All Flutter Widgets Explained: Your Essential Guide

  • Опубліковано 12 гру 2024


  • @FlutterMapp
    @FlutterMapp  2 роки тому +60

    🚀 Flutter Zero to Hero:
    💰 Make Money with Flutter:
    🗺 Free Flutter Checklist:
    0:00​ Intro 🚀
    ⚡WIDGET 000 - 025 ⚡
    0:31 About Dialog
    1:16 About List Tile
    1:51 Absorb Pointer
    2:35 Alert Dialog
    3:34 Align
    4:15 Animated Align
    5:23 Animated Builder
    7:00 Animated Container
    8:23 Animated Cross Fade
    9:33 Animated Default Text Style
    10:58 Animated Icon
    12:47 Animated List
    16:26 Animated Modal Barrier
    19:39 Animated Opacity
    20:31 Animated Padding
    22:04 Animated Physical Model
    23:27 Animated Positioned
    24:44 Animated Rotation
    25:45 Animated Size
    26:41 Animated Switcher
    28:05 App Bar
    28:59 Aspect Ratio
    29:45 Auto Complete
    31:07 Backdrop Filter
    32:01 Banner
    ⚡WIDGET 026 - 050 ⚡
    32:55 Baseline
    33:29 Block Semantics
    35:27 Bottom Navigation Bar
    36:45 Bottom Sheet
    37:35 Builder
    38:27 Card
    39:01 Center
    39:42 Checkbox
    40:21 Checkbox List Tile
    41:24 Chip
    41:48 Choice Chip
    42:22 Circle Avatar
    42:54 Circular Progress Indicator
    43:23 Clip Oval
    44:24 Clip Path
    45:14 ClipRect
    46:24 ClipRRect
    46:24 Close Button
    46:47 Colored Box
    47:04 Color Filtered
    47:34 Constrained Box
    48:18 Container
    49:00 Column
    50:01 Cupertino App
    50:35 Cupertino Page Scaffold
    ⚡WIDGET 051 - 75⚡
    51:14 Cupertino Action Sheet Action
    52:23 Cupertino Activity Indicator
    52:50 Cupertino Alert Dialog
    53:57 Cupertino Button
    54:47 Cupertino Context Menu
    55:35 Cupertino Date Picker
    57:16 Cupertino Page Route
    58:11 Cupertino Page Scaffold
    58:57 Cupertino Picker
    1:00:19 Cupertino Popup Surface
    1:01:14 Cupertino Scroll Bar
    1:02:03 Cupertino Search Text Field
    1:02:48 Cupertino Segmented Control
    1:04:36 Cupertino Slider
    1:05:25 Cupertino Sliding Segmented Control
    1:06:13 Cupertino Switch
    1:06:47 Cupertino Tab Scaffold
    1:07:29 Cupertino Tab Bar
    1:08:17 Cupertino Tab View
    1:09:05 Cupertino Text Field
    1:09:36 Custom Paint
    1:10:59 Custom Scroll View
    1:12:00 Data Table
    1:12:46 Data Column
    1:13:28 Data Cell
    ⚡WIDGET 076 - 100 ⚡
    1:14:36 Time Picker
    1:14:03 Data Row
    1:15:48 Date Picker
    1:16:59 Date Range Picker
    1:18:19 Decorated Box
    1:19:13 Decorated Box Transition
    1:21:35 Default Text Style
    1:22:36 Dismissible
    1:24:15 Divider
    1:24:51 Draggable Scrollable
    1:25:30 Drag Target
    1:27:16 Draggable
    1:28:47 Drawer
    1:29:48 Drawer Header
    1:30:11 Dropdown Button
    1:31:16 Elevated Button
    1:32:01 Error Details
    1:32:48 Error Widget
    1:33:55 Expanded
    1:34:36 Expand Icon
    1:35:34 Expansion Panel List
    1:37:12 Expansion Panel
    1:39:30 Expansion Tile
    1:40:40 Fade In Image
    1:41:36 Fade Transition
    ⚡WIDGET 101 - 125 ⚡
    1:42:41 Filter Chip
    1:43:24 Fitted Box
    1:44:15 Flexible
    1:45:37 Floating Action Button
    1:46:31 Flow
    1:49:16 Flutter Logo
    1:49:47 Form
    1:51:13 Fractional Translation
    1:52:28 Fractionally Sized Box
    1:53:05 Future Builder
    1:54:45 Gesture Detector
    1:55:33 Grid Paper
    1:56:00 Grid Tile
    1:56:49 Grid Tile Bar
    1:57:42 Grid View
    1:58:27 Hero
    1:59:49 Icon
    2:00:21 Icon Button
    2:01:02 Ignore Pointer
    2:02:22 Image
    2:02:54 Indexed Stack
    2:03:58 Inkwell
    2:07:42 Input Chip
    2:05:50 Interactive Viewer
    2:06:34 Layout Builder
    ⚡WIDGET 126 - 150 ⚡
    2:07:27 Limited Box
    2:08:20 Linear Progress Indicator
    2:09:22 Listener
    2:10:43 List Tile
    2:11:07 List View
    2:11:45 List Wheel Scroll View
    2:12:15 Long Press Draggable
    2:13:35 Material App
    2:14:37 Material Banner
    2:15:27 Material Button
    2:16:00 Merge Semantics
    2:16:33 Modal Barrier
    2:17:53 System Mouse Cursors
    2:18:37 Mouse Region
    2:20:00 Navigation Bar
    2:21:05 Notification Listener
    2:22:39 Offstage
    2:23:23 Opacity
    2:23:55 Orientation Builder
    2:24:31 Outlined Button
    2:25:01 Overflow Bar
    2:25:31 Overflow Box
    2:26:04 Padding
    2:26:42 Page View
    2:27:06 Physical Modal
    ⚡WIDGET 151 - 175⚡
    2:27:46 Physical Shape
    2:28:16 Placeholder
    2:28:52 Platform Menu Bar
    2:30:37 Popup Menu Button
    2:31:35 Positioned
    2:32:15 Positioned Transition
    2:34:14 Preferred Size
    2:34:59 Radio
    2:36:08 Radio List Tile
    2:37:00 Range Slider
    2:37:41 Raw Autocomplete
    2:39:23 Raw Chip
    2:39:47 Refresh Indicator
    2:40:35 Reorderable List View
    2:41:51 Rich Text
    2:42:40 Rotated Box
    2:43:02 Rotation Transition
    2:44:04 Row
    2:44:40 Scaffold
    2:45:47 Scale Transition
    2:46:45 Scrollbar
    2:47:16 Selectable Text
    2:47:44 Semantics
    2:48:34 Shader Mask
    2:49:26 Shortcuts
    ⚡WIDGET 176 - 200⚡
    2:51:12 Simple Dialog
    2:52:04 Single Child Scroll View
    2:52:37 Size Transition
    2:53:39 Sized Box
    2:54:07 Sized Overflow Box
    2:54:41 Slide Transition
    2:55:51 Slider
    2:56:29 Sliver App Bar
    2:57:39 Sliver Fixed Extent List
    2:58:18 Sliver Grid
    2:59:00 Sliver List
    2:59:35 Sliver Opacity
    3:00:15 Sliver Padding
    3:00:43 Sliver To Box Adapter
    3:01:08 Snack Bar
    3:01:46 Spacer
    3:02:29 Stack
    3:02:58 Stepper
    3:04:29 Stream Builder
    3:05:51 Switch
    3:06:13 Switch List Tile
    3:06:46 Tab Bar
    3:07:35 Tab Page Selector
    3:09:17 Table
    3:10:29 Text
    ⚡WIDGET 201 - 215⚡
    3:11:17 Text Button
    3:12:25 Text Field
    3:13:21 Text Form Field
    3:14:59 Text Span
    3:15:43 Theme Data
    3:16:55 Toggle Buttons
    3:17:32 Tooltip
    3:17:54 Transform
    3:18:21 Tween Animation Builder
    3:19:11 Value Listenable Builder
    3:20:06 Vertical Divider
    3:20:37 Visibility
    3:21:20 Will Pop Scope
    3:22:24 Wrap
    3:23:06 Safe Area
    3:23:28 Outro 🚀

    • @zekaidemir9304
      @zekaidemir9304 2 роки тому +1

      The really best content. Thank for your awesome work

    • @biigsmokee
      @biigsmokee Рік тому +1

      Set Intro to 0:00 and remove the spaces and they show up in the video

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  Рік тому +1

      @@biigsmokee Didnt work, after too many chapters, YT don't show them anymore.. sad

  • @lonerider9645
    @lonerider9645 2 роки тому +60

    Man appreciate you for helping the community with such great tutorials. This is the video which every flutter developer would have wanted for so long. All widgets at one place. 👍🤘

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  2 роки тому +14

      Same! I never understood why such a video didn't exist at the first place. The answer: "IT TAKE FOREVER TO CREATE!!!" 😂😂😂

  • @syedaliiiabbas
    @syedaliiiabbas 2 роки тому +2

    I just keep on roaming here and there on youtube finding widgets and at last, I came to the jukebox of widgets xD. Thanks, man for the best series ever. Appreciated

  • @Adde974
    @Adde974 Рік тому +5

    Sir hats off to you for your dedication. I'm at beginner level and i just can't tell you how happy i am seeing your extraordinary tutorials. I just finished 1 hour beginner tutorial and just wow, So happy to have found this incredible channel. Once again Thank you Sir.

  • @RivaanRanawat
    @RivaanRanawat 2 роки тому +29

    Wonderful series with mindblowing consistency. What's next? Every Flutter Package ever created?

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  2 роки тому +7

      Never 😂 This was way to long to create 😂 but thanks man!

  • @milosivackovic
    @milosivackovic 8 місяців тому +1


  • @andrewxu9342
    @andrewxu9342 9 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for your great video :)

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  9 місяців тому +1

      Thank you Andrew! I hope this helped you discover at least one new widget! 🔥

  • @Gu.henning
    @Gu.henning Рік тому +5

    Amazing, can't even thank you enough, that's great work!!! Helped me a lot and I know is helping a lot of others developers too

  • @princesiachin279
    @princesiachin279 Місяць тому

    wiw this is truly insane and amazing. never know flutter provides so many built in widgets. I've been usinng react native for about 4 years now, and I thinnk i'm gonna learn this technology on next month

  • @bashasha
    @bashasha 2 роки тому +5

    Wow man this huge level of work great !thanks for your effort ! god bless you

  • @Tyrowo
    @Tyrowo Рік тому +3

    thanks for making this video! Learned a lot, I appreciate it.
    But one thing...
    You forgot to include the Mooner widget!! I love that one, use it all the time

    • @FlutterDudexd
      @FlutterDudexd 5 місяців тому

      I couldn't find mooner widget?

  • @autozone5335
    @autozone5335 2 роки тому +2

    This is amazing by all means. Thanks for spending effort/time to prepare such comprehensive material 👍

  • @ArkaRoy10
    @ArkaRoy10 5 місяців тому

    In one word its an outstanding video, working brilliantly as our mindmap !! You deserve more praise

  • @marufhassan634
    @marufhassan634 2 роки тому

    All the widgets in the docs, thats insane

  • @rahulkp1852
    @rahulkp1852 Рік тому +1

    Insane work. I just looked for a drop, now i found the ocean.

  • @njo_lv
    @njo_lv Рік тому

    This is a great resource, thank you for your time and effort putting this together.

  • @anasalbattiri003
    @anasalbattiri003 Рік тому +1

    Great work man!
    Keep going.

  • @haitam1234-j6e
    @haitam1234-j6e Рік тому

    Awesome work, really appreciate you for helping us ! , I hope you do another series where you show use cases for each widget in real world apps :D

  • @anshusingh6116
    @anshusingh6116 7 місяців тому

    Seriously bro you are life saviour for us ❤️ liked, shared to my friend, subscribed for more content like this and saved to come back again and again.

  • @antenehprime9012
    @antenehprime9012 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for creating this tutorials and also providing the source code for free you rock👍👊

  • @kalderDean
    @kalderDean 2 роки тому

    Absolute mad Lad! Love it!!

  • @marufhassan634
    @marufhassan634 2 роки тому +3

    This is insane, if I need jist of any widget from the docs, I just need to check the timestamp and thats it. This is literally a goldmine for Flutter devs.

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you Hassan! Wish you the best in your Flutter journey! 🤝🔥

  • @hugovicfortman
    @hugovicfortman 7 місяців тому

    Absolute Legend! 👑

  • @AzticAztin
    @AzticAztin 2 роки тому

    Keep this channel up man, it will be even more popular, and will help even more people.✴

  • @nano32473
    @nano32473 Рік тому

    Very good explanation my friend ! Thanks a lot !

  • @ExtendedhighlightsNew
    @ExtendedhighlightsNew Рік тому

    Thanks mate! Appreciate your video!❤❤

  • @pravinprince3221
    @pravinprince3221 Рік тому

    Thank you for the wonderful video sir it is very helpful for me and my team, Thanks again sir

  • @RajA-me9cl
    @RajA-me9cl 2 роки тому

    Thank You for the efforts. This is helpful! ⭐

  • @enslow
    @enslow Рік тому

    so many many widgets!!
    Thanks. :)

  • @m.sulthanalihsan464
    @m.sulthanalihsan464 2 роки тому

    incredible.. thanks for ur effort to making this video man🚀🔥

  • @kheehao9102
    @kheehao9102 2 роки тому

    Big appreciate your work!! ❤

  • @rajatdas6133
    @rajatdas6133 10 місяців тому

    Great work buddy 👍👏

  • @af20091
    @af20091 Рік тому

    You are making wonderful tutorials.Thanks a lot ❤

  • @shahabjoon201
    @shahabjoon201 Рік тому

    Awesome, I was looking for gold but I found diamond, thank you man.

  • @madjours
    @madjours Рік тому

    Wonderful series, thank you so much.

  • @rise4gamers506
    @rise4gamers506 Рік тому

    Best video of the year ❤❤

  • @notify7610
    @notify7610 Рік тому

    😊 I can't wait to be a Pro by the end of this course alone
    Thanks man and God be praise

  • @noeljose
    @noeljose 2 роки тому +1

    This was exactly what I wanted, "Odin is with us"

  • @imGhare
    @imGhare 11 місяців тому

    thanks for not putting a long intro

  • @АртурЗарипов-ю9п

    Good job! Thank you very much!

  • @SDDinushanShehandinushan
    @SDDinushanShehandinushan Рік тому

    Nice work !!! Great work dude😍 ....Now no need to worry about finding widgets in Google 😍

  • @amirsalarsalehi4968
    @amirsalarsalehi4968 6 місяців тому

    Amazing !!! Thanks Brother

  • @john_3313
    @john_3313 Рік тому


  • @jvlamy
    @jvlamy 2 роки тому

    Great work !

  • @kbyo2006
    @kbyo2006 2 роки тому +1

    Great!! I was doing something like this, but i only have 82... 😅😅. Thanks for doing this Great project 👏👏👌

  • @tlawlessrr-vid-archive
    @tlawlessrr-vid-archive Рік тому

    Say SizedBox one more time.... lol. Great video man. Thanks.

  • @AdamcyNaira
    @AdamcyNaira 2 роки тому

    Wow this is awesome 😍👍

  • @TheCastagna96
    @TheCastagna96 Рік тому

    loved it, what is the visual studio theme you're using?

  • @saqqara6361
    @saqqara6361 2 роки тому

    Great Work!!!

  • @zeb_lala134
    @zeb_lala134 Рік тому

    Favourite video on UA-cam

  • @binarnesia
    @binarnesia Рік тому

    Really appreciate this man, 😁 now i can sleep well

  • @engroga
    @engroga Рік тому

    Excellent video.

  • @mohammadkashif5441
    @mohammadkashif5441 2 роки тому

    Appreciated ❤

  • @jokerbanny
    @jokerbanny Рік тому

    Thank you all bro !

  • @smootherthan.butter
    @smootherthan.butter 2 роки тому

    Salute you already got my respect

  • @thorbenschott2481
    @thorbenschott2481 Рік тому

    This is really good content!
    But UA-cam has cut off your playlist!
    Apparently there can't be more than 149 videos in such a playlist. If the problem is not only with me, it would be good to split the playlist in two. UA-cam shows me: "66 unavailable videos are not displayed" and that's true, even if the playlist wants to call the next video the last ones are just not called. So 66 of your videos are not available for me. Please check for yourself, because it would be a shame. This is really good content.

    • @thorbenschott2481
      @thorbenschott2481 Рік тому

      by the way i miss "System Mouse Cursors", "Physical Shape" and "Placeholder" up to here ("Padding"). Maybe something went wrong

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  Рік тому

      On my side I can only see 200 videos in the playlist. (Even tho the playlist say 215). If you click on the video 200, this will show you the following video. 👍

  • @rnabyankitavasthi
    @rnabyankitavasthi 6 місяців тому

    Great Video

  • @ul-educate4090
    @ul-educate4090 2 роки тому

    You are just awesome 💯💯

  • @fatima-cf1bj
    @fatima-cf1bj 2 роки тому

    thank you I love your channel 😍🥰

  • @rifat018
    @rifat018 7 днів тому

    Cupertino app widget If the app is made, will it run on Android?

  • @alexofori6565
    @alexofori6565 2 роки тому

    God bless you in abundant Sir

  • @skullerhood
    @skullerhood Рік тому

    You are awesome ❤

  • @gabrielartioli6894
    @gabrielartioli6894 2 роки тому +2

    This is insane, divine work. You only forgot the ButtMark Widget, but i'ts still great! Thanks for the video.

  • @oswaldoolea2889
    @oswaldoolea2889 2 роки тому +2

    forever in debt with you, not only me but the whole flutter community.

  • @lux_auram
    @lux_auram 9 місяців тому

    Duuude! Damn!! This tutorial is hot af!

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  9 місяців тому

      Glad you like it Lux🔥🔥

  • @arslanAshh
    @arslanAshh Рік тому +4

    Anyone can learn flutter through this video

  • @theloner3744
    @theloner3744 10 місяців тому

    thanks for this video , on three hours only.

  • @mohammadfekri4987
    @mohammadfekri4987 4 місяці тому

    tanx for nice video

  • @junveld4830
    @junveld4830 6 місяців тому

    you are sick bro

  • @jawwaadsabree5573
    @jawwaadsabree5573 Рік тому

    ❤❤❤😢 so inspirational

  • @gautamgohil7036
    @gautamgohil7036 2 роки тому

    Very very useful video

  • @lucky520ytc
    @lucky520ytc 2 роки тому +1

    Notification ganggg 💪

  • @miguel_franca
    @miguel_franca Рік тому

    You forgot the mooner widget! But great work anyways 😉

  • @stephanodev
    @stephanodev 2 роки тому


  • @routeewang4437
    @routeewang4437 Рік тому

    it is a realy good example to multiple widgets of flutter. but could u share these code?

  • @MadeInPython
    @MadeInPython Рік тому

    0:00 bookmark for later

  • @haphaptvl
    @haphaptvl 2 роки тому

    님 짱인듯..👍

  • @abdessalemmohellebi
    @abdessalemmohellebi Рік тому

    I hope you have a good day
    So can you make the code able to download for we can use it in parallel thanks

  • @AliKhatib100
    @AliKhatib100 2 роки тому

    Thank you very much, but you forgot about the mooner widget.
    Can you make a video about it?

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  2 роки тому

      😂 Yeah I'll do a video about this new widget soon, its really cool!

    • @FlutterDudexd
      @FlutterDudexd 5 місяців тому

      What is mooner widget I couldn't find it?

    • @AliKhatib100
      @AliKhatib100 5 місяців тому +1

      @@FlutterDudexd TBH if I remember correctly it was like a kinda of a joke question OP wanted us to ask him about in one of his previous videos. There is no such thing called as the mooner widget.

    • @FlutterDudexd
      @FlutterDudexd 5 місяців тому

      @@AliKhatib100 wow and everybody is asking this question in chats 😅🤣

  • @Suchti2509
    @Suchti2509 Рік тому

    Could learn for Calculus 2 but also could watch a lord of the rings long video about classes from a framework I learned 2 weeks ago

  • @CloudyOp_21
    @CloudyOp_21 3 місяці тому

    Dangerous 🎉

  • @abinavm358
    @abinavm358 10 місяців тому


  • @ImLay-Z
    @ImLay-Z Рік тому

    Should a create a pdf file or is it already created by someone?

  • @baknguen
    @baknguen 5 місяців тому


  • @Jivaa
    @Jivaa 2 роки тому

    Finally... You did it !! Kiddos

  • @СтаниславЛагун-х4й

    Очень круто. Спасибо за ваш труд!

    • @-Sergey
      @-Sergey Рік тому

      Жалко только, что про mooner widget забыл рассказать. А так-то, конечно, очень хорошую работу проделал.

  • @fkadeal
    @fkadeal 2 роки тому

    Can u add some of time stamp on description

    • @fkadeal
      @fkadeal 2 роки тому

      It also work as chapter

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  2 роки тому

      True!, the problem is... the description only access 5000 characters and I can't put all the timestamps here. Do you have a solution?

  • @marufhassan634
    @marufhassan634 2 роки тому

    How could you forget the mooner widget?

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  2 роки тому

      😂 Man I know... All this work and I forgot 1 Widget... Thanks Hassan!

  • @jassem500
    @jassem500 Рік тому +1

    you forgate the mooner widget 👀

  • @yahya2892
    @yahya2892 Рік тому


  • @karabongwato3391
    @karabongwato3391 Рік тому

    Kgoši!! (Means King in Sepedi- One of Official South African Languages)

  • @rafaeldaime
    @rafaeldaime Рік тому

    You forgot Theo mooner widget!!! 😅

  • @akshattamrakar9071
    @akshattamrakar9071 2 роки тому +1

    You forgot mooner widget.

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  2 роки тому +1

      Damn! I guess it should have been 216 widgets...😂

  • @rajatdas6133
    @rajatdas6133 10 місяців тому

    You forgot the mooner widget

  • @vuntaleelaprasadvuntaleela517
    @vuntaleelaprasadvuntaleela517 26 днів тому


  • @idanbiton5407
    @idanbiton5407 2 роки тому

    Man u forgot the Moone 🌙 Widget lol.

    • @FlutterMapp
      @FlutterMapp  2 роки тому

      Yeah.. A lot of people has mention it... I'll do a other video to explain this new widget 🙏

  • @adomicarts
    @adomicarts 2 роки тому


  • @muhammadyusoffjamaluddin
    @muhammadyusoffjamaluddin 2 роки тому


  • @AnNguyen-fh4kb
    @AnNguyen-fh4kb Рік тому

    215 widgets :)))))))))

  • @yanis6003
    @yanis6003 Рік тому

    a french accent lol