The power of photography

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024


    @GONZOFAM7 2 місяці тому +4

    Fantastic reminder Luigi.

  • @christinasmith9032
    @christinasmith9032 Місяць тому +1

    “The reality is that there are more good people than bad people”. Yes, I’ve always felt this.

    • @LuigiBarbano
      @LuigiBarbano  Місяць тому

      I have the luck to live in a relatively small city, going to buy groceries in different small shops and stop to chat with people in the main square... I see every day that there are a lot of good people and really few morons out there.
      When I grew up my father drove me to school everyday but Saturday, his office was nearby so was easy. We always stopped at the newspaper shop to get the newspaper. Some days the owner didn't wake up in time to open and there were the packages of newspapers left in front of the door. We, as everybody else took a newspaper and left the 1000 lire (half dollar) over the pack of newspapers. All the town did it and I'm pretty sure almost nothing got missed.
      Still now I tend to think 99% of the people are good also if t=something like that would not work anymore.

  • @robertosinglemalt
    @robertosinglemalt 2 місяці тому +2

    What a beautiful call for show the truth

  • @ThomasS91
    @ThomasS91 2 місяці тому +1

    Great statement Luigi! Mass media being dishonest or even deceiving the public is a huge problem these days.

    • @LuigiBarbano
      @LuigiBarbano  2 місяці тому +1

      Thanks. Mass media are sure the big problem and another problem is to accept fake realities. It's became a diffused habit to "retouch", sometime at the point to create false images and still pretend they are real. It's time to figure out that the world is a great and beautiful place also without photoshop.

  • @andrefernandes8102
    @andrefernandes8102 2 місяці тому +3

    Full support Luigi; we need to start speaking louder for what we believe and not be repressed by virtue signaling warmongers.

    • @LuigiBarbano
      @LuigiBarbano  2 місяці тому +1

      Thank you! Yes, is time to be heard.

  • @jerzyjablonski1432
    @jerzyjablonski1432 2 місяці тому +4

    While I am not on same political page as you (I am centrist, so neither left or right does attract me), I totally agree about our photographs having power to show reality and expose the lies. Sadly we rarely use it.
    Very good video.

    • @LuigiBarbano
      @LuigiBarbano  2 місяці тому +2

      Thank you. BTW, I would have done the same on the other side, perhaps not with political support but sure condemning the act.
      Quite fun the fact that on 70 visualizations I lost 6 followers. I don't mss them, just noticing :)

    • @ryszardtarnowski8213
      @ryszardtarnowski8213 Місяць тому +1

      @@LuigiBarbano, 6 subscribers less, you say?! No way, you must be joking, were they so sensitive? 🤣

    • @LuigiBarbano
      @LuigiBarbano  Місяць тому +1

      @@ryszardtarnowski8213 actually at the end was 14 less... I remember the good times when here in the main square there was always a group talking politics. It was in front of the newspaper stand and the people composing the group changed with the time of the day, but the group was always there. There were always a lot of discussion, Italy had a huge communist party and always had been divided politically. It was normal to get there, starting to discuss, sometime go over the lines a little... but at the end there was always a coffee or a beer at the bar usually with some talk about soccer, the women passing by and similar. All friendly and everybody ready to start again the next day. BTW, the esteem for the professional aspect was never touched by the different political ideas.
      Good times... but also the times when nobody said was right to kill the political opponents, castrate kids and so on. At the end we all had in common what was the human decency and the respect for human beings.

    • @ryszardtarnowski8213
      @ryszardtarnowski8213 Місяць тому +1

      @@LuigiBarbano, sadly, the more _cancel culture_ the less space for discussion and sharing honest opinions. And all the people with _tribal mode_ enabled don't help either. Maybe you're right and that's the point - we should show the truth with our pictures? They can speak thousands words!

    • @LuigiBarbano
      @LuigiBarbano  Місяць тому +1

      @@ryszardtarnowski8213 Probably you already watched it, but Words and Pictures, it's a great movie directed by Schepisi all about the famous thousand words for a picture.

  • @DanBullard
    @DanBullard 2 місяці тому +3

    Thank you for this excellent analysis, and great photos of Trump!

  • @lelandfitz1762
    @lelandfitz1762 2 місяці тому +5

    Great video. I want to add a nuance to this topic: Photography, especially iconic photography always relies on a medium or media that publishes it to the masses. In dictatorships of course those photographs were staged (Communist flag raising over Berlin) or edited to support their narrative. In a democracy we (seemingly) have a free press. Free markets (should) ensure that iconic photographs will be made public for all to view.
    But legacy media always had other interests in mind than informing the masses. One example is that Life or another publication bought the Zapruder film of JFKs assasination. Yet, very unlike a commercial enterprise would, they just kept it hidden away, only publishing select frames. (the story of that film is too long to write it here, but it went on being shady).
    You mentioned X and I also went on X and got the infos. I don't think Elon Musk is some kind of hero but at least for something as big as this his claim of X being a "free speech" platform came true. It could be seen on mainstream media immediately: Trump "fell", Trump was brought of stage because "noises" irritated him. Even photos with blood on his face had text beneath saying "we don't know if he was hurt."
    They did what they always do: Distort the truth. They don't even care if what a video or photo clearly shows contradicts them.
    The point I want to make: If it weren't for X or basically a free internet where you as a citizen can choose where you want to get your information from, we'd rely on mass media and what they are willing to put on their websites and tv stations. I don't know how photo distribution works, but the most iconic photos were shot by a New York Times photographer and an AP photographer. I assume they were immediately put out in a media data base for everyone to access and purchase (just how I imagine it). Because I didn't see those pictures on NYT or AP accounts, I saw them from individuals spreading them.
    I am not sure if, in the old pre-internet days, such hostile media organizations would've published those photos. I think they would have kept them under seal. I can only applaud the photographers here and especially for them to work on instinct to get the "best" photos and that they didn't try to only take pictures that fit the agenda of their employer.
    Another point that came to my mind last night: How important photography still is in an age of countless live stream. Even if they stream at 4k the ability to capture a moment on a photo is what gave us the defining media of this attempted assassination. Even scrolling through HD live streams won't get you something as powerful as this.

    • @LuigiBarbano
      @LuigiBarbano  2 місяці тому +2

      Thanks, I totally agre.
      Years ago the media had to rely on the buyers so any important photograph was shared. Now most of te media depends on financing from governments so they publish propaganda, not matter if they have readers, they get public money anyway.

  • @ryszardtarnowski8213
    @ryszardtarnowski8213 Місяць тому +1

    Whatever we think about Mr. Trump, these pictures deserve the badge _The best of century/millennium/ever_ choose what you like.

  • @john-e3v8v
    @john-e3v8v 2 місяці тому +2

    Thanks, Luigi! Very inspiring as usual. Reminds me of this quote:
    “The world is going to pieces and people like Adams and Weston are photographing rocks!” - Henri Cartier-Bresson.
    Also, have you seen "Minamata" with Johnny Depp?

    • @LuigiBarbano
      @LuigiBarbano  2 місяці тому

      Trying to figure out why I don't see my reply...

    • @LuigiBarbano
      @LuigiBarbano  2 місяці тому +2

      Yes, good movie!
      In a previous reply that disappeared, I was saying that I think photographing the beauty of the world as Adams and Weston did is not wrong and still a good way to create a very positive environment. What I think is terrible is to show the ugliness as the norm, to convince people the world is bad and we are not worth and so on. I really think the most dangerous attitude is to portray crime, violence, ugliness etc. as the norm with some heroic nuance.

    • @john-e3v8v
      @john-e3v8v 2 місяці тому +1

      @@LuigiBarbano 100%!