This happened to an entire new subdivision not to far from where I live. They built houses on an old swamp and bam , a huge sink hole opened up & swallowed the houses. Some were already occupied , but luckily no one was home at the time.
Yeah I heard one time a entire city (1.7 million people) disappeared because it was built on a swamp and a big hole opened up and swallowed it. Thank god nobody was home at the time 🙏
That's a perfect example of why a firm foundation is important in every aspect of one's life Edit : I just wanted to thank all of you that liked and commented ,this was the first time I got well over 20 likes and it was pretty cool . Thank yall and I hope you all have a blessed day today , we all deserve a little happy bounce in our step .
Happening all over the States. Shoddy workmanship, cheaply built houses. We call them popcorn house because they appear overnight. I wouldn't be surprised if this one sold for 600k. Gotta love corporate greed!
I call them cookie-cutter houses because they all look exactly the same in those stupid subdivisions they keep building everywhere. Cheaply built houses that all look the same inside and out.
Lol surprisingly hammering sticks into wet stand is actually incredibly stable. look up the Golden Gate Bridge construction or the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. This seems like it was just put on top of the sand which like you said is not very smart. 😂
I've worked construction in the US for years... they are all made like that. Rarely... very rarely did we build anything that would make us feel it would last for decades. It's all wood and sheet rock pretty much. What we would do is just add more braces to the ones close to the coast
Additionally there is no requirement for the locality to perform the geo engineering services. A lot of these homes were built based on engineering done by a third party that was hired by the developers.
@@kristiankamphaus2174 close. The owner is required to provide the local planning department Soil engineering before they will issue a building permit. Planning reviews to confirm soil engineering is suitable for the proposed structure. The owner is the developer if the homes were built as speculations;
They get them. They just ignore them. I should know... I covered enough city council meetings as a reporter. This isn't a new or unusual thing for Utah, unfortunately. 😢
Its because modern American homes are made out of brittle, thin surfaces. Nothing is solid. Just look how this house falls apart all on its own. They use styrofoam for insulation, the walls are plywood, compressed cardboard, and inside the walls are plaster boards. There is no substance. Nothing that holds the walls up.
storm. They take the worst storm in a century and build to handle it. If something abnormal happens this is the result. You wouldn’t build a house to withstand a Florida hurricane in the desert region.
Yeah but in the event it does collapse, you're gonna have a health and safety hazard for blocks, and anyone near will probably get cancer. Basically what the guy above me said
We have 100+ year old homes on steep hill sides in earthquake Los Angeles California still habitable and this new construction fails and falls? The developers, city/county and builders should be banned from ever doing business with building a home again. What a joke.
THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BUILDERS. The CITY improperly zoned this land for building use. The CITY is to blame. I cannot believe how many jacka$$es like you keep saying the same thing when all of you dumb nuts don't even know WTF you're talking about 🥴
It's because all of you keep breeding faster than we can build homes and houses get more expensive. At that point the scammers and untrained take over and this happens
Who do you mean with a 'builder'? The construction workers dont have any say in how the house will be structurally build. That is the job of an architect. Construction workers just follow plans. Then usually some governing body is responsible for validating if the plans follow the proper guidelines. Then another body is responsible for making guidelines. So the responsible person is depending on where the fault is (the following of the plan, the making of the plan, the validating of the plan or the making of the guidelines). Usually it is a combination of many tiny errors/miscommunications/faults at the multiple levels. Saying dumb shit like 'builder responsible because building collapse' isn't worth listening to if you care about actually understanding the situation/preventing future situations/ holding the right people responsible.
Well, it is in Utah, the Beige Becky state. The house was just trying to get to the hobby lobby before the other Mormon moms could scoop up all the deals! 🤣
Those look like new construction. Chances are people hadn’t occupied them yet. If they were contracted already, Homeowners have lots of options if their house isn’t raised properly.
I went to Idaho this past year and went thru Salt Lake City Utah on my way.. I could not believe all the dumb people that built homes all over the sides of the mountains... everywhere you look on every mountain there are giant homes. With all the snow they get and snow melt causing land slides this is what you get.. The mountains are beautiful, those homes shouldn't be up there and this is mother nature's way of taking the mountain back.
Yep. I live about 20 min. from Salt Lake and I just shake my head at all the irresponsible building here. Not only are slides and floods a danger, but in the summer months some of those hillside areas are also prone to wildfire. Not smart.
Mountains are fine, Draper is sand. These folks even sing a hymn about “a wise man building his house upon the rocks and a fool building on sand.” Of course the homeowner may not be of the predominant religion but the chances that no one from developer, surveyor, county (or city) planning, realtor and title company wasn’t, is nil.
I think in USA houses are build by Cardboards.In my country we use steel rods for firm base of a house/ building and make house or building with bricks and mortar/cement or sometime concrete.
@@deandollahite4779How convenient for the insurance companies. 😂 Then again, they are there to make profits through an aggregation of carefully calculated risks, not help people in times of need. Hopefully, it is still possible for people to at least legally persue the builders, surveyors, etc. for negligence in a civil case.
Must be devastated. Hope they can sue builders, surveyors etc. You put your trust in people that are meant to be qualified ,when making the biggest purchase of your life and then this happens. I hope no adults or children were inside at the time.❤
Neither house was occupied. They never made it past final inspection. I just want to know who was paid off to sign off on the building permits for that land.
There is not a single solid wall in this house. Modern American homes are put up with plywood, styrofoam for insulation, plasterboards, and all brittle surfaces. Not a single solid material. But still they ask million dollar price. As if it was a real construction.
@@captain_context9991 you really have no idea what you're talking about about. I watched 2x4s popping out of the walls as they collapsed. Those are made of solid wood.
@@daleyfun2247 Hahahaha MADE by solid wood. Christ, you must be american. The denial culture over there is just off the hook. Are you gonna tell me next that the house didnt really fall down? Yeah... The thin, sparse scaffolding is made out of wood. With 3 feet of spacing to the next stick of wood. The only solid surface in the whole construction. Do you see anything else solid in there? Like concrete walls? Like cinder blocks? No? Well then these walls are not solid, are they. Notice the styrofoam that looks like snow. Amazing. Why is everything American so rubbish.
My house has been standing in the same place for 175 years, it doesn't even have a concrete footer under it, just big square stones sitting on the ground...and I got it for free from my grandparents.
We have good basements here too, the soil was just literally too wet to provide any kind of support- brick would have tipped over instead of crumbling like this wooden house, but rest assured they both would be on the ground in a similarly fantastic way. Whoever surveyed these places did not do their job in making sure the ground could take any kind of substantial weight without shifting.
As children, we sang a song at Sunday school, "The wise man built his house upon the rock and the wind and rain did blow and the walls stood firm! The foolish man built his house upon the sand and the walls came tunbling down!". Sung to actions 😀
@@markstewart4501 No, imagine you'd finally got a deposit together after years of saving and this was your new home! It's not just the loss of the home but you've still got a mortgage and ahead of you years of court cases against a builder, who obviously didn't folliw building code, developers who didn't stabalise the land or local government who gave licence for an area which wasn't viable for building. If all the correct work had been done before licences and permits issued, and the city engineers signed off on the development, the home wouldn't have been in this situation.
@@cbisme6414exactly!! And you should get permits for everything you do that requires a permit. A family in the town i use to live in put in a fireplace and didn't get a permit. About 12 years later their house burns down and the cause was found to be the fireplace that the fire originated from. Their house was plowed down, too much damage, and their homeowners insurance wouldn't pay for the damages because they never got a permit for the fireplace. So, they still had a mortgage to pay, no house, just the lot left and they ended up having to claim bankruptcy and moved to an apartment. Sad that people usually don't think of things like this before they proceed without the proper permits.
@@SamuelBlack84 pots and pans in the street, or too much? Maybe a block/street party? Instead of pin the tale on the donkey, maybe tie a helium balloon to the front door knob type dare? Maybe a New Orleans funeral marching band? hmmm, maybe one of those christmas set ups with the lights where you tune your radio in for the music? Business cap...we sale house insurance. People ARE GOING TO WANT TO SEE IT...Split the profits with the whoevers and the responsibles and the hotel stay extra comfort food? I love the wacky parts of capitalism. Such a positive corky force for good.
@@milkshakepuppy5413we lived there for 9 years in the Ogden area. I dont know where you were, but we had mainly kind and compassionate neighbors. We are Catholic, not LDS btw. Only left because aging family needed us back in Indiana.
Сейчас все стараются построить быстро. Я помню в детстве строили фундамент и оставляли его на несколько лет. Чтобы он пережил пару смен сезонов. И потом смотрели как он себя "чувствует" , только после этого строили дом. Говорили, что фундамент должен "постареть" .
«Раньше» на месте застройки не делали геологические изыскания. То, что вы написали про «пару сезонов», «несколько лет», «старение» фундамента - простите великодушно, но в современном строительстве это называется ненаучной фантастикой, иначе говоря - бредом. Для деревянного строения это «выстаивание» фундамента вообще не имеет смысла. Удивлён, что у вашего смешного утверждения нашлось столько больных на голову поклонников. Чем больше верований, дедовских сказочных преданий и чем меньше науки или просто хорошего образования - тем больше дилетантов в строительстве и, соответственно, результаты налицо.
Дада ты прав ток у нас так 10 этажку построили сразу а потом год ждали чтоб лифт в шахте незастревал. Когда вторую рядом строили дали полгода фундаменту отстоятся и фсе как помаслу пошло
Я живу в доме постройки 1960г. Всего было построено 7 домов: 6 двухэтажных и мой трехэтажный. Судя по датам постройки, в год строился 1 дом, первый в 1954. Не знаю как строили 6 домов, а как строили мой, мне рассказал отец. Он уже знал, что получит квартиру в этом доме и ходил смотреть стройку. На этом месте когда-то были плавни и грунтовые воды находятся очн близко к поверхности. Когда начали рыть яму под фундамен, она тут же заполнялась водой, поэтому заморачиваться не стали и вырыли по периметру не глубокую ямку и залили туда цемент с ракушечником, а на этом фундаменте стены возвели. Дому 64 года, а он стоит! Вот только после землетрясения в 2002 году трещина в стене образовалась но не большая, только ладонь сосед смог просунуть. Но ЖКХ справились с этой проблемой быстро и не дорого. Они запенили трещину пенобетоном и замазали штукатуркой. Вуаля! Ветер в квартиру соседа уже не залетает 22 года. Подвала в доме нет, так как фундамента тоже практически нет, но есть такая пародия на подвал для коммуникаций. Это яма в подъезде под лестничной клеткой, Где-то 1.5 м глубиной и 2х2 периметр. Там трубы водопроводные, разводка по дому. Яма только в одном подъезде, вот только она всё время наполняется водой, особенно после дождя. Но и эту проблему решили. Поставили насос, который откачивает эту воду. Хотела добиться переселения из аварийного жилья, приехала комиссия во главе с главным архитектором города. К приезду комиссии вырыли яму, чтоб они могли посмотреть фундамент. Но вот незадача, яму вырыли накануне, а к утру она была до краев наполнена водой. Комиссия приехала, а фундамента не видно. Второй раз яму рыли за час до приезда комиссии. Благо рыть много не пришлось, так как фундамента оказалось 20-30 см. Стоим мы у этой ямы с архитектором, смотрим на полуразрушенный фундамент из цемента и ракушечником, и он у меня спрашивает: а где фундамент? Так это и есть фундамент трехэтажного дома, построенного на воде😂 Заключение комиссии я перечитывала три раза, думала, что розыгрыш. В нем сказано, что у дома 68℅ износа и требуется капитальный ремонт фундамента, стен, балконов и крыши. Это был 2017 год. Крышу отремонтировали в 2022. До ремонта крыши вода текла по стенам снаружи и внутри соседней квартиры 3 года, а так как у нас общая стена, то у меня образовался грибок, который вывести невозможно. Соседей частично спасал натяжной потолок, после каждого дождя они сливали с него воду. После ремонта крыши вода по стенам не течёт, теперь она течёт внутри стен. При ремонте, выход вентиляционных шахт на крыше накрыли жестью, которую унесло первым же ветром вместе с кирпичами, к которым ее прибили. Теперь все осадки у нас заливаются в эти шахты, но радует, что из отдушин ничего не вытекает, видимо вся вода по стенам шахт уходит в землю. Вот только в подъезде на первом этаже стена очень раздулась и краска со штукатуркой отваливаются. Но дом стоит! Вопрос сколько ещё он простоит? А тут на видео совершенно новый дом и развалился! Видимо его действительно из пенопласта строили.
@@mackpack3561 that's correct. A geotechnical engineering company will either perform on site tests, or bring samples to a lab to determine the shear strength of the soil. For cases where the soil is weak, deep foundations, like piles, may be required.
That is what happens with the houses of sticks and plaster that are built in the United States, these houses are like the houses in the story of "The Three Little Pigs", the wolf blows and destroys it.
Its amazing that in a first world country like America that the quality of their housing is so poor. Building literally made of thin sticks of wood and paper stuck together with glue and staples. Crazy.
It's not the builder. He is just told to build it The soil engineers could be to blame but if it's a bad area they will tell you it's your land. Build it. But it's all on the owner. Insurance won't cover it if they do t get proper engineering sign-offs. Many times on beaches theu all sign off that it's not safe but do what you want. posted by Draper City, the homes were ordered to be evacuated in October 2022. This was related to earth shifting that resulted in sliding and breaks in the homes' foundations.
The homes were ordered to be evacuated in October 2022. This was related to earth shifting that resulted in sliding and breaks in the homes' foundations.
Brings back memories when I was working on a house in the basement pouring footings for a wall and the wall came in ward in front of me you could hear rocks falling behind the wall I went outside in the front of house and you could hear the sounds that something was not right little cracks in the structure was spreading apart so I waited for a minute and talked with the inspector of the job site I told him that the problem was that they didn’t secure the walls and foundation well enough and I told him it was going to crumble and cave in and he stood next to me and Watched the whole house collapsed and crumble in to a pile
I thought the same thing , also That concrete didn't slide it fell apart too. This was so bad I'd be looking at insurance fraud. My house is 3 stories, 2 of them literally on the side of a mountain and survived 3 cat 5 hurricanes.
Steak dinner sound good? 😂😂 Sadly this is so true I have seen it several times. The last 4 Houses i wired I can almost guarantee one of them will do this after the second good hurricane! We are not talking spec houses. 12 k SF Plus. SMH
Это так и есть пенопласт каторыи в упаковках кладут что товар не разбился я строитель и очень хорошо знаю особенно части здании и общая технология, проектов, да в Европе все так строят но у нас в России нет
@@сабринаильеску Значит вы плохой строитель или просто не знаете что не везде так строиться как в Россие 🤔🙈 Мы живём 34 года в Германии,мой муж строитель и я точно знаю как они дома строят и это точно не так как вы тут стараетесь нам рассказать🙈😀 А вот как раз то в России всё строится лижбы лижбы,как на соплях,по крайней мере раньше, сейчас может уже немного усовременились🙈😀 Я видела очень много документальных фильмов о коммуналках где полы плавают,дыры в стенах в котоых живут крысы и т.п....🤦
@@noirlite5573 right. so developers are buying the land and developing it against advice because they and their investors stand to make a huge profit. the expression money talks means you'll do whatever regardless because you've got the money.
Any land can be built on with appropriate soil preparation and foundations. Obviously, they dont do that kind of work for theses new cardboard huts. But it doesnt cancel the fact that, with sufficient modifications and preparation done to the ground, a stable base can be made to support a home. How do you think we can build concrete supports for massive bridges crossing huge rivers otherwise? This is just the result of price cutting by not laying down the appropriate foundation and not doing the excavation work to stabilize the soil. It is not a matter of “an area that shouldn’t be supposed to be developed”, but a matter of developing an area while not spending the money required to modify the land appropriately. Pillars of many bridges have been standing strong, many bridges that are many decades old, and in some case, centuries. The bottom of such rivers is nothing but stable. Its just mud. The pillars stand because they were built on sufficient foundations with enough landwork around them. Theses homes are just cardboard on a slice of thin concrete “foundation”
😢 My mother grew up in an area that was between two cities at the time. She and her brothers played in a creek as rhey walked to and from rural school. The cities grew, the creek got a bunch of fill dirt dumped in it, and housing built on top. Then people got mad their houses flooded. Especially finished basements. 🙃🙄
Если оставить на улице пластиковую вещь на зиму, то она потом когда весной ее найдешь- начинает крошиться. И тут такое же ощущение будто дом из пластика и на морозе пластиковые стены промёрзли и крошатся. Обратили внимание?- ни одного кирпича! Сложился как карточный домик.
@@cmdr-reflipd Exactly. Get approved for a loan with a %20 down payment and it turns into 1500 a month. Not only that, you get to get to actually keep it forever, paying towards an assets that can be resold and for a profit , rather than feeding some greasy landlords bank account. Work hard for a few years with strong discipline, buy a house.
I live 10 minutes from here. They've been building on the opposite side of this current mountain for 15 years and just recently started building homes on the back end (here) and this is what happened.
@@nomudnolotusnodragonnogold--Utah. There were two houses this happened to but this one crumbled into nothing and left a big hole. It looked like a jet plane hit it.
@@lynnleigha580 not sure about this specific one, but I worked building structures with foam forms. They fit together and then you pour concrete and lay rebar in the middle of the forms. There were so many OSHA violations that I didn’t stick around to see it finished, but the forms themselves were cool. Edit: Google image “polycrete”
@@mtguy234Right? An engineer is what one needs to determine the stability of the soil. Compaction and such things need to be measured. It's not a land surveyor's job to determine whether the ground is safe to build on, his job is to accurately record where things like boundaries and monuments and land markers are located, mostly for legal purposes.
@@glynnisthomas9165yeah funny enough the surveyor is the only one that’s not responsible for this lol. This involves the geotech engineer, the structural engineer, the site/civil engineer, and the contractor(if they didn’t follow design guidelines and specs)
Passed** It's not a "certified inspection" either. It's the fault of the engineer whom surveyed the land, did the soil reports and was supposed to engineer the proper foundation for those reports or deem the land unbuildable to begin with. If the land WAS buildable, then the foundation or the water management is wrong which again goes back to the engineer. If the engineer didn't do their job, then the architect couldn't have done their job properly. If the engineer did do their job, then the architect didn't do THEIR job. An inspector ONLY inspects that the building is built according to the architectural drawings which includes the city codes and engineers recommendations and findings. This is coming from a builder, me, who's been in the field for over 15 years. I've been doing construction since I was 19 years old.
Or..... the builder didn't do the recommended remediation prior to build or the builder laid foundation in saturated soil when the soil was frozen instead of thawed or the builder started building prior to compaction completion. Not saying Jackie's things aren't true, but going only by that, the builder is never at fault. I recall a roof of a super dome collapsing and it wasn't the engineers' faults.
@@j.thomas7128 Buddy, for this instance in particular, it's not the builder, it's the land slide, which strictly goes back to the engineer. There are times builders are at fault, yes, but I'm specifically commenting on this case in particular. That's all. 😊
@@warlorty It hurts when a woman knows more than what a man should in a construction field doesn't it? Here, take this 🍪 back. You seem to need it more...
Thats very scary . Poor people. My mom use to say after the concrete foundation is poured a good builder waits till the foundation settles before building the rest , however long that takes. Not these days i noticed. Subdivisions go up like they sprouted over night.
Hey carpenter here, it takes concrete 28 days to reach full strength but after about 14 days its at 85% strength which will support the load of a building
@@UberUnderAged You're correct about the time it takes for concrete to cure where cold weather is not an issue. I believe the original comment was about settlement duration and magnitude, which depends on the surcharge, soil type, and groundwater table depth.
Those poor people! I really hope they had time to at least get their important and valuable things out. To lose your home like that, like a soggy cardboard box, must be heartbreaking. I hope nobody was hurt.
I am not going to pick at the state but in Utah/Kansas they teach how to divide fractions in high school… I am happy the house was empty and it was safe but seriously this is a macro-problem, resulting from their poor education. There is a reason why large cities do not work with engineers with degrees from states like Utah.
Imagine telling your employer that you can't come in today because your house fell. On a more serious side im glad the city/county deemed unfit to reside in and ordered them move out before this happened.
I highly doubt this has anything to do with, new generation of builders. I’m sure the contractor followed code and had permits. Mother nature is unpredictable. The only time someone would spend the extra money to get the soil analyzed to make sure something like this wouldn’t happen is if the home owner themselves was paying for it. A contractor is always going to follow code and pull permit because he is trying to make a money. This comment of yours is ridiculous. Clearly you were not in the business. Shut your mouth you’re stupid Monday morning quarterback!
That's exactly right... the only thing that matters in this world anymore to most people,is POWER and MONEY! ..... How Much Do I Have, & How Much Can I Get Fast!!
One of the buildings in my apartment complex settled such that one side is lower than the other and the drainage system they designed doesn't work anymore because it's suddenly flowing up hill.
Im going to blame the democrats...if there were no rules in the first place THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED. GOD is really testing us with those evil/dumb non-going-to-heavan-democrats.
"God has something better for you" you say to the family that lost their only home that they worked their entire lives towards, and they now live on the street with no job and nothing, no way to get anything. You religious nuts are the worst. If God has something better for us, how about you uae your tithe money to actually help someone you see struggling in the world instead of letting the pastor pocket all those benjamins so he can deck out his man cave at home
The realtor said, hurry buy it now, this deal won't last much longer.
Neither will the house.
And boy was the realtor right.
I love foreshadowing
This happened to an entire new subdivision not to far from where I live. They built houses on an old swamp and bam , a huge sink hole opened up & swallowed the houses. Some were already occupied , but luckily no one was home at the time.
Yeah I heard one time a entire city (1.7 million people) disappeared because it was built on a swamp and a big hole opened up and swallowed it. Thank god nobody was home at the time 🙏
Oh my word!
@@Gerald0613really bruh clearly the person is being serious an you make sum dumbass joke craving for a like
Es increíble como las autoridades permiten que se construya en zonas como esa. No solo cuesta dinero, sino que puede costar vidas.
That's a perfect example of why a firm foundation is important in every aspect of one's life
Edit : I just wanted to thank all of you that liked and commented ,this was the first time I got well over 20 likes and it was pretty cool . Thank yall and I hope you all have a blessed day today , we all deserve a little happy bounce in our step .
@@0condolences lol
Maybe it just means you shouldn't stand out in the rain
Happening all over the States. Shoddy workmanship, cheaply built houses. We call them popcorn house because they appear overnight. I wouldn't be surprised if this one sold for 600k. Gotta love corporate greed!
I call them cookie-cutter houses because they all look exactly the same in those stupid subdivisions they keep building everywhere. Cheaply built houses that all look the same inside and out.
Lol. Nice username, also. 🤣
@lauren.b92 yup the people making the cookie cutter houses have also been buying up older homes and tearing them down just to build a worse house
@28FlyingDutchman: My thoughts exactly, and you articulated it very well!
cardboard constructions 😂
What kind of building codes are in Utah? This is unacceptable
same codes as everyone else. there's a scam going on between developer, inspectors and builders with the consumers paying the price
This was a new development and I’m pretty sure the developer and engineering firm were responsible.
Lmao. Murica taking points from The great Chinese playbook..
Materials prices force to this.
It has to do with geo engineering, must have not tested soil right before building, a lot of factors come into play
I think the neighbors ought to check and see who built THEIR houses ...
I’m my case it would be former neighbor. 🤣🤣🤣
It has nothing to do with who built their houses. It’s where
See land developers, not the builders.
Half of Utah was built on sand
Let this be a reminder to us all,to NEVER use popsicle sticks,hammered in to wet sand
Lol surprisingly hammering sticks into wet stand is actually incredibly stable. look up the Golden Gate Bridge construction or the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. This seems like it was just put on top of the sand which like you said is not very smart. 😂
I've worked construction in the US for years... they are all made like that. Rarely... very rarely did we build anything that would make us feel it would last for decades.
It's all wood and sheet rock pretty much. What we would do is just add more braces to the ones close to the coast
Right? Looks like they built that sumbitch with styrofoam 😂😂
@@imasmackya LOL
"And they built the house upon the sand, and the rain came and the winds blew and great was the fall of that house." So sad and also amazing to see!!
House of Straw!
@@jeanettecoleman-mz7ieit’s a Bible scripture
I thought the sound of it was insane!
but the one that was built upon the 🪨…
What the What is going on the son house
If the ground isn't stable, the state inspectors should never allowed building there.
kickback got that permit
Its not state inspector.. its the country that issued the build permits after their soil sample approval.
Not state. Municipal.
Additionally there is no requirement for the locality to perform the geo engineering services. A lot of these homes were built based on engineering done by a third party that was hired by the developers.
@@kristiankamphaus2174 close. The owner is required to provide the local planning department Soil engineering before they will issue a building permit. Planning reviews to confirm soil engineering is suitable for the proposed structure. The owner is the developer if the homes were built as speculations;
The bank should have never financed these builds.
When does a bank agree to not making money though?
House made from a cardboard 😂😂😂😂😂🙈🫣
@@jacekkleban5jl116I see a lot of styrofoam my house is made of 0% styrofoam.
@@smallfaucetthey can get sued and lose millions that's is a dumb comment
Shoddy construction based on profiteering by hedge funds & private equity! All collapseable.
And this is why it’s important to get a soils inspection before you build something on it.
Isn’t that Required?!
That perk test is everything.
@@amythompson7700 Depends on local and state laws. Also sometimes inspections miss issues.
They get them. They just ignore them. I should know... I covered enough city council meetings as a reporter. This isn't a new or unusual thing for Utah, unfortunately. 😢
They did and guess what the inspector and the county have no responsibility for any issues
I've seen dollhouses that were built better than this pile of popsicle sticks and glue.
Everybody involved in the construction of this building should be barred from every constructing another building, embarrassing.
Revoke their licenses
No, the zoning and city should be. You can't hold a building contractor accountable for doing his trade perfectly when it has been approved to build.
@@oddlycurious8761 😂😂😂😂
That’s what LESS GOVERNMENT MEANS. Build ish, and no consequences! Po us! 🤦🏽♀️
@@maxidal6927. How you gon revoke it if the less government rules apply to allow it! 🫢🫣🤦🏽♀️
Make sure you call your city to find out if your contractor was granted the final certificate of occupancy… it happens a lot more than people realize.
Its because modern American homes are made out of brittle, thin surfaces. Nothing is solid. Just look how this house falls apart all on its own. They use styrofoam for insulation, the walls are plywood, compressed cardboard, and inside the walls are plaster boards. There is no substance. Nothing that holds the walls up.
The city inspectors definitely messed up on the compaction test, or skipped it for their friend the developer. 😅
The builder is Edge Homes. Their motto should be “living on the edge”.
Living ON edge
Now, the motto is living in the gully!
if you were in there when it happened you wouldn't be living on the edge anymore.
🫣…or living in “the Edge homes”. 😳😜
@@gregjerome1911 🤦🏽♀️. U So Wrong for dat! 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
the dutch stone fondation is the best ,,my 200 years house still standing till today
What is a Dutch foundation?
@@kenyonbissett3512 Weed, windmills & mushrooms
Foundation - that's something US houses haven't heard of. Europe pig sheds are being built stronger than these US houses 😂
@@petec737 wow, harsh
@@kenyonbissett3512he not wrong thou
A stable Foundation is key to structure longevity!
Tell that to egypt. A good gust of wind and a hillside moves 9 miles
@@andrewalmas2791 what are blathering idiot!
I mean this with all disdain!
God bless Trump
Wow, you got some strange replies. What did I miss about the hill in egypt?
@@jeremyanderson3819 put some thought into it, still cNt figure it out i guess we'll just chalk it up to darwinism
Atleast the roofers did a great job held together perfectly
Most likely an Amigo built home.
Looks like a really new house whoever surveyed that and laid the foundation should definitely be investigated. That's nuts.
storm. They take the worst storm in a century and build to handle it. If something abnormal happens this is the result. You wouldn’t build a house to withstand a Florida hurricane in the desert region.
The older your home the safer you are. What a pricey mess!
Except for the asbestos, lead paint, and post-and-knob wiring.
By the way, this house collapsed because of the ground collapsing below it.
Yeah but in the event it does collapse, you're gonna have a health and safety hazard for blocks, and anyone near will probably get cancer. Basically what the guy above me said
We have 100+ year old homes on steep hill sides in earthquake Los Angeles California still habitable and this new construction fails and falls? The developers, city/county and builders should be banned from ever doing business with building a home again. What a joke.
THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BUILDERS. The CITY improperly zoned this land for building use. The CITY is to blame. I cannot believe how many jacka$$es like you keep saying the same thing when all of you dumb nuts don't even know WTF you're talking about 🥴
Says the guy living on the other side of the san Andreas fault.🤣
My house was built in 1912 here in LA and its still standing strong
was this Calif..oh well what's new..
It's because all of you keep breeding faster than we can build homes and houses get more expensive. At that point the scammers and untrained take over and this happens
This builder should be banned from ever touching even a set of blueprints
I manage 3 of this builder's properties, and despite doing a soils test, the retention walls also failed.
Who do you mean with a 'builder'? The construction workers dont have any say in how the house will be structurally build.
That is the job of an architect. Construction workers just follow plans.
Then usually some governing body is responsible for validating if the plans follow the proper guidelines.
Then another body is responsible for making guidelines.
So the responsible person is depending on where the fault is (the following of the plan, the making of the plan, the validating of the plan or the making of the guidelines).
Usually it is a combination of many tiny errors/miscommunications/faults at the multiple levels.
Saying dumb shit like 'builder responsible because building collapse' isn't worth listening to if you care about actually understanding the situation/preventing future situations/ holding the right people responsible.
I agree
@@Griemz”Builder” is a common term for the person or group of people running the operation at the topmost level. So if we’re pointing fingers…
@@JeremySteamsackI don't agree
As a pro welder, I guarantee you that homeless forts and tents without all the support poles are still standing.
You are 100% correct! As a homeless female my camp has withstood 80-100 mph winds, snow & was still standing & somewhat warm as well 😁😁😁. Blessed Be ❤
So far, enough to keep me out of traps and ski masks, but still way short of me ever giving a fk.
@@cynthiaryal2089lmfao be safe plz
@@krev3506be safe plz
“Pro welder” LMAO
So very sad for the owners. I hope they were able to remove their most precious belongings before it was too dangerous.
Based on that fence location and the road infro t, I bet no one was living there at this time.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine losing my home. Prayers for all who were affected by this. 🙏
That's what home owners and renters insurance is for 😂
No permit, no Geotechnical no licensed contractor. Neans tough beans. Unregulated states this happens a lot
And what will prayers
do for them ?
Comfort you ??
Wake up it's 2024 ....
Prayers don't work
since 2 000 years...
That's the nicest, most gentlest house collapse I've ever seen
Like it's taking a bow
Well, it is in Utah, the Beige Becky state. The house was just trying to get to the hobby lobby before the other Mormon moms could scoop up all the deals! 🤣
@@queenb1119 sure sounds like someone has a coupon!
@@moonshineblues204 No doubt! 😂
Cause it's made of paper
I feel so sorry for the people who lost their homes
Those look like new construction. Chances are people hadn’t occupied them yet. If they were contracted already, Homeowners have lots of options if their house isn’t raised properly.
And their lives 😔
Retaining walls first, house second. Silt fence don't stop landslides
That fence helped a lot! 😂
Ну нельзя строить дома без нормальных фундаментов из говна и палок где захочется!!!!
Pensé lo mismo!,
Нижний Новгород. Построили на фундаменте. На краю оврага. Живописно, бля. Ушли дома в овраг.
Все чисто по-американски - из брусочков и гипсокартона. А потом сокрушаются, что смерчи разрушают их города. Это, как в сказке про трех поросят.
Pero es una casa hecha de poliuretano?Se deshizo como si fuera de arena
@@ИринаВадковская они её не читали 🤷♀️
Дом из песка что ль, как может дом так рушится, кошмар, спаси и сохрани 🙏, надеюсь людей там не было, да ещё и ночью😢
Из гипсовых полосок 😂упал одна пыль осталась.
Из гавна и палок😂😂😂😂
Да, ладно как в Ростове на Дону дом упал из красного кирпича, а тут земля уходит,
Из говна и палок.
Если земля из под дома уходит, то и от каменного дворца ничего не останется.
I went to Idaho this past year and went thru Salt Lake City Utah on my way.. I could not believe all the dumb people that built homes all over the sides of the mountains... everywhere you look on every mountain there are giant homes. With all the snow they get and snow melt causing land slides this is what you get.. The mountains are beautiful, those homes shouldn't be up there and this is mother nature's way of taking the mountain back.
Yep. I live about 20 min. from Salt Lake and I just shake my head at all the irresponsible building here. Not only are slides and floods a danger, but in the summer months some of those hillside areas are also prone to wildfire. Not smart.
Builders are bad enough, but what's wrong with the buyers? What are they thinking? Or NOT thinking!!!!
Doesn't look like anything was in the house!
@@kimberlysevastyanenko3798 Isn't Salt Lake City running out of water?
Mountains are fine, Draper is sand. These folks even sing a hymn about “a wise man building his house upon the rocks and a fool building on sand.”
Of course the homeowner may not be of the predominant religion but the chances that no one from developer, surveyor, county (or city) planning, realtor and title company wasn’t, is nil.
I think in USA houses are build by Cardboards.In my country we use steel rods for firm base of a house/ building and make house or building with bricks and mortar/cement or sometime concrete.
Your steel rods and bricks won't save your house if the ground collapses, genius.
Insurance company: "Sorry, you're not covered for wet ground collapse in the middle of the night during the Winter. You're only covered for Spring."
All forms of insurance are a scam, but the insurance companies have enough money to buy the politicians and make their insurance mandatory.
Earth movement isn’t covered in most policies.
@@deandollahite4779How convenient for the insurance companies. 😂 Then again, they are there to make profits through an aggregation of carefully calculated risks, not help people in times of need. Hopefully, it is still possible for people to at least legally persue the builders, surveyors, etc. for negligence in a civil case.
@@deandollahite4779 Kim id you guys see the person between the houses walk away as the house fell?
The vultures that backstab you
How very sad. I am so sorry for the owners of these houses. I pray no one was hurt. The loss is unspeakable. 😢
Why sorry they made the choice.
Must be devastated.
Hope they can sue builders, surveyors etc.
You put your trust in people that are meant to be qualified ,when making the biggest purchase of your life and then this happens.
I hope no adults or children were inside at the time.❤
Neither house was occupied. They never made it past final inspection. I just want to know who was paid off to sign off on the building permits for that land.
@@astreet1984That Is the $64,0000 question 😮
Just glad nobody was hurt. The construction companies need to be held accountable as much as the inspectors.
There is not a single solid wall in this house. Modern American homes are put up with plywood, styrofoam for insulation, plasterboards, and all brittle surfaces. Not a single solid material.
But still they ask million dollar price. As if it was a real construction.
@@captain_context9991 you really have no idea what you're talking about about. I watched 2x4s popping out of the walls as they collapsed. Those are made of solid wood.
Hahahaha MADE by solid wood. Christ, you must be american. The denial culture over there is just off the hook. Are you gonna tell me next that the house didnt really fall down?
Yeah... The thin, sparse scaffolding is made out of wood. With 3 feet of spacing to the next stick of wood. The only solid surface in the whole construction. Do you see anything else solid in there? Like concrete walls? Like cinder blocks? No? Well then these walls are not solid, are they.
Notice the styrofoam that looks like snow. Amazing. Why is everything American so rubbish.
My house has been standing in the same place for 175 years, it doesn't even have a concrete footer under it, just big square stones sitting on the ground...and I got it for free from my grandparents.
That’s why I love the houses in Michigan that have cement basement and double brick walls
Yeah, but who wants to live up in Michigan?
@@GaryYork-tk2owI love Michigan
You're more likely to be murdered in your house in Michigan than a house in utah is to do this.
We have good basements here too, the soil was just literally too wet to provide any kind of support- brick would have tipped over instead of crumbling like this wooden house, but rest assured they both would be on the ground in a similarly fantastic way. Whoever surveyed these places did not do their job in making sure the ground could take any kind of substantial weight without shifting.
I'd would start by questioning the integrity of the person at the county who did the land inspection. And the surveyors
…aaaND the BUILDER…STYROFOAM HOUSES - is this approved building materials? 🤦🏽♀️
@@olgaharris1103that’s insulation 🤦♂️
Definitely!!! Also I’m looking at who checked compaction after all the trenches and forms were put in
Looks like the house was just being built
@@Matthew_blackburn LMAO 🤣 a styrofoam house😂😂😂
As children, we sang a song at Sunday school, "The wise man built his house upon the rock and the wind and rain did blow and the walls stood firm! The foolish man built his house upon the sand and the walls came tunbling down!". Sung to actions 😀
Their is a classic cartoon called 3 little pigs and they show similar story about type of houses that pigs was building 🤓
Yes I remember that song we use to sing in sunday school when i was a young child .😊
@@MrFlowerdaisyGod bless we my sister!!
Es un pasaje de La Biblia genio!!!
Sand is actually a stabilizer and makes a great base for foundations. Clay is what you have to watch out for.
Смотрела несколько раз ! И впечатления что стены чистый пластик !И крыша на нём !
It’s sad to watch anyone’s house get destroyed. least they had a house to get destroyed? Yeah, people that don't have houses...lets be honest, right?
@@markstewart4501 No, imagine you'd finally got a deposit together after years of saving and this was your new home!
It's not just the loss of the home but you've still got a mortgage and ahead of you years of court cases against a builder, who obviously didn't folliw building code, developers who didn't stabalise the land or local government who gave licence for an area which wasn't viable for building. If all the correct work had been done before licences and permits issued, and the city engineers signed off on the development, the home wouldn't have been in this situation.
@@cbisme6414exactly!! And you should get permits for everything you do that requires a permit. A family in the town i use to live in put in a fireplace and didn't get a permit. About 12 years later their house burns down and the cause was found to be the fireplace that the fire originated from. Their house was plowed down, too much damage, and their homeowners insurance wouldn't pay for the damages because they never got a permit for the fireplace. So, they still had a mortgage to pay, no house, just the lot left and they ended up having to claim bankruptcy and moved to an apartment. Sad that people usually don't think of things like this before they proceed without the proper permits.
Not if it's my old neighbours 😊
@@SamuelBlack84 pots and pans in the street, or too much? Maybe a block/street party? Instead of pin the tale on the donkey, maybe tie a helium balloon to the front door knob type dare? Maybe a New Orleans funeral marching band? hmmm, maybe one of those christmas set ups with the lights where you tune your radio in for the music?
Business cap...we sale house insurance. People ARE GOING TO WANT TO SEE IT...Split the profits with the whoevers and the responsibles and the hotel stay extra comfort food? I love the wacky parts of capitalism. Such a positive corky force for good.
Man, Utah got some strict building codes............
Nahhh! Don't think so!!! Lol!!!
Its called The Good Ol Boy system
Building codes?
I hate Utah so much…I worked there one summer in my travels and people were horrible. It was most definitely the good old boy system.
@@milkshakepuppy5413we lived there for 9 years in the Ogden area. I dont know where you were, but we had mainly kind and compassionate neighbors. We are Catholic, not LDS btw. Only left because aging family needed us back in Indiana.
Always remember folks you’re paying $2k to $5000 rent or paying half $1 million for these houses of plywood and two by fours
Because there are a lot of other options? 😹
Its not the material its the ground compaction and how tight it is.
Too bad you aren’t smart enough to realize it’s not the construction but the ground it’s built on, you mong
@Ronnie Henwood Did you see all the Styrofoam balls coming out of the walls when the house fell down -?
@@Kimberly-Fredrick are you really that slow?
What a waste. I grew up in SLC and I saw them building so many houses on mountain sides. It was inevitable
Сейчас все стараются построить быстро. Я помню в детстве строили фундамент и оставляли его на несколько лет. Чтобы он пережил пару смен сезонов. И потом смотрели как он себя "чувствует" , только после этого строили дом. Говорили, что фундамент должен "постареть" .
«Раньше» на месте застройки не делали геологические изыскания. То, что вы написали про «пару сезонов», «несколько лет», «старение» фундамента - простите великодушно, но в современном строительстве это называется ненаучной фантастикой, иначе говоря - бредом. Для деревянного строения это «выстаивание» фундамента вообще не имеет смысла.
Удивлён, что у вашего смешного утверждения нашлось столько больных на голову поклонников.
Чем больше верований, дедовских сказочных преданий и чем меньше науки или просто хорошего образования - тем больше дилетантов в строительстве и, соответственно, результаты налицо.
Дада ты прав ток у нас так 10 этажку построили сразу а потом год ждали чтоб лифт в шахте незастревал. Когда вторую рядом строили дали полгода фундаменту отстоятся и фсе как помаслу пошло
Я живу в доме постройки 1960г. Всего было построено 7 домов: 6 двухэтажных и мой трехэтажный. Судя по датам постройки, в год строился 1 дом, первый в 1954. Не знаю как строили 6 домов, а как строили мой, мне рассказал отец. Он уже знал, что получит квартиру в этом доме и ходил смотреть стройку. На этом месте когда-то были плавни и грунтовые воды находятся очн близко к поверхности. Когда начали рыть яму под фундамен, она тут же заполнялась водой, поэтому заморачиваться не стали и вырыли по периметру не глубокую ямку и залили туда цемент с ракушечником, а на этом фундаменте стены возвели. Дому 64 года, а он стоит! Вот только после землетрясения в 2002 году трещина в стене образовалась но не большая, только ладонь сосед смог просунуть. Но ЖКХ справились с этой проблемой быстро и не дорого. Они запенили трещину пенобетоном и замазали штукатуркой. Вуаля! Ветер в квартиру соседа уже не залетает 22 года. Подвала в доме нет, так как фундамента тоже практически нет, но есть такая пародия на подвал для коммуникаций. Это яма в подъезде под лестничной клеткой, Где-то 1.5 м глубиной и 2х2 периметр. Там трубы водопроводные, разводка по дому. Яма только в одном подъезде, вот только она всё время наполняется водой, особенно после дождя. Но и эту проблему решили. Поставили насос, который откачивает эту воду. Хотела добиться переселения из аварийного жилья, приехала комиссия во главе с главным архитектором города. К приезду комиссии вырыли яму, чтоб они могли посмотреть фундамент. Но вот незадача, яму вырыли накануне, а к утру она была до краев наполнена водой. Комиссия приехала, а фундамента не видно. Второй раз яму рыли за час до приезда комиссии. Благо рыть много не пришлось, так как фундамента оказалось 20-30 см. Стоим мы у этой ямы с архитектором, смотрим на полуразрушенный фундамент из цемента и ракушечником, и он у меня спрашивает: а где фундамент? Так это и есть фундамент трехэтажного дома, построенного на воде😂 Заключение комиссии я перечитывала три раза, думала, что розыгрыш. В нем сказано, что у дома 68℅ износа и требуется капитальный ремонт фундамента, стен, балконов и крыши. Это был 2017 год. Крышу отремонтировали в 2022. До ремонта крыши вода текла по стенам снаружи и внутри соседней квартиры 3 года, а так как у нас общая стена, то у меня образовался грибок, который вывести невозможно. Соседей частично спасал натяжной потолок, после каждого дождя они сливали с него воду. После ремонта крыши вода по стенам не течёт, теперь она течёт внутри стен. При ремонте, выход вентиляционных шахт на крыше накрыли жестью, которую унесло первым же ветром вместе с кирпичами, к которым ее прибили. Теперь все осадки у нас заливаются в эти шахты, но радует, что из отдушин ничего не вытекает, видимо вся вода по стенам шахт уходит в землю. Вот только в подъезде на первом этаже стена очень раздулась и краска со штукатуркой отваливаются. Но дом стоит! Вопрос сколько ещё он простоит? А тут на видео совершенно новый дом и развалился! Видимо его действительно из пенопласта строили.
@@Борис-м4г5г. Борис, ты серьёзно? Интересно послушать того, кто объяснил полугодовой простой заботой о лифте, а не отсутствием денег на постройку.
@@ГалинаЕрмакова-й9э. «Тут, на видео» очень похоже на оползень и дом «едет» вместе с фундаментом.
As an engineer, I have always been amazed at the number of people that will overpay for a lot with slide potential just for the view.
That's why you get a soil sample tested before closing on any property
Good tip. Where do you do that?
And a building permit and a licensed contractor not uncle Silas
@brianweber4154 Agree, but what companies specialize in soil testing for foundations? Geotechnical?
@@mackpack3561 that's correct. A geotechnical engineering company will either perform on site tests, or bring samples to a lab to determine the shear strength of the soil. For cases where the soil is weak, deep foundations, like piles, may be required.
Im at that age too I get my soil checked in uk by NHS
Was there anybody in the house?
That is what happens with the houses of sticks and plaster that are built in the United States, these houses are like the houses in the story of "The Three Little Pigs", the wolf blows and destroys it.
Yes, i just wondering if those houses were made of papers ??? …… of course, i am joking 🙃 but, not really because it seems to 🤷♀️
Наверно, такие дома строят, в сейсмической зоне? Не дорого!
@@НинаГуденкова-ж5иExactly right! They all look the same and have zero uniqueness to them and the work is very shoddy. 😢
Eu queria saber como é isso gente,,casas praticamente de papel e cola
Its amazing that in a first world country like America that the quality of their housing is so poor. Building literally made of thin sticks of wood and paper stuck together with glue and staples. Crazy.
Any and all folks that had anything to with the building of this house/ building needs to be in jail!
It's not the builder. He is just told to build it
The soil engineers could be to blame but if it's a bad area they will tell you it's your land. Build it. But it's all on the owner. Insurance won't cover it if they do t get proper engineering sign-offs. Many times on beaches theu all sign off that it's not safe but do what you want. posted by Draper City, the homes were ordered to be evacuated in October 2022. This was related to earth shifting that resulted in sliding and breaks in the homes' foundations.
The homes were ordered to be evacuated in October 2022. This was related to earth shifting that resulted in sliding and breaks in the homes' foundations.
Painters - what did we do?
Nature happens. Don't build on a hill.
Okay, maybe not so much the painters. But those damnable carpet layers have got some explainin’ to do!
Brings back memories when I was working on a house in the basement pouring footings for a wall and the wall came in ward in front of me you could hear rocks falling behind the wall I went outside in the front of house and you could hear the sounds that something was not right little cracks in the structure was spreading apart so I waited for a minute and talked with the inspector of the job site I told him that the problem was that they didn’t secure the walls and foundation well enough and I told him it was going to crumble and cave in and he stood next to me and Watched the whole house collapsed and crumble in to a pile
Quanta Proteção 🙌🏻🙌🏻
wow! you were quick with safety
@@michelemiletich7540 it’s a good thing I didn’t ask you for any advice
Decades ago they let excavated foundations settle for at least 2 months if not more. Now a day, about a week before they build on it.
I hope everyone learned something by watching this video don't build your Styrofoam house on a hill
styrofoam.... sure but still I've seen houses last a really long time on a hill or on the side
Most likely foam insulation
I thought the same thing , also That concrete didn't slide it fell apart too. This was so bad I'd be looking at insurance fraud. My house is 3 stories, 2 of them literally on the side of a mountain and survived 3 cat 5 hurricanes.
The actual buildings that last through this were built far better than what is being done in the last 20 years
When you bribe the inspectors and hire shady crews that have absolutely no idea what they're doing and can't even build a gingerbread house.
Steak dinner sound good? 😂😂 Sadly this is so true I have seen it several times. The last 4 Houses i wired I can almost guarantee one of them will do this after the second good hurricane! We are not talking spec houses. 12 k SF Plus. SMH
Exactly what's going on in Whitehouse 2023
I've literally watched someone bribe inspector with weed😂.
Did you say *hurricane?*
There's no such thing in Utah...thank God..!
But what about snow ☃️❄️⛄️🥶
No way
Sad to see someone's house fall apart😢
Nobody had moved in yet. So the only loss was the structure, no personal items were lost.
@@goober239It was actually empty?
I'm sorry for the people who lost their home. Prayers
Развалился как будто из пенопласта построен был🤦
Так он из него и построен, фанера
Eso es..yo he visto rsas construccionrs😊😊 y de dos pisos..😅😅😅
Это так и есть пенопласт каторыи в упаковках кладут что товар не разбился я строитель и очень хорошо знаю особенно части здании и общая технология, проектов, да в Европе все так строят но у нас в России нет
Значит вы плохой строитель или просто не знаете что не везде так строиться как в Россие 🤔🙈
Мы живём 34 года в Германии,мой муж строитель и я точно знаю как они дома строят и это точно не так как вы тут стараетесь нам рассказать🙈😀
А вот как раз то в России всё строится лижбы лижбы,как на соплях,по крайней мере раньше, сейчас может уже немного усовременились🙈😀
Я видела очень много документальных фильмов о коммуналках где полы плавают,дыры в стенах в котоых живут крысы и т.п....🤦
How awful for the people who have to see their home crumble away. Glad no one was hurt.
And nothing fell out!😅
No one was living there. There was still work being done on them.
these were homes being built. yet another neighborhood popping up in an area where nothing is supposed to be developed, and yet money talks.
@@noirlite5573 right. so developers are buying the land and developing it against advice because they and their investors stand to make a huge profit. the expression money talks means you'll do whatever regardless because you've got the money.
Any land can be built on with appropriate soil preparation and foundations.
Obviously, they dont do that kind of work for theses new cardboard huts.
But it doesnt cancel the fact that, with sufficient modifications and preparation done to the ground, a stable base can be made to support a home. How do you think we can build concrete supports for massive bridges crossing huge rivers otherwise?
This is just the result of price cutting by not laying down the appropriate foundation and not doing the excavation work to stabilize the soil.
It is not a matter of “an area that shouldn’t be supposed to be developed”, but a matter of developing an area while not spending the money required to modify the land appropriately.
Pillars of many bridges have been standing strong, many bridges that are many decades old, and in some case, centuries. The bottom of such rivers is nothing but stable. Its just mud. The pillars stand because they were built on sufficient foundations with enough landwork around them.
Theses homes are just cardboard on a slice of thin concrete “foundation”
The contractor did a lousy job and should be sued !!!!!!!!!!!
😢 My mother grew up in an area that was between two cities at the time. She and her brothers played in a creek as rhey walked to and from rural school. The cities grew, the creek got a bunch of fill dirt dumped in it, and housing built on top. Then people got mad their houses flooded. Especially finished basements. 🙃🙄
Если оставить на улице пластиковую вещь на зиму, то она потом когда весной ее найдешь- начинает крошиться. И тут такое же ощущение будто дом из пластика и на морозе пластиковые стены промёрзли и крошатся. Обратили внимание?- ни одного кирпича! Сложился как карточный домик.
Paper and plastic houses
Это дома из сендвич понелей с пенопласта и уезби в штатах так строят
А ещё он без фундамента!
Ну американцы,ну выдумщики. Клоуны в комментах снова. Вы посмотрите что между домами случилось,потом постройку обсуждайте...
Даже в крошку, нет плит и карт нет, только крошка разлетелась. А фундамент терпимо..
This takes a broken home to a whole new level.
Three new levels
The builders were supposed to put enough fill to build on for a solid foundation and they did not. Other houses had to be evacuated also.
I hope no one was injured. Be careful. ❤❤
Sylvan homes would rent this out for $1850/month.
That's a good price for a house!
Here in Texas it would be $3,000 a month.
This home would be going for 3-4x that price per month.
@@cmdr-reflipd Exactly. Get approved for a loan with a %20 down payment and it turns into 1500 a month. Not only that, you get to get to actually keep it forever, paying towards an assets that can be resold and for a profit , rather than feeding some greasy landlords bank account. Work hard for a few years with strong discipline, buy a house.
That would so have to suck when it's your home and it's the middle of winter and you just lost everything.😢
I live 10 minutes from here. They've been building on the opposite side of this current mountain for 15 years and just recently started building homes on the back end (here) and this is what happened.
Where? State?
@@nomudnolotusnodragonnogold state of delusion...
@@nomudnolotusnodragonnogold--Utah. There were two houses this happened to but this one crumbled into nothing and left a big hole. It looked like a jet plane hit it.
Capitalism, quick builder sales and profits. Who cares about the quality.....
Somebody lied when I said it was OK to build there. Apparently they did not test the ground well enough..
This is what corruption looks like in construction business. Thanks god nobody was inside
Nereden biliyorsun belkide vardi.
@@aylaaslan3466there wasn’t it was fenced off, and they knew it was going to collapse
Да? А нам рассказывают какой в Америке рай, какая свобода и демократия😂
They had already moved out. They knew ahead of time that this was going to happen
How did this build get past phase one inspection? Whoever gave it the go ahead for phase two should be in handcuffs!
I would have to agree with you!!!! where is the retaining wall?
the city. engineering and planning should NEVER have approved this shit, but the government is DESPERATE for more tax chattle.
So sad. I'm so sorry for all those people with no home.
Same , I wonder if their homeowners insurance covered it. I'm thinking not.
What kind of homes are these?
People should build houses according to the land's quality!
The ground did not give away ...the house did . The house completely caved in on itself .
I wonder what houses are built on?😂😂
@@theGiver3 loose fill using a type of soil that is not capable of being stable.
…with the grounds help 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
with? It looks like insurance fraud. The only building material is simple Styrofoam
@@deborahsimpson4968 those were 100% real houses, like every other house built today.
I hate when my Styrofoam house falls down 😭
I was about to ask if that house was made of Styrofoam, 😆 🤣
@@lynnleigha580 not sure about this specific one, but I worked building structures with foam forms. They fit together and then you pour concrete and lay rebar in the middle of the forms. There were so many OSHA violations that I didn’t stick around to see it finished, but the forms themselves were cool.
Edit: Google image “polycrete”
Literally though. Just turned into dust lol
😂😂😂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸for ya!! And they want a life one of payments 🤡
@@84_Reasons shut up fool
I hope the people who lived there are okay both physically and emotionally! A home is a history.
Этот дом ещё не успел стать историей, вряд ли там люди отжили хоть лет 5.... К сожалению это плод нечестной компании застройщика.
As a former civil engineer, I will say that the builder is responsible for not laying the proper foundation.
This is why companies need to hire a good land surveyor.
What's a surveyor have to do with this?
@@mtguy234Right? An engineer is what one needs to determine the stability of the soil. Compaction and such things need to be measured. It's not a land surveyor's job to determine whether the ground is safe to build on, his job is to accurately record where things like boundaries and monuments and land markers are located, mostly for legal purposes.
@@glynnisthomas9165yeah funny enough the surveyor is the only one that’s not responsible for this lol. This involves the geotech engineer, the structural engineer, the site/civil engineer, and the contractor(if they didn’t follow design guidelines and specs)
@@mtguy234i thought the surveyor will not just check topography but also inform you of potential issues that could affect construction.🤔🤷♀️
PERC test.
No way that house would have past a certified inspection!!
Passed** It's not a "certified inspection" either. It's the fault of the engineer whom surveyed the land, did the soil reports and was supposed to engineer the proper foundation for those reports or deem the land unbuildable to begin with. If the land WAS buildable, then the foundation or the water management is wrong which again goes back to the engineer. If the engineer didn't do their job, then the architect couldn't have done their job properly. If the engineer did do their job, then the architect didn't do THEIR job. An inspector ONLY inspects that the building is built according to the architectural drawings which includes the city codes and engineers recommendations and findings. This is coming from a builder, me, who's been in the field for over 15 years. I've been doing construction since I was 19 years old.
@JacquelynRivera930 cool story, sis. For you: 🍪
Or..... the builder didn't do the recommended remediation prior to build or the builder laid foundation in saturated soil when the soil was frozen instead of thawed or the builder started building prior to compaction completion. Not saying Jackie's things aren't true, but going only by that, the builder is never at fault. I recall a roof of a super dome collapsing and it wasn't the engineers' faults.
@@j.thomas7128 Buddy, for this instance in particular, it's not the builder, it's the land slide, which strictly goes back to the engineer. There are times builders are at fault, yes, but I'm specifically commenting on this case in particular. That's all. 😊
@@warlorty It hurts when a woman knows more than what a man should in a construction field doesn't it? Here, take this 🍪 back. You seem to need it more...
I live near this neighborhood and when your builder goes through shady company’s to get a soil sample passed off. You get yourself a lot of lawsuits.
What state is this in? This almost looks fake
It says Draper, I saw someone say it’s an Edge Home, so I believe it’s Utah, 25mins south of Salt Lake City
@@donnalawrence9054 Yes, Battle Tested is correct. Salt Lake City suburb.
The homes in question are located in a development called sun crest. Which is in Draper Ut.
Probably Mitt Romney's buddies!
Ohhhh God, poor people losing everything x 😪💔
Thats very scary . Poor people. My mom use to say after the concrete foundation is poured a good builder waits till the foundation settles before building the rest , however long that takes. Not these days i noticed. Subdivisions go up like they sprouted over night.
Hey carpenter here, it takes concrete 28 days to reach full strength but after about 14 days its at 85% strength which will support the load of a building
It can take concrete over 100 years before it cures 100%!
Hope they had the right type of homeowners insurance to cover that!!
@@UberUnderAged You're correct about the time it takes for concrete to cure where cold weather is not an issue. I believe the original comment was about settlement duration and magnitude, which depends on the surcharge, soil type, and groundwater table depth.
I would not want my house built on soils after they “settled.”
Those poor people! I really hope they had time to at least get their important and valuable things out. To lose your home like that, like a soggy cardboard box, must be heartbreaking. I hope nobody was hurt.
I don’t see any furniture or anything inside
Probably a Mormon household God's Wrath
More like California contractor work.
pretty sure it was still being built
Sad taken for a ride
Hope everyone is safe. Contractors who build that should be accountable
I am not going to pick at the state but in Utah/Kansas they teach how to divide fractions in high school… I am happy the house was empty and it was safe but seriously this is a macro-problem, resulting from their poor education. There is a reason why large cities do not work with engineers with degrees from states like Utah.
Imagine telling your employer that you can't come in today because your house fell.
On a more serious side im glad the city/county deemed unfit to reside in and ordered them move out before this happened.
No, My house disintegrated!!!!! 🤦🏽♀️
that same city approved, passed inspection of this garbage construction.
Wow! So they were aware of the issues and moved out. Thank God!
When you don't build your house on sand, you build it out of sand.
Que tegrrible lo que hacela nieve
But it's made out of wood, of course it collapses easily.😮
New generation of builders, we're going to see more of this as time goes on.
Yep 100%
Wise person true words.
Yeah it’s the new generations fault not the boomer corporations cutting corners every single fucken thing in the house
I highly doubt this has anything to do with, new generation of builders. I’m sure the contractor followed code and had permits. Mother nature is unpredictable.
The only time someone would spend the extra money to get the soil analyzed to make sure something like this wouldn’t happen is if the home owner themselves was paying for it. A contractor is always going to follow code and pull permit because he is trying to make a money. This comment of yours is ridiculous. Clearly you were not in the business.
Shut your mouth you’re stupid Monday morning quarterback!
That’s why teachers say if one person messes up, the whole class messes up
How sad to loose a home in this way.I hope these familys are ok.😟
Yes it is😢 you can also look up the war on Gaza…
@@uphill248 ты мудак, хреново провокатор! в газе снега небывает.
Home ?!!! Come on !
Don't be sad. Its only paper.
Надеюсь, что в доме никого не было?!😮
And it passed code inspection. It's all about the Benjamins, not the job.
They need fine the code inspection he or she was pay under table money
That's exactly right... the only thing that matters in this world anymore to most people,is POWER and MONEY! .....
How Much Do I Have, & How Much Can I Get Fast!!
😂😂😂😂 Benjamins
Next convenient statement who to blame…
For years people have been building houses where they shouldn't be and for years we will be seeing these houses collapse, burn and wash away.
The ground did NOT give way. The house collapsed! Shity building and materials!!!!
I'm always nervous when I see celebrity homes built in the Hollywood Hills , on the side of a cliff. 😱
I'm good with my little home 🏡 on the outskirts of the capital ❤️🏡❤️
One of the buildings in my apartment complex settled such that one side is lower than the other and the drainage system they designed doesn't work anymore because it's suddenly flowing up hill.
This is why you dont build with balsa wood. That collapse was so gentle.
Im going to blame the democrats...if there were no rules in the first place THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED. GOD is really testing us with those evil/dumb non-going-to-heavan-democrats.
Terrible, I'm sorry for your loss. Bless all the families that are affected by this. God has something better for you.🙏
What a beautiful comment amidst all these awful ones. God bless you!❤
@@janet307 God bless you as well.
"God has something better for you" you say to the family that lost their only home that they worked their entire lives towards, and they now live on the street with no job and nothing, no way to get anything. You religious nuts are the worst. If God has something better for us, how about you uae your tithe money to actually help someone you see struggling in the world instead of letting the pastor pocket all those benjamins so he can deck out his man cave at home
Like what? Living in make-believe land must be comforting..
God doesn't exist 🤡
This is why the foundations go down to solid ground/bedrock and NOT on a flood plain without drainage.
Whole cities are built in areas where there is no “bedrock.” Like New Orleans; Houston.
Funny how some ancient home and buildings are still standing after thousands of years. Humans have devolved.
Дом из пыли и пенопласта, это ужасно!
Там ещё фанера должна быть🤔
I'm so sorry for the occupants & owners.
When you know it's time to move when the house moves itself.
You shouldn’t build a house out of foam and plastic, especially on a hill. That thing just disintegrates and blows away.
That's clearly not the problem here. The problem is that the foundation was not build correctly to withstand soft ground