Kalki 2898 Is Better than Star Wars |

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ashitadhia7576
    @ashitadhia7576 8 годин тому +3

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...January 1979, Sterling Cinema, Fountain, Bombay to be precise (it released in the US in May '77, but yes in those days it sometimes took a year or two for Hollywood movies to arrive on Indian shores). A young kid with his mom on his way home from enrolling in a German course in Max Mueller Bhavan stopped at the theater which was house full. Luckily got a single “extra ticket”, as it was called, from someone, so abandoned mom, walked in and into the arms of cinematic history. Forty five years from that day, I still experience that boyhood thrill when I see those pair of words appear on screen with that immortal John Williams musical flourish and recede into the starry night of space.

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  Годину тому +1

      Oh wowow. Lovely :). Can not imagine seeing it upon release!!

  • @pantonfire
    @pantonfire 15 годин тому +15

    Where is cricket stream

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  14 годин тому +4

      Sir win would have led to one.

    • @v1rat.
      @v1rat. 9 годин тому +2

      But sir ashWIN

  • @AbhishekHariharan
    @AbhishekHariharan Годину тому +1

    So cute how KV keeps checking with you ... "its ok na?"

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  44 хвилини тому

      Hahaha. It is peak KV.

  • @Karthik-kt24
    @Karthik-kt24 2 години тому +2

    6:09 aate hi quizzing chalu 😂😂

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  Годину тому

      Lol I think organically 4 quiz questions ho hi gaye the.

  • @himanshusharma1414
    @himanshusharma1414 15 годин тому +4

    Keep bringing amazing guests pant bhai! Mast maze all along!! Ask both Menon to keep coming back! Much love.

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  14 годин тому +1

      Maybe back next week :).

  • @dineshdaddala2043
    @dineshdaddala2043 14 годин тому +9

    Bro this is partility..if the topic is cricket and your buddies 2 menons are on the show..you r not in a hurry to end the episode.and continue with part 2...we want more of kumar varun and him simping on movies..

  • @korakdatta
    @korakdatta 17 годин тому +4

    Thank you for connecting Asterix with Bioinformatix. Now I feel fulfilled.

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  14 годин тому

      You did?

    • @korakdatta
      @korakdatta 14 годин тому +1

      @@WakeUpPant I will be sending this clip to all my bioinformatix peeps ;-)

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  Годину тому

      @@korakdatta Hahaha - I'm sure KV is working on standup about it, lol.

  • @anandmarkam9609
    @anandmarkam9609 15 годин тому +4

    Kv is so underrated

  • @50pointsomethin
    @50pointsomethin 10 годин тому +2

    To be fair... If I had the athourity id allow Disha Patni a plus one

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  Годину тому

      HAHHAA. 100%. I'd first ask her if I can be her +1+1. 3rd wheel.

  • @sathviksunny
    @sathviksunny 13 годин тому +1

    This was fun!! Would listen to kv talk about shows. Sorabh is too humble man!

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  12 годин тому +1

      I'm the greatest comedian on earth - thanks for calling me humble!

  • @nastybadger-tn4kl
    @nastybadger-tn4kl 3 години тому +1

    Correct time. When you cant buy a wicket in your home spinning ground but opposition spinners getting wickets easily means you got to go.
    He is not good for SENA countries. In Perth , sundar was preferred over him means his value is diminished in the team , he decided to end it.
    He is still a good bowler. Its all about combinations.
    Nitish reddy sealed all rounder spot means , they need. a stud spinner who can bat.
    In Sena countries its all about REVs. Ashwin has back problem , so he really cant put top spin like Lyon do.
    He can put side spin and that worked wonders in india.
    In sena countries it become slow ball
    In indian setup , seniors stays too long. Its because of the MONEY!

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  Годину тому

      You're talking about Prabhas?

  • @SohailS10
    @SohailS10 17 годин тому +4

    14:11 shaktiman acting school ke saamne kumar varun ka office hai😂

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  14 годин тому +1

      They make each other wait

  • @sumitayan
    @sumitayan 3 години тому +1

    There is better chance of cockroach to survive the nuclear attack than humans

  • @wwechamp888
    @wwechamp888 Годину тому +1

    Ngl I expected KV to have watched Mad Men

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  Годину тому

      Oh dude - MAD MEN! Of course. Top 5 Drama shows 100% for me. TBH - I doubt we had everything off hand.

  • @50pointsomethin
    @50pointsomethin 11 годин тому +1

    5/5 for this format 😍

  • @TusharRoy01
    @TusharRoy01 2 години тому +1

    For the algorithm ✊🏾

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  Годину тому

      Your family will be blessed.

  • @vivekpatel7902
    @vivekpatel7902 Годину тому +1

    This is the way 19:30

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  Годину тому +1

      Beginning Season 3 today. Hoping it's better than Kalki.

    • @vivekpatel7902
      @vivekpatel7902 59 хвилин тому

      @WakeUpPant you'll be surprised

  • @RachithRao
    @RachithRao 16 годин тому +2

    Only legends know this was uploaded earlier possibly by mistake lol

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  12 годин тому

      Lol no clue how it even happened tbh! Suddenly say like 23 views.

  • @serioton4331
    @serioton4331 5 хвилин тому

    Should do a RGV movie episode with KV❤❤

  • @papa_putin
    @papa_putin 17 годин тому +2

    Lockdown OG is back..

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  14 годин тому

      Lol for sure. Been planning for 1 month :)

  • @Medhansh-bm7qn
    @Medhansh-bm7qn 10 годин тому +1

    ashwin appreciation podcast

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  56 хвилин тому +1

      Eh - that is not a bad idea ya! Eh, genuinely.

  • @SIDB0
    @SIDB0 12 годин тому +1

    Get me and let's discuss how Gen Z looks to this whole comedy industry rise in india

  • @yajnesh103
    @yajnesh103 12 годин тому

    KV looks exactly like Prabhas (Kalki) in the thumbnail

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  12 годин тому +1

      More like NT Rama Rao Jr. :).

  • @adityajain019
    @adityajain019 19 хвилин тому

    Is it Dalmore?

    • @adityajain019
      @adityajain019 19 хвилин тому

      Ohh, they named it after a second.

    • @adityajain019
      @adityajain019 18 хвилин тому

      This is only a gifting whiskey because of the bottle. Taste isn't that great, IMO

  • @nanicore4965
    @nanicore4965 12 годин тому +1

    The wire is my best series

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  12 годин тому

      3rd person to say this - interesting!

  • @krishnasai1232
    @krishnasai1232 5 годин тому

    Pan= impossible Pan, egg=impossible Egg, etc.. SW floating energy source = Kalki cars energy source…. Inverted pyramid =Science bit** (first time!)… hero elevation = no comments.

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  59 хвилин тому +1

      This is an equation beyond science.

  • @jofriissac
    @jofriissac 5 годин тому

    My choice for Kramer would be Rajneesh Kapoor.

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  58 хвилин тому +1

      Weirdness - yes. But, the overacting and physical stuff - 100% Biswa.

  • @Maddy29
    @Maddy29 11 годин тому +1

    KV, Sorabh. If you guys haven't watched The Wire, thank me later. I will be in Bombay in January 2025. Drinks on you guys.

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  54 хвилини тому

      Honestly, I tried watching. Watched 2 eps and was completely confused. My brain is small.

  • @garypereira9753
    @garypereira9753 16 годин тому +2


  • @AdarshYadav-ki8xn
    @AdarshYadav-ki8xn 4 години тому

    In freedom at midnight I saw nehru in the trailer and I was like fuck no this doesn’t even resemble nehru I am not watching this😂😂😂

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  59 хвилин тому

      Just saw the photo - he looks like Rahul Gandhi.

  • @SIDB0
    @SIDB0 12 годин тому +1

    Get karan talwar and discuss why SNG failed

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  12 годин тому +1

      lol never happening. Or maybe never.

  • @thepink_bungee4941
    @thepink_bungee4941 15 годин тому +1

    Tong garden roasted lima beans 🤌🤌

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  14 годин тому

      Macadamia in mixed cocktail nuts

  • @ruthwijreddy1556
    @ruthwijreddy1556 17 годин тому +2

    Rajamouli ke naam par bada like

  • @Medhansh-bm7qn
    @Medhansh-bm7qn 10 годин тому

    ashwin ka successor kon hoga? sundar axar more of jadeja successor lagte hai out and out spinner kon hoga is decade ka kuldeep,sai kishore,shams mulani,kotian?

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  55 хвилин тому +1

      Honestly, I think Kuldeep in this squad would have been way more effective as a spinner than Jadeja, Washi, Ashwin etc. His record in Australia is also good. Problem is India's tail barring the last innings is horrendous.

  • @abrahamabhishek4240
    @abrahamabhishek4240 10 годин тому +2

    For a comedian and a writer, you guys really fucked up articulating what you disliked about Kalki with a basic level of coherence. All I get is that you did not like the movie; but I have no idea why. Maybe next time do some prep, walk through your talking points before recording.

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  57 хвилин тому

      It's not sci-fi, it's magic. A bunch of scenes went with that inherent flaw. Also - my premise is to do jokes about it. For a deep dive analysis - head to film companion, tc.

  • @jashbhatia4778
    @jashbhatia4778 15 годин тому +2

    Watch better call Saul and then watch breaking bad

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  14 годин тому

      Finishing season 2 of breaking bad. It's great but it's really stressing me out lol

  • @kalpeshjadhav7449
    @kalpeshjadhav7449 14 годин тому +3

    Do a Special Podcast on RGV's Filmography.... With KV n Tiss Gang. The real OG... ❤

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  12 годин тому +1

      Thakur never free, Kautuk replies to Whatsapps after 3 weeks :). TISS is out lol. KV and me for sure!

    • @kalpeshjadhav7449
      @kalpeshjadhav7449 12 годин тому

      @@WakeUpPant what About BAWA....

  • @nischesharma
    @nischesharma 12 годин тому

    My top show is DARK period.

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  12 годин тому

      Have thought about watching it for 390 years.

    • @nischesharma
      @nischesharma 12 годин тому

      @WakeUpPant you will finish it in a weekend if your kids let you

  • @Adarshkumar-on5fz
    @Adarshkumar-on5fz 15 годин тому

    Adipurush and kalki was so bad even core RW rejected , boycotted and dumped them

  • @rohanp56
    @rohanp56 15 годин тому +2

    The Wire?

    • @pantonfire
      @pantonfire 15 годин тому

      I toh watched 2 eps and didn't understand

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  12 годин тому

      Is it a show for pigeons?

  • @50pointsomethin
    @50pointsomethin 10 годин тому

    Expanse, the wire, rome....

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  56 хвилин тому

      Not seen either :(. Doubt I will.

  • @tabletennis3291
    @tabletennis3291 16 годин тому +2

    ye kya hai ????????????? :O

  • @arniedastud
    @arniedastud 12 годин тому

    U guys missed the wire

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  12 годин тому

      Might try again - never was able to have brains to understand.

  • @lijo365
    @lijo365 12 годин тому +1

    Bhai Kya podcast tha . Kumar Varun OG hai

  • @yashsingh1631
    @yashsingh1631 12 годин тому

    Aisa kya karta hai bhai,gukesh pe thoda baat to karna tha.
    Or this was recorded before that

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  12 годин тому


    • @msdadsfsx
      @msdadsfsx 6 годин тому

      You seem to be gukesh obsessed

    • @yashsingh1631
      @yashsingh1631 5 годин тому

      @@msdadsfsx commenting once about a world champion of your country is not obsession bhai

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  53 хвилини тому

      @@yashsingh1631 TBF I don't follow much chess - but, now trying to catch up with what he did.

  • @pratikshetty6248
    @pratikshetty6248 16 годин тому +2

    No Kalki not better than Star Wars . No no nooooooooooooo

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  14 годин тому

      It is it is. It is star wars only so yes.

  • @SIDB0
    @SIDB0 12 годин тому

    Get syed muzammil shah and discuss something

  • @aritramajumdar5782
    @aritramajumdar5782 17 годин тому +1

    Really missing kanmasti

    • @WakeUpPant
      @WakeUpPant  14 годин тому

      Arrey can't do wvery week na