Umm...I am afraid I can't agree with you. I can hear him singing most of the song. Have you heard the original MV yourself? If you have, you can tell he is singing most of it live. If you haven't heard the original, I suggest you go listen to it first before you comment!
When Anson Lo sings and dances, the band members stops to play the music!!! The band does not play live music!!!It means the song is played from the recorder!!!
佢live 真係進步好多,佢越嚟越駕馭得好好,舞台既嗰種自信和跳唱魅力無人能及。好鬼感動,佢唔係齋講,身體力行盡自己能力做改善自己不足,等待佢更多既可能性。💪💪💪❤️
Lo Lo is such a fabulous performer! Natural on stage and improved a lot on his singing!! Can't take my eyes off him! ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
♥️♥️♥️ thank u! He is doing so well!
教主唱歌越來越好. 加上強項跳舞真係型到爆
Thanks for sharing !
我幫你們男團Mirror(12子) 打氣係努力、認真、刻苦、加油、奮鬥、勤勞、自信和永遠支持你(加油)。😊
啱啱拍完劇,唔知有冇瞓覺豬就ChillClub採排及表現,見IG po左背脊流晒汗嘅相,加上就連日出席活動及訪問, 真係只有工作沒有休息⋯⋯IG見佢離開九展話瞓兩小時後又趕拍劇⋯⋯
好好睇❤🎉Anson Lo 好charm啊
跳得仲好睇過斑dancer, 佢絕對係mirror一哥
Most part of the song is played from the recorder!!!! Anson Lo only sings a small part of the song!!!
Umm...I am afraid I can't agree with you. I can hear him singing most of the song. Have you heard the original MV yourself? If you have, you can tell he is singing most of it live. If you haven't heard the original, I suggest you go listen to it first before you comment!
MZEE @mzee5409 喺人都認得你呢位毒糖🍬 其實你d惡意留言可以用番中文,唔駛逞強用英文㗎😅
After finishing singing the first two songs, Anson Lo is very tired!!!He needs to talk inorder to take a rest!!!
Dancer 都要回氣啦,白癡hater 你想收買人命咩,只停咗分幾鐘仲要係講緊野,佢連跳唱3首歌仲要係高強度跳唱交出咁有水準表演,已經好叻仔
條條片都見你post ,唔中意人咪唔好睇啦,又睇又要話人,做人做到你咁都好辛苦😂
He is human!! Even AI needs to recharge! Unless you can do the same without a break? 😅
When Anson Lo sings and dances, the band members stops to play the music!!! The band
does not play live music!!!It means the song is played from the recorder!!!
😂😂🤣you are so funny 😂
Jeremy唱果時都係一樣無live band,咁Jeremy 又唔係真唱?😂😂
@@MikTes111毒係咁嘅啦,周圍喺AL琴晚Chill Club show嘅飯拍片留言,屈鳩AL假唱!真係人生有幾無聊、有幾無意義先周圍去人哋飯拍片留言詆毁! 🙄
MZEE @mzee5409 喺人都認得你呢位毒糖🍬 其實你d惡意留言可以用番中文,唔駛逞強用英文㗎😅
Anson Lo does not have energy to sing and dance!!! He needs to talk in order to rest!!!
你偶像連跳幾首太極舞又点,佢為咗赚返好感,吾理人感受 個個dancer跳到面容扭曲
你偶像根本完全無能力跳唱, 佢只係un 吓un 吓, 如果佢真跳唱好擔心會暈囉!
你去關心多d你自己粒星啦,佢出event都唔想俾人見到咁,好似冇乜安全感。 你踩教主係冇用架, 教主係每日都睇得到既進步。 同埋呢d先係真正既跳住唱。
點解你地可以日日攻擊其他隊友 踩隊友場,我真係想知點解可以咁無品, 12個嘅粉 得你地咁無品。😤唔該唔好再過黎攻擊教主 去番你自己偶像度