Top 10 Fantasy/Sci-Fi series I Won't Finish (2023 update)

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @Talking_Story
    @Talking_Story 10 місяців тому +15

    I'm so with you on some of these and so opposed on others. That is why I love these lists and love art and lit. It speaks to all of us in such a singular, subjective fashion. Awesome!! I can add my voice to Dark Age and LightBringer are well worth a try.

  • @nightmarishcompositions4536
    @nightmarishcompositions4536 10 місяців тому +14

    Stephen King's meandering style is actually what makes him so appealing to me. It makes the story feel much less scripted, formulaic and predictable. It feels like a group of real living people with normal ordinary lives stumbling towards an unfathomable goal like your local average guy or gal would do. I also care about characters way more than plot in any genre or medium, and that's where I think many of his works truly excel. I think his horror books and thriller books are much better than his fantasy books overall though.
    Respect you opinion, hope one day you'll give one of his horror books a go (:

  • @DutchGreyBeard
    @DutchGreyBeard 10 місяців тому +1

    Thnx Matt, I watch all of your content and loving it. This instance I noticed that your ‘hate’ for The Fifth Season sounded a lot more considerate than in your previous rants about this book. Thank you for that.

  • @asfaloth12
    @asfaloth12 10 місяців тому +1

    --I still plan to try Murderbot (I got the first one free from Tor's eBook of the month club), but I definitely agree with you on that outrageous price! If it clicks with me, I will plan to check out later books from the library.
    --I loved The Fifth Season and The Obelisk Gate, but still need to read the third book. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you.
    --I totally get your criticism of Dresden Files, but I am still enjoying it so far. I don't typically listen to audiobooks, but agree that James Marsters is fantastic!
    --The other series on this list are are my TBR. I'm curious to see whether they work for me or not.
    Thanks for sharing this, and happy reading! 📚

  • @knotslip8862
    @knotslip8862 10 місяців тому +3

    Great video. I haven't read most of these so I cant speak to them...But I have read Enders Game and I will just say, if you haven't read book 5, Ender's Shadow, then you should read it. Many like it more than the first book. It's a retelling of the events in book one but from Bean's perspective and its really a great book. Thats where I stopped in the series so I cant speak for the others after book 5. I have two of these series on my TBR and will keep them there and those are The Expanse and Red Rising. Thanks for the video!

    • @io.nebulae
      @io.nebulae 10 місяців тому

      I read the entire Shadow side and its seriously amazing. It goes deep you can feel his mormon values showing but I enjoted it so immensely. I havent started Enders quintet yet because even after over a year now that the last Shadow book came out I'm still not over it. I don't know why this storyline is so interesting to me but it is. I'll never shut up about Ender's Game. 😂

  • @fantasyfanatic6038
    @fantasyfanatic6038 10 місяців тому +2

    I'm glad you might give the rest of Red Rising a shot. Iron Gold is great but Dark Age and Light Bringer are something else!

    • @RLX5201
      @RLX5201 10 місяців тому +1

      All 3 of those are phenomenal. Imagine only reading the first 3 books and missing out on the brilliance of Iron Gold onwards!😱

    • @LeonC0704
      @LeonC0704 10 місяців тому +1

      @@RLX5201 I actually understand why people do not like Iron Gold. However… the story makes so much sense!!!! It answers all the questions the original trilogy didn’t AND the Fear Knight is just a delight to read about

    • @RLX5201
      @RLX5201 10 місяців тому

      @some5794 Yeah of course, I guess when you do things differently, in this case introduce multiple POVs and move forward in time, not everyone will like it but for me every new POV was superb and I enjoyed them all. I do also think if Pierce Brown just ended the series after Morning Star, that would have been an excellent ending but... the story's nowhere near over😅

    • @LeonC0704
      @LeonC0704 10 місяців тому +1

      @@RLX5201 you know what's funny? I wasn't a fan of Ephraim whom people love, but I LOVEEED Lyria whom a lot of people disliked.

  • @weregretohio7728
    @weregretohio7728 10 місяців тому +2

    Everything you said about King/TDT - as someone who HAS plowed through the series - is true.
    Nothing on my own DNF list yet, can't have a DNF list when all is chaos.

  • @jameskyle7943
    @jameskyle7943 10 місяців тому +1

    I agree on Ender's Game, it's like if they did a sequel to the Sixth Sense. But I disagree on the Dune series. If you can get past Dune Messiah which is short, I think the rest of the books are quite good. Just stop at Chapterhouse, before his son took over the franchise.

  • @fuhrdawg
    @fuhrdawg 10 місяців тому

    Empire of Silence...that series suuucked.
    psyche, its my new favorite series and the author's my hero now

  • @sethandbeans1876
    @sethandbeans1876 10 місяців тому

    Red Rising I hard stopped after book 3. I honestly felt like it was amazing as a trilogy, so I just stopped and left it there. Hearing your review made me happy because it made me feel justified in my decision.
    Way of Shadows - Fun read but nothing special. Since you're DNFing, I'll say this - the best part of the book is watching one characters slow walk towards being evil and his redemption. That storyline is amazing, but I am not sure it's worth dcontinuing just for that.
    Broken Earth - Amazing books, but I can see where it's not for everyone. The second person POV is really rough.
    Leviathan Wakes is great, but the TV show is one of the few amazing adaptations. I highly suggest watching the show and then if you're really bored and curious jumping into the series again.
    Dark Tower is average at best. I'm with you on this one. I highly recommend Swan Song by Robert R McCammon. He's like Stephen King but better. If you ever get that post-apocalyptic itch but want one that's very character driven with a big splash of fantasy. He's like Stephen King if Stephen King used actual plotlines instead of doing lines.
    Ender's Game through Children of the Mind is one of the best SciFi ever written. The tone does shift to a more hard SciFi instead of the YA Military School SciFi. Every other book he's ever wrote has just been milking these.
    As far as series I'm gonna DNF not on your list: quite a few LitRPGs. You've reviewed some of the best, but you havent dove hard into some of the bad power fulfillment fantasy LitRPGs like Defiance of the Fall or The Land... books that are like Dungeon Crawler Carl but the characters are completely one-note and the entire book is written to make the reader fantasize about how they'd abuse their power in the ways the MC does.

  • @sarahmchugh4169
    @sarahmchugh4169 9 місяців тому

    About Ender's Game. I understand what you mean, there are a ton of books and extra series that seem unnecessary and I certainly haven't read all of them. However I did read the first book of the Shadow Saga called Ender's Shadow(this book is from the perspective of a side character, Bean, and runs at the same time as Ender's Game) and it was so incredible that it actually made me like the original book even more. I highly recommend it, even though I read it a long time ago I still remember a lot.

  • @davidhayes6491
    @davidhayes6491 10 місяців тому

    I started Game of Thrones, didn't get into it right away, never returned for, reasons, and now I never will unless GRRM ever finishes the series. I will not invest in an uncompleted series, no matter how good the leadup novels are.

  • @Maximus0623
    @Maximus0623 10 місяців тому +2

    The Broken Earth Trilogy is the most disappointing fantasy series I’ve ever read. Considering it won 3 straight Hugo’s, I thought it was going to be one of the best series I ever read. After reading, I thought it was a mediocre series that had great ideas with mostly poor execution. I really don’t understand how each of those books won a Hugo award. It’s made that award meaningless to me in terms of being an indicator for how good a book is.

    • @adamnesico
      @adamnesico 10 місяців тому

      Really? Hugo prize goes to popular votation.
      As those books are just a fantasy version of Roots, the BLM supporters all voted it. If there wasnt corruption in the counting.
      Hugo prize shows how popular is.

  • @marcinsznn
    @marcinsznn 10 місяців тому

    10:20 Yes, it's from Poland. It's hard to translate it right.

    • @adamnesico
      @adamnesico 10 місяців тому

      🇪🇸 did it, it was 👏, we 💕 it.

  • @cavendar24
    @cavendar24 10 місяців тому

    The Gunslinger is one of my all time favorite books. The rest of the Dark Tower series is crap. He didn't write the rest until 19 years later and he really shouldn't have. Definitely not planned out.
    Ender's Game is really good, but Speaker for the Dead is spectacular. It almost stands on its own, though there's enough of a tie-in with the Buggers that it would be weird to read it without first reading EG. I read some of the sequels, but only Ender's Shadow is any good. I also tried to read the prequels, but wow, they are just terrible.
    Series that I haven't finished but not for lack of trying:
    Wheel of Time - loved 1-6, bored to death by 7-8, never read 9-11, audiobook'd 12, have 13 and 14 on my bookshelf
    Xanth - loved the first 6 or 7 books, stopped because that's all there was at the time, but now it's up to like 40
    Shannara - first two old school Shannara series are amazing--at least my teenage self thought so. Favorite series and long time favorite fantasy author. But the newer stuff is painfully bad. The High Druid's Blade is probably the worst fantasy book I've ever read.

  • @No8Named8Shadow
    @No8Named8Shadow 10 місяців тому

    18:37 Do people hate Speaker for the Dead? That’s one of my favorite books. Although I’m in the opposite boat with you. I wasn’t impressed with Ender’s Game but blown away with the sequel.

  • @Daniel-ti9vg
    @Daniel-ti9vg 10 місяців тому +9

    10:20 You are 100% right, when You read it in polish, Sapkowski's writing style is top-notch and very funny, but because he uses old polish language, it's really hard to translate it.
    I agree that story is slow and not really gripping. But dialogues between Regis, Geralt and Jaskier, especially in Baptism of fire, are just amazing.

    • @whyonthefall5373
      @whyonthefall5373 10 місяців тому +2

      I found the witcher story brilliant, or at least interesting and quite unique. Even in English, I found it full of humour. But Regis and Geralt's hanza are my favourite aspects among many

    • @PunkRockBibliophile
      @PunkRockBibliophile 10 місяців тому +1

      Besides the ending to Baptism of Fire, Geralt and Regis' relationship was my favorite thing about the entire series.

    • @adamnesico
      @adamnesico 10 місяців тому

      In Spain, the renaissance polish was translated as barroque castellano.
      It works great, the books feel special.
      I agree with u.
      Why english dont translate the books with shakespeare's english?

  • @asymptoticspatula
    @asymptoticspatula 10 місяців тому +1

    I'll always tune in to hear Matt bash The Dark Tower. lol

  • @therealjojo6139
    @therealjojo6139 10 місяців тому +1

    I absolutely loved the whole Dune series I read all 6 books BUT there were supposed to be 8 and the author died before finishing it so the 6th book ends on a pretty big cliffhanger. Since you love endings so much Matt I think you probably wouldn't want to keep going with a forever unfinished series

    • @bigbluegoo6490
      @bigbluegoo6490 10 місяців тому

      I also read the whole 6 books. I felt more confused than anything when it was done. By the third book, the narrative style was so tiring. The writing style is so strange and nothing can be just clearly said.

    • @acie782
      @acie782 10 місяців тому

      kevin j anderson and his son brian finished the series

    • @adamnesico
      @adamnesico 10 місяців тому

      @@acie782 Kevin is just a shadow of his dad in style and ideas.
      I read the first sequel and refused to read the last one, just read a resume.

    • @adamnesico
      @adamnesico 10 місяців тому

      Speaking of supposed continuations, Frank abandoned the serie after 21 years writing it.
      George started the series 27 years ago.
      I think he has chosen to leave it unended.
      In fact I have the great impression he lost interest in it after book 3, the next 2 came far more spaced and barely advanced the plot, looks like h wrote them just for money and bored.
      Maybe he got glad that HBO made the series, so he didnt had to continue it.
      So, I have th impression, maybe people with Ice&Fire should read just the 3 first books, and then watch the series.
      O maybe George will do as Frank Herbert, Jon Tolkien or Robert Jordan, and will enable his apprentices/succesors Ty&Frank to end it after he dies.

  • @Paromita_M
    @Paromita_M 10 місяців тому

    Oh wow, all the series you mentioned are on my DNS (s = start) or DNF list.
    I'd rather reread old favourites or try some books I haven't tried than keep slogging with things I don't like.
    Happy reading!

  • @PlopThePlopper
    @PlopThePlopper 10 місяців тому +3

    Personally, Red Rising didn't grip me till book 5, and I'm so glad I kept going because book 5 and 6 for me were 5/5. Just like you I wasn't a big fan of book 4, but I do urge you to give book 5 a try because it's a truly amazing!

    • @Br1cht
      @Br1cht 10 місяців тому +1

      So torture for four books for a possible payoff?
      Nah, that sounds quite horrendous;)

    • @PlopThePlopper
      @PlopThePlopper 10 місяців тому

      @@Br1cht they are 4 good books, it's no torture, it's just that books 5 and 6 are amazing

    • @tiffanycorsello1886
      @tiffanycorsello1886 10 місяців тому

      I LOVE Red Rising! For me, all the books have been great- 5 stars all around. I was fully engaged and fell in love with the characters. Red Rising is a certain 'type' of read- super fast-paced and entertaining. You'll dig that, or you won't. And that style might not hold up for a reread (haven't reread yet).. I'm very much looking forward to the final book!

  • @karenryan490
    @karenryan490 10 місяців тому +1

    You are not alone, I’m not a Stephen King Fan. I liked his early short stories and the Stand. I’ve read a lot of his books, and wasn’t liking them. Kept reading because of all the hype. They just got worse so I quit. I really like McCammon better!

  • @dustinneely
    @dustinneely 2 місяці тому

    Good choice on dumping Stephen King. Just finished Wizard & Glass. The Dark Tower is 💩. His horror is 💩 too.

  • @morleywritesbooks
    @morleywritesbooks 10 місяців тому

    i did DNF a book that was given to me because it was second person, present tense. It was too jarring for me.
    sad to see The Witcher on this list. Admittedly, it is a lot of work getting used to how it's written

  • @tiagopereira3353
    @tiagopereira3353 10 місяців тому

    Preach Brother 😂

  • @Geffelboy
    @Geffelboy 10 місяців тому

    i very much agree on your witcher take, i really liked the games, read all the books, but the books are just very mid

  • @Alkemisti
    @Alkemisti 10 місяців тому

    I watched _Ender's Game_ movie a couple of years ago, and the 'twist' in the end was in the top three* most obvious I have ever seen. Perhaps it was surprising when the book was new and fresh, but I just thought: 'Umm, wasn't I supposed to see that coming?'
    * The others are two techno-thriller novels where a murder happens and AI exists. Well, who could the murderer be?

    • @adamnesico
      @adamnesico 10 місяців тому

      If you think the murderer is the IA, you are totally wrong in the second. I didnt read the third.
      The murderers are known from the beginning. The mistery is why.
      As it was to be expected, ue to a misunderstanfingwith the aliens.
      And the second isnt a tecnothriller. Is more like a mission book.

    • @Alkemisti
      @Alkemisti 10 місяців тому

      @@adamnesico My apologies. I might have expressed myself unclearly: The techno thriller novels I am talking about are Lincoln Child's _Death Match_ and Dan Brown's _Origin,_ and I was not trying to imply that there is an AI in _Ender's Game_ --- just that the ending was very easy to predict.

    • @adamnesico
      @adamnesico 10 місяців тому +1

      @@Alkemisti my apologies for have not noticed the asterisk.

  • @JLchevz
    @JLchevz 10 місяців тому

    I told you The Witcher was weird after the short stories. It stopped being The Witcher and it started being a weird family drama with little action.

  • @Vradica
    @Vradica 10 місяців тому

    The witcher I've stayed away from exactly because I've heard the translations are absolutely horrible compared to the original language.. Stephen king I've generally stayed away from because they books i've read from him never really finishes for me, I need more lore.. You can't just throw creatures at me and not explain what they are, not satisfying my curiousity is the biggest no no for me.
    Those were my biggest thoughts, I agreed on some of your others, disagreed on others.. I enjoy watching your videos because you really stay away from stating things as if they are objective truths, it's absolutely fine to not like a book, by definition they are subjective.
    As someone who does not care about pros, I simply don't have the imagination to see the six sand grains we walked past 4 steps ago, so I've never cared for too flowery language.. Some youtubers can come off rude to me with how much they think writing in big descriptions or flowery language makes books objectively good.

  • @HotTakesDiscussion
    @HotTakesDiscussion 10 місяців тому

    I really dislike the Expanse show and the books. It's just really boring to me and the characters have too much plot armor lol

  • @a.r.e.j.1693
    @a.r.e.j.1693 10 місяців тому

    Don't worry. Nobody would care about the Witcher if it hadn't been for the games.

    • @adamnesico
      @adamnesico 10 місяців тому

      I read it without know the games.

  • @dougsundseth6904
    @dougsundseth6904 10 місяців тому +1

    Series I'm not going to finish (only well-known stuff here):
    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Adams: Not interesting, the humor (excuse me, "humour") does not reach the level of "funny once".
    Discworld, Pratchett: The high-larious books aren't funny. I understand the jokes, they just don't land. I tried three times with different books here, and it's clearly not for me.
    A Game of Thrones, Martin: The first couple of books were a mix of quite good and annoying and as the series went on, "annoying" started to dominate. I'm not going to finish this even in the unlikely event that Martin _does_ finish it.
    Realm of the Elderlings, Hobb: First book was OK, but very slow. No interest in continuing.
    The Malloreon, Eddings: This is just a rewrite of The Belgariad, with less interesting characters. No thanks.
    Drizzt do'Urden, Salvatore: Generic fantasy done barely adequately. I suspect this is great if you're the right age, but I didn't read it until I was an adult with an extensive history of fantasy books, and there's no there there.
    And a bonus, series I wish I hadn't finished:
    Wheel of Time, Jordan/Sanderson: Horrible people ('thousands of 'em') working very hard not to ever finish a plot ... even a subplot. Clichéd chosen one theme that does nothing to redeem the characters. Generic worldbuilding, except for the sexism. The sexism isn't a benefit.
    Harry Potter, Rowling: The first couple of books were excellent middle grades books. But by the middle of the series, the accumulated ridiculousness of the "world building" fought extremely hard against the darkening tone. The last several books made the series much worse.
    Book of the New Sun, Wolfe: Tedious and overwritten story that goes nowhere that I care about.

  • @thebookdragon8085
    @thebookdragon8085 10 місяців тому

    Ender's Game was an amazing book. Sadly, each follow-up book gets worse. Definitely one to not finish

    • @knotslip8862
      @knotslip8862 10 місяців тому +1

      I would agree somewhat, but book 5, Ender's Shadow is amazing and just as good or better than Ender's Game. If you haven't read that one, give it a read...Its basically a retelling of the events in book 1 but from Bean's perspective. Cheers!

  • @Juanpa_SC
    @Juanpa_SC 2 місяці тому

    No one is going to finish ASOIAF, lol.

  • @TyrionStormblessed
    @TyrionStormblessed 10 місяців тому +14

    I'ts obviously an opinion, but I love The Expanse. It's very much sci-fi which does seem to not be your thing the same, which I get, but the series is thoroughly enjoyable to me and urge you to give it another go. It really picks up in book 5.

    • @tiffanycorsello1886
      @tiffanycorsello1886 10 місяців тому +2

      I just started reading The Expanse- after having watched the show (twice!). The show was so great- and so I had to try the books (I've been warned they are different). Leviathan Wakes was really enjoyable- 5 stars. Looking forward to Caliban's War...

    • @hannahbrennan2131
      @hannahbrennan2131 10 місяців тому +3

      I just started Leviathan Wakes last night and I was hooked right away. Can't wait to get to the other books in the series!

  • @rebelbelle1388
    @rebelbelle1388 10 місяців тому +9

    I'm SO with you on the MurderBot series. I don't understand what people see in it and why they like it. I also got the first one from the library (because I was unwilling to pay full cover price for a novella!) and did not continue. I also agree with you on Brent Weeks. I don't like his writing style at all. I read The Black Prism and it was okay at best, but I wasn't really feeling any of it.

  • @jimfarmar5939
    @jimfarmar5939 10 місяців тому +1

    I was tracking until you said the word “Dune.” Then I had to run to the bathroom when I heard “..never a truly epic story.”
    Name calling, otherwise cyber bullying is over the line. But if you share your opinion on the internet, you must accept that other people can and will tell you where you’re wrong.
    Tell me you don’t like Dune, ok fair enough. Tell me the world is flat? I respectfully disagree

  • @heidi6281
    @heidi6281 10 місяців тому +4

    Baptism of Fire & The Tower of the Swallow are so fantastic it is a shame most people are stopping before they get to these books. I loved the Witcher novels!

  • @skeletrexbonebrigade1271
    @skeletrexbonebrigade1271 10 місяців тому +5

    I agree with everything you said about the King books you mentioned, but I do want to say that The Shining and Pet Sematary are two of the best books I’ve ever read by anyone.

    • @JLchevz
      @JLchevz 10 місяців тому

      Yeah he does have great books

  • @Dantrag123
    @Dantrag123 10 місяців тому +2

    Greetings from Ukraine. The Witcher was pretty popular here in the Eastern Europe even before the games. I consider it as a pretty good "generic" (humans, elves, dwarfes) fantasy setting with cool concept of witchers (as monster hunters) and nice Slavic vibes. But yeah, its good books are the first ones, the last books are pretty average.

  • @RecordingsofaReader
    @RecordingsofaReader 10 місяців тому +1

    I didn't like the other Ender book's ether. They are very different from the first book. I have to recommend Ender's Shadow though. It's Ender's Game from Bean's point of view and it's very good..

  • @andrewlipnick8131
    @andrewlipnick8131 2 місяці тому

    One thing to know about Ender's Game and its sequel Speaker for the Dead is that Orson Scott Card had the idea for the sequel first then wrote Ender's Game as a short story just to set up the real story that he wanted to write. Then the short story was such a big hit that he was told to make it into a full book. Speaker for the Dead is a completely different book, both in tone and themes and it isn't YA anymore in my opinion. You really should give it a shot but with the view that it isn't a sequel but its own story.

  • @adamnesico
    @adamnesico 10 місяців тому

    Uf, Im wondering if im one of ur type of fans who must do the opposite u say.
    Id be sorry, Iv seen here interesting books.
    I loved Witcher and Dune books, and Expanse show.
    I DNFd sagas u love, as the Black company or Prince of Nothing.
    Enders gam, I read too the scond book, wasnt bad, bu as everyone said third was ba I DNFd it, althoug could continue it.
    Aniways, you say you like political books.
    The Shadow of Ender series has much politics, maybe that would be of ur taste.
    Other DNFd:
    -Viriconium: First was a nice mix, a scify setting written as fantasy. Th next 2, I was unable of read them, there is a certain writing style with few verbs and many adjectives that Im unable of read.
    -The Dune sequels and prequels, I didnt read the last one, I got SO repented of have read them that I now distrust dorstoppers series.
    -I watched the first Narnia movie. 0 desires of see another or the books.
    -The death gate cycle: The idea of the 4 elemental planets was nice, but book 4 was lame, and after have read 11 books of Margaret Weis I got tired of her silly humor sense.
    And many sagas that I started but I just jumped to others, but still woul like to continue them.

  • @mtverv
    @mtverv 10 місяців тому

    Well the only series (other than some small forays into The Gunslinger but not enough to form an opinion) I have actually read/listened to is Dresden and you and I have certainly had our disagreements about that Series in the past lol. Honestly this is probably your most digestible take on the Series yet.
    I Totally disagree with you when it comes to the way Women are handled by the way. They aren’t shown as perfect angels who can do no wrong they are shown as people with flaws, who make mistakes (Murphy with her early treatment of Harry, Susan by refusing to tell Harry about Maggie, Charity stubbornly hanging on to her dislike despite Harry constantly protecting her family from the craziness she knows is out there, Molly with everything she did before Harry came back into their lives, KIM FRICKIN DELANEY), but also have their triumphs (Murph running a full Department of the Chicago PD under the age of 30 which is remarkable no matter who it is, Susan taking her mistakes and choosing to work for a good cause). They are also shown as powerful, intelligent, and dangerous Supernaturals in their own right with Bianca, Arianna Ortega, Susan, Lara, Molly, Luccio (who starts in the series as a bad ass elderly woman in charge of the Military/Police of the White Council and is actively shown as being weaker and less fulfilled with being in her younger more physically attractive body), Maeve, Lily, Aurora, Titania, Mab. The Fae Courts are Entirely Female Dominated for Christ’s sake. You’re wrong about this Matt’s Fantasy Book Reviews there’s no Opinion Bias here you are, objectively, wrong about this part of the Dresden Experience.
    The thing that rounds it all off into a comprehensive and understandable position though is not connecting with Harry Dresden as the MC as well as getting to Changes, which is actually the 12th Dresden book don’t short change yourself lol, without enjoying the Series. Even I an affirmed Dresden fanboy can give you that it’s ok to DNF a Series if you get 12 books in and can’t connect to Man’s desperate attempt to save his Daughter from the evil Forces that have kidnapped her lol…

  • @larkwyll7351
    @larkwyll7351 5 місяців тому

    I agree with your take on Red Rising. I thoroughly enjoyed the first trilogy and book 4 was a complete miss for me. I disliked the POV's of the fourth book. I didn't care at all for the new characters and didn't want to follow along with their stories.

  • @shawnthornton454
    @shawnthornton454 10 місяців тому

    Spoiler Free: You already read the end of Gunslinger - THAT is how bad it is.
    #10 - one of the better trilogies Ive ever read. Shame you wont finish. As for book 4, it isnt part of the trilogy, and some rhings are not able to be continued.
    #6: Ill continue, but i get it, although i love the MC; I've not noted the women issues. Not sure where this one is going, and if you felt this way around the peak of the series - it isn't getting better.
    1. Enders Game jumped the shark so long ago.
    The rest all make sense to me.

  • @cmmosher8035
    @cmmosher8035 10 місяців тому

    As a huge Stephen King fan who both loved the DT and its ending, I don't think you're going to enjoy it. With everything you've said its probably not your bag. But that's okay, not everything has to be liked by everyone. I find myself souring on modern fantasy and maybe its because i like meandering character stories. I grew tired of overly series like ASOIAF and Wheel of time. I really want to like Malazan but after two books i find myself looking at the tower of the rest of the series just get disheartening.

  • @TheRuneguides
    @TheRuneguides 9 місяців тому

    I’m with you on Dune. Enjoyed the first as a standalone but that’s all. My biggest unfinished will always be WoT. Just too much..

  • @KAB-w7n
    @KAB-w7n 10 місяців тому

    I highly disagree with you about the 5th season. Brillant and innovative writing. Good character and world building. Overall very good and enjoyable.

  • @annakobuk3618
    @annakobuk3618 Місяць тому

    Wheel of Time, Shannara, Sword of Truth and, yeah, Dark Tower.

  • @shawnturpin197
    @shawnturpin197 10 місяців тому

    I agree completely about The Witcher. I love the video games but the books (except for the short stories) are just boring. I'm also with you on Stephen King. The guy is the master of buildup, but also the master of the colossally shitty ending. He can't write a good ending to save his life.

  • @shawnbadger2737
    @shawnbadger2737 10 місяців тому

    100% agree on N.K. Jemisin's The Fifth Season. The writing style is so atrocious it physically hurt me to read it.

  • @sophhnavarro
    @sophhnavarro 10 місяців тому +1

    Stephen King is also not for me :)

    • @leopercara3477
      @leopercara3477 10 місяців тому +1

      I think you have to discover him when you're younger, with the movies, or there is no spell at all. The writing is just bad.

  • @DrMetalpin
    @DrMetalpin 7 місяців тому

    I like the outline of the story of Dune way better than I actually like the book Dune. I understand its importance in SF history, but I think it’s very overrated as a novel. I think a lot of Booktubers rate it so highly on lists because they are expected to and because it is en vogue. I first read it in the 70’s and thought it was just ok, and I read it again just before the first part of the new movies released. Once again, I thought it was just ok. I love the story, but I just don’t like the storytelling all that much. The pacing isn’t great and the ending isn’t the best because of it. I feel the same about the sequels that I’ve read over the years, but none of those are great examples of SF novels that can stand the test of time. I’m grateful to Herbert for the story and the influence on the stories that were to come, but I just think a lot of those that game after were just better.

  • @PrettyGreenMaiden
    @PrettyGreenMaiden 9 місяців тому

    Nah, Murderbot is bae. Its episodic and I love the humor. Listen to the audiobook version. The narrator is amazing!

  • @uzetaab
    @uzetaab 9 місяців тому

    I think Orson Scott Card's books would work better as a stand alone series instead of a continuation of Ender's Game. The Problem is that Ender's Game is such a gooooooood book, that it sets unrealistic expectations for the rest of the series.

  • @Renny2077
    @Renny2077 5 місяців тому

    I used to be a huge Stephen King fan. Then I just got tired of his writing style. I did not like the writing style in Gunslinger.

  • @CD287-
    @CD287- 10 місяців тому

    I have no interest in trying #10, suffered through Broken Earth, and felt pretty much the same about all the others on this list 😅

  • @myrtosmyriliou7513
    @myrtosmyriliou7513 9 місяців тому

    I LOVED the murder bot diaries! I also didn't buy them though.

  • @NasRayce31
    @NasRayce31 10 місяців тому

    Dresden and Red Rising are good. Agree with your other takes. My big DNF is The Green Bone saga or whatever that trash was called.

  • @stuffbenlikes
    @stuffbenlikes 10 місяців тому +1

    Read all the Frank Herbert Dune books. They get really philosophical and amazing. Too much thinking for a lot of people, I guess. Don't read the ones written by others. I liked Red Rising, but if you didn't already love it, you won't like the rest of it more.

  • @BoiledJellyfishReads
    @BoiledJellyfishReads 10 місяців тому +1

    I had the exact same thoughts on Murderbot. DNF'd the series after book 3 after I realized it's copy and paste

  • @thatsci-firogue
    @thatsci-firogue 10 місяців тому +1

    Everything I've heard about Murderbot doesn't sound like it'll be my thing. Plus for novellas they ain't cheap so that's always put me off.
    Just to be clear, I'm not blaming Martha Wells for the pricing.

  • @charlotteputt3041
    @charlotteputt3041 10 місяців тому

    I agree with your book dnf’s .

  • @NerdBookReview
    @NerdBookReview 10 місяців тому +1

    Well then this is certainly a list...haha. I am not a huge Sci-Fi fan but I have absolutely loved the Expanse and Red Rising books. I don't want to claim the Red Rising books are literary genius but they're so damned entertaining and sometimes that is enough for me in between the heavier grimdark that I tend to gravitate to.

  • @lissavanhouten6628
    @lissavanhouten6628 10 місяців тому +2

    I've read a lot of sci-fi in my life, and I read the Dune trilogy three different times (the last time in my 20s) all in an effort to understand what was going on in the plot. But Herbert has such a dense writing style that it was difficult to understand the story and a slog to get through. I can't believe I actually read the first three novels three different times. (I think I even read the next two books).

    • @stuffbenlikes
      @stuffbenlikes 10 місяців тому

      I read all 6 three times... Once in high school where a lot of it I didn't really get. Again in my 20's when I really appreciated the later books (book 4 went from my least favorite to my favorite), and then in my late 30's when I got even more out of it.

  • @akellerhouse83
    @akellerhouse83 10 місяців тому +1

    Dude. I love the Expanse. It's 9 books. I recommend giving it another shot, but i understand that not everyone feels the same way as I do. I also love Dresden and Dark Tower, but I can definitely understand why people dont.
    I've been hesitant to read the 4th Red Rising book. I like how the 3rd one ended. I also haven't read any more of Dune after the first one.
    My list would include Poppy War and Gentleman Bastards. Yuck. Lol

  • @DarkoDame
    @DarkoDame 10 місяців тому +2

    Matt this video reminded me why I started following you in the first place. You’re the first/only booktuber who disliked The Fifth Season as much I did. I thought something was wrong with me because literally everyone, including friends, raved about it. Another series I’ll never finish is Robert Jackson Bennet’s Divine Cities trilogy. The first book was not a fun read for me and I’ll never revisit it.

    • @MattsFantasyBookReviews
      @MattsFantasyBookReviews  10 місяців тому

      Yeah, hard agree on Divine Cities. Very cool concept. Not great execution.

    • @Br1cht
      @Br1cht 10 місяців тому +2

      Some people will love whatever authority tell them to love, “the Emperor’s new Clothes” saga described this several hundred years ago.
      Very disheartening for me personally since I held out hope that we(humans) had changed for a long time.

    • @spc8508
      @spc8508 10 місяців тому +1

      I agree on Fifth Season. I did read all three because I hate DNFing series but the first book was the best one and that's not saying much. I HATED the second person and she kept it up even after the first book when it was completely unnecessary. Removing the second person aspect still wouldn't be enough to make it good though.

  • @theblackberseker1978
    @theblackberseker1978 10 місяців тому +1

    For me it would be Murderbot Diaries ( they’re fine but they weren’t grabbing me ) and GreenBone Saga I don’t understand where the love comes for it. I put book 2 on hold about 70% into it and I just didn’t ever feel hooked

    • @tanja9364
      @tanja9364 10 місяців тому +1

      I so totally agree with you on the Greenbone Saga!

  • @joevesayaporn
    @joevesayaporn 10 місяців тому +3

    Poppy war surely should be number one

  • @alexnieves
    @alexnieves 10 місяців тому +1

    Above all else, if you're reading a first person POV story and don't like the main character it's really gonna be hard to enjoy yourself. I'm surprised you got all the way to Changes before tapping out if you weren't feeling it. For The Expanse, I felt similarly about the small scope of the books but it does open up more as you read. TOTALLY agree that it's absurd how expensive the Muderbot series is when they are novellas, absolutely nuts. Couldn't agree more on The Witcher, I feel like I'm missing the amazing story that is claimed to be there at times. Red Rising, how dare you =p
    When it comes to King...I get it. I love his books but there's at least one moment in every single book of his where I question wtf he's doing. As I understand it, his fantasy is clearly his weakest writing. It's PERFECTLY fine to stop with just Dune, the sequels are really, really weird. It's basically a fever dream by book 3.

    • @thatsci-firogue
      @thatsci-firogue 10 місяців тому +1

      What I like about the Dune sequels is you really could bail after any of the first 4 and get a complete story.
      I haven't read the Expanse (yet) but I adore Daniel Abraham's Fantasy stuff, especially Long Price Quartet.

    • @alexnieves
      @alexnieves 10 місяців тому +1

      @@thatsci-firogue Expanse is great but the stories from book to book do seem small for a series you'd expect to be more grand but that does change as you progress through the story.

    • @thatsci-firogue
      @thatsci-firogue 10 місяців тому

      @@alexnieves yeah, based on what I've heard it might not be space opera-y enough for me.

  • @DanExploresBooks
    @DanExploresBooks 10 місяців тому

    I love the concept of Murderbot. I just wish she would give it to a different writer who might do something more with it. Did not like Murderbot at all.

  • @BooksWithBenghisKahn
    @BooksWithBenghisKahn 10 місяців тому

    Love the brutal honesty here! Nothing wrong with embracing our own personal tastes. You made a great choice I think DNFing Broken Earth since that goes way way downhill after bk 1. Also good to know I’m not missing anything with Night Angel.
    I promise you, I PROMISE that Expanse bk 3 was the lowest point in the series, so you couldn’t have sold on that one any lower. You are missing out on some awesome stuff, and the final trilogy is on its own one of my favorite things in modern sff. Book 4 is cool though, and then book 5 is 🤯.

  • @BrianBell7
    @BrianBell7 10 місяців тому

    Interesting video! I appreciate your honesty with what works and doesn't for you, even though I hard disagree with some of the series for me personally. It's funny how much I agree with you on some books / series and entirely opposite on others :)

  • @MidnightChronicler
    @MidnightChronicler 10 місяців тому +1

    Matt, if you don't mind me asking what software do you use for your videos?
    Awesome content as always.

  • @larkwyll7351
    @larkwyll7351 5 місяців тому

    Regarding Speaker for the Dead, sequal to Ender's Game, you should give the book a shot at some point and not worry about what others say negatively regarding it. Speaker for the Dead is a great book, but it helps if the reader is open-minded to the journey the writer is taking you on and the reader doesn't want to pre-determine what the story should be. Speaker for the Dead for sure is a more of a philisophical read. It will make you think and question things. It's introspective. For me the second book in the series was highly interesting and I appreciated that the story wasn't static, that Card was taking you on an original trip and not just a repeat of the first book in the series, as you mentioned you disliked from the Murder Bot series.
    Something to consider if you ever are curious. It's also a fast read and is not a long commitment.

  • @dinocollins720
    @dinocollins720 10 місяців тому

    Your favorite books aren't always my very favorite books, but the books and series you hate I think I almost always hate as well haha 😂. All on this list except Red Rising. Dune and Ender's game I really loved but also stopped after I finished them.

  • @taylor-kenny
    @taylor-kenny 10 місяців тому

    I keep hearing great things about Red Rising. I promised a friend of mine I'd give it a shot lol

  • @bucket7430
    @bucket7430 10 місяців тому

    Hello from Poland. Yes, Witcher is a big thing there, even older people, who never read fantasy often know what The Witcher is, so some part of it is probably cultural thing as you said. Cheers.

  • @JohnG225
    @JohnG225 10 місяців тому

    I'm more into sci-fi and fantasy, but I'm with you on Murderbot. Read the first 4, but will not continue. Got more and more bored as the series went on (and it's not good when you struggle to finish books that short). I see what you're saying with The Expanse too. I've read the first two, and enjoyed them, but somehow they didn't excite me enough to carry on yet (I probably should as they are all say on my bookshelf). As for Dune, I read and enjoyed the first 3. I will read God Emperor next year and stop. Apparently that makes sense - I think you can stop at book 3 or 4 and still feel like you've read a complete story arc.

  • @ernstbrehm1135
    @ernstbrehm1135 10 місяців тому

    Loved the first Red Rising trilogy. Iron Gold was a big let down & I DNF Dark Age after 2 attempts. So I’m done with this series, unfortunately.

  • @pau5781
    @pau5781 10 місяців тому +1

    These are same videos rehashed over and over.

  • @misternegative4918
    @misternegative4918 10 місяців тому

    I loved Dune, started Dune Messiah and just stopped listening halfway through. Really didn’t like it. Felt like a bridge before the next book. I might retry the series at some point, but I really didn’t like the sequel.

  • @Raddon
    @Raddon 7 місяців тому

    After the third Red Rising book I also thought the story was told.
    But the more I read the second arc the more I think it absolutely needed to be told. This second arc is about what happens after a revolution, about how some of the choices made come back to bite you, about the price there is to pay.
    Light Bringer is the best book in the whole series and one of the best sci fi books I ever read.

  • @coldsun1187
    @coldsun1187 10 місяців тому

    Seriously surprised to see The Expanse on here. The rest of them made a lot of sense, especially Murderbot.

  • @wudao88
    @wudao88 10 місяців тому

    I don't think Stephen King is a good author. Every book of his I've read is riddled with flaws and poor storytelling choices.

  • @SonOfSeth
    @SonOfSeth 10 місяців тому

    Knife in the Heart with Red Rising, I do understand, 4th book is pretty big departure, even though it all works out in the end, but take your time, there's no forcing these things. I know, I dnf Malazan on the 10th book. Couldn't agree more about Stephen King, but I more or less loved every adaptation of his books, even the bad ones, so weird.

  •  10 місяців тому

    I in te opposite camp concerning The Witcher I really lied the whole series (well maybe except Lady of te lake).
    The Dark tower was a real roller coaster for me. I absolutely loved some of te boos and absolutely hated others. But the ending I consider brilliant in its own way.
    The series not mentioned here I will DNF is Space Oddysea by Clarke. I read the the first one, liked it, but it was enough. I feel no urge to continue reading.
    Also I DNF many YA series I started at one point but I really came to realize I am not into that subgenre.

  • @dandrum1ify
    @dandrum1ify 10 місяців тому

    Have you tried The Emperor's Blades by Brian Staveley? I'm on the 3rd in the trilogy and it's pretty good

  • @mr.orange8205
    @mr.orange8205 10 місяців тому

    Wheel of Time
    Night Angel
    2nd Mark Lawrence series

  • @AlexPhaedrus
    @AlexPhaedrus 10 місяців тому

    Great video. I appreciate your frankness (as I think a lot of your viewers do). Also, I guess I liked this video because I agree with so many of your choices (and of course we all like to agree). Like you, I didn't want to continue with Red Rising, Enders Game, The Expanse, Fifth Season, Dresden Files, The Witcher, and Dune either. However, because I have not read nearly as much as you, I'm probably going to continue or revisit quite a few of these. I have not given them as much of a shot as you have before stopping. Plus, I have found others that I did not enjoy on first reading that I went back to reread (because of the hype) and ended up enjoying quite a bit (namely Hyperion and Three Body Problem). I'm hoping that I will have positive experiences when I find the time to go back to them (part of me still believes the hype!).

  • @jessezigg
    @jessezigg 10 місяців тому

    I've always felt like Stephen King writes without any particular plan in mind. His writing drives me a little bonkers. I agreed with A LOT of what you said here. I loved Mazerunner, and I immediately went onto the next book thinking, "What has hapened?!?" 😅

  • @Geffelboy
    @Geffelboy 10 місяців тому

    2 books i read this year that i won't finish are He who Fights with Monsters and Defiance of the Fall. I do love me some litrpgs, they unfortunately fall into the category where most end up, they start strong and promising, have a hint of some fun stuff coming up, but end up just being very samey and get me to a point where i just start skimming.
    Gentlen Bastards i also consider dropping, read the first book and thought it was okay, but it just didn't grip me.

  • @Edog1337
    @Edog1337 10 місяців тому

    LOL, I disagree and love almost every one of these except Dresden (male self insert fantasy, really is creepy). Agree to disagree

  • @vwkflynn
    @vwkflynn 10 місяців тому

    Refreshing to hear someone else doesn't like the murderbot series. It's pretty boring and way over-hyped.

  • @douglasdea637
    @douglasdea637 10 місяців тому

    Agree about Ender's Game. Loved the first book although I can see it's flaws. The second book was a bit of a mess but had some good parts. Not enough good parts that I want to read the rest. I own the third book but who knows if I'll ever get to it.

  • @andrewl_17
    @andrewl_17 10 місяців тому

    I kind of agree with you on the witcher books. They really aren't great, though the 2 short stories books are better. That being said i got invested in the show so im going to finish the saga anyways 😂 ( im on lady of the lake rn)

  • @PreppinShootinLivin
    @PreppinShootinLivin 10 місяців тому

    I love Dresden but I can see how you could get burnt out on it if you read them back to back...I don't read any series back to back for the same reasons of getting burnt out...I always read at least 1 book in a different series or even different genre before going to the next book in a series I'm reading. I love Red Rising as well. Everything else I either agree with you on after reading a book in the series or have just stayed away from the series because it didn't seem like it was going to be my thing. So 8/10 agrees is actually pretty dang good. :)

  • @angelamccollister
    @angelamccollister 10 місяців тому

    Yeah, novellas are stupid expensive. I rarely read them, let alone buy them. Cosmere is an exception.

  • @yremogtnomnad
    @yremogtnomnad 10 місяців тому

    I strongly agree with those who have said Dark Age is one of the best books in the Red Rising series, I highly recommend giving it a shot.