Is This My Most Outrageous Overtake on iRacing? | JARL Round 2

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Pitout.Racing
    @Pitout.Racing День тому +1

    Your race craft and driving in the pack has genuinely improved massively since I first started watching you and your first video!! Well done man you easily deserve around 1.5k irating, once you clean up certain mistakes and become more consistent. Good job Nic !!!

  • @jackashtonracing
    @jackashtonracing День тому

    Such huge improvements mate!! Your coming on strong!! Great racing and craft throughout! Such a shame you had the moments but you’ll learn for these!

  • @Django45
    @Django45 День тому +1

    INTO THE BIN!! 😂
    BOTH were racing incidents, second was a blink from the dude, that made a phantom push into the shadow realm.
    That rejoin, though...the one where you got crashed into - shame, shame, shame :)

    • @TheNoviceRacerr
      @TheNoviceRacerr  День тому

      That's my opinion too! Racing incidents, just a shame. 🤝
      I know 😭 I felt like such a *Novice*!! I did wait til there was a gap... but the spin was so stupid and it got me stuck mid track. My bad

  • @mikeyharris
    @mikeyharris 22 години тому

    Hey man. Really love your videos. Not sure if you're aware, but we can't 'hit the bell icon' to get notified when your videos go live as you have the content set as suitable for kids. Apparently this means you aren't allowed to get notifications. Given some of your language, it's probably wise to turn that off...!!! 😂

    • @TheNoviceRacerr
      @TheNoviceRacerr  20 годин тому

      Appreciate the heads up! But I just did a test and was able to turn the notifications on (from another account). 🫣 I went through the settings and Made for Kids is set to No as my upload default. I'll check if there's anything else I missed but maybe you could send me a screenshot of the issue on Discord? I'll see what I can do. Thanks mate! 😁