Asring van papa verloren, duiken met gevonden-verloren

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • On Monday, July 15, I was paddleboarding. Normally, I always take off my rings, but this time I didn't. I went into the water briefly, and when I climbed back onto my board, my dad's memorial ring slipped off. I tried to catch it but saw it go into the water. Unfortunately, the area was 1.50 meters deep with about 50 cm of algae, making it impossible to see the bottom. I quickly realized I wasn't going to find it. I immediately grabbed my phone and pinned the exact coordinates. I posted a call for help on Facebook, hoping to find a diver or someone similar. Many people suggested contacting Found-Lost. I filled out a form, and within a few hours, I received a call. Since I have great faith in humanity, I posted the coordinates online. However, it turns out many people would search but not return the ring. Geert and Danny thought it was important to go as soon as possible, so they planned to go the next morning at 10 a.m. The area where I lost the ring was near a private bungalow park, so we first went to the reception to explain what we were doing. The lady there was very helpful and checked which cottage was empty and close to the spot so we could park the car there. Geert put on his diving suit, and we went to the waterfront. The coordinates were quite accurate because within a few minutes, we heard a beep. Geert surfaced to report that he had detected a silver object. I thought it couldn't be that quick. But indeed! A moment later, he surfaced again with my memorial ring! It's incredible how quickly they found it! My dad was back with me!! I am eternally grateful to Geert and Danny for making time for me so quickly!
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