Returning to America After 2 Years Living in the Philippines!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @IslandBarbieSiargao
    @IslandBarbieSiargao  16 днів тому +129

    It’s always more fun in the Philippines ❤️🇵🇭

    • @angelgadon-fu2fv
      @angelgadon-fu2fv 15 днів тому

      Enjoy life america,anytime you can back in the philippines..i think you miss a lot island life..

  • @wilsonwilson8496
    @wilsonwilson8496 16 днів тому +70

    I’ve been in Canada for over 20 years, yet I still feel like I don’t truly belong. One day, I’ll return to the Philippines and never leave again-because it will always be my true home.

  • @GilbertBeltran-t2i
    @GilbertBeltran-t2i 16 днів тому +155

    You know, if you think of Siargao, one thing I could remember about it is Barbie. Barbie is one of the known figures of Siargao.

  • @iammondz1138
    @iammondz1138 16 днів тому +153

    Thats how i feel when i return to VEGAS i felt like the STATES is not for me anymore. so i just go to the States during holiday to visit family. Philippines is the BEST!

    • @jayvirtusio1081
      @jayvirtusio1081 16 днів тому +3

      Bingo !

    • @IslandBarbieSiargao
      @IslandBarbieSiargao  16 днів тому +7


    • @gailborillo1124
      @gailborillo1124 15 днів тому +6

      I feel the sane way in Canada. Life is so different and everything is fast paced in Canada. Yes everything is much more accessible but you’re living in a commercialized world but you can’t definitely replace happiness ❤

    • @md929
      @md929 15 днів тому +4

      Hey, Vegas feels like the Philippines. Just go to Seafood City in Maryland Pkwy.

    • @iammondz1138
      @iammondz1138 15 днів тому +2

      @@md929 LOL yeah i know but i decided to move to Philippines instead.

  • @mudburon3381
    @mudburon3381 16 днів тому +29

    My culture shock when I move to Texas at age 11 from Pinas so yea. Best wishes and thank you for sharing your content and promoting the positive side of Filipinas and the great people!

  • @natureandgardenstories6909
    @natureandgardenstories6909 13 днів тому +4

    For netizens,Island Barbie is synonymous to Siargao Island. You embody the true island spirit. But then, you also represent the global tourism spirit. I believe you'll fit anywhere. In Filipino you're like a damong ligaw or wild flower that can grow anywhere because of its adaptability and openness to change.😊

  • @agooyong6207
    @agooyong6207 16 днів тому +49

    Here in Palm Springs California mostly Filipino houses have that tree in fact we call it Filipino flag.

    • @eleven2185
      @eleven2185 10 днів тому

      Pahingi naman po 😂

  • @ßhopkins
    @ßhopkins 16 днів тому +24

    Barbs, please tour us around your area, whats the daily life of people there, their hobbies, what keeps them busy...That would be interesting.

  • @rushiihatofiriadragneel1531
    @rushiihatofiriadragneel1531 10 днів тому +3

    Thank you for loving the Philippines 🇵🇭 ❤

  • @eyeshield7783
    @eyeshield7783 16 днів тому +8

    you're a true Filipino now,, ingat ka dyan ha,, ❤❤❤

  • @travellingtsinelas5719
    @travellingtsinelas5719 16 днів тому +10


  • @dominadorigmen8451
    @dominadorigmen8451 16 днів тому +14

    Kasabihan ng mga Filipinos : " Kung Saan ka Masaya Doon Ka " for us Filipinos our saying & most being practice by ours is that: If what makes your life happy be there...

    • @jayvirtusio1081
      @jayvirtusio1081 16 днів тому

      Bingo ka dyan! May kaaway ka sa pinas pedals mo dito America nka ganti ka pictures lang nka smile😄

  • @cookingwiththegiants8063
    @cookingwiththegiants8063 16 днів тому +6

    Great to see you back in your country!! Thank you for sharing your journey and experience in the Philippines..
    All the best for you Barbie❤❤❤❤

  • @juliannemil6158
    @juliannemil6158 16 днів тому +20

    This is sure a real big house by Filipino standard. So much space without the family, extended family, Pinoy style. Here one goes outside and be with people unfamiliar to you. A community of strangers. Here if one gets tired chasing one's own shadow, you can talk to the moon. Barbie flows in this rhythm. I am glad am Pinoy.

  • @darrensantos5980
    @darrensantos5980 16 днів тому +12

    I spent a good part of my life around Balboa Island and Irvine (where I went to college). Thanks for showing me what it looks like nowadays!

  • @raphy5438
    @raphy5438 16 днів тому +7

    Hi! San Diego, Ca here, Enjoy your stay. Have a wonderful Merry Christmas and New Year.

  • @Reyglenpaladin0411
    @Reyglenpaladin0411 16 днів тому +6

    Watching you while eating my breakfast, my day is not completed if am not watching you on your delay reels as well as on your videos.. take care always Barbie 🇵🇭

    @CORAGARCIAFINAN-rk4og 14 днів тому +5


  • @dextersampaga7109
    @dextersampaga7109 16 днів тому +14

    We are waiting for your vlog on Michigan keep vlogging as u arrived in your home.i ms u and the humble guy ken.hope he ms u too barbie 😁

  • @ruthsanchez9724
    @ruthsanchez9724 16 днів тому +31

    I feel the same....feel more happy and at home in ways in the Philippines. Miss it so much!!

    • @jayvirtusio1081
      @jayvirtusio1081 16 днів тому

      I agree in states you only smile in pictures😄😄😄

  • @marlonbinay1896
    @marlonbinay1896 16 днів тому +5

    We Will Miss You PO Mam Barbie. Thank You Very Very Very Very Much Po for staying and living in Our BELOVED MOTHERLAND NATION PILIPINAS ( PHILIPPINES ) for over 2 years. Thank You Very Very Very Very Much Po for Loving & Embracing Our Beautiful Welcoming Hospitable, Friendly & Heart Warming Nation Philippines. For Embracing & Loving Our Culture, Customs, Festivals etc. Our BELOVED MOTHERLAND NATION PILIPINAS ( PHILIPPINES ) is totally where you belong Po Mam. ALWAYS & Keep Safe Po 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Mam Barbie. God Bless 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Po To You & To All The Members of Your Whole Family Po

  • @JulietDelorance
    @JulietDelorance 16 днів тому +6

    Hi Barbie I am watching all the time . Originally from Cebu , and currently leaving in the Riverside California 30 minutes from where you are.

  • @oliviafagaragan1481
    @oliviafagaragan1481 16 днів тому +6

    Go back where you are happy. Your family can just visit you wherever you are. God bless you Barbie

  • @jjlandolandria5147
    @jjlandolandria5147 16 днів тому +8

    Be safe always barbe whenever you go and also travel to your journey

  • @travelescapesOFFICIAL
    @travelescapesOFFICIAL 16 днів тому +25

    Not for me either. It’s been 10 years since I left and I’ve never wanted to move back

  • @melitamenorias8283
    @melitamenorias8283 15 днів тому +1


  • @1martinjom
    @1martinjom 16 днів тому +3

    I lived in the Middle-East for two years, in Kuwait and Abu Dhabi. Going home State side is never the same. I felt more safe when I was in those places I mentioned, than back here in the US.

  • @dazocat5566
    @dazocat5566 16 днів тому +6

    your friend has to be one hell of a chef. as a cook myself in the kitchen her setup is a dream.. also with the water faucet on the back of all her lovely burners .. wow a real kitchen setup so nice a beautiful! what a lovely home. much love and light! peace ! :)

  • @jacintojr.crausosn.4705
    @jacintojr.crausosn.4705 15 днів тому +1

    God Bless You Always Barbie... More Blessings to come have a Good Health Everyday...

  • @emzzion6373
    @emzzion6373 16 днів тому +5

    Take care and have a great day bonding with your friends

  • @leonardoreyes946
    @leonardoreyes946 11 днів тому +1

    Barbie we filipinos love you! Stay safe ❤

  • @geocam007
    @geocam007 15 днів тому +1

    Your video showed up on my feed, and I find it funny (good way, I like it) when you interject some Filipino phrases in the middle of vlogging. Keep it up!

  • @lizabethbarretto
    @lizabethbarretto 16 днів тому +4

    Your Host friend is a very gorgeous Filipina probably born and raise in Cali., the reason why she doesn't have any extended family living in her home. Enjoy your California adventures as well as your Christmas holiday with your own family in Michigan.

  • @arndj251
    @arndj251 11 днів тому +1

    You’re pretty awesome! Love it. ang galing mo ate! 😂

  • @JaysonPalma-ho1rn
    @JaysonPalma-ho1rn 16 днів тому +4

    You should show us your family's reaction when you were finally home....

  • @dazocat5566
    @dazocat5566 16 днів тому +11

    God Bless Island Barbie.. i feel the same.. out of place in the usa.. haha xD
    being born and grew up in the states.. with no pinoy friends.. and i been all over the usa..
    in search of belonging.. but doesn't matter where i go.. which community i try to connect with.. i always felt out of place in the states.. no matter where i went..
    the only time i felt free was, when i left the states for the very first time .. and i stayed in Mexico for a month.. it was very nice..
    now i understand the slogan of the Philippines " It's More Fun in the Philippines" .. because i felt a source of freedom inside me.. i can't describe... haha well that's just my 2 cents.. i can't wait to go to the Philippines finally.. and finally connect to my roots.. to connect to my parents home country.. to finally have a sense of belonging.. because i feel i share & have a lot of the same values as many filipinos and the culture.. even though i didn't grew up there, or had any pinoy or pinay friends growing up.. i guess it's in me, my ancestors are calling me.. to come back home.. i guess filipino is in my soul in my heart and of course in my blood.. hehe no matter how much i tried to avoid it all my life.. now i understand and know that, my true home.. my real home.. is in the Philippines.. here i come home soon.. i pray for it everyday.. hehe that's enough from me.. take care. peace.

    • @DesPorta-vk5gj
      @DesPorta-vk5gj 16 днів тому +1

      Both my sons half American grew up in U.S. one Colombia does not speak my Filipino language but when my oldest goes to Philippines his vary happy to meet all
      The cousins. My other one nowmid in the Philippines

    • @dazocat5566
      @dazocat5566 15 днів тому

      @@DesPorta-vk5gj ❤🙏

  • @JazzMeUinFLUSA
    @JazzMeUinFLUSA 16 днів тому +2

    When I saw a glimpse of your companion, I thought oh Barbie's friend looks like Filipino so I was supposed to ask you if she is but I don't have to anymore because you just said that she is a Filipino. I'm glad you're enjoying her hospitality as well. ❤❤

  • @rlbama1
    @rlbama1 14 днів тому +1

    Your good vibes is radiating❤

  • @RichardUy-y4y
    @RichardUy-y4y 16 днів тому +7

    Barbie you are part of Siargao...and siargao is part of you

  • @victurdanes268
    @victurdanes268 16 днів тому +1

    Ohhh wooow , you were in Irvine ? We could have met .. sayang .. but I’m happy happy for you .. and I just couldn’t thank you so much for loving our country and culture in the island .

  • @md929
    @md929 16 днів тому +4

    Malunggay grows in Southern California. My sister in law have a malunggay tree in Carson.

  • @OscarSebello
    @OscarSebello 16 днів тому +19

    I wish Ken was around in his short only

  • @reenapamaran28
    @reenapamaran28 16 днів тому +5

    Wow! America has a lot to offer, abundant in anything..but expensive! Calif has a a little philippines vibes maybe.. lots of asian people around and busy.

    • @janeacusar
      @janeacusar 16 днів тому +1

      There are plenty of Filipinos here in Cali. Almost everywhere you go, there are Filipinos. But, not everyone who are Filipinos here are that friendly. Some of them are snobbish and think so highly of themselves. Not the vibe you want to be with. Pero, most of the Filipinos here are nice, of course. However, iba pa rin yung saya at ugali kapag mada Pinas. I think because people here are so stressed with bills and work.

  • @jojermegara4587
    @jojermegara4587 16 днів тому +6

    Barbie finally I subscribe to ur UA-cam channel, safe travels always 😊🎉❤😊

  • @janefromwi
    @janefromwi 6 днів тому


  • @japonesa207
    @japonesa207 16 днів тому +17

    That only shows that Filipino are hospitable even in America❤

  • @glorecitatan2436
    @glorecitatan2436 16 днів тому +2

    Filipino way of eating by hands!!❤❤

  • @sarahgeisbert8902
    @sarahgeisbert8902 14 днів тому +1

    I love your videos and I would love to live in Philippines just like you. I recently came up on the opportunitie to come stay for a bit for cheap and I think I’m going to do it. You have truly inspired me Barbie. Love you ❤️

  • @joanmory2789
    @joanmory2789 12 днів тому +1

    Barbie showing some love on your vlog ❤ im from camarillo, ca

  • @jaspersparents6947
    @jaspersparents6947 16 днів тому +6

    Oh wow Barb. I was just there at Diamond Jamboree! Took my family to eat at Pepper Lunch (Japanese hot plate).
    My kids love Somi Somi BTW! Also America is going Ube crazy over the last year!

  • @kaylostinspace
    @kaylostinspace 16 днів тому +5

    Your friend's cool !

  • @Vit-h5i
    @Vit-h5i 3 дні тому

    Nakatuwa ka naman barbie, nadala mo talaga Ang tinola hanggang sa Bahay nyo sa US

  • @humminbird6990
    @humminbird6990 16 днів тому +3

    Your place is so beautiful. Try to check on your neighbourhood or next town, there might have some Fiesta that you can crash in.

  • @MrTabo2023
    @MrTabo2023 16 днів тому +2

    Wow, you went to Newport Beach, CA. I've been there many times over the years. It always looks good to me. Well, I always liked So Cal. I'm in the Philippines now for my retirement. Enjoy your stay in the OC.

  • @daddiksworld5383
    @daddiksworld5383 16 днів тому +10

    Ganda jn Barbie..

  • @ninonwaba3432
    @ninonwaba3432 16 днів тому +2

    SF enjoyed watching your clips ❤️🇵🇭

  • @emersongarcia2179
    @emersongarcia2179 16 днів тому +5

    If tomorrow all the things were gone
    I worked for all my life
    And I had to start again
    With just my children and my wife
    I thank my lucky stars
    To be living here today
    'Cause the flag still stands for freedom
    And they can't take that away
    And I'm proud to be an American
    Where at least I know I'm free
    And I won't forget the men who died
    Who gave that right to me
    And I'd gladly stand up next to you
    And defend Her still today
    'Cause there ain't no doubt
    I love this land
    God Bless the U.S.A.
    From the lakes of Minnesota
    To the hills of Tennessee
    Across the plains of Texas
    From sea to shining sea
    From Detroit down to Houston
    And New York to L.A.
    Where's pride in every American heart
    And it's time we stand and say
    That I'm proud to be an American
    Where at least I know I'm free
    And I won't forget the men who died
    Who gave that right to me
    And I'd gladly stand up next to you
    And defend Her still today
    'Cause there ain't no doubt
    I love this land
    God Bless the U.S.A.
    And I'm proud to be an American
    Where at least I know I'm free
    And I won't forget the men who died
    Who gave that right to me
    And I'd gladly stand up next to you
    And defend Her still today
    'Cause there ain't no doubt
    I love this land
    God Bless the U.S.A.

    • @algrand52
      @algrand52 13 днів тому

      Really? Even with a convicted felon/serial rapist winning a presidential election and will be your face to the world that see him nothing more than a con-man? Smh

  • @jeffreyagon7487
    @jeffreyagon7487 День тому

    Welcome to Philippines 🎉

    @GEMSTONE74 16 днів тому +7

    Barbie are u in California for doctor appointments? Hurry and get fix then back to siargao so i can meet u there
    Siargao afam bridge is not the same without Barbie’s ice cream

  • @RafaelDavid-i7z
    @RafaelDavid-i7z 16 днів тому +2

    I’ve been in Palms Springs several times and I’ll say Aerial Tramway is the best attraction find time to see it

  • @karenrojo3068
    @karenrojo3068 16 днів тому +4

    I was looking for you in Catarnan Bridge When I went to Siargao last summer with my bf from California but you weren't there 🙁. Enjoy your vacay Barbie. Hope to see you here in Cebu. 😊

  • @WRogue-uh1rk
    @WRogue-uh1rk 16 днів тому +17

    Go back to where your love 💕 is. He’s a good and kind-hearted guy. Ken loves you, and I think you do too…you just don’t want to admit it I think because maybe you want to weigh your options.

    • @faithlynemucati
      @faithlynemucati 16 днів тому

      kulit mo pinagsisiksikanyo , hndi nman cla bata diktahan, mas masarap ang kaibigan kysa jowa di din nagtatagal

  • @AllanRomano-j5p
    @AllanRomano-j5p 16 днів тому +7

    Pilipino people love's you.

  • @seaweedhero1707
    @seaweedhero1707 15 днів тому +3

    Tinola... Pairs well with Shinola?

  • @bootscanlas9995
    @bootscanlas9995 21 годину тому

    Hello welcome to California

  • @francesc213
    @francesc213 16 днів тому +5

    Hi Barbie, I’ve been watching & liking your videos for the past 6 months! It’s fun to watch you enjoy life in my home country ❤ Hope you can return there soon. Hit me up if you’re ever coming over in San Francisco area! I’d love to host your stay even for just a day ❤

  • @romeobaas8943
    @romeobaas8943 16 днів тому +1

    Hi! I always watch your video on our tv but i cannot comment there. we do have salmon here. Not sure why there isn't in Siargao. Anyhow, enjoy your vacation. Remember, home is where your heart is.

  • @poldovillareal8047
    @poldovillareal8047 16 днів тому +5

    hi barbie. ka gwafa oi we love you here pinay na barbie.

  • @Jez_eats
    @Jez_eats 16 днів тому +5

    12:42 your friend is gorgeous ❤

  • @nicoj3660
    @nicoj3660 15 днів тому

    Thank you

  • @joelbernal3890
    @joelbernal3890 16 днів тому +2

    I saw two humongous moringga tree along Slauson Ave.before Normandie outside the fence of a house.

    @SECRETPURPOSE 10 днів тому +1

    $18 malunggay!
    At Manila markets it's 10 piso for unlimited

  • @darwinsvaleza
    @darwinsvaleza 16 днів тому

    Thank you for showing us around ❤

  • @obbie1osias467
    @obbie1osias467 6 днів тому

    Malunggay grows wild here in Florida!!! I have 10 trees around my house and we never run out!!!😀 If you can sell it for that amount wherever you are, I'll export it to you for half the price!🤣

  • @Jammer411
    @Jammer411 8 днів тому +2


  • @beadyfoodhider2951
    @beadyfoodhider2951 13 днів тому

    you will get use to it again its just an adjustment oeriod, america better, stay there and be happy

  • @kayflip2233
    @kayflip2233 16 днів тому +3

    You're much more Southeast Asian in terms of lifestyle, humor, outlook and personality.

  • @williamgarcia102
    @williamgarcia102 16 днів тому +1

    Hey Barbie, welcome back to California… I service a lot of the restaurants there in Irvine specially where you just previously went for dinner… I like BCD Tofu House although I’m not a huge fan of the traffic and hard to find parking space whenever I go there… Ridiculous 😂 Try 85deg bakery, it’s really good… I seriously didn’t even watch the part where you went to both places I was just mentioning and there you go… BCD Tofu house is a nice spot… Meet fresh is good too

  • @MaryKissaKangleon-tz4on
    @MaryKissaKangleon-tz4on 4 дні тому

    Amping diha,

  • @indiahenretta2962
    @indiahenretta2962 16 днів тому +6

    Are you going to Michigan to be with your family ? 😊 if you’re in Orange County then there’s a Filipino supermarket in El Toro Road, Irvine 😂 and lots of Filipino restaurants 😂 enjoy

  • @dangski-ho9nb
    @dangski-ho9nb 9 днів тому

    8 bucks for something you get in the PH for free true about "organic" food in the US that you buy in the supermarket, best if you have access to an actual small farm there that sells their livestock. love the kitchen

  • @artangeloymana1625
    @artangeloymana1625 16 днів тому +1

    Foreigners who are used already in the Philippines, are very hard adjusting to their country when they go back. . . Experiences that they have gained, will live in your permanent memory. 😅

  • @kusinerodeleon7189
    @kusinerodeleon7189 5 днів тому

    In Batangas, you just go to the neighbor's malunggay tree and choose which part you prefer (the young or mature leaves) and pick like about 8 but end up using only 3😅

  • @MercedesBatlangao
    @MercedesBatlangao 16 днів тому +2

    Siargao is barbie.....barbie is Siargao.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  • @larrybarrett5810
    @larrybarrett5810 14 днів тому

    Good Day !

  • @jeraldojose958
    @jeraldojose958 15 днів тому

    Welcome back! Why you make your mind to came back here in America? ❤️❤️❤️

  • @IanPhilLasPiñas
    @IanPhilLasPiñas 16 днів тому


  • @marventurestv249
    @marventurestv249 14 днів тому

    We miss you Barbie ❤ Come back soon in Siargao PH 🇵🇭

  • @markallenarcano9439
    @markallenarcano9439 16 днів тому

    Present Miss Barbie 🙋

  • @chrisalyst9867
    @chrisalyst9867 16 днів тому +3

    Your friend must be rich! Her house is gorgeous! Is she a Filipina?

  • @PabloNaidasjr
    @PabloNaidasjr 16 днів тому +1

    If you wanna hangout california is the best many filipinos are living

  • @jamescaraman1029
    @jamescaraman1029 16 днів тому

    6:34 As long as you wash your hands before eating, Filipinos won’t judge you. It’s your food, and you can eat it however you like-just make sure not to throw it at someone, as that crosses the line into their personal space. 😂🤣😆 Have a good one barbie. We miss you.

    @XSABROH6 16 днів тому +1

    Hello… you’re around the corner of Pinoy Pam Best on El Toro Road in Laguna Hills. ( down the road from Island Pacific)
    Great food like mom’s. We go there for Laing.

  • @dgibbsfl
    @dgibbsfl 15 днів тому

    I have been in the Philippines for seven years and the prospects of what is going on in the United States and what life is now like there now compared to how my life has settled out in the Philippines including access to healthcare....I cannot imagine going back and I hope to God I never have to. I maintain a lot of acquaintances in the U.S. and more and more of them are starting to ask me about my experience(s) living outside of the U.S. If a person is able to retire with a guaranteed income or has a lock on good quality remote (virtual) work capabilities, it certainly gives cause to pause and consider the alternatives. It is however, not something that should be approached in a willy nilly manner.....there are pitfalls.

  • @gracedomingo658
    @gracedomingo658 16 днів тому +5

    Very nice big house of your hospitable generous Pinay friend over there in USA.Enjoy your stay and make the most out of it.❤

  • @bbgcars
    @bbgcars 9 днів тому

    Been in the Philippines for 20 years, never been to siargao..hmm its on my bucket list fo sho!

  • @JennieSkylar
    @JennieSkylar 16 днів тому

    Reverse culture shock, Barbie. ❤

  • @nanettemiller4853
    @nanettemiller4853 16 днів тому +4

    Your friend has a nice home!👍👍👍

  • @WinstonGoc-ong
    @WinstonGoc-ong 16 днів тому +4

    Barbz you dont wearing winter coat, there's no snow there in calif?

  • @marlondrifts
    @marlondrifts 15 днів тому

    Welcome back to the freezing temperatures & snow & possibly people as well! Yes, I have experienced culture shock both here in the US & Philippines, more so back in Pinas. Something that i'm sure all foreigners/immigrants experience. It's gonna be a couple of dark months ahead and something that is not experienced in the Philippines. I am 100% sure you will miss your daily routines and the warm weather & people in Pinas. You should do more videos from here in your daily life so people back home can see how truly it is to live here despite being "1st World" country. It's not all its cracked up to be. Simple life even being poor in the Philippines vs here can make a BIG difference despite the challenges. Although, Philippines does have it's own set of issues but that is anywhere in this world that we live it. Anyway, I hope you adjusting back to American life & continue to act Filipino as you will probably get looks and weirdness from our fellow citizens. Mabuhay & catch you later!