  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @KarenPearson-i9w
    @KarenPearson-i9w День тому +16

    Once again, another wonderful way to start the day. My 70-year-old body really appreciates this, but I also know that my younger self would have appreciated the emotional comfort this practice brings. Thank you, LuChin, and may you continue to have more and more followers-of many ages! 😊

  • @genevieveshapiro6192
    @genevieveshapiro6192 День тому +9

    Lovely practice, thank you. You have a wonderful voice.

  • @shanleymello6527
    @shanleymello6527 День тому +6

    Knowledgeable and Beautiful soul.
    Thank you for sharing your amazing knowledge with kindness and gentleness 🙏

  • @rebeccahsteele8044
    @rebeccahsteele8044 День тому +4

    So wonderful ❤thank you LuChin for your sharing and kindness 💜

  • @elenaorlandi9010
    @elenaorlandi9010 День тому +3

    Grazie di ❤ per condividere questa preziosa pratica .

  • @soniacolon5479
    @soniacolon5479 День тому +3

    Ty. Where is this being filmed?

  • @BTK-999
    @BTK-999 День тому +1

    Thank you dear LuChin 🙏☺💫💛💫

  • @AunteeDee
    @AunteeDee День тому +1

    I always feel amazing after your videos.

  • @juliethunter4737
    @juliethunter4737 День тому +1

    Thank you Luchin for the lovely way your teach Qigong. I love starting my day with your videos helping my body stay agile and calm.

  • @selarlopez8448
    @selarlopez8448 День тому +1

    This helps my nervous system calm down and mental health stabilize. Keep up the good work! Your videos are also interesting to learn about our bodies. I thank you for that.❤❤❤

  • @jasonpacific111
    @jasonpacific111 18 годин тому

    How wonderful of you to share your smooth flowing QiQong with us. We really appreciate your loving Yin nourishing nature. ☯️ 🌟

  • @cindylou2313
    @cindylou2313 День тому +1

    Another Heartfelt-guided practice - thank you so much ❤

  • @js-nj5cv
    @js-nj5cv День тому +2


    • @QiYogaWithLuChin
      @QiYogaWithLuChin  День тому

      Thank you so very much for your generosity and your support! ❤️ Please check out my new website qiyogawithluchin.com I would love it if you could practice with me Live from time to times! 🤗

  • @raphook69
    @raphook69 День тому +1

    I've just followed along after lunch pause, great feeling of qi circulation ( I have few years of qi gong practice). Thank you so much !

  • @bobp5523
    @bobp5523 День тому

    Nice session. I wish it were twice as long.

  • @Rachelchappell
    @Rachelchappell День тому

    My body feels peaceful and calm after doing this!Just relaxed the nervous system.TY❤😊

  • @lauraleas306
    @lauraleas306 День тому

    This was so calming and centering. On to the detox one! Love to you and this kind community❣️🏜🤙☀️

  • @nativenewyorker9957
    @nativenewyorker9957 22 години тому

    LuChin! I was soo happy to find this new gift this morning.2 days ago I took a tumble and am very sore. This was perfect and am grateful.💖

  • @ishratpopal633
    @ishratpopal633 День тому

  • @orangetara4268
    @orangetara4268 День тому

    thank you, I needed a gentle practice today and even did the whole thing sitting down, it worked 🙏

  • @anaphirirussell
    @anaphirirussell 2 години тому

    🙏🏼 another beautiful and cleansing practice ❤

  • @ninavandermerwe2066
    @ninavandermerwe2066 День тому

    Wonderful and gentle practice, feeling relaxed, thank you ❤

  • @TheLoudodge
    @TheLoudodge День тому

    This one is new to me but as great as all the other ones I have tried. Thank you❤❤

  • @Kater1111
    @Kater1111 День тому

    Thank you, LuChin. I am looking forward to your new website! I started with you a long time ago in Insight Timer. 🙏❤🙏

  • @Verena2022
    @Verena2022 День тому

    Perfect gentle movement for during a flare up. Thank you

  • @vuelamariposaazul
    @vuelamariposaazul 14 годин тому

    This practice was great and super energizing. Thank you so much for your teachings. 🙏🏽❤️

  • @hazarlayoun1176
    @hazarlayoun1176 23 години тому

    This was very refreshing. Great to start the day with!

  • @thierrydio
    @thierrydio День тому

    Très agréable, comme toujours, merci.🙏

  • @barbararojas5991
    @barbararojas5991 День тому

    Gracias por la practica, maravillosa. gracias

  • @RenuChauhan-yl7nn
    @RenuChauhan-yl7nn 18 годин тому

    Thanks lu Chin ur vedios are amazing, I practice them regularly,they leave me refreshed and energetic for the day. .. ..ur voice is soothing it touches the heart ❤

  • @karenfrisque8934
    @karenfrisque8934 23 години тому

    Just what I needed this morning, thank you

  • @EileenMckenna-op3dj
    @EileenMckenna-op3dj День тому

    I will add this to my new health regime, l am amazed at the results , and benefits only days in, l am already feeling so energetic getting thru a whole day without lagging.
    Thankyou so much .💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

  • @johannalichtendahl7806
    @johannalichtendahl7806 День тому

    Perfect to start the day🙏

  • @lenaforsman3699
    @lenaforsman3699 День тому

    This was so nice 💞 I did it with a smile on my face 🥰 Thank you 🙏

  • @kumarisimon
    @kumarisimon 15 годин тому

    Once again a wonderful qi gong practice. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for this wonderful experience. Daily I practice with you, that is really great. Take care and have a wonderful xmas time.💖

  • @shannonsantana2439
    @shannonsantana2439 23 години тому

    Great way to start my day!

  • @mariegomes3295
    @mariegomes3295 День тому

    Merci 🙏

  • @BellaBashe
    @BellaBashe День тому

    Thank jou ❤it’s so nice that I really enjoy the practice for the first time in my live. And i’m a dancer actually 😅 . It’s dark here in Holland. But the sound and the atmosphere is beautiful. I love the sound from the bird in the background. It reminds me of the the time in India at the ashram from Puttaparthi with Sri Shatya Sai Baba which i love ❤️ to hear. Thank you ❤❤❤

  • @rodneyharper2275
    @rodneyharper2275 9 годин тому

    Great job love your videos, learn a great deal 👍, thanks 👍

  • @jennybuxton2790
    @jennybuxton2790 День тому

    Very good, thank you ❤

  • @analicearmbruster6441
    @analicearmbruster6441 19 годин тому

    delicious! feeling geat. thank you!

  • @cathyquinn9820
    @cathyquinn9820 День тому


  • @nerimanshefqeti4434
    @nerimanshefqeti4434 22 години тому
