Exploring Esoteric Symbolism and Sacred Feminine Mysteries MATURE CONTENT on Creation and Thought

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • In this video, I take you on a deep dive into the rich and complex symbolism of esoteric teachings, focusing particularly on the interplay between divine femininity and masculinity. This exploration touches on the sacred mysteries of creation, thought, and spiritual transformation, symbolized through ancient geometries, natural forms, and the capital letter "C." We examine how this letter, through its various forms, becomes a key to unlocking the bending of divine light, the phases of the moon, and even the relationship between male and female anatomy.
    As I guide you through these metaphors, you'll see how the ovaries and testicles represent the sun and moon, the dynamics between these cosmic forces, and the deeper holographic nature of existence. We also explore the sacred role of sexuality in this divine interplay, revealing how the act of creation mirrors the divine orgasm of the universe, and how the feminine form encapsulates every aspect of man.
    We also delve into profound theological concepts, including the Trinity, the ineffable divine darkness, and the abstract infinite point of divinity. Alongside this, we discuss sacred geometry, symbolism related to the human body, and the ways in which physical anatomy reflects cosmic truths-such as the connection between chakras, planets, and sacred principles.
    Through this examination, we unravel the mysteries of creation, imagination, and non-consideration, contemplating how each of these elements plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding of reality. This is not simply a discussion about symbols, but an invitation to understand the universe as a living, breathing organism, with every point holding the all, mirroring the eternal interplay between light and darkness, masculine and feminine.
    This video contains mature content that focuses on themes of sexuality, spirituality, and the sacred mysteries of the human body. It's an exploration meant to open new perspectives and help us understand the deeper truths embedded in creation and existence itself. If you're ready to contemplate the esoteric and symbolic layers of the universe, this journey will offer a window into ancient wisdom and divine understanding.


  • @0views610
    @0views610  3 дні тому +1

    So, what was described as non-consideration at the crown is now not moved but changed in its symbolism to be called the heart, where the heart is placed. The heart, being non-consideration, and the seed entering the body, takes from the seven and removes two to make it five. But this is a fractal reality, so the secret extra two is still there. Nothing is ever said to not be there anymore, just because we are now at another phase.
    It’s like saying, “I’m not three years old anymore.” Well, you are every age you’ve ever been, including the one you are now and moving forward. That’s one way to think of it. But how the Divine experiences itself, in the essence of the all, is by every one of those points in our life looking back as memory. It is, ultimately, always experiencing that in the absolute fullness of it.
    This goes beyond language and words, but I’m only trying to use description.
    Lying down the middle represents the phallus, the erect penis, the discourse of the seed. When we analyze the curved path to the left and the curved path to the right, this represents the female aspect-the vagina that the penis is in, the Great Rift.
    When it is said that the seed is planted below and then rises to become the new sun in the sky, this movement through the earth and atmosphere to find its place is ripping space-time, creating a rift as it moves metaphorically through time-space to become the greater, lesser light. It’s important to think of how this movement is symbolic, metaphorically like the center of the earth, the spirit of the earth splitting, like time-space itself being ripped apart, creating a dark rift. This is the vagina-this is the holy appearing within the unholy. When the penis fills it, the holy becomes filled, making it unholy. That is why the seed is evil.
    This is why the act of thinking and imagination is held within what we consider being Abraham’s Bosom. It’s not absolute evil, but there’s a component of evil because there’s good. Good from the good can be imagined because of that component of evil, which is holy-backwards. When we think about it, it takes the good and puts it backwards. And it takes the first (the holy) and turns it upside down, while it takes the second (the good) and puts it backwards. That evil is held within consideration, and because it’s not the truth, it’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. That’s what evil represents, like the sun in the sky.
    Do you see how all this is connected? It’s very deep.
    So, I know I’m jumping around a little bit-it’s just hard for me to keep my thoughts straight because there’s a lot involved here, and I’m not a teacher. But we are seeing an aspect of the three Suns-the crown, the head, and the throat-and how they correspond to the root, the stomach, and the solar plexus, like the three sons of Noah. You’ll notice at the very bottom, there’s red. Then, as we move up, we have orange, and then yellow.
    There’s much to be said about this when we study colors-how they mix together and what they represent. When we analyze what each color signifies for where it’s placed and how God placed it within the color spectrum, it becomes clear. Violet is at the top, green is in the center, and red is at the bottom. God placed it that way.
    I’m just pointing out that everything is placed as it should be, but people often like to argue with God’s creation. They make claims that things are in the wrong place, adding to and taking away from God’s Word, and using their imagination in ways that are not aligned with the proper structure of things. Faith in the Word and trust in God by that Word allow us to follow this discourse because it’s all intuition, all symbolism.
    Now, regarding the polarity switch-the stomach and solar plexus below the heart-the orange and the yellow: The red moves up to where the orange was. You can see that orange is a mix of red and yellow. Then the orange, which is red and yellow, moves up to where the yellow was, and the yellow goes down to where the red was, with the red, because there’s a polarity switch. I can’t even begin to delve into all the symbolism connected to that, in order to stay focused on the subject I’m trying to explain now.
    I’ve explained that the seed entering the body, like a man and a woman copulating, is the same as the symbol being explained when the star falls. Now, when the star falls, as it is falling, the place where it lands is like land itself. It doesn’t land on land-it lands because it is land. It’s like filling a hole; the Great Rift becomes filled in with the seed, like the head looking down with its chin, continuing the discourse of bowing into itself.
    This is the same as a man and a woman having intercourse. It’s the same as the falling star, the outpouring of the Spirit. All of this sexuality, which is love beyond words, is connected. So, when we look at this symbolism in light of the female anatomy, as I mentioned earlier, her vagina represents the Great Rift. All the stars around this in the cosmos are represented by the pubic hair.
    The new golden sun, the wolf in sheep’s clothing, is the head of the penis, now seen as the woman’s clitoris. This represents the head wearing a veil and a shroud. The cloak, the shroud of Satan, is symbolized
    The cloak, the shroud of Satan, is symbolized as Mother Mary with her arms spread open like wings. This can be seen through the symbol of the vagina, with the fallen star at her feet, symbolized as the lower region of the body. To avoid using certain words that cause censorship, I will steer clear of those terms. You know the words I’m referring to. This aspect of the body, the very bottom where the root chakra is placed, is the red-the seat of Saturn, Satan, with the ring of Uranus. Pay attention to that word-you’re in-and the other word I can't say due to censorship.
    Now, when we look within the body, the symbols that pertain to the intestines, which are the brain upside down, become important. Remember the polarity switch, so that brain and mind become the ego, the greater lesser sun we discussed earlier, now representing another part of the female body that wears a shroud or veil. This is where the symbol of the Mother of God comes from, and yes, it’s actually Lucifer with this veil or cloak, which is Satan. As you can see, Lucifer, representing the ego in this respect, shows an aspect of mentalism-imagination, ego, and the self, the image of God.
    The Great Rift, with the Great Sun now being seen upside down, backward, and inside out, shows itself with a veil and arms spread open, welcoming with a warm embrace. This represents the female anatomy, standing upon the fallen star, showing itself in its glory. It mesmerizes anyone who casts their eyes upon it, even in imagination. Think of the impact this has had-the casting of a spell-on how the world views sexual imagery, on how men view women, and women view men. This extends to many aspects I can’t mention due to censorship.
    You see, the woman holds every aspect of man within her. If we look at the symbolism, we see that the ovaries are like testicles, and that both the ovaries and testicles represent aspects of the sun and moon. For a man, it’s one way, and for a woman, it’s another, but ultimately, both are the same, just in different polarities. In time, the two become one. One side represents the sun, and the other represents the moon. Yet, the side that holds the sun also holds its reflection-it's a fractal. This is not just a surface appearance. When we look deeper, we see it’s holographic-every point holds the all. This is what makes it perfect, recognizable as divine through understanding.
    So, what do you think the Milky Way is? What do you think all those stars are? It’s not far-fetched to think of it as an orgasm of the Divine, because that’s exactly what it is. And where does an orgasm take place? Inside a woman. We are witnessing divine femininity and divine masculinity working together in a timeline that is not something man typically contemplates, because the timing of the universe is, as the Bible says, "One day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:8).
    So, we're starting to see a true expression of divinity in all things by analyzing them in light of the truth. I’m not claiming to have the truth as a student, but I’m claiming to follow the true Word of God. I’m not deviating, and if I am, I don’t realize it, because there is no part of me that wants to add to or take away from God’s Word. I only speak when I feel the Spirit within me speaking through me-not like someone claiming an external entity is speaking through them, but rather, it’s the voice of sincerity and honesty within me.
    Having explored all the information I’ve been able to access so far, let’s continue. We realize that all of this is taking place upon the female body, but the female body is the man turned upside down, backward, and inside out. The dual paradoxical simultaneousness shows that this is always divine masculinity at its core. What this represents is the Trinity. The Trinity, in turn, represents the Word, and the Word represents holiness. Holiness cannot represent anything but itself, rising infinitely.

  • @0views610
    @0views610  3 дні тому +1

    We’ve already demonstrated how there are three descriptions of triangles formed by the features of the head. These geometric forms-ears to mouth, eyes to mouth, and nostrils to mouth-can be correlated to the anatomy below, representing divine femininity. When we draw connections between these triangles above and the corresponding structures below, we see how they reflect one another symbolically, with each triangle revealing a deeper aspect of creation and life.
    Now, when you move from the crown, down to the head, then down to the throat, and finally down to the heart, you’ll notice that the heart remains where it is, but also corresponds to the very bottom-the root. The heart, in this symbolic framework, isn't just linked to the crown, but also becomes connected with the root, showing a polarity switch. As we explore the relationship between these triangles and the anatomy below the heart, we understand that the heart becomes non-consideration, while the root transforms this non-consideration into consideration.
    This shift illustrates how, in the context of divine femininity, the heart's position is inverted, becoming the root. This corresponds to a deeper symbolic truth, where what is unseen and unspoken plays a crucial role in the transformation of energy and essence.
    When we say “itself,” what does that imply? The self analyzing the self through a reflection of itself within itself, contending with both masculinity and femininity. It plays itself out in man and woman, where the two become one. Isn’t it amazing how this keeps revealing itself everywhere, all the time? My mind is constantly blown by how God reveals His Word in everything, everywhere, all the time-when you learn to see it, when you take the curve out of your mind and find that straight path to a point of singularity and clarity. It truly is truth.
    It begins with the full body and ends with the full body, as the all remains the all. When we say "the all," we’re speaking of something beyond what the mind can fathom, something infinite that we can only imagine in fragments.
    There is much more I could say-the relationship of these opposites and their extremes, and how the Trinity brings them into unity, shows this whole motion of emotion, this electrical and magnetic relationship bringing the two into one. They feed off each other infinitely, becoming a living sacrifice, like a loving father and a nourishing mother. Within this domain, we see peace, freedom, love-and at the end of the tunnel, the light leading to eternal darkness, which does not mean hell.
    The clitoris is another way to see the capital letter C I forgot to mention earlier when I was talking about the capital letter C in the way that it symbolized there's lots of different ways actually consciousness Christ as we just discussed with the female anatomy chlorine I know I'm not gonna say every single word that starts with the letter C but then at the same time as that yeah I am because they all remain all, and I've come to learn how to analyze words outside of the word that it says and to look at each letter and then to look further into that letter to see it by numbers and then look further into that number to see the one and then further into that one to see the singularity and then further even into that singularity to see the holy. By that point you're not looking with your eyes anymore; you're looking with the eye that is single.
    When we look at the symbol of the head, Penelope, we're gonna see that the two ears down to the mouth, the two eyes down to the mouth, the two nostrils down to the mouth form 3 triangles. You notice that these three triangles are pointing down. When we move below the heart, the triangles are then going to be pointing down but it's actually upside down, backward, and inside out. So you're gonna end up seeing from these point line geometry it becoming into a curve.
    Now how this is seen is, and I have to be careful how I explain these things because of censorship, but when you closely examine the female anatomy and you look into this closely, what you're going to see is how it is designed. It is disclosing the three triangles.
    So, we can see that all the triangles above, pointing down, converge at the throat chakra. The throat chakra corresponds with the stomach. Think about how the head uses these different openings, and notice how many there are-there are seven openings. Of those seven, two are the eyes. The eyes, in a way, both count and don’t count. So, when you remove the eyes from the count, you have five. Then, when you include the eyes again, it makes seven. And because you're counting an additional two, it brings the total to nine.
    Now, you can see how this connects to the planets we discussed earlier: the seven planets, the five, and now, today, we have the nine planets.
    And you can also see how there was a time where things were in a certain way and at another time they stayed the same but then it changed still staying the same. Where have we heard that before? What I'm trying to express now as we analyze this is we can see a discourse of a growth process happening-the seven hermetic principles, the five elements. This is put together in its discourse of understanding, as I just explained, bringing it up to the number of divinity, the number of the nine within the angelic hierarchy. But it doesn't stop there, of course. I'm glad it doesn't because that would mean we're done-we go home, and we're never done. Our work here is never done until we're not here anymore.
    So let's take this information here that I've set up to this point-it's probably quite a bit to take in-and just try to think about it the best way that you can in your own way. One more symbol that I'll help us understand here before I close is when we look at the Great Rift seen within the female anatomy leading up to the Great Sea of the female anatomy, what you're looking at also is a candle. The Great Sea at the top of this is like the fire burning at the top of a candle. Think of what a candle is and what it's used for and understand that its wax cannot burn forever.
    I corrected this, which is why it doesn't say the same thing as the video.
    Let’s take all the information we’ve explored so far-it’s probably quite a bit to take in-and reflect on it in your own way. Before I close, I want to share one more symbol to help with understanding. When we look at the Great Rift within the female anatomy, leading up to what I’ll call the Great C, we can also see the imagery of a candle. The Great C, positioned at the top, is like the flame at the tip of a candle, burning brightly. Think about the purpose of a candle and how it’s meant to burn, but remember that the wax cannot last forever-its light is temporary, yet its meaning is deeply symbolic.
    We'll leave it at that. Let the light of divine femininity be expressed, as within that, the light of divine masculinity leads us along a path of righteousness, guided by the wisdom of divine femininity. Amen. Let it be so.

  • @0views610
    @0views610  3 дні тому +1

    As we continue to explore this symbolism, we begin by placing our pen on the paper to form the capital "C." This initial point, representing divine light, starts at the top. We then curve downward to the left, moving the pen to the bottom where the curve ends, symbolizing the completion of the "C." Now, imagine this capital "C" facing a mirrored lowercase "c." The first point of the lowercase "c" begins where the capital "C" ends-at the bottom-and as it curves upward to the center, it represents an inversion, with the mirrored lowercase "c" symbolizing a flipped reflection of the original "C."
    This mirrored progression, when viewed as a whole, forms the shapes of a 6 and a 9, illustrating the interplay between the two. The 6 is created by the first capital "C" and the mirrored lowercase "c" becomes the 9. Together, this duality represents the ancient symbolism of Yin and Yang-the balance of opposing forces, the merging of masculine and feminine, light and darkness, all within this cyclical form.
    To help visualize, the movement from the capital "C" down to the bottom and then up through the mirrored lowercase "c" shows the journey from divine consideration to manifestation. The center point where the lowercase "c" rises represents the sun, and this point also symbolizes the flame of the candlestick, acting as the climax of creation. The very first point of the capital "C" symbolizes the true divine light, corresponding to the part of the female body often symbolized as the source of creation-an important symbol in esoteric traditions, representing the Holy Spirit and divine femininity.
    Here, we also see a presentation of a 6 followed by another 6, which is upside down, showing itself as a 9. Additionally, there’s one more aspect-non-consideration-and this is where we encounter the concept of "three score six." I won’t elaborate too much on that, but this is meant to express the Trinity in its symbolic form.
    Lastly, I want to clarify that this final paragraph corrects and adds to the closing of my recorded video. This explanation offers a more refined understanding of the interconnectedness of these symbols, specifically the numbers 6, 9, and "three score six," illustrating the powerful symbolic relationship of duality, transformation, and the Trinity.

  • @0views610
    @0views610  3 дні тому +1

    When we speak of the wolf in sheep's clothing, we can uncover its meaning by analyzing the formula and relationship, understanding that the ineffable, when upside down, is form. Unimaginable, when viewed backward, is that which we imagine. The unclear, inside-out, becomes visible.
    The capital letter "C," held above the heart, shows the point-line-point in a curved demonstration, like light bending in water. We know the light is straight, but the illusion-both optical and mental-demonstrates something different from what is real when observed and considered. These different stages show the birth of thought into thinking, then held within imagination. The relationship of these polar opposites and their extremes is a dual paradoxical simultaneousness.
    When we analyze this, we see that the ineffable and that which is said to be in form share this aspect of being the same. It can now be said to be "that," but also said not to be the same, because from the standpoint of the absolute, it cannot be separated-it is impossible to separate or even fathom.
    Thus, we see the ineffable and man's opinion, held in imagination, placed in the third person of the Godhead, which is called Consideration. On one side, we have God the Father, symbolized as non-consideration, and on the other end of the spectrum, the third person of the Godhead, where the symbol of Consideration is held by man in his imagination. This dual paradoxical simultaneousness arises because non-consideration can only be considered by the second person of the Godhead, the first essence of thought. But even this is not true, because it cannot truly be spoken of-this is only a symbol of the uncaused cause.
    This singularity cannot truly be spoken of, yet it serves as the symbol of that which cannot be imagined. Its opposite polarity is the imagination of it. Through that imagination, we have our consideration, which is upside down, backward, and inside out. Therefore, it holds the non-consideration, but we cannot see it because it is only through the consideration of non-consideration that we can grasp non-consideration itself-not through our consideration held in imagination.
    One more time, to explain and elaborate further: when we use our imagination, and faith in its necessity to be creative, that falsehood we believe in is, in essence, non-consideration-like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. God and the Holy Spirit are ever-present, but in such a way that they cannot be seen.
    The correspondence of the Crown and the Root can be thought of in three ways. One is a straight line from the Crown all the way down to the Root. Another is from the Crown to the Root but taking a curved path to the left. A third way is to think of it as a curved path to the right. In a strange way, when we reach below the heart, it's like a mirror-so moving down is like moving up. Moving left is still left, but it also mirrors to the right, and the same with the opposite side.
    As you can see, moving up and down is possible, but it takes much effort. You must either fly or dig. As for left and right, while not impossible, the path is treacherous. There are mountains, valleys, gullies, forests full of poisonous things, oceans to cross, and different temperatures to endure. It's more likely to move left and right than up and down, depending on our stage of development and what we are aiming for.
    If you notice, in the time we are in now, the direction we aim for is up and down. Eventually, after moving left and right, and then up and down, we will move toward that which is within-the final stage. The same dynamic applies when we understand the correlation of the Crown to the Root. There is a straight line down the center, with curves to the left and right connecting the chakras to their corresponding points. This same pattern applies to the head and the stomach-a straight line, with curves to one side and the other. It's a triad. The same is true for the throat and solar plexus.
    But as you analyze this, the way things move below the heart changes as you get closer to it. Eventually, there comes a point where there is nowhere else to move, and a greater epiphany is waiting for each stage when we meditate on how each operates within the whole.
    One important thing to notice is the "as above, so below" axiom, which, while true, doesn't emphasize a critical understanding: the below is upside down, backward, and inside out. But it doesn't stop there. Reality is fractal.
    We are talking about things we cannot fully describe. We symbolize things based on our intuition, and we have faith in God, knowing that when we move based on that intuition, things are done rightly. That can only happen when an individual no longer moves their own hand but allows the Spirit to move it. And to find that individual, well, it's already been done. The things that need to be written are already written in stone. That tablet has been broken.
    Analyze the symbols of below with this understanding in mind. There are a few things to grasp that people might not realize, and while much more could be said, I will focus on this now. Take the head, which is above, and understand that it is looking down. As the body bows, things become upside down, turning in on themselves, becoming inside out. Yet how it was originally, and how it becomes, cannot truly be expressed-that is the paradox. It becomes what can be spoken of, but when set straight, it returns to that which cannot be spoken of. It returns to the singularity.
    Saying it "moves back" is simply symbolic. So I want to point out a few symbols to you now, Penelope, that might help you understand what is conspiring below.
    Now that we understand the head below, we see that it is looking backward because it is bending down, yet it is also looking forward, as it is looking into itself. It is like pressing your chin against your chest and continuing to press down until you go into yourself. It’s a strange metaphor, like becoming a fetus, showing how it feeds off its own self-like the snake eating its own tail.
    We can observe demonstrations of this in nature. Everything within this symbolism reveals itself through the layers and kinds in nature’s behavior, whether in physics, mathematics, or the various types of beings and their interactions. Their relationship with reality symbolizes the internal workings of the Spirit within us, the archetypal body that has been structured and made. It reflects the universe, the earth, and the heart because it reflects the essence of the Holy Spirit.
    We understand that there is a falling star, but the way this operates is very strange and difficult to explain. We are going to examine it in terms of anatomy, and that is why this video is intended for mature audiences, as we will discuss parts of the body related to sexuality.
    Every symbol of the occult is sexual. The holy is sexual. But man, in his ignorance and immaturity, has taken the holy and made it profane. This has just been described and explained-it is a dual paradoxical simultaneousness. Our beautiful is ugly, and that ugly is beautiful. There is only the beautiful, but that beautiful has been made ugly to be seen as beautiful, so that beauty can be seen.
    When we say "seen," we mean that it has been implemented into the way things are fashioned and made. Furthermore, this means things are fashioned and made to be beautiful, not just to look beautiful. Because it is the essence of perfection and beauty, we can see an essence of it, but not directly. When something is considered the ultimate, it cannot be seen in its entirety. So, it must be in fragments, imagined to be seen. When it is seen through the light of a lesser light, that light becomes a greater light-a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but also, in secret, holding the essence of the holy, because that is all there is.
    These points are important to remember as we continue. Do not forget them as we discuss the line from the Crown down to the Root, or from the head to the stomach, or from the throat to the solar plexus. The straight line said to run from one point to its corresponding point represents the phallus-it is the penis. It is the seed in a discourse, like when a man has intercourse and ejaculates. The seed, within the woman, begins its process of finding its destination, competing with all the others to enter into the egg or ovum, which is the female reproductive cell that sperm competes to fertilize.
    Without going into an extensive explanation of all this, the Babylonians had seven planets. These are understood to be from the heart down to the root. Now, when we’re talking about seven, there’s also five-the five comes into play at a different time in history, where the Greeks had five planets.
    Now, remember that God, the Divine, does not work within actual time. So, as we see the discourse of development through different dispensations, an epoch will reveal something that is held in the all absolutely. The experience that is happening-although we might think we are part of it, and we are-is, ultimately, from the standpoint of the absolute. It is the dreamer. The dreamer, being the all, is infinite beyond time.
    So, within the dream, a discourse of time and things unfolding is always happening fully for each point considered, called the now, by the One. We understand there to be, from the heart to the root, seven planets. But when we remove the heart and the root, because this is non-consideration, and move below the heart, the heart itself becomes non-consideration. As the crown is non-consideration, when we’re talking about the head looking down and the body bowing inward upon itself, we enter this next phase, which is now being understood from another standpoint below the heart.

  • @0views610
    @0views610  3 дні тому +1

    Exploring Esoteric Symbolism and Sacred Feminine Mysteries Mature Content on Creation and Thought
    The capital letter "C" shows the bending of the divine light in its beyond singular form, in its infinite form. It is as if to say: singular thought. The Egyptian THOTH, the first point of consideration-not consideration itself, but the consideration of non-consideration. Within infinity, all remains as all. So when we speak of man being, later described as also now, things must be spoken of in proper terms to avoid convolution or confusion.
    This represents the Christ, the Anointing Spirit-the rib taken from Adam and the moon that comes from this, along with its phases within the body. The body is a symmetry, and one side holds the rib where it was taken, while the other remains like the sun. This represents the moon and its phases, and those phases depend on the sun. Without the sun, there could be no phases.
    Another aspect of understanding the capital letter C is how it transforms when viewed from different angles. The capital letter C means the C like sea waters, the seeing, like looking, and when looking at it like I was just explaining from different angles, it becomes the letter U. This is like two letter I's connected at the bottom, so it shows the dual aspect of the eye when viewed that way. There are other ways of explaining this symbol as well, but when you turn it again, now you have the C facing itself like one facing a mirror. This shows the classical symbol of the heart shape.
    This represents a moon phase because in order to have this capital letter C, first of all, it's representing, like I just explained, the light being bent. That's a demonstration of turning your back on it, so in essence, it's saying that God has turned His back on Himself. You can't really say that, though, but that's kind of what it's saying-the divine darkness. When it said that it moved upon the face of the waters, this is saying thought. It's another mode of becoming impregnated, but just in a higher aspect of thinking of it. It's not like a man and a woman, of course, but then again, that's how man and woman play themselves out.
    So, when we move it to one more angle, you can now see it as a dome-the lowercase n. As you can see, it starts off with a capital letter C on the left side and moves into a lowercase u, a lowercase c, and a lowercase n. Then what you can see now is you have the divine light consciousness. the Christ. Then you have the setting for the Earth, like the letter U where the waters sit in. Then you have the moon phases, the night from evening to morning, the two eyes, and then the dome on top. It's an enclosed system. Now you have your clear sphere filled with the spirit. Remember to keep in mind that for every way that it was described and then said to have became it still is as it was so the point is still on the top the point is still on the bottom the point is still in the centre and then it's also not that's what the occult is all about.
    So the abstract infinite point of Infinity that was at the top becomes the sun that's in the sky and the point that this abstract Infinite point of Infinity became at the bottom becomes upside down backwards and inside out that which was considered at the top by symbolism because that which is being said to be considered at the top is the first uncaused cause the first eye that can't be spoken of so its the the moon up in the sky and then have switched their polarities. This is demonstrating the head looking down like we're describing the chin going into itself and the body bowing like a rainbow.
    And let us not forget that the moon gives its own light, for it is light. This also represents the firmament of the eye that is single, part of its symbolism being the cornea-clear, like a dome. It also represents the rainbow. When you view the capital letter "C" from its full spectrum, you see that it is a sphere. And when you understand that sphere further in its symbolism, you come to understand it as an abstract point of infinity. And even further, we understand this is the symbol of the essence of the Light of God the Father, the ineffable divine light of darkness.
    One more very sensitive symbol that the capital letter C is showing is how after ejaculation, the erect penis is no longer erect, and that's what this is showing-from being erect to now being done its business and being not erect anymore. And as you will come to see, doing its business, the result of that is all the stars up in the sky-for one symbolism example.
    Now, pay attention to what I'm going to say here because it's very deep, and I've already made another video talking about this, so I'm not going to elaborate further. The moon is the Earth, the Earth is the sun, the sun is the moon, and the moon reflects the Earth.
    So, you can understand that the moon is, in essence, a holographic projection of itself. The sun is the moon, the Earth is the sun, and the Earth is the moon. We entered into the moon; we didn’t land on the moon-we entered into it. Therefore, we basically landed on the moon, yes, we did, but not because man built a rocket ship. It’s because that’s where the seed has landed, in the moon. Think about how deep that is. The outpouring of the spirit into the stomach is the moon, and then within the moon rises the moon, which is the sun, which holographically projects itself as the moon. That’s why the moon gives its own light while also appearing to get its light from the greater lesser light. So, we see it as getting its light from the sun, but it's actually giving its own light because it is the sun.
    When scientists come to realize this, they’re going to start analyzing things differently. However, they may never be able to fully analyze it differently because many of them are atheists. An atheist has a specific perspective, and they'll never be able to deviate from that because it’s written in their karma, and it’s meant to be that way. God has set all things to be exactly as they are, and the atheist scientists are supposed to view things from that perspective and say what they say, just as the theist scientists interpret the same information through their own beliefs. Both sides, talking about the same thing, are ultimately saying what they’re supposed to say.
    That’s the point I’m trying to make. Even though I don’t agree with what atheists say because they are ultimately lying, it’s a necessary lie. The lie acts like a truth wrapped in deception, and in order to get to the truth, you must absorb the lie. Over time, the lie deteriorates, revealing the truth hidden within. And there’s no way to get to the truth unless you first go through the layers of the lie.
    While I personally feel that atheism represents a perspective that is further from what I believe to be the Wisdom, I also recognize that it plays a necessary role for knowledge. Every viewpoint, even those we may disagree with, contributes to a fuller understanding of the world and existence. Atheism, in its challenge to theism, invites deeper questioning and exploration. It pushes boundaries and encourages us to refine our own beliefs. So, while I may not share the same outlook, I understand that all perspectives-whether rooted in belief or non-belief-are part of a larger process that moves us toward greater understanding.
    So, if we look at atheism, although I have my feelings toward those who are atheist, regardless of that, if we view it in light of symbolism, we’ll see that it holds its place as the consideration. I’ll try to explain this: if we look at a sentence, it begins with a word and ends with a dot. Atheism represents that dot before the first word-you might think there's nothing there, but that's non-consideration. At the other end of the polarity, you have the dot at the end-the period-which signifies that we figured it out, we know. But in reality, you know nothing. So, disclosed within the words, the sounds, and the ideas we take in, the period comes at both the beginning and the end because there is none. The words in between are an illusion because they are numbers.
    And, like I said earlier-or maybe I’ll say it later on in the story, I can’t remember anymore-when you take the sound, the vibration, and deduce it into numbers, and then take those numbers and reduce them to a single point, that point becomes a symbol. A symbol that means even further what it ultimately means within itself: the holy.