Our FIRST Reaction to GERMAN ROCK BAND "BAP" - Verdamp lang her (live 1984)

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @MaxSujyGermany
    @MaxSujyGermany  5 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for watching! We have 12 rescue dogs, including 1 with diabetes and partial blindness. All Channel Membership and Donations (Super Chat, etc), go toward her home treatment (insulin, diet, etc).
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  • @martinkasper197
    @martinkasper197 5 місяців тому +10

    Hearing this song is so Verdamp lang her..🤓🤣

  • @PropperNaughtyGeezer
    @PropperNaughtyGeezer 5 місяців тому +20

    As a foreign speaker you probably won't be able to hear it. Most musicians sing in High German (Standard German). He sings in “Kölsch”. A German dialect spoken in the Cologne area. Difficult to understand for other Germans.

  • @PeterBuwen
    @PeterBuwen 5 місяців тому +4

    The big special thing about BAP is that the band sang in their regional dialect - Kölsch. That was pretty new at that time, because the music was generally sung in High German. But BAP became very popular and many more bands emerged during this time who then sang in their own dialect.

    • @publicminx
      @publicminx 5 місяців тому +2

      that was not new. kind of 'newish' was rather this wave of 'dialect' + such kind of rock - and BAP was one of the more famous representatives of that ...

  • @basslastig7456
    @basslastig7456 5 місяців тому +2

    The comparison with Cette Voix is ​​interesting. Vocally and also in composing.
    I assume that Wolfgang Niedecken is familiar with the work of Cette Voix. He is a great composer and extremely subtle poet.
    Niedecken is known in Cologne and the region as the “Cologneian Bob Dylan”.

  • @arnodobler1096
    @arnodobler1096 5 місяців тому +3

    BAP Salzgebäck & Bier Tour was my first concert, the ticket cost 15 DM and the concert lasted from 20.00 to 0.30. A great memory

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 5 місяців тому +3

      Hi Arno! Ich habe die Jungs auf der Tour 3 mal gesehen. Auch ich habe ein ähnliches Erlebnis gehabt. Sie haben 17 Zugaben gespielt, 12 bei voller Saalbeleuchtung. Die Jungs, hatten einfach Bock zu spielen. Auch alte Stones- Kracher... Und ich hatte die Gelegenheit mich mit Niedecken zu unterhalten. Einer der klarsten Geister, die mir je im Leben begegnet sind! Er hat mich beeindruckt... Und das ist gewiß nicht leicht...

    • @arnodobler1096
      @arnodobler1096 5 місяців тому +1

      @@melchiorvonsternberg844 Glaube ich dir.

  • @morbvsclz
    @morbvsclz 5 місяців тому +1

    As a native German speaker from the part of Lower Saxoy were High German (Standard German) is our regional dialect -> I really struggle to understand this. I have to listen very closely and my brain tries to decipher it, while he is already on the next line. I'd say I get about 20% immediately and another 20% after some processing time 😀

  • @tross4713
    @tross4713 5 місяців тому +1

    Three words: I ❤you

  • @OnkelKnuffel
    @OnkelKnuffel 5 місяців тому +1

    Hallo my friends. Again a nice reaction. BAP is a verry good german band singing in "Kölsch" a old language spoken in Cologne, that is hard to understand, for german people as well. But they are good. Now Max, you Said that this is a Song from a time before you was born. That makes me smile. Now, I am 56 years old and my youth time, hearing music all das Long, was in the early 80s. Their was a music called "neue deutsche Welle" (new german Wave) wich was verry popular in Germany at this time. Here is a music Video from one of my favorite Actor at this time: Nena! I loved that woman, and when I say I loved her, Now 🥴 it was real Love!! OK forget this...... 😅 By the way... She was doing verry good music and one of her first Hits was this one: ua-cam.com/video/Fpu5a0Bl8eY/v-deo.htmlsi=6b73EY0qUf9WNBG- Please look and react to this Video from the years 1982. I think you can Switch on english subtitles. Go ON you lovely two!!! Many greetings from Duisburg in Germany

  • @christianmuller6960
    @christianmuller6960 5 місяців тому +1

    There was a time BAP theemt to the geman kind of U2

  • @stbwhite
    @stbwhite 5 місяців тому +1

    Please give your reaction to Japanese boy group Number_i GOAT. please. The song is crazy and the music video is amazing.

  • @alesgc1145
    @alesgc1145 5 місяців тому +2

    Mas Luis Miguel porfavor 🙏

  • @martinkasper197
    @martinkasper197 5 місяців тому +4

    They also made a song called Kristallnaach...It's about the Naziprogrome 1938 on jewish people and how some people in our society go right wing once again...🤓

  • @prototype665
    @prototype665 5 місяців тому +1

    While we're in "Kölle", of course "Wolle" shouldn't be missing: Wolfgang Petry - Wahnsinn
    (By the way: The audience's shouts during the chorus are: "Hölle, Hölle, Hölle, Hölle! (Hell, hell, hell, hell!)", "Gefühle, Fühle, Fühle, Fühle! (Feelings, feel, feel, feel!)", "Müll, Müll, Sondermüll! (Garbage, garbage, hazardous waste!)"
    These shouts have become a tradition in Germany whenever this song is played, of course supported by lots of alcohol)

  • @andy8314
    @andy8314 5 місяців тому +9

    Good Choice!👍 BAP from "Kölle" (dialectic Name for their Hometown Cologne). BAP always sings in "kölsch". Kölsch means their dialect, but it is also the Name of the Beer from Cologne 😋 Greets from Germany

  • @pyrointeam
    @pyrointeam 5 місяців тому +7

    Lyrics: Written by Wolfgang Niedecken March 1981 escaping to Morlitzwinden from Cologne Carnival because his Dad died 6 months prior, which he tried to process with this song written on Rosenmontag (the day of the big parade in Cologne, an event of joy and happiness ) finishing it the next day.. Cologne dialect / °German / > English:
    Verdamp lang her, dat ich fast alles ähnz nohm
    °Verdammt lang her, dass ich fast alles ernst nahm
    > It's been a damn long time/ A damn long time ago, I took everything serious
    Verdamp lang her, dat ich ahn jet jejläuv
    °Verdammt lang her, dass ich an etwas geglaubt habe
    > A damn long time ago, I believed in something
    Un dann dä Schock, wie et anders op mich zokohm
    °Und dann der Schock, wie anders/befremdlich es auf mich zukam
    > And then the jar/shock, how different/strange it came to me
    Merkwürdich, wo su manche Haas langläuf
    °Merkwürdig, wo so mancher Hase langläuft
    > Strange, where some of the rabbits run. / Strange, how things work.
    > ("Wissen, wie der Hase läuft" or "So läuft der Hase" is a german expression for "knowing how things work" or "This is how things work.")
    Nit resigniert, nur reichlich desillusioniert
    °Nicht resigniert, nur reichlich desillusioniert
    > Not resigned, just very much (plenty) disenchanted/disillusioned
    E bessje jet hann ich kapiert
    °Ein bisschen etwas habe ich kapiert
    > I understood/figured out a little bit
    Wer alles, wenn dir et klapp, hinger dir herrennt,
    Ding Schulder klopp, wer dich nit all hofiert,
    Sich ohne ruut ze weede dinge Fründ nennt,
    Un dich daachs drop janz einfach ignoriert.
    °Wer alles, wenn dir etwas gelingt/ du erfolgreich bist, hinter dir herrennt,
    Dir auf die Schulter klopft, wer dich nicht alles hofiert,
    Sich ohne rot zu werden dein Freund nennt
    Und dich tags darauf ganz einfach ignoriert.
    > Who-all follows you around when you succeed/ make a fortune,
    (who) pats on your shoulder (being proud), who-all curry favour with you,
    calls him-/herself your friend without blushing
    and ignores you the following day.
    Et ess lang her, dat ich vüür sujet ratlos stund
    °Es ist lange her, dass ich vor so etwas ratlos stand
    > It's been a long time since I stood baffled/clueless in front of something like that
    Un vüür Enttäuschung echt nit mieh kunnt
    °Und vor Enttäuschung echt nicht mehr konnte
    > and being tired of all that disappointment
    Ich weiß noch, wie ich nur dovun gedräump hann
    °Ich weiss noch, wie ich nur davon geträumt habe
    > I still remember, how I only dreamed about it
    Wovunn ich nit woss, wie ich et sööke sollt
    °Wovon ich nicht wusste, wie ich es suchen sollte
    > Whereof I didn't know how I should search it
    Vüür lauter Söökerei et Finge jlatt versäump hann
    °Vor lauter Sucherei das Finden ich glatt versäumt habe
    > For all the searching I lost out on finding
    Un övverhaup, wat ich wo finge wollt.
    °Und überhaupt, was ich wo finden wollte.
    *> and after all, what I wanted where to find.
    'Nen Kopp voll nix, nur die paar instinktive Tricks
    °Ein Kopf voll Nichts, nur die paar instinktiven Tricks.
    > A head full of nothing, just a few instinctive tricks
    Et duhrt lang, besste dich durchblicks
    °Es dauert lange, bis du dich durchschaust
    *>It takes a long time, to read yourself/ get known to yourself/ psych yourself (word by word: see through yourself) *
    Dat woor die Zick, wo ich noch nit ens Pech hat
    °Das war die Zeit, wo ich noch nicht einmal Pech hatte
    > That was the time, when i didn't even had bad luck
    Noch nit ens dat, ich hatt se nit ens satt
    °Noch nicht einmal das, ich hatte sie nicht einmal satt
    > Not even that, I wasn' even sick of it (the time)/ I wasn't even fed up with it (the time)
    He woor John Steinbeck, do stund Joseph Conrad
    °Hier war John Steinbeck, da stand Joseph Conrad,
    >Here was John Steinbeck, Joseph Conrad stood over there
    Dozwesche ich, nur relativ schachmatt.
    °Dazwischen ich, nur relativ schachmatt.
    >me in between, just relatively checkmated.
    Et ess paar Johr her, doch die Erinnerung fällt nit schwer
    °Es ist ein paar Jahre her, doch die Erinnerung fällt nicht schwer
    >A few years ago, but remembering isn't hard
    Hück kütt mer vüür, als wenn et jestern wöör
    °Heute kommt es mir vor, als wenn es gestern war.
    >Today it seems to me as if it were yesterday
    Verdamp lang her, verdamp lang
    Verdamp lang her
    °Verdammt lange her, verdammt lange.
    Verdammt lange her.
    > It's been a damn long time, damn long,
    a damn long time ago.
    Frööchs mich, wann ich zoletz e Bild jemohlt hann
    °Fragst mich, wann ich zuletzt ein Bild gemalt habe,
    > (You) Ask me, when did i paint a painting last time,
    Ob mir e Leed tatsächlich jetz jenüsch
    °Ob mir ein Lied tatsächlich jetzt genügt,
    > if a song now will really do / if one song is really enough for me right now,
    Ob ich jetz do benn, wo ich hinjewollt hann
    °Ob ich jetzt da bin, wo ich hin wollte,
    > If I am now where I wanted to get to.
    Ob mir ming Färv op die Tour nit verdrüsch
    °Ob mir meine Farbe auf dieser Tour nicht vertrocknet.
    > If my colors/ my paint doesn't dry out on this tour.
    Ich jläuv, ich weiß, ob du nu laut mohls oder leis
    °Ich glaube, dass ich weiß( Ich glaube zu wissen, dass ob du nun laut malst oder leise,
    > I believe to know, that no matter how you paint, wether you paint loud or quiet,
    Et kütt drop ahn, dat du et deiß
    °Es kommt darauf an, dass du es tust.
    *> it just matters, that you do it. *
    Verdamp lang her, verdamp lang
    Verdamp lang her
    °Verdammt lange her, verdammt lange.
    Verdammt lange her.
    > It's been a damn long time, damn long,
    a damn long time ago.
    Verdamp lang her, dat ich bei dir ahm Jraav woor
    °Verdammt lange her, dass ich bei dir am Grab war
    > It's been a damn long time since i visited your grave
    Verdamp lang her, dat mir jesprochen hann
    °Verdammt lange her, dass wir gesprochen haben,
    > It's been a damn long time since we talked to eachother
    Un dat vum eine och jet beim andere ahnkohm
    °Und dass vom einen auch etwas beim anderen ankam,
    > and that also something the one said sunk in/ got stuck/ got through to the other. (word by word: arrived at the other)
    Su lang, dat ich mich kaum erinnre kann
    °So lange, dass ich mich kaum erinnern kann.
    > So long, I hardly can remember.
    Häss fess jejläuv, dat wer em Himmel op dich waat
    °Hast fest geglaubt, dass jemand im Himmel auf dich wartet,
    > You had strong faith in someone awaiting you in heaven,
    Ich jönn et dir, hann ich jesaat
    °"Ich gönne es dir", habe ich gesagt.
    > "I hope so for you"/ "I am so glad for you" , i said.
    ("Gönnen" is a german active verb it means the exact opposite of "to grudge" or "Schadenfreude". It means you find joy in the luck and fortune of others and you are glad for them.)
    Verdamp lang her, verdamp lang
    Verdamp lang her
    °Verdammt lange her, verdammt lange.
    Verdammt lange her.
    > It's been a damn long time, damn long,
    a damn long time ago.

  • @Thomas-s8i1l
    @Thomas-s8i1l 5 місяців тому +5

    By the way BAP is spoken in Cologne dialect and means father (Vater) !

  • @rainermarx5217
    @rainermarx5217 5 місяців тому +4

    the song is from 1981, that's when i heard it for the first time, but they still play it today. But they look much older

  • @JorlinJollyfingers
    @JorlinJollyfingers 4 місяці тому +2

    That was my youth in Cologne... the "Stolwerck" protests in Cologne which were a part of BAP getting tracktion. The protests were about the useage of a former chocolate companies properties. Free spirited people just took over and made it a playground for artists and bands like... BAP

  • @mariomelms7902
    @mariomelms7902 4 місяці тому +2

    I guess I was 13 or 14 when my uncle took me to a concert of them back in the 80`s. I was at many festivals and concerts since but this one has still a special place in my memories.

  • @pixelbartus
    @pixelbartus 5 місяців тому +2

    I have heard the song quite a few times and i think this is a song most germans will recognize. But as you went through the translation, i understood the lyrics for the first time. Their regional dialect is so thick, that i don't understand anything they sing. Colone is only a one hour drive away from me and in the same state, but from the dialect and culture it is a totally different region.

  • @peterthill
    @peterthill 5 місяців тому +3

    As a born german I don‘t understand only the half of what BAB signs. And yes, I have some friends who are related to the Cologne roundabound. And fun is that they also have Problems to understood what Nideggen sind. IIRC this is a Cologne Dialect that only a few people speek,
    But anyway: It‘s a great german song 👍

    • @xxJOKeR75xx
      @xxJOKeR75xx 5 місяців тому +2

      Kölsch is fine for many people in the Cologne/Bonn area really. Even though the dialect changes slightly depending on what part of the area you're in. Cologne has a strong music scene in the local dialect and younger bands are picking up the baton that Bläck Föös, Höhner or BAP have carried. I think that's great.

  • @xjrlionheart4423
    @xjrlionheart4423 5 місяців тому +4

    It`s really amazing that you have found such a great "regional" German Band lie BAP, singing in a regional speach called "Kölsch" from the region in Cologne in Germany. Plaese read the lyrics. All the best from Germany. Thanks a lot you have done this! There is only passion and real life in it - no fuckin..ing show like today...

  • @carljames1411
    @carljames1411 4 місяці тому +1

    1984 I was 14 and with the invention of the walkman I listen to noting but my 2 BAP cassettes for months every day. "Von drinne noh drusse" and "Für usszeschnigge".

  • @SakuraMorandi
    @SakuraMorandi 5 місяців тому +1

    can you react to Rammstein - Zeit or Annett Louisan - Das Gefühl (you need english subs for both)?

  • @Thomas-s8i1l
    @Thomas-s8i1l 5 місяців тому +1

    I like your Joker T-Shirt ! 😆

  • @Peter_Cetera
    @Peter_Cetera 5 місяців тому +2

    Dancing Sujy is so sexy! 😉

  • @mickypescatore9656
    @mickypescatore9656 5 місяців тому +2

    Hello! Thank you for reacting this old song from BAP, the band of my hometown! That`s funny! And I like that you liked it and read the lyrics!!! Greetings from Germany! 😃😉👍✌👋

  • @michamcv.1846
    @michamcv.1846 5 місяців тому +2

    damn long , damn long time since i saw someone dancing so carefree xD like for that 👍

  • @melchiorvonsternberg844
    @melchiorvonsternberg844 5 місяців тому +1

    I saw the guys live a total of 5 times. The boys were great on stage. After a concert, when I was still very young, I had the opportunity to talk to the lead singer. Totally authentic, with a clear mind, who also clearly grasped larger contexts and knew how to formulate his thoughts. A really smart head! They played twice in our festival hall and you could meet them eating in a pub before the concert. Really totally grounded and without any airs and graces... They are still on stage and the singer is now 73 years old. He has aged well... By the way, the concert shown here took place in a Roman amphitheater in Germany...

  • @renerieche6862
    @renerieche6862 5 місяців тому +1

    My very first open air concert was been a BAP concert and Rea Garvey was the opening act and throw his guitar to one guy in the audience

  • @BernhardHeiming-pw8xj
    @BernhardHeiming-pw8xj 5 місяців тому +1

    🙏👍🤝🇩🇪 chok di kap

  • @eisikater1584
    @eisikater1584 5 місяців тому +1

    Had a record by BAP. Yes, an LP, not a CD. You know, that vinyl stuff. Thankfully, they included a "High German" translation of their lyrics because as a Bavarian, I really don't understand "Kölsch", which is the name of the dialect they speak in Cologne and also what they drink and dare calling it a beer.

  • @ponkoffmusic
    @ponkoffmusic 5 місяців тому +2

    Bad singer, poor arrangement, and medium quality rock band. If the guy wasn‘t singing in cologne dialect there was nothing unique about the song, the group, or the performance. It really did not light any spark for me.