The 100 | Ep. 19 - Owais al-Qarani | Shaykh Uthman ibn Farooq

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Story of Owais al-Qarani by Shaykh Uthman ibn Farooq


  • @stevenenglert2951
    @stevenenglert2951 7 місяців тому +1

    Finished waiting for dinner from the iron chef of Tucson AZ. Holding down silver st 520mg I love this city may Allah سبحانه و تبارك و تعالى عزّ و جلّ ربّ عزّ bless the inhabitants with hidayah. And may Allah القادر على كل شيء protect Abu Yusuf and his friends

  • @Sulaeman-ew2qv
    @Sulaeman-ew2qv 7 місяців тому +3


  • @Sharukh-ze4dh
    @Sharukh-ze4dh 3 місяці тому


  • @riazshinwari67
    @riazshinwari67 4 місяці тому

    Assalamu alaikom Sheikh I request you that please Your MiC sound is not clear plz chang it and buy good one

  • @mrhasnot
    @mrhasnot 7 місяців тому +1

    Best qurran translation in Urdu please name writer in Arab

  • @kenspri5139
    @kenspri5139 2 місяці тому

    At 15:56, some of the books of the Sufis and others exaggerate to an extreme, but no one could say that they are better than Umar and Ali Radiallahu Anhu.
    At 16:10, Umar was the one who, if there were to be wahi after prophet Sallallahu alaihi would come to him , Rasoolallah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam saw his palace in Jannah , and mentioned his virtues, and Ali Radiallahu Anhu, the one who was in the bed in place of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam when he made hijrah , he married the favorite daughter of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
    16:29 No doubt, their virtues are higher, but even then, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is telling them to ask this man Owais Al Qarni to make Dua for them.
    16:38 So the first point is, if you want to ask somebody to make Dua, ask the living. Don't go to the Quboor and ask the people; Allah knows best their condition.
    16:48 Secondly, don't think you're better than somebody, so you don't want to ask them to make Dua for you. You might be better than them, and you might not be better than them. Allah knows best.
    17:00 You might see somebody and look at their faults, but in reality, they have some good deeds that Allah loves so much that their Dua is accepted.
    17:10 You may do a lot of good deeds, but you may have something that Allah doesn't love.
    17:18 So first things first, we don't know. But even if you knew that they are lower than you, still go and ask them for Dua.
    17:31 When the Sahaba heard about this, they were very diligent in following this. They wanted to meet this man and ask him to make Dua for them, but they didn't know him.
    17:52 So when prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam passed away, they started to search for him. Whenever someone would come from Yemen, whether it was in Hajj or just people coming, they would ask where the people of Yemen were. They would ask if there was a man named Owais amongst them. They would also inquire if he was from a specific area and if he had a mother. They asked these questions to try to find him, and for many years, they didn't find him.
    18:28 One time, they found him, either directly or indirectly. Some of the narrations say they found a group from his area, and they asked if there was a man named Owais among them. So one of them told that there was a relative named Owais, but he was poor. It was asked that if he had leprosy, they said yes he has but Allah cured him. They asked if he had a mother, and if he was dutiful to her. They were taken to him,
    19:12 - 20:10 and when they found him, they asked if his name was Owais. In some narrations, he didn't directly confirm his name until they told him they were looking for him. Eventually, they asked him to make Dua for them.
    At 20:16 why was he not a Sahabi? I know most of you know this, but there are some aspects to understand. We know that he was a Muslim during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and we know he had a great desire to go see him. We know from many sources that he had tried to go and people from Yemen had gone and had seen the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam and had become Sahaba .They saw the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam and died in that state, so they are considered Sahaba.
    20:51 However, he had no family, and his mother was blind, old, and unable to take care of herself, so he stayed with her. In some narrations, he even asked her for permission to go, and she told him to go but not to stay long. The journey from Yemen to Medina could take up to a month, so she told him not to stay more than 3 days. In some narrations, it mentions the 3-day limit.
    21:34 This is an interesting point to consider (in fiqh), as earlier, Shaikh has talked about Sahaba not staying at a place for more than 3 days to avoid becoming residents.
    22:22 When he arrived in Medina, the PROPHET MUHAMMAD Sallallahu alaihi wasallam was out for Jihad, so he had to return without seeing him Sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
    22:54 when Umar and Ali asked him to make dua for them, he responded humbly when asked for dua, praising their virtue, giving all the credit to Allaah instead of relying on his own self ..and he didn't praise himself. The books of hadith are filled with narrations about him, showing his humility and sincerity in his actions.
    May Allah forgive them and accept their prayer.
    24:09 Now we are familiar with this narration, anyone who has heard of it knows this Hadith, it is very famous and can be found in books and lectures. However, there is more to him than just this.
    24:30 This is what shaikh would like to discuss . It is unusual for most discussions about him to only focus on this narration. No doubt, there is more to him.
    24:42 - 25:42 It should be noted that most of the narrations mentioned about him are fabricated. For example, there is one circulating on UA-cam where it is claimed that when he heard that prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam broke his tooth, he pulled out all his teeth. This is a fabrication and goes against the teachings. It is not from the Sunnah to react in such a way. We should be cautious of such fabrications and focus on authentic narrations that mention his virtues and importance in Islam.
    25:43 There are authentic narrations that mention his virtues and importance. For example, in the book of Imam Muslim, there is a hadith that mentions prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said from his ummah, there is a person whose dua will lead a vast number of people to Jannah, like the tribe of Banu Tamim. HE IS OWAIS AL QARNI .
    His biography states that later he moved to Kufa, as many said it was because his mother had passed away, and the people around him had started to always ask him for dua. It became a nuisance to him because the hadiths he narrated had become famous, and the Sahabah would ask him for dua. As the news had spread, everybody would come to him asking for dua, to the point where he didn't want to be bothered all the time. He just wanted to learn knowledge, teach, and make dua. So, he moved to Kufa and kept a low profile there, but he would still go to the mosque.
    But when the fitnah began, there were times of peace and tranquility, and Islam flourished. However, the dunyah is such that we always get tested, as there would always be people causing problems and spreading rumors. Sams thing happened with him.
    Some people in Kufa, for political reasons and other motives, started to speak ill of him, mock him, and make things difficult for him. Despite this, he continued to seek knowledge.
    One of the narrators mentioned that they went to Kufa and sat with a scholar who was teaching hadith there. They saw a person speaking with the teacher, and his words were amazing. When the narrator asked about this person, the teacher said not to worry about him. The narrator later found out that this man had missed class so he asked teacher about his whereabouts the teacher told him he is Owais ..andhe went to Owais' house ans he found he couldn't go to the halaqah because he was waiting for his clothes to dry, as he only had one set of clothing.
    So, the narrator told him, "you know, if you wanted, I would have given you mine. I have extra." He told him, "no, I don't want to wear yours, you know, I'm going to wait." He told him, "while you're waiting, you miss the knowledge." So he took the from this other student because the student had more cloth and he went.
    31:02 But when he was going, the people started to mock him, "where did you steal that? Who did you get that from? Where did you trick somebody for, you know." Subhan Allah, jealousy. This is a man who is called khairut tabein. This is the man that the Sahaba asked him for Dua and the people were making accusations against him.
    31:28 So that student, when he heard this, he went and he got upset, and the people said, "yeah, we know he doesn't have money, where would he get it.. so the student said "because it was mine. Why would you think bad about him?" Subhan Allah,
    31:43 Owais Al Qarni has some beautiful sayings and I'm going to end with just some of these sayings.
    31:53 He said to begin every day with the love of Allah, and end every day with the thankfulness of Allah.
    32:21 As Shaikh mentioned and No'aim and others have mentioned, this Owais Al Qarni at times would have very few clothing, but when he would be eating his small meals wearing that minimum clothing, he would be asking Allah for forgiveness, saying, "Oh Allah, I know there are people that are hungry and I'm eating. Forgive me that I couldn't give to them." He would ask Allah for forgiveness, saying "Oh Allah forgive me, I know there are people that don't have this cloth and I'm wearing this cloth. Forgive me that I didn't give it."
    33:02 Subhan Allah, these are the beautiful examples we should look up to. Hakim mentions a narration from that he said, explaining that you should have hope in the mercy of Allah always, but he said, fear the punishment of Allah as if you've murdered all the people, all of mankind.
    33:35 Don't think, "Oh, I did this but so what?" No, when you fear the punishment of Allah, think as if you have murdered all of mankind.
    33:46 Noaim , He says that Owais fought in Jihad and continued to teach whatever he knew from wisdom and knowledge and Hadith, even though he didn't become a famous teacher of Hadith. He would be sitting and benefiting from Ulama, and even if he was amongst only his friends, he would be sharing that knowledge.
    34:15 Noaim says that he became Shaheed in Azerbaijan . Some have mentioned that he became shaheed in the Battle of safeen on the side of Ali Radiallahu anh . Either way, he died in battle and lived a life of wisdom. 34:57 Interestingly, his grave, one of them, is in omman. (But not sure , Allaah knows best)
    35:33 outro + (his fadhail)

  • @kenspri5139
    @kenspri5139 2 місяці тому

    00:00 Introduction
    00:12 Recap
    00:42 Shaikh has planned to go through the 7 fuqaha of Madinah
    00:50 Shaikh came across a hadith (sahih Muslim) in which the Prophet called one of the tabi'in - Khairut Tabi'in.
    01:06 Sayid bin Musayyib is referred to as Sayyidul Tabe'in.
    01:11 However, this tabi'in is called Khairut Tabi'in by Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
    01:23 This is strange because to be a tabi'in means he Sallallahu alaihi wasallam didn't meet him, but he Sallallahu alaihi wasallam called him the best of tabi'in.
    01:47 Shaikh decided to speak about that tabi'in.
    01:52 Imam Dhahabi calls him Auliyah of Allah.
    02:14 Now, Auliyah is a very misunderstood concept.
    02:20 Yes, Allah has Auliyah and He has those that He takes as friends to honor them, not because Allah needs anybody.
    02:28 But some people go to an extreme where they start to praise them beyond their status and sometimes give that title to those who may not even deserve it.
    02:40 Someone who doesn't pray, doesn't have a beard, doesn't follow Shariah, or does other things that are clearly against Shariah openly, and so on, and people say he's a wali and exaggerate him.
    02:54 Even after he passes away, they go to his grave and make dua to him. Audhubillaah.
    02:59 This is not the way of the Quran and the Sunnah, this is not the way of the Salaf of the Ummah, this is not the way of Shariah, this is not the way of Ahlussunnah.
    3:06 Other people forget this concept altogether, and that's wrong as well.
    3:20 No doubt, Allah has Auliyah. There are ayat of the Quran, hadith, and so on that we can talk about for days and days. We can talk about their qualities and so on, but you have to have a balance.
    3:32 Today, we can see somebody and assume that they are good. We take the good, make excuses for our brothers and sisters, and don't assume bad about people.
    3:44 Even though we know that all of us have mistakes, sins, and shortcomings, that's not our job. That's between you and Allah.
    3:52 So, we look at somebody in the masjid, we see somebody giving sadaqa, or making Salah. We assume good of them, but we don't say for sure that they are Auliyah. Only Allah knows.
    4:04 Of course, there are Auliyah today and there will be Auliyah till the day of judgment. There will be those that Allah gives nusrah to, and so on, but today we cannot testify for sure. Allah knows best.
    4:15 What do we see? Who sticks to Kitab and Sunnah, who sticks to the Shariah, who does their best to follow what Allah has ordained and the way of Rasoolallah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam? These are the Alamat, these are the signs for it.
    4:30 But this particular tabein, we can attest to him being from being the Auliyah.
    4:35 And we can attest that his Dua was accepted.
    4:41 Today, we don't know whose Dua is accepted. You may see somebody who is sinful and their Dua is accepted, and you may see somebody who is pious. Allah knows best, even though anybody's Dua can be accepted.
    4:50 But this particular one, we can say for sure. Why? Because we have daleel.
    At 5:00, the same thing is there with the idea of shuhada. Yaani, those that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said were shuhada and called them shuhada and made the janaza on them.
    At 5:06, he praised them and said they would be in Jannah, we can be sure.
    At 5:10 past that we see somebody dying for the sake of Allah, we say they're shaheed In Shaa Allah, and Allah knows the hearts, Allah knows the niyyah and so on.
    At 5:20 but we judge by what is clear and we say in sha Allah.
    At 5:23 but those that Rasoolallah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam attested to, no doubt to it.
    At 5:27, Imam adh Dhahabi says that he was from the ibaad (slave) of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala who were sincere.
    At 5:35, just to show you how deep the life of each and every one of the tabein and sahaba was, entire books were written about them, about their lives.
    At 5:55 and sometimes entire books just on their virtues, I'm not just talking about volumes can be written about those.
    At 6:01, great sahab but even this Imam one of the great of the past he.
    At 6:03, Imam al Mulal Qaari, one of the great Hanafi ulama of the past, he wrote a whole book about the virtues of this tabein, whose name is Owais Al Qarni and he is from the land of Yemen.
    At 6:26, Yemen is a blessed land, we know that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about Yemen that this is a place of imaan ans hikmah and so on.
    At 6:40, and he is from an area 'Qaran' (Qarni).
    At 6:59, Imam adh Dhahabi and others they called him Khair ut tabein and the sheikh will discuss why.
    At 7:03, he's also been called as Sayyidul Tabe'in as well.
    At 7:09, Imam adh Dhahabi writes about him the role model the zahid, he praised him for the great characteristics that he had.
    At 7:16, and he says his kunya was Abu Amr.
    At 7:20, his name as well documented by the different scholars is Owais Ibn Amir Al Qarni Al Yamani.
    At 7:33, even though some books have him as Abdullah, but this is a mistake because this is something that at times he introduced himself by in order to hide from attention but that wasn't his actual name.
    From 7:52 to 8:21, now there are some unique characteristics to him and the first of them is already mentioned - Rasoolallah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam called him Khairut Tabein, he has a mother and he is dutiful to his mother.
    From 8:36 to 9:00, Rasoolallah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam mentions him by name even though he hadn't met him. He Sallallahu alaihi wasallam mentions his virtue and the sabab - the reason was that Owais was dutiful to his mother.
    At 9:07, the miracle of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam - he didn't know Owais existed yet he told about him.
    From 9:28 to 10:07, Allah was so pleased with Owais because of him being dutiful to his mother.
    At 10:14, we know that his father had become a Muslim and that his father had passed away. His mother raised him and she was blind.
    At 10:29, Subhan Allah, she was challenged and she was poor. It was difficult because she had no other family around, but she dedicated her life to her son. At a young age, he got leprosy, which is a very serious disease. It is mentioned that the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) knew about it.
    11:17 It shows the power of dua ..
    11:20 - 11:42 Historically, people from Yemen also knew about him and documented his story. They recall that he had leprosy and was cured by Allah without any medical treatment. This shows the power of Dua.
    11:42 It doesn't mean that we shouldn't use medicine. We should use all means available, but also trust in Allah's power.
    12:04 - 12:27 He used Dua as a means for cure, and Allah healed him, except for a small portion. Some narrations mention it was on his shoulder, while others say it was part of his Dua to leave it for gratitude.
    12:28 - 13:00 Many of us have gone through hardships and illnesses, but Allah has cured us. Do we remember to be thankful for that blessing?
    13:11 Rasoolallah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam in authentic narration told the Sahaba, and this is reported by Unar Ibn Al Khattab
    13:22 in some narrations, Ali was also thete where that he is being addressed.
    So, who is prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam speaking to generally? Sahaba But the two who are specifically being addressed by name are two of the greatest among the companions, two of those who were given the Glad Tidings of Jannah - Ali and Umar . They can be considered as the best four who ever existed among the Sahaba. There is no doubt about their faith and virtue.
    13:55 The Prophet (peace be upon him) told them that there is a man who is the best among tabein, and his name is mentioned in some of the narrations clearly as Owais. he is from Yemen and that he was dutiful to his mother. In some authentic narrations, it was even mentioned that he had leprosy and Allah cured him except for a small point.
    14:18 Now, when the Prophet (peace be upon him) clarified all these details about him, what did he say? He said that when he comes to you, ask him to make dua for you. .
    14:40 This point is often missed by many who know the story. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is speaking to those who will be around the graves of the Sahaba, like Abu Bakr, Umar, and others.
    15:10 He is not telling them to go to the dead and ask them to make dua or make tawassul through them. He is telling them that a man is coming who will be alive, so ask him to make dua/ istighfar for you.
    15:22 It is established from the Sunnah that you should ask people to make dua for you.
    15:35 - 15:42 But the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not teach them to go to the graves of the dead and ask them to make dua,

  • @kenspri5139
    @kenspri5139 2 місяці тому

    00:00 Introduction
    00:12 Recap
    00:42 Shaikh plans to discuss the 7 fuqaha of Madinah.
    00:50 Shaikh found a hadith in Sahih Muslim where the Prophet called a tabi'in "Khairut Tabi'in."
    01:06 Sayid bin Musayyib is known as Sayyidul Tabe'in.
    01:11 This particular tabi'in was called "Khairut Tabi'in" by Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
    01:23 This is unusual because a tabi'in means he didn't meet the Prophet, yet he was called the best of them.
    01:47 Shaikh decided to talk about this tabi'in.
    01:52 Imam Dhahabi refers to him as Auliyah of Allah.
    02:14 The concept of Auliyah is often misunderstood.
    02:20 Allah has Auliyah, friends He honors, not because He needs them.
    02:28 Some people exaggerate their status and give the title to undeserving individuals.
    02:40 People who don't follow Shariah are sometimes wrongly called wali.
    02:54 Even after death, some people make dua at their graves, which is not correct.
    02:59 This is not the way of the Quran, Sunnah, Salaf, Shariah, or Ahlussunnah.
    03:06 Others completely ignore the concept, which is also wrong.
    03:20 Allah has Auliyah, and there are many references in the Quran and hadith.
    03:32 We should assume good about people but not declare them Auliyah for sure.
    03:44 Everyone has mistakes and sins; judgment is between them and Allah.
    03:52 We should assume good of people but only Allah knows who the Auliyah are.
    04:04 There are Auliyah today and will be until the Day of Judgment, but we can't be certain.
    04:15 We should look for those who follow the Kitab, Sunnah, and Shariah.
    04:30 This particular tabi'in is confirmed as Auliyah.
    04:35 His dua was accepted.
    04:41 Today, we don't know whose dua is accepted; only Allah knows.
    04:50 But for this tabi'in, we have evidence.
    05:00 The same applies to shuhada (martyrs).
    05:06 The Prophet praised certain individuals as shuhada and said they would be in Jannah.
    05:10 We can hope someone is a shaheed, but only Allah knows their intentions.
    05:20 We judge by what is apparent and say "In Shaa Allah."
    05:23 Those attested by the Prophet are certain.
    05:27 Imam adh Dhahabi said he was a sincere servant of Allah.
    05:35 The lives of the tabi'in and sahaba were so deep that entire books were written about them.
    05:55 Sometimes entire volumes are dedicated to their virtues.
    06:01 Imam al Mulal Qaari wrote a book about the virtues of Owais Al Qarni from Yemen.
    06:26 Yemen is a blessed land, known for iman and wisdom as mentioned by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
    06:40 Owais is from an area called Qaran (Qarni).
    06:59 Imam adh Dhahabi and others called him Khair ut tabein, and the sheikh will discuss why.
    07:03 He is also called Sayyidul Tabe'in.
    07:09 Imam adh Dhahabi praised him as a role model and zahid for his great characteristics.
    07:16 His kunya was Abu Amr.
    07:20 His name, documented by scholars, is Owais Ibn Amir Al Qarni Al Yamani.
    07:33 Some books mistakenly call him Abdullah, a name he used to avoid attention.
    07:52-08:21 Unique characteristics: Rasoolallah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) called him Khairut Tabein, and he was dutiful to his mother.
    08:36-09:00 Rasoolallah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) mentioned him by name for his virtue and dutifulness to his mother.
    09:07 The miracle of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) knowing about Owais without meeting him.
    09:28-10:07 Allah was pleased with Owais for his dutifulness to his mother.
    10:14 His father became a Muslim and passed away; his blind mother raised him.
    10:29 Despite challenges and poverty, his mother dedicated her life to him. He had leprosy, which the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) knew about.
    11:17 It shows the power of dua.
    11:20-11:42 People from Yemen documented his story of being cured of leprosy by Allah without medical treatment, showing the power of dua.
    11:42 We should use medicine but also trust in Allah's power.
    12:04-12:27 He used dua for cure, and Allah healed him except for a small portion, left for gratitude.
    12:28-13:00 Many have gone through hardships and illnesses, but Allah has cured us. We should be thankful.
    13:11 Rasoolallah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) told the Sahaba, reported by Umar Ibn Al Khattab.
    13:22 In some narrations, Ali was also addressed. The Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) spoke to Sahaba, specifically addressing Ali and Umar, two of the greatest companions.
    13:55 The Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned a man, Owais, from Yemen, dutiful to his mother, cured of leprosy except for a small point.
    14:18 The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to ask Owais to make dua for them.
    14:40 This point is often missed. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is speaking to those around the graves of the Sahaba like Abu Bakr and Umar.
    15:10 He is not telling them to ask the dead for dua or tawassul, but to ask a living man to make dua/istighfar for them.
    15:22 It is established from the Sunnah to ask people to make dua for you.
    15:35-15:42 The Prophet (peace be upon him) did not teach to ask the dead for dua.
    15:56 Some Sufi books exaggerate, but no one is better than Umar and Ali (Radiallahu Anhu).
    16:10 Umar was highly virtuous, and if there were wahi after the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), it would come to him. Ali (Radiallahu Anhu) was in the Prophet's bed during hijrah and married his favorite daughter.
    16:29 Despite their virtues, the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) told them to ask Owais Al Qarni to make dua for them.
    16:38 Ask the living for dua, not the dead; Allah knows their condition.
    16:48 Don't think you're better than someone and avoid asking them for dua. You might be better or not; Allah knows best.
    17:00 Someone's faults might hide their good deeds that Allah loves, making their dua accepted.
    17:10 You may do good deeds but have something Allah doesn't love.
    17:18 Even if someone is lower than you, still ask them for dua.
    17:31 The Sahaba diligently followed this and wanted to meet Owais to ask for dua but didn't know him.
    17:52 After the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) passed away, they searched for Owais. They asked people from Yemen if they knew him and if he had a mother.
    18:28 They eventually found him through a group from his area. They confirmed he had leprosy, was cured by Allah, and was dutiful to his mother.
    19:12-20:10 When they found him, they asked if he was Owais. He didn't confirm until they said they were looking for him. They then asked him to make dua for them.
    20:16 Why was he not a Sahabi? He was a Muslim during the Prophet's lifetime and desired to see him. People from Yemen saw the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and became Sahaba, but Owais did not.
    20:51 He had no family, and his mother was blind and old, so he stayed with her. He asked her for permission to go, and she allowed him but told him not to stay long. The journey from Yemen to Medina could take up to a month, so she told him not to stay more than 3 days.
    21:34 This is an interesting point in fiqh, as Shaikh mentioned Sahaba not staying in a place for more than 3 days to avoid becoming residents.
    22:22 When he arrived in Medina, the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was out for Jihad, so he had to return without seeing him.
    22:54 When Umar and Ali asked him to make dua for them, he responded humbly, praising their virtue and giving credit to Allah. He didn't praise himself. Hadith books are filled with narrations about his humility and sincerity.
    23:47 May Allah forgive them and accept their prayer.
    24:09 This narration is famous and found in books and lectures, but there is more to him than just this.
    24:30 Shaikh wants to discuss more about him, as most discussions focus only on this narration.
    24:42-25:42 Many narrations about him are fabricated. For example,

  • @Alimaktab1
    @Alimaktab1 7 місяців тому

    Assalamualaikum. I was wondering if Anas ibn Malik(RA) could be next.

    • @fahimratul9111
      @fahimratul9111 7 місяців тому

      I don’t think he will do a sahaba any time soon since the last two were about tabi’een

    • @Alimaktab1
      @Alimaktab1 7 місяців тому

      @@fahimratul9111 You never know. He could do one Inshallah.

    • @stevenenglert2951
      @stevenenglert2951 7 місяців тому +1

      Ask Allah in the last third of the night

    • @kenkaneki9138
      @kenkaneki9138 5 місяців тому

      Isn't this a series of the tab'een?

    • @fahimratul9111
      @fahimratul9111 5 місяців тому

      @@kenkaneki9138 As Salaamu ‘Alaykum akhi, the series is on 100 individuals in Islamic history that every Muslim should know. His earlier videos were on sahaba and later he started doing tabi’een.

  • @kenspri5139
    @kenspri5139 2 місяці тому

    24:42-25:42 Many narrations about him are fabricated. For example, the claim that he pulled out all his teeth when he heard the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) broke his tooth is a fabrication. We should focus on authentic narrations.
    25:43 Authentic narrations mention his virtues. For example, in Imam Muslim's book, a hadith mentions that from the Prophet's ummah, there is a person whose dua will lead many to Jannah, like the tribe of Banu Tamim. This person is Owais Al Qarni.
    27:29 His biography states that he later moved to Kufa because his mother had passed away, and people constantly asked him for dua. It became a nuisance, so he moved to Kufa to keep a low profile but still went to the mosque.
    28:27 During times of peace and tranquility, Islam flourished, but there were always tests and problems. The same happened with him.
    29:03 Some people in Kufa, for political reasons, started to speak ill of him and make things difficult. Despite this, he continued to seek knowledge.
    29:23 A narrator mentioned sitting with a scholar in Kufa and hearing amazing words from a person. When asked about him, the teacher said not to worry. The narrator later found out this person was Owais, who missed class because he was waiting for his clothes to dry, as he only had one set.
    30:42 The narrator offered his extra clothes to Owais, but Owais preferred to wait. He eventually took the clothes from the student and went.
    31:02 People mocked him, accusing him of stealing the clothes. This man, called Khairut Tabein, was asked for dua by the Sahaba, yet people made accusations against him.
    31:28 The student got upset and clarified that the clothes were his, defending Owais.
    31:43 Owais Al Qarni had beautiful sayings.
    31:53 He advised to begin every day with the love of Allah and end with thankfulness to Allah.
    32:21 Despite having few clothes and small meals, Owais would ask Allah for forgiveness for not being able to give to others.
    33:02 These are the beautiful examples we should look up to. Hakim mentioned that one should always hope in Allah's mercy but fear His punishment as if one had murdered all of mankind.
    33:35 Don't dismiss your actions lightly; fear Allah's punishment seriously.
    33:46 Noaim mentioned that Owais fought in Jihad and continued to teach wisdom, knowledge, and Hadith, even if he wasn't a famous teacher.
    34:15 Noaim said Owais became Shaheed in Azerbaijan, while some say he died in the Battle of Siffin on Ali's side. Either way, he died in battle and lived a life of wisdom.
    34:57 Interestingly, one of his graves is in Oman, but Allah knows best.
    35:33 Outro + his virtues.
    35:48 Three lessons from his life: Being dutiful to parents. Dedication to knowledge. Not letting worldly matters interfere.