This spellbinding magical girl anime montage is an absolute masterpiece, a radiant beacon of creativity and enchantment in the vast universe of animation. Every frame bursts with dazzling colors, each more vibrant and vivacious than the last, painting a celestial tapestry that captivates the soul. The seamless editing is nothing short of sorcery, weaving together moments of heart-pounding action and heartwarming emotion into a tapestry so mesmerizing, it feels as if the fabric of reality itself bends in its presence!Love from South Australia!
Love seeing you two make such a cool video together!! I've never seen this source before, the combination of the MAD and AMV style is very cool, good job both of you 💖
Collab with @pattern5440 Anime: 魔法少女にあこがれて Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete Music: 夢乃ゆき - THE APPLE IS CAST! Pattern and I tried our best to try something different. We hope to combine AMV and MMV together. I'm not sure how we did it, but we did our best. Hope you like it!
This spellbinding magical girl anime montage is an absolute masterpiece, a radiant beacon of creativity and enchantment in the vast universe of animation. Every frame bursts with dazzling colors, each more vibrant and vivacious than the last, painting a celestial tapestry that captivates the soul. The seamless editing is nothing short of sorcery, weaving together moments of heart-pounding action and heartwarming emotion into a tapestry so mesmerizing, it feels as if the fabric of reality itself bends in its presence!Love from South Australia!
wow thank you!
Love seeing you two make such a cool video together!! I've never seen this source before, the combination of the MAD and AMV style is very cool, good job both of you 💖
thank you jia!We did our best to try something different. Glad you like it!
One of the best edicts in the world on Being a sorceress😎
Epic edition
thank you!
Collab with @pattern5440
Anime: 魔法少女にあこがれて Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete
Music: 夢乃ゆき - THE APPLE IS CAST!
Pattern and I tried our best to try something different. We hope to combine AMV and MMV together. I'm not sure how we did it, but we did our best.
Hope you like it!
You made the faceless mook look so awesome! Good job
thank you!
ohh so nice!
thank you shinzui!
That was really cool!
thank you!
Edicion de primera felicidades 🎉🎉🎉
Wow, que genial, perfectamente podria ser el op 2, excelente trabajo
J'attends la saison2❤❤😂 avec impatience
Неа, так как там моменты с 1 сезона
@@Im_2or9n7А ты случаем не знаешь будет ли второй сезон??
2 сезон анонсировали, но дата выхода пока неизвестна...
@@Malino4ka_tea .
Possible name of the movie
The Anime is "I admire magical girls, and... "
Too much action