Today, the statistics are good. They reveal that 50 percent of the world’s wealth is in the hands of US-based corporations, even though the national account, GDP, is not anywhere near that. Chomsky, Noam; Waterstone, Marv. Consequences of Capitalism (p. 138)
Excellent, thanks for taking the time…
Thank you guys, great video about today.
Great discussion. Thank you both.
You failed to mention that the wealthy are dependent on their unearned income too.
United States's share of Global GDP in 2021 was 13.6% once allowances were made for base year and informal economy size.
Today, the statistics are good. They reveal that 50 percent of the world’s wealth is in the hands of US-based corporations, even though the national account, GDP, is not anywhere near that.
Chomsky, Noam; Waterstone, Marv. Consequences of Capitalism (p. 138)