My Parents Loved My Husband, Then...



  • @orangejuice775
    @orangejuice775 7 місяців тому +5849

    Imagine cheating on a partner who cares for you THAT much...I'm glad OP could find her own happiness still

    • @gigidotto9014
      @gigidotto9014 7 місяців тому +67

      Happens all the time. Trash took itself out.

    • @Strawberrysunset-o7r
      @Strawberrysunset-o7r 7 місяців тому +7

      op never said danny cheated

    • @orangejuice775
      @orangejuice775 7 місяців тому +124

      @@Strawberrysunset-o7r this isn't the full story. Op mentioned her husband cheated with his best friend's girlfriend in the original post.

    • @NanaCbraun
      @NanaCbraun 7 місяців тому

      My trash took itself out after 24y of marriage and 3 dating before…..he tried to say i had changed, and when I laughed and asked HOW? He then said it’s because I hadn’t changed🤦🏻‍♀️. It was because I had gained too much weight after almost 30yr which is still less than he had gained but THAT wasn’t his issue. Then he introduces his 25yo girlfriend that is about 60lbs heavier than me… I guess it wasn’t what had gained but HADN’T gained?🤣. He was so ashamed of himself it took over a year to introduce her to his family😅😂 and all remember is the many many texts from his bro, sisters neices and nephews all pretty much saying….”WTAF? She’s 26yo!! Your kids are 22&23yo!!! What is he thinking??” And me sending back just “🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ not my problem anymore” but the best was I was visiting his step mom and they showed up. He started off with “why is SHE here?” And my mother-in-law held up her hand and replied “✋🏻stop! 1-it’s MY house, not yours. 2-YOU divorced her NOT ME! And 3-you don’t like it you can leave and call before you come next time, we had this visit arranged weeks ago!!” I LOVE THAT WOMAN!! She is my hero even now 7yrs later😂😅😅

    • @XAEzl
      @XAEzl 7 місяців тому +6

      It seems he wasn't really right in the head after his service

  • @ixlalater
    @ixlalater 7 місяців тому +23698

    Not the paragraph guy but he recovers after the coma and seems fine for some time until he suddenly announces that he wants to serve his country and joins the military. Op mentions how she isn't okay with him joining the military but respects his wishes despite feeling deep inside that the Danny she knew would never come back.
    She has an uneasy feeling and cries every night until danny comes back and she meets him happily but notices that he's not the same person that left, he begins to get really cold and short tempered and she also mentions another red flag where the dog who is really affectionate, straight up ignored danny and used to run away.
    But she couldn't let go of him despite accepting the fact that although he smelled like him, looked like him and felt like him, it wasn't danny anymore.
    One day op and danny are going in a car somewhere and they get lost so op urges danny to ask for directions and Danny gets angry at her so she starts crying and says "who are you and where's my danny" to which he replies "danny is fucking dead and he isn't coming back" and she cries the rest of the ride home with danny straight up ignoring her and almost crashing into a car while overspeeding.
    After they come back she cries the rest of the night to sleep and later on despite knowing that he's not being normal again, she marries him because she just cannot let go of him.
    After the marriage, op is slowly starting to realize that he'll never be the same and has a sudden childbirth in the middle of it all.
    One day danny invites his best friend and his girlfriend over and they start playing cards and drinking all night and op realizes that she saw glimpses of the danny she knew. But not for herself, danny was looking at his best friend's girlfriend and acting that way only to her. She realized what was going on.
    After realizing that she's no longer important to danny, she announces that she'll be going to sleep early as her daughter has to go to school and cries on her bed till she sleeps with everyone outside.
    When she wakes up, danny admits to sleeping with the best friend's girlfriend to which op replies "oh that's good." And Danny gets shocked but doesn't reply to it after that.
    She begins looking for divorce lawyers despite knowing her daughter is only a few months old and finally divorces danny despite danny begging and pleading with her and finally kicks him out of her house.
    The op writes this post after 10 years have passed and she has a new husband she met 7 years ago and both mother and daughter love him alot and op says that her new husband has given her the love she never knew was possible and the daughter said "thank you for doing the responsibilites of the father you never were but still being the best at it"
    And at the end, she remarks that Danny now has a new wife snd she likes his wife a lot.
    (Had to write this all out as the original reddit post was deleted)

    • @Frog-SV
      @Frog-SV 7 місяців тому +578

      RIP @ixlalater .Paragraph guy is more popular

    • @Julia_Sage
      @Julia_Sage 7 місяців тому +1785

      “Not the paragraph guy, the MULTIPLE paragraph guy” 🫡

    • @tinchan_kon
      @tinchan_kon 7 місяців тому +259

      Thank you

    • @angier.v6790
      @angier.v6790 7 місяців тому +441

      Feels like a gacha life “for the love of a daughter” story 😭

    • @Samthecookieslayer
      @Samthecookieslayer 7 місяців тому

      ​@@angier.v6790nah fr tho

  • @meghanpayne01
    @meghanpayne01 7 місяців тому +3286

    The rest of the story for anyone who wants it:
    His mom allowed me to stay the entire time. He was barely recognizable, as his face was three times the size it should've been, bruises and cuts covered him, and of course again the endless supply of wires and tubes.
    I was never more happier when he finally opened his eyes and had looked ever at me, tried to smile, followed by a squeeze of my hand.
    My Danny had made it back to us, and he was going to be alright.
    After his long recovery had passed, one day he got it in his head that he really wanted to serve the country, and had romanticized the idea of being a hero, and that we would be financially set as he'd be able to afford college (his family wasn't very well off).
    I, while admired and always thanked veterans for serving, just had a bad feeling about Danny enlisting. For some reason, deep down I knew the day he would leave for training would be the day that my Danny died.
    Not wanting to be selfish, I communicated to him where I stood with the whole idea, how I had a bad feeling about it, but if this was something he felt that he needed to do, then I'd support him 110 percent and would be right here, waiting for him to come home to me.
    After he'd dodged a few red flags (he had a metal plate in his jaw which to my understanding was not something the military would readily accept in a potential solider), Danny succeeded in enlisting and before I knew it, we were saying goodbye to each other.
    After he left, I cried myself to sleep every night and I couldn't understand why, I just did. I wrote uplifting letters to him daily, and counted down the days for his Graduation.
    The day finally came when we got to attend the ceremony, and we were finally reunited in joyful smiles and tears. It was then, that I thought perhaps I was just being paranoid and that maybe… Everything would be alright. At least I desparately wanted it to be, yet I had this nagging feeling that he was somehow different. I couldn't put my finger on it and shrugged it off.
    Fast forward to a few days after he came home after having graduated from Advanced Individual Training, I was overjoyed in having him home. I didn't care that somehow he wasn't “Danny”, that something was… “Off”.
    The Daniel that came back was short tempered, he seemed angry at the world, and was no longer organized, his car was constantly full of garbage, his room was a disaster. For the first time we actually got into heated arguments versus calmly talking things out, trusting that the other would be heard and have a turn.
    Another red flag I had ignored was my dog's reaction to him when he first stepped through the door. My dog had literally bolted from the room that he was in and hid, refusing to have anything to do with him. This was a dog that loved to wiggle her butt and push her nose into the leg calf for attention from visitors.
    As little time passed by, it became harder and harder to ignore the fact that “Danny” was no longer and in the place of him, here I had a man who looked like him, smelled like him, walked like him, talked like him which made it impossible for me to “let go”. I had hoped that maybe he just got buried deep down inside and over time he'd find his way back to me.
    One day, while he was driving me somewhere, I don't rightly recall exactly where, but we had gotten lost. I tried to get him to ask for directions and he had snapped at me for it. Taken aback, I fell apart. I finally said, “Who are you?! I just want my Danny back. You are hurting me by being like this! I don't understand it!”
    Dead silence had filled the car as he slammed on his brakes, violently pulled over, and looked at me dead in the eye with this sheer coldness that I'd never seen, and he said,
    “Danny is DEAD! He is F***ING never coming back!”
    He then looked straight ahead, and spun his wheels as he got the car back into the road, causing a car to honk his horn, swerve to miss us. Daniel didn't even flinch and ignored that car completely and kept on driving. I cried and cried all the way back home and he never apologized or said a single word.
    Being as I was too loyal and couldn't let him go, I was then subjected to constant verbal abuse and manipulation for the next two years, and even still followed through with the wedding that I never should have, all because I kept clinging onto the hope that “Danny” would come home. I nearly completely lost myself in the process. All of my friends were alienated, I never left the house, and after we had unexpected child together, he was gone from 7 to 8 am and didn't come back until midnight to 2 am everyday.
    One night around Halloween, he'd announced that he was inviting his best friend's girl of his dreams (the best friend’s) along with his cousin over for to drink and play cards. He had me join them. As he interacted with that girl, I noticed that I saw glimpses of “Danny”, but only towards her. It finally struck me… I no longer had the ability to bring “Danny” out, that despite everything I'd done, I just could not make him happy anymore.
    I then announced to the table that I needed to get up early with my daughter and was going to bed. While in bed, I cried as I felt a huge burden lifting off me as it was then, that I finally was ready to let him go. I knew even while we had a few month old daughter together, that it was for the best that we parted ways, that neither her nor I should be subjected to years of unhappy family and constant torture. I grieved for my Danny, not the man that sat downstairs, but I finally was freed.
    The next morning, he announced to me that he slept with his buddy's girl, and it felt good. I think he was shocked that he collected zero reaction from me. Looking at him with an indifferent face, “Cool beans, I'm glad that you had a good time, Dan.” I should note that my folks were gone at the cabin so we had the house to ourselves, and he did this in their bed.
    I played along with our routine for a month as I looked into divorce process. I then finally broke it off with him and kicked him out of the house, and never looked back since. No amount of pleading and empty promises was going to change my mind.
    Fast forward 10 years, looking back at this, I am so grateful that I had woken up and snapped out of it. I'm in an even better relationship with a wonderful man, who treats me and has treated me so well in ways that I never thought were possible, even after 7 years together. He is also an amazing dad, so good at it that my daughter asked me to get an engraved key chain that says, “Thank you for being the Dad you didn't have to be.” For Christmas.

    • @gmandinosaur6359
      @gmandinosaur6359 7 місяців тому +117

      I ain't reading all that
      Edit: your a w tho

    • @ToffeeCrunch
      @ToffeeCrunch 7 місяців тому


    • @The_Senior662
      @The_Senior662 7 місяців тому +244


    • @etontown7185
      @etontown7185 7 місяців тому +37

      What was the mean thing he said I am not ready all of that

    • @kyuubinine
      @kyuubinine 7 місяців тому +16


  • @Bobithan_Bobby_Bob_XXVII_Jr
    @Bobithan_Bobby_Bob_XXVII_Jr 7 місяців тому +5631

    Too earlier for paragraph guy. 😢 my absolute hero.

  • @lennaedaley8676
    @lennaedaley8676 7 місяців тому +35

    It's important to note when someone has a traumatic brain injury, when heal, they can suddenly have a whole different personality. That seems to be what happened here.

    • @RequiemPoete
      @RequiemPoete 6 місяців тому +8

      Sounds like Danny damaged his frontal lobe which governs impulse control.

    • @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_
      @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_ 6 місяців тому

      What does it have to do with cheating tho? 🤔

    • @RequiemPoete
      @RequiemPoete 6 місяців тому +11

      @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_ The frontal lobe controls your executive function. You know that part of you that wants to beat the crap out of that one coworker, or not drink like a fish right before your kid's recital but you don't? Yeah the frontal lobe does all that. If that gets damaged you literally lose the ability to control yourself, such as not giving into the temptation of a potential affair partner. Look up Phineous Gage. He had an iron bar blasted through his brain and he went from a calm, temperate ideal church going husband to a cheating gambling drunkard.

  • @izabellapollock
    @izabellapollock 7 місяців тому +21

    One thing that hurts a lot is when cheaters treat you like they hate you after cheating as if the act itself wasn’t painful enough…

  • @ziyadar334
    @ziyadar334 7 місяців тому +27

    This story is so sick and sad at the same time, there’s truly no lack of sympathy for both sides but the person who truly took the force of it all was OP. She didn’t get a chance to live her happily ever after and chose love over leaving. She was cheated on and dragged through a dead marriage with a newly born child. All throughout this, her feelings completely ignored. I’m glad she found new happiness and Danny eventually did too, but OP did not deserve this pain at all. She was truly an innocent soul with the purest of intentions and he hurt her.

    • @RequiemPoete
      @RequiemPoete 6 місяців тому +1

      I don't think people realize Danny deserves empathy. He didn't ask for a rain damaging accident that changed his personality.

    • @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_
      @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_ 6 місяців тому

      ​@@RequiemPoetetruly speaking he doesn't because he chose to be an asshole after the accident!

    • @RequiemPoete
      @RequiemPoete 6 місяців тому

      @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_ Actually, it sounds like he didn't have a choice. I already responded to you but sounds like he damaged the impulse center of his brain. Which would lead to behavior like this. This is a very VERY rare instance of the abuser not at fault for his behavior. That's not to say Op should have stayed. She should have bailed long before having a kid.

  • @Paigemusic5
    @Paigemusic5 7 місяців тому +83

    -after the video cut
    His face was three times the size it should be has bruises and cuts coverd him and of course endless supply of tubes and wires i was never happier when he finally opened his eyes and looked out at me tried to smile followed by a squeeze of my hand danny had made it back to us and he was going to be alright after his long recovery one day he got it in his head that he really wanted to serve the country he had romanticized the idea of being a hero and that we would be able to afford college since his family wasn't very well off while i admired and always thanked veterans for serving I just had a bad feeling about Danny and listing for some reason deep down i knew the day he would leave for training would be the day that my danny died, not wanting to be selfish i communicated where I stood with the whole idea and hold I had a bad feeling about it but if this was something he felt her need to do then id support him 110 % and would be right here waiting for him to come home to me, after he dodged a few red flags like having a metal plate in his jaw which the military may not accept readily danny enlisting before i knew it we were saying good bye to each other after he left i cried myself to sleep every night and I couldn't understand why I just did I wrote uplifting letters to him daily and counting down the days for his graduation the day finally came when we got to attend the ceremony and we were finally reunited in joyful smiles and tears it was then that I thought perhaps I wad just being paranoid and that maybe everything would be all right at least I desperately wanted it to be yet I had this nagging feeling that he somehow different I couldn't put my finger on it and shrugged it off a few days after he came home after graduating from advanced individual training I was overjoyed in having him home I didn't care that somehow he wasn't Danny that something was off the Daniel I knew that came back was short tempered he seemed angry at the world and was no longer organized he car was constantly full of garbage his room was a disaster for the first time we actually going into heated arguments versus calmly talking things out and trusting the other would be heard in have a turn another red flag I had ignored was my dogs reaction to him when he first stepped through the door my dog had literally bolted from the room refusing to have anything to do with him this was a dog that loved to wiggle her butt and push her nose into your calf for attention from vistors as time past it became harder and harder to ignore the fact that danny was not longer there and in his place was a man who looked like him smelled like him walked like him talked like him.

  • @abbstate8091
    @abbstate8091 7 місяців тому +12


  • @owenfautley
    @owenfautley 7 місяців тому +3

    I do feel bad for the guy the frontal lobe damage was not noticed by his loved ones until too late, it really shows how fragile the brain is and how tragic it is for the friends and families of those suffering from diseases, illments and damages to the frontal lobe.

    • @fredericksaxton9782
      @fredericksaxton9782 7 місяців тому

      It was probably because of the military, not the brain damage.

  • @donaldbensingerjr4528
    @donaldbensingerjr4528 7 місяців тому +8

    Your spouse shouldn't say anything that is mean to you someone who truly loves you wouldn't say anything that will hurt you

    • @xtrmsleep
      @xtrmsleep 7 місяців тому

      if you think relationships don't have arguments you are sorely mistaken

    • @fredericksaxton9782
      @fredericksaxton9782 7 місяців тому +3

      ​@@xtrmsleep Arguments are one thing...insults, yelling, and one-sided bullshit doesn't really pass for a normal argument.

    • @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_
      @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_ 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@fredericksaxton9782exactly the point!

  • @iloveyoufujisaki
    @iloveyoufujisaki 7 місяців тому +15


  • @rivetingdisc2398
    @rivetingdisc2398 7 місяців тому +3

    He was in fact not her Danny

  • @maryjflanagan1922
    @maryjflanagan1922 7 місяців тому +1

    My husband told me “You should have died!”. I had a medical emergency while he was presumably out cheating with his former coworker. I short time after our divorce was finalized, she actually died of cancer. I wasn’t happy as much as I’d just noticed the irony.

  • @icy_snoobyjuice
    @icy_snoobyjuice 6 місяців тому

    “ill always be your danny” i heard danny as daddy

  • @kitsune_lover8257
    @kitsune_lover8257 7 місяців тому +25

    When your too early for paragraph guy

  • @Ifeelalonee
    @Ifeelalonee 7 місяців тому +2

    He probably got a head trauma which made him unstable mentally and physically

  • @michellemorrison9663
    @michellemorrison9663 6 місяців тому

    I wonder, did they ever tested his brain after the accident? Frontal lobe damage can cause a drastic change in behaviors.
    It could've been an injury that somehow, got aggravated by the stress of joining the military. And then, dealing with any kind of PTSD of anything that might've happened during his service.
    No, I'm not justying his "cheating". He was cold and emotionless when he revealed the cheating. If he was a cheater, he would've rather to keep doing it behind her back. He chose to see the pain in her eyes, first-hand.
    There is something waaay further than just the cheating and him just "changing" or "falling out of love". And that's more frightening than a cheater

  • @LucasFernandez-fk8se
    @LucasFernandez-fk8se 7 місяців тому

    OP is a red flag. Imagine knowing that Danny is permanently brain damaged and hostile now and then MARRYING HIM?! Danny can’t be blamed. Danny died in that car crash. It sounds like the accident messed him up in the head. OP willingly CHOSE to marry someone who didn’t love her anymore and was a borderline sociopath post accident 🤦‍♂️

  • @allyjay7395
    @allyjay7395 7 місяців тому

    That's just a narcissist, the crash had nothing to do with it, was only a matter of time until he showed his true nature.

  • @lunagabriella213
    @lunagabriella213 6 місяців тому

    This is what happens when a man doesn't recognize his issues and decides to shove them down and cheat instead.

  • @PhoebeNyx
    @PhoebeNyx 7 місяців тому

    Either when he told me that the police wouldn’t believe me about his brother attacking me or when he admitted to have witnessed his brother sexually harassing me years later after making me feel like I was crazy for being upset

  • @Tays_blackdog.13
    @Tays_blackdog.13 7 місяців тому +7

    Where are u paragraph gut we need u WE LOVE YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!

    • @Paigemusic5
      @Paigemusic5 7 місяців тому +1

      Love u too bud, my comment is somewhere

  • @CaGirl93003
    @CaGirl93003 6 місяців тому

    You would never melt chocolate over direct heat. Ever.

  • @cori1302
    @cori1302 6 місяців тому

    Sometimes they say a demon can enter after a physical trauma.
    In this case sounds like TBI
    (traumatic brain injury).
    Shame that happened.
    Lucky that nothing worse happened afterwards!
    When people show you who they are - believe them.

  • @brooklynjemmett2111
    @brooklynjemmett2111 6 місяців тому

    Here is a funny story to lighten the mood if you want.
    The worst thing my dad ever said to my mom was when my mom was pregnant.
    she got up from my parents bed and said “I feel like I weigh as much as a whale” and her doofus of a husband responded. “Well, you’re halfway there.”
    You see he was talking about how she was halfway through her pregnancy. He had no idea that he dug his grave with those words.
    My mom said that the only thing that saved his life was the look of pure confusion on his face when she turned around angry, and then all the sudden the lightbulb went off in his head and he realized what he had done. He then proceeded to apologize profusely over the next few days.
    Anyways my mom tells that story all the time 😂

  • @thehealingqueensv
    @thehealingqueensv 6 місяців тому

    Sounds like Danny was possessed according to the stories people wrote.

  • @lalanirhythmchanter5566
    @lalanirhythmchanter5566 5 місяців тому

    He disappeared with my three beautiful children 🙏

  • @ScreamingGlitterr
    @ScreamingGlitterr 7 місяців тому

    Aw im so happy she got a good ending i hope op has a good life

  • @tinyiko2311
    @tinyiko2311 5 місяців тому

    Now I want a dairy milk KitKat

  • @jezebelzarate6346
    @jezebelzarate6346 7 місяців тому

    "Your not a good mother"
    Happened to my mom😢

  • @_daydreamer_143
    @_daydreamer_143 6 місяців тому

    “Light changing post”

  • @roach2110
    @roach2110 6 місяців тому

    Y’all really hammering in on Danny cause he cheated but do you guys know WTF PTSD does to a person? I understand it’s not an excuse to cheat on your partner but you have to understand Danny is the true victim in all of this. Buddy got into a life threatening car crash, went to war, saw fucked up shit, and lost himself and due to that fucked shit he saw his mind changed. I’m not saying you should support Danny I’m saying you should understand Danny

  • @betruthfulnowork8312
    @betruthfulnowork8312 7 місяців тому

    30 years later, I changed my mind. This was about the future I worked in a steel mill to give him!!! 😢😢😢

  • @Sectic-t1o
    @Sectic-t1o 7 місяців тому

    Why is that "The most mean thing your husband has ever said to you"?

  • @stonedgoddess420
    @stonedgoddess420 6 місяців тому

    Yeah, sadly that kind of truama can essentially change a person, for better or for worse. His accident brought out a new personality and buried the old one. Then military ptsd on top of that doesnt help any.
    Least it all worked out and shes happy now

  • @microphon1549
    @microphon1549 7 місяців тому

    Tree was like : alr bro I got you
    After a long while, Tree regret it.

  • @aaronwagner2215
    @aaronwagner2215 6 місяців тому +2

    I heard daddy instead of danny.....

  • @shadowcollins4589
    @shadowcollins4589 7 місяців тому

    There isn't like one specific thing but definitely feel like his constant gas lighting and then not remembering what he did was the worst thing

  • @janettewong9900
    @janettewong9900 6 місяців тому

    While I feel sorry that she got cheated on, it sounds like they were both young and unwilling to accept that Danny became a different person after the accident
    Looking back, she’s quite aware that pre-accident Danny is gone and him telling her right to her face should have been enough for her to leave with what little dignity she had in tact. He wasn’t abusive, just checked out and it sounds like she could have peaced out at multiple points. The accident changed him, the military changed him, and I don’t consider her a “good” person for thinking it was possible to “earn” back the love of a person; it’s manipulative and to position herself as a martyr lacks self-awareness
    All that being said, you can tell he didn’t love her anymore because had he cared about her, he could have committed to breaking up with her for both their sakes. Having a person in your life that actually isn’t interested in who you currently are and demands you be a certain way (when you know you can’t be) benefits no one. I even wonder if he opted to go into the military in part to get away from the relationship. He had equal ability to do the responsible thing to let her go when he realised she only saw and could only ever be in love with Danny’s ghost. Like her, he also doubled down, got married, and got her pregnant
    It’s tragic all around and it sounds like they’ve moved on with their lives

  • @katerinavitkova9949
    @katerinavitkova9949 7 місяців тому

    Son : Rightttttt but I’m only nine

  • @3-4badmanallen80
    @3-4badmanallen80 6 місяців тому

    This sounds like remember the titans

  • @daphneconis8363
    @daphneconis8363 7 місяців тому

    Hahaha they burned the chocolate and had to switch it out!!! 😂😂😂

  • @Moon-zl2wp
    @Moon-zl2wp 7 місяців тому

    Sounds like a frontal lobe damage case:(

  • @thepinch1839
    @thepinch1839 7 місяців тому

    Today, my husband said you look nice instead of very nice. Then kissed me on the head instead of the cheek. Thats the menest thing bese ever done

  • @Poisen650
    @Poisen650 7 місяців тому

    High on powder? Sugar powder? Sandy powder? Salty powder? Flour power!

  • @ThatOneYouTuber1919
    @ThatOneYouTuber1919 6 місяців тому +1

    The voice💀

  • @DailyvlogswD
    @DailyvlogswD 7 місяців тому

    The audio :😭🥺😢
    The video:😋🍫👍

  • @oliverwills3556
    @oliverwills3556 6 місяців тому

    all i can think about is how they burnt the chocolate while melting it

  • @Helloiamteresa
    @Helloiamteresa 7 місяців тому

    😳😳😳😳 that's almost exactly what happened to my mom in late December also I'm actually terrified

  • @julesoxana
    @julesoxana 7 місяців тому

    Glad danny is okay but i heard he cheated on op💔

  • @Kevin-ws6pf
    @Kevin-ws6pf 6 місяців тому

    The tree:🗿

  • @Mentalhealthmatters393
    @Mentalhealthmatters393 6 місяців тому +1

    Um my ex told me I was the reason they where cutting and I was the reason they wanted die. And they told all of my close friends that they told their parents that to. To the point where everybody hated me. And all I did was be a good girlfriend and tried to be the best person I could. I didn’t even do anything wrong. They were just too scared to admit to the Mom the Mom is through reason not me.

  • @Herhighercalling
    @Herhighercalling 7 місяців тому

    Dang it, the meanest thing mu husband said to me was i couldn't get a baby monkey. But 😢 i really want one.

  • @faye25ful
    @faye25ful 6 місяців тому

    How are you going to post only half of the story

  • @mikhail5198
    @mikhail5198 7 місяців тому

    Bro wtf that is my father car accident 2 months ago

  • @ChipsAreHere
    @ChipsAreHere 6 місяців тому

    i dont have a husband

  • @duwhuxd
    @duwhuxd 6 місяців тому

    Audi rs6 crash?💀💀💀

  • @icandostuff8046
    @icandostuff8046 7 місяців тому

    Ofc hes rude
    In the military your bullied and yelled at

  • @3toomany638
    @3toomany638 7 місяців тому

    Why do you say the starting of the video that this is the meanest thing your husband ever said to you when he never said anything mean

  • @Gumgumdropbuttns
    @Gumgumdropbuttns 5 місяців тому

    That he wanted to bash my head into a wall 😊😊😊 no i am not okay

  • @sweetbuttuh
    @sweetbuttuh 5 місяців тому

    Seeing chocolate dipped in chocolate made me want to throw up

  • @somepersonlmao
    @somepersonlmao 7 місяців тому +1908

    Unrelated, but,
    Why would you dip chocolate into melted chocolate to then melt the chocolate?

    • @Wowimalivecool
      @Wowimalivecool 7 місяців тому +93

      fr I was so confused.

    • @BlueCaesar13
      @BlueCaesar13 7 місяців тому +71

      Also, when trying to melt the chocolate bar, I'm pretty sure they were burning it by placing it on direct heat.

    • @Stephanie.101
      @Stephanie.101 7 місяців тому +21

      I was so confused and irritated I almost swiped up to get away from this video 😅

    • @deedeejoseph6749
      @deedeejoseph6749 7 місяців тому +28

      Im More bothered that the bar was burning but was fine the next scene😅

    • @cintaminbunny
      @cintaminbunny 7 місяців тому +23

      For everyone wondering the chocolate bar wasn't tempered chocolate. Tempered chocolate is heated a specific way to prevent cracking and makes doing things like writing In chocolate and dripping it easier to control. She dipped it in tempered chocolate because the tempered molecules help the untempered chocolate learn how to become tempered.

  • @ThePenguinCries
    @ThePenguinCries 7 місяців тому +565

    paragraph guy we need you!

  • @1Powerhouseofthecell
    @1Powerhouseofthecell 7 місяців тому +1940

    Basically he recovered and then went to military training, to OP’s reluctance because they had a feeling he’d change when he got back.
    He ended up changing when he got back and being more rude and short tempered, the whole story is cut off and not finished in the video.

    • @msdaisy9215
      @msdaisy9215 7 місяців тому +11

      this man is a hero

    • @josefcool-wk8im
      @josefcool-wk8im 7 місяців тому +5


    • @alovette5755
      @alovette5755 7 місяців тому +57

      He ends up being more and more of a jerk, they have a fight where she asked who are you, and he said Danny is de@d. He is still a jerk until he bring a girl over and is flirting and she see "glimpses of Danny" he cheats on her with that girl but Opie was already over it. They split up and are both remarried

    • @vrtualover
      @vrtualover 7 місяців тому

      @@alovette5755you and other commenter are so real for this 🙏

    • @Firefield696
      @Firefield696 7 місяців тому +3

      Yay, paragraph guy ur my hero

  • @eboniclarke177
    @eboniclarke177 7 місяців тому +309

    The fact that she went through all that initially and still married him....suffered and still had a child with him before finally calling it quits after he has an affair. She was really holding on there

  • @CatWaffles207
    @CatWaffles207 7 місяців тому +100

    I feel so bad for OP, like OP loved and cared for this Danny guy and he paid OP back by cheating on OP

    • @owenfautley
      @owenfautley 7 місяців тому +6

      I would not fully blame him since it is no longer the Danny op knew literaly the person she knew is dead. These sort of accidents and head trauma can and do change people mentally I know first hand, like how a dementia patient looses themselves. This would have never happened if there was no crash.

    • @beepboopbop_
      @beepboopbop_ 7 місяців тому +12

      ​@@owenfautley just because he changed doesn't mean he wasn't fully aware of what he was doing. So yes, it is completely his fault. It doesn't matter who you are, if you're a cheater you're a pos

    • @PretendBlonde-li2ky
      @PretendBlonde-li2ky 7 місяців тому +4

      @@beepboopbop_ maybe his brain was fucked up u never know he sounds like he was fucked up badly and that crash really changed him as a person physically and mentally

    • @RequiemPoete
      @RequiemPoete 6 місяців тому

      ​@beepboopbop_ Okay but damage to your brain can literally rob you of your ability to control yourself. Look up Phineous Gage. A head injury turned him from a model husband to a drunken, gambling cheater.

    • @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_
      @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_ 6 місяців тому +4

      ​@@PretendBlonde-li2kyi don't really understand why people have so much sympathy towards a cheater or the ones who does wrong! If the op have left before he even opened his eyes because he is now a disfigured man everyone literally everyone will blame her for his change and anger issues or whatever shit he does! And op will turn into a villian 👁️👄👁️

  • @joybernard7359
    @joybernard7359 7 місяців тому +85

    Most people don’t divorce the person they married, but the person they’ve become. ( for whatever reason ). Glad you have both found someone.

    • @kittyfrog0
      @kittyfrog0 7 місяців тому +3

      Very well said!

  • @kirchnerovec
    @kirchnerovec 7 місяців тому +30

    "I will always be your Danny"
    *Danny got into a horrific car crash*

  • @mmts96
    @mmts96 7 місяців тому +87

    Sigh… tell me when the full story drops

  • @Mango9806
    @Mango9806 7 місяців тому +64

    Paragraph guy/girls are the absolute best like ty for saving hours of finding one short. To all the paragraph people, i think you dropped this → 👑

  • @gothcsm
    @gothcsm 6 місяців тому +11

    Imagine being proud of cheating on a woman who stayed by your side while you were teetering on the edge of life and death 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m honestly surprised he was able to find a woman to marry him after OP dumped him… He definitely didn’t deserve to have a wife!

  • @Bry_is_the_name
    @Bry_is_the_name 7 місяців тому +36

    This woman is loyal through tuff times like that... w woman gid bless

  • @RambleThe1st
    @RambleThe1st 7 місяців тому +21

    Where the man that says the rest of the story at?

  • @amazedpanda6815
    @amazedpanda6815 7 місяців тому +26

    Im so glad she got another chance to fall in love. She deserves all the happiness after the bs her husband put her through

  • @aneurysm2908
    @aneurysm2908 7 місяців тому +5

    The military changes you and people refuse to talk about it. That's why if I know anyone that goes into the military I'm usually inclined to cut my contact with them because they usually never are the same again and/or won't get proper help once they return.

  • @Amphyros
    @Amphyros 7 місяців тому +8

    Mmmm, I love latex flavored chocolate!

  • @bophi_true
    @bophi_true 7 місяців тому +41

    Even 10 years later, that memory still haunts me. I can hear those words just as if they had just been said moments earlier.
    We were high school sweethearts, and he was older than me by two years. We met when I was a freshman and young love blossomed from first sight. Daniel had a gentle soul, and wouldn't hurt a single fly. He was also very responsible for his age, and was also organized. Not a single curfew was ever broken and while we attended parties, it was always small sized among trustworthy friends, and no drugs were ever involved.
    My parents adored him and saw potential in him, and his parents really enjoyed having me around and frequently invited me to their family functions whenever they came up.
    I was the only one who ever called him “Danny”, and even had asked if it was alright to call him that to which he smiled and replied, “I'll always be your Danny”.
    Danny was in a horrific car crash when I was a junior in late December, where he was T-boned by a truck (driver was high on drugs and had been drinking) that ran a red light, which ended up plowing him into the light changing post and the force of it spun his car to where it easily could have nose dived into the river if it weren't for a tree that caught the edge of the front end, making the car come to a stand still.
    He had a shattered jaw, broken collar bone, and a punctured lung.
    For two seemingly long and painstakingly days after his emergency surgery, he was in a coma and placed in ICU. Tubes, and wires were everywhere, followed by the sounds of the breathing machine, and the heart monitor and whatever else so called gizmos they had him hooked up to. The only time I left his side was to go to the bathroom. His mom allowed me to stay the entire time. He was barely recognizable, as his face was three times the size it should've been, bruises and cuts covered him, and of course again the endless supply of wires and tubes.
    I was never more happier when he finally opened his eyes and had looked ever at me, tried to smile, followed by a squeeze of my hand.
    My Danny had made it back to us, and he was going to be alright.
    After his long recovery had passed, one day he got it in his head that he really wanted to serve the country, and had romanticized the idea of being a hero, and that we would be financially set as he'd be able to afford college (his family wasn't very well off).
    I, while admired and always thanked veterans for serving, just had a bad feeling about Danny enlisting. For some reason, deep down I knew the day he would leave for training would be the day that my Danny died.
    Not wanting to be selfish, I communicated to him where I stood with the whole idea, how I had a bad feeling about it, but if this was something he felt that he needed to do, then I'd support him 110 percent and would be right here, waiting for him to come home to me.
    After he'd dodged a few red flags (he had a metal plate in his jaw which to my understanding was not something the military would readily accept in a potential solider), Danny succeeded in enlisting and before I knew it, we were saying goodbye to each other.
    After he left, I cried myself to sleep every night and I couldn't understand why, I just did. I wrote uplifting letters to him daily, and counted down the days for his Graduation.
    The day finally came when we got to attend the ceremony, and we were finally reunited in joyful smiles and tears. It was then, that I thought perhaps I was just being paranoid and that maybe… Everything would be alright. At least I desparately wanted it to be, yet I had this nagging feeling that he was somehow different. I couldn't put my finger on it and shrugged it off.
    Fast forward to a few days after he came home after having graduated from Advanced Individual Training, I was overjoyed in having him home. I didn't care that somehow he wasn't “Danny”, that something was… “Off”.
    The Daniel that came back was short tempered, he seemed angry at the world, and was no longer organized, his car was constantly full of garbage, his room was a disaster. For the first time we actually got into heated arguments versus calmly talking things out, trusting that the other would be heard and have a turn.
    Another red flag I had ignored was my dog's reaction to him when he first stepped through the door. My dog had literally bolted from the room that he was in and hid, refusing to have anything to do with him. This was a dog that loved to wiggle her butt and push her nose into the leg calf for attention from visitors.
    As little time passed by, it became harder and harder to ignore the fact that “Danny” was no longer and in the place of him, here I had a man who looked like him, smelled like him, walked like him, talked like him which made it impossible for me to “let go”. I had hoped that maybe he just got buried deep down inside and over time he'd find his way back to me.
    One day, while he was driving me somewhere, I don't rightly recall exactly where, but we had gotten lost. I tried to get him to ask for directions and he had snapped at me for it. Taken aback, I fell apart. I finally said, “Who are you?! I just want my Danny back. You are hurting me by being like this! I don't understand it!”
    Dead silence had filled the car as he slammed on his brakes, violently pulled over, and looked at me dead in the eye with this sheer coldness that I'd never seen, and he said,
    “Danny is DEAD! He is F***ING never coming back!”
    He then looked straight ahead, and spun his wheels as he got the car back into the road, causing a car to honk his horn, swerve to miss us. Daniel didn't even flinch and ignored that car completely and kept on driving. I cried and cried all the way back home and he never apologized or said a single word.
    Being as I was too loyal and couldn't let him go, I was then subjected to constant verbal abuse and manipulation for the next two years, and even still followed through with the wedding that I never should have, all because I kept clinging onto the hope that “Danny” would come home. I nearly completely lost myself in the process. All of my friends were alienated, I never left the house, and after we had unexpected child together, he was gone from 7 to 8 am and didn't come back until midnight to 2 am everyday.
    One night around Halloween, he'd announced that he was inviting his best friend's girl of his dreams (the best friend’s) along with his cousin over for to drink and play cards. He had me join them. As he interacted with that girl, I noticed that I saw glimpses of “Danny”, but only towards her. It finally struck me… I no longer had the ability to bring “Danny” out, that despite everything I'd done, I just could not make him happy anymore.
    I then announced to the table that I needed to get up early with my daughter and was going to bed. While in bed, I cried as I felt a huge burden lifting off me as it was then, that I finally was ready to let him go. I knew even while we had a few month old daughter together, that it was for the best that we parted ways, that neither her nor I should be subjected to years of unhappy family and constant torture. I grieved for my Danny, not the man that sat downstairs, but I finally was freed.
    The next morning, he announced to me that he slept with his buddy's girl, and it felt good. I think he was shocked that he collected zero reaction from me. Looking at him with an indifferent face, “Cool beans, I'm glad that you had a good time, Dan.” I should note that my folks were gone at the cabin so we had the house to ourselves, and he did this in their bed.
    I played along with our routine for a month as I looked into divorce process. I then finally broke it off with him and kicked him out of the house, and never looked back since. No amount of pleading and empty promises was going to change my mind.
    Fast forward 10 years, looking back at this, I am so grateful that I had woken up and snapped out of it. I'm in an even better relationship with a wonderful man, who treats me and has treated me so well in ways that I never thought were possible, even after 7 years together. He is also an amazing dad, so good at it that my daughter asked me to get an engraved key chain that says, “Thank you for being the Dad you didn't have to be.” For Christmas.

    • @angelakitty13
      @angelakitty13 7 місяців тому +7

      I don't understand the whole begging to stay together after cheating.... like what do they expect the other person will do, Throw a party? And if you cheated in the first place doesn't that imply you don't want the partner you have? Like I can't wrap my head around it

    • @PrettyH8Mach1n3
      @PrettyH8Mach1n3 7 місяців тому +4

      Sounds like the accident causes some undetected traumatic brain injury or that he had some serious trauma in the military. Both of these events can lead to a drastic change in personality. It could also be that being so close to death made him realize what he actually want to do and then getting in shape made him feel like he deserved a "better woman" than the "ball and chain" he currently had.

    • @mikeandlyzz
      @mikeandlyzz 7 місяців тому +2

      It does sound like head trauma. I married a man that was t-boned in a car accident. It changed him completely. I spent another 14 miserable years with him. I couldn’t make him better. I couldn’t do anything right in his eyes. It was the trauma to the frontal lobe. It made him unlikeable to everyone except the one he wanted something from. Most people thought he was a jerk.

    • @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_
      @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_ 6 місяців тому

      ​@@mikeandlyzzwell sorry to say this but he is a jerk!

    • @mikeandlyzz
      @mikeandlyzz 6 місяців тому

      @@_biss_dont_4k_with_me_ Undoubtedly he was and still is. You are amazing to have stayed so long. You did everything in your power to make it work and when he broke his vows, he released you. His head trauma took away his humanity so to speak. He acted like a narcissist.

  • @SlayAllDay-hn3xw
    @SlayAllDay-hn3xw 7 місяців тому +2

    Wow, that is really the most meanest thing your husband ever said to you 😮

  • @SillyCat24
    @SillyCat24 7 місяців тому +4

    I started crying at this oml. About four years ago my older cousin named Dani got into a really bad car crash and got t-boned. She had many broken ribs, brain injuries, internal bleeding, and many of her bones were broken. She was almost brain dead a few times and was in a coma for about a year. There was a lot of drama going on in my family after that. It has been four years- she is still in recovery, she doesn’t look like herself and is bedridden, she acts like a toddler and it’s heartbreaking. A few days ago it was her birthday and my mother was crying. Sorry it just was really similar especially with the names and all.

  • @adamscarsandstuff4969
    @adamscarsandstuff4969 7 місяців тому +1

    “I’ll always be your Danny.”
    “Danny was in a horrific car crash…”

  • @Barbra-y7o
    @Barbra-y7o 7 місяців тому +9

    Someone please tell me when part 2 is up

    • @flashgamer-hu8ok
      @flashgamer-hu8ok 7 місяців тому +2

      paragraph guy IS HERE 🗣️🗣️🗣️

  • @Lurch3434
    @Lurch3434 7 місяців тому +4

    Comment under this when paragraph guy gets here

    @QUESTIONABLEQWAS 7 місяців тому +1

    What does this have to do with "what's the meanest thing you husband ever said to you"?

  • @astridjensen1755
    @astridjensen1755 7 місяців тому +1

    Love how they show a clip of the chocolate bar BURNING and then jump-cut to mmm yummy perfectly melted chocolate

  • @Hollycat50
    @Hollycat50 7 місяців тому +1

    After 40 years of marriage: You're not my family.

  • @Morntax48
    @Morntax48 7 місяців тому +1

    "Ill always be your danny ❤️. Danny was in a horrific car crash"

  • @SuzetteGood-uj7zn
    @SuzetteGood-uj7zn 4 місяці тому +2

    The speed reading of the narrator is most annoying

  • @spadonking
    @spadonking 7 місяців тому +1

    This is way too sick. Why keep him alive in pain? People like this will be vegan, until it comes to their own family member.. he was suffering.

  • @bagwill38
    @bagwill38 7 місяців тому +4

    someone tell me when paragraph guy comes

  • @Cecilian_Does_Art
    @Cecilian_Does_Art 6 місяців тому +1

    Omg don't make promises you can't keep. I can't believe people don't feel guilty about that, I never even have a relationship but atleast I know how to treat my future partner.

  • @UnstableRaufur
    @UnstableRaufur 6 місяців тому +1

    0:28 respect to the tree that saved him from the river tho

  • @PastaEquipment
    @PastaEquipment 4 місяці тому +1

    I hope OP knows that Danny could get in trouble with the military for cheating on her according to ucmj.

  • @Breadman2478
    @Breadman2478 7 місяців тому +1

    Tragic situation but she could not have said that worse I mean come on rammed from the front t-boned. It's a horrible situation but she could not have said those phrases any worse

  • @FreakingDress92
    @FreakingDress92 7 місяців тому +1

    Sorry I was so focused on the fact they dipped a chocolate bar in chocolate just to melt it. How pointless!

  • @Katherine-h5e6y
    @Katherine-h5e6y 7 місяців тому +1

    The tree: I AM SUCH A NICE TREE 😭

  • @ARcinder
    @ARcinder 7 місяців тому +3

    It really sad.
    He had a major accident which most likely caused brain damage. Ended up with PTSD from the military. And become someone else.
    Dramage to the frontal lobe fucks up your moral compass.
    The guy didnt really have a chance. He went from loving devoted husband to total sociopathic asshole. And no one was able to catch it to try to save him from himself.

    • @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_
      @_biss_dont_4k_with_me_ 6 місяців тому +1

      You ignore the fact that the op was always there for him wow!!!!
      He just wanted to be an asshole! That's for sure! It has nothing to do with his injuries!

    • @ARcinder
      @ARcinder 6 місяців тому

      @@_biss_dont_4k_with_me_ you ignore the fact that I'm not taking blame from him or disagreeing with OP. Brain damage or no he is still now and forever will be an asshole.

  • @Hampter911
    @Hampter911 7 місяців тому +2

    Reply to this when paragraph guy gets here pls

  • @mia-qh6jd
    @mia-qh6jd 6 місяців тому +1


  • @Lilypadsthoughts
    @Lilypadsthoughts 7 місяців тому +1

    So, we still dont know what he said that was mean?
    Unless you meant him saying “i’ll always be your danny” meaning it hurt a lot, emotionally