The Future of Guitar Retail (Open books - part 3)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @nationalduo4945
    @nationalduo4945 8 місяців тому +29

    We need more small stores like yours…thanks for sharing…

    • @AndSan-n7q
      @AndSan-n7q 5 місяців тому

      100 % agree, seam to be up front and honest, and knowable, wish there were more stores like this in my area .

  • @a-nus
    @a-nus 8 місяців тому +15

    You're an angel for taking over that business instead of letting it die

  • @iansleeper
    @iansleeper 8 місяців тому +2

    Proud that my hometown shop is determined to be the last bastion of local guitar stores. Thanks for fighting the good fight, Marc.

  • @LP5369GT
    @LP5369GT 8 місяців тому +8

    Really enjoyed all of these. Nothing like hearing it straight from the guy who does it everyday. Thanks for sharing, much respect to your whole philosophy.

  • @clicks59
    @clicks59 8 місяців тому +9

    Thanks Mark. Your honesty and integrity are greatly appreciated. Good luck!!

  • @leahcim38
    @leahcim38 8 місяців тому +2

    There are no other amp techs in the immediate area. Everyone i know uses Gary's amp tech! Paul, thank you!!! Have my own HVAC business and it drove me to hating my industry... then i found vintage refrigerators... and im just starting a new venture where people are actually happy to hand me a check. I work on products that i can truly stand by now and its fun! Happy money is the key!

  • @buckinvt
    @buckinvt 15 днів тому

    Mark, I have relatives in NH. Next time I visit them, I'll come and check out your place. I'm looking forward to it

  • @HollywoodRecordingStudio
    @HollywoodRecordingStudio 8 місяців тому +2

    Our local music store recently closed. The owner retired.
    What I especially liked about going to the store was the owner would always tell me exactly what he thought of any product. No sugar coating . . . Just a straight honest answer.

  • @ShawnBrockMusic
    @ShawnBrockMusic 8 місяців тому

    Man, the small shop has dwindled away during my lifetime, and I want you to know I appreciate stores like yours, and channels like yours. I also enjoy these videos very much.

  • @MDaff-v2s
    @MDaff-v2s 8 місяців тому +3

    I watch on another device. Just pressed sub.
    You really really touched me, honestly I didn't think there was still folk around like you. I hope you can carry on doing what you do. ❤ from uk.
    Ps found you years ago, blues junior video.

  • @leahcim38
    @leahcim38 8 місяців тому +2

    Ive swapped amazon for ebay and i find it a more enjoyable experience with the option of haggling which is one of my favorite parts of a purchase. No more buying from a-mason

    • @Scott__C
      @Scott__C 8 місяців тому

      For me, I hate the haggle. If a place is going to give a deal, then just give it or just post a price.

  • @darrenmichaels
    @darrenmichaels 8 місяців тому +6

    Thanks for doing these. Your candor is enlightening. Cool shop, by the way.

  • @gunsofsteele
    @gunsofsteele 8 місяців тому +2

    Sure, newbies can purchase via the net, but I gotta say, when you've got a few hours under your belt you start to realize how valuable having your hands on something before buying is the best. Good independent stores offer a personal touch on-line stores try to match but always fail.
    Thanks Gary! And Mark! 😂

  • @danthegeetarman
    @danthegeetarman 8 місяців тому +2

    Always great to hear your take. There’s a local store in my nearby city very similar to yours. I try to stop there any time I can and just buy random stuff - just to support

  • @claudiajay8291
    @claudiajay8291 7 місяців тому

    We definately need shops like yours to stay ! Who will do the mods and maintenance on guitars that people buy only. We are going to need more shops for lessons and for swaps . I hear Walmart is having troubles …Wish I was closer to Portsmouth … Im in Worcester …being an over 60 woman , sales people in Guitar Center make me feel invisible.

  • @patrickhanly7458
    @patrickhanly7458 14 днів тому

    Convert to a boutique instrument store. We need more of those.

  • @floridasaltlife
    @floridasaltlife 4 місяці тому

    Awesome video, very realistic view of a small niche business. !! Great channel, I am going back and watching all your stuff...

  • @carznart
    @carznart 8 місяців тому

    I think was 1960s that got guitar stores going. Me and my generation all wanted to imitate the Beatles, Stones. I wore out the Sears catalog looking at guitars along with Montgomery Wards. I remember drooling over a guitar displayed in the window of our local music store. Now at age 70 I’ve lost track of how many guitars I’ve owned and I’m still buying from EBay, Sweetwater etc.

  • @WillHammerhead
    @WillHammerhead 8 місяців тому

    Im an orchestral musician, but i have always played guitar on the side. There is a big difference between walking into a store that sells band instruments and ones that sell guitars. For me, guitar stores are much less welcoming (generally, not always). Employees follow you around like security at an art gallery, and you always feel watched. Band stores will mostly let you do your own thing, and you dont feel bad about playing an instrument 3-10x the price of a murphy lab gibson (of course ask first, but you feel much more motivated to ask).
    I know this experience isn't the same at every guitar store, but im just putting my 2 cents in. I love play-testing brass instruments at a shop, but i almost rather order my guitars online. I have to imagine other people feel the same.

  • @DirtbikeXpeditions
    @DirtbikeXpeditions 8 місяців тому

    There is still a segment of buyers that value expertise and service after the sale. I don’t know if that segment is big enough to keep independent stores afloat, but I hope so. We just lost our music store in our community this past year and we are definitely worse off because of it.

  • @markallen381
    @markallen381 8 місяців тому +6

    We may never pass this way again and if we do we'll be playing keyboards and computers not guitars. It's sad, but that's what happens. Things change and nothing always stays the same. I got my first guitar in 1965 and was a Beatles wanabee. Now I'm retired (71 yo) and would like to make my first hit record (what a Dreamer). I've been in Gary's Guitars and I just love going in there. It's love that keeps those things going! I remember going into an old violin shop (it's gone) and that was popular before the 60s. Before that was the Ukes (I don't know what happened to them but, their not around). In Somersworth, NH.

  • @whenvioletsturngrey9597
    @whenvioletsturngrey9597 8 місяців тому

    Here in Portland, OR we have a few small stores that are really great. What seems to set them apart from the online world is that they have “real” pricing, honesty & a good amount of good gear turnover. IM not always in the market to throw a bunch of money their way but, I’m always happy to buy a tshirt, picks strings, straps, cables from them. Sometimes they even have an old case in the back they just need to see “gone” & they throw me a really good deal. Hopefully this culture can hold on for the long term & people learn to value relationships with small business again. We need you guys!

  • @harryjones5260
    @harryjones5260 8 місяців тому

    as musician i have always bought all my instruments in person. something so precious just cannot be trusted from afar or in the mail.

  • @daveduffy2823
    @daveduffy2823 8 місяців тому

    From what I see in other videos, guitar prices are really going down to the point of when it breaks, trash it and get a new one. If the industry keeps trying to be like the cellphone industry, that’s what is going to happen. There will still be stores, but it’ll be the Gibson or Fender brand store.

  • @estateownsghostshow
    @estateownsghostshow 8 місяців тому

    I love stores for buying pedals and supplies, but I always felt self conscious trying out guitars or amps without privacy. I always felt judged by the staff (small store or big box). I am sure that this is my problem, but I have had some bad experiences (not at Gary's). This is the reason that I am more inclined to buy through the mail, even though the guitars usually need set up and work, rather than in a store.

  • @CameraLaw
    @CameraLaw 8 місяців тому +2

    For me, the pandemic helped me to appreciate getting out and going shopping. When the lockdown lifted, one of my first trips was to a local guitar store where I ended up purchasing one of the best acoustics it had on the wall. Such a nice experience to support a business again. And for me, so nice to look around. Try instruments. Gab with the salesman. And, after three trips, make the store’s day.

  • @tedparkinson6892
    @tedparkinson6892 8 місяців тому

    The smaller town I grew up in used to have one or two guitar/music stores but now it has zero. Which is really sad. There is a business that sells a few guitars, but it is not a full service music store.
    On the other hand, I own over 20 guitars and have never purchased one online. And there are a lot of options including eBay, etc. But I always have to play the guitar and hear what it sounds like before I wanna commit to purchasing it. So I have bought new guitars, used guitars from stores, used guitars from individuals. So “brick and mortar“ guitar store or Music store will always have that Advantage. People will always wanna walk in and try stuff and that creates a better connection. This is different from, for example, vacuum cleaner stores or houseware stores, where it’s easy to order that stuff online.
    These videos are great. Thanks for making them!

  • @Barbarapape
    @Barbarapape 8 місяців тому

    Where i live in the UK, the last guitar store closed 2 years ago, now i have no choice
    except to buy even some strings by mailorder.
    I would be very reluctant to buy a new or used guitar without inspecting and playing it first.
    But this seems to be the way this business is going, which is a shame.
    The days are now gone where you ended up on first name terms with your local store.
    Best of luck for the future.

  • @brandonbutler8808
    @brandonbutler8808 8 місяців тому

    I always appreciate and want to buy from brick and mortar local guitar shops for my strings, set ups, and new gear.

  • @williamstanford7994
    @williamstanford7994 8 місяців тому

    I've done my part. I still own around fifteen guitars, and have given away about five or six. But well-heeled guitar players like myself can't keep buying guitars, amps, pedals, and so forth. Plus, I stopped visiting local stores when they didn't carry the high end stuff I wanted. I get it, but everything I now have was special ordered or from an internet search. So, no more hanging out at the local store.

  • @JD-te2pv
    @JD-te2pv 8 місяців тому +1

    Sam Ash used to be good for basic production USA Gibsons until recently (since Sammy Ash passed away).
    Last time I checked, SA is pushing Michael Kelly and Epiphone, Squiers.

  • @jasonmccarthy3370
    @jasonmccarthy3370 8 місяців тому

    Thanks Mark, I really enjoy your videos.

  • @tonyperiphoto
    @tonyperiphoto 8 місяців тому

    As well as the independent music stores, there are also independent and small wholesalers of musical instruments. They are very much like your store and face the same issues - including when these big stores go 'bankrupt' leaving lots of unpaid bills. Then, down the track, they resurface, with amazingly a whole lot of stock that they "didn't have" before, but appears back in the new stores. It happens here in Australia, over and over.
    What the big manufacturers lose by undercutting their wholesale distributors and music stores is a network of experienced and professional sales and repair people. Boosey & Hawkes did this, Buffet do it. They crash their own markets.

  • @Robsi60
    @Robsi60 8 місяців тому

    That is sadly the future. I follow exactly this with many stores. Since 2020 with guitar but due to the pandemic I was never in a guitar store. If I had had some advice I would have saved a lot of money. But somehow I fell in the YT trap. But now my life changed what I would call faith. But luckily I have someone in my family who will benefit of it. So it won‘t be lost. We have a saying „The last shirt has no pocket“. Anyhow I wish you all the best and run your old car until it breaks. I think many will enjoy having a guitar store and appreciate it in the future. And for sure they will regret it loosing them slowly. Good luck and all the best 🍀.

  • @SixStringJoy
    @SixStringJoy 8 місяців тому

    Great video. Recently had a chat with one of the oldest used gear store owners in the LA area. He basically told me to enjoy it while it lasts…

  • @618recordingco.5
    @618recordingco.5 8 місяців тому +2

    Thanks for the information. I liked some of the ideas from the first one.

    • @618recordingco.5
      @618recordingco.5 8 місяців тому

      Really a lot of them, just one stuck out… which is who instruments are purchased from, that could control the kinds of instruments bands from a scene might have played back in the day.

  • @fj5144
    @fj5144 8 місяців тому

    I am sure hoping it keeps working we need small business owners like you!

  • @stevec.1802
    @stevec.1802 8 місяців тому

    the main reason I haven’t shopped or purchased anything from GC in twenty years, Small established shops in our area are on my shortlist for consigning used gear or buying accessories.

  • @ARM317
    @ARM317 8 місяців тому

    Very intelligent and insightful series. I appreciate how you don't bash GC. The more people who are into music will help the whole industry, especially with schools all but abandoning the arts. It's sad. As an acoustic player, I'm so so grateful for the local shops around me. I've looked in GC many time but have always bought my guitars from local stores. Also as an acoustic player, I'd never buy an acoustic online, never.

  • @lonesomelenny7606
    @lonesomelenny7606 8 місяців тому +1

    You're a good man with a unique persona. Bravo!

  • @GuitarTraveller
    @GuitarTraveller 8 місяців тому

    Thanks for this latest installment of Open Books. Great info. In a future discussion it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on real estate issues pertaining to brick and mortar MI stores... owning the building vs lease. It was a big factor in my geographic area where I had my shop... a factor that drove a number of otherwise profitable MI stores out of business, due to skyrocketing real estate values, hence high lease costs. I'm kind of assuming you own your building, given your stability, or have some kind of lease increase long term limit. Just guessing though.

  • @adamswanson8216
    @adamswanson8216 8 місяців тому +2

    I have to tell you in my experience, working for a variety of major retailers, including Sweetwater and now independently, teaching lessons and buying and selling guitars privately, has worked out to be more beneficial to me. I guess guitars are not the backbone of my money my bread and butter is in education Music therapy education out and talking to kids and schools about where they want to be. Is it something they’re interested in trying to get the Bayern so that I can get more clients in the pipeline and currently I have 84 students after only seven months, these are the students that have not fallen off and have been with me since the beginning, so truly, I have built a pipeline at $40 a half an hour 60 an hour and that’s how I make my money now it’s certainly a lot less work than hauling equipment around and gigging and I can count on it for the most part because I have a set up on auto pay And I like working with the kids. The important thing is helping them succeed at 50 I feel the major part of my life has passed for excitement. Anyway, I’m sure I have some fun left, but truly if we can help the youth succeed and grasp and hold onto our music beliefs, and the culture of blues music then that’s what we should do, glad you’re doing that too and it sounds like you really believe in the heart of what the music store does for the community thank God for the music store that was there when I was 13 years old I used to jam there almost every day they never complained and I bought lots of guitars there

  • @thaburntone
    @thaburntone 8 місяців тому

    Hey Mark, love your videos. We are about in the same boat, it's a rough business to be in.

  • @vicarelli
    @vicarelli 8 місяців тому +1

    Hi Mark, I have watched a few of your videos here about the state of the music store. I have to disagree with you for the most part based on my personal experience running a music store. We are 85% used and buy over 700 items a month from our local customer base, our beloved customers are our vendors, so we have great vendor relationships. Personally I feel like your take on GC and the internet sound like it is the year 2000, guitars and not dead, they are 70+ percent of all our sales, and we do all the catagories, percussion, keyboards, B.I., Pro Sound. I may have a different view if I had to play the new game, compete against the internet offering you this and that for free to entice you to help them move inventory, but even if I did, there will always be a intrinsic value to having a business, ran by humans, who care, and make you feel welcome, and make sure you leave the store with something, mercahndise, directions, a smile, heck maybe just an empty bladder. I respect your opinon but it feels awfully negative at times and I just want to say to you and your followers things look great from behind my counter, I hope you can share that sentiment if you are experiencing that too. V.S.

    • @GarysGuitarsUSA
      @GarysGuitarsUSA  8 місяців тому

      I wish it were just my experience, or just my opinion. You're talking about the weather and I'm talking about climate change. As a matter of fact you're experiencing what I mentioned a couple of times,, having an opportunity to grow and flourish in a declining market. A declining market creates disruption and allows for what you're experiencing. Two things can be true from a different perspective. Congratulations on your success.

  • @jamesgibson3242
    @jamesgibson3242 8 місяців тому

    My mom bought me my first electric guitar from Guitar Center Hollywood in 1983. I bought my second electric guitar at Guitar Center again in 1989. Guitar Center is the gateway, Mark you are right.

  • @N2freedom
    @N2freedom 8 місяців тому

    Interesting information, thanks.

  • @knowyourjoe8826
    @knowyourjoe8826 8 місяців тому

    This information really resonates with me. I ahave been watching this "mini series" and am looking forward to the next one. I am little behind the curve on watching and catching up today. about to watch the 4th. I am really hoping that it does not end there. Thanks for sharing.

  • @chocokrispisconleche
    @chocokrispisconleche 8 місяців тому

    What’s crazy is that there’s a new Guitar Center opening around my city

  • @bluegryp
    @bluegryp 8 місяців тому

    The problem with most brick and mortar guitar stores is they don’t have the selection, particularly in the used arena. Unless we’re talking about a Norm’s Rare Guitars or something like that, if you’re looking for something specific, you’re much more likely to find it online. I hate that it’s the case, but unfortunately it is. Stores can only cary so much inventory. Reverb has everything.

  • @davidrodriguez6493
    @davidrodriguez6493 8 місяців тому

    Others have already said it and I'll echo that same sentiment - your thoughts and honesty are much appreciated!
    I was just doing some work on an older guitar of mine. A Korean made RG Ibanez that my parents gifted me and it's the second guitar I ever played. Never woulda gotten such a fitting and inspiring instrument if it wasn't for the recommendation and care of the independent music store worker at the time. They informed me and my parents on the details that would have been lost on us alone. And that one instrument shaped my musical journey in such deep and profound ways.

  • @GuitarsRgood7
    @GuitarsRgood7 8 місяців тому

    I didn't know your store was in Portsmouth! Next time I'm there I'll stop by!

  • @tpan17able
    @tpan17able 8 місяців тому

    Love hearing the inside guitar info!! Very cool! Wished I lived closer I’d give you my business .. I hope you continue on!.. I’ll keep watching!🎸🎸🎸

  • @stevejohnson174
    @stevejohnson174 8 місяців тому

    That's a good point. Guitar Center spends millions in ads talking about Guitars. They push your product.

  • @Scott__C
    @Scott__C 8 місяців тому

    I think when people have the option to try something in person, at least for me, it's really lessened the whole buy stuff online desire, especially something new unless there's no one selling it locally. Because then you have to either trade it in on something else or sell it locally or send it back. The latter is the worst option.
    I just have no desire to use Sweetwater. Unfortunately, GC is so hit and miss.

  • @Scott__C
    @Scott__C 8 місяців тому

    Posting again for a real question rather than a comment: If the local stores close, will there still be people who service and repair instruments? It's fine to do, but I don't necessarily care to go to someone's garage or something and frankly, I don't have the time or patience to do fretwork myself. I've tried and I just can't spend enough time getting good at it.

  • @jamesgibson3242
    @jamesgibson3242 8 місяців тому

    I remember in the late 90s Guitar Center had a spat with Gibson and GC stopped carrying Gibson for about half a year. I don't know if GC was stiffing Gibson money owed or what but GC was without Gibson and it seemed so weird to go to GC without new Gibsons on the wall. They replaced Gibson with Yamaha. Yamaha although good is not the same. I never saw so many Yamahas in one place in my life. I loved that they had so many Yamaha SGV-800s , 300s and so forth.

  • @Buzzode
    @Buzzode 8 місяців тому

    Great Videos … Would be great to see a Walk Through Tour of your Guitar Shop

  • @jasonwojcik
    @jasonwojcik 8 місяців тому

    I wish I had independent shops near by. The last one here didn't make it a year. All we have is GC. At least in my area, it seems that the population not only cannot support this kind of store. But a bigger problem is people just not into music like they used to be.
    The weird ones thing is Billie Eilish proved you can make a great album in your bedroom. You would think that would get people excited to create music
    Thank you for sharing your experience, this stuff is very interesting!

  • @jacobbond835
    @jacobbond835 8 місяців тому

    Keep up with your video’s. I buy almost all of my stuff at the local shops. I know the value of supporting my neighbours. The shop by me offers lessons which is half, or more of their business.
    Showcase some of your product! Tell me about the features. Have Gary talk about some of the things he knows.
    I love that red guitar in the background!

  • @lostlandmarks8305
    @lostlandmarks8305 7 місяців тому

    Keep the spirit going 🙏🏼

  • @andyy6481
    @andyy6481 6 місяців тому

    does offering more experience in store help, like free lessons, or mod your guitars, putting your own guitar together using kits and group gathering to make friends and talk about music?

  • @acousticshadow4032
    @acousticshadow4032 8 місяців тому

    Very candid and most informative, Mark. 😉

  • @BobbyTaylor-io1od
    @BobbyTaylor-io1od 8 місяців тому

    excellent business philosophy and positive attitude

  • @philipbard2333
    @philipbard2333 8 місяців тому

    Really enjoy these, Mark. Thanks.

  • @GuillermoCarrasco
    @GuillermoCarrasco 8 місяців тому

    May be there are more people selling than buying guitars and musical instruments in general...

  • @vanhalen5150jhs
    @vanhalen5150jhs 8 місяців тому +1

    Like your insight into the industry

  • @williammouri1096
    @williammouri1096 8 місяців тому

    You are a rare man. Best of luck to you.

  • @firebladeclements
    @firebladeclements 8 місяців тому +1

    Do you own the building? Probably the biggest key to longevity I would think. If it's pretty much paid off I mean.
    You gotta cook double the hamburgers otherwise!

  • @robertfield1655
    @robertfield1655 8 місяців тому

    Thanks for these videos. Lots of insight into the independent music store business. Like everyone else, I buy a lot of stuff online, but I have never bought a guitar that way - always at a store. How can you make that big/important of a purchase without spending time with the instrument? How can you judge the tone, playability, feel, etc from online photographs? I usually play a guitar for an hour or two at the store before deciding to buy it.
    Independent music stores will be sorely missed when that business model finally dies.

  • @musicfingerprints3045
    @musicfingerprints3045 8 місяців тому +2

    Thanks for your videos…. Despite all…I’m thinking about opening a guitar store. For the reasons you mentioned. Because it’s something I like. It’s not to become rich…. Let’s see if/when I decide to. I d like to have your point of view!

  • @AgusGonzalez1998
    @AgusGonzalez1998 8 місяців тому

    Loving the series! Thank you!

  • @RobertFairweatherMusic
    @RobertFairweatherMusic 8 місяців тому

    Every business has a life cycle. Do you have a large lesson base?

  • @claudiajay8291
    @claudiajay8291 8 місяців тому

    Hey Mark , I’m wondering if you’ve setup your own store on Amazon and /or Reverb? Or even EBay? I buy a lot of gear from my loc in Worcester using online sites … I think you’re right that local shops will still be needed to maintain and repair equipment . Nothing like hands on trying before you buy ! But I think sales online are going to increase . 👍

  • @thomascoolberth2648
    @thomascoolberth2648 8 місяців тому

    Ahhhhh .... did not know you were so close.

  • @ltgray2780
    @ltgray2780 8 місяців тому

    What's that black Gretsch on the wall with the P90's? Or are they staple pickups? Looks like the only other guitar I need.

  • @Joe-mz6dc
    @Joe-mz6dc 8 місяців тому

    Cool. Your store is great.

  • @johnroberts1141
    @johnroberts1141 5 місяців тому

    Very perceptive.

  • @DoctorMindbender
    @DoctorMindbender 8 місяців тому

    Manufacturing of new consumer products, especially imports, is on the way out. Used market and rentals are the future. Circular human centipede economy.

  • @scottfitchet9499
    @scottfitchet9499 8 місяців тому

    Good job Marc!

  • @hubridgell4511
    @hubridgell4511 8 місяців тому

    Excellent video-you definitely need to write a book and become a part time motivational speaker-seriously.

  • @robertgallagher2226
    @robertgallagher2226 16 днів тому

    we need more small shops.

  • @c849243
    @c849243 8 місяців тому

    Where is your store, Mark?

  • @son0fsocal
    @son0fsocal 8 місяців тому

    I can see the demise of Brick and mortar coming fast, this opinion may no be popular, but I avoid Mom and pop stores because “All sales are Final” small businesses can’t afford to allow returns. And small businesses make you feel awkward when you walk in.

  • @Barry101er
    @Barry101er 8 місяців тому

    Personally, I have never bought a guitar online that I kept for any length of time; whereas the guitar I bought at my local shop I don’t ever see selling.

  • @williamstanford7994
    @williamstanford7994 8 місяців тому

    Is that a Baldwin Gretsch over your left shoulder??

  • @Max-million
    @Max-million 5 місяців тому

    Do you buy older guitar collections?

    • @GarysGuitarsUSA
      @GarysGuitarsUSA  5 місяців тому

      yes, locally, where are you located?

    • @Max-million
      @Max-million 5 місяців тому

      @@GarysGuitarsUSA I’m down in South Florida.

  • @jasonthemason1971
    @jasonthemason1971 8 місяців тому

    Way too many scammers & wannabes selling on Facebook marketplace. It’s really ruined the market.
    They are selling for cash only and don’t charge sales tax, but they sell as much as registered business.
    I have been reporting them to the IRS.
    As far as repair goes. Over 50% of repair calls are how much and how fast. I provide neither over the phone or am either in my repair shop.

    • @TheRange7
      @TheRange7 8 місяців тому +1

      I totally agree. I don't even look there.

  • @watermelon1147
    @watermelon1147 8 місяців тому +1

    A lot of new stuff is disgustingly overpriced. The entire fender line basically only good for firewood. A custom Gibson, you can get two China prs that have equal quality.

    • @TheRange7
      @TheRange7 8 місяців тому +1

      PRS doesn't make guitars in China. FWIW, a Gibson Custom shop guitar will buy you more like 10 to 12 PRS imports, which are great guitars. PRS recently added much better pickups to the imported line which was a huge factor. In essence they upgraded the pickups by at least $200 bucks and kept their pricing the same. They're crushing it with their imports. Meanwhile, Epiphone is now going upscale on a lot of their models and pricing them at 12 to 15 hundred bucks (street price) and including a $500 set of Custom Buckers on most. I'm not a fan of PRS guitars, but man, they are just on fire right now with the imports.

  • @cruelycruel1032
    @cruelycruel1032 16 днів тому


  • @sunnohh
    @sunnohh 8 місяців тому

    I think so, I do all my standing around the store at home online and in the comment section, I show up to one of two local stores and just buy a guitar and get out of their hair.

  • @tomfoolery2082
    @tomfoolery2082 8 місяців тому

    Not many places like urs anymore, one several yrs ago not far from me , lady owned it , u cldnt ask for any better . Bless her heart she died , store closed . I don't like the direction thgs are goin .

  • @unclestubs8377
    @unclestubs8377 8 місяців тому

    15 years ago "they" said brick and mortar bookstores would disappear but, those stores still exist, there are still magazine/book racks at supermarkets and such. Mom and Pop bookstores still exist. Everyone was saying how "print" is dead and "they" were wrong.