  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Jezebels will fall. Repent now before it’s too late.
    W E B S I T E (join the fast) : faithandfavor....
    D I S C O R D: / discord
    I N S T A G R A M : @faithandfavor.min / faithandfavor.min
    TIK TOK : @faithandfavor.min
    I N S T A G R A M : @joanne.gabriel & @bodyby.janxjo
    TIK TOK : @joanne.gabriel


  • @Proverbs31Ministries222
    @Proverbs31Ministries222 Місяць тому +85

    Guyes Follow God not people. This is why i keep my walk with God with me and him. I barley follow anyone these days. To much drama. Praying for everyone ❤

    • @heavensLuv
      @heavensLuv Місяць тому +2

      @@Proverbs31Ministries222 Yes, we follow God, but God gives people along our journey to help raise us up, and if we resist, knowing what God is showing us to do, that's pride!!! God will resist us when we don't obey!!! 🌈☝️✝️☝️🌈

    • @diginandpitchin
      @diginandpitchin Місяць тому


    • @biabia3733
      @biabia3733 Місяць тому +2

      Exactly, it's ridiculous 😢

    • @yahushasdaughter9106
      @yahushasdaughter9106 29 днів тому


    • @yahushasdaughter9106
      @yahushasdaughter9106 29 днів тому

      ​@heavensLuv be grounded 1st in ur relationship with YAH before anybody else

  • @claycup9771
    @claycup9771 Місяць тому +112

    Meantime the enemy is uniting to conquer, while the body of Christ is bashing one another, everyone is making “righteous” judgment on everyone else

    • @claycup9771
      @claycup9771 Місяць тому +9

      The pride is so evident, most Christian you tubers feel their faith n doctrine is the right one, so I can rightfully judge the others, I hardly see any meek, humble, and teachable influencers, they are mostly pridefully right!

    • @JoshuaNunn-s1n
      @JoshuaNunn-s1n Місяць тому

      from where does your authority to judge come?

    • @claycup9771
      @claycup9771 Місяць тому +3

      @@JoshuaNunn-s1n don’t you see it, most as set in their ways, they make it seem most are wrong but them, I hardly see one asking questions, admitting he needs direction, etc

    • @JoshuaNunn-s1n
      @JoshuaNunn-s1n Місяць тому

      @@claycup9771 my petitions get set before Adonai Tsvaot every morning between 3am-6am and He gives me marching orders. Joshua, son of Nunn….warrior Yeshua, honorable prophet and judge of the table of nations, Captain of heavens armies, Chief of Judah, King of lions, Priest of YHWH. Should I ask you a question? I don’t need anyones opinion. You should ask me if you are allowed to leave a comment or not

    • @JoshuaNunn-s1n
      @JoshuaNunn-s1n Місяць тому

      choose your next words wisely

  • @tikone248
    @tikone248 Місяць тому +113

    The spirit of division busy.😢

  • @Nadzthegreat
    @Nadzthegreat Місяць тому +156

    This is so embarrassing to see the body of Christ at it tit for tat. I will seek God for myself. So embarrassing !!! This is not the fruit of the spirit either.

    • @Itskai2.0
      @Itskai2.0 Місяць тому +7


    • @user-wt1vu2so5d
      @user-wt1vu2so5d Місяць тому

      |TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us and surrounds us with. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s attempt at claiming we are something that we are not.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

    • @jeanettestubbs3079
      @jeanettestubbs3079 Місяць тому +3


    • @laronda2196
      @laronda2196 Місяць тому +4

      Amen! 🙏🏾 for all of us! Help us, Father God!

    • @monicajackson3917
      @monicajackson3917 Місяць тому +6

      I totally agree. Sick of this spirit that seems to be so prevalent in the body of Christ especially those who have a platform. STOP PLEASE. This world is coming upon horrible times and we are focusing more on who is a witch & who is not. #JESUSHELP

  • @Faithdrivenpurpose
    @Faithdrivenpurpose Місяць тому +51

    Everyone… Please pray and ask the Holy Spirit before you come into agreement with anyone no matter who it is. And I will also caution you to study the word of God for yourself.

    • @AB_1211
      @AB_1211 Місяць тому +2


    • @samanthaj21
      @samanthaj21 Місяць тому +1

      Excalty. God will tell 🙏🏾

    • @KingdomLovesyou
      @KingdomLovesyou Місяць тому

      @@Faithdrivenpurpose study to show thy self approved and test every spirit pleeeease!! God bless you all

  • @lilacflowerdays
    @lilacflowerdays Місяць тому +44

    Both you and Tiphani need to take a seat. How is God apparently talking to both of you and this mess ensues? This unnecessary highschool-esque drama? He is not an author of confusion. He isn't talking to either of you. You are both deceived.

    • @empressali601
      @empressali601 Місяць тому +1

      You should sit down and not speak on real prophets Tiphani!

    • @perdybirdie
      @perdybirdie Місяць тому +1

      ​@@empressali601if she were a real prophet, she would have reached out to this young woman privately and handled it. She also wouldn't publicly curse everyone who dare to question her.

    • @empressali601
      @empressali601 25 днів тому

      So you’re telling another grown woman how they should handle their grown business as if this young lady didn’t @ her first. And how she handled it was exactly how she should. Yall so quick to say what someone should do but was t quick enough to ask God to help you discern the situation. Y’all are comic books. Prophets ain’t sweet or nice.

  • @Working4God
    @Working4God Місяць тому +43

    Meanwhile true prophets out here warning the world about the new world order and the coming apocalypse.

  • @AnthonyOkeremute-sy7id
    @AnthonyOkeremute-sy7id Місяць тому +77

    Joanne, In my years of being in the Kingdom I haven't seen this kind of back and forth. This isn't also the Fruit of the Spirit. You have some maturing to undergo. You have broken my heart so badly

    • @l.wilson20
      @l.wilson20 Місяць тому +27

      Right, there is something wicked going on in the so called Body of Christ. I just want these women to focus on Jesus, His Word and win souls. We ain't winning souls like this.

    • @mishawilliams4319
      @mishawilliams4319 Місяць тому

      ​@@l.wilson20 AMEN🙏🏽

    • @28Harrina
      @28Harrina Місяць тому +3

      Listen ask God to give you clarity and understanding of her message. Right now I can tell by the grace of God she is the real deal. Pray and ask for discernment to understand what kind message she is giving and how they are true. God bless you.

    • @evc12
      @evc12 9 годин тому

      I agree so much with you! All I hear trough all the messages is: “Listen to me, I’am the real prophet of God. I’m the chosen one with a special assignment to nail other prophets to the cross. God speaks to me, such and such does not hear from the almighty and I have picked up this 🎤 to speak about it and show you”. I’m honestly tired and even getting angry to hear God told me and God said or God showed me in a dream. How is this going to turn people away from their wicked ways or bring them (closer) to God. They are only busy to proof to people that they are the real deal and the other are false. I do not see God in this only mankind trying to show how “connected” they are with God, how special and real their God given gift is. I can clearly see that the Fruit of the Spirit is missing in all of this. The author of the battle of these prophets is the devil. If I look at all the claims that God supposedly said, He the almighty has become a gossiper, who whispers and gossips in the prophets ears all the time. Let’s forget about the gospel of Jesus Christ and only talk about condemnation and if Tiffany is married or whatever.
      God is so much busy with the seasons of the prophets and forgot why He send His son to die for us. Lets not direct people to God and His Word so that they can be saved. No, people rather focus on this! Honestly I don’t even know where all these prophets come from🤷‍♀️. I believe in prophesy, I believe in prophets, but division, confusion and pride are not of God. We should come together as believers. People are to busy fight for a throne that wasn’t theirs in the first place! People are so busy in looking for mistakes in others and forget that we are also asked to pray for others. This has become so personal and it makes me sad. Thanks for speaking up. I really appreciate your honest and heartfelt message.

    • @evc12
      @evc12 9 годин тому


  • @SAVANNAH768
    @SAVANNAH768 Місяць тому +34


  • @KingdomLovesyou
    @KingdomLovesyou Місяць тому +65

    I think everybody just needs to seek the Holy Spirit because it can’t be both!! At the same time words seem to be crossed and you guys need to have a conversation and stop all this videos back and forth! Publicly announcing it just causes division straight up!

    • @marcoslopes5610
      @marcoslopes5610 Місяць тому +2

      I don't know if is that simple. They are acusing each other of prophecying by demons at least one of them blasfemed the Holy Spirit😢

    • @user-wt1vu2so5d
      @user-wt1vu2so5d Місяць тому

      [TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
      Who we are is important!
      Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
      Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
      [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
      For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
      We all need to know the following truths…
      With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us and surrounds us with. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
      We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
      We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
      Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
      Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
      Genesis 32:28
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
      Genesis 35:10
      And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
      There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
      There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
      We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
      Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
      [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
      We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
      Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
      We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
      Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
      Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
      Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24 ]
      HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
      In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
      [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
      In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
      In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
      WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
      As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
      AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
      That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
      They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
      In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
      This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
      They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
      They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
      For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
      [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
      And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
      [ Exodus 20:2 ]
      I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
      I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
      I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
      LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s attempt at claiming we are something that we are not.
      Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
      Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
      Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
      KNOW THIS...
      The Israelites are waking up!!!
      ...and yes, "it matters."
      Shalom, and HalleluYAH

    • @tiathompson6674
      @tiathompson6674 Місяць тому +16

      They should be handling this biblically.....which means the two of them face to face, and then with witnesses, and then before the church. Not with UA-cam lives. The both of them need to stop these back and forth videos, they needs some elders to be accountable to regarding this.

    • @BriGreenlee
      @BriGreenlee Місяць тому +5

      @@tiathompson6674funny how you mention this because my church just talked about this on Sunday.

    • @deneakamattox3877
      @deneakamattox3877 Місяць тому +6

      Exactly, at the end of the day God is not the author of Confusion. All this fighting in the body of Christ.

  • @sarajefferson5393
    @sarajefferson5393 Місяць тому +13

    Praying for Peace in the name of Jesus 🙏🏾🔥

  • @bahplusten2934
    @bahplusten2934 Місяць тому +16

    All of these women need to sit down. Get out of ministry and sit down please 😢😢😢🙏🙏🙏 PLEASE SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET BEFORE THE LORD AND DONT TALK

  • @reggiebynum
    @reggiebynum Місяць тому +8

    Hi Joanne! I think you’re very anointed and at the same time our dreams can sometimes be deceiving

  • @Sheba_316
    @Sheba_316 Місяць тому +17

    The word repent is missing from many Christian preachers. They can’t stand being told to repent which is so in sync with last days prophecy.

  • @melanieprice5535
    @melanieprice5535 Місяць тому +17

    Tiffany came in alone without anyone to follow. Like yours, her assignment is unique from God. Her tear down is to sound the alarm - for the saints to get away from witches in the industry and in pulpits. Very few Prophets are courageous enough to say it as boldly as she has and does. I've been following her for 9 months and have seen a lot of growth in her. You both came from different backgrounds. Hers is more street, and yours seems more traditional and calm. She reminds me of Peter before he became more seasoned in God's love. We don't have much time, so God took her "as is", and with her rough edges He builds us up to seek God, drop our idols, repent, fast and pray, be ready for war,....she was very rough, but I she by God's grace that our Tiffany is becoming more user friendly in her tone. God has surrounded her with amazing tutors like James Solomon, Victoria Orenze, Nathaniel Bassey, and mature praying intercessors, as He is bringing her along. I can see the difference just in the last 9 months. May God bring all of us along quickly....we don't have much time.

    • @purplepashon8106
      @purplepashon8106 9 днів тому

      I'm so glad to see somebody that has actually followed her and not just jumping on the bandwagon of what others are saying. The greatest part of what you said was the fact that she has mentors. I do not see anyone mentoring this young lady or the other one Celestial. Who have they trained under. Jesus trained the disciples and then sent them out to train others. God operates in order. Who is your covering, who do you answer to?

  • @tikone248
    @tikone248 Місяць тому +13

    Help us all Lord😢

  • @MarceauNarcisse
    @MarceauNarcisse Місяць тому +14

    Both of you’ll are saying the same things. So either you’re wrong, she’s wrong. Or both of you’ll need correction.

  • @tiathompson6674
    @tiathompson6674 Місяць тому +41

    My God....if there is offense between you and Tiff, why aren't you speaking with her directly. The two of you should be handling this face to face and without the rest of us being privy to it.

    • @jeanettestubbs3079
      @jeanettestubbs3079 Місяць тому +5


    • @marquita6583
      @marquita6583 Місяць тому +3

      Y'all think this walk in life is a game! We are living in the end times and it is time to get our houses in order! I'm very sure the father has sent many people her way and she chose not to listen! God is not pleased with us and it's time to get serious about God and the things to come! All praises ❤

  • @amb2810
    @amb2810 Місяць тому +35

    She called me “corny”, “obsessed” and a “psychopath” a couple days ago because I simply asked a question that wasn’t offensive or disrespectful. You can see it in her comments section on her latest video speaking about your prophecy.
    I had to screenshot it in case she erased it. I responded with more respect and curiosity and she doubled down on her stance that I am a psychopath.
    As a former therapist these words are extremely serious and are not to be carelessly thrown at people for no reason. These are diagnoses that are not to be taken lightly.
    Ultimately she tried to word curse me with these labels that I will never be in agreement with. Just another example of the FACT that she’s far from the fruits of the Spirit.

    • @preztjuswoman
      @preztjuswoman Місяць тому +5

      Wow! Praise God for your true identity in Christ.
      God bless you child of God 🙏🏿

    • @joanne.gabriel
      @joanne.gabriel  Місяць тому +9

      she’s not well at all. i pray she repents before it’s too late

    • @amb2810
      @amb2810 Місяць тому

      @@preztjuswoman thank you and God bless you love!

    • @michellethomas4928
      @michellethomas4928 Місяць тому +3

      She was also very nasty to me online some months back. She does not have the fruit of love at all. I would never follow her ministry. In Matt. 5:22 Jesus says not to say "raca" (empty-headed) to people or say "you fool."

  • @MNicoleHuff
    @MNicoleHuff Місяць тому +16

    God has given me a dream about her bc I was following her heavy and God told me No More! I unsubscribed from EVERYBODY! It’s been a little over a year. The dream God gave me was specific and clear. There was no confusion in my dream.
    Sister in Christ! Keep Going He is covering you and your ministry. This is on Point‼️ God will Not be Mocked‼️🙏🏾

    • @blackbusinessenterprises2805
      @blackbusinessenterprises2805 Місяць тому +1

      Nah that was a demon 😅
      This woman is insane but do as you wish

    • @MNicoleHuff
      @MNicoleHuff Місяць тому +2

      @@blackbusinessenterprises2805 the spirit of Jezebel is a Demon‼️

  • @flblackbutterfly1
    @flblackbutterfly1 18 днів тому +3

    People don’t understand that we shouldn’t just blindly accept prophesy. The Word should be judged. 1 Corinthians 14:29 says, "Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh what is said". Different versions of the Bible phrase this slightly differently, such as "evaluate" or "judge".

  • @shaddaimakkabee
    @shaddaimakkabee 14 днів тому +4

    Joanne can you please explain the picture of you and Tiphani with big smiles?
    And the email you sent her about wanting her to come speak at Duke??? How can one minute you be all cuddled up in a picture and want her to speak at Duke and the next minute you are calling her out??? Make it make sense………!!!???!!!!
    Also Yah does not use “prophets” in this way, this is the ways of the “social media world” not The Father!

  • @ofinnie
    @ofinnie Місяць тому +9

    All of this back & forth arguing among The Body of Christ; must STOP!! God is calling His Children to UNIFY.. God is NOT the author of confusion.. 1 Corinthians 14:33

  • @maamiserwaa1286
    @maamiserwaa1286 14 днів тому +2

    So you sent tiphani a message and even sent her your pictures and you are here now exposing her? You talking about the conference she had the lord was there
    No wonder I said you are false smh
    You need deliverance

  • @GoldenGODDESS-ul4cb
    @GoldenGODDESS-ul4cb Місяць тому +3

    We are called to speak the truth at all cost because we are light and salt of the father and if we keep silent souls are at risk God will judge our obedience and complacency so we must do what the spirit leads us to even when we are uncomfortable

    • @JanetMayanja
      @JanetMayanja Місяць тому

      I felt this message❤❤❤❤❤uhhhhj this pushes me to continue taking in the word and spread to those around me even when am scared

  • @Adck79
    @Adck79 Місяць тому +14

    You have a innocent yet bold aura about yourself. There’s no way you could be a witch at all. Her saying that was most likely deflection because she took offense to you coming at her with your message but I definitely feel peace coming from you. I appreciate the lord using you to help us with your words, and you look beautiful btw.

    • @BantuLioness
      @BantuLioness Місяць тому +3

      Me too. I'm not sensing anything dark at all but we will continue observing her

    • @Islander463
      @Islander463 Місяць тому +8

      The devil appears like an angel of light. Don't be fooled by looks, peeps. May God help us all. Young lady making these videos seek deliverance and repentance.

    • @sheasmith3035
      @sheasmith3035 Місяць тому +2

      ​@@Islander463 It's not about "looks", it's about spiritual "discernment".

  • @alexkossi6853
    @alexkossi6853 Місяць тому +16

    My sister, God be with you. The blood of Jesus is a shield around you. No harm whatsoever will happen to you. If they do not listen to the word of caution from God, when His judgement falls on them, they will know that you are a true messenger of the Most High God.

  • @landi777
    @landi777 6 днів тому

    God bless you. You are correct. God always sends personal conviction first, then open rebuke. Exactly... where is the fruit? I only see anger, vengefulness, and meanness, which is not the Spirit of God. May the Lord continue to strengthen and uphold you and give you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowlege of Him. Thank you for exemplyfying grace and meekness.

  • @soundthetrumpet1
    @soundthetrumpet1 11 днів тому

    This is very pure!!! Thank you for bringing clarity. It's so much happening in the body of Christ!!!!

  • @amb2810
    @amb2810 Місяць тому +4

    This is good, keep going! You’re clearer than most of the “prophets” out here!

  • @gesterramorwesi8638
    @gesterramorwesi8638 Місяць тому +3

    Good morning prophetess, may God's glory be upon you

  • @virtuouswoman1948
    @virtuouswoman1948 Місяць тому +1

    1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

  • @His.Heart.
    @His.Heart. Місяць тому +11

    Keep speaking what God gave you baby, we are listening, God bless you and give you strength

  • @thegirlsashaa
    @thegirlsashaa Місяць тому +11

    I watched a video of Joanne onetime talking about Tiphani and how she is a nice prophet, so I went to watch her. The video was less than 2 minutes and I could barely pay attention, I just didn't feel the vibe, now I know it was my spirit that wasn't settled and didn't let me get brainwashed by her words, so thankful to God that that was the first and last video I ever watched by her

    • @preztjuswoman
      @preztjuswoman Місяць тому +4

      Thank you for sharing. Something was feeling very off with me and I was getting messages in the spirit that she isn't a true prophet. I didn't judge and just left it alone. Fast forward this video was placed in my path.

    • @bztouch
      @bztouch Місяць тому +4

      You should have waited until five minutes because she talks or look in way different from most prophets you know doesn't make her a false prophet...
      How many of Tiffany videos have you seen her headline warning a fellow prophet specifically calling the name... You won't see it.
      By their fruits we shall know them, a spirit that is not of God will give you scriptures and evidence to reveal the falsehood in a prophet. Tiffany has mentors and colleagues in faith she works with, if she is false prophet those other prophet's and true teachers will not be working with her...
      Know the mentors and spiritual leaders of who you listen to, at times your spirit may not agree with the truth because it is yet to fully understand the things of God. Prophetess Tiffany may not be your type of Godly prophet but that doesn't mean she is false or fake.

  • @jazzyjay9059
    @jazzyjay9059 Місяць тому +13

    Brave obedient woman of God you are . Praying for your protection sis . ❤

  • @saturdayschild8535
    @saturdayschild8535 Місяць тому

    This is the first video I’ve seen of this “back and forth.” Thank the Lord for your boldness and crying out with a loud voice.

  • @leshabenn3368
    @leshabenn3368 Місяць тому +9

    God is not the author of confusion. So, please clarify the following as a mark of integrity: 1. Did he tell you that Tiphani's a daughter of God, or a Jezebel?
    2. Did you get a Jehu anointing OR the anointing of the Holy Ghost through Jesus Christ?
    3. Where in your Bible is it written that Jehu killed Jezebel?
    4. Do you really believe that you are part of the 144,000 cited in the book of Revelation?
    5. What did you mean by mentioning David and Saul, regarding your alleged copying of Tiphani?
    Thanks in advance.

  • @latoyadorsey5265
    @latoyadorsey5265 Місяць тому +2

    I apologize for not really knowing about this situation between you and Tiphani. I saw your title of the video, and the time 7:18 is my sister's birthday. She's my only blood sibling, and I believe she has a Jezebel spirit. I'm growing in my relationship with the Most High God, and I'm not allowing the enemy to have their way! Sometimes, we have to speak up for the truth! I'm praying for you, and may these Jezebels be taken down in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen! 🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾

  • @mothertwinkles4198
    @mothertwinkles4198 Місяць тому +2

    Read your Bibles, fast, and pray.

  • @TheStJamesProject
    @TheStJamesProject 11 днів тому +2

    A true Prophet will tell God's people to test the spirit. God does not need our help in managing his people and his kingdom.

  • @yvonneantionette07
    @yvonneantionette07 10 днів тому +1

    Young lady please repent!

  • @londikaMatshana7409
    @londikaMatshana7409 24 дні тому +1

    Yes true, seeking God!! Continually! Yes I agree.❤

  • @bztouch
    @bztouch Місяць тому +18

    @Joanne Gabriel, you are a beautiful content creator. If truly you have warning for Tiffany, go to her DM or send her mail.
    This approach is not Godly and it is falsehood. You know within yourself the truth.... Jesus may be merciful and patience but it doesn't discredit the fact that He the LION of the tribe of Judah...
    Go and do research on those who do this to God's prophet and see their end and their lives. I hope you learn early.

  • @oi594
    @oi594 24 дні тому +1

    Also at one point i remember hher telling people of hardly Initiated that they don't need to read from Genesis cause who wants to read about genealogy when it is important to know this so we can understand the legal right Jesus Christ has.

  • @maureenwambaire3303
    @maureenwambaire3303 Місяць тому +4

    Tiphani was describing behavior in my opinion because people just be weird sometimes. Also, there's a fine line between conviction and arrogance. But yes, time will tell.

  • @lolagunz
    @lolagunz Місяць тому +3

    But Jehu was punished, why are ppl talking about the Jehu anointing??? He was bloodthirsty he over did what God told him not to do.

  • @oi594
    @oi594 24 дні тому

    I hear you and this word because i literally had a dream about Tiphani and Pastor Ewing too not showing favour from God. Thank you sister

  • @JoshuaNunn-s1n
    @JoshuaNunn-s1n Місяць тому +2

    Jezebel is already defeated. Now I am battling the wicked sisters, Ohalah and Oholibah and Leviathan. You are bitter to the world sister but beloved to YHWH, daughter of ZION! I love you GABS!

  • @NasyaCarryl4ARTS-jb5ug
    @NasyaCarryl4ARTS-jb5ug Місяць тому +10

    Joanne listen the true body of Christ will believe you, please don't listen to the others continue what you are doing by convicting people, I am proud to say that I was lost and then you helped convicted and helped strengthen my relationship with the lord , so please continue spreading the word Girl, don't do the wills of this world but the one of God and only Him ❤❤❤

    • @veronicacamacho1647
      @veronicacamacho1647 Місяць тому

      Pray this woman truly is prophet because if she’s not witchcraft is or will be operating in your life or anyone who listens to her!!!

  • @spartalane13
    @spartalane13 Місяць тому +3

    I don’t get why women of God call other believers “incredibly stupid”

  • @alexandriawoodard6078
    @alexandriawoodard6078 Місяць тому +7

    What’s your skincare routine??? God bless you❤

  • @senorasalazar1462
    @senorasalazar1462 Місяць тому +3

    Wait wait Kevin Ewing, ohhh boyyy, this is an anointing man of God. What is your charge against God’s anointing.

  • @lexander7448
    @lexander7448 Місяць тому

    We have to show the fruit of the spirit. Jesus loves and lord. We can pray for mercy on her.

  • @EngrRonald
    @EngrRonald Місяць тому +40

    Hallelujah!!! I’m favored and blessed with $60,000 every week! Now I can afford anything and also support the work of God and the church.

    • @DylanKing-Dk
      @DylanKing-Dk Місяць тому

      Oh really? Tell me more!

    • @EngrRonald
      @EngrRonald Місяць тому

      This is what Ana Graciela Blackwelder does, she has changed my life.

    • @EngrRonald
      @EngrRonald Місяць тому

      After raising up to 60k trading with her, I bought a new house and car here in the US and also paid for my son’s (Oscar) surgery. Glory to God.shalom.

    • @Believers49
      @Believers49 Місяць тому

      I know Ana Graciela Blackwelder, and I have also had success...

    • @Believers49
      @Believers49 Місяць тому

      Absolutely! I have heard stories of people who started with little or no knowledge but managed to emerge victorious thanks to Ana Graciela Blackwelder.

  • @user-wm3yw2em3q
    @user-wm3yw2em3q 9 днів тому

    Who is truly demonstrating the "fruit of the spirit of God? Love covers a multitude of sin. I am really disheartened by the pointing of the finger between "Believers "on social media who claim to love God. The Word of God tells us to go to the person you have ought with our brother we must go to him first, then between two witnesses, then to the congregation. You who are spiritual should restore your brother who has fallen into sin.
    The kingdom of darkness is happy about these minor debates which bring open doors, division , confusion, strife and every evil work.
    Let us all walk in love and pray for one another

  • @yvettecourtney8
    @yvettecourtney8 Місяць тому +8

    Girl repent...

  • @Monique-vv1uj
    @Monique-vv1uj Місяць тому

    You are so anointed and beautiful I believe we are related your last name was my grandmother mother side, God bless and protect you and salvation for those who don’t understand your call from the Lord 🙏😇❤️😀

  • @user-tp3nv5or4g
    @user-tp3nv5or4g Місяць тому +5


  • @Servant_of_TMH
    @Servant_of_TMH Місяць тому +1

    I too was shown in the spirit that her spirit wasn’t aligned with God

  • @FaithFashionFamily
    @FaithFashionFamily 10 днів тому +1

    Apparently she has a email that you told her that the Glory was there when you went to millions, so what if she shows your email? are you denying?

  • @Jarrybrain
    @Jarrybrain Місяць тому +6

    Thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of life and blessings to me and my family $14,120.47 weekly profit Our lord Jesus have lifted up my Life!!!🙏❤️❤️

    • @JanetJoe-oz1jh
      @JanetJoe-oz1jh Місяць тому

      I'm 37 and have been looking for ways to be successful, please how??

    • @Jarrybrain
      @Jarrybrain Місяць тому

      Sure, the investment-advisor that guides me is..

    • @Jarrybrain
      @Jarrybrain Місяць тому

      Mrs Lucy Baldwin

    • @user-oc7ke6nt9t
      @user-oc7ke6nt9t Місяць тому

      😱Sounds familiar, I have heard her name on several occasions.. and both her success stories in the wall Street journal!

    • @LawrenceDesmondDesmond
      @LawrenceDesmondDesmond Місяць тому

      Her services is the best, I got a brand new Lambo last week and paid off my mortgage loan thanks to her wonderful services!

  • @mikeethan5167
    @mikeethan5167 Місяць тому +1

    GLORY!!!I'm favoured, $145k every 3weeks! I can now afford anything and also support God's work and the church.

    • @Marymargaret00
      @Marymargaret00 Місяць тому

      Wow that's huge, how do you get that much?

    • @Marymargaret00
      @Marymargaret00 Місяць тому

      I'm a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down of myself but I still believe in God.

  • @ambermoore2129
    @ambermoore2129 Місяць тому

    God Bless you for your obedience 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

  • @user-zd7ur7pi6k
    @user-zd7ur7pi6k Місяць тому

    God is with you my sister! Preach His Word!🙏

  • @KDproductionco
    @KDproductionco Місяць тому

    Heyyyy…so yesterday I was watching a video from a young lady…had no idea who she was until I read her title maybe 10 minutes into the video. I saw her name and I continued watching. Then she begin to call people who do certain sins, “Stupid and dumb”. Immediately I was like, “Mmmmm no!” So I stopped watching the video. Today I was looking for encouraging words and I said, “Lord, send me to a TRUE PROPHET.” The next video I saw was yours. Then, you begin speaking on the young lady’s video I watched yesterday and I thought, “Amen. Fruit.” I love how you encourage people to seek a relationship with the Lord themselves. It is very important in this hour to not fall in love with every word a man or woman of God speaks. As we all, even you, prophesy in part, so the rest is up to us to seek God. Thank you for your bold spirit, and also the love, even in your rebuke, that you display on this video. It is the GOODNESS OF GOD, that draws a man to repentance. Bless you.

  • @user-il3yg7fx4b
    @user-il3yg7fx4b Місяць тому +1

    Yahweh blesses you dear sister🙏🏼❤️

  • @user-wt1vu2so5d
    @user-wt1vu2so5d Місяць тому +4

    TRUTH MUST BE TOLD!!! ISRAELITES, WE are THE PEOPLE of the bible... Here's how... Shalom "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people!!!
    Who we are is important!
    Yah's "Chosen" people are the "Israelites," not the "Hebrews," not "Hebrew Israelites," not "Black Hebrew Israelites," nor anyone else outside of the "Children of Israel."
    Either you are born an "Israelite" or you are not.
    [ Deuteronomy 7:6 KJV ]
    For thou [Israelites] art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
    We all need to know the following truths…
    With respect, we have to stop allowing false “labels” to be placed upon Yah’s "Chosen" people. We have to stop feeding the “confusion” that the “world” intentionally places upon us and surrounds us with. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion,” nor should we participate in the confusing folly of the enemy.
    We have to make the “truth” plain (clear) to those that don’t know and also to those that are confused by all of the false and misleading labels that have been placed upon us Israelites.
    We are “Israelites,” by blood, it’s a bloodline. We are NOT “Hebrew Israelites,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israelites,” and definitely NOT “Christians.” Period!
    Our promise (as being the “Chosen” people of Yah) from Yah, came through the bloodline of our forefathers “Abraham”, “Isaac,” and “Jacob.”
    Yah changed “Jacob’s” name to Israel (see below), NOT “Hebrew Israel,” NOT “Black Hebrew Israel,” just “Israel.” Israel had 12 sons, aka the 12 Tribes of Israel, aka the “Israelites;” and that is who we are. That is our “Nationality.” Yes, we are a melanated people, and society calls us "black people," but as far as “labels” go, we are not “black,” not “Afro/African American, not African,” none of those disparaging and ridiculous labels. We are "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people.
    Genesis 32:28
    And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
    Genesis 35:10
    And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
    There is no such thing as a “Spiritual Israelite,” nor are there any “Spiritual Israelite Tribes.”
    There is no such thing as the “12 Spiritual Tribes of Israel.” This is all nonsense.
    We as a people, at times, are referred to as the “Nation of Israel” (the people of Israel, the man), NOT to be confused with the people for whom the “State of Israel” was created.
    Allowing anyone to refer to us outside of our rightful Yah given name is actually helping our enemies, and the enemies of Yah fulfill the Psalms 83 agreement, which was created to destroy the Israelites.
    [Psalms 83:4] “Come, let us erase them as a nation; may the name of Israel be remembered no more."
    We descend from Noah's son "Shem," aka the Shemites, not from "Ham," aka the Hamites (the so-called Africans). Read the definition of "Ham" in Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary:
    Ham: "The youngest son of Noah...He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negros..."
    We Israelites are NOT from Africa. Our homeland is the biblical "Land of Israel" (the Promised Land) (a portion of the "Land of Shem"), which encompasses numerous countries in the modern-day "so-called" Middle East. Our western boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, and our eastern boundary is short of the Euphrates River.
    Ham’s son Canaan stole and illegally occupied a portion of our “Promised Land” from Shem, and then named it “The Land of Canaan.” A curse was placed on Canaan and his future generations forever because of that.
    Noah prophesied Canaan would receive a curse in the future (Gen 9:15, 'Cursed be Canaan...'), for Noah foresaw Canaan's theft and illegal occupation of Shem's land. Read about it in the "Book of Jubilees" Chapter 10 verse 28 to 34.
    Today, there are still heathen trespassers that are illegally occupying a portion of our "Promised Land." [ Luke 21:24 ]
    HOW DID WE END UP ON "SLAVE SHIPS" (the Transatlantic Slave Trade) in West Africa, WHEN OUR HOMELAND was in ISRAEL?
    In 70 A.D., the Romans set out to slaughter as many Israelites as they could in Jerusalem. So, millions of us fled from Israel into all parts of Africa (our next-door neighbor) to hide amongst the dark-skinned Africans [The same way Joseph, Mary, and the young Messiah fled into Egypt and blended in with the dark-skinned Egyptians, hiding from Herod] [ Matthew 2:13 ]. We hid amongst them for many years, avoiding the Romans, who were actively hunting us.
    [ Matthew 2:13 ] ...the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph...saying...take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt...for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
    In those days, the Suez Canal (which currently separates Africa from the Middle East) did not exist. We were able to walk into Africa on foot.
    In Africa, the Romans couldn't tell the difference between us Israelites and the dark-skinned Hamites (Africans). Ultimately, the Africans, who hated us Israelites and hated us living in their land, agreed to help the Romans identify us, round us up, place us in shackles, and eventually put us on slave ships to be shipped all across the earth and sold as slaves.
    WE Israelites, Yah's "Chosen" People, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of us, were the slaves on those slave ships that you read about in history books today, NOT the Africans.
    As you can see now, ONCE AGAIN, it was the AFRICANS that were directly involved in enslaving us Israelites.
    AGAIN? WHEN ELSE? Remember, we (Israelites) were the slaves in Egypt (Mizraim) [Mizraim - African son of Ham] in the days of Moses that "Pharaoh refused to let go." We were enslaved in Egypt for approximately 210 years. When Moses (from the Tribe of Levi) led us out of Egypt, it was us Israelites that Yah parted the Red Sea for, on our way to the "Promised Land."
    That 1956 movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, which claims to depict God's people enslaved in Egypt and led out by Moses, is a lie. In that movie, nearly everyone is "so-called" white people, even the Africans. What a joke. That is utterly ridiculous and a bold-faced lie.
    They also intentionally do not call the Israelite slaves "Israelites," they call them "Hebrews," to mislead and deceive you. The world does not want anyone to know that the "Israelites" are Yah's "Chosen" people, still to this day.
    In reality, regarding that captivity, the "enslavers" (Egyptians / Mizraimites) were dark-skinned Africans, and we slaves (Israelites) were dark-skinned. THERE WERE NO "so-called" WHITE PEOPLE THERE during our captivity in Egypt.
    This is the history the "world" doesn't want you to know. They want you to continue believing the lie that "so-called" black people are Africans.
    They don't want you to connect the dots that help identify the "so-called" black people as being the "Israelites," Yah's "Chosen" people; it is these same connected dots that exposes a certain group of people of today that are falsely claiming themselves to be God's chosen people, and are not.
    They don't want you to know that every prophecy listed in Deuteronomy 28:15 to Deuteronomy 28:68 that Yah said would happen only to His "Chosen" people, the Israelites, happened exactly the way He said it would (to "so-called" black people), and these things were prophesied thousands of years ago.
    For example, they don't want you connecting the dots in the Deuteronomy 28:68 prophecy, stating that Yah's chosen people would be enslaved again just like they were in Egypt, but this time, instead of walking into Egypt (slavery), they would be sent into slavery by way of "slave ships."
    [ Deuteronomy 28:68 ]
    And the LORD shall bring thee [Israelites] into Egypt [slavery/bondage - see Exodus 20:2 below] again [you will be slaves again just like you were in Egypt] with ships [you will be sent into slavery on slave ships - The Transatlantic Slave Trade], by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold [Negro Slave auctions] unto your enemies for bondmen [slave men] and bondwomen [slave women], and no man shall buy you [no man will pay for, redeem, nor buy your way out of slavery].
    [ Exodus 20:2 ]
    I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage [slavery].
    I, myself, am an “Israelite” from the Tribe of “Judah,” a disciple of Christ (Yahusha), and a soldier of the Most High God (Yahuah / Yah), and a life-long member of the “Body of Christ.”
    I humbly ask that you provide these “truths” to others, thus clarifying any confusion regarding Yah’s chosen people and the “Body of Christ.”
    LET THEM KNOW WHO WE TRULY ARE, which destroys the enemy’s attempt at claiming we are something that we are not.
    Now that you know the truth, you have a very important decision to make.
    Will you refer to Yah's "Chosen" people by our rightful God-given name "Israelites," aka the descendants of Israel, the man, and will you also correct others that refer to us incorrectly, or will you willingly allow the “author of confusion” Satan, and other’s, false, deceptive, and malicious labeling of Yah's "Chosen" people to continue?
    Choose wisely. Yah is watching.
    KNOW THIS...
    The Israelites are waking up!!!
    ...and yes, "it matters."
    Shalom, and HalleluYAH

    • @JanetMayanja
      @JanetMayanja Місяць тому +1

      I would love to acquire knowledge of what you are saying, I have opened my bibel to understand what ypu preached and I still want to know further of what the holy spirit fed you❤God bless you for boldly spreading this❤

    • @user-wt1vu2so5d
      @user-wt1vu2so5d Місяць тому +1


  • @PKCChrisman
    @PKCChrisman Місяць тому +1

    I like ur channel , keep up the good work 😊

  • @mwangikiama8794
    @mwangikiama8794 Місяць тому

    joan Don't fear. Pursue the path of God with NO FEAR
    And i can assure you you are doing it by the Holy SPIRIT
    Keep up

  • @Getitbacknah
    @Getitbacknah 12 днів тому

    I agree God bless

  • @Camagwinee
    @Camagwinee Місяць тому +2

    Is it blasphemy against the Holy Spirit when a message or prophecy from God is being portrayed as a lie? This is in reference on this prophecy being portrayed as a lie?

  • @chelliranstead9884
    @chelliranstead9884 Місяць тому

    Thank you God bless

  • @k_riz2118
    @k_riz2118 Місяць тому +1

    I knew her and Todd was not right I looked at both of them and said there is something wrong. Confirmation and I habe never seen your page before and look how the lord confirms WAW I pray they repent and turn to the real Jesus

  • @JanetMayanja
    @JanetMayanja Місяць тому

    Amen❤❤please continu doing the words of the God the mist high under the guidance of the holy spirit.Ypur boldness helps me continue waiting on the lord as i pray and try spread what you telling uss❤❤tour words make my fear firmer within the lordd may God bless you and open more ways foe ypu to spread what the lord needs to you to spread❤❤❤

  • @marioallen6380
    @marioallen6380 Місяць тому

    Most BLESSED ❤

  • @MNard-sy1kf
    @MNard-sy1kf Місяць тому +1

    God knows everything and yet he needs spies to inform him of what is going on, does that even make sense? Lawd have mercy 🤦🏾

  • @mercyayodele1356
    @mercyayodele1356 13 днів тому

    Just imagine God passing judgment on everyone, including you yourself, will you survive??? I think your heart pure, you just need more knowledge and more discipleship. God loves his body soooo much, he won’t send you to fight HIS body. Peace

  • @robynrob9471
    @robynrob9471 Місяць тому

    Yes let’s get it right cuz Jesus coming back and fighting prophets ain’t going with Him

  • @FaithJarman
    @FaithJarman Місяць тому +3

    My heart dropped when you called Kevin Ewing. I just released a video about Kevin Ewing and Tiphani Montgomery. The Holy Spirit led me to call them out... TOGETHER.

    • @joanne.gabriel
      @joanne.gabriel  Місяць тому +2

      and people still think i’m lying 🤷🏾‍♀️ we will all see their fall and the mockers will be silenced!!!

    • @Krissyfromthebronx
      @Krissyfromthebronx Місяць тому

      Together 💯

  • @Slide4ArchAngelMichael
    @Slide4ArchAngelMichael Місяць тому +3

    I apologize for what i said. I’m reassessing your aura & it stands true. I don’t know Tiphani btw & don’t care too.

  • @preztjuswoman
    @preztjuswoman Місяць тому +3

    Thank you for this word and the word prior. I don't have any issue with Tiphani but wondered why she was called a prophet because I haven't heard any prophecies from her. I also wondered why she has such a strong connection to Nigeria, especially because so many pastors use witchcraft.
    Thank you Lord for confirming what I was feeling in the spirit.

    • @Shereadsherbible
      @Shereadsherbible Місяць тому +2

      You are very silly for that nigeria comment. There's witchcraft in every corner of this earth, even in your "perfect and pure" country . So for your ridiculous statement there are no real children of God in nigeria?? Or does God not exist there ?? And you call yourself a Christian?? Tiphani went there on assignment. Where did God command jonah to go? Since you've decided to judge my country as a whole, let God judge you the same. Very silly, ridiculous, gross statement.

    • @natishagarrett7217
      @natishagarrett7217 Місяць тому +1

      Hi, I saw Tiphani prophesy at her last conference in Atlanta. Also, She's always giving us messages from the Lord. Remember, just as their are different types of Angels there are different types of Prophets.

  • @denisedavis5351
    @denisedavis5351 5 днів тому

    People having itching ears a good tree can’t bare evil fruit And Typhani not walking in the fruits of the spirit calling us Dum and that if we don’t repent judgment is coming to us Typhani going to hard and raising her voice was creepy and cultish behavior

  • @crysstrueheart9404
    @crysstrueheart9404 Місяць тому +3

    What the hades is this? 😮

  • @browneyes1310
    @browneyes1310 Місяць тому +1

    1 first Peter chapter 4 vs 17

  • @EvaKoerth
    @EvaKoerth Місяць тому

    So I believe I'm thee Jezebel of Revelation. Can you please pray for me? I fobt know how to change. Maybe at this time I don't even want to...?

  • @kimberlywaller4736
    @kimberlywaller4736 Місяць тому

    Hi 👋🏾 I thought I was the most hated and I haven’t even begun yet

  • @angelaburnett4086
    @angelaburnett4086 Місяць тому

    ❤❤❤😂😂you are doing unto. The Lord thanks for your boldness

  • @fostenalifeandhealthcoach
    @fostenalifeandhealthcoach Місяць тому

    New subscriber. Blessings Prophetess Joanne. May God continue to bless you and keep you. ( People hated Jesus too as he was the son of God! Keep doing His will🔥)
    I pray people take heed and really seek Holy Spirit. The truth sets us free. God will always send a warning (s). No one is exempt from repentance.
    Romans 2:4 "Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?"
    Blessings 🙏🛡🔥

  • @user-ln3pk2cw1r
    @user-ln3pk2cw1r 13 днів тому

    Stop bashing each other and let us work together to build Gods kingdom Jesus is coming soon repent and be baptize too much prophetess these days after 38yrs and 3 kids my husband left home and wants a divorce to marry a prophetess is that of God I pray God forgive them I am trusting God for my husband to come home 🙏

  • @KYV97
    @KYV97 11 днів тому

    There is a whole lot you’re saying that is not sitting right with me at all.
    We shouldn’t be tearing each other down, when you rebuke someone you have to be specific about what it is you’re correcting otherwise you’re just slandering the other person.

  • @user-ww5by3bs9i
    @user-ww5by3bs9i Місяць тому


  • @heavensLuv
    @heavensLuv Місяць тому

    My prophetic anointing that was prophesied over my life is that I am an undercover agent - a spy also in this land, glory to Jesus Christ!!! You are blessed when they rise up against you, that's how you check your spiritual temperature and you don't need to dignify their reproaches!!! Jesus will vindicate you as He has done for me!!! 🌈☝️✝️☝️🌈

  • @bserki4034
    @bserki4034 Місяць тому

    Repent the kingdom of God is at hand 🤚 I saw a bell 🔔 covered in 💎💎💎💎 came out of the cloud ☁️ ringing in a brand new city 🌆 ringing to wake people up 🆙 wake up ⬆️ in Jesus Christ name I pass this message🧎🏻‍♀️🥲

  • @mkerone21
    @mkerone21 Місяць тому

    Only Jesus is perfect. All other prophets had flaws

  • @daneshiastewart5642
    @daneshiastewart5642 Місяць тому

    You have to speak through a spirit,holy spirit,what is righteous,not a spirit, please also know what is fruit

    • @daneshiastewart5642
      @daneshiastewart5642 Місяць тому

      I pray that u test the spirits on stuff , the holy Spirit, ask God to give u a understanding, pray before you read , devil can confuse u with scriptures , and yeah I'm blessed, and speak the words u are saying to ur self okay ,God bless u ,I pray u really do the will of my father, not ur will,his will

  • @jentunjenga5925
    @jentunjenga5925 Місяць тому


    • @GwendolynDickson-kz1mn
      @GwendolynDickson-kz1mn Місяць тому

      Good morning how you doing thank you for that word that God is using you in this end time and you also is speaking the truth cuz I used to follow her and I stopped her and the truth will set us all free thank you

  • @wordhannah528
    @wordhannah528 11 днів тому +1

    I pray you will stay silent for your own sake! You are embarrasing yourself and making Christians look soo bad. This will not advance the kingdom of God. Please stop this noneless and have some humility.

  • @mgb7617
    @mgb7617 8 днів тому

    His name is Yeshua.

  • @StallionBeauty11
    @StallionBeauty11 13 днів тому

    Tiphani's fruit is spoiled! I stopped following her 2 years ago for this reason. You may fake gifts, but you can't fake the fruit of the Spirit.

  • @josephinetetteh574
    @josephinetetteh574 Місяць тому +2

    No one should understand your assignment because it's between you and God. I know your prophecies are real because God shows me the same visions you see but haven't looked into it yet , so your platform is what God uses to elaborate it for me. Example is God showed a very tall basketball player ( more or less like a giant) in bright green NBA jersey. I don't know what team that is because I'm African and I'm not so familiar with the basketball teams and the names. Plus , with the squid spirits, I'm just sitting back watching and letting the spirit of the lord okay everything out before my eyes.
    I know for certain too that the squid spirits are after the true prophets of Yeshua ( the afflictions and attacks from the water spirits)
    Last but not least, to be a true prophet of God, you will have to stand against the crowd like the prophet Jeremiah ( your prophecies will not tally with what the other prophets say) I pray the Lord continues to give you a tough skin to accomplish the Assignment. You are covered by the blood of Jesus.