What Is Wrong?? 🏥

  • Опубліковано 8 січ 2025


  • @madisonswafford5567
    @madisonswafford5567 5 років тому +26

    I'm emetophobic (fear of throwing up) & have had panic attacks since I was a child whenever I feel nauseous. I pray Gaines overcomes her anxiety about it! It has became a huge struggle in my life & I am now a mother with 2 kids also. If she continues to deal with it, my only advice would be to normalize it as much as possible & comfort/validate her fears. Hope she feels better soon! 💗

  • @puppiesforever9400
    @puppiesforever9400 5 років тому +2

    My daughter had these same symptoms when she was little. It lasted for so very long. It ended up being anxiety. She has been seeing a therapist and is on medication now for her anxiety. It has truly helped. Crying uncontrollably and tremendous fear of getting sick. It is so scary for a parent to not be able to take their fears away. Best of luck. Prayers.

  • @les1lesley
    @les1lesley 5 років тому +14

    It sounds like Gaines has chronic tonsillitis. I had this as a child, and I was ill most of the time from about 6 months old until I had them removed when I was six.
    Chronic tonsillitis meant that even minor colds could turn serious because my throat would get so swollen that breathing was difficult. I actually became underweight and malnourished because it always hurt to eat, and the few “favourites” I forced myself to eat weren’t very healthy. Because of this, I pretty much always ran a low-grade fever and was tired all the time. Additionally, my immune system was shot, so I picked up stomach bugs, colds and bacterial infections very easily.
    If she’s always getting strep, sore throats, ear infections, etc, talk to your doctor about just removing the tonsils.

  • @SnapesPrincess4
    @SnapesPrincess4 5 років тому +1

    Oh no, I'm so sorry that Gaines is going thru this anxiety!! Anxiety really sucks!! I hope that it passes quickly!! I'm so glad to hear that she isn't sick anymore tho. 💚💜💛

  • @supertatertot97
    @supertatertot97 5 років тому +4

    I’m 22 and had my tonsils taken out last summer. I was EXHAUSTED for months and tested positive for strep three or four times in a year. I got my tonsils out and immediately had more energy than I had had in three years.

  • @SuperMissblueeyes
    @SuperMissblueeyes 5 років тому

    I have emetophobia (fear of vomitting) too. Unfortunately, my family weren't very supportive. My Mum's idea of "helping" was to either tell me that I wasn't gonna be sick, get irritated with me or even tell me off! The best thing you can do is to be supportive & reassure her in a calm & genuine way (I say that because my Mum wasn't being genuine). Tell her things like "nobody likes to throw up" & "I'm here if you do, but I don't think you will". One of the most helpful things someone said to me when I was in the middle of my worst anxiety ever (I was in my 20s), was "If you do throw up, I'll hold the bucket". Growing up, my parents either made a huge thing of when I was sick or acted like everything was OK when it wasn't, which only served to feed into my fears, but the way my friend said it was like it was no big deal & she's there to help me. That helped me turn a huge corner. Now at 39 years old, although I'm not fully recovered, I'm not nearly as anxious as I was. The most important thing is to make sure that Gaines or Brooks throwing up isn't a "big thing", people get sick at some point, it's not nice, but you're there for Gaines, people also recover & it doesn't last forever. Also, teaching her to breathe through it is helpful, both for while she's just anxious & for while she's actually throwing up. One of the most frightening things is the feeling that you can't breathe when you're throwing up. If that's the case for Gaines, teaching her that her body will let her breathe & that she can breathe between throwing up can be a big help too. And trust your Mummy instincts & child psychology training. Mummy instincts are often more reliable than we give them credit for.

  • @angelahenning3467
    @angelahenning3467 5 років тому +18

    My daughter is 7 and she has anxiety a lot. It's so sad and hard when your child is scared and nervous. 😔

  • @danacanarick747
    @danacanarick747 5 років тому +11

    I have anxiety at 22 and I am the same way as Gaines if I don’t get enough sleep my anxiety is all over the place

  • @melon8655
    @melon8655 5 років тому +4

    Sounds a little like emetophobia which is the fear of throwing up. I have it and it stinks but a lot of it stems from anxiety. Getting it looked at and helping taking care of it early really helps so you don’t get to my age being scared of it.

  • @margaretpervier8357
    @margaretpervier8357 5 років тому

    Gaines, you never cease to amaze me. You are so mature for your age. I know your mommy and daddy are so proud of you. 😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @HeyThereItsLara
    @HeyThereItsLara 5 років тому

    I just want to say that I am 20 years old and still cry when I have to get blood work done. I still need my mom to come with me. Way to be MG! I’m so proud of you 🤗 get better soon babydoll!

  • @maryannkalnin4739
    @maryannkalnin4739 5 років тому +1

    My granddaughter had a serious problem with anxiety around the time she was 10. She’s now 13 and fine. Her doctor sent her to a specialist who deals with kids with anxiety. It is more common than I thought. Obviously at that age her parents they didn’t want her on medication. The therapist taught her how to deal,with what to do when she felt anxious... all her problems involved around throwing up.

  • @staciewilson5497
    @staciewilson5497 5 років тому +1

    My youngest daughter went through the exact same thing, but for her she was diagnosed with high intelligence and generalized anxiety disorder. Prayers for your sweet Gaines!

  • @sharonhenry343
    @sharonhenry343 5 років тому +3

    That sweet girl is Cullen made over and the sweetest thing ever! I hope she feels better!! 😘

  • @SayHiToAnAngel143
    @SayHiToAnAngel143 5 років тому

    aw little Gaines! i feel for her big time. i suffer from OCD based around illness. i have a lot of sympathy for her. i also love to see a caring mom in action! way to go Katie! ♥️

  • @gracebreen427
    @gracebreen427 5 років тому +2

    I have the same exact panic with throwing up and I have anxiety and depression so I have panicked every time my stomach feels anything I freak out that I’m going to throw up. It’s no fun. My anxiety started at age 7. Feel better Gaines

  • @allypbnn
    @allypbnn 5 років тому +1

    Glad she is feeling better and everything checked out. Try pineapple juice 🍍🍍🍍for the cough. It helps so much especially in the middle of the night when you automatically start coughing like crazy!Also prop up pillows under the shoulder blades. It's not the most comfortable but sure helps be able to breath better and also helps with the cough. 😊

  • @sklockhart7
    @sklockhart7 5 років тому

    Our daughter was sick so much in kindergarten. She is in first grade now. It was something almost every other week. Our school counselor even had to legally reach out but she said kindergarten is the worst year and some kids are just sick often. This year is such a big difference. She isn’t as sick as much. Building up immunity or the kids learning about how germs spread. It was so exhausting too so I feel for your family and Gaines.

  • @taliasaiia2688
    @taliasaiia2688 5 років тому

    I'm keeping her in my prayers! My mom just got out of the hospital after 12 days because she was bleeding in her stomach because of blood thinning shots, and she had pneumonia and bronchitis all at once. But shes home now, recovering! I hope Gaines feels better soon!

  • @mattierongen1152
    @mattierongen1152 5 років тому

    I started anxiety medication when I was in 1st grade and definitely HATED and DESPISED being sick. Like to the point of panic attacks. I will say that my senior year of high school, I suffered from excruciating stomach pains. I went through so many tests and found nothing. I was transitioning from my pediatric doctor to my current psychiatrist, and after changing meds and getting my anxiety back on track, the pains magically stopped!!! Anxiety creates crazy symptoms that a lot of people don’t understand unless they know someone or have it themselves.

  • @bibbity22
    @bibbity22 5 років тому +4

    Being a paranoid of throwing up is common. Even I as an adult do. But all 4 of my kids have went through that. Poor girl

  • @purplelonghorn07
    @purplelonghorn07 5 років тому +4

    Anytime I feel like throwing up or see others throw up, I get panic attacks. It's horrible.

  • @Hallz18
    @Hallz18 5 років тому

    Gaines, you’re sooo brave!! Love you girlie! 💕 *hugs*

  • @crazyhollyful
    @crazyhollyful 5 років тому +2

    anxiety about eating/being sick is real. I remember when I was around 8/9 I got sick (threw up) while eating out and I had bad anxiety for years about eating out or just eating around people in general, I was convinced I would throw up. I hope it passes for gaines.

  • @jillfitz1782
    @jillfitz1782 5 років тому +1

    The exact same thing happened with my daughter when she was about 3 or 4, if she got a stomach bug for a couple weeks after she was over it she would get nervous anytime she felt a little more full than normal and would cry saying she was sick (but she never did get sick again). She's now almost 7 and hasn't had that issue since, but honestly I'm that way anytime someone around me gets sick I get really anxious thinking I'm starting to get sick even when I'm not.

  • @morganward8430
    @morganward8430 5 років тому

    i’m 16 and the anxiety about throwing up i have that very bad too. it is very scary and it isn’t fun but it’s really just a mental thing so try to talk it out with her or tell her to tell herself “you aren’t going to get sick silly” and it might help

  • @FreshFabFine
    @FreshFabFine 5 років тому +1

    I have emitophobia (fear of vomiting)... it started at a young age because of stomach issues. It was a huge problem for me as a child, I was anxious about it every night. I still have this fear, but my anxiety around it has improved immensely. Once she’s old enough having an anti nausea medicine around, may help a lot with her anxiety

  • @Anniemarie823
    @Anniemarie823 5 років тому

    My goodness, I am so sorry. I have chronic daily nausea. I have had it since I was her age. I’m 33. I will be praying for you and her. I have panic attacks daily, I hope she can get through it and it passes. But for some it’s life long.

  • @McKennaMcKayVlogs
    @McKennaMcKayVlogs 5 років тому

    I’m 30 years old and I’ve been an anxious person since I was about 2-3 years old. I also had a very bad stomach bug in 1st grade and no joke, I’ve been phobic of throwing up ever since then. Technically it’s called emotophobia as others have said. I’ll also say, my stomach and anxiety are very connected and I often feel sick/nauseous when my anxiety is flaring up. So, it all sounds very relatable to me! Hang in there Gaines! 💕 learning how to manage it all as I’ve grown has helped a lot!

  • @meganmurphy1606
    @meganmurphy1606 5 років тому

    I have had anxiety since before I could remember. I would cry and hyperventilate, mainly from separation. My parents used to give me “tummy pills” aka ice breaker mints in an old pill bottle. If I was nervous for a flight, my parents going on a date night, school, ect they would always have one in a bag for me to take if I was terrified, if I didn’t take it I would get a prize (small toy, money, pick dinner, ect) and it worked WONDERS. Hope Gaines starts feeling better and moves past this as a phase

  • @annam5647
    @annam5647 5 років тому

    Hopefully Gaines feels better soon. I bet being a Mom or even just a parent is scary/ hard. I hope Katie feels good as well because I bet seeing your kid not feel good it’s scary and stressful and you just have to tell them that it’ll go away soon. So yeah hope everyone is feeling better.

  • @dawndigianni7475
    @dawndigianni7475 5 років тому

    Brave girl! Hope everything is ok and she feels better soon.😊

  • @lovinlifexs2920
    @lovinlifexs2920 5 років тому

    Poor Gainesy❣️ I have had several stomach issues (and surgeries don’t tell her that part please), and I understand exactly what she’s going through. Plus my daughter that is now 12 went through a very aware state like this at that age and she always had sinus drainage (she called the swallows). One night at about that age she said Mom will I always have the swallows? I told her I’m sure it’ll get better whenever you get older. For some reason girl’s are very aware of what’s going on with their bodies, I saw that because I also have a 24 year old son and he went through biting his fingernails a lot, but never expressed any issues going along with it. Much 💚 and BIG (((hugs))) from Tennessee❣️

  • @jellybeanbu
    @jellybeanbu 5 років тому +4

    Did they check her blood sugar/a1c? Fatigue and weight loss can be a sign of diabetes. Obviously, much more likely just repeat infections, and hope and pray that what it is and she's feeling better.

  • @jasminejennings495
    @jasminejennings495 5 років тому

    I hope you feel better Gaines. ❤️❤️

  • @ericarules1013
    @ericarules1013 5 років тому

    I just went through this but without strep! My lymph node was swollen for weeks, I was super tired and constant sore throat. I then got a rash which indicated a virus and the ENT said it’s acid reflux for me that caused a swollen lymph node. It’s super frustrating when lymph nodes are swollen without any direct cause!! I hope she feels better 💗

  • @Alicia_Shorty
    @Alicia_Shorty 5 років тому

    I have anxiety and getting sick makes me extra anxious. I'm always nauseous. Try peppermint when she is nauseous. Anxiety is hard, just love her and be there for her in whatever she needs. I will be praying for her.

  • @a.stapleton7746
    @a.stapleton7746 5 років тому

    I have a friend whose daughter went through the exact same anxiety things as Gaines with being sick and stomach issues. Eventually, it did pass. It lasted a while and she worked through it. Hope she feels better soon.

  • @vickytaylor9155
    @vickytaylor9155 5 років тому +8

    Try putting sea sickness bands on Gaines wrists when she is anxious that will stop her feeling sick.

  • @cynthiagraeter6935
    @cynthiagraeter6935 5 років тому

    Sweet Gaines I’m glad you are not super sick. I hope you feel better. You do look a little tired. Please get some rest.

  • @javanine
    @javanine 5 років тому +1

    Feel better Gaines! 💕 love y’all

  • @delenawhitaker8090
    @delenawhitaker8090 5 років тому +1

    Sending prayers for Gaines to feel completely better❤🙏

  • @sherryrussell6003
    @sherryrussell6003 5 років тому

    So happy Gaines is feeling better

  • @Nansbbgrand
    @Nansbbgrand 5 років тому

    Glad Gaines is on the mend!👍👍❤️
    So what’s happening with your house? Your new house? Is that happening? STAY WELL ALL! 😁👍❤️

  • @xoJennaWennaxo
    @xoJennaWennaxo 5 років тому +1

    I feel sick when my anxiety gets really bad. And if I don’t get enough sleep my anxiety gets terrible. I hope Gaines feels better soon.

  • @TheBostonGirl
    @TheBostonGirl 5 років тому +2

    That’s so sweet of Gaines to think of her brother with the stickers

  • @k3shia05
    @k3shia05 5 років тому +1

    I can totally relate to the throwing up anxiety! I can get sick from the thought of throwing up, i hate it so much. Sucks so much.

  • @bethanywharf3517
    @bethanywharf3517 5 років тому

    I get so anxious I make myself feel sick. She might be stuck in a bit of a vicious cycle at the moment of still feeling a bit ill from strep, worrying that she doesn't feel 100%, and then making herself feel more ill from the worrying. All that worrying with fighting off the last of her illness, no wonder she's tired. Feel better soon Gaines

  • @miaobrien1351
    @miaobrien1351 5 років тому

    My son went through a stage where he was throwing up a lot at night when he was younger (related to abdominal migraines) and he also has always had issues with motion sickness. As a result he has a lot of anxiety about any slight stomach upset or even anything he feels in his stomach....and due to the anxiety, and fear of “maybe it’s about to get worse and I don’t want that to happen”, sometimes that makes it worse than it actually is and he can get pretty bad stomach aches from it. The point is, she could definitely be having very real symptoms due to the anxiety from the memories of the stomach flu, etc. ❤️❤️

  • @Luna-dm9hg
    @Luna-dm9hg 5 років тому +5

    I have emetophobia, which is an anxiety disorder, vomiting phobia. I know how she feels.

  • @msshelley74
    @msshelley74 5 років тому

    I have to say this you are the first family bloggers I subscribe to

  • @aprilpanter5484
    @aprilpanter5484 5 років тому +1

    Aww poor Gaines...but Glad she is getting better

  • @amypayne6229
    @amypayne6229 5 років тому +2

    My son who is 7 does not like to throw up and also gets anxiety at the thought of it, he panics and starts freaking out if he actually is sick, I feel so bad for him sometimes, because I am a throw up and feel better person, but to him the thought is absolutely horrible.

  • @jamiesilva8163
    @jamiesilva8163 5 років тому +1

    Aww miss Gaines I hope you get to feeling better quickly

  • @ellaraexxoo8593
    @ellaraexxoo8593 5 років тому +1

    Gaines you’re so brave ! Love you💕

  • @dragonfly911
    @dragonfly911 5 років тому

    Poor Gaines, hope you feel better soon sweet heart, maybe you should try vitamins to boost her immune system and get her a diary so she can write down all her concerns it might help.
    Love you guys 😘❤😘❤😘❤

  • @chrisharvey4251
    @chrisharvey4251 5 років тому +1

    Feel better Gaines!!

  • @BrightestBlessings7899
    @BrightestBlessings7899 5 років тому

    My oldest daughter had mono at 7 years. It took 3 different appointments and a change of doctor's before we found out that was what she had. It is not something they look for in younger children.

  • @nancywilliams6777
    @nancywilliams6777 5 років тому

    Your neighbors must have loved that 7:30 am leaf blowing!

  • @christybourque8251
    @christybourque8251 5 років тому

    My 10 year old daughter had the same exact phobia of getting sick so much that she has panic attacks every time he sister or someone gets sick near her! (Been like that for years now) We have tried weighted blankets and anxiety bracelet that has this oil that you put on the beads that helps with anxiety! And recently I put her on the Zarbees sleep when she has trouble falling asleep from all that! Some times all that helps and other days not so much!

  • @laura55987
    @laura55987 5 років тому +1

    Awesome answer to prayer I'm sure🙏❤

  • @deel2167
    @deel2167 5 років тому

    A safe, kid-friendly option to help nausea: Peppermint! And what better time of year to load up on it 😂

  • @heidineville4527
    @heidineville4527 5 років тому +3

    Love these vlogs always makes me happy brookes is super cute ans so is gaines xxx 💗 cullen and katie you are inspirational and amazing

  • @kristenroa283
    @kristenroa283 5 років тому +1

    What a brave girl! 💜

  • @amandasdesignsss
    @amandasdesignsss 5 років тому

    Praying she's feeling better soon!

  • @TracyAFDKL
    @TracyAFDKL 5 років тому

    Just a suggestion, there are lymph nodes in the abdomen, I found that out when I had severe mono. You even have lymph nodes behind your knees 🤦🏼‍♀️ So maybe her tummy pain is her lymph nodes?

  • @breannabrackett522
    @breannabrackett522 5 років тому

    Praying for sweet Gaines 😘💜💜💜💜

  • @valeriecady8070
    @valeriecady8070 5 років тому

    Prayers for Gaines

  • @mystifiedolive8981
    @mystifiedolive8981 5 років тому +4

    Sounds like Gaines had emetophobia (fear of vomiting) which I have myself. Poor girl I hope she gets out of it because I never did :/

  • @valeriecady8070
    @valeriecady8070 5 років тому

    Bless Gaines little heart ❤️ that’s good news Katie

  • @barneyfife3288
    @barneyfife3288 5 років тому

    Sorry to see Gaines "not feeling herself"

  • @hannab129
    @hannab129 5 років тому +1

    I actually had the throwing up anxiety as well when I was little, because I once puked down the stairs, because I couldn't get to the toilet fast enough. After that I was always very afraid to throw up, to the point of me only being able to go to sleep with a bowl besides my head in case I would ever need to...
    I don't know, it's just pretty similar...

  • @renemarkgraf3343
    @renemarkgraf3343 5 років тому +1

    Hope Gaines gets better soon ! How is Emma doing?

  • @marissaeakin8945
    @marissaeakin8945 5 років тому +2

    Oh no hope she doesn’t have mono . That makes lymph nodes swollen n very tired . I had it in March it was terrible. Feel better

  • @aliyahburnette8231
    @aliyahburnette8231 5 років тому

    I rushed right over to the vlog and I saw Gaines not felling good sending lots of prayers for her.🙏🏻

  • @jessicafrith4341
    @jessicafrith4341 5 років тому

    Katie my daughter is 16 and suffers from anxiety and depression. At that age alot of times it passes but its good you caught it early.

  • @ashogahan6269
    @ashogahan6269 5 років тому

    Katie would you try get a worry board for gaines might help with her anxiety

  • @lyndabugg8732
    @lyndabugg8732 5 років тому +1

    I had the exact same problem with my throat. I am so sorry she feels like that.

  • @ghostiegirl1
    @ghostiegirl1 5 років тому

    sounds like emetophobia. i have it and it stared after a childhood illness and i'm 39 now. ive been terrified of throwing up since i was 5.

  • @heidiholom8086
    @heidiholom8086 5 років тому +3

    Poor Gaines hope she’s feeling better soon.

  • @brendalarsen2033
    @brendalarsen2033 5 років тому

    I have two kids that deal with anxiety. Do you know if Gains falls asleep easily and stays asleep/sleeps well all night? That could be a cause of her tiredness. Poor girl,. I hope she feels better fast!

  • @paytonpuckett6186
    @paytonpuckett6186 5 років тому

    When I was younger I had something that they call emetophobia which is a phobia that causes intense overwhelming anxiety pertaining to throwing up this might be something to look into for Gaines I know it controlled my life for years when I was younger and had no idea it was an actual phobia. Just thought this might help.

  • @GA-girl-Brooke
    @GA-girl-Brooke 5 років тому

    I had something called the "100 day cough" but it actually lasted almost 6 months. I'd cough so much that I'd throw up. I couldn't keep anything down. Now that I'm older, I believe it was actually whooping cough. It might be worth a shot to see if it's one of those?

  • @missychelle33
    @missychelle33 5 років тому

    Anxiety totally normal at her age- just watch out for pandas- can happen after strep. Causes them to have major anxiety, sometimes panic attacks type of behavior. Just keep an eye out ❤️❤️

  • @carolineann5518
    @carolineann5518 5 років тому

    Im loving how you all are ending the vlogs, its the same as I remember from I started watching you in feb 2016. I hope gaines feels better soon and that her tummy gets back to its normal self.

  • @kylielawter5906
    @kylielawter5906 5 років тому

    I hope she feels better soon

  • @dominiquequintanilla3850
    @dominiquequintanilla3850 5 років тому

    I’m 21 and when I throw up and won’t stop I get anxious and fusterated because it’s a terrible feeling I start to cry and panic

  • @jessicadepinth7073
    @jessicadepinth7073 5 років тому

    Put vaporub on the bottom of her feet when she goes to bed. (With socks on..) it helps her cough. And the tiredness.. her body is just tired from fighting the ilnesses. And the vomiting anxiety.. My son has it to, after he vomitted. He was so scared to vomit again.

  • @dannydanny9875
    @dannydanny9875 5 років тому +1

    1:18 Yuuuuup! lol

  • @stephaniemoore7889
    @stephaniemoore7889 5 років тому

    I love watching your UA-cam channel

  • @brookes4148
    @brookes4148 5 років тому +1

    Praying it’s nothing that she feels better soon!

  • @13autumnmoon12
    @13autumnmoon12 5 років тому

    My son had the same problem a couple of years ago he had the swollen lymph nodes in his neck and it was kinda scary but with antibiotics he was back to normal. When we went back to make sure he was all better the doctor said she's seen other kids with the same problem so it was kinda weird luckily everything turned out fine.

  • @SirAxolotlTheWise
    @SirAxolotlTheWise 5 років тому

    If the cough doesn't go away soon I would ask for a test for whooping cough. My family, all vaccinated, are fighting that just now. It started as a lingering cough. Nausea, coughing in the night, tiredness.... I have been throwing up with it. Worth a check.

  • @marynesaldeahernandez3278
    @marynesaldeahernandez3278 5 років тому

    Love You Guys My Favorite Vlogs

  • @ally3harkins
    @ally3harkins 5 років тому

    I hope Gaines feels better soon I also wanted to tell y'all I bought one of y'all shirts and I bought a hoodie for my daughter for Christmas Don't tell mom love you guys and Roll Tide Roll 🐘🐘

  • @Thatonehanna
    @Thatonehanna 5 років тому +3

    For some reason she looks so much bigger in this vlog! Brave girl getting her blood drawn!

  • @G4RA
    @G4RA 5 років тому

    Where did you buy that leaf blower? omg! I need that in my life!

  • @mollyburgesser5605
    @mollyburgesser5605 5 років тому

    I’m sure the doctor did check it BUT, maybe her thyroid? I’m sure he did a TSH blood test, but I would make sure he did a full panel thyroid test (t3, t4, Free t3). I have thyroid problems and I went undiagnosed for almost 10 years cause my doctors refused to do a full panel test until I had my thyroid removed then they realized my levels were low. It could also really explain her anxiety issues. Your thyroid controls sooooo many of your hormones and if something is off with it, it can really effect you.

  • @lynnbelmosto1309
    @lynnbelmosto1309 5 років тому

    Katie did the doctor mention checking a Lyme titre?

  • @Jen.E
    @Jen.E 5 років тому

    The thumbnail worried me.... I thought Emma took a turn for the worse.. 🙁 So glad it was just Gaines not feeling up to par. I know she'll be ok soon. 💖 That bug is everywhere...even in California.