I am 71yrs l would like to advice old people when l feel pain on my knees or heaps l command the pain to leave in the name of Jesus and they leave and read psalm 91 and 103 everyday the word of God is alive l dont have sickness in my body l feel as if l am 21yrs the name of Jesus has power and the blood of Jesus has power
One of the true servants of God who lives the faith and not afraid of those who kill the body but represents the God who can kill the soul and the spirit.
@@WordandTestimonies Synonym for alien is foreigner. I would be a foreigner or alien in another country. His point was they came here illegally. That is wrong.
Pastor Andrew thank you so much for boldly preaching the Truth to a world in gross darkness. All the way from Nigeria, I send my greetings, and want you to know that we connect to your awesome ministry on a regular basis. Thank you so much sir, and may God continue to be your shield and strength. We appreciate and love you.❤
Sure, so true; Ive seen hundreds (thousands?) of people totally changed by my sharing of Andrews teachings in Europe, Asia and Afrika, in churches, universities, on the streets, to students, homeless, prostitues and people of so different religions and mindsets. Hallelujah, the True Gospel, it WORKS! ✝️❤️ To our Father God and His Son, the glory for ever.
My husband and I read these verses in Ephesians ~ "put on the whole armour of God" ~ every, single morning together! We never leave the house without it! It is so powerful !!!!
I have had bronchitis for a week now, I cannot stand up from my bed, work or do anything, I am tired and sleepy all the time. Let us pray and break this demonic chain of illness, let us rebuke that condition in the Mighty name of Jesus, let us agree and announce the protection of the blood of the Lamb over my body, in the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray, amen, thank you, Jesus.
Get on the carnivore diet.solid meats eggs bacon and butter.That will help you.We have to start taking care not to put junk into these bodies.Go to you tube and look up carnivore diet.Many have been cured of EVERYTHING.
You were given Jesus' Authority 2Rebuke & Bind & 4bid Illness. By His death God Poured His Holy Spirit N2 You thus the Power is within U to 4bid & Bind. DoSo in Yeshua's Mighty Name; Command & Believe and It Is Done.
Andrew Wommack is a treasure from heaven to us!! Thank YOU Jesus!! Hallelujah!! All the saints of God blessings!! Peace of God!! Israel protection!! Shalom!!!
Stop. You have allowed yourself to be led astray by this money-loving false teacher Mr. Wommack. You have itching ears and are allowing them to be scratched as you allow yourself to be entertained as a goat by this clown Mr. Wommack. Repent, please, as He is knocking at your door and the hour is late...
I Don't Care What Other's think about Me! As long as God the Father and Jesus Christ is Satisfied With My Work's! Praise God Hallelujah and Jesus Christ is My God Lord and Savior Amen!❤❤
I’ve never had a fever or cold that I remember in 66 years. Been on a God given detox journey over nine years. Toxins almost got me. Born toxic, the enemy been after me from before birth. he doesn’t have a chance, I’m crucified with Christ, I don’t live, Christ lives within me. 🙌☦️🥳❤️
Amen brother Charles, I agree💯! I have been a partner since 2016. And I give God gory often for the privilege to stand with Andrew and watch him take God’s gospel as far and as deep into all the whole world! I love this ministry and if your life has been touched by Andrew.. why wouldn’t you want to help him reach the whole world with the word of God? We partner with Netflix and all streams every month! AWM is far better than them plus God will bless you abundantly. I am a living testimony of God’s goodness and I am convinced it’s because of this ministry and the anointed word of God that is being preached daily. All Glory to God.
@@leilaadewunmi7003 awesome 👏🏾 let’s be honest what you just said is so impressive all I can do is thank you genuinely from my heart cuz your a unmeasurable part of my growth too🙏🏾❤️💪🏾
@@drewthomas160 No guilt just know that God wants better for us and somewhere we let it slip in. Unfortunately it's not unusual but it's so wonderful to know without a doubt that God Almighty will help us do not only better but RIGHT! Healthy is RIGHT! Never give up. ❤
Andrew is so awesome. He helped me more than practically every preacher in a short time. Man I’d be lost without him. I thank God for putting the people like this in my life. Boy God. Thank you for this man. Thank you for Jesus. Jesus is in him. I feel and see Jesus in him. Jesus is alive. Wow. What a blessed man.
Give me strength Heavenly Father, I come to you today asking for your blessings as a single mom. My husband is in heaven with you. I’m raising my children with strength and courage, despite the challenges I face with my sons both being autistic. Lord as I struggle to pay my rent every month and as I struggle to buy groceries for my children. I ask that you bless me with your wisdom and guidance, as I navigate parenthood on my own heal my lupus and heart disease and continue to give me strength to keep going so I may watch my sons grow into men. ❤
My dear sister it is well with you in Jesus name! Take your authority over lack and sickness in your body. The devil is trying to steal, kill and destroy. Don’t agree with him! Speak the Word only. God is your source, he is your father.. the bible says.. “I have been young, now I am old I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread” if you are born again you are God’s child his seed! you will not lack bread in Jesus name. Have faith in God! He will never leave you or forsake you. He who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all. Why would he not give us all things?. Have faith in God! Look to him. Is the LORD your provider. The LORD your helper, your healer, your salvation, your everything! Final point give, partner with God! quit asking God to meet your needs and ask for a seed to sow, or be a blessing to someone else. Break the devil’s power over you.
I was listening to Joseph Prince , he made an unforgetable statement. ....He said when you get over into the work of the flesh .....You are heading into an Endless Bottomless Pit . Shocking❤❤ .
When I became born again believer of Jesus Christ in 2017, I learnt my authority and identity in christ, as a child of the most HIGH GOD. I studied the BIBLE and believe in it 100% and became the doer of-the WORD. I felt the love of Jesus Christ how much HE loves me, that HE does not want me to neglect myself. I saw GOD’s protection over me that I do not get sick even during covid. I also started looking after myself more, that I never needed a single paracetamol up to this time. I decree and declare, I am the head not the tail, I am above not beneath. What an awesome GOD we serve. I praise the Lord Jesus Christ
36:56 "I'll meditate on it and make it mine.! God spoke to me. I don't have to quote somebody else!!! "🎉 That's it!! Thank you Andrew! Thank you Father God, Lord Jesus, & Holy Spirit! 😃👍🏻
Ephesians 4:15-16 [15]Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. [16]From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
You are gonna lose the battle if you think it's just natural, You've got to recognise it's a spiritual battle. And the only antidote to it is the truth of God's word. We've got to stand up and speak the truth and not compromise. 1:02:14
Thank You Pastor Andrew for sharing His Majesties TRUTH that if you allow anything of what someone else's opinion effect you it'll rule in your life, where you should not accept it and re-establish what God's word says about you,.... THAT BY HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED, God says it I believe it and that settles it, Thank You Sir, God Speed 🙏🤟
This is my first time listening to a message through you ministry Pastor Womack and you’ve touched my life truly in a most powerful way. I thank My Lord Jesus Christ for blessing me to meet you. Thank you 🙏🏾 so very much ❤. You speak the truth of the Word and it cuts
Thank you, thank you, thank you Pastor Wommack for mentioning homosexuality and border issue . More and more Pastors need to be Bold like this . I am rebuking homosexuality in the generational curse ! Bottom line - homosexuality is caused and what the devil uses for mother/ father abandonment / nelglect
Hello Jean, We want to encourage you that God wants to help all of His children receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. All we have to do is ask (Luke 11:11-13)! Being baptized with the Spirit allows us to walk in His freedom and His power. When we simply ask for the Holy Spirit, we receive! God does not withhold good gifts from us. We can ask in confidence! Speaking in tongues is part of the amazing power that the Holy Spirit gives us. Speaking in tongues edifies us (1 Cor 14:4), refreshes us (Isa 28:11-12), and keeps us aware of the love of God (Jude 20-21). We encourage you to simply ask your Father for the gift of His Holy Spirit right now and release the gift of speaking in tongues! The manifestation of tongues sounds different for everyone, but one thing is always the same: the person must start speaking in order to activate the gift. God is not going to force anyone to do anything, including speaking in tongues. The sounds that you begin to make may sound like foolishness to your mind, (1 Cor. 14:2, 14-15), but that is because it is your spirit praying, not your mind! Your spirit is praying a perfect prayer! We encourage you to press through any thoughts of foolishness by faith and allow your spirit to speak through your vocal cords. For more information on this topic, we encourage you to listen to Andrew's teaching "What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?" You can listen to it for free here: l.awmi.net/NewYouHolySpirit Please let us know how this goes and if you have any other questions. We are excited to be able to help you as you receive this amazing gift that God has made available to everyone in the Body of Christ! Blessings! - AWMI Team
If one says that they heard GOD'S voice as Moses, what do you do??? If you believe in GOD and what's written GOD'S MESSENGER IS HERE!!! Do not fear GOD, embrace GOD??? I WELCOME ALL
A true father in the faith. I watched Saving Private Ryan last night. My prayers to the Lord...is where are the soldiers who will risk their life for You Lord? Where are the Mighty men and women who will pray as the day approaches.Where is Your army Father? The passivity is unbelievable. Covoid was the wake up call, will we follow Him no matter the cost??? The cost is.. here.
Charisma Alumni here! This word is as true and sweet ad it was the first day I ever listened to Andrew before there was ever Chris Bible College but duct tape on the floor! Andrew even put duct tape lines where the doors were going to go! He walked through the open doors! Praise God!🙌🙌🙌🙌
I am a believer and I do speck in tongues and I am lead by the precious HOLY SPIRIT, thank you LORD, I PRAISE YOU, I THINK YOU GLORY TO GOD, GLORY TO GOD, THANK YOU, MY LORD AND SAVIOR, THANK YOU,
No weapon formed against you will prosper. All tongues that rise up against you in judgment you will condemn. We condemn them right now in Jesus’ name! For this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and our righteousness is from Him. Thank You Lord. We send confusion into the camp of the enemy and plead the blood of Jesus! HALLELUJAH! Thank You for Your mercy and authority, Your goodness and your grace. In Jesus’ name, AMEN! Beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health Even As your soul prospers-3 John 2
Psalm 16:1-11 [1]Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge. [2]I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” [3]I say of the holy people who are in the land, “They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.” [4]Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more. I will not pour out libations of blood to such gods or take up their names on my lips. [5]Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. [6]The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. [7]I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. [8]I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. [9]Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, [10]because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. [11]You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Thank you for teaching me Pastor W ❤ Great teaching! I have known for a while that i was not speaking up and loving people. To stand up and say "I do not agree with that". I have much more understanding about it.
I love you Ps Andrew Womack just as I love Yeshua Hamachiach….Thank You So Much for being who you are there preaching the Wonderful News of God’s Word The Gospel from The Bible and knowing Jesus Christ!!!❤❤❤
This is a wonderful message and I have the highest regard for Pastor Wommack. Listening to your point on systemic racism perhaps needs to be reviewed. Slavery was a horrible situation for African Americans and there is no way we can compromise. It was an EVIL that cannot be justified. George Washington could have stood strongly and violated the King's order but instead, he accepted and continued systemic actions.
I was in the Burn Center in excruciating pain. They pumped so many painkillers in me that they kept Narcan right there. My new church family got word, and we're praying. The second morning the pain JUST STOPPED! It was crazy, thank you Jesus. He's so merciful to us. As a fairly mature believer, we know a little of our wretchedness and depravity. We get glimpses. The full weight of it would kill us in my opinion, it's to dreadful for the general population that has rejected GOD to even consider. The only sin in this society is calling something sin. No sin = no need for a savior. A brilliant chess move by our enemy. GOD has us secure. It's all His pleasure.
I am 71yrs l would like to advice old people when l feel pain on my knees or heaps l command the pain to leave in the name of Jesus and they leave and read psalm 91 and 103 everyday the word of God is alive l dont have sickness in my body l feel as if l am 21yrs the name of Jesus has power and the blood of Jesus has power
Yes Jesus can help anything for sure
Yes I feel persecution for being Christian even by friends ,,,,,horrible .
God Bless you ❤
I do the same thing! And I agree! It works! God is in charge! Thank you for sharing this.
I attend a discipleship class at my church that uses his literature. I can see why ! I feel so very blessed ! Praise God for Him !🙏
One of the true servants of God who lives the faith and not afraid of those who kill the body but represents the God who can kill the soul and the spirit.
Every time he makes a point I want to give another thumbs up! He would have hundreds of thumbs up just from me. You preach it brother!
Same here
Amen .
@@WordandTestimonies Synonym for alien is foreigner. I would be a foreigner or alien in another country. His point was they came here illegally. That is wrong.
I know this feeling all too well they need an “Amen” button on sermon videos !
Pastor Andrew thank you so much for boldly preaching the Truth to a world in gross darkness. All the way from Nigeria, I send my greetings, and want you to know that we connect to your awesome ministry on a regular basis. Thank you so much sir, and may God continue to be your shield and strength. We appreciate and love you.❤
I'm praying Andrew Wommack ministries into Nigeria.
This pastor is a great teacher!
He is! Been listening to him since 1996!
Yes he is one of the best
I have to say this,Ps Andrew is the BEST Teacher of the Word.
I really appreciate ALL His Teachings .
No doubt
Sure, so true; Ive seen hundreds (thousands?) of people totally changed by my sharing of Andrews teachings in Europe, Asia and Afrika, in churches, universities, on the streets, to students, homeless, prostitues and people of so different religions and mindsets. Hallelujah, the True Gospel, it WORKS! ✝️❤️ To our Father God and His Son, the glory for ever.
Me also
🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼thank you for speaking TRUTH!!! Praising Jesus for you this morning 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
When pastor Andrew speaks you will never have a boring moment actually u will not stop listening even when it’s over 🙏🇿🇦
Holy Spirit truth
Andrew is not a preacher (Pastor).
He is a teacher in the Body of Christ.
Exactly how I feel. His amazing and his reward is high
I agreed
I am in total agreement, everything I have leant in this ministry has changed my life.I am 75 and going strong.Glory to Jesus and thank you AWM
Praise God
Praise God
My husband and I read these verses in Ephesians ~ "put on the whole armour of God" ~ every, single morning together! We never leave the house without it! It is so powerful !!!!
Amen! So right.
Great idea!
Where can I find the verse to put on the whole armor of God
Ephesians 6:10 to 17@@rezyrezz3407
@@rezyrezz3407Ephesians 6:10 to 17
I have had bronchitis for a week now, I cannot stand up from my bed, work or do anything, I am tired and sleepy all the time. Let us pray and break this demonic chain of illness, let us rebuke that condition in the Mighty name of Jesus, let us agree and announce the protection of the blood of the Lamb over my body, in the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray, amen, thank you, Jesus.
Get on the carnivore diet.solid meats eggs bacon and butter.That will help you.We have to start taking care not to put junk into these bodies.Go to you tube and look up carnivore diet.Many have been cured of EVERYTHING.
You were given Jesus' Authority 2Rebuke & Bind & 4bid Illness. By His death God Poured His Holy Spirit N2 You thus the Power is within U to 4bid & Bind. DoSo in Yeshua's Mighty Name; Command & Believe and It Is Done.
@@marshagail2727 Amen
Amen stand firm in God's word He's truth 🙏 to be in heaven not hell.
I fully recovered now, God is awesome
Andrew Wommack is a treasure from heaven to us!! Thank YOU Jesus!! Hallelujah!! All the saints of God blessings!! Peace of God!! Israel protection!! Shalom!!!
Stop. You have allowed yourself to be led astray by this money-loving false teacher Mr. Wommack. You have itching ears and are allowing them to be scratched as you allow yourself to be entertained as a goat by this clown Mr. Wommack. Repent, please, as He is knocking at your door and the hour is late...
I Don't Care What Other's think about Me! As long as God the Father and Jesus Christ is Satisfied With My Work's! Praise God Hallelujah and Jesus Christ is My God Lord and Savior Amen!❤❤
I’ve never had a fever or cold that I remember in 66 years. Been on a God given detox journey over nine years. Toxins almost got me. Born toxic, the enemy been after me from before birth. he doesn’t have a chance, I’m crucified with Christ, I don’t live, Christ lives within me. 🙌☦️🥳❤️
Amen brother Charles, I agree💯! I have been a partner since 2016. And I give God gory often for the privilege to stand with Andrew and watch him take God’s gospel as far and as deep into all the whole world! I love this ministry and if your life has been touched by Andrew.. why wouldn’t you want to help him reach the whole world with the word of God? We partner with Netflix and all streams every month! AWM is far better than them plus God will bless you abundantly. I am a living testimony of God’s goodness and I am convinced it’s because of this ministry and the anointed word of God that is being preached daily. All Glory to God.
I'm one of his partners, originally from the Philippines
@@leilaadewunmi7003 awesome 👏🏾 let’s be honest what you just said is so impressive all I can do is thank you genuinely from my heart cuz your a unmeasurable part of my growth too🙏🏾❤️💪🏾
@@nenitadoria5258 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 thank you so much for being a blessing to many ❤️
It such a blessing for me to become a partner to the great ministry God bless you all♥️🙏👏❤️🙌
Pastor Andrew is very simple and practical. Bold and honest
Lots of guilt if someone gets sick…not exactly what Jesus taught but if that’s what works for ppl, go with it
@@drewthomas160 No guilt just know that God wants better for us and somewhere we let it slip in. Unfortunately it's not unusual but it's so wonderful to know without a doubt that God Almighty will help us do not only better but RIGHT! Healthy is RIGHT! Never give up. ❤
Pastor Andrew is a great man of God
Andrew you makes it so simple. You are the best. Keep going my brother.
Andrew is so awesome. He helped me more than practically every preacher in a short time. Man I’d be lost without him. I thank God for putting the people like this in my life. Boy God. Thank you for this man. Thank you for Jesus. Jesus is in him. I feel and see Jesus in him. Jesus is alive. Wow. What a blessed man.
Praise God for the truth!!! This is truth!!! Glory hallelujah!!!
Give me strength Heavenly Father, I come to you today asking for your blessings as a single mom. My husband is in heaven with you. I’m raising my children with strength and courage, despite the challenges I face with my sons both being autistic. Lord as I struggle to pay my rent every month and as I struggle to buy groceries for my children. I ask that you bless me with your wisdom and guidance, as I navigate parenthood on my own heal my lupus and heart disease and continue to give me strength to keep going so I may watch my sons grow into men. ❤
My dear sister it is well with you in Jesus name! Take your authority over lack and sickness in your body. The devil is trying to steal, kill and destroy. Don’t agree with him! Speak the Word only. God is your source, he is your father.. the bible says.. “I have been young, now I am old I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread” if you are born again you are God’s child his seed! you will not lack bread in Jesus name. Have faith in God! He will never leave you or forsake you. He who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all. Why would he not give us all things?. Have faith in God! Look to him. Is the LORD your provider. The LORD your helper, your healer, your salvation, your everything! Final point give, partner with God! quit asking God to meet your needs and ask for a seed to sow, or be a blessing to someone else. Break the devil’s power over you.
Amen sister. 🙏🙏🙏💜
Prayers for your family ❤
Repent and be SAVED.
Father is with us always
He will make a way where there is no way
I was listening to Joseph Prince , he made an unforgetable statement. ....He said when you get over into the work of the flesh .....You are heading into an Endless Bottomless Pit . Shocking❤❤ .
When I became born again believer of Jesus Christ in 2017, I learnt my authority and identity in christ, as a child of the most HIGH GOD. I studied the BIBLE and believe in it 100% and became the doer of-the WORD. I felt the love of Jesus Christ how much HE loves me, that HE does not want me to neglect myself. I saw GOD’s protection over me that I do not get sick even during covid. I also started looking after myself more, that I never needed a single paracetamol up to this time. I decree and declare, I am the head not the tail, I am above not beneath. What an awesome GOD we serve. I praise the Lord Jesus Christ
Amen, amen 🙏🏼. Praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth
36:56 "I'll meditate on it and make it mine.! God spoke to me. I don't have to quote somebody else!!! "🎉 That's it!! Thank you Andrew! Thank you Father God, Lord Jesus, & Holy Spirit! 😃👍🏻
My favorite preacher of the TRUTH !
Thank you brother for preaching the TRUTH. Thank God we are protected in Jesus Christ.
Thank you Pastor for the wonderful message 👍👌🙏👋
The Bible is truth
Thank you for speaking truth sir 👏👏👏
2nd time listening....will listen again. People, please hear what he's saying. Read The Holy Bible for yourself so you will be able to stand!! 🕊
Ephesians 4:15-16
[15]Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.
[16]From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
You are gonna lose the battle if you think it's just natural, You've got to recognise it's a spiritual battle. And the only antidote to it is the truth of God's word. We've got to stand up and speak the truth and not compromise. 1:02:14
No plague shall come neigh my dwelling! in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏻 🙌🏻
We want courageous men who will call sin sin, not by any other names!
Thank you for being absolutely the most boldest truthful voice needed for our generation! Glory to God. My armor just got stronger. Amen
Thank You Pastor Andrew for sharing His Majesties TRUTH that if you allow anything of what someone else's opinion effect you it'll rule in your life, where you should not accept it and re-establish what God's word says about you,.... THAT BY HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED, God says it I believe it and that settles it, Thank You Sir, God Speed 🙏🤟
This is my first time listening to a message through you ministry Pastor Womack and you’ve touched my life truly in a most powerful way. I thank My Lord Jesus Christ for blessing me to meet you. Thank you 🙏🏾 so very much ❤. You speak the truth of the Word and it cuts
One of the best sermons ive listened to we honour you Andrew for speaking the truth💜
In God's Light we see Light.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Pastor Wommack for mentioning homosexuality and border issue . More and more Pastors need to be Bold like this . I am rebuking homosexuality in the generational curse ! Bottom line - homosexuality is caused and what the devil uses for mother/ father abandonment / nelglect
Thank you, Andrew Womack, for allowing the Lord God to speak through you to this generation 🙏 🙌 ❤️
Thank you for this teaching ❤
I need the baptism if Holy Spirit please pray for me
Please pray for me Teacher Andrew I need to receive the baptism of Holy Spirit and speaking in Tongue
Hello Jean,
We want to encourage you that God wants to help all of His children receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. All we have to do is ask (Luke 11:11-13)!
Being baptized with the Spirit allows us to walk in His freedom and His power. When we simply ask for the Holy Spirit, we receive! God does not withhold good gifts from us. We can ask in confidence!
Speaking in tongues is part of the amazing power that the Holy Spirit gives us. Speaking in tongues edifies us (1 Cor 14:4), refreshes us (Isa 28:11-12), and keeps us aware of the love of God (Jude 20-21).
We encourage you to simply ask your Father for the gift of His Holy Spirit right now and release the gift of speaking in tongues!
The manifestation of tongues sounds different for everyone, but one thing is always the same: the person must start speaking in order to activate the gift. God is not going to force anyone to do anything, including speaking in tongues.
The sounds that you begin to make may sound like foolishness to your mind, (1 Cor. 14:2, 14-15), but that is because it is your spirit praying, not your mind! Your spirit is praying a perfect prayer! We encourage you to press through any thoughts of foolishness by faith and allow your spirit to speak through your vocal cords.
For more information on this topic, we encourage you to listen to Andrew's teaching "What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?" You can listen to it for free here: l.awmi.net/NewYouHolySpirit
Please let us know how this goes and if you have any other questions. We are excited to be able to help you as you receive this amazing gift that God has made available to everyone in the Body of Christ! Blessings! - AWMI Team
You are not wrong and keep telling the Truth because enough people aren’t
Sir Andrew you are the manifestation of God's love and grace .
If one says that they heard GOD'S voice as Moses, what do you do??? If you believe in GOD and what's written GOD'S MESSENGER IS HERE!!! Do not fear GOD, embrace GOD??? I WELCOME ALL
A true father in the faith. I watched Saving Private Ryan last night. My prayers to the Lord...is where are the soldiers who will risk their life for You Lord? Where are the Mighty men and women who will pray as the day approaches.Where is Your army Father? The passivity is unbelievable. Covoid was the wake up call, will we follow Him no matter the cost??? The cost is.. here.
What a good message for our times 😄 And get was good to see you and Rick Renner together ❤️
He says it like it is. Truth!
I love Andrew's preaching THE TRUTH!
God Bless Andrew!
Charisma Alumni here!
This word is as true and sweet ad it was the first day I ever listened to Andrew before there was ever Chris Bible College but duct tape on the floor!
Andrew even put duct tape lines where the doors were going to go! He walked through the open doors!
Praise God!🙌🙌🙌🙌
What a great Pastor , who speaks the truth in love .. My Pastor from a Mega Church never speaks this truth.
Excellent teaching, I love it!
I have no problem speaking the truth with others its the love part I'm having issues with!! I have got to learn to watch my mouth and speak with love!
I am a believer and I do speck in tongues and I am lead by the precious HOLY SPIRIT, thank you LORD, I PRAISE YOU, I THINK YOU GLORY TO GOD, GLORY TO GOD,
Pray for me im a born gain child of Jesus i need. Prayer
I thank God for you and I know how He loves you. He not only loves you but He is love and He lives inside of you. GOD is all in all
No weapon formed against you will prosper. All tongues that rise up against you in judgment you will condemn. We condemn them right now in Jesus’ name! For this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and our righteousness is from Him. Thank You Lord. We send confusion into the camp of the enemy and plead the blood of Jesus! HALLELUJAH! Thank You for Your mercy and authority, Your goodness and your grace. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!
Beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health Even As your soul prospers-3 John 2
Psalm 16:1-11
[1]Keep me safe, my God,
for in you I take refuge.
[2]I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing.”
[3]I say of the holy people who are in the land,
“They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.”
[4]Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more.
I will not pour out libations of blood to such gods
or take up their names on my lips.
[5]Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
you make my lot secure.
[6]The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
[7]I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
[8]I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
[9]Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
[10]because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
nor will you let your faithful one see decay.
[11]You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
To be accurate Andrew, there are very good vineyards in England and Wales, established over the last couple of decades with more on the way.
I always love hearing the message of pastor Andrew's ministry. Glory to God!
I have always appreciated your honesty Pastor. i agree with you totally every single word!!!!
Preach it pastor ! Praise God
Hello from Norway 🇺🇸☃️🇳🇴Just love you guys! 🔥🙏
God bless Wommack
Pastor may God continue to bless you for sharing the true word of the Father.
The truth and nothing but the truth. Praise Yahweh (God)! Would all pastors/priests were awoke like
Brother Wommack. 💕
Thank you for teaching me Pastor W ❤ Great teaching! I have known for a while that i was not speaking up and loving people. To stand up and say "I do not agree with that". I have much more understanding about it.
I love you Ps Andrew Womack just as I love Yeshua Hamachiach….Thank You So Much for being who you are there preaching the Wonderful News of God’s Word The Gospel from The Bible and knowing Jesus Christ!!!❤❤❤
God bless you for speaking the TRUTH
Amen. Amazing truth.
Old times country wisdom that’s truthful and wise Jesus Christ is the Lord
Red for Blood, Orange Holy fire, Yellow for Joy, Green for growth, Blue for Healing, Indigo SUFFERING, VIOLET MAJESTY + 7 COLOURS.
amen bro. no sickness for me by grace through faith in love ... peace+love>
💔🙏🇦🇷🙏🎶🎵🎶🎶🤗🙏🏼🖐️🖐🏿🙌💔💝heal our broken hearts heal our souls
@@barbterramiggi2525amen sister ... peace+love>
Good Is The Word Of God ❤
Thank you for talking about the difference between God's rainbow and man's rainbow.
This is a wonderful message and I have the highest regard for Pastor Wommack. Listening to your point on systemic racism perhaps needs to be reviewed. Slavery was a horrible situation for African Americans and there is no way we can compromise. It was an EVIL that cannot be justified. George Washington could have stood strongly and violated the King's order but instead, he accepted and continued systemic actions.
What in the world are you going through you are just a fireball up there!😮😊 YOU GOoooo you telll them what Jesus has to say!!❤🤗✝️😇
I was in the Burn Center in excruciating pain. They pumped so many painkillers in me that they kept Narcan right there.
My new church family got word, and we're praying. The second morning the pain JUST STOPPED! It was crazy, thank you Jesus. He's so merciful to us. As a fairly mature believer, we know a little of our wretchedness and depravity. We get glimpses. The full weight of it would kill us in my opinion, it's to dreadful for the general population that has rejected GOD to even consider. The only sin in this society is calling something sin. No sin = no need for a savior. A brilliant chess move by our enemy. GOD has us secure. It's all His pleasure.
Thank you Sir, Your teaching is right on the money. A great source of teaching.
Praise the lord for truth 🙌 🙏 ❤
Thank you for teaching the truth glory hallelujah praise God
Amen .
Amen Amen Amen 🙏🏾
Always my favorite preacher - Bro Andrew.
I m 27 years today listening with a perfectly healthy body , spine, immune system, kidney... i will come back 27years later to celebrate
On point as usual. Thanks Andrew
😂😂TY br Andrew u r An Annointed LEADER,,,love 💘 is the Way!!! HAPPY BLACK HISTORY MONTH ALL MONTH,,, UNITED AMERICA FIRST 🇺🇲 🇺🇸 TRUMP 24 ❤
Amen trump 24
Preach it!!! Say it loud!!! Shout it from the hilltops!!! Amen!!
Thank you brother Andrew
Always a powerful teaching. Glory to God..
The whole body of Christ needs to hear this message. It's time for the CHURCH to rise up and stand!!!!
Andrew Womacks teachings Always give me strength and power in the Spirit. And they are Soooo Full of TRUTH.