Saturday chat.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @c123bthunderpig
    @c123bthunderpig 4 місяці тому

    Very interesting transition in scale from the RC type from plastic, it was certainly exponential in comparing just the cockpit size and that 1/72 wing to the wooden wing. Plus it require a a different level of expertise. I typically have music on as well when I'm building, we have Hulu and Disney package with several other streaming channels like Netflix if I'm on a long build time sometimes I play a movie in the background Anxious to see bow Wheelie Yellow is conning along. CHEERS BOB.

  • @jackmoik4894
    @jackmoik4894 4 місяці тому +1

    Great post. Of course I like watching your posts while I'm doing model building ;-) Other channels like Flory Models, Nigels modeling bench or The Interesting Modeling Co. inspire me just as much. By the way, I design digital AI backgrounds with Stable Diffusion, you can load different models and render the images locally on your own computer. This is really a very useful tool. Greetings from Germany.

    • @deonjansen
      @deonjansen  4 місяці тому

      glad you enjoy. I will look up stable diffusion. AI is a very cool hobby too. what do you build mostly?

    • @jackmoik4894
      @jackmoik4894 4 місяці тому +1

      @@deonjansen As a kid I loved to build the classic Revell, Airfix, Matchbox and Revell kits, mostly planes and ships. In the late seventees, Star Wars and other Sci-Fi stuff forced me to start scratchbuilding, as most of the spaceships weren't availible as model kits.
      In the ninetees I worked as a modelbuilder for TV and film, learned a lot of techniques to build fast and real looking miniature stuff. Then came CGI, but I never really left the model bench. It's still a vital part of my life.
      Recently I returned to classic model kits, I'm planning a couple of miniatures featured in films and TV. I have a Bell 206 Jet Ranger on my bench now, a horroble vintage kit from IMC, rereleased by Italleri. Sadly it's the only Jet Ranger in 1:32. I like to paint it in the white gold James Bond Moonraker scheme, I haven't seen anybody before doing that :-)

    • @deonjansen
      @deonjansen  4 місяці тому

      @@jackmoik4894 wow nice - models for TV and film. Theres a Revell boxed JetRanger in 1/32

    • @jackmoik4894
      @jackmoik4894 4 місяці тому

      @@deonjansen Yeah, that's the same kit, Revell did buy the mould. It has a lot of fit issues, minimal detail, raised panel lines and much more. I had do correct the tail with a hairdrier, it was shped like a banana 😅. I wish, more companies would do new moulds from civil aircraft, (and ships) but it seems, there is no market. People would rather buy another Tiger tank or a Bismarck 🤔

    • @deonjansen
      @deonjansen  4 місяці тому +1

      @@jackmoik4894 i have or had that 1/32 Jetranger, and here i thought it was a good one. oh well. thanks for telling me.

  • @scurvy8895
    @scurvy8895 4 місяці тому

    With the small scale diorama you could make some shadow box sides and hang them on empty spaces on garage walls.

    • @deonjansen
      @deonjansen  4 місяці тому

      hmmm, nice idea, now you got me thinking

  • @philsmodelmaking2260
    @philsmodelmaking2260 4 місяці тому

    whenever I get yellowed decals in a kit, I just put them in a sunny window for a while, the yellowing will then get bleached out, giving a clearer carrier film.