BUILDING A 335I WAGON IN *about* 15 MINUTES (From Start to Finish!)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


    @BAND-MAID-USA 2 роки тому +128

    This guy knows more about a BMW, than the 200 engineers that designed everything. Extremely impressive…

    • @Salpeteroxid
      @Salpeteroxid Рік тому +2

      Hard to prophecy the future lol.

  • @renatoolea674
    @renatoolea674 Рік тому +16

    This is what I call HUGE knowledge! Nice project man!

  • @motorwolfe
    @motorwolfe Рік тому +6

    what an amazingly comprehensive build - long live the longroofs!

  • @chuckehrlich
    @chuckehrlich 2 місяці тому

    What a fantastic build. Your mechanical knowledge and skill are very impressive.

  • @chrisking6740
    @chrisking6740 2 роки тому +4

    Wicked recap, what a great video idea! Insane amount of work, well done.

  • @Nico_335i_DCT
    @Nico_335i_DCT 2 роки тому +4

    Great build Chris. It was worth every minute of wrenching! Dutch regards and have a great weekend, Nico.

  • @jtuominen72
    @jtuominen72 Рік тому +3

    Nicely stitched building video! It was a joy to watch!

  • @jd4you934
    @jd4you934 8 місяців тому +1

    just incredible !! Love from Germany !

  • @nilsnachtigall363
    @nilsnachtigall363 7 місяців тому

    nothing better then a clean bmw wagon

  • @Holdeenio
    @Holdeenio 7 місяців тому +1

    I really enjoyed watching this, thanks for sharing

  • @ghkzbor
    @ghkzbor 2 роки тому +1

    I'm sure you learned from failing over and over, but man you do things with such ease. Great work

  • @warr3nguy
    @warr3nguy Рік тому

    Awesome build Chris! You are my only other "After 1-video Subscription" since ChrisFIX lol.
    Current F31 owner here, I'd much rather own a E91 instead and a N54 E91 just checks every single spec on my wish list. The amount of knowledge and attention to details that displayed in the video were truly amazing. Keep them contents coming!

  • @towardsanewera5480
    @towardsanewera5480 Рік тому +3

    I don't know, I personally would have done the manual transmission instead another automatic one

  • @scott4036
    @scott4036 Рік тому

    I have a 2008 328xi wagon in the same color. One upgrade that I just did that is totally worth it is changing out the roof racks to the low profile ones that come on the 11 and 12 model years. Awesome build!

  • @andreas.2
    @andreas.2 6 місяців тому

    In germany we call every car a "Wagen", even if it's not a wagon. It think it is definitely worth it to call it Touring. That's what it is 😊. Great car.

  • @JR-si6ef
    @JR-si6ef 2 роки тому

    Wowww.. you have put soo much work into that car !! Great build ... i hope you keep it !!

  • @yordantomov3974
    @yordantomov3974 Рік тому

    Your job is incredible!

  • @yahtadi5152
    @yahtadi5152 Рік тому

    The knowledge, holy moly 😮

  • @cjdeas1528
    @cjdeas1528 2 роки тому

    Dang, that was impressive! Thanks for sharing your work!

  • @typeRF20c
    @typeRF20c Рік тому

    Very nice vid and demo of every tools that worth the price ! cheers from France ;)

  • @jon_soda
    @jon_soda 2 роки тому

    So awesome. I just got an E46 325 wagon with 5spd. Thanks for some inspiration

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  2 роки тому

      Thanks for watching and leaving a comment 🙏

  • @jeffgarner3903
    @jeffgarner3903 Рік тому

    So jealous. I have the same color same year 328i wagon. Its already a rear wheel drive and has the mSport and I drive…perhaps one day this same swap will happen. Excellent content!

  • @erimei8478
    @erimei8478 11 місяців тому +4

    I am so confused by the timing of various things that happen in this video. Why the hell wouldn't you do rod bearings/oil pan/turbos/charge pipes/etc., etc., etc., while the engine was out? You did all this work and didn't do a manual conversion? A 200k donor engine? The knowledge and work on display here is crazy, but I'm very confused by a lot of what I'm seeing.

    • @37Clank
      @37Clank 3 місяці тому

      Ye, it was crazy he decided to do the rod bearings after installing the engine.

  • @briang3033
    @briang3033 Рік тому

    Absolutely beautiful work! Amazing and very informative. Great job! Keep up the great work!

  • @tonykemper8896
    @tonykemper8896 Рік тому

    Sweet build. I’m prepping to do a ls swap in my 07 e91.

  • @jdeckard1243
    @jdeckard1243 8 місяців тому

    Utterly superb guy's.

  • @PinaMAgnes
    @PinaMAgnes Рік тому +1

    Damn nice work done👍
    I would love to work on cars but as I was a kid I always tried to fix my controllers and always ended up in the end with more screws than I had

  • @MrMiskut
    @MrMiskut 8 місяців тому

    Im pissed u didn’t do a final show pff drive and some pulls! This was awesome lol

  • @wot48320
    @wot48320 Рік тому

    Style 172 wheels look very nice on the wagon

  • @LateNightRituals
    @LateNightRituals 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for this video !!!!

  • @osulabs
    @osulabs Рік тому

    What was the red stuff that you used around the outside edge of the front crank seal?

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  Рік тому

      RTV Sealant, I have a full video on my channel showing how to do it!

  • @nickboyco2666
    @nickboyco2666 Рік тому

    Did you have to change any wiring for the dme connectors?

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  Рік тому +1

      Didn't change the connector, but did have to repin a few things to make it communicate with the car properly!

  • @ВиталийНик-в9л
    @ВиталийНик-в9л Рік тому

    Привет , скажи -что даёт сигнал на оранжевое реле , что бы включился насос вторичного воздуха ?

  • @anthony-j-alibrandi-369
    @anthony-j-alibrandi-369 11 місяців тому

    Cool build are transformations You're a detailed video is awesome
    I wish I was a mechanic I had all that shit to fix my beamer

  • @MrHamzafraj
    @MrHamzafraj 18 днів тому

    Would this conversion been easier if both donors were xdrive?

  • @olivierdagenais2559
    @olivierdagenais2559 7 місяців тому

    Hey sir, what size garage do you have to be able to do all that ?

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  7 місяців тому +1

      Standard 2 car garage, nothing fancy except my quickjacks! Thanks for watching

  • @_DTG
    @_DTG 8 місяців тому

    I have a mate who's got the 2008 320d version of these e90's and I recently did work on it and have a few other jobs to do, one of which being a matrix replacement and Im just wanting to know if you have any tips or tricks to make it easier for me to do this as I'm 90% sure it's a dash out job.
    Luckily I'm in college for motor vehicle and am a aspiring mechanic so anything I can learn is good.

  • @Str8Steez
    @Str8Steez Рік тому

    Insane build. Wondering what wheels / wheel setup youre running?

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  Рік тому

      E60 550i Wheels, style 172. They're 19in, kinda big but looks mean on the wagon!

  • @mikeerb8403
    @mikeerb8403 6 місяців тому

    Wish I had the patience to do a swap like that. I want to do 335d wagon

  • @amineelmaachi246
    @amineelmaachi246 7 місяців тому

    youre underrated asf

  • @andyseo2246
    @andyseo2246 Рік тому

    Wow, really impressive. Awesome job!!! Can I ask you a question? While you have rebuilt the E91, were you able to see sunroof drain hose? My E90 has clogging issue on that. Would like to know whether it can be replaced by myself. When I tried to find the hose, it looked hidden inside the frame.

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  Рік тому

      It is hidden inside the frame, your best bet is to try washing it out with water/degreaser, or poking it with a dull thin stick, something bendy. But I imagine it's either clogged closer to the top or bottom, so maybe grab a boroscope and try to see if you can find the plug first! I have this one: (affiliate)

  • @Holdeenio
    @Holdeenio 7 місяців тому +1

    Were/are you tempted to do a 6-speed manual swap? 🤔

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  7 місяців тому +1

      Yesss, but I wasn't sure how much value it would add to the car, and it would have been a ton more work/money to source the parts, etc. The next owner plans on doing a 6spd swap in the future! Thanks for watching

  • @gearamihai2782
    @gearamihai2782 3 місяці тому

    Dont forget the modules must be coded
    Including FA for removing that module

  • @noahzm_
    @noahzm_ Рік тому

    I’m impressed

  • @Mike_Mike_Mike77
    @Mike_Mike_Mike77 Рік тому

    wow.. cool car, cool video..

  • @offroadmayhem1533
    @offroadmayhem1533 Рік тому

    so is the column swap necessary?

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  Рік тому

      No, just for my build since I wanted to remove the factory steering lock! Thanks for watching

  • @giftdumba10
    @giftdumba10 8 місяців тому

    Brother, forgive me I just discovered you now... In the process of creating an M2 comp from a 220i body, I thought I knew BMWs until I met you 😮😮😮

  • @sergiovaloy4203
    @sergiovaloy4203 2 роки тому

    Wow congratulations on your channel I like your videos your one of the few people who explain everything in detail I have a question I been dieing to a swap like this what are the steps if you wanted to do a Xi to Xi swap

  • @Beemerboii
    @Beemerboii 2 роки тому

    How much harder would it be to swap a awd 335xi engine into an e91 and retaining the awd?

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  2 роки тому +2

      It would be much easier to swap a 335xi into a 325xi e91, since you won't have to modify the dsc or transmission components.

  • @Game1Experts
    @Game1Experts Рік тому

    Hi there! Thanks for this awesome video it really helps me know more about my car. But I have the e90 316i and I have a question I really want to just make it a little bit faster I bought better rims that is 16" just like the original and I want that turbo you got there so If I get it will it work with my engine?

  • @rly8115
    @rly8115 2 роки тому

    Just amazing!!!!

  • @TavianM
    @TavianM Рік тому

    Hey I’d really appreciate some advice here I want to do this my donor car is a 07 e92 but it was totaled from the rear auto non XI if I find a non XI 07 wagon I should just be able to swap the motor and wiring right ?

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  Рік тому +1

      Yeah the motor should fit and the harnesses should be the same too! Would be a good swap

    • @TavianM
      @TavianM Рік тому

      @@TheBimmerBarn what about the coupe front end is it Possible to do that because I think it would be a great look I’m having this idea from the e90 m3

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  Рік тому +1

      @@TavianM Nah unfortunately it won't line up. To do the e90 m3 look you'll need the e90 M3 front end.

    • @TavianM
      @TavianM Рік тому

      @@TheBimmerBarn ok and the e90 M3 will just bolt on to the e91 chaises right and 1 more question if I get a e91 Rwd manual I shouldn’t have a problem swapping my auto gauge cluster and it should just bolt on because that’s my plan I’m just gonna upgrade the clutch for more power instead of using my auto trans

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  Рік тому +1

      @@TavianM yeah the instrument cluster is plug and play too, but might need to be coded after swapping to manual!

  • @MatsBulters
    @MatsBulters Рік тому +1

    this thing needs european headlight. my goodness those US version lights look bad...

  • @davidjteo
    @davidjteo 5 місяців тому

    Hey but what about the next iteration of this.... a 340i F31?

  • @LJ-gi9ix
    @LJ-gi9ix 5 місяців тому

    How much does something like this swap cost?

  • @willw7523
    @willw7523 2 роки тому


  • @razorwireclouds5708
    @razorwireclouds5708 2 роки тому +2

    Sick work, tho I don't really understand why you'd turn an AWD car into an RWD car.

  • @allansprecher7068
    @allansprecher7068 2 роки тому

    WOW !!!!! Amazing !!!!!!!

  • @lost0824
    @lost0824 4 місяці тому

    Anybody know what style rims are those?

  • @Andy242455
    @Andy242455 Рік тому

    Top Job 🙂

  • @supaermen
    @supaermen Рік тому

    Wow that’s impressive..
    Great channel, sub‘d!
    I also drive an E93 N54 335i 😊
    greetings from germany

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  Рік тому

      Thanks for the kind words! Good luck with your car :)

  • @sxnfvr
    @sxnfvr Місяць тому

    i wanna do this so bad but w a 335d… u think its pretty much the same process? also dude, u made ts look like an absolute BREEZE

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  Місяць тому +1

      Pretty much the same, yes! Except with diesels you have all the DEF stuff to worry about. Thanks for watching!

    • @sxnfvr
      @sxnfvr Місяць тому

      @ great to hear, thanks for the response man, seriously! props for making such helpful videos dude. one of my dream cars is an m57 e91 but sadly in the states its a lil harder to make that happen haha

  • @KennyRodriguez-yd8ph
    @KennyRodriguez-yd8ph 8 місяців тому

    I have been doing research for months now for my 08 535i wagon after I took it to my local jiffy lube for a oil change come to find out 1-2 weeks later one morning (6am)about hop in the car to go to work i noticed the ground wet didn't mind it bc I had rain that night. The turned on detected check oil level I was shocked bc I had just service it, when I took off It marked again 1 minute after. when back around and parked it (5 minutes later) grabbed my other car to get work. Didn't see til later that day there was oil already there from my thinking it was just wet from rain. They forced the filter cap, cracked it, tried clueing it eventually exploded. now my engine is seized. Jiffy Lube told me F## off it wasn't there fault SMH but then they were the only one to put hands on it (I'm not a car guy at all)but I always wanted like caught my attention the tuning and performance scene. This my first bimmer. The car is in top shape just doesn't run bc that situation with jiffy lube. I do want to bring it to life .WHAT I DO? atleast to bring it to life(if its the budget in the moment ill be looking forward tuning it etc)

  • @moreira8967
    @moreira8967 8 місяців тому +3

    It's extremely cool just ended up a little borring in terms of looks and sound, looks like something some lifeless buisnessman would drive not a carguy you know what i mean? No hate tho, sick build

  • @mikeerb8403
    @mikeerb8403 6 місяців тому

    Why not keep the xdrive

    • @TheBimmerBarn
      @TheBimmerBarn  6 місяців тому

      Heavy, harder to maintain/service. RWD is more fun! Thanks for watching

  • @Jensen-the-editer
    @Jensen-the-editer 8 місяців тому

    I knew all this and I haven’t even studied it idk why

  • @СергейБикезин-в6в
    @СергейБикезин-в6в 2 роки тому

    Аплодируя стоя 👍👍👍

  • @mentholkoralle
    @mentholkoralle 8 місяців тому


  • @imperia777
    @imperia777 8 місяців тому

    Labor for all this will cost like 3 cars

  • @a8f235
    @a8f235 8 місяців тому

    7:09 Dog

  • @keijomuuri
    @keijomuuri 8 місяців тому

    Why do you use those idiotic red cheapo wire-tap connectors?? Known fact is that they don`t work anywhere. You just make more problems for your self...

  • @brendon_mtb
    @brendon_mtb 11 місяців тому +1

    Exhaust sounds like shit

  • @joshkerby9531
    @joshkerby9531 10 місяців тому

    Yup. I'm gonna do it
    Picking up a 2006 325xi wagon
    And swapping over all my 335i