well, that was a disorganized, meandering, repetitive talk. If this was a schtick based on "If Biden was an Austrian economist" it would be comedy gold. But for explaining what is meant by Praxeology and why it matters, this talk fails utterly.
What you say it’s an irrelevant for 1. reasons. 1. He explains it in comparison with other views and 2. He brings out Mises. So he sits on a shoulder of giant and just refers to Mises a lot, which is what many whom have been to this building. Hehe.
David Gordon yet again with a W
Common Gordon W
well, that was a disorganized, meandering, repetitive talk. If this was a schtick based on "If Biden was an Austrian economist" it would be comedy gold. But for explaining what is meant by Praxeology and why it matters, this talk fails utterly.
What you say it’s an irrelevant for 1. reasons. 1. He explains it in comparison with other views and 2. He brings out Mises. So he sits on a shoulder of giant and just refers to Mises a lot, which is what many whom have been to this building. Hehe.
Increasing playback speed helps
@@danielboone8256 Yeah, 2X