Are Amalgam Fillings Safe? New FDA Recommendations for Mercury Amalgam Restorations

  • Опубліковано 8 жов 2024


  • @naosuzu3868
    @naosuzu3868 2 роки тому +29

    I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and had terrible joint pains and fatigue. After 1 year of diagnosis I went to the dentist and he suggested me to remove amalgam filling, I had several. The day the last amalgam filling was removed my symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis dramatically subsided and I really really appreciated this dentist. I probably had these amalgam filling in 1980’s but I didn’t know it’s still being used?! Do no harm!

    • @irishjay9485
      @irishjay9485 2 роки тому +1

      I have 8 fillings i received when i was under the age of 10 before i knew of the dangers, is the process of having them replaced with composite painful? Its expensive here but i want to get it done

    • @Tazmanian_Ninja
      @Tazmanian_Ninja 2 роки тому

      It’s not particularly painful (if at all) if you get anesthesia. And before the needle-pricks they can use some numbing cream so that you don’t even feel that.
      So: no big deal 🤗

    • @alexanderjordan3414
      @alexanderjordan3414 Рік тому

      @@irishjay9485 I just got 2 done and nah man it's no different than getting a filling

    • @ChristianParkesArt
      @ChristianParkesArt Рік тому

      Evil what these dentist did to children @@irishjay9485

    • @Spark12395
      @Spark12395 3 місяці тому

      Brother, God and Saviour Jesus Christ came to Earth to forgive our sins by Dying for our sins , taking the punishment we deserve and died for us
      and on 3rd day after His Death He rose again and calls everyone to repent and believe the Good news of Christ of Repentance and Forgiveness of Sins and be the part of His Heavenly Kingdom .
      All are directed towards hell due to sin , so please come to Him who can Save you from the eternal hell.
      Repent and belive the Gospel and Believe in The only True God Jesus Christ , for there is no other way and no other God .God loves you.

  • @MojoFilter
    @MojoFilter Рік тому +35

    I suffered what I thought was long covid headaches, brainfog, fatigue for 18 months - I then had a very deep, 25 year old filling removed and my symptoms completely lifted overnight. Honestly, it was such a relief. My mercury levels went from 1.9ug to 0.2 in 2 weeks and I feel great. NO amount of mercury in your blood is safe. PERIOD.

    • @RaayRC
      @RaayRC Рік тому +1

      Did your dentist removed it with any kind of protection?

    • @MojoFilter
      @MojoFilter Рік тому +7

      @@RaayRC good question - they were entirely unfamiliar with SMART protocols so I ensured my own level of protection by way additional suction, intensive chelation (high dose vit c and a mercury specific formulation) plus a rubber damn which proved quite cumbersome - my merc levels were 1.1 before surgery and are now around 1.6 so I’m continuing with chelation and Chlorella to try to bring it down to ZERO. But still feeling amazing right now. 😇

    • @nonyobisniss7928
      @nonyobisniss7928 Рік тому +1

      @@MojoFilter You said 1.1 before surgery and now around 1.6. Did you mean to say 0.6? I'm also curious what your levels are now.

    • @MojoFilter
      @MojoFilter Рік тому

      @@nonyobisniss7928 yes 0.6 - they are below 0.1 right now.

    • @bernswonger57
      @bernswonger57 9 місяців тому

      ​@@nonyobisniss79281.6 is probably correct, my dentist tried to convince me to leave my amalgam alone, because removing it would increase my exposure to mercury.

  • @TheGhostGamer2
    @TheGhostGamer2 2 роки тому +19

    I’m a 5th year student I did more than 150 fillings, and our university never taught us how to use amalgam, we use only composite and glass

    • @Foralluhaterz
      @Foralluhaterz 2 роки тому


    • @karenburns9952
      @karenburns9952 2 роки тому

      What school did you attend. It’s really good they didn’t expose you to Mercury.

    • @marinatesic7738
      @marinatesic7738 Рік тому


    • @TheGhostGamer2
      @TheGhostGamer2 Рік тому +1

      @@Foralluhaterz glass ionomer cement

    • @TheGhostGamer2
      @TheGhostGamer2 Рік тому +2

      @@karenburns9952 I studied in Europe. Wroclaw medical university, recently amalgam got outlawed in Poland, and most European countries also forbid using it.

  • @carpejkdiem
    @carpejkdiem 3 роки тому +32

    Let's be honest here about dentists being led to put the #1 neurotoxin/mercury for the human body in our freaking mouths!!!!! Rrrrr!!!!

    • @simba5779
      @simba5779 3 роки тому +7

      Agreed. There is no safe level of mercury in the human body. Period. Hard stop. And people still using it in medicine should be ashamed. It is the most potent neurotoxin on earth and dentists have historically kept their patients in the dark about placing a mercury emitting device inches from our brains. The ADA and FDA protect industry, not patients.
      Here is a previously banned episode of 60 Minutes from 1990 - everyone should watch this if you still believe anything the ADA has to say. It discusses the only scientific study (at that time) about dental mercury. There have been more since contrary to what is in the video above. You know what has never been tested for safety? Dental amalgams. They have been used since barbers started placing them in peoples' teeth between haircuts and shaves back in the 1800s.
      And here is a British investigative show on the subject from 2009 (parts 1-3):

    • @carpejkdiem
      @carpejkdiem 3 роки тому +1

      @@simba5779 Excellent resource! Thank you and I hope many follow your links. We've been sold many lies!!!!! Muchluv2u

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому

      @@carpejkdiem what do you mean by *"the #1 neurotoxin/mercury"* ? number one in _what?_ can you specify?
      and what lies were you told?

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому

      @@simba5779 This... is gonna be long...
      what do you mean by *"There is no safe level of mercury in the human body. Period. Hard stop."* can you define "safe" for me? because as far as I know, life is not safe in general. there's no way to make life perfectly safe because its actually a gradient, from more safe, to less safe. a mercury amalgam simply makes your life "less safe", its *not* the difference between _"safe"_ and _"not safe",_ its just _less_ or _more._ you're _always_ in some sort of danger if you are living and breathing in this world. whether or not you're in danger does not matter, *what actually matters is if its a high _level_ of danger, or a high _probability_ of danger. that's why I don't worry about getting hit by a meteorite, because its highly unlikely. and I don't worry about getting a scratch, because its not a high level of danger, the risk is small.
      *so **_unless_** the amalgam poses a high level or a high probability of danger, then its really nothing to worry about.*
      why should people be ashamed? for the longest time people had no idea that mercury was poisonous, the same thing happened with lead as well.
      the people didn't know any better, so don't tell them to be ashamed of themselves. but even during present day, where we _know_ that mercury is poisonous, its still used in amalgams, _for the same reason_ that preservatives are put in food. both are technically toxic, *but its such a small quantity,* that it takes years for anything to happen, and many people have such strong digestive systems, that _their body can handle it without any extra help._ this is why they keep doing it, because its "not that bad".
      what's worse, the symptoms of mercury, or the problems of _rotten teeth?_ its a _cost benefit analysis,_ choose the thing to sacrifice, although I would suggest just getting regular fillings without any mercury, problem solved! I think putting a toxin in your mouth is a bad idea, I just don't know _how bad_ it actually is, it might not be very bad, but still a little bad. you also have to understand that *not all types of mercury are poisonous.* thiomersal for example, hardly harms you, *if at all.* its used as an antiseptic/antibacterial/preservative in vaccines, and it works quite well. I myself have gotten many vaccines, and I don't know if any of them had thiomersal, but if they did, I noticed no ill effects. also, mercury is *not* the worst neurotoxin in the world, *botulinum* for example is roughly *100billion times more toxic* than hydrogen cyanide. and polonium _(which also happens to be radioactive)_ is around *250,000 times more toxic* than hydrogen cyanide. _it only takes a few _*_nanograms_*_ of botulinum to erase you from the face of the earth._ and what do you mean by *"dentists have historically kept their patients in the dark about placing a mercury emitting device inches from our brains."* ?
      how am I kept in the dark? its obvious, if you can read, that its a _mercury amalgam._ "mercury" is literally _in the name,_ how are we kept in the dark?
      I think its more accurate to say that we are simply too lazy to ask other people what amalgams are made of, before getting them installed.

  • @detoxdanny
    @detoxdanny Рік тому +16

    I'm currently going through many of the horrible simptoms that amalgands have caused.
    I went from being a healthy, calm person, to an erratic one with depression waves, brain fog, physically weak, extremely sensitive to smells etc.
    I recently reacted so severely with the smell of 1 alcohol wipe... I felt like I was being poisoned.... That never happens to me. I'm super okay with alcohol smell and now I can't at all? Also, I have never ending insomnia...why? Because my nervous system has been taxed for so long because mercury toxicity for the amalgands.
    You better believe that I am having them removed this month and (FYI) when you have them removed, it has to be done very professionally because of the mercury gas being let off by the fillings.

  • @markschlehr6911
    @markschlehr6911 3 роки тому +68

    The amalgam filing practice needs to be stopped immediately. Every dentist should be trained in safe removal and required to remove them free of charge to the sufferers. The ADA, FDA, and WHO need to be dismantled and their budgets used to pay for the remediation for this, and other atrocities they've permitted and endorsed. It seems most all the regulatory agencies permit and endorse more environmental harm than they prevent.

    • @normanspurgeon5324
      @normanspurgeon5324 2 роки тому

      There is no safe level of mercury in the human body. It migrates from the fillings to other organs, including the brain, where certain researchers believe it causes Alzheimer's.

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому

      @@normanspurgeon5324 dude, you're here too? lol xD

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому +1

      they shouldn't be required to do this _free of charges,_ you _made them_ put it in your mouth, don't absolve yourself of _personal responsibility,_ you _should_ have researched it thoroughly.

    • @punyawdrg2127
      @punyawdrg2127 2 роки тому +3

      Dentist just told me its malpractice to remove fillings.

    • @covegirl06
      @covegirl06 2 роки тому +4

      For what? Drilling into a tooth that has already been drilled into not only WEAKENS the tooth more, but every time you drill into a tooth you run the risk of irritating a nerve, which then leads to tooth sensitivity, tooth ache infection, and root canals. And for what?
      Be honest. Dentists could give less than a damn about amalgam fillings harming their patients. Amalgam fillings can last a LIFETIME and dentists don’t like that. How about dentists dedicate their time to developing ways to treat cavities WITHOUT drilling into teeth.

  • @helifynoe9930
    @helifynoe9930 Рік тому +9

    Fascinating safe stuff. Way back in the late 80's when I had mine removed in desperation to stay alive, I was fascinated that all the dentists office walls back then were completely covered with letters from his patients. They were thanking him for giving them their lives back. They mentioned what symptoms had faded away, and what others were almost gone. I was shocked ! We all were suffering from mostly the same symptoms. Pretty well everyone had suddenly had a major major candida problem at the beginning, both men and women, and it would simply not go away. Next, everyone had autoimmune dysfunctions such as scleroderma, hypoglycemia, etc. Another typical problem, was constant facial pain. Plus if you clench your teeth together, the pain increased big time. Also, these people were always feeling cold, and so If someone shook your hand, there is a 100% chance they will comment on how icy cold your hand is. After that, they might comment about the dirt or something that is on the tip of your nose, even though in truth the tip of the nose is a blueish colour, due to poor blood circulation. Oh yes...great stuff.

    • @helifynoe9930
      @helifynoe9930 Рік тому +3

      @T H Sweet. Glad I can inform. The bloody fillings ruined my life. Did you know that in the late 1800's that these fillings were first introduced in 2 countries, France and the UK. Years later it was discovered that there was an increase in certain illnesses. It was then narrowed down to 2 countries, France and the UK, and down to those who had received amalgam implants. The dental association involved immediately scrapped the amalgam fillings. But other countries thought differently, due to the enormous financial benefits. Gold fillings took significant time to implant, but these did not. Thus there could be more patients per day, thus more money. Today though, they are illegal in some countries, and in others it is illegal to implant or remove them in pregnant women, and implant them in children under certain ages.

    • @helifynoe9930
      @helifynoe9930 Рік тому +1

      @NatusiaH By the way, I forgot to mention that back in the late 80's there were no safety precautions being followed to minimize ones exposure to mercury vapor and mercury particles during the removal of the fillings. And that was why I was completely puzzled and confused as to why things suddenly got a ton lot worse, practically over night after the removal procedures. Fortunately, the effects of this sudden exposure did not last, and so the overall recovery did then begin.

  • @valgeir80
    @valgeir80 3 роки тому +31

    The ADA or EPA could never admit any harmful effects of amalgam for a host of reasons. = You can't trust them.

  • @krishomme9497
    @krishomme9497 3 роки тому +7

    Thanks for a great channel. It's fun to see your insights, which are not generally available to the public. Note that the mercury awareness movement has been simmering for decades, despite being long dismissed by the ADA/FDA. IAOMT was founded in 1984 by science-literate dentists. The FDA's 2009 amalgam rule (74 Federal Register 38685, Aug 4, 2009) actually acknowledges (p. 38689) that people with an above-average number of fillings incur exposures to mercury vapor that exceed the federal (ATSDR and EPA) safety standards. The FDA rationalizes that most people are below this standard, and that regulatory standards are conservative and include a safety factor. (But such safety factors were meant to cover unknowns, not known high exposures; and California's newer standard is 10 times stricter -- meaning that even one amalgam is excessive.). BTW, as I observe your animated body language, I wonder if you might be in the early stages of chronic mercury toxicity, in which the stress hormones are activated to protect the rest of the system. The brain and body may become hyperactive. It's a good mode for learning, doing, and living, but the later consequences are not fun.

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому

      wow, this comment is full of useful information! sad how California is getting so mediocre. like, what's up with all the homeless people and the 40 year high crime! I'm finding junk around every building! somebody is doing a terrible job of maintaining the land around here! also, the rent is getting so expensive, like why though? wish I could find a better job, then I wouldn't have to worry about the increased charge :/ got any ideas?

    • @sheol4667
      @sheol4667 Рік тому

      ue to not being able to afford composite fillings i had to get 2 amaglam fillings and i just turned 16 can someone please tell me what to do cuz seeing all these videos of people expressing the painful symptoms is rlly starting to scare me

  • @Magnulus76
    @Magnulus76 3 роки тому +17

    One out of every two people will get chronic kidney disease. It seems to me wise just to avoid mercury amalgam fillings, as a result, especially considering CKD in the early stages has no symptoms. Every bit you can reduce the toxic load on the kidneys is beneficial.

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому

      I would agree.

    • @zx4race31
      @zx4race31 2 роки тому +1

      Sold, take them out I say. Its your life

    • @sheol4667
      @sheol4667 Рік тому

      Due to not being able to afford composite fillings i had to get 2 amaglam fillings and i just turned 16 can someone please tell me what to do cuz seeing all these videos of people expressing the painful symptoms is rlly starting to scare me

    • @thenewcamelot8873
      @thenewcamelot8873 Рік тому

      Get them romoved and repllaced with biocompatable composites when you can afford use a amalgam free dentist with corect saftey equipment for safe removal of amalgam ruber dam. oxygen, etc @@sheol4667i waqted 10 years to get mine removed so no rush if you can't aford it now.

  • @staywildsasquatch5144
    @staywildsasquatch5144 Рік тому +11

    I’m a medical professional with 17 yrs experience, and you will find that you must always question what you learn in professional school. You must always stay current and being open minded. Never succumb to a system that is lobbied by big business. A patients health rests in your hands. Big responsibility. Amalgam breaks down and pits. There is an attitude that low income dentistry favours amalgam, and this is wrong. Lower income folk still deserve good care.

    • @staywildsasquatch5144
      @staywildsasquatch5144 Рік тому

      Ps. Amalgam free after massive removal and it cost me a mint. That is a financial burden, so keep that in mind when you counsel people. Plus the risks of removal and having it done by a dentist certified to do so…..vacuum, suction, dams etc.

    • @elmate666666
      @elmate666666 Рік тому +1

      I wish there were more dentists like you

    • @claremaidofthewave251
      @claremaidofthewave251 6 місяців тому

      @@elmate666666agreed 👍🏻from the UK

  • @goldengirls0125
    @goldengirls0125 Рік тому +4

    I has 5 unnecessary fillings of amalgam as a teenager that caused me immense pain, insomnia, brag fog irritable bowel etc for 33 years until I got them removed . Now I can finally enjoy my life .

    • @elmate666666
      @elmate666666 Рік тому

      Did u chelate after the process? I´m removing them but I´m very toxic and probably will not be enough to get my health back.

    • @goldengirls0125
      @goldengirls0125 Рік тому

      @@elmate666666 what do you mean your toxic?

    • @elmate666666
      @elmate666666 Рік тому

      @@goldengirls0125 I have high a load of mercury in my body and a lot of symptoms

  • @onemissiondmd
    @onemissiondmd 4 роки тому +3

    Wow I never knew of this! Thanks for sharing, we just learned how to work with amalgam recently and definitely glad you brought this up!

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  4 роки тому +1

      One Mission DMD Thanks so much!! Good you see you back on UA-cam!

    • @WoundedThrivers
      @WoundedThrivers 3 роки тому +1

      The dentist on the video learned something in medical school but he listened to his patients... I love how he is very open to his patient's requests. Usually, there are MSDA sheets and those are good to show the patient. You even have to read them to use bleach! But, informed consent will keep the lawyers away! But I beg any professional to LISTEN to the patient. They give you clues to their issues. When you don't listen, it can get you into trouble. We had to learn to listen to what was said in between the lines and not be judgmental. And it usually has nothing to do about the subject at hand. Dr. T Berry Brazelton had a good program to teach that technique although I'm not sure he's still alive! (I loved teaching them and using them as it is so rewarding)
      I was shocked when my last dentist asked for 20 minutes to review my charts my doctors have asked me to show any doctor I see. No dentist has ever looked. After he was through and we talked, he was equally surprised no one had ever done this. I asked "WHY"? He said, "we can cause pain patients to have issues they have overcome or make things worse"! What a shock. I looked it up and there it the ADA studies. He also informed me that no metal would be used until I was tested for allergies. (I had a bad allergic reaction) This is on the ball and who would ever think? So, never think you are NOT a REAL doctor if you are a dentist. (have you ever heard that?) In fact, I learned that dentists can tell more about our health by looking at our mouths. Good, that will save me money! lol. He told me many come in and complain of a toothache. He looks and there's nothing wrong. He asks them "what did you do last week that was active"? "Oh...I lifted weights and shouldn't have...." BINGO. He showed me a picture of the nerves and how many ends up in the mouth. I was shocked. (how does he make his mortgage payments? lol)
      And one last "on the knees begging".... please...always use a rubber dam. Please, please. And if you need to know good protocol look at IAOMT. The 1% is never who you think and we are never who we believe we are! If only this protocol was used on me...I would have enjoyed 3 years of my grandchildren's life. I never knew I was so special that I was in the top 1%. While it is small...please don't take chances. If a difficult patient or one who is hard to decide what to do with... think of them and their family. Think of your mom/dad/children/etc... We are them and we don't want to be left out. (Obnoxious patients can be turned away) We are scared. We don't trust. We are wary if you are young! lol. But listening (which means extra time on the books for new patients for a few times) will earn you the reward of referrals. When a patient says "I need time to process" - they are telling you "I've had trauma and I need to think". Today at the dental college, (a good experience) but I noticed the intern had a harder time understanding there was deep trauma and wasn't catching on. The professor walked in and HE KNEW. He said, "hey Cathy, where have you been"? The room understood something was up. It became a very relaxed and calm & a no hurry consult. I thanked them all and asked if they needed any medication after dealing with me. lol. I'm sure it was explained later... But every patient carries baggage when they get my age! Things changed to a "MUST" to a "WATCH". Only because of experience by the professor. Listening will cover a multitude of sins!
      I'm sorry... my passion is showing. I taught students of all types in the medical field and focused on the patient as a person. It was rewarding but sometimes scary! I'm that done much? It seemed to be left to us as they made their rounds. So I'm curious about what is taught. What do you wish was taught? This will benefit us as patients, so we will know how to be prepared. These are great forums to see what patients are going through and get the benefit of others' knowledge. And to see the confident, the frightened, the untrusted, the trusted, the educated, the fact finder, and the one who trusts the doctor.
      I'm going to get off here before I'm kicked off...Best wishes.

  • @kandkt758
    @kandkt758 3 роки тому +7

    Wow I truly thought this video was made 20 years ago I can’t believe this is a current video.

  • @ExtremeRecluse
    @ExtremeRecluse 3 роки тому +7

    All of my fillings are amalgam. Last week I needed to have #19 removed due to decay underneath a 40 year old amalgam filling. Most of my fillings are 30-40 years old. My root canal is 23 years old. You can't examine any of the tooth structure after a root canal especially after a gold crown. I am positive that root canal will fail due to decay. I should have asked for a composite for the root canal.

    • @brittneyrussell1766
      @brittneyrussell1766 Рік тому +2

      Watch Dhru Purohit's video on the danger of root canals. It's crazy how much damage they cause to the whole body. Symptoms you wouldn't even think have to do with the mouth.

    • @CulsCave
      @CulsCave 2 місяці тому

      ​@@brittneyrussell1766Like what?

  • @anitamasaitis708
    @anitamasaitis708 3 роки тому +6

    When I was in dental school I graduated in 2007, I place the majority of posterior composites --absolutely using a rubber dam. I think the fact of also taking away more tooth structure and the fracture component also should be addressed--not jut the mercury. Great about the Fugi IX and the great alternative to moisture control on class V's. Great Video Doc!!!!

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  3 роки тому

      Thanks Dr. Masaitis, that really means a lot!! I need to get better at RDI for sure. I always end up tearing the dam interproximally, but it still goes so much faster with the rubber dam and my results are better. I just need to be more disciplined with it. I think one of the biggest myths that propagate through 3rd and 4th year dental school is that you can forget rubber dam after dental school. The best dentists I have seen - the ones I would want to go to - use RDI a ton.

    • @anitamasaitis708
      @anitamasaitis708 3 роки тому +1

      @@BeyondDentistry A must as you don't get the amalgam dust all over the patient with removal of the old amalgam- cutting down on the vapor. Today especially with Covid and no aerosol now we live in a new world. Get that darn clamp on then move 3 teeth forward / floss and make sure your DA is holding the IP spaces of the RD for the rest of the quad as tight as dental floss. Floss a couple times -pulling it horizontal thru that contact and it will invert the dam for you. Nice one our with a built in frame -also specials\ fit ones without that metal frame. Oh well--put yourself back in dental school for a week ( I do this from time to time) and you will be a pro--and this and a hyvac =95% aerosol reduction/ The best dentists are the ones that are humble to be honest, educate and move on with what they learn. You really did a wonderful video so keep it up for those of our here. Thanks

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  3 роки тому

      @@anitamasaitis708 Great tips!! Thank you!

  • @ellemclee8800
    @ellemclee8800 Рік тому +3

    Thank you for the video 👍
    I live in Sweden and here they don’t use amalgam since late 80s early 90s unfortunately I had my fillings in amalgam before they removed the use of it, but now days no dentist uses it do to health reasons and allergies etc, if you do have health issues do to your fillings the government will pay for the removal of them,
    I don’t think we should use amalgam when there are better alternatives out there

  • @DrPark-qw6ky
    @DrPark-qw6ky 4 роки тому +7

    I read this book titled whole body dentistry, and the author claims all sorts of interesting adverse complications of using amalgam. Not scientifically researched but based on his experiences. Whether it is esthetically or medically, it seems undeniable that the industry is moving away from amalgam. Thanks for an awesome video doc!

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks Kay! There is always a balance between what we know as clinicians and what patients want and expect. If someone wants to avoid amalgam, I'm good with that!

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому +4

      personally I would recommend moving away from amalgam fillings, it just adds an extra risk to your life that is unnecessary. (in my opinion)

  • @kerimountain1746
    @kerimountain1746 3 роки тому +8

    I had 8 mercury fillings since I was a little girl they are all cracked and hurt super bad. I tried mercury removal in 2 of them because I had to do something about the pain no one would pull them so I had to try something. Now I have osteomyelitis of the jaw and a bacteria in my blood which I'm sure it's from those teeth and had a pick line in my arm for 3 months. Infection came back. Long road a head of me. Had 4 pulled and now I just want the others out.

    • @TomRothwell
      @TomRothwell 2 роки тому +1

      That's terrible, hope you got everything sorted out

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому +3

      wow dude, that's _rough,_ just remember that even though I'm a random stranger on UA-cam, I still hope you get better as soon as possible.

    • @covegirl06
      @covegirl06 2 роки тому

      How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking. Amalgam fillings are the most sturdiest fillings. Had they put composite fillings on your teeth those fillings would’ve failed a lot sooner. The solution should be to find ways to treat cavities without having to drill into the tooth. Imagine having to re-drill into a tooth 3-4 times to replace a filling. The person would have no tooth left.

  • @jakerdson2134
    @jakerdson2134 4 роки тому +4

    Great video man! Restorative can be so difficult. It really sucks that it is the most difficult thing we do (at least to me) and the public thinks it's "just a filling"!
    Definitely agree about the glass ionomers as well. I've worked public health for a year now and almost all my patients have rampant decay. All I was placing was Equia Forte or Fuji. I've been here long enough now that I am seeing these fail like crazy, in less than a year. I still use them for some class 1, 5 and temporaries, but getting a good protocol w/ resin is hands down better IMO.

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  4 роки тому +1

      Jakerdson Absolutely agree!! Those giant fillings are some of the hardest things to do in dentistry.
      Seriously, your patients are lucky to have such a caring conscientious provider. And don't sweat it, I placed my fair share of class 2 Fujis before learning my lesson!!

    • @Magnulus76
      @Magnulus76 2 роки тому

      Could it be due to possibly alot of people you are dealing with have demineralizing teeth? Poorly mineralizing teeth tend to have fillings that fail.

  • @new-knowledge8040
    @new-knowledge8040 4 роки тому +18

    Balderdash. The mercury ruined my life. For starters, once implanted, they caused constant facial pains. This eventually led to facial muscle spasms occurring every few days. Even simply clenching my teeth together, also created extreme pain. Then there came a drop in blood circulation to my hands, feet, and nose. Anyone who shook my hand was shocked at how cold my hands were, and then they proceeded to tell me that there was dirt or something on the tip of my nose. Of course I had to tell them that the darkness was just due to blue blood located below the skin. Then came a massive Candida outbreak, along with severe muscle weakness at the same time, and the candida was severe enough for it to occasionally kill large patches of skin in my mouth. Then came shingles, despite my age at the time. Then came the constantly reoccurring pink-eye. Then later on there was scleroderma on my forehead. Then came morphea (another form of scleroderma) on my left stomach area and my left shin, which you can still see to this day, which is 30 years later. And then much later on there came a nasty nasty 8 year case of severe hypoglycemia. Meanwhile, the waiting room area of the dentist that removed my fillings, was quite large, but you could not see the walls. They were covered with letters from many of his patients saying things like, "Thank you for giving me my life back.". What was fascinating, was that all of the letters that I had read, mentioned candida, and the majority were speaking of the other symptoms which were mostly the same as mine. The majority of the symptoms were all related to the dysfunctioning of the autoimmune system. The mercury first caused the autoimmune system to become under active, and then later on to eventually become over active, and thus the autoimmune system proceeds to attack the body itself. So in general, we were all in the same boat. EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention the years of arthritis on my hand joints. That, thank God, also went away after having the amalgam fillings removed, but just like other symptoms, it does take a long time for these symptoms to fade away.

    • @neskid26
      @neskid26 4 роки тому +2

      I got diagnosed with MS 2 yrs prior to my 3 fillings, and one more in 2015, destroyied my teeth (Especially on the bottom left side), But in 2016 one day I went to my Dentist complaining about health problems the fillings caused me but I had brain fog, and knew this waas a symptom so she filled out the filling then implanted a bigger piece of Mercury then told me "You have little mercury in your mouth to do any potiential damage" need I repeate "ANY POTIENTIAL DAMAGE" I was floored for admitted it Amalgam at any rate is highly toxic, unsafe for all. I quickly looked into the fillings then dropped the dentist, went to a holistical, where she removed 2 out of the 4 (don't know why only 2)

    • @new-knowledge8040
      @new-knowledge8040 4 роки тому +3

      ​@@neskid26 Yes brain fog was another big symptom for me to. By the way, my case of hypoglycemia was so bad that over an 8 year period, the low glucose effects were so intense that my brain had shut down bit by bit. I eventually no longer knew how to spell my brothers name, I no longer knew the names of people that I had been working with for 5 1/2 years, I no longer knew which was my right hand and which was my left, nor which hand held the fork and which hand held the knife. I was at that time still taking mycostatin to fight the candida problem but I had to take 5 pills a day. But my short term memory was no longer working and I now could no longer have the intellectual capacity to recognize quantities that were greater than two. So if you put 3 pills in my hand, I could no longer tell you how many were there. So I would pore pills on a table, and then slide one pill at a time across the table until I had counted to 5. I then would put the rest of the pills back into the pill container and then repeat the process since I had only a vague memory of what I had just done. There were no pills left at the location that I had moved them from, and so I had to assume the count was correct. This went on day after day for years. Other times, I broke into tears in cases such as when wanting to have beans on toast. There I was, with the can opener not attempting to open the can of beans with the can opener, but had the can opener on the pan that I was to put the beans in, trying to open the pan instead. It may sound funny now, but it was hell at that time. Since my short term memory was no longer functioning, if shopping for groceries and I let go of my shopping cart, I would have no memory of whether the cart in front of me was mine or not. Looking at the contents of the cart meant nothing since that to deals with memory. So I had to stand there and wait to see if anyone else took that cart to determine if it was mine or not. Several times I took someone else's cart but then apologized. In my mind, I was in tears. Then I had to go to my car and chew on something that contained sugar such that my glucose level was high enough that I would now be able to drive home. I was still working at that time, but fortunately the company was moving, since all I was able to do was simple things like pick up boxes and move them to a new location. When I drove to work, I had no memory of the driving itself once at work. So I would look at my car and see that there were no dents and so forth, thus I had to assume that I had successfully not hit any other cars. My sensory system was also shot. I could take a shower and sense that either the water was way to hot or way to cold but not be able to tell which one of the two extremes it was. The only way to tell was to open the shower curtains and look at the mirror to see whether it was steamed up or not. And the list of hell problems goes on and on and on and on ..... Once having the amalgam fillings removed, it took another 8 years to recover, to relearn. But I never did relearn how to write, other than be able to write my signature on cheques, etc. Of course there is the other things like walking from one room to another and having no memory as to why I was now in another room. This happened every day. I also now had no physical awareness. So once in the dark in bed, I could not tell if I was lying on my back or lying on my side. There simply was no physical awareness of the physical me. I would have to write a book to tell you the rest of the details of what had happened.

    • @new-knowledge8040
      @new-knowledge8040 3 роки тому +2

      I just got up. What the hell, here are a few more of the symptoms. Thanks to the hypoglycemia, my auto visual focus no longer worked. I had to learn how to focus my eyes manually, but this was not perfect. I could be in a bus and be looking at something up close, and then perhaps look out one of the windows. When I looked out the window, I would end up with double vision since my eyes were still pointing inward due to that being the requirement for the close up vision. So I would have to then correct that. Also, my eye pupils took up to two hours to respond to changes in light intensity. On a sunny day I would head home and head on down to my apartment underground parking. But the light intensity in the underground parking was somewhat low. So once I had entered, and my pupils did not respond, I could see basically nothing. It was total blackness. So I would have to sit there where I parked my car while the garage door was still open and thus was still providing tons of light, and then wait, and wait, and wait, until my pupils had responded enough such that I could now see, and thus be able to move on and park my car in its proper parking spot. Bloody hell. But I tried to cheer myself up and thus go to the movies now and then. But I had to get there early. If not, I was in big trouble. If I did not get there early enough, and it got to the point where the lights were dimmed for the next 10 minutes or so, during that time all I could see was total blackness for those 10 minutes since my pupils did not respond to the low light intensity. Yep, it was not easy to find a seat in total blackness without poking someone else in the face while feeling around with my hands to find a seat. If someone thinks that I am just making all this shit up, then good luck with that.

    • @user-dn9vd9xg9p
      @user-dn9vd9xg9p 3 роки тому +1

      Have you been tested for Lupus or MS? All these symptoms do sound like it. In addition please have complete thyroid and parathyroid (PTH and calcium count). Please. The longer one waits it can do more damage.

    • @new-knowledge8040
      @new-knowledge8040 3 роки тому +1

      @@user-dn9vd9xg9p You seem to has missed the fact that I have recovered. The removal of the amalgam filling was all it took.

  • @philipjones5364
    @philipjones5364 2 роки тому +5

    Gold inlays and onlays are still the best restorations out there. Gold is a lost art not taught in Dentistry, gold is biocompatible, malleable, and the thermo expansion is nearly the same as natural teeth plus gold does not wear down the opposing teeth like other harder materials. Two cons not aesthetically pleasing and expensive. Gold can be placed conservatively on molars in the posterior and the margins don’t break down. Gold has been used for thousands of years. Check out Dr. Richard Stevenson’s video 5 reason gold is the best fetal restorations.

  • @stephenraydentist
    @stephenraydentist 4 роки тому +7

    Awesome video, Adam! As a first year dental student, I feel as though I came into dentistry at a tumultuous time for amalgam. Everything we have been taught in school has led me to believe that amalgam is completely safe, and yet it seems as if they are on their way out. From discussing the topic with practicing dentists, I’ve gathered that the issue is coming from patients not wanting amalgams anymore. It sounds like I’ll need to master composites in the next few years!!

    • @skdavidnba
      @skdavidnba 4 роки тому +3

      I agree with this 100%! This is the same sentiment- I go to school in canada 😊

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  4 роки тому +3

      Thanks Stephen!! You got this! Get a good sectional matrix system, don't desiccate the tooth after etch, and you'll be good! Also, check out "greater curve bands". I don't even keep regular matrix bands in my inventory anymore.

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  4 роки тому

      @@skdavidnba Thanks!! I think Canada has some similar recommendations.

    • @stephenraydentist
      @stephenraydentist 4 роки тому

      @@BeyondDentistry thank you so much for the tips! We haven’t even started filling teeth yet (just cutting class 1s so far) but it’s great to hear these tips from someone with so much experience before even doing it!

    • @skdavidnba
      @skdavidnba 4 роки тому

      @@BeyondDentistry Thank you for the tips. I think I tend to over-dry after etching... I will stop now ....

  • @bentrider
    @bentrider Рік тому +3

    This is typical. A dentist saying amalgam is safe. So, it is unsafe for some people but not for everyone? Give me a break!!!! The dental industry will NEVER admit to the dangers of amalgam! It will simply fade away being replaced by safe filling material.

    • @dem6colorz
      @dem6colorz 9 місяців тому +3

      I just got a filling two days ago. I told the dentist I didn't want silver filling but the white ones. The next day I noticed a silver filling. They put that crap in my mouth and charged $250 for it. 😔

  • @mahrokhzargari5265
    @mahrokhzargari5265 5 місяців тому

    Thank you so much for sharing this video ❤❤❤❤❤❤👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍

  • @VenturiLife
    @VenturiLife Рік тому

    Had most of mine drilled out years ago with a dental dam by my dentist, as they looked unsightly when they turned black and I didn't like the idea of mercury in my teeth/mouth or bloodstream. He replaced them with composite fillings, as the whole industry was moving that way too.

  • @manjeetmaparamanjeet
    @manjeetmaparamanjeet 4 місяці тому

    This video is the exact reason why opinions to be looked upto should
    come from practitioners more than 20 - 25 years of experience preferably while being on a specialist register
    Ability of the operator to do any any procedure would be among the
    last criterias to be instrumental in determination of guidelines for the indication of a procedure
    Mean life of composites around 6.7 yrs while that of amalgam 11.6 years.
    5 yrs they may look the same(tho i rea
    lly doubt this when class 2 fillings are taken into consideration)
    Its more technically demanding to do a good Class 2 amalgam

  • @Johnadams20760
    @Johnadams20760 Рік тому +2

    I am going to be 50 next year and have 3-5 of my teeth with amalgam done between ages 5-12 roughly i assume that means i should be fine.
    I do wonder though. i just noticed today they all look black instead of silver. and seems like only a year ago they wer estill silver. either that or maybe i just didn't pay much attention.
    i do have another question. i had a wisdom tooth extraction done 13 days ago adn they recommended for healing to rinse with salt water after each meal. i have done it 3 times a day for 13 days for 1-2 minutes including swithing.
    will that casue any issues with my teeth?
    will it corrode the metal fillings? or should it be ok?

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  Рік тому

      Salt water rinses shouldn't cause any issues at all, and it is very common for old amalgams to turn black. In the old days, dentists used to polish amalgams, but there is really no good reason to.

    • @Johnadams20760
      @Johnadams20760 Рік тому

      @@BeyondDentistry oh. well no wonder. i think i am spending so much time with that tooth extraction looking at that magnifying mirror that i am probably seeing stuff i never really paid attention to before. as i am donig this to see in detail how my extraction site is healing.
      I had one other wierd thing i noticed. my amalgam filling. (i have 3) 1 on bottom and 2 on top). the one on the top left molar (not wisdom) i think the first or 2nd molar form center. i just noticed there is a litte white (like tooth material maybe) between the amalgam. not sure if it was always like that? i mean probably was. i can't notice that by looking in a standrad mirror.
      i also noticed the past couple days the floss in that part of my moth seems to be kind of seperating into 2 strands. not sure if I am doing someting wrong. or if there is something up in thre catching onit. but it sounds like everythig else is good.
      the actaul socket area that was there from the tooth pull. it is 17 days out. and i think i see some small pink spots forming on top. but i still rinse out with the syringe and eat on the othe rise of my mouth and clean after every meal so it should be closed up real soon now! yay!

  • @margaretburns7425
    @margaretburns7425 Рік тому +1

    Does he ever talk about the people who shouldn’t have amalgam fillings?

  • @bekindrewind5513
    @bekindrewind5513 9 місяців тому +1

    How do you test for the levels of murcury in the body

  • @leysunshineyoga
    @leysunshineyoga 2 роки тому +2

    It means, time to move to holistic dentistry. Amalgam been taken out over 40 years ago in russian dentistry. Mercury affects men's fertility.

  • @toniniskillz6608
    @toniniskillz6608 2 роки тому

    Hi Beyond Dentistry, I know this is quite a big topic and one not related to the anagrams, but do you think any complications exist from the usage of thimerisol in vaccines? I really don’t know what conclusion to draw regarding the topic

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  2 роки тому +1

      My (very) limited opinion, as I am not a toxicologist - I think reducing the amount of mercury in your body is always a good thing.
      My understanding is that thimerisol is metabolized into ethyl mercury which is more easily excreted than methyl mercury (what you get exposed to from seafood) and elemental mercury (from dental amalgam). So it is likely less toxic than those other types of mercury.
      I think some people can have an allergy to thimerisol. My personal opinion is that I would avoid it if I could, but if I had been exposed to it in the past (or it was the only option for a vaccine I wanted to get) I wouldn't worry too much about it.

  • @joenania8429
    @joenania8429 Рік тому

    I read years ago that they were experimenting with Gallium to replace mercury ...Gallium is said to be nontoxic ?
    Then there is always Pure Gold used with an undercut ???

  • @rsmith8083
    @rsmith8083 4 роки тому

    What are you using for isolation when Placing composites? rubber dam, iso vac, or cotton roll iso? Thanks! Love your videos. Very helpful for a recent grad.

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  4 роки тому +1

      TBH, I should use rubber dam more than I do. I use it 100% of the time I am taking out an amalgam or cutting off a crown, but besides that, I use a lot of cotton rolls and dri angles. Sometimes a mouth prop, especially for a lower. Without a doubt, rubber dam is the gold standard, I just need to be more disciplined about it.
      I looked into an isolite, but never bought one. I have heard from some people that they really still prefer rubber dam over isolite because of the noise and better isolation.
      Thanks so much for subscribing and for the feedback!! Seriously that really means a lot.

    • @rsmith8083
      @rsmith8083 4 роки тому +1

      @@BeyondDentistry I just started using iso vac where I work, I love using it, but yes it is extremely loud. But for me, as a new dentist, iso vac + palodent + post op radiographs for immediate evaluation has been a real help in improving my quality. Thanks for the videos, love them!!

    • @consumer1073
      @consumer1073 2 роки тому

      @@BeyondDentistry can you recommend a mercury safe dentist who can remove amalgam fillings in the tricities area near ky/tn/va?

  • @CharisseArrington
    @CharisseArrington Рік тому +1

    Every 10 years or so seems to be "new recommendations." I definitely have had a litany of health problems that have been tested and can now be traced back to all the mercury fillings in my mouth. Not going to wait on the next recommendations to tell me what so many of us already know. I must safely get these many amalgams removed.

  • @Foralluhaterz
    @Foralluhaterz 2 роки тому +3

    How cant they not make another bonding material for fillings still?

  • @markfisher5628
    @markfisher5628 3 роки тому +2

    I never realised that amalgam was still used

  • @detoxdanny
    @detoxdanny Рік тому +3

    Doc, have you gotten your mercury levels tested?

    • @AshiStarshade
      @AshiStarshade 3 місяці тому

      The studies have been done. Not much higher

  • @Stlonewolf
    @Stlonewolf Рік тому

    Many people have trouble with the silver fillings

  • @hasithmaddumarachchi6363
    @hasithmaddumarachchi6363 Місяць тому

    Cant we use any liquid other than dentist i prefer amalgam ❤🎉😊LCC isnt that good if islotion not proper.

  • @whiteapple8879
    @whiteapple8879 8 місяців тому

    I regret that I have teeth silver fillings for years now coz it’s not the same colour as my teeth and now I want to replace it leading me searching whether it can be replaced or not.. but what I found out is that it’s kinda dangerous as “it has 50%mercury”, said the video I’ve watched.. that bothered me.. but then why FDA allowed silver fillings in dentistry as it’s known that mercury is dangerous.. so I tried to give myself reassurance that maybe it’s a strategy to mass market the new dental fillings..still, be watchful for mercury poisoning..

  • @squelchdown
    @squelchdown 11 місяців тому

    Does amalgam react with raw onion.... causing seizures?

    • @chantellekirk2993
      @chantellekirk2993 10 місяців тому

      Not sure.
      I couldn't handle any garlic when I had amalgams, especially just before my health crashed. Since getting them out 5 years ago, I have eaten lots of garlic while barely even tasting it.

  • @apollograyling-hastur3995
    @apollograyling-hastur3995 2 місяці тому

    I have adhd along with several other mental health issues I’m 24 and I haven’t gone to the dentist since I was 16 and I know I need a few root canal’s done and likely a fair few fillings. My experiences with dentists in the past doing, honestly really really shitty composite fillings on me and all of my older siblings having either gold or silver amalgam fillings, having mine fall out even with extensive care and cleaning done just because the dentist didn’t do it right, and watching them do and eat basically the same things I do- taking care of their teeth like I do and they’ve had amalgam fillings for 30+ years for the oldest. Absolutely no problems and I will be leaving the dentist without payment if they think they’re gonna go against my wishes and do another composite filling. I’m done with them. Give me the metal.
    So as a dentist you also need to understand that if the patient WANTS it, you need to listen

    • @apollograyling-hastur3995
      @apollograyling-hastur3995 2 місяці тому

      “You can get a great composite restoration that will last” not longer than 10 years. Most not even 5

  • @NegarRiahi
    @NegarRiahi 5 місяців тому

    You need to Create Inlays and onlays in ceramic materials to avoid all toxic composites that are not safe. You cement the constructions with Inert cement. You know which composite is safe. But I know eternal solutions only. Dental Technology should be there and help.

  • @denniswheatley8201
    @denniswheatley8201 Рік тому

    Due to the fact of other health issues.
    Get the white put In asap

  • @GenesisReveal
    @GenesisReveal 2 роки тому +2

    The ADA say amalgam fillings are safe? Well, there's nobody we can trust more than an industry association!

  • @sheol4667
    @sheol4667 Рік тому

    due to not being able to afford composite fillings i had to get 2 amaglam fillings and i just turned 16 can someone please tell me what to do cuz seeing all these videos of people expressing the painful symptoms is rlly starting to scare me

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  Рік тому

      Unless you are having specific symptoms, I wouldn't worry at all. Anecdotally, I see a lot a patients with and without amalgams, and don't notice a significant difference in health between the two populations. I don't use amalgam, bit if I did have amalgams in my mouth, I would probably leave them alone.

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  Рік тому

      @@kay5201 If you are really concerned, it is okay to replace amalgam fillings with composites (but any time you take out and replace a filling, there is a small risk of causing the tooth to need a root canal).

    • @kay5201
      @kay5201 Рік тому

      @@BeyondDentistry ah so it's better to leave it in because apparently removing it releases more mercury and mught need a root canal? Is the release of mercury very very little if u leave it in ?

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  Рік тому

      @@kay5201 statistically, it depends on how many fillings you have. Taking them out will expose you to a little bit of mercury that will clear quickly. Leaving them in will statistically expose you to more mercury over time, but it is similar to the amount you are getting from other sources (diet and industrial pollution). It also depends on how many teeth you have filled. A couple small amalgams will release less mercury than larger fillings.

    • @kay5201
      @kay5201 Рік тому

      @@BeyondDentistry thank you!! I think I have only have 1 filling and when I went to my dentist they said because its solid I shouldn't take it out

  • @WoundedThrivers
    @WoundedThrivers 3 роки тому +2

    There are a lot of new research in March 2019. Interesting that a Professor at the Dental College allowed me to speak of my experience. Mercury Poisoning is on my chart!
    Please, please do what is best for the patient...look at the research in March 2019. You can look under Randall Moore. I didn't know what was happening. Poisoning Control told me what was wrong. I would rather have the dental work done and redone instead of having something that comes out of your mouth and it becomes under OSHA rules. As you said...some can not handle amalgam. I didn't know one. While I understand your observations, please please. - look it up! Thanks.

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  3 роки тому

      Thank you for the insight, I think this is a conversation every dentist should be willing to have with their patients. Thank you for sharing!

    • @WoundedThrivers
      @WoundedThrivers 3 роки тому

      @@BeyondDentistry Thank you for caring!

    • @WoundedThrivers
      @WoundedThrivers 3 роки тому

      Sad news... my healthy Service Dog lost her fight this month. Her brain was damaged terribly. The grief and anger by myself and other professionals is great. It’s not worth it.

  • @blackblood1122
    @blackblood1122 3 роки тому +1

    I am dental student from UAE and I want to know about dds vs bds can you tell me please what the AVERAGE dds fresh dentist is capable to do in a good standard? Can you do impacted 3rd molars surgical extractions ? Can you do class IV restoration perfectly? orthodontic head gear ? Implants ? bone grafts ? surgical flaps ? endodontic treatment for any molar you face ? endodontic retreatment? Sinus lifting ? All on 4 dentures? Biopsy? I know this is a big question but I will be thankful to know the answers

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks for the comment!
      At least in the US, most people would be capable of fillings, crowns and basic bridges.
      We don't learn all-on-four, sinus lifts or even implants most of the time. Extractions would be basic simple and some surgical extractions, but definitely not wisdom teeth for most students. For endo we typically learn on single rooted teeth, and not all students even get to do a molar. Some of those skills could be learned in a GPR or AEGD (one additional year after dental school)
      In most US dental schools, there is no ortho training at all other than theory.

    • @blackblood1122
      @blackblood1122 3 роки тому

      @@BeyondDentistry thanks for the response, i really appreciate it

    • @blackblood1122
      @blackblood1122 3 роки тому +1

      It is really similar to our BDS degree then

    • @BeyondDentistry
      @BeyondDentistry  3 роки тому

      @@blackblood1122 I bet it's pretty much the same thing.

  • @bobbysmith5642
    @bobbysmith5642 2 роки тому +1

    ehhh my mom... a retired dentist just gave me one in the garage... still breathing lol no worries

  • @MrYoshi2691
    @MrYoshi2691 Рік тому

    To be safe always go to you check up

  • @CS-hy6es
    @CS-hy6es Рік тому

    cost of composites, amalgam cheap and quick

  • @rainkings4862
    @rainkings4862 5 місяців тому

    This should be considered a crime, we have been lied to thinking this was normal, what kind of a medical system is this that allows this only to have us going to doctors and wondering why we go through what we go through.

  • @malkyhendry6560
    @malkyhendry6560 2 роки тому +4

    The best kept secret in dentistry was the use of mercury. Dentists were once required to sign there name to silence on informing their patients that they use Mercury or risk losing their job. I wonder why

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому +2

      where is this information from? can you actually verify this?

    • @covegirl06
      @covegirl06 2 роки тому +1

      @@Metal_Master_YT I think they’re full of crap. There may very well be small amounts of mercury in the amalgam fillings. But that’s not the issue. Those amalgam fillings LAST. And dentists would love nothing more than to put weaker fillings into peoples teeth and have them coming back every 10-15 years to drill back into the tooth to replace the filling. This is NOT a good thing. Every time they drill into a tooth it weakens the tooth and puts them at risk for nerve damage, which ultimately leads to root canals or complete tooth loss.
      Now, if they were REALLY concern about their patients teeth they would focus more on ways to treat cavities WITHOUT drilling into it. Or at the very least, they’d find a material EQUALLY as strong as amalgam. Instead they’re putting large white composite fillings on peoples molars 🙄

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому +1

      @@covegirl06 I mean, I really want to agree with you, (mainly because my opinion is the minority, so few people actually agree with me) but amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury by weight, that's not really what I would call a small amount...
      I will admit that since mercury is very _dense,_ and its 50% measured *"by weight",* its therefore probably not as much as you would think.
      the usual proportion goes something like this: ~50% mercury, ~25% silver, ~15% tin, and ~10% copper. with the bulk being from the mercury and silver.
      according to Wikipedia: "Conventional amalgam alloy commonly consists of silver (~65% ), tin (~29%), copper (~8%) and other trace metals; current amalgam alloy consists of silver (40%), tin (32%), copper (30%) and other metals." the percent's Wikipedia is using are referring to the part of the amalgam that ISN'T mercury, so when they say 40% or 65% they mean 40% to 65% of the solid powder (that they will later add to the mercury to make the amalgam)

    • @covegirl06
      @covegirl06 2 роки тому

      @@Metal_Master_YT Why single out amalgam fillings when other dental procedures pose an equal or GREATER risk to patients health? I’m seeing implant dental practices pop up all over the place, yet I’m not hearing any dentists speak up against the potential dangers these implants poses to their patients health. And why would they. Those procedures cost thousands of dollars, so of course they won’t speak down on it.
      My thing is, if you’re gonna do away with a durable material like amalgam fillings, then don’t replace it with a damn porcelain material that’s more likely to fail after 15-20years. Everytime they drill into a tooth they’re putting that tooth at risk for nerve damage, infection or breaking in half.
      As a dentist their NUMBER 1 priority should be keeping their patients NATURAL TEETH in their mouth for as long as humanly possible. They can’t do that if they’re always trying to drill into a tooth!

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому

      @@covegirl06 I totally agree, but why single out dentistry's when other businesses pose an equal or GREATER threat to clients bank accounts? soo many people nowadays just leech the money out of their customers rather than trying to help them, its frustrating for sure.
      by the way, the only reason my comment is on this video to begin with, is because I was educating myself about the element mercury and its uses. I'm angry at lots of money leeching tactics too, but I came here mainly to learn about the uses of mercury, not trying to single out fillings or anything...

  • @AutodidactEngineer
    @AutodidactEngineer Рік тому +3

    If the blood tests don't show toxicity then they are completely safe!

    • @elmate666666
      @elmate666666 Рік тому

      That´s absolutely shit. Amalgams release vapor slowly and out body picks the mercury from the body quickly and places it in the tissues and organs. That´s why my urine and blood levels were ok but on the hair test mercury was at more than 4x the maximun allowed.
      The blood levels are only going to rise after an acute intoxication, like when u remove amalgams.

    • @mirnacudiczgela1963
      @mirnacudiczgela1963 Рік тому

      No, they are toxic. I listened to a doctor claiming that mercury can get stored in your organs and bones for years after exposure and can cause problems.

  • @cimonkien9833
    @cimonkien9833 3 роки тому +1


  • @KaraokeTime-ec5rg
    @KaraokeTime-ec5rg 2 місяці тому

    woud you put it in your mouth?

  • @timothyhinesjr.7414
    @timothyhinesjr.7414 3 роки тому +7

    Get These Things Out Of My Fkn Mouth

    • @Metal_Master_YT
      @Metal_Master_YT 2 роки тому

      what are you hoping to accomplish by saying that? just go find a dentist who will remove you're fillings, sheesh.

    • @TVideoupload
      @TVideoupload 2 роки тому +3

      @@Metal_Master_YT we could say the same thing about your comment. his comment reflects my sentiments as well and may inform any dentistry students reading here as well.

  • @shellsdbnsherryl
    @shellsdbnsherryl 7 місяців тому

    But they still keep putting it in peoples teeth.

  • @greggmckenzie7132
    @greggmckenzie7132 Рік тому

    Every single comment below talks of the harm dental Mercury has done yet 'Beyond Dentistry' goes third-person to say 'we know they're safe' - hah ha ha ha ha... Numptie!

  • @georgia4118
    @georgia4118 10 місяців тому

    Absolutely not safe. Look up Dr Andy Cutler PhD

  • @TimeMaster1976
    @TimeMaster1976 2 роки тому +4

    People with amalgam fillings need to get rid of them asap. Before you go bat shit crazy.

    • @dprice81
      @dprice81 2 роки тому +3

      Got them as a teen. Got candida as a teenager and has haunted me ever since. I really wish I got them out by now. So much fear mongering people gaslighting you etc some people may have excellent detoxification pathways and can handle them. So many ADHD symptoms brain fog and sulfur food intolerance. I am detoxing this crap out my body and going to a biological dentist asap

    • @crazymomcraftsalot6351
      @crazymomcraftsalot6351 Рік тому +2

      True story! I've lived it! Thankfully after losing the last 30 years of my life, i'm healing from an insane list of health issues, immediately, like same day of removal of that horrific amalgam!

    • @AshiStarshade
      @AshiStarshade 3 місяці тому

      No problems with them

  • @samlev9208
    @samlev9208 2 роки тому

    I know u worked in a rich area

  • @therealm00theoriginal27
    @therealm00theoriginal27 3 роки тому

    omg hurry up who should avoid them....

    • @TVideoupload
      @TVideoupload 2 роки тому +2

      tbh everyone.

    • @marygilson3490
      @marygilson3490 2 роки тому +2

      Everyone should avoid mercury like the plague. But people with MTHFR Deficiency gene variants particularly need to avoid Mercury and possibly folic acid and use methyl folate instead. They might also need methylcobalamine or hydroxycobalamine instead of the usual B12. This can improve their methylation process and detoxification processes. But if they have chronic mercury toxicity their kidneys and liver may need some dietary and herbal support, Epsoms salts baths may help a little sometimes.

  • @amberham5732
    @amberham5732 Рік тому +1

    If my dentist even suggested giving me an amalgam filling, I would literally walk away. You don’t understand whole body health. We are not legos. One part is not separate from the next. It’s so inappropriate and rude to put a toxic substance inside their body.
    I would rather not have a tooth. 100%

    • @dem6colorz
      @dem6colorz 9 місяців тому

      I just got a filling two days ago. I told the dentist I didn't want silver filling but the white ones. The next day I noticed a silver filling. They put that crap in my mouth and charged $250 for it. 😔

    • @edeeedee9153
      @edeeedee9153 18 днів тому

      ​@@dem6colorzI have already replaced amalgam filling with white because it was broken but I feel allergies after months although I have sliver filling on the otheside my mouth before with sliver I have IBS problems but now I'm not sure,do you have any symptoms?

  • @pickypuck1
    @pickypuck1 Рік тому

    Science also says we come from monkeys. LMAO

  • @SAMLEE-bb1xp
    @SAMLEE-bb1xp 11 місяців тому

    Yall are STUPID for saying you'll do anything for anyone with amalgams.