Star Fox Zero - Launch Trailer: Available Now!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @bigngames2128
    @bigngames2128 8 років тому +470

    I love how Fox has to explain exactly why Slippy is on the team.

    • @megamarsonic
      @megamarsonic 8 років тому +88

      +Big N Games
      Fox: "Slippy: he's cool I promise!"

    • @oceanwaves0786
      @oceanwaves0786 8 років тому +2


    • @cookies7726
      @cookies7726 8 років тому

      +oceanwaves078 no cursing

    • @cookies7726
      @cookies7726 8 років тому +1

      Elijah Pisani what about b

    • @RendererEP
      @RendererEP 8 років тому +1

      +cookies 77 oh yh 4 got as long as you mean it by a female dog ur fine but anything and theres also bast*** word which is rude anyway

  • @bownana3250
    @bownana3250 8 років тому +362

    Notice how he had to explain why Slippy was there

    • @NikoAmii
      @NikoAmii 8 років тому +9

      I noticed that too

    • @davidrivero4991
      @davidrivero4991 8 років тому


    • @reploid_player6958
      @reploid_player6958 8 років тому


    • @ryanrule8583
      @ryanrule8583 8 років тому +5

      +Bow Nana totaaally. Funny thing is Slippy wasn't Fox's friend, Falco was. Slippy was just a mechanic that he could trust. Peppy was on his dad's team and was a friend of his father, but nooo we have to explain why we decided to bring back the character everyone hates instead of adding Bill or Kat, like look at Slippy's Toad wiki page "Slippy acts as the inventor and mechanic of Star Fox Team as well as the sidekick to Fox McCloud and Falco Lombardi."

    • @Finchfries
      @Finchfries 8 років тому

      lol so true

  • @TroyKingLord
    @TroyKingLord 8 років тому +116

    I bought Star Fox zero right when GameStop opened at 10 this morning and have been playing it ever since! The game is much better than critics say! The 3D audio makes you feel like you are in the arwing

    • @Ricktofenable
      @Ricktofenable 8 років тому

      please... is there multiplayer? like 4 player vs mode?

    • @Netherfly
      @Netherfly 8 років тому +1

      +Ricktofenable co-op only.

    • @SebTH1Games
      @SebTH1Games 8 років тому +1

      +Ricktofenable just 2 player co-op

    • @TheMadPlayer1
      @TheMadPlayer1 8 років тому +3

      +TroyKingLord I just started playing it, just completed Chapter 4 - this game isn't very interesting, let alone much fun.
      I'll just play it through for the sake of playing it...

    • @strikerprod7955
      @strikerprod7955 8 років тому

      +NewSuperMadWorld should have tried it first maybe it's not your genre does not mean it's a bad game

    @TCMACK 7 років тому +181

    If you read comments, please consider doing what I am about to say. You should port this game to the Nintendo Switch, and while doing that, fix the controls by either fixing the 2 screen problem or getting rid of the motion controls entirely, upgrade the graphics a bit, and make an online mode. Do all that, and advertise it well by showing that yes, you fixed the controls, and I think that this could be a very great game. It wouldn't take super long either because the base game is already complete. You can do it, you are doing it with Mario Kart 8 by fixing the main complaints that people had with it.

    • @honeyrocker0639
      @honeyrocker0639 7 років тому +12

      TC MACK yes! I agree.

    • @fulanodominicano
      @fulanodominicano 5 років тому +2

      This is a Nintendo game. Graphics are not a first level priority. It's like, third. After fun (first) and online (second).... Actually, couch co-op is second, online is third.

    • @kilmoturtles1
      @kilmoturtles1 5 років тому +8

      @@linkplayz2814 Yea, because every company is perfect, right? You get that he is not telling them " how to run their company".. he is giving them a legitimate response on what could be done to improve the game. EVERY company should listen to their customers.. Nobody was telling them how to cross their Ts and dot their eyes... come on now

    • @megapixeler
      @megapixeler 5 років тому +2

      @@linkplayz2814 Yes, which by the way they almost ran into the ground with the bad ideas that led to the Wii U... Nintendo has a brilliant culture, they are capable of focusing on the pure gaming aspects, leaving technical specs on the second if not the thrid place... But think about it, Nintendo would DEMOLISH xBox and PlayStation if they made a console with no power handicap. There's a lot of people that can't aford more than one console, and tend to choose one of the others because of the titles Nintendo's hardware won't run. (I've owned every Nintendo console from the NES to the Switch (and every portable but the original GameBoy), most of my favorite games are from Nintendo, I'm a big fan, I'm not wrinting from hate here)

    • @caioleite5579
      @caioleite5579 5 років тому

      Eh, I really dont care about that.
      You want to play a good version of Star Fox Zero? Play Star Fox 64
      You want a new Star Fox game? The switch has starlink and it is very good

  • @AmazonicoIndio
    @AmazonicoIndio 7 років тому +14

    Star fox deserves more :(

  • @_star64fox_28
    @_star64fox_28 7 років тому +45

    I've been seeing a lot of support for Krystal lately, id be happy to see her return. Please don't forget Panther too, Star Wolf was much more interesting with him too.

  • @Dongled
    @Dongled 8 років тому +103

    Hopefully we won't have to wait ANOTHER 11 YEARS to get another Star Fox game.

    • @cesarbarroso7225
      @cesarbarroso7225 8 років тому +1

      IF you buy this one!

    • @Dongled
      @Dongled 8 років тому +1

      +Cesar Barroso What do you think i'll be doing later this afternoon? ;)

    • @ivanmegafanboy1981
      @ivanmegafanboy1981 8 років тому +3

      +Dongled So, Can you change the controls? You know, for a more classic setting.

    • @Ichigo111293
      @Ichigo111293 8 років тому +1

      +Iván Gerardo Casas Torres The controls for the most part are in their classic setting, just enhanced with the gyroscope!

    • @zStover21
      @zStover21 8 років тому +2

      +Dongled Agreed. Too bad we have ALREADY waited 13 Years and still no NEW F-Zero game.

  • @alexisalvarado55
    @alexisalvarado55 8 років тому +92

    "Can't let you do that Star Fox"

    • @finkretana
      @finkretana 7 років тому +10

      "Andross has ordered us to take you down"

    • @plumeless4462
      @plumeless4462 7 років тому +6

      "Andross's enemy is MY enemy"

    • @HobbsCedric1
      @HobbsCedric1 7 років тому +5

      Alexis Alvarado Peppy, long time no see!

  • @mistressbayonetta
    @mistressbayonetta 4 роки тому +13

    I want this for Nintendo Switch

  • @AshXXMayftw
    @AshXXMayftw 8 років тому +45

    If you think you'll have trouble with the controls, no worries, there's several training modes that helps you get use to the controls of each vehicle before you begin the game. Overall, I didn't have a hard time learning them. Just stick with it, and you'll get the hang of it.

    • @Shunned_Guy
      @Shunned_Guy 8 років тому

      excuse me? you have it already?

    • @AshXXMayftw
      @AshXXMayftw 8 років тому +1

      Ivan Castillo
      Yep. Got it earlier this morning.

    • @WIImotionmasher
      @WIImotionmasher 8 років тому +2

      +AshXXMayftw I find there are a lot of games with great controls. but because people refuse to try anything beyond the exact same controls as every other game they play, they drop it immediately. I hope people will play this game, and realize how good the controls are.

    • @kristinstoltenburg2064
      @kristinstoltenburg2064 7 років тому

      SleepyGuyy y5TN.

  • @wanderer5224
    @wanderer5224 7 років тому +35

    I'd like to see an new Star Fox game with Krystal and Panther returning!

  • @Zinfidel1
    @Zinfidel1 8 років тому +225

    "I just want an old-school style Star Fox game like Star Fox 64. Nothing more, nothing less." - every single video game critic/writer/pundit
    **Star Fox Zero is released**
    "Y can't u try anything new Nintendo!!!!!" - every single video game critic/writer/pundit

    • @hylianfelldragon1308
      @hylianfelldragon1308 8 років тому +10

      (sigh) yup

    • @WIImotionmasher
      @WIImotionmasher 8 років тому +1

      +John Doe (enjoi2point0) Im confused if this is against Starfox Zero or for it...

    • @ivanmegafanboy1981
      @ivanmegafanboy1981 8 років тому +1

      +SleepyGuyy This is aginst the Nintendo fans.

    • @C4DNerd
      @C4DNerd 8 років тому +9

      +John Doe (enjoi2point0)
      Except that most of the criticisms I've seen on the game (and after playing 2 hours of it earlier today, I have to agree with them on this) have had nothing to do with it being a remake of Star Fox 64 and more to do with the controllers that are way too difficult to master than they should be :/
      And to be fair, nobody was asking for Star Fox 64 again. What they were asking for was a Star Fox game that focused on flight instead of trying to be a Zelda clone like Star Fox Adventures was. Nobody actually meant to make it just like Star Fox 64 >_>

    • @iregretsomeofmypreviouscom3284
      @iregretsomeofmypreviouscom3284 8 років тому +1

      All the critics are bad, thats why Metacritic isnt good.

  • @sassmaster5519
    @sassmaster5519 7 років тому +26

    I hope Star Fox Assault can get a sequal. Krystal was my favorite member.

  • @Rain0327
    @Rain0327 8 років тому +60

    Got the game yesterday. Loving every minute of it so far. The controls are nowhere near as bad as people make them out to be.

    • @ViceN53X
      @ViceN53X 8 років тому +5

      It's not bad. It's just too complicated for most players.

    • @jarelrequillo6017
      @jarelrequillo6017 5 років тому +1

      @fAppIicationof SeIf Technically though... this gameplay is technically very unnintendo... Nintendo's always about gameplay and good gameplay... gameplay first before anything else... this is just trying to make the gamepad feel worth it.
      And before you say I'm one of those you were describing... that's dumb... make a good excuse

    • @Tjerty
      @Tjerty 5 років тому +1

      Except that anyone who doesn't have a rock for a brain doesn't like looking at 2 screens or tilting their controller, like any 8 year old does when they play a racing game that doesn't even have motion controls.

  • @blackcatbooks64
    @blackcatbooks64 8 років тому +14

    Those of you worried about the controls? Don't be.
    I'm very close to finishing the game myself, and had no issues in learning how to play the game. In fact, I love the controls. Fighting Star Wolf has never been more immersive!

    • @LightningSword13
      @LightningSword13 8 років тому

      Don't listen to this imposter! He was paid to say this! XD

    • @anomaloushedidntdoit
      @anomaloushedidntdoit 8 років тому

      Nice shilling.

    • @MegaDeathRay10
      @MegaDeathRay10 8 років тому

      Even if that is true it's still an inherent flaw with the game. The older games are very easy to pick up and play, why can't they do that this time?

    • @blackcatbooks64
      @blackcatbooks64 8 років тому +1

      MegaDeathRay10 "Waaaah, why do I have to learn new things?"
      It's still very pick up and play. Most Miiverse users seem to have the controls mastered before the tutorial is even over.
      The pay off, however, is worth it.

    • @anomaloushedidntdoit
      @anomaloushedidntdoit 8 років тому

      Harman Smith Give me a legitimate reason as to why you can't disable a gimmick.

  • @esalcido08
    @esalcido08 2 роки тому +7

    Waiting for the re-launch on the Switch

  • @jrc99us
    @jrc99us 8 років тому +28

    Got my copy yesterday. Intense! Especially with new style of control. It's like learning to fly all over again.

    • @EvilKatCreations
      @EvilKatCreations 8 років тому +1

      Where did YOU learn to fly?
      (name that reference)

    • @jrc99us
      @jrc99us 8 років тому

      EvilKat Creations

    • @Observador0123
      @Observador0123 6 років тому

      I love it, back in the 90's was the same to me, the first time I played the original star fox I just crash with every thing "was my first 3D game ever" and with this new star fox zero was the same at the begining ha ha ha bringme a lot of wonderfull memories and in fact I had to learn to fly an Arwing onemore time

    • @WLaChitarra
      @WLaChitarra 5 років тому

      @@Observador0123 huz

  • @kayleigh5353
    @kayleigh5353 7 років тому +21

    Krystal 4 Star Fox for Switch! :D

  • @GhostRoasterDrankAllTheMilk
    @GhostRoasterDrankAllTheMilk 3 роки тому +11

    Am I the only person who likes this game? Please tell me I'm not alone

    • @timmy3441
      @timmy3441 3 роки тому +4

      Don't worry, you're definitely not alone. I bought this game on release day and loved it - I thought it was a great return to form. Finished the game and left thinking that it was a little on the short side, but it was otherwise pretty much what I wanted out of a Star Fox game and a significant step up from previous entries. I was so glad to see more of a return to its roots, and I was also extremely happy that they got the Arwing design/model looking so crisp again.
      ... Then I went online to see what others thought. Post after post of people talking about how they were so frustrated with the control scheme that they literally didn't even make it past the tutorial before putting the game down in frustration or, even in some cases, returning it to the store. Felt like I was living in some kind of weird bizarro world.
      It's a strange experience - finishing a game, feeling satisfied with it, before turning to the internet to see what others think and encountering an absolute shitstorm.

    • @forrestannis909
      @forrestannis909 2 роки тому

      Got it 2 months after it came out.

  • @Piggyshima
    @Piggyshima 4 місяці тому +3

    The day star fox comes back from the grave is the day i die in peace

  • @yoshijoey98
    @yoshijoey98 8 років тому +9

    Nicely done starfox

  • @shadowking4627
    @shadowking4627 8 років тому +7

    I love Star Fox one of my favorite franchise from Nintendo. Now we just need Star Fox Adventures HD or remake because that was my first Star Fox game and I really liked that one but zero is really awesome!!!

    • @bubblewiz120
      @bubblewiz120 8 років тому

      Very good comment, and maybe in the new video game of Star Fox, both Sonic Boom's characters Miles "Tails" Prower and Zooey and the Star Fox team's members Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Slippy Toad, Peppy Hare, ROB 64 and Krystal team up against the scary soldiers of Andross's incredibly shadowy army, Shadow King.

  • @freddy461
    @freddy461 8 років тому +15

    Slippy never annoyed me, but in this game i can genuinely say i really like him.

    • @TonyThor7
      @TonyThor7 8 років тому

      Slippys a girl

    • @freddy461
      @freddy461 8 років тому

      Anthony selph Slippy has no confirmed gender, or mabey he does; I've searched, but found no answer, so i call him a him.

    • @Goulda285
      @Goulda285 8 років тому

      +Anthony selph In command he is married to a girl

    • @Michaeldragon800
      @Michaeldragon800 7 років тому

      Slippy is male.

  • @sabmis2658
    @sabmis2658 7 років тому +4

    I never picked it up, this needs to come to Switch!

  • @SweetoTOONS
    @SweetoTOONS 7 років тому +59

    Please make a Star Fox Assault 2 for Switch!
    With Krystal too please.

    • @Medachod
      @Medachod 7 років тому +1

      Uhm, this is a reboot. Meaning any events after Star Fox 64 are now erased from the canon.
      However, the creators of this entry said they would still keep Krystal, so you're in luck if you enjoyed her presence in the series.

    • @imagitrax8392
      @imagitrax8392 7 років тому +1


    • @cool-sb5sz
      @cool-sb5sz 7 років тому

      PLEASE!!!! I loved that 4 player action and the story was so amazing!!!!

  • @marcosgarcia1267
    @marcosgarcia1267 4 роки тому +14

    We need this one on switch u.u

  • @ArbiterKen
    @ArbiterKen 8 років тому +9

    0:30 "I'm filling the team with pilots I know I can trust!" Is that why they left out Krystal!? xD

    • @whoplays7061
      @whoplays7061 8 років тому

      No reminder this is a new timeline in the star fox universe probably in the future will see her

    • @ArbiterKen
      @ArbiterKen 8 років тому

      I do realize that it's essentially a reboot/ continuation from 64. I was just making a lame joke :P

    • @Lizaerdape
      @Lizaerdape 8 років тому

      I played it through. They don't say it outright but this might be an alternate dimension.

    • @yuukiterumi2061
      @yuukiterumi2061 8 років тому +1

      She was never REALLY technically a star fox character anyway

    • @yuukiterumi2061
      @yuukiterumi2061 8 років тому

      Also I like how people say WHERES Krystal but no one cares about Panther lol

  • @misterswordsman3084
    @misterswordsman3084 7 років тому +18

    falco and krystal were always my favorites, when will krystal reunite with the team?

  • @bunnymode7174
    @bunnymode7174 7 років тому +13

    krystal should get an intro like this in a new game, i would love that so much!

  • @adam145
    @adam145 8 років тому +216

    Just to let you know, Arthur Gies from Polygon can't even finish the game because he can't handle two displays an motion controls. I bet he takes up two parking spaces and has to read a manual on how to install a new mouse on his computer.

    • @cosmorush3292
      @cosmorush3292 8 років тому +3


    • @chandler2581
      @chandler2581 8 років тому +22

      I thought this was gonna end with another complaint about the controls but I'm really happy it didn't

    • @NikoAmii
      @NikoAmii 8 років тому

      +Chandler Farmer same lol

    • @MaskedMetaKnight4
      @MaskedMetaKnight4 8 років тому +4


    • @ThePhantomVulpes
      @ThePhantomVulpes 8 років тому +1

      +Adam K Oh, like, the controls you can change and the display that you don't have to look at? Yeah, I can see how that would be a major hurdle

  • @Maverick.D.
    @Maverick.D. 6 років тому +5

    Switch needs a new starfox directed by Kamiya.

  • @SinfulJon
    @SinfulJon 8 років тому +6

    This game has been bringing back my memories of when I went for Star Fox 64, I'll be going to get this shortly as well. I can't wait to jump in and hopefully have just as much fun. :D

  • @raymanh00dlum19
    @raymanh00dlum19 7 років тому +13

    Krystal for SF Switch :D

  • @jonn_mace_80_95_
    @jonn_mace_80_95_ 8 років тому +4

    Thank you Nintendo!

  • @Saiyan2301
    @Saiyan2301 4 роки тому +8

    Please port this to the switch!!

  • @turgo82
    @turgo82 7 років тому +4

    Nintendo should totally port this to the switch. Take advantage of the HD rumble and remove the "innovative controls scheme" or at the very lest make it optional.

  • @eirinimargarita
    @eirinimargarita 2 роки тому +7

    Please make this for switch or a new starfox game!

  • @jonathanruth9095
    @jonathanruth9095 8 років тому +40

    It took me a few hours, but now I'm playing with these controls as if we've had them forever. Take that, control haters. They only suck if you suck.

    • @uglybad4
      @uglybad4 8 років тому +11

      Reading analysises (?) months before this game was released led me to the impression that the controls were broken beyond belief... I got them down to a T ten seconds into the first stage.
      Critics are full of crap.

    • @chachawho435
      @chachawho435 7 років тому +1

      the controls are not the only reason why they did not like the game idiot

  • @TrainerAQ
    @TrainerAQ Рік тому +5

    I saw this thumbnail and my heart stopped. Then I realized this video released 7 years ago. Still waiting for Starfox Switch. No weird gimics. Just a good old fashion Starfox game.

  • @Maddok3d
    @Maddok3d 8 років тому +5

    I adore this game, it's so fun.

  • @retrojonkie
    @retrojonkie 5 років тому +4

    need this on switch

  • @pkfiya6859
    @pkfiya6859 7 років тому +12

    hmm Krystal was always my fav character cause she was a badass female and could use telepathy. BRING HER BACK

  • @EvilAccount
    @EvilAccount 8 років тому +4

    This game is a must have on a must have system!

  • @teamkrystal3994
    @teamkrystal3994 7 років тому +15

    Glad to support Star Fox!
    Can I request that Krystal be in the next game though?

    • @Medachod
      @Medachod 7 років тому +2

      The creators said she would for sure be in it if they are allowed to make a sequel. However, I doubt that means there will be a "Star Fox Assault 2" since they want to stray away from the stories that continued after Star Fox 64 due to how hectic they got.

  • @PRDZSP0RK117
    @PRDZSP0RK117 3 роки тому +3

    “The names fox, fox mccloud”
    “My father is dea-“

  • @gommodore6441
    @gommodore6441 8 років тому +5

    This game is very underrated.

    • @Tryhardblackguy
      @Tryhardblackguy 8 років тому +1

      no it just sucks

    • @prismaticmaniac2084
      @prismaticmaniac2084 8 років тому +3

      Gommo64 yeah i havent played it but it looks really fun

    • @gommodore6441
      @gommodore6441 7 років тому

      Do you even own the game or are you just bandwagoning?
      Yeah my response is kinda late.

  • @jobibi
    @jobibi 8 років тому +1

    Got it on release date , still love playing it...

  • @FurryMcMemes
    @FurryMcMemes 8 років тому +3

    Both Zero and Guard are really fun games, glad to own them.

  • @Leftheria
    @Leftheria 8 років тому +1

    I love the fact that Slippy was the only one given an explanation as to why he's there

  • @bluebooowo7993
    @bluebooowo7993 7 років тому +18

    Why hasn't there been a good Star Fox game since Assault..?
    Probably cause Krystal has been missing

    • @plumeless4462
      @plumeless4462 7 років тому +2

      BlueBooOwO Why is 64 good then?

    • @jarelrequillo6017
      @jarelrequillo6017 5 років тому

      @@plumeless4462 He said since... and that's before Krystal was introduced... the world still hasn't found out about the wonderful anthropomorphic vixen

  • @powerlinepowerlineentertai1712
    @powerlinepowerlineentertai1712 6 років тому +2

    I love Star Fox i got every game.

  • @Jon-Mark_W
    @Jon-Mark_W 8 років тому +2

    I plan on getting a Wii U and this will definitely be one of the games I get.

  • @augustcelineiii946
    @augustcelineiii946 8 років тому +20

    It looks very promising. It would seem they have returned to their N64 roots with this one, but added cool things on top of that.

  • @NikoAmii
    @NikoAmii 8 років тому +1

    So excited

  • @NintendoGamer110609
    @NintendoGamer110609 8 років тому +1

    Can't wait to get my copy in my doorstep!! So excited!!

    • @khew1
      @khew1 8 років тому

      my copy is at the local mail office. "too large for the letterbox" supposedly. grrr

  • @nintendoswish3756
    @nintendoswish3756 7 років тому +11

    I hope you add Krystal next time Nintendo! :)

  • @metashade4218
    @metashade4218 8 років тому +4

    I just got the game an hour ago and so far I'm really enjoying it alot. The controls does take getting use to at first however, especially if you're use to StarFox 64's controls, but other than that, I'm having a pretty fun time with the game.

  • @MrNateiyf
    @MrNateiyf 2 роки тому +3

    Bring this to the switch @nintendo

  • @m.t.cannon1291
    @m.t.cannon1291 8 років тому +3

    This looks amazing.

  • @masoniund4584
    @masoniund4584 8 років тому +2

    Still My favorite Nintendo series

  • @dollshow8275
    @dollshow8275 8 років тому +1

    I am SOOOOOOOOO getting used to this Star Fox game here for the Wii U!

  • @HombreAlabama
    @HombreAlabama 8 років тому +6

    I don't know about you guys but in the first scene whenever you enter into Corneria, that brought a tear to my eye... It was so epic! I'm loving this game so far! :')

  • @tebhernandez
    @tebhernandez 8 років тому +2

    Must get home to start playing!!

  •  4 роки тому +4

    the best game ever.

  • @CaptinNabil7
    @CaptinNabil7 7 років тому +4

    Unless I'm the only one thinking this, but I think Nintendo should do a re-port of Star Fox Zero for the Nintendo Switch with much better controls, and a proper multiplayer mode since they're doing the same with both MARIO KART 8 and hopefully, SUPER SMASH BROS.

  • @redcobra9588
    @redcobra9588 6 років тому +2

    Is this a dream ?

  • @Lol-vf5zr
    @Lol-vf5zr 8 років тому +7

    Excellent!!!! I like this games

  • @NotEvenOnce
    @NotEvenOnce 7 років тому +4

    this is probably the last star fox game we are ever going to get and that is mostly because of the motion controls... well done Miyamoto

  • @Pleaseunderstand
    @Pleaseunderstand 7 років тому +2

    Such an underrated game.

  • @SBLOCKgaming
    @SBLOCKgaming 8 років тому +1

    Gonna start playing this in a couple of hours and Live-Streaming it too

  • @arhenlockholm2385
    @arhenlockholm2385 8 років тому +1

    Look that, It`s BEATIFUUUL

  • @sherekhanxii
    @sherekhanxii 5 років тому +9

    Please bring this to the switch.

  • @YetiGaming
    @YetiGaming 8 років тому +1

    I've been waiting so long for this

  • @OptimusNiaa
    @OptimusNiaa 8 років тому +2

    I have one and a half arms. New control schemes always bring up the possibility that I just won't be able to play the game in question. I picked up Star Fox Zero today (been a fan since the SNES original). And although I wish I had the ability to remap buttons (just to find what's optimal for me), so far (I've only done the training missions and Corneria so far) I'm enjoying the motion controls. Even got a silver medal on my first Corneria play through. I know it will get more tricky going forward, but I look forward to the challenge.

  • @reggaemarley4617
    @reggaemarley4617 8 років тому +7

    I was pretty skeptical about this game at first, but I ended up buying it on a whim and oh boy was it worth it. It feels like a mix of Star Fox 64 with the atmosphere of Star Wars. The Co-Op is also a great tag team experience. I just wish it were longer. I really look forward to more Star Fox in the future if this is how they're going to keep making them.

  • @Dashx64
    @Dashx64 8 років тому +2

    Cant wait to play this game

  • @gabrieligor8261
    @gabrieligor8261 4 роки тому +4

    Esse jogo precisa ser lançado no Nintendo Switch !!

  • @rachaelmcmillan733
    @rachaelmcmillan733 3 роки тому +5

    please nintendo port star fox zero to the switch and ad new missions.

  • @FoxElliott
    @FoxElliott 8 років тому +2

    Oh man I can't wait for the gamecube release!

  • @lamp5062
    @lamp5062 7 років тому +16

    how many more years do we have to wait to see Krystal again?

    • @evospear101
      @evospear101 7 років тому +1

      Never hopefully xD

    • @Mac14329
      @Mac14329 4 роки тому

      Guess who's an Assist Trophy for Ultimate.

  • @MechaG2
    @MechaG2 8 років тому +4

    It's here! W00T!!!

  • @extranosense9553
    @extranosense9553 5 років тому +5

    Just give us assault remastered

  • @HandlebarOrionX
    @HandlebarOrionX 8 років тому +5

    Oh my god this looks epic!

  • @yuithedashiefanboii6404
    @yuithedashiefanboii6404 7 років тому +16

    where the heck is krystal??

  • @dmendez424
    @dmendez424 8 років тому +1

    this game looks so cool

  • @nacieton1651
    @nacieton1651 3 роки тому +1

    I love how the Wii U logo sounds like the Intel one.

  • @TemplarBlonic
    @TemplarBlonic 8 років тому +2

    There's nothing better than having the original cast members returning to fulfill their roles.
    However, I still can't get out of my mind Peppy screaming profanities like the Soldier from TF2, since they share the same voice actor...

  • @CaptViewtiful98
    @CaptViewtiful98 8 років тому +3

    Now that Star Fox Zero is released can we get a new F-Zero game Nintendo?

  • @SachaDow
    @SachaDow 8 років тому +7

    2:54 The closest we'll ever get to a F-Zero game, am I right? :^)

  • @moothedestroyer7831
    @moothedestroyer7831 8 років тому +4

    this game should be good

  • @Servant_Of_Yeshua_HaMashiach
    @Servant_Of_Yeshua_HaMashiach 6 місяців тому +4


  • @h0ld1t10
    @h0ld1t10 7 років тому +14


  • @vlackapdenn
    @vlackapdenn 3 роки тому +5

    Sigo a la espera de un Star Fox Zero para Nintendo Switch, o una nueva entrega tan siquiera. Pucha, me da rabia Nintendo a veces.

  • @Markvigil1985
    @Markvigil1985 5 років тому +4

    I hope so it is also coming to Switch🤞😲😎👍👑🎮🙌💥💥💥

  • @novawolx
    @novawolx 8 років тому +1

    Now that is a trailer! :)

  • @Seburo77
    @Seburo77 3 роки тому +3

    I need this with classic controls on Switch!! T_T

  • @KingHauken
    @KingHauken 5 років тому +3

    Star Fox Zero needs to be ported over to the Switch.

  • @Darian-mk1bw
    @Darian-mk1bw 2 роки тому +5

    This NEEDS to come to switch with better controls. Loved it on wii u but it could be so much better if it's refined more

  • @MichaelMangi
    @MichaelMangi 8 років тому +3

    ROFL, I just saw the footage for Star Fox Guard and realized what it was. It was the demo from E3 2014 on something Miyamoto was working on!

    • @powergannon
      @powergannon 8 років тому

      Yeah, they said that in last month's Nintendo Direct. I think it was called project guard at E3.

  • @danielclauthier2090
    @danielclauthier2090 7 років тому

    Jons gonna be happy hopefully