Top 3 Best War Robots [ Skill Edition ]

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ManniGaming
    @ManniGaming  Рік тому +111

    Let me know what you think about this "different ending" and the Battle Tutorial where I explain my thoughts.
    Here's my other channel for quality non-war robots content: @TheRealManni

    • @Malikimusmaximus
      @Malikimusmaximus Рік тому +2

      Ooo Ok😮😀

    • @thehunterwr4666
      @thehunterwr4666 Рік тому +1

      The link isn't working for some reason

    • @Malikimusmaximus
      @Malikimusmaximus Рік тому +2

      The link takes me to my Home Screen Weird🫥

    • @NaturalHeist
      @NaturalHeist Рік тому +2

      You should do more these types of video. It was fun to watch and interesting to know about how you think in battle.

    • @jasonboudreau3087
      @jasonboudreau3087 Рік тому

      What is the Executed thing?

  • @willigersshenanigans5824
    @willigersshenanigans5824 Рік тому +48

    The Ochochoki getting disqualified was pretty funny. I also really enjoyed the commentary, it was very cool to see Manni's way of thinking.

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +5

      Thanks so much. So far so have not seen any comment angry at me for this idea of disqualifying the Ochokochi 😀 that’s good 👍

  • @pakiu7874
    @pakiu7874 Рік тому +140

    This was the type of commentary I was hoping to see from UA-camrs. May I add though, since the game emphasizes so much on titans, you can make videos to teach people on how and WHEN to use their titans. Most players I encounter drop their titans at the worst times and worst locations (when beacon rush), also they don’t assist, often wandering solo into deep red territory and getting exposed and killed. Titan tutorial on a regular basis would be much appreciated

    • @alejandropeca7515
      @alejandropeca7515 Рік тому +5

      This!! 💯!! 🫶
      Also this scenario regarding timing:
      We were winning a beacon Rush match, then the enemy team started dropping their Titans, from my team I was the only one who ditched my bot and brought out my Lucha in time. We lost because they stuck too long to their robots.

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +39

      Great to hear. There is no reason why I couldn't do more videos with this style of commentary on various different topics for the game. Thanks!

    • @notthatguy2753
      @notthatguy2753 Рік тому +1

      I love the lynx redeemers after the update.. it’s much more fun with shorter stealth and shorter cooldown. It’s gonna be sad when they nerf the cooldown to 12 seconds eventually

    • @notthatguy2753
      @notthatguy2753 Рік тому +1

      I refuse to get those shotguns cuz we all know they’re going to get a reload speed and damage nerf. They’re way too op

    • @NarratorNarrates-k5y
      @NarratorNarrates-k5y Рік тому

      now THIS is War Robots!

  • @user-ff6ok4os2l
    @user-ff6ok4os2l Рік тому +25

    This is actually one of the best Manni videos I've seen. The great commentary just made it all the better.

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +2

      Wow, thanks! Happy to hear that 🤜🤛

  • @Azipyx
    @Azipyx Рік тому +22

    I really like this type of commentary style. This immerses you into the battlefield, and allows you to observe how a skilled player operates. Absolutely wonderful video. Keep it up!

  • @darkyvibes9840
    @darkyvibes9840 Рік тому +4

    I found the ending very funny, was not expecting that at all! Love the content, keep it up manni!!

  • @Boazdacatgamer
    @Boazdacatgamer Рік тому +1

    I really like this new type of commentary where you explain what's going on in your head.

  • @eliblasi8547
    @eliblasi8547 Рік тому +42

    very skilled gameplay, always fun to see

  • @karlrios
    @karlrios Рік тому +4

    A few years ago I was SO obbsessed with Manni. My dad had WR on his tablet and I would play every day. Watching Manni's tips, tricks and livestreams was the best part of my day. I remember I was watching his livestream on my pc and I typed a comment in chat and he saw it and read it out. That moment changed my life. Give him I like and a sub. He deserves it.

    • @SneakyManGamer2
      @SneakyManGamer2 Рік тому

      Giga Chad 🗿🗿🗿

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +2

      What a pleasure to read this little story. I wish this would still happen. But sadly we’re nowhere near where we used to be with war robots. 😥

  • @rirsobindagrave5135
    @rirsobindagrave5135 Рік тому +3

    Oh yeah, I love how you're explaining what's going on in your head! Helps me out in lower leagues because people just spend money and it's unfair for us who don't. Knowing how to deal with meta bots is very useful.

  • @bruh-sh2wd
    @bruh-sh2wd Рік тому +53

    Hey manni, the shai drone is not the one to keep your weapon. The Showdown drone is the drone keep the weapon on your robot ❤

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +25

      Ohhhh, you're right. I mixed those two. Thanks for pointing that out. Seems like every video must have at least one little hickup, hehe ^^

  • @adambussell2111
    @adambussell2111 Рік тому +6

    I'm absolutely loving the way u did this video u sound like an announcer from an nba game lol great work and I'd love to see more and the ending was great I don't think u could have ended it any better happy hunting

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому

      HEHE awesome, I was worried about that ending tho^^

  • @thejmelus
    @thejmelus Рік тому +3

    Good commentary on the matches. I like how we get to follow the train of thought and learn a lot, good real time analysis of whats happening. Now this is Manni Gaming.

  • @jasonplocek-gunnysgt-fuxu1924
    @jasonplocek-gunnysgt-fuxu1924 Рік тому +1

    Love the new comments letting us get some insight into what Manni is thinking during battle, please continue. Danke

  • @xrae8652
    @xrae8652 Рік тому +1

    Excellent video. I remember this format of yours. Probably my favorite

  • @jacopocarrea1393
    @jacopocarrea1393 Рік тому +2

    The strategic commentary is on point! Keep it up!

  • @panda_boy5018
    @panda_boy5018 Рік тому +4

    I really like the kind of videos where you say your thoughts. Me and a lot of other people can learn from that. Amazing video btw

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +2

      Thanks bro for your feedback! Good to know!

  • @JimKim-0
    @JimKim-0 Рік тому +1

    Besr video in a long time Manni! TY!

  • @luki1484
    @luki1484 Рік тому +1

    really appreciate the idea of number one spot ^^

  • @deathstar3006
    @deathstar3006 Рік тому

    I love the commentary! It's quite amusing how effortless you make it all look, and the little comments like "Hit him so hard it'll make his head spin", great video and I loved it!

  • @fliffo8760
    @fliffo8760 Рік тому +1

    One of my favourite mani videos I think to date. I have always wanted an in-depth gameplay comfy taking you through each decision. So much to explore and learn. Please make more videos in this style!

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +1

      Will do my friend. Thank you 🙏

  • @ha-vb7cl
    @ha-vb7cl Рік тому +2

    great ending, i hope we see more content like this in the future :D

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +3

      Glad to hear friend. I was worried you guys hated the thing at the end^^

  • @Sqouty
    @Sqouty Рік тому +2

    Wow we have a similar playstyle with both ophion and lynx tho I am more carefull cuz my hangar is lvl 9 with low level drones and modules and I also don't have the newest shotguns so I don't hit as hard.
    You're also better than me lol.
    And awsome comentary man!That is exactaly what I do when watching wr videos but this time I didn't have to cuz you did it for me,thank you very mutch XD

  • @henryfromme
    @henryfromme Рік тому +2

    Manni, we love this style of commentary. There is not a lot of talk about game strategy and i think its very engaging for us

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +2

      Amazing. There’s no reason why I couldn’t do this more often 😊

  • @jackcorrales
    @jackcorrales Рік тому +1

    I loved the new style of commentary. I was so immersed and chuckling at the same time. Great surprise. Babow! Could not have been a better ending. You made my thoughts come alive. Ahhh…Was it fun for you too.

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +1

      It was so much fun me me too yes. Something new 😊

  • @TugaWR
    @TugaWR Рік тому +1

    Really great video Manni, really original, you brutally destroyed the enemy's team. We could learn a lot with this Video and robots techniques! But most important is good to have you Back!

  • @jamesonfong6576
    @jamesonfong6576 Рік тому

    I love this new type of commentary, it shows everything that’s in your head when playing and it’s super interesting learning how an advanced player plays and what tactics to use.

  • @patelpratik1458
    @patelpratik1458 Рік тому +1

    over months of playing lynx and testing it in different conditions, optimizing its abilities/active module uses and accumulating knowledge and you just gave everything away in 10 minutes commentary (everything and then some). :)
    Great video, hope to see the similar kind of content for other set ups in future.

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +1

      Thanks my friend. What you may not see… it also took me years to gain this level of ‚reacting correctly‘ or having this map awareness. It didn’t come overnight for me either 😊

  • @DeepCover66
    @DeepCover66 Рік тому +1

    Love this style of commentary and you helping players to play within the broken system and structure that paysonic creates.

  • @thitiwutrungcharoenveroj9153
    @thitiwutrungcharoenveroj9153 Рік тому +1

    Manni, and I think I speak for around 10,000 people, I'm waiting on the video thats titled "Pixonic fixed warrobots. All OGS come back!" I've been waiting for 4 years and i'm still waiting now. Hope I see it soon. BTW, excellent video.

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +1

      Woah. I wish I could do this video my friend. As it stands now … the only moment I can do that would be first of April 😝

  • @AngryBird___
    @AngryBird___ Рік тому +1

    good ending bro i was expecting such a ending cuz i saw the video where you said ocho was banned until nerf

  • @kalk7853
    @kalk7853 Рік тому +2

    Great video. I liked the pro tips, I'm doubtful that I'll ever be able to execute them as well as you do but I will practice!

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +2

      I can do more such videos to get this processing of combat more and more into you guys too. It seems people really loved it. So I want to do more 😊

  • @hukayumidrovia72075
    @hukayumidrovia72075 Рік тому +1

    Hey, Manni. I think you forgot to pause the video. XD You were going so fast. The way you explain your thoughts is one of the things that got me hooked to your channel in the first place, so that's amazing. But perhaps you should take your time and pause the video every once in a while. And if you want to have real fun again, try leclair mender with spirals and hydra or a jaeger with double ancile. I had a lot of fun with those in my last games. Don't lose hope Manni. We're with you on this. We're trolling till the end.

  • @kenji-k1f
    @kenji-k1f Рік тому

    I really like this new kind of commentary! It explains everything happening on scene to me crystal clearly! Thanks for this video, Manni! Keep it up!

  • @sirujin
    @sirujin Рік тому +1

    Great video, great ending!
    This kind of tactics analysis is very usefull, thanks for that.

  • @ChiuShangWohCtss
    @ChiuShangWohCtss Рік тому

    So true Manni. When you get good robots, commanders think they can pilot it well, but they tend to not use it properly and get destroyed in the early parts of the game by other overpowered robots. This video really teaches us how to pilot these robots well. Good work Manni!

  • @Shalomaximus
    @Shalomaximus Рік тому

    I loved the commentary style and the ending. Keep up! You are the best.😊

  • @Alex-TheBoxer
    @Alex-TheBoxer Рік тому

    I love that type of content, its relaxing to hear your voice while you explain every Single step, keep that up because its Insane

  • @chickenz2695
    @chickenz2695 Рік тому +1

    i thought adrian was the battlefield tactician. now i worship you.

  • @Old_School_Builds
    @Old_School_Builds Рік тому

    These are my favourite type of your videos, more please! Impressive skills!!

  • @T4NG0
    @T4NG0 Рік тому

    I enjoyed this kind of commentary! Please continue this type of content :)

  • @janiwr.m9068
    @janiwr.m9068 Рік тому +1

    Imagine if ochokochi was in war robots before the drone rework
    With all the purple shields, instaheal resistenc etc added
    Not even 2 or more titans shooting it would beat it

  • @medbal2989
    @medbal2989 Рік тому

    I definitely like how your explaining what you were thinking, and entire videos of this are very welcome in my opinion.

  • @azhiker777
    @azhiker777 Рік тому

    I really like the play by play narration. Love the thought process

  • @prathambhoir5235
    @prathambhoir5235 10 місяців тому

    Im playing this game again after almost 2 years and your videoes has helped me alot to get up to date with the current meta

  • @Matrix.-
    @Matrix.- Рік тому +1

    Its a nice video since explained by a skillee player in the champions league which tells the viewers he is good and not just in p2w

  • @ΩΜΞ9517
    @ΩΜΞ9517 Рік тому

    yeah manni that style of commentary is really good and tell us exactly thing we should focus on during battle and not just all in with no strategy really good love to see move of this style>

  • @gavinruk
    @gavinruk Рік тому

    What a great video! I would love to see more of this! Also the ending was really funny

  • @jotarokujoe4315
    @jotarokujoe4315 13 днів тому

    Man is soo crazy in making strategies while playing the game. Bro fr uses that brain rather than just jumping on the enemy team, I love it

    @THEBEARDEDONE1111 Рік тому +1

    Manni I love this style of videos! I've been watching your WR content since 2017. I appreciate how now more then ever you show how to beat not only WR but strategy to out perform other players. Other creators need to stop selling there soul to the devil! Love it Manni...keep it up!

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +2

      Awesome bro. Also thanks so much for being here so long. 🙏🫡

  • @danadurand1563
    @danadurand1563 Рік тому

    Excellent commentary! Thank you, Manni!

  • @GamedevDemonWR
    @GamedevDemonWR Рік тому

    Loved the ending... And the new commentary style is great... It gives us so much knowledge and ways to maximize use of bots

  • @RahulKumar-ft8lv
    @RahulKumar-ft8lv Рік тому

    Hey Manni Really Love this new commentary style of yours, this way you can easily guide new player.

  • @AdamDeibert-bz5np
    @AdamDeibert-bz5np Рік тому +1

    LOVE the commentary(and the music) you should do a pro tips video.

  • @overhaul1531
    @overhaul1531 Рік тому +2

    12:45 I have both of ophions' pilots, but I don't use them. I actually run the medium rocket blast weapon, I think, it's scorcher? But I use those weapons and use the pilot that gives you 50% defense mitigation

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому

      That's a good idea, too! Does that defence mitigation work for the built-in weapons of Ophion, too? That would really make a good video if that is the case

    • @overhaul1531
      @overhaul1531 Рік тому

      @ManniGaming mmmm I have no idea if it works on the built on weapons but my weapons are only level 8 and they already do pretty good damage so I qould like to see them at mk3

  • @ashzed5556
    @ashzed5556 Рік тому +1

    It has been a while since I last enjoyed a WR video like this.
    Awesome new commentary style Manni! 👍👍

  • @tribalknives
    @tribalknives Рік тому +1

    A great and informative video as always Manni

  • @bobbycampos6576
    @bobbycampos6576 Рік тому

    What a great video Manni! Loved it!!!!

  • @cobracommanderwwr5009
    @cobracommanderwwr5009 Рік тому

    I like this type of commentary , it feels intense like watching live sport on tv with great commenter

  • @jeddavis4771
    @jeddavis4771 Рік тому

    The commentary is very helpful. This is a very good video

    @SONYSIKE Рік тому +2

    awesome gameplay + commentary
    that ending was well deserve for that no skill piece of garbage

  • @elb3648
    @elb3648 Рік тому

    I'm glad your find your way back :)

  • @r.r-r_r-r.r_r-r_r.
    @r.r-r_r-r.r_r-r_r. Рік тому

    This video was tastiest strawberry cake and with your commentary a perfect cherry on top

  • @Jbparrish0311
    @Jbparrish0311 Рік тому

    Excellent Content... This kind of information helps tremendously!

  • @jorgechavez6097
    @jorgechavez6097 Рік тому

    Love the content man, it’s great to take tips and wisdom from your videos and apply them to my game.

  • @lagzryanakadeez8118
    @lagzryanakadeez8118 Рік тому +1

    Imperfect and funny as usual 🎉 Thank you for the entertainment sir

  • @GuruWR
    @GuruWR Рік тому

    Its so satisfying I am watching it for third time.. you are by far best WR content creator manni..

  • @michaelnocifora6161
    @michaelnocifora6161 Рік тому

    I love your sense of humor all in good taste! Great job bro!!! ALWAYS love your content ALL of it!!! ❤🎉

  • @NarratorNarrates-k5y
    @NarratorNarrates-k5y Рік тому

    Now THIS is war robots! LOVE it Manni! Skill based gaming HELL YA!

  • @durarda5711
    @durarda5711 Рік тому +1

    using durability extender while unstable conduit is active gives you more health than while not using the conduit it is around 25%more added durability wich is ridiculous

  • @braveheroanimator4166
    @braveheroanimator4166 Рік тому

    The fight was so intense that i can feel it, honestly its hard finding interesting gameplays like these nowadays.

  • @Tom1WR
    @Tom1WR Рік тому

    Great video manni the disqualification was funny

  • @Blubbleer
    @Blubbleer Рік тому

    Haha, loved the video, I do enjoy the commentary where you go through play by play,

  • @arvinramina213
    @arvinramina213 Рік тому

    Love the commentary manni it really helps

  • @JeffBrazeel-fe4wc
    @JeffBrazeel-fe4wc Рік тому +1

    Ok, different ending but, not unexpected Manni.
    Thanks, got a good chuckle from the Disqualification.

  • @kenfff9935
    @kenfff9935 Рік тому

    Amazing video this just shows that not only is manni smart but he understands the system and gaming mechanics when outplaying certain enemy's between skill cool downs and his fast reflexes and the ability to tell where and when the enemy is going to fire makes me impressed I hope you have a great day Manni.
    Bye GoodMood

  • @filipgaier4908
    @filipgaier4908 Рік тому +6

    Hey, I used to love this game back when the devs cared about the quality of it instead of making everything pay 2 play. That's probably like 4 or 5 yrs ago or whatever it may be, before the first release of the dash bots: heachi, kumiho and bulgasari if I remember correctly. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to play it currently without needing to spend money and without needing to login multiple times every day?

    • @Brighttuber
      @Brighttuber Рік тому

      I’ve had an alt account I would only log onto for the new events and would get new weapons and robots for free then logout

    • @latias6745
      @latias6745 Рік тому

      Those korean robots killed war robots.

  • @luisgonzalezholmann7671
    @luisgonzalezholmann7671 Рік тому

    Awesome game play! Love the commentary since it helps grasp what you are doing and why.

  • @mauromattei9779
    @mauromattei9779 Рік тому

    Love this your new “chill” presence on WR 😉

  • @darktrench7789
    @darktrench7789 Рік тому

    I love the new commentary way honestly. I wanna see a vid how you’d fare with level one drones and low level pilots on fairly leveled weapons and bots(non op)

  • @andersonnascimento2764
    @andersonnascimento2764 Рік тому

    Loved this new style of video.😊

  • @GeorgeKopp-r5s
    @GeorgeKopp-r5s Рік тому

    Great video Manni and keep your good videos on✌

  • @budzcured
    @budzcured Рік тому +1

    I like your commentary.

  • @edmundolschewski
    @edmundolschewski Рік тому +1

    Hey Manni, great work on these vids, just wondering can you play a scary game sometime?

  • @Villainarc_Leo
    @Villainarc_Leo Рік тому +1

    Always a great day when Manni uploads😌

  • @windy6363
    @windy6363 Рік тому

    Really , I got the Lynx like a little month ago , and as a f2p I was really busy and never maxed it or set it up , even though I had its legendary pilot . But recently I tried it , and kept it level 1 , with some leveled stakes . Its a killer , and pure fun to use . And btw this robot even helped me with my placement during a match , so its pretty awesome . Now that its not the op game breaker , I feel like I can enjoy it even more . Also Manni , you are maybe my main motivation source to keep learning in this game , and fight the meta the best I can with my little f2p account .

  • @michaelbaujan5726
    @michaelbaujan5726 Рік тому

    Great commentary - more of this!

  • @adalluna578
    @adalluna578 Рік тому

    MANNI i LOVE THIS COMMENTARY!!! It’s sooo good especially explaining your skills so morons understand it’s not just pay to win with powerful meta this was super fun to watch

  • @rontikainen
    @rontikainen Рік тому

    Absolute brilliance!🧡

  • @maxwarfield6699
    @maxwarfield6699 Рік тому +1

    This post gaming tutorial approach, is great. A lot of players have absolutely no clue what they’re doing out there. And for players who find themselves, often having to carry the game [not to brag but: me] it’s both frustrating and taxing. I’ve been playing this game since it was called Walking War Robots, but even I can learn a thing or two from you Mr. Manni. The result might be, a more team-oriented gameplay and ultimately, more enjoyable experiences out on the battlefields. See you there!

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +2

      Awesome thank for your thoughts there. I think I’ll bring this from time to time now seeing how people liked it 🫡

  • @jaihanumanjai3976
    @jaihanumanjai3976 Рік тому

    I like the commentry Man very good explanation. Keep it up. By the way the `exe cute ` reaction is bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @PhyllWr
    @PhyllWr Рік тому

    In 2020 my mom bought me an android tablet and when I check the appstore there was War robot and when I downloaded it I saw you on youtube, I saw you and you were cool because you have strong robots to test and yep.
    Nevet regretted that sub🎉

  • @pratiekaggarwall4657
    @pratiekaggarwall4657 Рік тому

    Crazy commentry dude!

  • @matthedrick8829
    @matthedrick8829 Рік тому

    Manni..I love the play by play bro ...u r a excellent to watch and learn...thanks man..keep up the great work.. American bully out

  • @nothanks4413
    @nothanks4413 Рік тому +2

    manni, i have the legendary pilot for the invader from the leaderboards, would it be worth getting an invader from the workshop to use the pilot with or just work on other things such as weapons and such.

  • @daliborpanic6758
    @daliborpanic6758 Рік тому

    Cool video, i was waiting for number one , video is cool and funny

  • @skdoodleee
    @skdoodleee Рік тому +1

    Heya Manni! Was an old viewer from a few years back, was interesting to see how the game evolved...for better or for worse, lol. Fortunately, your commentary never fails to be excellent!
    However, I have long since converted to Battle of Titans, if you feel like it can you do a video on it?
    No pressure though, do it if you feel like it

    • @ManniGaming
      @ManniGaming  Рік тому +1

      I am planning to do a BoT video yes 😊
      Also thanks for checking back in my friend 🫡

  • @ThatPawikBoy
    @ThatPawikBoy Рік тому

    I remember the great gold times when blitz kicked in and I used to hunt on other players.
    I pretended to run away and pulled a larger opponent out of the group, and then I beat him until he was destroyed, using the fact that I had an AEGIS shield, the speed and the smaller size.

  • @yashdesai8144
    @yashdesai8144 Рік тому

    Best video ever manni... instead of just seeing how you play.. today we got to know how you play and think along the game..gonna help a lot with my own gameplay here. Although I don't have ocho and also I'm short of one brisant and one shatter for both lynx and ophion ☹️


    Love the way u roast Okiedokies users at the start🔥