toolkit) CLI tools--mainly just using `wasm2c` and then walking through the code. It wasn't too challenging, but was probably more busywork than Ghidra
I want to learn pwn. Any resources?