Eva Cassidy - Blues In The Night | THE WOLF HUNTERZ Reactions

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Peter-yj8fj
    @Peter-yj8fj Рік тому +9

    It still amazes me that more reactors don't feature this song,some of the notes she produces are mind blowing such a surprise to hear her do this style it suited her voice so much

  • @glenfarrow9376
    @glenfarrow9376 4 місяці тому +1

    love watching your reaction to Eva the voice of an angel

  • @paulsutubification
    @paulsutubification Рік тому +2

    I really enjoyed your reactions and how one will focus more on the arrangement and the other on the lyrics. Good job!

  • @philpiper
    @philpiper 2 роки тому +9

    Thank you for this amazing song from Eva. Yet another which she now owns. What a talent that is lost to the world.

  • @jimfryer1
    @jimfryer1 Рік тому +4

    Thanks for this! Blues In The Night is truly one of the best songs of the Great American Songbook, music by Harold Arlen (who wrote ALL of the songs in the Wizard of Oz) and Johnny Mercer (perhaps the greatest lyricist of that time, look him up!). All of the backing vocals are Eva as well. This is rruly a terrifc version of this song.

  • @DWilliams-ce8nb
    @DWilliams-ce8nb 2 роки тому +10

    Thanks for doing this one. Can't believe almost nobody has discovered it. Only one other reaction vid on it.

  • @ratroute8238
    @ratroute8238 Рік тому +1

    Eva had the ability to WOW listeners in so many ways, soft and so very sweet , to powerful vocals that lift you to the heights of emotion.
    On this song the background vocals are also done by Eva, with the clever way she lets the background vocals give some of the lyrics is cool.
    Chain of Fools could be your next song in this style from Eva....

  • @dgp9627
    @dgp9627 2 роки тому +6

    I'm so glad you're reacting to Eva's music. You're faces when she belts out that first line, lol! And spot on, no one's doing anything while she's on stage but listening in stunned silence. Curty Boy knows how to pick 'em!

  • @kylecompton3305
    @kylecompton3305 2 роки тому +4

    I've never heard this one and I thought I knew her entire catalog - INCREDIBLE! JAW-DROPPING!!! Thank you for bringing this one!

  • @davemcomie1526
    @davemcomie1526 7 місяців тому +2

    You gotta be kidding. The same woman who sang slow, emotional ballads like Fields of Gold and Over the Rainbow, and country tunes like My Coat of Many Colors and Danny Boy, and jazzy tunes like You've Changed and Cheek to Cheek, and folk tunes like You Take My Breath Away and Kathy's Song, also sings blues at this level? Eva had one of the greatest voices ever, and was easily the most complete singer who ever lived.

  • @caligulakaiser4262
    @caligulakaiser4262 2 роки тому +6

    Suzi, OMG I thought right away too. 😁

  • @suzannehorne4115
    @suzannehorne4115 4 місяці тому +1


  • @davidlewis1050
    @davidlewis1050 Рік тому +1


  • @alanaltimont9007
    @alanaltimont9007 Рік тому +1

    You guys! Great reactions!

  • @baron6797
    @baron6797 Рік тому +1

    I love your reaction. When it comes to music, you guys are hitting the reactions at the right time! It's weird that not everyone hits those reactions! Some people are stone faced when singers hit 'that' note, so horrible!! You guys are not only listening with your ears!! You're definitely using your soul ears

  • @TellAugustin
    @TellAugustin 8 місяців тому +1

    Eva is class

  • @longgrayline8055
    @longgrayline8055 Рік тому

    Her voice takes me back to the Classic Hollywood singers that were the best of the best. She would have been headlining in Vegas or on Broadway back in the day. Maybe even been the classic voice of Disney during their heyday. She was perfection.

  • @paulsutubification
    @paulsutubification Рік тому

    You guys look so bad boys in your intro but you’re both very intuitive and emotional just like the rest of us! Love your recreations especially my sister with the facial expressions.

  • @jfree336
    @jfree336 2 роки тому +8

    And she scats? Is there anything she could not do? My new favorite singer

    • @markkubiak8296
      @markkubiak8296 Рік тому +3

      Eva is brilliant. Mine too. Nobody can do it like Eva!!

  • @paulsutubification
    @paulsutubification Рік тому

    Bro, as a musician, I totally get what you appreciate.

  • @paulsutubification
    @paulsutubification Рік тому

    I have the luxury of being both a singer and a drummer, and a guitar player and so I appreciate all of it! Btw, like Don Henley and Phil Collins, it’s not as hard as people think if you have timing in your soul and therefore can’t mostly concentrate on your vocals. Again, you cannot forget about your timing.

  • @melodyannherringmcneely7842
    @melodyannherringmcneely7842 2 роки тому

    Such a change but how cool is this!!!😮❤😊

  • @RonaldOffTheRecord
    @RonaldOffTheRecord 3 місяці тому

    5:06 I remember some commenter describing that sound Eva makes as what would happen if you kneed a stag in the balls. (or something like that) LOL!
    SO FUN to watch you react to every note she belts and twists! Eva was such a master. Truly a loss!

  • @paulsutubification
    @paulsutubification Рік тому +1

    Y’all like jazz

  • @ratroute8238
    @ratroute8238 2 роки тому +4

    Eva also did Chain of Fools !

  • @ichthus1890
    @ichthus1890 2 роки тому +3

    Your expressions at the beginning of this song calls to mind 'carolina reaper' contestants before giving in to that first gulp of milk. Yeah, Eva is hot. Much respect to you for reacting to her songs. She is a true gem. Have you done 'At the dark end of the street'?

  • @patrickbonney8082
    @patrickbonney8082 2 роки тому +2

    Blue dose it for me...

  • @RobRager
    @RobRager 2 роки тому +5

    Not bad, for a song that’s been around since the early 1940’s

  • @brubry12
    @brubry12 Рік тому

    Please check out Eva singing Honeysuckle Rose and do a reaction video on it.

  • @grahamharper8114
    @grahamharper8114 2 роки тому +1

    I'd like to hear Sia sing like this, I wonder if Eva inspired Sia.

  • @kendrabrown655
    @kendrabrown655 Рік тому

    Yall should check out buddy guy sweet home Chicago

  • @patrickbonney8082
    @patrickbonney8082 2 роки тому +1

    Or turquoise!

  • @Wolttizm
    @Wolttizm 2 роки тому +1

    Sort of Manhattan Transfer-ish.

  • @harlech52
    @harlech52 2 роки тому +1

    Just a personal view...the intro "noise" was annoying.

  • @datguy9915
    @datguy9915 Рік тому

    I dont care that voice is the best ever hands down