Im from that part of the balkans and when my relatives from back home are pissed off man o man no one can rant like them. They say everything they've been holding back for years. 😂this was epic but i hope he doesnt get fired because there are american coaches like jeff van gundy and other that get kicked out the league for doing the same thing and probably not as good as darko. This was highly effective which will anger them even more. NBA is very petty and vengeful.
@@Michael-qg1gh He will get fined from the league but he is 1000000% protected in Toronto. We have immense respect for him, he will not be fired over this, 100000% certain.
@@manuelsoares9698 the only way he has any protection would be from the owner. Not even the gm or anyone else. But I get your point. He made me a raptors fan. Lol
RIGHT ON TO DARKO. I watched the game and Scottie Barnes was fouled much more than was called. In addition the flagrant foul on I.Q. late in the game was NONSENSE.
Darko has some massive balls. As a raptors fans seeing this “game” was infuriating. I couldn’t imagine how the players felt and what Darko did during the post game interview defensively brought up moral for the next game today
he has almost everyone on his side, even some lakers fans maybe. painful to watch the injustice happening especially when you see it and know it's unfolding before your eyes. tv gets switched off.
@@gnohcrol2399 - I watched the whole game. And the raptors are definitely missing their center. What would you like to talk about? The ref calling a foul for Austin Reeves "after" he missed? ADs egregious flop that snuffed out the raptors 3 that would tie the game? There's more but you get the point right? You get how what you said was a bad take right? 19-0 FTs in the last 4 minutes of the 4th. In a close basketball game.
Give this man an award!!! This rant will go down with the all time greats in coaching history...Jim mora "PLAYOFFS?" Dennis Green "They are who we thought they were!" and now Darko "Just give them the win"
You’re not a Laker fan if you 100% agree. You can 75% agree, because the officiating was BS. But let’s not act like games are being rigged for the lakers when we’ve already seen multiple instances this year of the refs screwing them over in the final minutes. A laker fan that’s actually been watching the games would know this. And this is coming from a Kings fan.
The refs have been pretty horrible against us, but this is a new low. This was blatant, they didn’t even hide it. I bet any unbiased person could see that the refs wanted the lakers to win. That anthony davis dive off of RJ was one of the examples. And Ben Taylor at the very least needs to be investigated.
It was a late game against a team in another country, so they thought no one would pay attention. The comment section of the highlights were lit up with refs comments. Then I had to go back and watch and it was clear who the refs wanted to win.
The guy had to rant in his second language visibly PO'd and as someone who was watching that game I completely agree with his assessment. The amount of times a marquee team with star players and a large global fanbase seem to get a seemingly impossible foul count in their favour in the 4th quarter is not as ludicrous as you think. Imposing fines and ignoring referee incompetence will bite the NBA in the butt down the line
There is no borderline rigging. Either a games is rigged or not. And this game was simply fixed. And they (Vegas, the mob, NBA, corrupt refs) get away with it, because fanbois will still watch that shxx shows and buy Made-in-China gameshirts of overpaid divas.
One thing that bugs me is when there is a coaches challenge. Last night Davis absolutely bull dozed into Barnes down low in the post. Barnes did not flop nor did he foul Davis. He played great defense. One could easily argue that Davis should have received an offensive foul for putting his shoulder down into a stationary Barnes. A foul is called on the play and the Raptors challenge. Upon review you can see that Quickley put his hand out on Davis' back after Davis had initiated contact with Barnes. Quickley did not shove, it was simply a hand on a back. Refs review and say there's a foul on Quickley. In no way in any game would a ref call a foul on Quickley if you saw what happened. But because a foul was called on the play and because Quickley did touch Davis, there is no reasonability on the review. Why can't they review and say, "Quickley did touch Davis but it did not warrant a the Lakers last had the ball, it will be there's side out"
Not to mention, Quickley ended up fouling out after less than 30 minutes. And he's got a reputation as a decent defender. He studies Jrue Holiday for pointers.
@@crystalballers Perhaps your blinded by your fanaticism for the Lakers. The Quickley foul on Davis is example #1 of when Davis was not being hacked. He wasn't being hacked by Barnes and he certainly wasn't being "hacked" by Quickley. I'm not for calling a foul on Davis in that play, but if any foul was to be called it should have been an offensive one against Davis and not for Quickley having his hand on his back. And Barnes was fouled several times going to the basket throughout the night including his late dunk where the Lakers "hacked" Barnes knowing the whistle wouldn't blow. And the historical context of NBA refereeing supports that there is bias. Check out the stats on teams like the Raptors where the US media sparsely covers them compared to teams like the Lakers. The Lakers get to the free throw line a lot. They commit fewer fouls. And it doesn't matter historically who is on their team. The Raptors, on the other hand, have been facing this for years. Chris Bosh, Demar Derozan and Kawhi Leonard are several players who complained about not receiving the same treatment as others when they wore a Raptors jersey.
@@mccullochmike NBA officiating stinks. Send me a petition to fix it and ill sign it. But take your violin somewhere else. If you paid attention you'd know the teams that score in the paint (the Lakers) get fouled more and more often not called. You'd know Bron - the freaking GOAT - has had half a dozen blatantly bad no calls on game winning attempts. Youd know the teams that get preferential officiating are the teams with the best records, and that ain't the Lakers. Last night yout team was struggling with AD and decided to be physical then didnt adjust to the refs. That's on your coach, who doubled down on dumb calling out refs. Good luck with that.
@@crystalballers I agree with much of what you have to say…but there is merit to Darko’s complaint last night. And by no means was it a small complaint nor was it based on 1 play. Darko is a talented coach with extensive coaching experience from around the world. He rarely gets angry and does not complain about or to the refs very much. So in the same spirit as you claiming that the referees stink, it does not mean that you simply have sour grapes and are playing a violin. There is reasoning behind his statements, and they were astounding claims that he made. To blindly dig in and say there were no shortcomings last night is naive. The Raptors clearly received the short end of the stick last night despite your attempts to rationalize that Davis is simply a good player who lives in the post. The whistle went against the Raptors last night and it cost them the game. And please understand it’s not just about the Raptors fouls it’s about the lack of fouls going the other way when replays clearly show fouls.
Basketball officiating controls the game more so than any other major sports. We're not far enough from Tim Donaghy to have a good feeling about how the NBA uses that control.
raptors scored 70 points in the paint, +20 in the paint over the lakers. So the raptors were way more aggressive in the paint. Rptors shot better from the field, better from three, more second chance points... literally played better than the lakers in EVERY single area of the game.
Darko said what most of us fans have been seeing with our eyes for years. This is what happens when the leagues ignore the official problems in their sports
I'm glad to hear Darko speak up because it's the truth! These refs be on some BS!! It happens to my Knicks alot, especially at our own home GARDEN . Something gotta be done because 23 free throws in the 4th to just 2 for Toronto is ridiculous!
As a Raptors fan, I love seeing this from Darko and let me say this even to Lakers fans, I feel sorry for you guys because your team is taking the heat for sorry officiating from the referees. I think in sports in general, these officials need to finally be held accountable for taking over games and be punished when they do so because it looks bad on the league every time.
What do you mean 'your (lakers) team is taking the heat'? The fact that LeBron said 'they fouled and we didn't' only mean two things, either they know that they'll be given this win OR they're such poor players to not be able to recognize that they commited fouls that wasn't called. If they do not acknowledge the outrageousness of the calls it only means that they don't care about the sportsmanship and fairness of the league as long as they're getting the Ws. Btw, not mad at you lol...just sharing my two cents. ✌️I do agree about the poor way the game had been officiated.
honestly, this coach /man is correct, and honest... its a shame other people from different countries have more balls than Americans,, this nation is in deep trouble!
I've been a Raps fan for a long time and this happens like once every season if not more. Its even happened in playoff games. It is always againsts a major team with star players. Prob happens to other teams the NBA considers barely relevant also, what a complete joke
I've bled purple & gold since Magic's rookie season. But what I watched last night was what Mike Tyson would call ludacris. It was more than home-court advantage. All you can ask for is equality.
I hate LeBum being on the Lakers. I'm a Spurs fan, but there are teams I like watching. Lakers were one of those teams... but ever since LeBum has joined them, I can't watch. It was a team full of young kids... and talent was going to develop... until LeBum showed up and got rid of all the young talent. Same with Miami... couldn't watch the Heat when LeBum was on the team. Never watched the cavs, they became pretty irrelevant after MJ knocked them out of the playoffs back on the 90s. LeBum should have stayed in Cleveland.
People act as if this is something new?!?! Pfff. I remember whrn Jeff Van Gundy had the same problems with the officiating when he was the head coach in Houston. He was even told the referees were going to target some of his players. Mark Cuban has a legit beef with the league, look back at that finals against Miami in '06. Its inconceivable how many times Dwayne Wade gets to the free throw line! How about the Lakers vs Sacramento kings in '02.... The list goes on and on...
In the modern NBA, there are SO MANY plays that are could be called by the ref all the time! things like ticky-tack fouls, traveling, carries, etc can "technically" be ruled as fouls. This is why the 2-minute reports and coaches' challenges often fall short in catching and addressing these issues; in fact, the NBA is using it even more to their advantage. The problem is way more than just a bad call against the Raptors; it more so all of the non-calls that go unnoticed, allowing them to gain an unfair advantage without technically violating the rules. There needs to be way more focus shifted from debating whether a particular play technically qualifies as a foul or not. It overshadows the fundamental issue of fairness and consistency in officiating. If the discrepancy in calls was solely due to incompetence, obliviousness, or unconscious bias, I would be disappointed. However, it appears that the issue goes beyond mere mistakes and is clearly deliberate cheating. It seems as though certain teams are being favoured to ensure their path to the playoffs. What's particularly annoying is that this doesn't seem to be a matter of personal preference but rather a calculated move to boost profits. After our playoff victory, the NBA made it abundantly clear that having the Raptors in the NBA doesn't align with their financial interests. More money can be generated if teams like the lakers take the spotlight. This situation became even more evident when Denver won. As passionate Raptors supporters, it's disheartening to witness our team facing such challenges, seemingly fueled by financial motives rather than fair competition. Let's continue to voice our concerns and hope that the league addresses these issues for the sake of fair play and the integrity of the game. One final rant. I hate that all of the commentators are saying that we let AD just walk up and score half the time. This isn't because we were bad defensively, in fact, before all of the horrible calls, we were doing pretty well. It's because they were forced them out of playing the way they want to because of the contant flow of the game was interrupted and they were playing different because they didn't want any more B$ calls.
Yup. Officiating 100% can dictate how a team can go about defending. Vanderbilt and Reddish are allowed to play 90's style physical defense all the time. Then on the other end, Bron, AD, and Reaves you can't make eye contact with
Honestly I watched the game. It was a late one for us on the East Coast. Was kinda half awake for most of it. Didn't really notice the free throw discrepancy but it felt like everything was going lakers way. That foul on RJ on the last play where Barnes hit a three was outrageous. That does seem like the perfect word for it. League said it wants to cut down on flopping but then a 7 footer runs into RJ and goes flying 5 feet across the floor and gets rewarded with BS call. Love the way the raps kept at it till the end. Sucks that such great effort goes to waste on refs calls...not once, over and over and over. Barnes drove to the basket got hit multiple times and finished with a dunk and no call...on the other end if you touched anyone it's an automatic whistle. Shame...good game wasted by bad referees.
@@g.b.alejandro6268 I know I'm agreeing it was an obvious flop cause no way rj is ever pushing ad to the floor ever. How the refs think he did is very peculiar started more than 40 years ago. The NBA has been a joke and the refs have rigged it all that time. Tim Donaghy blew the whistle and most fans were saying "About time someone told the truth." Everyone already knew it.
Naah, the NBA turn soft for a long time now, ever since 2011ish, the star protection went out of control, the Warriors surged and the league allowed moving screens, zero contact, traveling (started with LeBron and his "crab dribble", then here it comes James Harden with the "double step back", etc). And if I'm not mistaken the betting conglomerates became league sponsors for about 3 years or so? It's bizarre, how do you want to convince your sports league has integrity when they are sponsored by betting conglomerates? You watch a Lakers game and out of nowhere here it comes a ad promoting a betting website, this is preposterous lol
I watched the game, and now seeing Darko go off like this, you gotta ask why in the world was there such a large disparity in free throws? Even if you did not watch the game, and take a look at the stat-sheet and see that the Lakers got 23 free shots in the 4th quarter, alone, you might pause in thought for a bit...put your four-finger on your chin and say, Hmm!
The NBA has an integrity problem. The Tim Donaghy scandal was swept under the rug and never investigated. Refereeing ilings a tough job and with the NBA using gambling as a revenue stream, this is a scandal in waiting. I'm disgusted with the Laker whistle in the NBA but I have seen it for years.
t wasn't just the free throw discrepancy. It was so many biased decisions this was sickest game I have even seen for refs deciding the winner. A missed foul call here and there in late game situations happens to every team now and then, they are human and do their best. but this game the entire 4th qtr was a series of about a dozen or more calls to favour the lakers. The unsuccessful challenge by the raptors (which should have gone their way). Of course the successful challenges by the lakers, which one of them for sure looked as if it should have gone raptors way. multiple delayed foul calls against the raptors after they saw the lakers miss a shot. The 3 from scottie to tie it negated by a bogus offensive foul on barren away from the play on a Davis flop. the regular offencive foul on quickly, then upgraded to a flagrant even though he couldn't even see the laker player and he made a total natural movement without any ill intent, and that also eliminated him from game (he was hottest raptor). It was a true disgrace and gifting the lakers a much needed win for the league and NBA with an eye on playoffs. Puke!
23 freethrows to 2....WTF? So the refs are saying that the Lakers were playing basketball, but the Raptors were WWE wrestling? That discrepancy is unexplainable.
The last minute alone, Barnes going to the rim got hacked pretty blatantly, twice. Then Lebron with worse acting than on his flops to PROVE it was rigged.
great unbiased takes, coming from a raptors fan. this is the only non-raptors post game reaction show that didn't focus on darko saying scottie will be the face of the league. completely missing the point of the free throw disparity. is a head coach not suppose to support their players? that's the type of coach you go to war for. it's not like he's hyping up some bum, scottie definitely has all the tools and potential to possibly be the face of the league. looking forward to more great takes from you guys!
This really is an epic rant! Move over, Jim Mora and Dennis Green (RIP), Sarko's taking his seat at the table! (I love the accent, which just adds some spice to the stew!)
"I feel like they fouled and we didn't." Cracked me up! Thanks for discussing this, fellas. S.R., Mo-Mutt Music/Sacred & Secular (and current b-ball fan and former mediocre pickup b-ball player)
I am neither a Laker fan or a Raptor fan. But, after watching some fourth quarter highlights, I can see the flopping (by the Lakers) and the difference in how the referess called the "touch fouls." The Refs allowed Lebron, A.D. and the Lakers to touch, push and even clear out (with extended arms) while penalizing the Raptors for lesser contact. I do not care what the league does to him, Darko Rajakovic just earned the respect of everyone outside of tinseltown. He earns this respect because this is not just "whining" after every play (like Lebron). He is expressing a hearfelt frustration, based on facts, and he is willing to incur the massive fine that will be levied upon him. He does not bend his knee to the legend of Lebron, and nor should he. Fighting (with real passion) for his players and the City of Toronto, Darko Rajakovic is now a legend..
As a Sacramento Kings fan I have to say that this is not the first time that refs have given a game to the lakers!!🤮🤮🤮🤮 Unfortunately ours was in a game that would have vaulted us into the championship!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Gru telling it like it is. Check out the Western Conference Finals of Lakers-Blazers and Lakers-Kings. Same disparities. Black Mamba didn’t win those games. It was Dick Bavetta.
This man needs to keep biting the ankles of the officiating and never let go. SPEAK Darko! Don’t change. We should create a Darko fund to pay his fines. I’ll contribute. 👊
Appeal the fine, don't stop fighting this. Why play if its rigged in this way. It was so obvious. But look for this coach to be shut down and this BS continues, I wonder how many calls they got their way in that BS mid season I need to make up something to win and talk about tournament.
Holy crap, that line
"They have to win tonight? Then let us know so we dont show up"
Im from that part of the balkans and when my relatives from back home are pissed off man o man no one can rant like them. They say everything they've been holding back for years. 😂this was epic but i hope he doesnt get fired because there are american coaches like jeff van gundy and other that get kicked out the league for doing the same thing and probably not as good as darko. This was highly effective which will anger them even more. NBA is very petty and vengeful.
@Geo.T. He commits offensive fouls every time he drives the lane.
@@Michael-qg1gh He will get fined from the league but he is 1000000% protected in Toronto. We have immense respect for him, he will not be fired over this, 100000% certain.
@@manuelsoares9698 the only way he has any protection would be from the owner. Not even the gm or anyone else. But I get your point. He made me a raptors fan. Lol
He was 100% correct to blast the refs. You can’t let them get away with that. So many straight up phantom calls.
I watched the highlights, it's almost every drive to the rim by a Laker player was called a foul.
Last night was a different level of fuckery. Was so blatant
Bullshit. Please name and timestamp these “Phantom Call” then. I’ll wait.
Lebum needs all the help he can get…Ray Allen…Kyrie…etc…what a BUM😹😹😹
@@spicyjuniorminton close calls you can defend each side. That's why it's a 50/50 call. The problem is when every 50/50 call goes the same direction.
RIGHT ON TO DARKO. I watched the game and Scottie Barnes was fouled much more than was called. In addition the flagrant foul on I.Q. late in the game was NONSENSE.
What about the shot RJ took on Lebron that they didn’t even check, was that total nonsense also?
Plus when AD fell into RJ like a sac of potatoes, should be a flopping fine
@@brandonwallace543if you add up point for point legitimate foul for foul Lakers lose by 5
Darko has some massive balls. As a raptors fans seeing this “game” was infuriating. I couldn’t imagine how the players felt and what Darko did during the post game interview defensively brought up moral for the next game today
"Don't worry about the pizza party coach. We'll charge through a brick wall till we get 3w's in a row" - Raptors players after seeing this probably
he has almost everyone on his side, even some lakers fans maybe. painful to watch the injustice happening especially when you see it and know it's unfolding before your eyes. tv gets switched off.
Refs have long memories. I give him credit but as dumb as it sounds, he hurt his career by sticking up for his players
He wasn't brave. He was angry. You dont want to get any dude from the Balkans angry.
@@albundy7623Your not wrong, but sometimes you have to loòk in the mirror and say enough, not taking it anymore, kudos to the coach.
Never heard of this guy and I love him
Beat me to it. I was going to say the same thing.
Because y’all lebron/laker haters lol, did you watch the game? Did you watch the 4th quarter?
@@gnohcrol2399 Yes, and I hear no lies on Darko's part. Y'all Lakers fans celebrating this "win" are beyond shameless.
@@gnohcrol2399 - I watched the whole game. And the raptors are definitely missing their center. What would you like to talk about?
The ref calling a foul for Austin Reeves "after" he missed?
ADs egregious flop that snuffed out the raptors 3 that would tie the game?
There's more but you get the point right? You get how what you said was a bad take right?
19-0 FTs in the last 4 minutes of the 4th. In a close basketball game.
@@DJReddyFox so you’re saying raptors were getting fouled just wasn’t getting called? Like 20 times it didn’t get called?
As a raps fan I respect our coach wayyyyy more now. That game was complete BS. Raptors have been getting disrespected for a while now.
as. a Lakers fan, i respect your coach too. I dont respect our coach
@sk1nz28 😄
Suns fan I love your coach.
they were fouling lakers weren’t
lebron is it your burner acct? KD taught you well @@DaMeaun
Give this man an award!!! This rant will go down with the all time greats in coaching history...Jim mora "PLAYOFFS?"
Dennis Green "They are who we thought they were!" and now Darko "Just give them the win"
Exactly man haha.
You play to win the game. Herm 😊
I am a Laker fan. I bleed purple and gold. I agree with him 100%
Respect... thanks for being impartial and calling it like it is.
You’re not a Laker fan if you 100% agree. You can 75% agree, because the officiating was BS. But let’s not act like games are being rigged for the lakers when we’ve already seen multiple instances this year of the refs screwing them over in the final minutes. A laker fan that’s actually been watching the games would know this. And this is coming from a Kings fan.
Who are you to decide that?@@Lexyboogie
@@Lexyboogiehow tf you go tell this mane he ain’t a Laker fan? He saw the same BS we all saw.
- Laker fan!
not only do you bleed purple and gold. you seem to have a brain which most lakers fans lack.
Ben Taylor's officiating needs to be heavily scrutinized...
FVV called him out last year.
Just became a Raptor's fan
The Raptors dominated the paint as well with 70 points to the Lakers 50. Never mind, the calls in the last 4 minutes of the game.
The freethrows is whatever. It's the fact that Scottie got two freethrows and he's insanely physical. He should be rewarded for his effort and play
if refs are going to be this big of a part of the game, they need to have press conferences afterwards where they answer some questions.
They need to wear jackets like Nascar drivers. With sponsorship patches everywhere so we know who's sponsoring the 😅
@@elizabethgeorge168you know that it's just gonna be Lebron's face all over their jerseys
Between refs in their pockets and getting away with all the flopping, hes not wrong. I support this 💯 and Adam Silver needs to address it.
Adam Silver is a coward and wouldn't dare go against Lebron. Are you kidding me?
Adam Silver is the one that approves it, are you kidding me? They need to have LeBron and bogus IST Lakers in the playoffs.
Adam does as he’s told
19-0 final 4 minutes apparently 👀
But when Tatum clearly fouled LeBron seen on replay you say it's flopping.
Darko👍👍 Love the Truth Tellers of the World!!
He's 100% right. The refs got the win for the Lakers. The NBA is a joke.
Been a joke for a long time
Lebron whole career scripted
Yeah that’s why the Lakers have been getting screwed by the refs late so much lately.
Coach of the Year, for that speech! I wish more coaches had his courage to tell the truth.
He is soooo right! Shameless and pathetic both AD and refs ... SMH 😒 ,
Just like in the playoffs
The refs have been pretty horrible against us, but this is a new low. This was blatant, they didn’t even hide it. I bet any unbiased person could see that the refs wanted the lakers to win. That anthony davis dive off of RJ was one of the examples. And Ben Taylor at the very least needs to be investigated.
It was a late game against a team in another country, so they thought no one would pay attention. The comment section of the highlights were lit up with refs comments. Then I had to go back and watch and it was clear who the refs wanted to win.
Maybe we have another Tim Donaghy situation...
The guy had to rant in his second language visibly PO'd and as someone who was watching that game I completely agree with his assessment.
The amount of times a marquee team with star players and a large global fanbase seem to get a seemingly impossible foul count in their favour in the 4th quarter is not as ludicrous as you think.
Imposing fines and ignoring referee incompetence will bite the NBA in the butt down the line
It's killing them now, the conversation around the refs has been bigger then ever with more teams saying these ref are biased to big market teams.
NBA needs more guys like this. If the players cared half as much as Darko I might start watching
Just 1 of the many reasons the NBA ratings are in the tank
The refs made it so blatant there was extreme favoritism and borderline rigging of that game.
There is no borderline rigging. Either a games is rigged or not. And this game was simply fixed. And they (Vegas, the mob, NBA, corrupt refs) get away with it, because fanbois will still watch that shxx shows and buy Made-in-China gameshirts of overpaid divas.
One thing that bugs me is when there is a coaches challenge. Last night Davis absolutely bull dozed into Barnes down low in the post. Barnes did not flop nor did he foul Davis. He played great defense. One could easily argue that Davis should have received an offensive foul for putting his shoulder down into a stationary Barnes. A foul is called on the play and the Raptors challenge. Upon review you can see that Quickley put his hand out on Davis' back after Davis had initiated contact with Barnes. Quickley did not shove, it was simply a hand on a back. Refs review and say there's a foul on Quickley. In no way in any game would a ref call a foul on Quickley if you saw what happened. But because a foul was called on the play and because Quickley did touch Davis, there is no reasonability on the review. Why can't they review and say, "Quickley did touch Davis but it did not warrant a the Lakers last had the ball, it will be there's side out"
Not to mention, Quickley ended up fouling out after less than 30 minutes. And he's got a reputation as a decent defender. He studies Jrue Holiday for pointers.
Davis was scoring at will, and the Raptors resorted to hacking.
@@crystalballers Perhaps your blinded by your fanaticism for the Lakers. The Quickley foul on Davis is example #1 of when Davis was not being hacked. He wasn't being hacked by Barnes and he certainly wasn't being "hacked" by Quickley. I'm not for calling a foul on Davis in that play, but if any foul was to be called it should have been an offensive one against Davis and not for Quickley having his hand on his back. And Barnes was fouled several times going to the basket throughout the night including his late dunk where the Lakers "hacked" Barnes knowing the whistle wouldn't blow.
And the historical context of NBA refereeing supports that there is bias. Check out the stats on teams like the Raptors where the US media sparsely covers them compared to teams like the Lakers. The Lakers get to the free throw line a lot. They commit fewer fouls. And it doesn't matter historically who is on their team. The Raptors, on the other hand, have been facing this for years. Chris Bosh, Demar Derozan and Kawhi Leonard are several players who complained about not receiving the same treatment as others when they wore a Raptors jersey.
@@mccullochmike NBA officiating stinks. Send me a petition to fix it and ill sign it. But take your violin somewhere else. If you paid attention you'd know the teams that score in the paint (the Lakers) get fouled more and more often not called. You'd know Bron - the freaking GOAT - has had half a dozen blatantly bad no calls on game winning attempts. Youd know the teams that get preferential officiating are the teams with the best records, and that ain't the Lakers. Last night yout team was struggling with AD and decided to be physical then didnt adjust to the refs. That's on your coach, who doubled down on dumb calling out refs. Good luck with that.
@@crystalballers I agree with much of what you have to say…but there is merit to Darko’s complaint last night. And by no means was it a small complaint nor was it based on 1 play. Darko is a talented coach with extensive coaching experience from around the world. He rarely gets angry and does not complain about or to the refs very much. So in the same spirit as you claiming that the referees stink, it does not mean that you simply have sour grapes and are playing a violin. There is reasoning behind his statements, and they were astounding claims that he made. To blindly dig in and say there were no shortcomings last night is naive. The Raptors clearly received the short end of the stick last night despite your attempts to rationalize that Davis is simply a good player who lives in the post. The whistle went against the Raptors last night and it cost them the game. And please understand it’s not just about the Raptors fouls it’s about the lack of fouls going the other way when replays clearly show fouls.
Basketball officiating controls the game more so than any other major sports.
We're not far enough from Tim Donaghy to have a good feeling about how the NBA uses that control.
raptors scored 70 points in the paint, +20 in the paint over the lakers. So the raptors were way more aggressive in the paint. Rptors shot better from the field, better from three, more second chance points... literally played better than the lakers in EVERY single area of the game.
Except free throws 😂
I’m a Raptors fan now. Love that dude.
Darko said what most of us fans have been seeing with our eyes for years. This is what happens when the leagues ignore the official problems in their sports
Some player once said that if you are on the team that the NBA doesn’t want to win, he said you have to win by 15 just to win by 1.
Will the league apologize to raptors like they did with lebron? League is a joke now.
That took guts!!! 23-2? NBA wanted the LAKERS to win. Refs made it happened!! FACTS BEING SAID!!
We love you Darko❤ don’t hold back!
I'm glad to hear Darko speak up because it's the truth! These refs be on some BS!! It happens to my Knicks alot, especially at our own home GARDEN . Something gotta be done because 23 free throws in the 4th to just 2 for Toronto is ridiculous!
3-4 extra foul calls on the raptors, 2-3 missed calls on the Lakers is how I saw it. Enough to easily change the outcome
Crazy how all these sports analysts talking bout this subject but not pointing out the ghost calls or BS calls in lakers favor
Respect for Darko!
As a Raptors fan, I love seeing this from Darko and let me say this even to Lakers fans, I feel sorry for you guys because your team is taking the heat for sorry officiating from the referees. I think in sports in general, these officials need to finally be held accountable for taking over games and be punished when they do so because it looks bad on the league every time.
What do you mean 'your (lakers) team is taking the heat'? The fact that LeBron said 'they fouled and we didn't' only mean two things, either they know that they'll be given this win OR they're such poor players to not be able to recognize that they commited fouls that wasn't called. If they do not acknowledge the outrageousness of the calls it only means that they don't care about the sportsmanship and fairness of the league as long as they're getting the Ws. Btw, not mad at you lol...just sharing my two cents. ✌️I do agree about the poor way the game had been officiated.
When Stern was commissioner of the NBA he once said his best/favorite NBA finals teams would be the Lakers V the Lakers …. That’s all you need to know
honestly, this coach /man is correct, and honest... its a shame other people from different countries have more balls than Americans,, this nation is in deep trouble!
Didn't know this guy existed until now. I'm in. Rooting for this guy.
To me he’s a legend after that never seen anything like it in all my years of supporting the raptors
Do we need to set up a Go Fund Me for Coach Darko?
"They have to win tonight? Just let us know so we dont have to show up"
Cold line 😂
I've been a Raps fan for a long time and this happens like once every season if not more. Its even happened in playoff games. It is always againsts a major team with star players. Prob happens to other teams the NBA considers barely relevant also, what a complete joke
Love my Raptors and my coach 🇨🇦🦖
Good for this guy! I agree with him! I miss the late 90's early 2000's basketball where you can be physical.
I've bled purple & gold since Magic's rookie season. But what I watched last night was what Mike Tyson would call ludacris. It was more than home-court advantage. All you can ask for is equality.
I hate LeBum being on the Lakers.
I'm a Spurs fan, but there are teams I like watching.
Lakers were one of those teams... but ever since LeBum has joined them, I can't watch. It was a team full of young kids... and talent was going to develop... until LeBum showed up and got rid of all the young talent.
Same with Miami... couldn't watch the Heat when LeBum was on the team.
Never watched the cavs, they became pretty irrelevant after MJ knocked them out of the playoffs back on the 90s.
LeBum should have stayed in Cleveland.
Ludicrous*, but using the rapper name made me laugh
I think it's great 😂. I'm down for more coaches rants
Let’s go Darko- also, to anyone making fun of his English you should give a post game interview in Serbian
"I felt like they fouled, and we didn't?" 😂😂😂
Steroids have eaten his brain
No character
Great Video. Massive respect for Darko 🙌🙌🙌🙌
People act as if this is something new?!?! Pfff. I remember whrn Jeff Van Gundy had the same problems with the officiating when he was the head coach in Houston. He was even told the referees were going to target some of his players. Mark Cuban has a legit beef with the league, look back at that finals against Miami in '06. Its inconceivable how many times Dwayne Wade gets to the free throw line! How about the Lakers vs Sacramento kings in '02.... The list goes on and on...
In the modern NBA, there are SO MANY plays that are could be called by the ref all the time! things like ticky-tack fouls, traveling, carries, etc can "technically" be ruled as fouls. This is why the 2-minute reports and coaches' challenges often fall short in catching and addressing these issues; in fact, the NBA is using it even more to their advantage.
The problem is way more than just a bad call against the Raptors; it more so all of the non-calls that go unnoticed, allowing them to gain an unfair advantage without technically violating the rules. There needs to be way more focus shifted from debating whether a particular play technically qualifies as a foul or not. It overshadows the fundamental issue of fairness and consistency in officiating.
If the discrepancy in calls was solely due to incompetence, obliviousness, or unconscious bias, I would be disappointed. However, it appears that the issue goes beyond mere mistakes and is clearly deliberate cheating. It seems as though certain teams are being favoured to ensure their path to the playoffs.
What's particularly annoying is that this doesn't seem to be a matter of personal preference but rather a calculated move to boost profits. After our playoff victory, the NBA made it abundantly clear that having the Raptors in the NBA doesn't align with their financial interests. More money can be generated if teams like the lakers take the spotlight. This situation became even more evident when Denver won.
As passionate Raptors supporters, it's disheartening to witness our team facing such challenges, seemingly fueled by financial motives rather than fair competition. Let's continue to voice our concerns and hope that the league addresses these issues for the sake of fair play and the integrity of the game.
One final rant. I hate that all of the commentators are saying that we let AD just walk up and score half the time. This isn't because we were bad defensively, in fact, before all of the horrible calls, we were doing pretty well. It's because they were forced them out of playing the way they want to because of the contant flow of the game was interrupted and they were playing different because they didn't want any more B$ calls.
Yup. Officiating 100% can dictate how a team can go about defending. Vanderbilt and Reddish are allowed to play 90's style physical defense all the time. Then on the other end, Bron, AD, and Reaves you can't make eye contact with
He was playing the lakers...imagine the lakers record without the refs helping them.
We also know rich does not watch the Raptors.
Refs cost us several games last year, keep whining
skips the part where he says "this is not the first time" translation: this rant is not a Lakers rant. Listen with your ears
Sixers fan here. I love this guy! He should be the Commissioner!
It's hard to take the sport seriously when games like this occur. If it's not bias then it's wagering, that's the only conclusion I can draw.
Honestly I watched the game. It was a late one for us on the East Coast. Was kinda half awake for most of it. Didn't really notice the free throw discrepancy but it felt like everything was going lakers way. That foul on RJ on the last play where Barnes hit a three was outrageous. That does seem like the perfect word for it. League said it wants to cut down on flopping but then a 7 footer runs into RJ and goes flying 5 feet across the floor and gets rewarded with BS call. Love the way the raps kept at it till the end. Sucks that such great effort goes to waste on refs calls...not once, over and over and over. Barnes drove to the basket got hit multiple times and finished with a dunk and no call...on the other end if you touched anyone it's an automatic whistle. Shame...good game wasted by bad referees.
exactly. you know how strong you have to be to drop someone whos 7 foot 300lbs to the ground?
@varunaX, even how heavy or how tall you are, can control yourself in flopping so that it isn't obvious. In the case of RJ it only felt in the leg.
@@g.b.alejandro6268 I know I'm agreeing it was an obvious flop cause no way rj is ever pushing ad to the floor ever. How the refs think he did is very peculiar
@@varunaX well, thats how money works. This ugly game won't work if there's no money involved.
@@g.b.alejandro6268 yup And also flopping seems to work as well,it gets the so many calls
Now have some more fun & watch the Fred van vleet rant from one year early vs same team with same ref. Hmmmmm
Not Scott Faster but Ben Taylor ref'd. The same ref FVV called out last year and he got demoted for it.
Add Tony Brothers and you have the Dirty Trinity of the NBA!
Since I bet I always check which refs are at which game.
Especially come play off time.
As a Toronto kid I really appreciate Rich with the correct way to pronounce the name of the city
The league plays favorites, and historically, the Lakers have eaten well.
He is from Serbia, that's just how we talk here :) Cheers from Serbia, the country of basketball!
Support for Darko Rajakovic!
Gotta love a coach going to bat for his team especially when he means it and it isn't just mouth talk. Also the NBA became a joke during the pandemic started more than 40 years ago. The NBA has been a joke and the refs have rigged it all that time.
Tim Donaghy blew the whistle and most fans were saying "About time someone told the truth." Everyone already knew it.
A lot of work we did on our jobs was a joke during the pandemic.
Naah, the NBA turn soft for a long time now, ever since 2011ish, the star protection went out of control, the Warriors surged and the league allowed moving screens, zero contact, traveling (started with LeBron and his "crab dribble", then here it comes James Harden with the "double step back", etc). And if I'm not mistaken the betting conglomerates became league sponsors for about 3 years or so? It's bizarre, how do you want to convince your sports league has integrity when they are sponsored by betting conglomerates? You watch a Lakers game and out of nowhere here it comes a ad promoting a betting website, this is preposterous lol
Big coach, great job Darko! We need more coaches to step up, like Darko!
I watched the game, and now seeing Darko go off like this, you gotta ask why in the world was there such a large disparity in free throws? Even if you did not watch the game, and take a look at the stat-sheet and see that the Lakers got 23 free shots in the 4th quarter, alone, you might pause in thought for a bit...put your four-finger on your chin and say, Hmm!
I loved Darko's rant lmao, and it's a good thing he didn't have access to any sharp objects in that post game presser 😂.
That was not a rant. That was a royal thrashing.
Coach Darko wanted to swear in Serbian so bad, you can almost hear it...
This is great. Way to go Darko Rajakovic of the Toronto Raptors.
Respect to Darko and the Toronto Raptors 🦖
Darko has allways got my respect. Now it has it even more...
This did not just start, Lakers games are always officiated that way. It was strange same thing happened to Clippers the night before.
The NBA has an integrity problem. The Tim Donaghy scandal was swept under the rug and never investigated. Refereeing ilings a tough job and with the NBA using gambling as a revenue stream, this is a scandal in waiting. I'm disgusted with the Laker whistle in the NBA but I have seen it for years.
Youre from LA and you said that. Mad respect guys thanks
t wasn't just the free throw discrepancy. It was so many biased decisions this was sickest game I have even seen for refs deciding the winner. A missed foul call here and there in late game situations happens to every team now and then, they are human and do their best. but this game the entire 4th qtr was a series of about a dozen or more calls to favour the lakers. The unsuccessful challenge by the raptors (which should have gone their way). Of course the successful challenges by the lakers, which one of them for sure looked as if it should have gone raptors way. multiple delayed foul calls against the raptors after they saw the lakers miss a shot. The 3 from scottie to tie it negated by a bogus offensive foul on barren away from the play on a Davis flop. the regular offencive foul on quickly, then upgraded to a flagrant even though he couldn't even see the laker player and he made a total natural movement without any ill intent, and that also eliminated him from game (he was hottest raptor). It was a true disgrace and gifting the lakers a much needed win for the league and NBA with an eye on playoffs. Puke!
Thank you Rich!! Amazing commentary.. you see this Raps team.
23 freethrows to 2....WTF? So the refs are saying that the Lakers were playing basketball, but the Raptors were WWE wrestling? That discrepancy is unexplainable.
its very explainable if you believe that they wanted to help the lakers win
The last minute alone, Barnes going to the rim got hacked pretty blatantly, twice. Then Lebron with worse acting than on his flops to PROVE it was rigged.
great unbiased takes, coming from a raptors fan. this is the only non-raptors post game reaction show that didn't focus on darko saying scottie will be the face of the league. completely missing the point of the free throw disparity. is a head coach not suppose to support their players? that's the type of coach you go to war for. it's not like he's hyping up some bum, scottie definitely has all the tools and potential to possibly be the face of the league. looking forward to more great takes from you guys!
Great rant!!!
Dennis Green, Herm Edwards, Mora, and John McKay,...make some room for Coach Darko.
Agreed. NBA has the sketchiest officiating of all the leagues
NFL is starting to give them a run for their money but both are rigged
He's absolutely correct on that. NBA referees are not being held accountable.
This really is an epic rant! Move over, Jim Mora and Dennis Green (RIP), Sarko's taking his seat at the table!
(I love the accent, which just adds some spice to the stew!)
"I feel like they fouled and we didn't." Cracked me up! Thanks for discussing this, fellas. S.R., Mo-Mutt Music/Sacred & Secular (and current b-ball fan and former mediocre pickup b-ball player)
As Lakers fan, I’m just glad we paid the refs last night like the cowboys did. Cause we needed all the help we could get.
Facts the cowboys as just as blatant
Just watch Lakers kings 2001 game 6.... Still same league...
The NBA straight up sucks now. Not watchable. Mostly due to the refs.
And the 3 point shooting
Yes. It's an artificial game.
Been rigged. Betting has brought it more to light
As a raptors fan this earned a subscribe😂😂
I am neither a Laker fan or a Raptor fan. But, after watching some fourth quarter highlights, I can see the flopping (by the Lakers) and the difference in how the referess called the "touch fouls." The Refs allowed Lebron, A.D. and the Lakers to touch, push and even clear out (with extended arms) while penalizing the Raptors for lesser contact.
I do not care what the league does to him, Darko Rajakovic just earned the respect of everyone outside of tinseltown.
He earns this respect because this is not just "whining" after every play (like Lebron). He is expressing a hearfelt frustration, based on facts, and he is willing to incur the massive fine that will be levied upon him. He does not bend his knee to the legend of Lebron, and nor should he.
Fighting (with real passion) for his players and the City of Toronto, Darko Rajakovic is now a legend..
We love Darko! Go Raps!
is this coach just now realizing the NBA is a rigged show? lol
He’s European he’s catching to how terrible American refs are 😂
Not just realizing, having enough and calling it out. It’s an issue, you have to have people calling it out or nothing gets changed.
@@kevinzapata1605 Have you watched European football? La Liga? EPL? Seria A? literally everything is rigged.
Darko is the new league hero against rigging, love coach Darko, this will motivate us
As a Sacramento Kings fan I have to say that this is not the first time that refs have given a game to the lakers!!🤮🤮🤮🤮 Unfortunately ours was in a game that would have vaulted us into the championship!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Gru telling it like it is. Check out the Western Conference Finals of Lakers-Blazers and Lakers-Kings. Same disparities.
Black Mamba didn’t win those games. It was Dick Bavetta.
Great show guys...
This man needs to keep biting the ankles of the officiating and never let go. SPEAK Darko! Don’t change. We should create a Darko fund to pay his fines. I’ll contribute. 👊
Appeal the fine, don't stop fighting this. Why play if its rigged in this way. It was so obvious. But look for this coach to be shut down and this BS continues, I wonder how many calls they got their way in that BS mid season I need to make up something to win and talk about tournament.
I respect Coach Rajaković. He is a real one.