Drilling Rifle is The Most Unique Weapon in Hunt

  • Опубліковано 6 лют 2025


  • @BringOutYehDead
    @BringOutYehDead Рік тому +18

    I love how the best way to run this gun is to cut out the whole shotgun part of the gun by putting slugs in it. they should make the buckshot more consistent overall

  • @grass5496
    @grass5496 Рік тому +6

    Self necro combined with resilience and relentless would go crazy. You simply don't die. You're an eldritch horror that must be burnt to dust to kill

  • @tostupidforname
    @tostupidforname Рік тому +128

    I find it encouraging that even rachta has games where he aims like me. Just recently came back to the game and im cringing so hard at my performance.

    • @DangerFarrell
      @DangerFarrell Рік тому +7

      It's frustrating to come back to a game like Hunt after a break, as you'll always compare your current games to when you were playing at your peak

    • @tostupidforname
      @tostupidforname Рік тому +1

      ​@@DangerFarrell Yeah i have this thing where i subconciously pull my gun up before shooting so i miss all my shots even if i was on target :D. At least you get to see the improvement pretty quickly

    • @shadoring253
      @shadoring253 Рік тому +1

      that was so painful to watch

    • @Altrop
      @Altrop Рік тому +4

      No my friend.. you have games where you aim like Rachta!

    • @tostupidforname
      @tostupidforname Рік тому +2

      @@Altrop Thats the spirit

  • @sociallyresponsiblexenomor7608
    @sociallyresponsiblexenomor7608 Рік тому +233

    Do you feel that the gun, with stock ammo, is worth $510 though? I personally think it's rather steep for a loooong reload medium ammo with unreliable buckshot....

    • @mariorionard1083
      @mariorionard1083 Рік тому +5


    • @artemperesada3454
      @artemperesada3454 Рік тому +34

      I think $430 is more than reasonable

    • @BIGmlems
      @BIGmlems Рік тому +32

      Its atleast historically accurate since drilling rifles were super expensive back in their day.

    • @BIGmlems
      @BIGmlems Рік тому +20

      I also agree though that 430$ is more reasonable, I was actually expecting the uppermat to cost more than this.

    • @julianosantos6786
      @julianosantos6786 Рік тому +52

      @@BIGmlems always with this historically accurate bs lol

  • @Bayseek
    @Bayseek Рік тому +14

    Self revive was a good change to solo hunters. I actually like it. But that self revive against the two crocodile hunters shows how stupid self revive is sometimes and how it needs to be nerfed.
    I mean, what where they supposed to do in that situuation? They can't watch your corpse because there was another team coming for them and they were hurt. Can't even burn you in the rain.
    Self revive needs to be limited to once or twice. On top of that, there needs to be a timer. Being able to waste peoples time by just lying there, bascially unkillable. And then coming back to kill them later is only "fun" for one person.

  • @brucekhamp6859
    @brucekhamp6859 Рік тому +57

    I really like the gun, but I swear you can have the sight right on someone and it still miss at times like something is off. Other than that it’s a fun gun, but still needs the audio tweaked and the price point at $365

    • @staselirus
      @staselirus Рік тому +9

      The servers are off not the gun my man. So many shots not register like last couple days at least

    • @eliaquadarella2948
      @eliaquadarella2948 Рік тому +7

      ​@@staselirusFor real, lag spikes and hit reg are a bit all over the place it feels

    • @maegnificant
      @maegnificant Рік тому +5

      I wish they would implement 60hz servers

    • @staselirus
      @staselirus Рік тому +1

      @@maegnificant same

    • @saul1344
      @saul1344 Рік тому +1

      Bruh yesterday I was shooting a guy from 15 meters and my crosshair was inside his chest like literally in the middle and 4 of my shots went through then he just turns around and insta head shots me.

  • @smirokgambeson3020
    @smirokgambeson3020 Рік тому +26

    In before all the comments complaining about the absurd price for the Drilling (I agree, the most hunt dollars I’d pay for this is 300-ish like the Berthier)

    • @ramsaybolton9151
      @ramsaybolton9151 Рік тому +5

      Tbh I always skip Berthier. What's the point in taking it over mosin when price is so similar?

    • @ZezacleB
      @ZezacleB Рік тому +3

      Price would be fine if the gun had consistent buckshot spread and no animation for switching ammo types. I mean you're literally just moving your finger to a different trigger, why do you also have to flip down the sight? Just make it near-instant? Then again, price is a non-issue because the Hunt economy is busted.

    • @lred1383
      @lred1383 Рік тому +3

      @@ramsaybolton9151 because you wanna do something different. I like the Berthier more, it just feels better subjectively

    • @DatsWhatHeSaid
      @DatsWhatHeSaid Рік тому +5

      @@ramsaybolton9151 Post 1.13?
      Definitely the fact that you can run 2 different ammo types, giving you a lot more resupply.
      I love the cycle speed and the insane fast reload, too.

    • @lred1383
      @lred1383 Рік тому +4

      @@tl2402 combination guns have existed for a long time before that

  • @theMelvinShow
    @theMelvinShow Рік тому +4

    I feel like this needs way more punch for a 510$ gun. If it was long ammo it's maybe a bit too much but you should at least be able to reliably kill with 2 shots.
    Now when you have to reload the enemy has enough time to heal up and you're back where you started ( minus 2 bullets)

  • @DarkSnP
    @DarkSnP Рік тому +7

    Its really a fun time imo. I wont argue with top comment but ive got more then enough cash to throw around in this game so the build is just for making the round more fun to play or a different style to play for a minute.

  • @BrotherPolemos
    @BrotherPolemos Рік тому +4

    I genuinely question why they opted for this format when it came to the Drilling.
    The actual gun was two shotgun barrels and one HIGH powered rifle barrel.
    I feel like if they made it, Say a standard side be side shotgun with like a single shot nitro.
    it would feel WAY better at its current price point and feel way less Niche.

    • @QGfk1
      @QGfk1 Рік тому +1

      combination guns with 2 smoothbore barrels were more common than ones with 2 rifled barrels, but that's just bc making a double barreled rifle accurate is difficult, just makes the gun more expensive. you're probably thinking of the drilling that the Luftwaffe issued in WWII, that was just a repurposing of a type of hunting gun that had been made for the whole 19th century. I can see why they went with the rarer type, since having follow up shots with the rifle is more useful than with the shotgun, since the shotgun can 1 shot

    • @whyareusobad3528
      @whyareusobad3528 Рік тому +1

      Because they would have to make the shotgun bad otherwise
      If it had two shotgun barrels it would be just a bad Caldwell rival
      But now we got what’s basically a centennial with dum dum rounds and a Romero 77 attached to the bottom which the shotgun on it in my experience is ridiculously good

  • @12stepsbeyondtheeventhorizon
    @12stepsbeyondtheeventhorizon Рік тому +17

    It's so weird seeing Rachta being an absolute potato like me lol

    • @Shepherdize
      @Shepherdize Рік тому +3

      ngl that was kinda inspiring, lol, knowing that even he has times where everything seems to miss

    • @ZzVinniezZ
      @ZzVinniezZ Рік тому +2

      he is human after all...everyone make mistake even the smallest one. no body is perfect, if not Ratcha might have die alot in order to be where he is now and play nothing but HUNT. if u put urself in his situation and training, you would have the same result depending on how fast you learn and react to situation

    • @HeyKyle
      @HeyKyle Рік тому

      Also learning a new weapon to be fair

  • @rylailina5854
    @rylailina5854 Рік тому +5

    8:27 Oh come one man! You can't just switch game mid play like that

    • @richardpeya2137
      @richardpeya2137 Рік тому +2

      thats the same game tho, he just cut out the running to the supply part

    • @rylailina5854
      @rylailina5854 Рік тому +1

      @@richardpeya2137 Oh sorry! my bad

    • @RachtaZ
      @RachtaZ  Рік тому +6

      Yeah I just ran 10 mins around map to get ammo and banished boss, didnt wanna put that in

  • @Dmitryaga
    @Dmitryaga Рік тому

    Arm shot, leg shot, PANTSU SHOT

  • @Sydywon
    @Sydywon Рік тому +1

    at 8:50 he loots a special ammo crate, but instead gets regular medium ammo lmao

    • @Sydywon
      @Sydywon Рік тому

      wait dude there's like 12 times this happens, was it a glitch going on at the time?

    • @ernestotheliving4096
      @ernestotheliving4096 Рік тому +2

      He looted dolch ammo

  • @emptystuff1593
    @emptystuff1593 Рік тому

    At 14:36, watching frame by frame, you can see the tree stump eating the slug.

  • @xCptLegendx
    @xCptLegendx Рік тому +10

    The drilling is definitely a unique Rifle, its not crazy good, and not inherently bad. But it is definitely too expensive at $510.
    From my experience i actually had similar results running Springfield dumdum. It has higher velocity with dum dum, and more damage. About 50 to 70% of the time the drilling only hits 1 time to body.
    I personally probably won't use this gun much till they lower the price, because hitting a $1000 for a loadout is really easy with this thing, and it just doesn't feel that its worth that.

    • @xCptLegendx
      @xCptLegendx Рік тому +1

      @gronek_ yes, but you get my drift. Springfield is very capable

    • @ZzVinniezZ
      @ZzVinniezZ Рік тому +2

      agree...springfield with dum dum would result in 1 shot kill most of the time, due to higher damage output but man drilling has 2 weapons combine like Lematt carbine (if not Lematt would won in term of long term firing), i would expect DRILLING to be around 300-400 or so...not 500, sure i did not experience much of the gun only from stolen it from someone and i must say...it pretty alright not too powerful

    • @xCptLegendx
      @xCptLegendx Рік тому +1

      @ZzVinniezZ Nothing wrong with the gun, it just doesn't perform well enough for the crazy price. I was performing just about as well with the Springfield over the drilling. Shotgun is decent but not a must

    • @ZzVinniezZ
      @ZzVinniezZ Рік тому +1

      @@xCptLegendx yeah it exactly what i meant. it alright not too powerful to fit with that price, Lemat carbine if not served me better in term of follow up shot in a big fight than fire 2 shots and reload for a long time.

    • @xornedge8204
      @xornedge8204 Рік тому

      @@xCptLegendxLe Mat Carbine is pretty much a better version of the Drilling and its a third of the price 😗
      They should definitely tweak it as well as changing the name on the Le Matt Uppermatt 😭

  • @Altis_play
    @Altis_play Рік тому

    14:27 That the funnyest part !

  • @Corgitron9000
    @Corgitron9000 Рік тому

    Holy cow man, you have absolutely impossible luck not getting gunned down each and every time you healed. I can't turn a single corner without being headshotted by drilling players from 50m+ out. Epic fight!

  • @MaarrVvV
    @MaarrVvV Рік тому

    Soo close for a Clip, man, this whole video is awesome much love!

  • @ZzVinniezZ
    @ZzVinniezZ Рік тому +1

    the main problem i had with Hunt is that...i have to watch out on what i buy in a gun. whenever i buy something fancy i will end up dead in the most stupid way possible via someone waiting for me quietly and shot me when i come across them without me able to do anything against it (yes i was being as stealthy as possible...but im not match against shotgun corner)...or 1 v 3 in a fight that i can't win. that mind set just put me back in using crossbow and hand-crossbow (although i love that low budget loadout)
    still i want to buy and use DRILLING without worrying about pricing even if i die.
    then again this is HUNT, it a hardcore game afterall

    • @sirmissalot8065
      @sirmissalot8065 Рік тому

      thats probably because you have a fear of loosing higher value weapons and play a bit differently because of it and you are not playing as stealth as you think because there is no reason for shotgun campers to sit somewhere random on the map if you don't make a ton of sound xD
      basically: sounds like a you problem not a hunt problem

    • @ZzVinniezZ
      @ZzVinniezZ Рік тому

      @@sirmissalot8065 yeah it more of the fear of losing that i would make alot of mistakes but thanks to the primal perk in this event i managed to avoid and sometime ambush other players. sadly the shaking hand is still there. perhaps i will get over it the more i engage in more fights

  • @aBluePudding
    @aBluePudding Рік тому

    The buckshot and flechette have supposedly been fixed now and have much tighter spreads

  • @ricardodasilva7382
    @ricardodasilva7382 Рік тому +1

    i felt this gun is not that good, but it is so cool, the sound, animations and visuals

  • @quint3ssent1a
    @quint3ssent1a Рік тому

    To pair this gun with LeMat is to be the jack of all trades. You'll gonna have 3 different ammo types between 2 guns.

  • @mrgameplayfun5949
    @mrgameplayfun5949 Рік тому +1

    How do you see the game so well ? I see all grey :

  • @artemperesada3454
    @artemperesada3454 Рік тому +2


  • @PsyMonkTV
    @PsyMonkTV Рік тому

    Rachta Z:
    (Presents 3 loadouts)
    (Game begins)
    (Proceeds to play with a completely different loadout) 😮

  • @scaredstar9127
    @scaredstar9127 Рік тому +3

    My fav combo is Springfield compact striker with dum dum rounds then the drilling with dum dum as well, you get 44 total ammo off the bat

    • @vhuyjgvyj
      @vhuyjgvyj Рік тому

      If you don't have quartermaster you can also take the pax, 32 ammo instead of 44 but it still works.

  • @TheJAZC15
    @TheJAZC15 Рік тому +1

    the reload, the price and most important the 120 damage its just make the gun really bad, was testing the weapon a couple of days. need some tweaks in my opinion, the double tap is really bad too

    • @chikay1520
      @chikay1520 Рік тому

      Therefore you have dum dum.

  • @deadcool3736
    @deadcool3736 Рік тому

    lol what happened to the first fight? he opens the map and cuts to a different fight XD

  • @xornedge8204
    @xornedge8204 Рік тому

    Le Mat with FMJ, that’s all I’ll say.

  • @alicimbom1
    @alicimbom1 Рік тому

    I bought a battle pass but I have some questions about starting the level as prestige ,even if I have this weapon through battle pass,is there a possibility to lose the things bought with the battle pass? Thnx.

    • @xxHappyKamperxx
      @xxHappyKamperxx Рік тому

      I would like to know this aswell. And so far the only way to get the drilling rifle is to be lvl 20 in the pass ???

  • @weeedley
    @weeedley Рік тому

    Amazing clips Rachta :)

  • @JaxonWolfStudio
    @JaxonWolfStudio Рік тому

    Does anyone know which skin Rachta was using here?

  • @ToxicGamer-ui7fs
    @ToxicGamer-ui7fs Рік тому +1

    Your inspiring me to do something with my game play❤

  • @christoszakynthinos6269
    @christoszakynthinos6269 Рік тому

    I just wanted to say that clips like these prove you are a human too after all...

  • @BeoWulfSlayer
    @BeoWulfSlayer Рік тому

    Gun has a super high skill cap honestly higher than the mosin in most cases. I don't know how they can justify 510 beans

    • @whyareusobad3528
      @whyareusobad3528 Рік тому +1

      For me it’s perfect I love rushing but in high 5 stars and 6 star lobbies it’s border line impossible
      So the dum dums let me snipe and then I push with the shotgun which in my experience is the same as a romero77 and is a great add on to the already decent rifle

  • @Schmibdo
    @Schmibdo Рік тому

    15:33 I bet these are some of these people who claim solo rez is op.

  • @smokey9227
    @smokey9227 Рік тому

    Rachta with a beard looks cool as hell

  • @IslarfPokemon
    @IslarfPokemon Рік тому

    Days? I got the BP bundle and not yet unlocked it ...

  • @Squall598
    @Squall598 Рік тому

    I swear I still only get 5 seconds of darksight as a solo. Is that a glitch?

  • @BrochachosTV123
    @BrochachosTV123 Рік тому

    its a shame they got its wrong tho, real drilling is actually 2 shotgun and a bullet in the middle

  • @notturok7841
    @notturok7841 Рік тому

    Be interesting to see some quake pros come to this. Seen some do pubg back in the day. But this would be better ❤

  • @loogiemusmaximusoftides8540
    @loogiemusmaximusoftides8540 Рік тому +4

    Such an unsatisfying weapon to shoot though, ain't got that Hunt OOMPH

    • @eliaquadarella2948
      @eliaquadarella2948 Рік тому

      It sounds a bit "skinnier" than it looks, doesn't it? Like, you would've expected a more beefy sound from the gun i don't know

    • @johannesschmitz6370
      @johannesschmitz6370 Рік тому +1

      @@eliaquadarella2948 I like the sound. It's sounds kinda surgical compared to other things but I like it. A quick and surgical 1 and 2. If you want this gun with oomph you play nitro

    • @eliaquadarella2948
      @eliaquadarella2948 Рік тому

      @@johannesschmitz6370 Yeah, fair enough, i can see that

  • @neyrhu
    @neyrhu Рік тому +2

    it looks like (to me at least) the drilling lacks some punch when firing.
    even the winfield has more recoil !

    • @mustardsouls1005
      @mustardsouls1005 Рік тому +8

      Double barrel rifles have more weight at the end, cause you know, double barrels. Dampens the recoil a bit. Edit: its a fucking triple barrel so that applies even more.

  • @Sovreign071
    @Sovreign071 Рік тому

    And because I have a day job, it's going to be another 2 or 3 weeks of intermittent grinding before I get to play it 😢

  • @chikay1520
    @chikay1520 Рік тому

    The buckshot spread is the only thing that holds the gun back from being S-tier tbh

    • @ZzVinniezZ
      @ZzVinniezZ Рік тому +2

      tbh the main selling point is the 2 barrel rifle...shotgun is a backup, we dont want this gun to be "everything in 1 package" or else they gonna either nerf it or increase the price even further.

    • @chikay1520
      @chikay1520 Рік тому

      @@ZzVinniezZ Don't forget that there are still weapons like the nitro, mosin sniper spitzer, slugs and so on that are better than the drilling. But with slugs the drilling is S-tier ofc

    • @ZzVinniezZ
      @ZzVinniezZ Рік тому

      @@chikay1520 agree on the slug one but still, Drilling is good but not too good (got 1 from quick play and 2 times stolen from a corpse) but i find 510$ price is abit much for a gun like that

    • @whyareusobad3528
      @whyareusobad3528 Рік тому

      I’m sorry but I feel like the drilling is a centennial rifle with a Romero on bottom in all of my experience with the shotgun part it it feels the same as a Romero 77 and I love it

  • @beardedhoser
    @beardedhoser Рік тому +3

    Love the Drilling Rifle!!!

  • @Wigz17
    @Wigz17 Рік тому +3

    I love how it’s basically a mini nitro with iron on it it’s hilarious ironic how it about half the cost as well being a one tap hitter lol I’m love using this in more info more videos peace

  • @NobodysPerf3ct
    @NobodysPerf3ct Рік тому

    The first 10 seconds of gameplay makes me want save my hunt dollars. How does 2 shots not kill?!

    • @whyareusobad3528
      @whyareusobad3528 Рік тому

      Probably hit him in the arm Any gun that hits in the arm or legs takes a huge loss to its damage even the mosin and other high teir guns

    • @NobodysPerf3ct
      @NobodysPerf3ct Рік тому

      @@whyareusobad3528 true but I dont have to reload the mozin after 2 shots. If it was $350, maybe but if you put them in the same price range? I'd only use it out of boredom.

    • @whyareusobad3528
      @whyareusobad3528 Рік тому

      @@NobodysPerf3ct well if you like the Romero the drillings your freind the Romero is my favorite gun but lacks any chance in a fight that is above 20 meters
      And if your someone like me who likes the Caldwell new army as a secondary your limited when you take a Romero and a new army to only get in fights below 60 meters
      (Although I’ve gotten kills with the new army at 150+ meters it’s very hard)
      The drilling gives you a rifle as well to fight at long distances

    • @NobodysPerf3ct
      @NobodysPerf3ct Рік тому

      @@whyareusobad3528 The price should be between what it is now and the lemat carbine is all im saying. Theyre basically the same gun, one has more pen.

  • @okss1991
    @okss1991 Рік тому

    Video about Drill ... 90% kills with dolchP :D

  • @Zurn187
    @Zurn187 Рік тому

    sadly drilling is only awesome at lvl30 when you unlock the slug :(

  • @zeppelin4876
    @zeppelin4876 Рік тому

    I dont understand why it isnt a long ammo rifle lol then the price 'could be' justified, I guess.

  • @jeanwalljean3103
    @jeanwalljean3103 Рік тому

    i love your new look rabbi :)

  • @Cody220
    @Cody220 Рік тому

    I hope they lower the price by at least 100

  • @BrenoAmado
    @BrenoAmado Рік тому +2

    I wish they buff the FMJ in this gun for at least 400+ something... FMJ for the higher elos is mandatory...

  • @BB-TheEnd
    @BB-TheEnd Рік тому

    i feel like it isnt unique its kinda like the old nitro with extra shotgun bullet.. thats why i like it so similar to old nitro

  • @LordRazer3
    @LordRazer3 Рік тому

    Going to be a week before I can get this thing

  • @Tempeste
    @Tempeste Рік тому +1

    Hello fellow Rachta Z enjoyers

  • @TheBrutalFlan
    @TheBrutalFlan Рік тому

    Gun is way overpriced and ammo is under powered or too slow.
    The centennial fmj has a penalty of 120ms, this has a penalty of 160ms... why?
    The fmj should be 410ms on this gun to match the centennial and have some consistency in this game for once.
    The shotgun spread and damage is also underwhelming for a gun that costs this much, either the price should be 200~ or everything on this gun needs a buff.

  • @pierstonsalinas940
    @pierstonsalinas940 Рік тому

    Bro’s insane

  • @Mosca_Tube
    @Mosca_Tube Рік тому

    Rachta take a break from streaming and shave man 😂

  • @erikochoa3306
    @erikochoa3306 Рік тому

    Bruh I am still in level 3 of the event 😞

  • @josianecanale9887
    @josianecanale9887 Рік тому

    Excellent game love❤

  • @copycat6775
    @copycat6775 Рік тому

    It’s just a medium ammo lemat rifle

  • @L33C333
    @L33C333 Рік тому

    hot damn that Fang Shearer skin actually peaked my interest, might just have to download Hunt again

  • @valeriysinev7631
    @valeriysinev7631 Рік тому

    At 8:26 Rachta has 4 bullets but at 8:31 - he already has 16 wtf. Nice bug

  • @awgmax
    @awgmax Рік тому

    I think the dolch did most of the work here. Drilling bad gun and overpriced.

    • @whyareusobad3528
      @whyareusobad3528 Рік тому

      Drilling is a great gun 120 damage and very fast follow up shot not to mention in my use it’s shotgun is just as good as the Romero 77

  • @importedsausage5593
    @importedsausage5593 Рік тому

    why is it so expensiiiive :( i have like 100k hunt dollars but i still hate spending more than like $600 total on my loadouts lol

  • @Penice-rj8wd
    @Penice-rj8wd 8 місяців тому

    I dislike this gun. Every time i use it i die because for some reason drilling is double barrel rifle that doesnt two tap people most of the time.

  • @ToxicGamer-ui7fs
    @ToxicGamer-ui7fs Рік тому

    I can hear❤

    @BLACK-COAT Рік тому

    You know what they need to add in the game they need to add a chain pistol carbine rifle to hunt showdown

  • @IV_Boi
    @IV_Boi Рік тому

    Ez 1 tap

  • @ore2868
    @ore2868 Рік тому


  • @Sydney-Fish-Market
    @Sydney-Fish-Market Рік тому


  • @lnoogi
    @lnoogi Рік тому


  • @FadedHatred
    @FadedHatred Рік тому +2

    Most unique? Im sorry Rachta but this defenetly is the gunlance

    • @lred1383
      @lred1383 Рік тому +1

      this man out here playing monster hunter

  • @berca76
    @berca76 Рік тому

    Dude, seriously, hire some english teacher because your pronunciation is just unbearable. I know we slavs tends to have thick accent but this is just another level :)

  • @KaKaRoT0016
    @KaKaRoT0016 Рік тому

    my dude put some timestamps and explain that you are in different games don't do this immediate cut off to the next game we are not in 2009 with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

    • @lioncattc4260
      @lioncattc4260 Рік тому +1

      Have you become too stupid to be able to go through life without?

  • @MartinLakatoks
    @MartinLakatoks Рік тому


  • @babaganoush9237
    @babaganoush9237 Рік тому

    i dont like that the shotgun mode is the single round and that the medium ammo is the double barrel. It should be reversed like in real life.

    • @jamesbradley9937
      @jamesbradley9937 Рік тому +1

      It’s a doppelbuchsdrilling or whatever, it’s a real thing

    • @sirmissalot8065
      @sirmissalot8065 Рік тому

      there are both versions in real life

  • @SleazyWonder
    @SleazyWonder Рік тому


    • @SleazyWonder
      @SleazyWonder Рік тому

      less than 200 hours in the game, thanks for all the game knowledge Rachta!