hello Harry, i recently descovered your youtube chanel, and I find your concept really intelligent and very helpfull for professional makeup artists. What I really like are your practical tips, and your ability to simplify the whole story about makeup products. Comparing to other chanels, your guidence is precious. Also, I hardly find makeup artists who are willing to share their knowledge for glam, red carpet and elaborate fashion looks, so i am really happy to find you here! thank you for all your shares, and keep going. Wish you all the best Harry!
Love this make up look from Chanel. Looks so natural, this is the way make up should be applied, to enhance your features rather than looking like a barbie doll. Would love you to do my make up with Chanel, thanks for sharing ❤
It goes orange on me too!! A lot of browns/taupes go orange on me. It’s very frustrating 👎🏻. @giannaS are you by chance cool toned? I have no idea if I am neutral-leaning cool or straight up cool so I always wonder if that’s why so many colors pull orange on me
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What is chanel le bleige moisturizer you used ??
le volume de chanel is THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME
You layer the products and colours beautifully.
hello Harry, i recently descovered your youtube chanel, and I find your concept really intelligent and very helpfull for professional makeup artists. What I really like are your practical tips, and your ability to simplify the whole story about makeup products. Comparing to other chanels, your guidence is precious. Also, I hardly find makeup artists who are willing to share their knowledge for glam, red carpet and elaborate fashion looks, so i am really happy to find you here! thank you for all your shares, and keep going. Wish you all the best Harry!
This video was good for beginners
Thanks for showing the large eye/cheek palette because I haven’t seen many reviews of it and yours was really fab ❤
You’re so welcome!❤
The elf putty bronzer is a great cheap dupe for that creamy Chanel bronzer, by the way! :)
Loooove this! The Chanel multi sticks are my favorite and I love the tip of pressing the product into the skin.
Love this make up look from Chanel. Looks so natural, this is the way make up should be applied, to enhance your features rather than looking like a barbie doll. Would love you to do my make up with Chanel, thanks for sharing ❤
This was a lovely video do anything Chanel and I’m here for it….so fun❤😂😂
Love your video and Instagram!! You’re amazing and truthful person❤
Awesome 🤩
I really enjoy your videos 🎉 😊 ❤ xx
What do you think chanel bronzer let me know thank you 😊 ,
Hi there, where is your gorgeous silver ring from?
I can’t find list of the products that were used.
It took me to the Chanel site.
The contour Claire goes orange on me.
It goes orange on me too!! A lot of browns/taupes go orange on me. It’s very frustrating 👎🏻. @giannaS are you by chance cool toned? I have no idea if I am neutral-leaning cool or straight up cool so I always wonder if that’s why so many colors pull orange on me