@@coff2x - is Pastor Coppett your pastor? If so, it would be better to receive your answer from him. If not, if you do have a pastor, again I say its best to consult your own pastor to eleminate misunderstanding etc. I will say this: I had to know beyond any doubt that it was God entrusting me with the mantle of a Prophetess. Its not a desired calling! I avoided it and ran from it for years. However, it requires much prayer, Bible study, solitude, lonely times, being persecuted,and accused etc. Much sacrifice as well. In any mantle God gives, we must give up ALL to follow Christ and obey His perfect will. Be forever Blessed.
@@prophetessbuchanan9008 Thank you Ms Buchanan for your reply. To answer your question i don't no who Mr Coppett is. Your second suggestion was to ask my pastor, which isn't necessary God gave me a mind to think a mouth to speak. 2nd Tim 2:15 & Acts 17:11 study/rightly divided the word & to study daily (keeping those two scripture short). The majority will be offended asking questions they will leave the conversation to i don't want to argue, argue when Jude 3 saids to contend for the faith (meaning to fight for it). You have no scripture recourse to prove your position as a prophetess. Numbers 12:6-8 God said he spoke to HIS prophets in visions or dreams, Moses he spoke to face to face. Yet false prophets have convence themselves they hear from God, when scripture saids othewise. If you are proven to be wrong according to scripture the question is will you change your postion? Hebrews 1:1-2 furthers the point, vs1 in sundry times and in divers manners spake in time PAST UNTO THE FATHERS BY THE PROPHETS. vs2 hath in these last days spoken unto us BY HIS SON etc. Now what does the scripture does not say, NOTHING about speaking to PROPHETS OR PROPHETESS. It said in the last days spoken unto us by his Son. Now that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father, Jesus is now speaking to Christians thru his word. When you study the New Testatment Jesus is primarily speaking to disciples/apostles not prophets. In this dispensation their neither apsotles or prophets or prophetess. Following the traditions of men will cost you Mark 7:7-8, Matthrw 15:9. 1st John 4:1 saids beloved believe not every spirit try the spirit whether they are of God: because MANY FALSE PROPHETS are gone out into the world. The problem is why would God need to use you to speak on his behalf when Jesus said the work he was sent to do IS FINISH from their inspired men to write the scripture. 1st Cor 4:6 I have applied these things to myself and Apollo for your benefit, so that you may learn from us NOT TO GO BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN. And this is what you are doing saying things God never told you. To further prove my point God is nor speaking to you adibley or in visions or dreams. John 5:37 And the Father himself which hath sent me hath borne wittness of me. YE HAVE NEITHER HEARD HIS VOICE AT ANY TIME nor seen his shape. How can you get around that scripture. Either you have not been taught properly, poor study habits, or you're relying upon man. I chose to follow what is written and when I speak concerning Christ I speak the oracles of God 1st Peter 4:11. Theirs only one true church you can read about in scripture Roman's 16:16. Well over the majority of the people on UA-cam have never heard of the Church Christ Jesus died for. Jesus church was started in Jerusalem taught by the apostles. God never authorize man to be founders of denominational churches thousands of years later let alone their are approximately over 35k denomination's. Any critical thinker would come to the conclusion Jesus can't be the head of these churches. And every denomination teach a different doctrine which goes back to Paul's point is Christ divided? The end result you're are in a lost churches, unfortunately people are to afraid to believe they're being deceived trust man far to much. Matthew 7:21-23 NOT everyone that says unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven BUT HE THAT DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME AND IN THAT NAME HAVE CAST OUT DEVILS and in thy name done many WONDERFUL WORKS and then I will profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity. if you can't prove it rightly dividing the word don't believe what you have been convince of. Their is much more pertaining to false prophets.
@@coff2x - the MR Coppett you refer to is the Pastor of the church in this video. Im not sure WHY you felt the need to ask me about how I knew I was a Prophetess. Apparently you seem to feel I live by the regimen of MAN. Not true. God Himself called me at age 8. Just as in Judges 4:4. I could sit here and rattle off scripture after scripture on Gods confirmations. But I dont and wont debate with you and wont gender strife with you. This is this church ministrys youtube channel and not the place to continue with this conversation. As saints, we are to do things decent and in order. I wont respond again. Enjoy your life .
I thought I missed service today but Mmmmmm, Myyyyyyyy Gooooooood!!!! The POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT was definitely moving through our YT (UA-cam) Pastor & Lady TO-DAY*It's such a blessing how we can experience the fire through media & I pray that the Lord will continue to bless them & their ministries
The sad part is that in most of these places the praise and joy stays in the church ... we have ministries here in the Sippi that are like this every Sunday .. but sadly you meet the same people, an hour or so after the shout, in Walmart or someplace, and they won't even speak to ya... it seems they left all the joy and the zeal and gladness back at the church during the shout
Sugar Plum you’re welcome, come down and worship with us. I promise you won’t be disappointed and this week Thursday & Friday night, we are having our “2 Days of Praise Conference” with national Prophet Todd Hall will be our conference speaker both nights. Join us if you close to the area.
Shenequa Kimbro I have to get with Pastor Coppett to see if you want this conference LIVE but if we don’t I will be posting clips of the conference on here
If someone is trying to get their breakthrough, why come pulling and enter locking arms. The lady with the towel in the floral purple dress and the lady in the black shirt should leave the lady in the blue floral dress alone. She was ok without the grabbing and pulling. Great service though.
What in new world are these people doing. People read bibles after all this jumping around it business as usual. 2nd Peter 2:1-3 they are just merchandise for these people.
@@eightfigs3508 @eightfigs I'm not sure how you all conduct service where you assemble. However scripture saids that Christ is the head of the Church Ephesians 5:23. And HE left his church instruction to follow if you were going to make heaven your home. Read the following scripture Colossians 3:16, Ephesians 5:19 & Hebrews 13:15 see if you find anything that will you any indication of dancing. If you can prove I'm wrong according 1Thess 5:21 (it said to prove all things) I would like to see chapter & verse where dancing ok in worship svc. When I read and study scripture I read Gods answer, not my opinion or how I feel or follow decide not to follow sound doctrine. God sent his Son to die for the sins of the world. Ephesians 1:22 and hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the HEAD OVER ALL THINGS TO THE "CHURCH". When you say it's ok to dance you don't have the authority to do so. Or Matthew 7:21-23 (in short) I NEVER KNEW YOU DEPART FROM ME YOU WORKERS OF INQUITITY (because you thought you were doing a wonderful work). Eightfigs you're going to have to decided if your going to follow the doctrine of the apostles Acts 2:42 or follow the commandments of God Mark 7:7-8. 2nd Thess 1:8-9 in flaming fire taking VENGEANCE on them THAT KNOW NOT GOD AND THAT OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST we shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power. So you can clearly see doing things your way will bring destruction. Hope you reply..
@@coff2x Just stop it. You're treating us commentors as ones, who are unlearned and have no relationship with Christ. You, for one, need to ask the Lord for discernment, wisdom, guidance, etc. You appear to be one of those who "have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof". I am not going to post scripture references. If one wants to dissect my comments on UA-cam then by all means, do that. In your reply, you did not, at any time, refer to Old Testament scriptures. David dancing before the Lord...you can look up that scripture. There are plenty more scriptures in regards to praising and dancing. Sure, we-believers in this day and time-do not interpret the scripture literally, in all things. However, we do use those things we suggested previously-for you to use. From there, you will grow in grace, etc. and not appear to be unlearned amongst other things. By the way, do you even confess "salvation, i.e. the Holy Ghost dwelling inside of you"?
@@eightfigs3508 thanks for your reply..eightfigs what I'm doing is showing you your being taugh wrong according to scripture. The fact that UA-cam is used as a means of communication doesn't lessen the responsibility of those using the platform. I'll a dress the having a form of godliness later. Eightfigs are you awhere their were two prior dispensation, 1. Patriarchal from Adam to Moses, 2nd. The Mosaical from Moses & the third is the Christian. Matthew 5:17 think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. Roman's 15:4 for WHATSOEVER THINGS WERE WRITTEN AFORETIME WERE WRITTEN FOR OUR LEARNING etc. For whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of them all James 2:10. Hebrew 8:13 in that he said a NEW COVENANT he has made the "first old" now that which DECAYETH AND WAX OLD is ready to VANISH AWAY. Eightfigs this is how you study to understand scripture "Isaiah 28:9-10. When you use old testament scripture as a doctrine for this dispensation you are in violation of the scripture awaiting judgement. Hebrews 8:6 but now have he obtained a more excellent Ministry by how much also he is the mediator of a better Covenant which was established upon better promises. To your point I would agree if we were in the Mosaic dispensation, you reference Dancing 100% true. However because this is an emotional way to fills as though your worshipping & praising God in this manner your wrong. Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16 & Hebrews 13:15 combining them we are to praise God with our LIPS WITH PSALMS AND HYMNS SPIRITUAL SONGS MAKING MELODY IN YOUR HEART TO THE LORD. Those are new testatment instructions we are adhered to. If you are your leaders have a different tradition of worship by all means follow their instructions. This is where you have to decided if you're going to believe man or God. Roman's 3:4 let God be true and everyman a liar. Your last point; do you even confess salvation I.e the Holy Ghost dwelling on the inside of you. Again what you are saying is scriptually wrong. You don't confess salvation..BECOME a CHRISTIAN you don't CONFESS YOUR SINS. That's not new testatment doctrine. According to the pattern shown in the book of Acts..sinners HEARD THE GOSPEL, Acts 2:14-37 (in short) Peted stood and preach to the Jews vs37 their HEARTS were PRICK, and said unto Peter what shall we do? vs38 then Peter said unto them REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED everyone of you in the name of jesus christ (whcih means by Jesus authority) for the remission of your sins and you shall recv the gift of the Holy Ghost. repented which means a change of mind of your & behavior & 1st Kohn 4:15 if anyone that CONFESSES JESUS AS THE SON OF GOD, God dwelleth in him and he in God & WAS BAPRIZED INTO CHRIST. As vs38 you recv the holy ghost only thru baptism vs38. Not with the laying on of hands, Jesus gave his apsotles the power with the laying on of hands Acts 8:17 they were only able to fill others during that age/period of time. You to have to study daily Acts 17:11 an bot leave your understanding soily to others man is very deceptive. No I am not denying the power. Follow up with anything I reference according to scripture with your leaders. The comment you made that I am unlearn amongst other things OK. Let me ask you this question. Can you explain since I am unlearn what is the one true church Jesus died for in scripture? Hope to here back
@@coff2x Nah, you're talking and quoting scripture to sound deep. I aint got time for that. You can find someone else with whom to continue this conversation. You don't have a true relationship with the Father. Good day. 😔🙄🤷
I thank God how the saints praisw God WITH one another instead of just watching. Some day God will bless me to come visit the ministry!
Hello Ms Buchanan how does a person become a prophetess?
@@coff2x - is Pastor Coppett your pastor? If so, it would be better to receive your answer from him. If not, if you do have a pastor, again I say its best to consult your own pastor to eleminate misunderstanding etc. I will say this: I had to know beyond any doubt that it was God entrusting me with the mantle of a Prophetess. Its not a desired calling! I avoided it and ran from it for years. However, it requires much prayer, Bible study, solitude, lonely times, being persecuted,and accused etc. Much sacrifice as well. In any mantle God gives, we must give up ALL to follow Christ and obey His perfect will. Be forever Blessed.
@@prophetessbuchanan9008 Thank you Ms Buchanan for your reply. To answer your question i don't no who Mr Coppett is. Your second suggestion was to ask my pastor, which isn't necessary God gave me a mind to think a mouth to speak. 2nd Tim 2:15 & Acts 17:11 study/rightly divided the word & to study daily (keeping those two scripture short). The majority will be offended asking questions they will leave the conversation to i don't want to argue, argue when Jude 3 saids to contend for the faith (meaning to fight for it). You have no scripture recourse to prove your position as a prophetess. Numbers 12:6-8 God said he spoke to HIS prophets in visions or dreams, Moses he spoke to face to face. Yet false prophets have convence themselves they hear from God, when scripture saids othewise. If you are proven to be wrong according to scripture the question is will you change your postion? Hebrews 1:1-2 furthers the point, vs1 in sundry times and in divers manners spake in time PAST UNTO THE FATHERS BY THE PROPHETS. vs2 hath in these last days spoken unto us BY HIS SON etc. Now what does the scripture does not say, NOTHING about speaking to PROPHETS OR PROPHETESS. It said in the last days spoken unto us by his Son. Now that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father, Jesus is now speaking to Christians thru his word. When you study the New Testatment Jesus is primarily speaking to disciples/apostles not prophets. In this dispensation their neither apsotles or prophets or prophetess. Following the traditions of men will cost you Mark 7:7-8, Matthrw 15:9. 1st John 4:1 saids beloved believe not every spirit try the spirit whether they are of God: because MANY FALSE PROPHETS are gone out into the world. The problem is why would God need to use you to speak on his behalf when Jesus said the work he was sent to do IS FINISH from their inspired men to write the scripture. 1st Cor 4:6 I have applied these things to myself and Apollo for your benefit, so that you may learn from us NOT TO GO BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN. And this is what you are doing saying things God never told you. To further prove my point God is nor speaking to you adibley or in visions or dreams. John 5:37 And the Father himself which hath sent me hath borne wittness of me. YE HAVE NEITHER HEARD HIS VOICE AT ANY TIME nor seen his shape. How can you get around that scripture. Either you have not been taught properly, poor study habits, or you're relying upon man. I chose to follow what is written and when I speak concerning Christ I speak the oracles of God 1st Peter 4:11. Theirs only one true church you can read about in scripture Roman's 16:16. Well over the majority of the people on UA-cam have never heard of the Church Christ Jesus died for. Jesus church was started in Jerusalem taught by the apostles. God never authorize man to be founders of denominational churches thousands of years later let alone their are approximately over 35k denomination's. Any critical thinker would come to the conclusion Jesus can't be the head of these churches. And every denomination teach a different doctrine which goes back to Paul's point is Christ divided? The end result you're are in a lost churches, unfortunately people are to afraid to believe they're being deceived trust man far to much. Matthew 7:21-23 NOT everyone that says unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven BUT HE THAT DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME AND IN THAT NAME HAVE CAST OUT DEVILS and in thy name done many WONDERFUL WORKS and then I will profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity. if you can't prove it rightly dividing the word don't believe what you have been convince of. Their is much more pertaining to false prophets.
@@coff2x - the MR Coppett you refer to is the Pastor of the church in this video. Im not sure WHY you felt the need to ask me about how I knew I was a Prophetess. Apparently you seem to feel I live by the regimen of MAN. Not true. God Himself called me at age 8. Just as in Judges 4:4. I could sit here and rattle off scripture after scripture on Gods confirmations. But I dont and wont debate with you and wont gender strife with you. This is this church ministrys youtube channel and not the place to continue with this conversation. As saints, we are to do things decent and in order. I wont respond again. Enjoy your life .
He's stretching out on my family and I, May God continue to bless you all !!!
I thought I missed service today but Mmmmmm, Myyyyyyyy Gooooooood!!!! The POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT was definitely moving through our YT (UA-cam) Pastor & Lady TO-DAY*It's such a blessing how we can experience the fire through media & I pray that the Lord will continue to bless them & their ministries
I thought I had missed the service...Come on through saints!
Alec Wyatt
Praise him saints don't stop praise him any how hey my my my my god my god he is there blessings are happening
Praise the Lord! Everyone I really have a high time in the Lord!
Can’t wait to come we coming FULL BLAST!!!!😀😀❤️
Thank you God bless he name
I am getting my praise on in my bed thank youuuu Jesus I just thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤
Play Mr Keys 🎹🎹🎹👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽..... Stretching out in me!!
My God he stretching out I feel the annionting all the way in Texas jesus they know how to give God the Glory and praise he's due!!! Jesus
The sad part is that in most of these places the praise and joy stays in the church ... we have ministries here in the Sippi that are like this every Sunday .. but sadly you meet the same people, an hour or so after the shout, in Walmart or someplace, and they won't even speak to ya... it seems they left all the joy and the zeal and gladness back at the church during the shout
Priase him pastor Paul coppett yesss lordddd 💖💖💖💖💖🔥🔥🔥🔥💜🙌🏾💝💗
Where is this Ministry located. I would love to visit. I like this kind of service. Glory!!!
Sugar Plum we are located in Augusta, Georgia
@@CathedralofPraiseAugusta thank you so much
Sugar Plum you’re welcome, come down and worship with us. I promise you won’t be disappointed and this week Thursday & Friday night, we are having our “2 Days of Praise Conference” with national Prophet Todd Hall will be our conference speaker both nights. Join us if you close to the area.
@@CathedralofPraiseAugusta Will we be able to see the entire service including prophet Hall prophesying?
Shenequa Kimbro I have to get with Pastor Coppett to see if you want this conference LIVE but if we don’t I will be posting clips of the conference on here
I Want To Shout there too
Yes praise the lord
The Bible says let everything that hath breath praise the Lord praise ye the Lord
The lord was in the house
Stretch out on me and my family please Jesus.
Okay uhm question y do yall hold ppl
Hallelujah Praise Him Keyboard Player
Why I can not hear what you are saying?
If someone is trying to get their breakthrough, why come pulling and enter locking arms. The lady with the towel in the floral purple dress and the lady in the black shirt should leave the lady in the blue floral dress alone. She was ok without the grabbing and pulling. Great service though.
Cool so coo
My mother b'day was that day
Come to Savannah ga pastor
Shawn Wilkins we was just down that way couple weeks ago
Next time y’all come hit me up I want to come to the service
Shawn Wilkins we got you
Usher/praise team singer in the purple...please stop holding people by the arm like that...
I was just saying that I can understand if they was shouting fast and stuff but they only in one spot
@@JoceyDenise Right! Holding someone by the arm like that makes me think that it is hindering their praise a bit...
Where are you CPP?
What in new world are these people doing. People read bibles after all this jumping around it business as usual. 2nd Peter 2:1-3 they are just merchandise for these people.
There is nothing wrong with dancing before the Lord...
@@eightfigs3508 @eightfigs I'm not sure how you all conduct service where you assemble. However scripture saids that Christ is the head of the Church Ephesians 5:23. And HE left his church instruction to follow if you were going to make heaven your home. Read the following scripture Colossians 3:16, Ephesians 5:19 & Hebrews 13:15 see if you find anything that will you any indication of dancing. If you can prove I'm wrong according 1Thess 5:21 (it said to prove all things) I would like to see chapter & verse where dancing ok in worship svc. When I read and study scripture I read Gods answer, not my opinion or how I feel or follow decide not to follow sound doctrine. God sent his Son to die for the sins of the world. Ephesians 1:22 and hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the HEAD OVER ALL THINGS TO THE "CHURCH". When you say it's ok to dance you don't have the authority to do so. Or Matthew 7:21-23 (in short) I NEVER KNEW YOU DEPART FROM ME YOU WORKERS OF INQUITITY (because you thought you were doing a wonderful work). Eightfigs you're going to have to decided if your going to follow the doctrine of the apostles Acts 2:42 or follow the commandments of God Mark 7:7-8. 2nd Thess 1:8-9 in flaming fire taking VENGEANCE on them THAT KNOW NOT GOD AND THAT OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST we shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power. So you can clearly see doing things your way will bring destruction. Hope you reply..
@@coff2x Just stop it. You're treating us commentors as ones, who are unlearned and have no relationship with Christ. You, for one, need to ask the Lord for discernment, wisdom, guidance, etc. You appear to be one of those who "have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof". I am not going to post scripture references. If one wants to dissect my comments on UA-cam then by all means, do that. In your reply, you did not, at any time, refer to Old Testament scriptures. David dancing before the Lord...you can look up that scripture. There are plenty more scriptures in regards to praising and dancing. Sure, we-believers in this day and time-do not interpret the scripture literally, in all things. However, we do use those things we suggested previously-for you to use. From there, you will grow in grace, etc. and not appear to be unlearned amongst other things. By the way, do you even confess "salvation, i.e. the Holy Ghost dwelling inside of you"?
@@eightfigs3508 thanks for your reply..eightfigs what I'm doing is showing you your being taugh wrong according to scripture. The fact that UA-cam is used as a means of communication doesn't lessen the responsibility of those using the platform. I'll a dress the having a form of godliness later. Eightfigs are you awhere their were two prior dispensation, 1. Patriarchal from Adam to Moses, 2nd. The Mosaical from Moses & the third is the Christian. Matthew 5:17 think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. Roman's 15:4 for WHATSOEVER THINGS WERE WRITTEN AFORETIME WERE WRITTEN FOR OUR LEARNING etc. For whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of them all James 2:10. Hebrew 8:13 in that he said a NEW COVENANT he has made the "first old" now that which DECAYETH AND WAX OLD is ready to VANISH AWAY. Eightfigs this is how you study to understand scripture "Isaiah 28:9-10. When you use old testament scripture as a doctrine for this dispensation you are in violation of the scripture awaiting judgement. Hebrews 8:6 but now have he obtained a more excellent Ministry by how much also he is the mediator of a better Covenant which was established upon better promises. To your point I would agree if we were in the Mosaic dispensation, you reference Dancing 100% true. However because this is an emotional way to fills as though your worshipping & praising God in this manner your wrong. Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16 & Hebrews 13:15 combining them we are to praise God with our LIPS WITH PSALMS AND HYMNS SPIRITUAL SONGS MAKING MELODY IN YOUR HEART TO THE LORD. Those are new testatment instructions we are adhered to. If you are your leaders have a different tradition of worship by all means follow their instructions. This is where you have to decided if you're going to believe man or God. Roman's 3:4 let God be true and everyman a liar.
Your last point; do you even confess salvation I.e the Holy Ghost dwelling on the inside of you. Again what you are saying is scriptually wrong. You don't confess salvation..BECOME a CHRISTIAN you don't CONFESS YOUR SINS. That's not new testatment doctrine. According to the pattern shown in the book of Acts..sinners HEARD THE GOSPEL, Acts 2:14-37 (in short) Peted stood and preach to the Jews vs37 their HEARTS were PRICK, and said unto Peter what shall we do? vs38 then Peter said unto them REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED everyone of you in the name of jesus christ (whcih means by Jesus authority) for the remission of your sins and you shall recv the gift of the Holy Ghost. repented which means a change of mind of your & behavior & 1st Kohn 4:15 if anyone that CONFESSES JESUS AS THE SON OF GOD, God dwelleth in him and he in God & WAS BAPRIZED INTO CHRIST. As vs38 you recv the holy ghost only thru baptism vs38. Not with the laying on of hands, Jesus gave his apsotles the power with the laying on of hands Acts 8:17 they were only able to fill others during that age/period of time.
You to have to study daily Acts 17:11 an bot leave your understanding soily to others man is very deceptive. No I am not denying the power.
Follow up with anything I reference according to scripture with your leaders. The comment you made that I am unlearn amongst other things OK. Let me ask you this question. Can you explain since I am unlearn what is the one true church Jesus died for in scripture? Hope to here back
@@coff2x Nah, you're talking and quoting scripture to sound deep. I aint got time for that. You can find someone else with whom to continue this conversation. You don't have a true relationship with the Father. Good day. 😔🙄🤷