Y'all mentioned finding 401ks from previous employers. How do you find those accounts when the previous retirement management company was replaced and the new company can't access account info?
On the emergency funds, totally agree to set it at n months expenses pending job outlook considering some people who were laid off are taking longer than 6 months to land the next job. But how does one or can one financially prepare to deal with natural disaster (hurricane, flooding, wild fires) without dipping into retirement accounts if displaced for longer than 6 months ?
Y'all mentioned finding 401ks from previous employers. How do you find those accounts when the previous retirement management company was replaced and the new company can't access account info?
On the emergency funds, totally agree to set it at n months expenses pending job outlook considering some people who were laid off are taking longer than 6 months to land the next job. But how does one or can one financially prepare to deal with natural disaster (hurricane, flooding, wild fires) without dipping into retirement accounts if displaced for longer than 6 months ?
I almost missed this because these is no button to click on in order to find you.