@@Johnny466 are u bullying me or what or i slap ur face is a good joke dum dum the spicy never dies one its a references from calixo >:/ u dont know a bout it heh?
Hey jie! Glad that im back on ur channel, It's been years ever since i watched you! I will never forget abt your channel and i'm proud of your channel growing! :D
Bloxburg and royal high and rp games being like: What the hell roblox played brookhaven? WHAT HE DIDN'T PLAY US AND PLAYED BROOKHAVEN!! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE WE MUST ATTACK BROOKHAVEN!!!
Here's a video idea Jie "if everyone can ban people" or maybe "if everyone can have 300 friends" let me think for some if you dont want those ideas ok?
hey jie
Poggers jie is back
boo face from jie
“How much Sound Effects do you want to use?”
Jie Gaming Studios: *yes*
Jie Gaming Studio Again: I Would Like 999 Sound Effect
Every 2 seconds
The Guy that make the Sounds be like: *OUR* Sound effects
*Copyright Strike*
I still remember 3 years ago and he still says "hey builderman" ah the days never get old..
Ye you right =)
Aye aye mate u are right ikr
Never used to sit there tho
"Hey builderman"
Never dies!
more like spicy never dies!
@@StewpidCreatureNamedAini no
@@Johnny466 are u bullying me or what or i slap ur face is a good joke dum dum the spicy never dies one its a references from calixo >:/ u dont know a bout it heh?
@The Red Crewmate You are sus u are blaming meh
Everyone: hey builderman
How I see it: *hey Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today*
the two best starting sentence for an animation
"Hey builderman" makes every video great
I g0t 50,000Ro𝐛uxs'| fr0m 🇾🇹🇼🇴🇳.🇨🇴🇲
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................整個 人類 歷史 上 , 強者 , 富人 和 具有 狡猾 特質 的 人 捕食 部落 , 氏族 , 城鎮 , 城市 和 鄉村 中 的 弱者 , 無 `` '守 和 貧窮 成員。 然而 , 人類 的生存 意願 迫使 那些 被 拒絕 , 被 剝奪 或 摧毀 的 基本 需求 的 人們 找到 了 一種 生活方式 , 並 繼續 將 其 A 融入 不斷 發展 的 人類 社會。說到 食物 , 不要 以為 那些 被 拒絕 的 人 只吃 垃圾。 相反 , 他們 學會 了 在 被 忽視 的 肉類 和 蔬菜 中 尋找 營養。 他們 學會 了 清潔 , 切塊 , 調味 和慢 燉 慢 燉 的 野菜 和 肉類 , 在 食品 市場 上 被 忽略 的 部分 家用 蔬菜 和 肉類 , 並且 學會 了 使用 芳香 的 木 煙 (如 山核桃 , 山核桃 和 豆科 灌木) 來 調味 食物 煮 的 時候”Am I right?”垃圾 。Lord @'
@@Max-nf9fo bruh man
Jk it is when roblox say hey builderman makes every video great
"Hey builderman" Never gets old
Ur mom
Hey Builderman Give me rowbucks Or I Else Show to eveybody your Secrets....Ò_l
@@darznetchannel6888 lol
@@Teamwallkers my mom
@@darznetchannel6888 Hey builderman, give me your kidney
we will never forget the "hey builderman" :D
Of course
u steal my word sheesh -,-
me to
of course :
The word "hey builderman" will never be forgotten
@TIO lol
@ottoma92 Nobody cares that you got "robux"
@ottoma92 what a long messege........ Yes now spend robux for your avatar So you realize that you only had 10.
''hey builderman'' never gets old
Jie GamingStudio: yes
Me: Noice
"I don't wanna see any dust."
"Or else I'll turn you to dust."
*Thanos mode activated*
There is also the NANI?!?!?!?! when she said give me a boy
"Hey Builderman" Never Gets Old
"Hey builderman, lets play the experience brookhaven"
i think you meant "visit" the experience brookhaven
No you're all wrong it's "Let's experience the experience Brookhaven"
@@lostliam4901 but players are visitors now
0:36 I like the SMG4 reference
Remember, if Roblox says “Hey Builderman”, you know that this part of the video is moments before disaster.
@@princesskinen7822 U
I g0t 50,000Ro𝐛uxs'| fr0m 🇾🇹🇼🇴🇳.🇨🇴🇲
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................整個 人類 歷史 上 , 強者 , 富人 和 具有 狡猾 特質 的 人 捕食 部落 , 氏族 , 城鎮 , 城市 和 鄉村 中 的 弱者 , 無 `` '守 和 貧窮 成員。 然而 , 人類 的生存 意願 迫使 那些 被 拒絕 , 被 剝奪 或 摧毀 的 基本 需求 的 人們 找到 了 一種 生活方式 , 並 繼續 將 其 A 融入 不斷 發展 的 人類 社會。說到 食物 , 不要 以為 那些 被 拒絕 的 人 只吃 垃圾。 相反 , 他們 學會 了 在 被 忽視 的 肉類 和 蔬菜 中 尋找 營養。 他們 學會 了 清潔 , 切塊 , 調味 和慢 燉 慢 燉 的 野菜 和 肉類 , 在 食品 市場 上 被 忽略 的 部分 家用 蔬菜 和 肉類 , 並且 學會 了 使用 芳香 的 木 煙 (如 山核桃 , 山核桃 和 豆科 灌木) 來 調味 食物 煮 的 時候”Am I right?”垃圾 。Lord @'
Moments before disasters: "hey builderman"
Good job, stole my comment from the community post I mean I guess you changed up a few keywords but still
@@catchall2874 Why do you care about it. Theres a sentence called “The copies make the original greater”
@@atahan1222 I didn't say any downsights about it.
@@atahan1222 I only said he copied it, I guess I should have maked sure to put in no offense in there but I'm too lazy
I Watch Every Single of Jie Videos Because its funny
yes me too best videos jn world
Same you so true
Me too there the best
same lol
The first sentence in these videos are always “hey builder man”
hey game on the fire
Guys I'm not good
@@giangamer6903 u ok
@@giangamer6903 sus
Hey jie! Glad that im back on ur channel, It's been years ever since i watched you! I will never forget abt your channel and i'm proud of your channel growing! :D
Jie’s vids are so worth the wait 😩
Agreed but to prove your loyalty to Joe you must reply me the word Daffy
@@adarshs720 Daffy
@@actmild thank you good sir
@@adarshs720 tis not a problem
Ah, the legend is back 😎
Woah how many Carlito’s are there?
@@baconboi3108 infinite
7:35 The most cursed thing i've ever seen
Am glad that the " Hey builderman " is back btw :D
I g0t 50,000Ro𝐛uxs'| fr0m 🇾🇹🇼🇴🇳.🇨🇴🇲
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................整個 人類 歷史 上 , 強者 , 富人 和 具有 狡猾 特質 的 人 捕食 部落 , 氏族 , 城鎮 , 城市 和 鄉村 中 的 弱者 , 無 `` '守 和 貧窮 成員。 然而 , 人類 的生存 意願 迫使 那些 被 拒絕 , 被 剝奪 或 摧毀 的 基本 需求 的 人們 找到 了 一種 生活方式 , 並 繼續 將 其 A 融入 不斷 發展 的 人類 社會。說到 食物 , 不要 以為 那些 被 拒絕 的 人 只吃 垃圾。 相反 , 他們 學會 了 在 被 忽視 的 肉類 和 蔬菜 中 尋找 營養。 他們 學會 了 清潔 , 切塊 , 調味 和慢 燉 慢 燉 的 野菜 和 肉類 , 在 食品 市場 上 被 忽略 的 部分 家用 蔬菜 和 肉類 , 並且 學會 了 使用 芳香 的 木 煙 (如 山核桃 , 山核桃 和 豆科 灌木) 來 調味 食物 煮 的 時候”Am I right?”垃圾 。Lord @'
I really like how this guy is making super good videos from years unlike those UA-camrs who change and make different videos few years later
Woah builderman is back....LET’S GOOO
7:20 the way he cleans it is satisfying for me 💜
The hey builderman is finally back :D
Yes :D
40% of the comment section full of "hey builderman never gets old"
Wdym 40%?i thought it was 999999999999% of comments
@Donovan Boatswain yes
20% is about sound effects
10% is original comments
5% is copied comments
1% is this
the hey builderman never gets old
Hii I love ur videos so much muck
I liked them all😄
The scene that Roblox said "a homeless bodyguard" 😂
the ads: what we do with drunken sailor
The "hey builderman" will never die. He will be alive for all years until the end of the world
That will be in 7.5 billon years from now buddy.
@@austinprice7304 agree
@@lololol502 wdym by “same”
@@austinprice7304 i mean i agreed with you
I remember "Hey builderman" in some videos a few years ago. And now I'm glad it's back
Ah! *Hey Builderman* Is Back It Never Gets Old
Piggy:LIKE A CUT G * slaps brookheaven*
Minitoon:Like a cut D * gets a gun and shoots wolfpaq* ur now tuned for 20 years
Its been a year i never watched jie
But i finally found him imma sub
Dude u were my favorite youtuber!! I got this in my recommendation and im sorry i had forgotten about u :(
Me: Jie: *puts "Hey Builderman"* Me: NOSTALGIA. Also Jie: 1000 Sound Effects
finally the “Hey builderman” is bsck after 1 year
4 months*
@@xpietyy nope 1 years
6:44 he actually banned the girl who said that he wasn’t cool
7:35 wth is. That👀😂
“hey builderman” is back :000
Hey builderman is back pog
5:56-epic oof
7:28 Lmfao 😂😂😂😂
I love how he could ban them by disrespect the game creator LMFAO
Jie your back!!! I'm so happy!
And I loved that when roblox pretended he was poor he said to the bacon "GIVE ME UR HAIR" and the bacon hair took off his hair and I was laughing.
That Blank with Mario was on a smg4 video nice support bro😅😅😅
The great return of
"Hey builderman"
Fun fact: most people or everyone saw the post "HE'S BACK" and it says hey builderman
What dosd it mean
Finally Jie is back
Finally you uploaded again what took you so long???
Next video: if you can transfer your game progress to another account
I g0t 50,000Ro𝐛uxs'| fr0m 🇾🇹🇼🇴🇳.🇨🇴🇲
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................整個 人類 歷史 上 , 強者 , 富人 和 具有 狡猾 特質 的 人 捕食 部落 , 氏族 , 城鎮 , 城市 和 鄉村 中 的 弱者 , 無 `` '守 和 貧窮 成員。 然而 , 人類 的生存 意願 迫使 那些 被 拒絕 , 被 剝奪 或 摧毀 的 基本 需求 的 人們 找到 了 一種 生活方式 , 並 繼續 將 其 A 融入 不斷 發展 的 人類 社會。說到 食物 , 不要 以為 那些 被 拒絕 的 人 只吃 垃圾。 相反 , 他們 學會 了 在 被 忽視 的 肉類 和 蔬菜 中 尋找 營養。 他們 學會 了 清潔 , 切塊 , 調味 和慢 燉 慢 燉 的 野菜 和 肉類 , 在 食品 市場 上 被 忽略 的 部分 家用 蔬菜 和 肉類 , 並且 學會 了 使用 芳香 的 木 煙 (如 山核桃 , 山核桃 和 豆科 灌木) 來 調味 食物 煮 的 時候”Am I right?”垃圾 。Lord @'
3:04 Thats sad😂😂😂
When brookhaven gets bigger than adopt me
Adopt me: i hate u
Brookhaven: Deal with it
Me: this is war now
The Owner of Brookhaven Is probably happy that it’s the most popular game
Its piggy the most popular game lol
I’m happy that adopt me is no longer the most popular. Dang, that game is shet
@@sometdstheorist1002 same as scam
“Hey Builderman”
Oml Yes!!! Well never forget the famous Roblox line: “hey builderman”
lol I love this videos so much
Royals High and Bloxburg be like: wait a minute, what the hell
Bro family friendly!
Heck* that’s worse than swearing- (im a Catholic)
Bloxburg and royal high and rp games being like: What the hell roblox played brookhaven? WHAT HE DIDN'T PLAY US AND PLAYED BROOKHAVEN!! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE WE MUST ATTACK BROOKHAVEN!!!
Adopt me is not the best game
It's best game for scamming 😂
Yea- But it is so good for me
that is true ITS THE BEST FOR SCAMMERS and not the best game for me
humour xdxdxd
When you type "scam" on research bar they show you Adopt Me
@Ariq Akbar so you say 10m+ people is scammer? Because 10m+ ppl plays adopt me. Also how do you know if Im a scammer or not
This video is so POG
Epic pog vid u got joe XD
00:03 Hey builder man IS BACK BABYYY
Finallyyyy 'hey builderman' is back baby!!
"Hey builderman" is the best word roblox said
You back jie!
7:13 to 7:24 ‘i dont want to see any dust’ ‘ Or ill turn YOU into dust’ 😂😂😂
I like how Roblox says 'did u wash ur hair?' Then bacon said 'NO'🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
another banger of jie
I knew he was going to say “u stole my heart”
Jie is back!
Jie's vids are the best period
It was funny at the end XD I ENJOY YOUR VIDEO :D
1:23 "Roleplay" top 10 anime quotes before disaster
If ROBLOX had friends..
Getting bored? Join jie and his newborn pie
The legend is back
Here's a video idea Jie "if everyone can ban people" or maybe "if everyone can have 300 friends" let me think for some if you dont want those ideas ok?
Love the videos jie!
Hey builder,an will never get old!
i like the new outro!
The "Hey builderman" never getd old
Lol the smg4 meme at 0:36 that’s Mario smg4 good stuff
Hi do you play mobile legends, lol or dota Just asking a little bit question😉
Hey builderman the best thing I every saw
Me when jie uploads :Me Time to watch some jie gaming studio ooh he uploaded time to watch it :)
Hey builder man is backkkkk yayyy
"BROOKHEAVEN?" That makes my day better
person : mutters the word sound effect
Hey builder man is back 😱
I think you should make your channel name called pie gaming studio
2:00 whats this song pls ive been looking for years still havent found it
The Hey Builder man! Never gets old...
wow jie what a nice and funny video
I dare u to do: "If roblox banned brookheaven"
Finally i waited so long
The hey builderman will never get old
everyone: "hey builderman" is back!
me: its serious that you guys cares?
The "hey builder man" is one of the best quotes said by roblox jie gaming studio, you should give anyone a respect dog