The Shidduch Chronicles: The Graduation

  • Опубліковано 4 вер 2024


  • @brachagoetz9140
    @brachagoetz9140 Рік тому

    Thank you!

  • @chanamintz3743
    @chanamintz3743 3 роки тому

    What a great video for the month of Av :(

  • @cybrarian9
    @cybrarian9 8 років тому +3

    How can I forget what it's like to be single when synagogues are not geared to making matches, but require their incomes from young couples who eventually get married and have children while older never married singles might as well be invisible in a bustling synagogue bulging with babies and children of all ages all over the place. Again, I might as well be invisible.

  • @raanan111
    @raanan111 8 років тому +3

    Good clips, good points. There's an underlying point that betrays even the issue of the shiddukh crisis here & that's middoth. Talking in schul is asur. Embarrassing someone for your seat is also problematic when there are rishonim that hold the WHOLE schul is one's set place. If people act improperly on these issues, how can you expect them to even OFFER to bring a stranger home as a guest, let alone help them w/a shiddukh?

  • @planesense7390
    @planesense7390 4 роки тому +3

    personally I LOOK for an empty bench:) Id much rather have space and privacy

  • @mattpolo5301
    @mattpolo5301 7 років тому +3

    Or just being NEW

  • @ursulawayne9384
    @ursulawayne9384 2 роки тому


  • @alj770
    @alj770 8 років тому +1

    Thank G-d not never kehilla is like this when new faces arrive although yes, I grant you it happens far too often, and not only to singles, I am deeply sorry to say. As a married woman visiting synagogues while out of town for professional purposes I too was a victim of this experience more often that I care to remember.

    • @rrbb4437
      @rrbb4437 5 років тому +1

      Oh man, just daven!!

    • @rrbb4437
      @rrbb4437 5 років тому

      And where is the rabbi of this shul? He needs to be inviting these people over..

  • @benwaxman55
    @benwaxman55 8 років тому +3

    OMG is this true

  • @carolcarter5187
    @carolcarter5187 8 років тому +1

    It's sad that "maturity" in the frum community is so closely tied with biology (ie, having marital "relations"). Physiological maturity has nothing to do with intellectual or even social maturity. We've got to "grow up" and learn to appreciate what EVERY human being--especially of every Jew, single or otherwise--has to offer klal Yisrael.