Incredible!! Thank you so much for your hard work. I wish Konami would update the music for the upcoming HD Remakes. Sure, the music is great in its original form, but the soundtrack would benefit greatly with a few live instruments or even real orchestra (probably too expensive).
00:00:00 始まりのテーマ (名前入力画面) - Beginning Theme -
00:01:32 敵襲 - Enemy Attack -
00:03:27 疑惑 - Suspicion -
00:05:31 勝利への意欲 - The Desire to Triumph -
00:08:01 結果 - Results -
00:08:57 回想 - Reminiscence - Opening
00:10:48 働かざるもの食うべからず - Those That Don't Work Don't Deserve to Eat -
00:13:11 最初のお仕事 - The First Job -
00:15:18 次なるお仕事 - The Next Job -
00:16:37 ニンジン、食べるかい? - Are You Going to Eat That Carrot? -
00:18:45 平和村人暮鳥声 - Voice of the Peaceful Mountain Villager Bochou -
00:21:05 大道芸 - Street Performing -
00:23:28 冒険の旅 - Adventurous Journey -
00:26:11 迷宮~PENPE2 - Labyrinth ~PENPE2 -
00:29:29 郷愁 - Nostalgia -
00:32:46 Beautiful Morning
00:35:36 王者の行進 - The King's March -
00:38:07 救出 - Rescue -
00:40:08 子供たちは野に遊び - Children Are Playing in the Fields -
00:43:08 緊迫 - Tension -
00:45:14 過ぎた日々 - Bygone Days -
00:47:25 あの丘に登ろう - Let's Climb That Hill -
00:49:50 静かなお部屋 - Quiet Room -
00:51:56 ナルシーのテーマふたたび - Theme of Narcissism Again -
00:54:35 月夜のテーマ - Theme of a Moonlit Night -
00:59:03 偵察の任務 - Reconnaissance Mission -
01:01:26 同盟軍よ永遠に - Allied Armies Forever -
01:03:23 耳を澄ませば - If You Listen Carefully -
01:05:29 ああ、麗しの踊り子 - Ah, Beautiful Dancer -
01:07:36 ナハーラ・ヤン・クン - Nahara Yan Kun -
01:10:49 フーガ「我があるじを讃えよ」 - Fugue 'Praise to My Master' -
01:13:32 彼女のため息 - Her Sigh -
01:17:37 ダンディ・リッチモンド - Dandy Richmond -
01:20:07 作戦 - Tactics -
01:22:47 なごみの時間 - Relaxation Time -
01:26:22 昔話 - Folklore -
01:30:49 さざ波に運ばれて - Carried on Rippling Waves -
01:33:14 毎日がカーニバル - Every Day Is a Carnival -
01:35:44 ウィ・アー・ザ・ナンバー・ワン! - We Are Number Wuff! -
01:38:05 2つの川 - Two Rivers -
01:41:27 賑わいの街 - A Bustling Town -
01:43:44 幕明料理対決 - Curtains, Lights, Cooking Showdown -
01:45:55 囚われた街 - Captured Town -
01:48:05 母への祈り - A Prayer to My Mother -
01:50:39 なごみBGM 3 - Relaxation BGM 3 -
01:53:47 自由ふたたび - Freedom Again -
01:56:21 もっと遠くへ - To a More Distant Place -
01:58:59 若き勇者たち - Young Heroes -
02:01:22 誇り高きサラバンド - Proud Saraband -
02:03:36 ゴルドーという男 - A Man Named Gorudo -
02:05:37 なごみBGM2 - Relaxation BGM 2 -
02:08:40 儀式 - Ceremony -
02:11:13 平和の賛歌 - Praise of Peace -
02:14:22 さらに栄えし美しき黄金の都 - The Even More Glorious, Beautiful Golden Capital -
02:16:47 グレミオ特製シチュー - Gremio's Special Stew -
02:19:59 魔物たちとの対決ふたたび - Confrontation With Monsters Again -
02:22:46 遠い空 - Distant Skies -
02:23:32 忍者隠れ里 - Hidden Village of the Ninja -
02:27:26 追いつめる - Cornered -
02:31:13 Mad Luka
02:33:26 邪悪なる者 - The Evil One -
02:35:47 枯れた大地 - Withered Earth -
02:38:17 ティントの街はずれ - Town on the Outskirts of Tinto -
02:40:48 Gothic Neclord
02:44:42 怒りの鉄拳 - Fist of Anger -
02:47:07 悲しみのレクイエム - Reqiuem of Sadness -
02:49:23 対決の時 - Time of Confrontation -
02:52:48 銀狼 - Silver Wolf -
02:56:39 エンディング・マーチ~我らは常にいつならん~ - Ending March ~When Will We Meet Again -
Incredible!! Thank you so much for your hard work. I wish Konami would update the music for the upcoming HD Remakes. Sure, the music is great in its original form, but the soundtrack would benefit greatly with a few live instruments or even real orchestra (probably too expensive).
It was very difficult to reproduce. These are masterpieces that will never fade no matter how many years pass. thank you😆
Finally you expend your soundtrack list on this one compared from your video before. Thank you!
Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!
Great OSTs for the greatest JRPG of all time
Hell yeah! I’ve been waiting for this, I can’t wait to finally listen to the whole soundtrack! Right in time for me to finish the game too
I can't wait for the Suikoden remake!