Thank you so much for this video! I love reindeer moss. I've collected it since I was little, but never knew how to preserve it. For this information, I am so greatful! I will try it out very soon, as I just happened to have collected some recently. I subscribed, and look forward to watching more of your videos. Thanks again, from NY state in the USA.
Great video! Very informative and just what I was looking for. I am in Ontario, Canada, and we have tons of moss, so I am excited to try this. Thanks for sharing & and I love your personality!
Many types of vegetation can be preserved with glycerin. I have some leaves I picked and preserved more than ten years ago and they are dark, but still flexible. They were in a dark box for most of the time - I think they would not have lasted so long in sunlight.
Thanks for the tutorial! I still have one question, do you need to dry the moss after collecting from the forest, before putting it into the solution? If yes how do you dry it, and when do you know it's ready to put into the solution? Merry Christmas and a great start into new year!
I live in Alabama & we have lots of reindeer lichen/moss in the woods. I'm going to go get some tomorrow & want to try this. Only thing is I can't find where to buy the glycerol ☹️
I just bought some moss to use for crafts, love everything nature to use for decorating, it was expensive. I was thinking to myself I probably could do my own moss, like you found nothing online showing how to preserve moss.This was interesting and informative, thanking for sharing.
Hello Natalia, Great video. in the USA one use for this Lichen moss is for use as trees on model trains, it can get expensive to buy already prepared. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Rob
Hi can you tell people to all was leave 80% so it can feed animals and regrow Iv seen a lot of flowers lost in the wild or in a place it grew and then to much was pike
hello Natalia, you explained that very well. i'm going to try this too. Which road was that where you passed on the way back. Where there was such a beautiful big moss. 🤭👍 really super beautiful. Kind regards, Conny😉👍🍀🌹
Hey! I am trying to clean and dry some Missouri rock moss for gluing onto a paintball or airsoft weapon for ghillie-like camouflage. What is THE best method to washing and drying moss to keep it not only green, but mailable and not brittle?
I would recommend to wash this type of moss very gently or maybe even better if you just clip the soil and other dirt with scissors. After that, you can stabilize it with glycerol and water as I did in this video, just don't add paint to keep it more natural for better camouflage
Yes! I used my solution three times and probably could use more. But is it good to add more paint after each time because otherwise color becomes lighter. And don't forget to heat it. I used microwave
Thank you so much for your video. I just picked a bunch of moss and I am trying your technique now. I was wondering is your moss still green and soft? I want to make thinhs to sell and Iwant to be sure the moss stays nice. Thank you so much!
Is the moss still looking good? Also, I read that cockroaches are attracted to glycerin! So just to be sure, I've been thinking of something that could stop that. Maybe satin acrylic sealer spray after the glycerin moss is dry? I read about applying hairspray and I guess it has a chemical reaction leading to color loss. What are your thoughts on options? There's not many discussions around preserving plants this way for permanent display.
Inspiring video! :) I'd love to make some acoustic panels with this moss for our podcast studio. If only we had the same access to reindeer moss here in the states!
wow! I imagine it will look amazing and functional! great idea! Scandinavia is a perfect place to collect this moss, I agree :) but try your luck. Start with a pine forest
Hi! I dont know what area of the states you live, but I am in Northern Michigan and reindeer moss is very abundant here. I googled what type of environment it grows in and that was a big help in locating it. I learned its a lot more plentiful than I imagined.... but then, I never looked for it before.
Natalia, I have the same question as Tim. I read some where that you have to dry the moss before putting it into the solution. Did you do this? Thanks.
You are so right you can't find any video's on drying moss. I loved your tutorial, great job. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished clock.
Thanks! it is comming soon!
thank you Nathalia, your presentation is beautiful, not at all agressive like other people do....nice music, perfect!
Beautiful living moss artwork by you Hobby Lobby ! My sisters and I are fans of these living moss wall plants artwork.
THIS is really interesting.
I surfed whole internet but I was not able to fine any information on this topic. You helped a lot!
Thank you, Mihir! I am happy to hear that!
Thank you so much for this video! I love reindeer moss. I've collected it since I was little, but never knew how to preserve it. For this information, I am so greatful! I will try it out very soon, as I just happened to have collected some recently. I subscribed, and look forward to watching more of your videos. Thanks again, from NY state in the USA.
Great video! Very informative and just what I was looking for. I am in Ontario, Canada, and we have tons of moss, so I am excited to try this. Thanks for sharing & and I love your personality!
Many types of vegetation can be preserved with glycerin. I have some leaves I picked and preserved more than ten years ago and they are dark, but still flexible. They were in a dark box for most of the time - I think they would not have lasted so long in sunlight.
Thanks for sharing your experience!
Thank you so much for this!!!! You are so sweet! Happy Naturing!!
Thank you so much for sharing your video, you are so sweet and am looking forward to watching more of your videos ❣️
This is really useful for people making dioramas/sceneries. Thanks for sharing!
Why I'm here 👍
Thank you for taking the time to make this video and share it with us. 👍😊
Thanks for the tutorial!
I still have one question, do you need to dry the moss after collecting from the forest, before putting it into the solution? If yes how do you dry it, and when do you know it's ready to put into the solution?
Merry Christmas and a great start into new year!
Good question
This is so helpful. I am making my first moss-project now with reindeer lichten, and following your guide step-by step!
Your video is informative, charming and quirky, nice
Very informative video. Super
Ohhh tack! Jag har letat i timmar efter hur man kan färga mossa och så äntligen hittar man din video!
Tack! :)
Lucky! I wish we had that moss in the USA. Thanks for the video!
Yeah this type of moss only grows in very high quality air, we have some here but not much
I live in Alabama & we have lots of reindeer lichen/moss in the woods. I'm going to go get some tomorrow & want to try this. Only thing is I can't find where to buy the glycerol ☹️
I just bought some moss to use for crafts, love everything nature to use for decorating, it was expensive. I was thinking to myself I probably could do my own moss, like you found nothing online showing how to preserve moss.This was interesting and informative, thanking for sharing.
बहुत ही बेहतरीन वीडियो पूरे यूट्यूब पर बस एक ही मिला 🙏🤗❤
Thank you for the great information!
Super génial !! Merci beaucoups de votre expérience et partage !!
Great video. Not too long and just the important parts. Thumbs up 👍
Hello Natalia, Great video. in the USA one use for this Lichen moss is for use as trees on model trains, it can get expensive to buy already prepared. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Rob
That was very helpful. Thank you for the beautiful video😊
thank you so much for this tutorial. and for sharing your methods!!
wow thanks for sharing liked your video.
Hi natalia, thank you for this video, beautifull work.
Please no problem with insects and mosquito?
Thank you, im a terrarist, and I want to do preserved moss terrariuns, will try this!
Thank you and Aloha from Maui
Thank you from Canada. It grows here too.
Do you have suggestions on growing a moss garden outdoors? Thank you
Amazing Video Thank you for taking the time to do this!
BIG like for you! best tutorial found so far! 1000x! thanks
Very nice, thank you Natalia
Nice and crisp.thank you.
Awesome video! thank you for recording all the process!
Great vid 👌🏼 going to watch the clock now! 👏🏼👏🏼
Hi Natalia, I’m curious if you be able to use the sabe solution on yoir other moss.
Thank you
I love all yoir video
Awesome video 👌, so helpful
Hi can you tell people to all was leave 80% so it can feed animals and regrow Iv seen a lot of flowers lost in the wild or in a place it grew and then to much was pike
Great tips, there is live moss all around my home, gota definitely try this ❤
great! good luck with it!
I'm interested on doing this project. Thanks for the tips
thanks! good luck with it!
hello Natalia,
you explained that very well.
i'm going to try this too.
Which road was that where you passed on the way back. Where there was such a beautiful big moss. 🤭👍 really super beautiful.
Kind regards, Conny😉👍🍀🌹
What glycerin do you use? Food or something else?
How wonderful! I'm looking to buy preserved mosses here in Brazil, do you know who can send them?
Hey! I am trying to clean and dry some Missouri rock moss for gluing onto a paintball or airsoft weapon for ghillie-like camouflage. What is THE best method to washing and drying moss to keep it not only green, but mailable and not brittle?
I would recommend to wash this type of moss very gently or maybe even better if you just clip the soil and other dirt with scissors. After that, you can stabilize it with glycerol and water as I did in this video, just don't add paint to keep it more natural for better camouflage
@@nataliadiy1348 thanks.
Wow i wish i had a jackpot like that near me lol
Thanks you just saved me some money 💰
Please, record video with make moss wall. Tnx.
Hi, Very nice video ! how long did you left the moss drying after taking out of solution ? The room temperature and circulated or not ? Thank you.
Very curious for your next video, making a moss wall. :)
Can we save the left over glycerin mixture to use for more moss?
Thank you ♥️ this is what I was looking for. Need to see your more videos more often
thank you! It is a pleasure to hear so!
Thank you so much for this video! I have been trying to find out how to preserve mid for quite awhile now... Many thanks! ❤️
(I meant moss lol)
Hello! Is there several type of glycerol. Or we can use what we find in store?
NICE video!
Did the moss in the recycled solution preserve well? Or should the solution only be used once?
That’s what I want to know.. could the preserve be used more then once?
Yes! I used my solution three times and probably could use more. But is it good to add more paint after each time because otherwise color becomes lighter. And don't forget to heat it. I used microwave
Great video, thanks for the help 👌🏻
I have seen the same method with glyerin and alcohol (1:2), is there a difference between alcohol and water?
I tried both and preferred the one with water. When I did with alcohol paint didn't work well.
@@nataliadiy1348 thankyou very much!
Thank you so much for this video! It explained how to do it so well. 🙂
It's so interesting)!
Wow thank you so much 🇨🇦
Thank you for your good training
Is this the same way to build a moss wall?
This was sooooooo helpful!!!! Thank you so very much!!🤗
very beatifull
Thank you for sharing
Can you do your next video on moss frames, they will really look amazing!
great idea! definitely will do that!
Nice of you to share it. What's the use of glycerol in moss?
Big Help! Thank you 😊
Thank u very much.
Cant wait to try it
Very Helpful.,Thank you from France👍
Salut du coup c'est quoi la recette exact le temps d'immersion je parle pas anglais😅 merci d'avance pour ta reponse
Thank you so much for your video. I just picked a bunch of moss and I am trying your technique now. I was wondering is your moss still green and soft? I want to make thinhs to sell and Iwant to be sure the moss stays nice. Thank you so much!
Can we use next time this mixture of glicerol and water?
yes, a couple of times
Do u need to heat it again, or it is ok to dip it in to cold mixture?
Did it work with cold solution? I have a lot of moss and glycerol is quite expensive
Thank you for your interesting Video. I would like to see more of it ;-)
thanks! It is a pleasure to hear!
Hi! Is it essential that the moss is dry or can I also use fresh moss and immerse it in the solution without the dye?
Hi! It is better to have dry moss, but according to theory warm solution should replace cold water from pores anyway. I need to test that))
@@nataliadiy1348 Thanks! 🙏
is glycerine toxic to jumping spiders? I'm planning to put one preserved moss in my jumping spider enclosure
Thank you so much. This has been very helpfull :) Amazing video. I wish you all the best ❤️
Thank you for the comment! It encourages!
Can you use industrial alcohol instead of water?
very nice
Nice and informative, thanks! That's what I was looking for)
thanks for watching it!
Omg awesome ❤❤
Is the moss still looking good? Also, I read that cockroaches are attracted to glycerin! So just to be sure, I've been thinking of something that could stop that. Maybe satin acrylic sealer spray after the glycerin moss is dry? I read about applying hairspray and I guess it has a chemical reaction leading to color loss. What are your thoughts on options? There's not many discussions around preserving plants this way for permanent display.
Hello it looks very nice I have a question where can i find it plants, and whether there is a season 😊
So helpful, thank you so much!
Does the moss kept the colour and structure after month? And which sort of Colour die you use? Thank you.
Hi Natalie,thank you for your content,was very helpful .Did you dry the moss, or how do clean the roots ?THANK YOU
can i piut this moss inside the aquarium??
Very inspiring
Awesome 👌👌💟
Inspiring video! :) I'd love to make some acoustic panels with this moss for our podcast studio. If only we had the same access to reindeer moss here in the states!
wow! I imagine it will look amazing and functional! great idea! Scandinavia is a perfect place to collect this moss, I agree :) but try your luck. Start with a pine forest
Hi! I dont know what area of the states you live, but I am in Northern Michigan and reindeer moss is very abundant here. I googled what type of environment it grows in and that was a big help in locating it. I learned its a lot more plentiful than I imagined.... but then, I never looked for it before.
I live in North Alabama and it's all in the woods. Just gotta go looking for it 😉
@@nataliadiy1348 Thanks for the tip!!
@@woodspiritstudio Great advice, D Dodge! We gotta get out there and start searching!
What glycerol u have used
Natalia, I have the same question as Tim. I read some where that you have to dry the moss before putting it into the solution. Did you do this? Thanks.
After drying it. Is it alive and is ready to plant again
thank yooooou!!! :) well-done!
I'm sorry but not sure I understood well, you say water must be 70°C? But only when mixing with grycerol, right? Thanks!
What happens if you don't add the dye would it stay the natural color that it was?
beautiful. wish i could find these in India