New Video - The Trecena of Tijax (16th - 28th December 2024)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @brunhilde1
    @brunhilde1 3 дні тому +3

    Really appreciate your work in these trecena videos.

  • @johnson280
    @johnson280 День тому +1

    Thank you! It's amazing how beautifully fitting your description of a day can be! I missed this episode, so searched for it because I really wanted to know why today's energy feels so different. And what you said about today's energy was 100% in alignment with what I was feeling. But it gave me clarity only because of the way how you conveyed it.

  • @noahdragon777
    @noahdragon777 День тому +1

    Really love your 4 pillars website. Especially the keywords for each number and nawal combination. What a valuable asset! Thank you for all you do, it is much appreciated xoxo hopefully one day I can give back more than just a comment :)

  • @stolendreamscatcher
    @stolendreamscatcher 3 дні тому +3

    Thank you! I really love how while you were talking about Tz`i in the end a dog passed by :D

    • @markelmy8770
      @markelmy8770  3 дні тому +1

      It was actually my dog, Shiro, who walked past. Completely unscripted of course, she just knows when to make an entrance ;-)

  • @pamelaswansonme
    @pamelaswansonme 3 дні тому +1

    I loved watching the beauty of where you are, and I also noticed the dog when you were talking about Tz'i. I am grateful for all you do.

    • @markelmy8770
      @markelmy8770  3 дні тому +1

      It was actually my dog, Shiro, who walked past. Completely unscripted of course, she just knows when to make an entrance ;-)

  • @lifenergyawareness
    @lifenergyawareness 20 годин тому +1

    Thank you Mark~ much appreciated!!! See you for 8 Kan if that's a ceremony at your alter!!

    • @markelmy8770
      @markelmy8770  20 годин тому

      Yes, 8 Kan at 9am or 6 Aq'ab'al at 5am if you're here and fancy a sunrise solstice ceremony

  • @aidianon
    @aidianon 2 дні тому +1

    Mic quality is amazing, Mark! Absolutely fantastic explaining as always

    • @markelmy8770
      @markelmy8770  20 годин тому

      Thank you, I'm trying a new system with my DSLR and the boom mic. It seems to be a bit clearer