Erik Feldbabel Cehia Marele premiu la''Cantecul de Dragoste de a Lungul Dunarii'' BRAILA 2012

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @gabrielasvechova5275
    @gabrielasvechova5275 7 років тому


  • @IGCTtyrristorr
    @IGCTtyrristorr 10 років тому

    Erik is the Best!

  • @janadvorakova6346
    @janadvorakova6346 6 років тому

    Nejlepší 😊

  • @spiritofthewinds9089
    @spiritofthewinds9089 Рік тому

    Was this a verbuňk performance for the Romanian tv?😃 How interesting, never Seen the verbuňk anywhere but in ČR ! His voice And dance are really amazing. Whats the song called he danced to? I hear it so often but never knew the title😅

    • @matyasnovotny9580
      @matyasnovotny9580 Рік тому

      Verbuňk was in the past a dance for soldiers that were going to war, it was basically their goodbye thing, its still holding on to this dance on south moravia and the song is called Prečo jste ma zverbovali.

    • @spiritofthewinds9089
      @spiritofthewinds9089 Рік тому

      ​@@matyasnovotny9580 thank you😊 yes, I know that it's a recruiting dance and sort of goodbye dance to their loved ones, but by now I've found out that there's comparable dances(but I think they look very different) in slovak and hungarian culture, is that right? Is there also a thing like that in Romanian culture? I think all these cultures are connected, but about Romanian influence to Moravia (or the other way around) I know nothing sadly...