I just laughed at how torn Astrid is at the fact her pupil makes a frigging Alchemist Stone and uses it to make a friggin pie. She even breaks when Rorona tells her she made "the ingredient for a perfect pie" when Astrid asks if she even knows what it is.
I just laughed at how torn Astrid is at the fact her pupil makes a frigging Alchemist Stone and uses it to make a friggin pie. She even breaks when Rorona tells her she made "the ingredient for a perfect pie" when Astrid asks if she even knows what it is.
I know Rorona likes pies,but I didn't think any of these were even possible to make.
Rorona's crazy pie antics
Now am i crazy, or is that pie talking!
I can make dragon pies anytime in real life.
That was hilarious
= 3
atelier games r so cute n fun
:'( poor pie... i what this game soooo bad
this is soo funny