Jim Ross: "So whats the story behind Kris Statlander ?" Excalibur: "Well, the story is. See came from a planet from outer space , ..." Jim Ross: "Ok. That's enough"
Jim Ross - The hero we needed but didn't deserve. The amount of wrong that guy has put up with over the years from all directions, yet he still tries to make wrestling better.
@Michael 92 Yes. The match was sloppy as heck. Lacked any and all rhythm and basically resorted to pulling out gimmicks and Rosa screaming every five seconds. At one point, Jim Ross actually shouted out what the commenter said (He nailed the quote word for word). Rosa took the first bump in it and it looked bad. Baker took the bigger bump in it and, instead of selling like Randy Orton, she sold like Orton for all of three seconds and then ROLLED OUT OF THE RING I KID YOU NOT. They even did a spot where Baker stacked the chairs to slam Rose onto them, but Baker took the fall instead, and got a TWO COUNT, but Rosa's finisher did the trick.
And yet.... how many times has Jim fucked up on the mic over the past 6 months. So many times he's called either the wrong move, the wrong name for the person, or thought he was still in WWE. 15 years ago I would agree. Now? not so much.
@@ivenstorm cause hes disinterested. And he does have a condition so its understandable but its worse than it should be cause he doesnt buy what these guys are doing
@@ivenstorm that doesn't mean he's wrong about knowing what gets over in wrestling because he's been in it longer then I've been alive and I'm 38, that means he's disinterested because alot of the matches are nonsensical outside of a few smart guys like Punk, Bryan, MJF etc. Also he is getting up there in age and has a condition so he's gonna have off nights. But that doesn't mean he's magically forgotten what works in this buisness and it's a crime that Tony and the talent arnet mining that resource more. You have multiple great minds in your company and your telling them what works instead of asking them and listening to their wisdom. That's a huge mistake and one that is probably preventing them from growing further as a company
Orange Cassidy is an overrated mid-card who's been doing the same act since he got to aew. He has had 2 top feuds and they were both terrible. No one can convince me Cassady vs Jericho was good.
Orange Cassidy can definitely wrestle but his character sucks, the goofy kicks and him spending half a match not taking it seriously is annoying but he is trying his wrestling is fun to watch
@@Cabaret43 You are correct. His dad is the majority owner. However, Tony is the senior vice president of pro football technology for the Jaguars. And I believe that he is otherwise involved in other aspects of the team. Either way, my overall point was that the Jacksonville jaguars suck.😀
@@natebaxter9551 I guess my point was that you can blame TK for AEW sucking but i don;t think he's the reason the Jags do. That list is too long to blame just him lol.
This goes to show that JR doesn't have the support of the people who know better because they want to fit in with the cool kids and it shows that AEW won't listen to vets.
“I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.” - JR
I think there comes a point where some of the older guys just literally CANNOT understand some of these newer gimmicks. No matter what, they just never are going to "get" Orange Cassidy or Danhausen, and that's okay. The business isn't the same as it was when JR and Corny were the ages of Orange Cassidy and Danhausen.
@@johnt.campbell316 That I agree with. I can only imagine how the wrestlers from the previous generation felt about the next one and so on and so on. There's a lot of it i don't like or get but things change and so do the taste of people.
@@redwolfe7049 indeed. Imagine for some of these guys, there's more than an entire generation between Orange Cassidy and JR. Think about the trouble you or I could have talking to a really old person. Then, imagine them trying to understand certain memes. It's never gonna happen; and that's perfectly fine.
@@johnt.campbell316 The new Gimmicks don't draw. It's not that we don't "Understand" The new Gimmicks, it's that they do not draw. AEW Can't even beat WWE"s Developmental show in views for crying out loud.
In my opinion if you want to fix orange cassidy, make him a heel and have him do all the pocket stuff as taunts to humiliate his opponents rather then for comedic relief
Bad form from TK here, seems he threw JR (the most respected senior employees in the average fans’ eyes) just for a cheap media pop and to enter himself into the news cycle for a few days
TK is just a conceited drip who thinks he is much smarter than hew really is. This is the exact same way he responded to complaints about Fulham's transfer dealings
Cornette fans - "Yeah! Jim Ross hates Orange Cassidy! Ross knows what he's talking about!" Also Cornette fans - "What? Ross praising Orange Cassidy? NO! I refuse to mention that!" “I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.” - JR
@@mimseydemon1844 Yep, JR like any good employee is gonna speak his mind once and then if the boss thinks the opposite, he knows what he needs to do to keep his job!
JR needs to retire because his commentary is starting to not make sense anymore. He just rambles about something. I want to hear the match called. I would prefer if JR retired
Orange Cassidy would have been fine if he was kept as an underneath act. A literal mascot who pops up now and then for a cameo spot or jobber match. But he has overachieved and been overexposed thanks to Khan being such a fanboy. I can appreciate running with what's popular at the time, but in my opinion OC really has no business being at the level he is in AEW right now.
Agreed. It reminds me of the Luchadores in WCW. As one match on the card, at the bottom of the card, they worked. Now, every other match is basically a luchadore styled match. No wonder only 1m people watch the show.
If they would get rid of the gimmick all together and give him something legitimate to run with he would probably get over much better. He’s actually athletic and can work. It seems guys don’t mind working with him, he appears to be safe because when a new guy comes in, he’s the first to wrestle em. I don’t think a lot of the guys would do it if they felt like he was actually terrible, that’s the sad part. Scrap the gimmick, if it’s not too late, and maybe everyone won’t hate him going forward
I tell you, Tony Khan is becoming the biggest mark for himself, I'm shocked he can get thru the arena doors with his gigantic head, a head that keeps on getting bigger, bigger... AND BIGGER!!
Anyone who knows JR knows 'HE IS GOING TO SPEAK HIS MIND'. Corny knows him and VKM has said this also,"JR going to let you know how he feels". AEW marks can call him old and grumpy, he has forgotten more than they will ever learn about wrestling. And Khan is so egotistical, the so-called 'savior' of wrestling folks.
For every two things AEW does right, they do ten things bad. I dont have time to sit through the BS if I cant FF. AEW is a worthless blemish on the face of professional wrestling.
FTR also Stated they aren't happy with their AEW run as well. the cracks are forming Tony Khan being two face to people more of that is coming out as well. the structure or lack of structure of AEW is starting to Show. look at all the talent Tony has acquired jacked up ratings yeah but quickly tony is making them job in Dark and elevation. its the same people on dynamite week after week. people don't even know they have over 100 wrestlers signed just in the men division.
Here's some JR speaking his mind. - “I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.”
@@elvangulley3210 im saying thats what they do every time they showcase a recently signed wrestler primarily from wwe rating go up even if not by much but you quickly see them jobbing them in dark and elevatipn after words.
I will never forget JR saying Vince fired my ass 3 times. JR was one of the best hands Vince ever had. JR went and signed the rock personally. He did his job off the headset and on the headset exceptionally well and deserved better
JR has always been very grateful to Vince for the opportunities he got and the money he made. Not sure what you mean by deserved better. I guess he deserves better than aew, but even J.R couldn't get people excited for the stuff wwe is doing right now.
JR doesn't deserve respect. He was just a simp for Vince with no self-respect. He literally kissed his boss' bare butt on live television. JR is a disgrace.
I agree JR is great, and getting The Rock arguably won them the Monday night wars. But disagree with saying deserved better, vince has given JR an amazing career full of working some of the biggest matches of all time, lots of money, and looked out for him when he lost his wife. Its always very easy to blame Vince, but he's a businessman who has to make difficult decisions
It seems to me that Vince is going to wind up spending his final years in shame and loneliness. I don't believe in karma, per se, but everyone's past DOES usually wind up coming back to bite them in the ass.
@@bryansansone3301 what because he had an affair? Literally millions and millions of people have done that in history. You lot try to cancel vince weekly, he will be okay
@@skipg73 No, he's over with THIER fans. Just as Jim says, if you add up all the people not watching because of stupid shit on the show (like OC) you would see that silly gimmicks like him are doing much worse to grow the fan base than they are doing good.
@@VULGARxRM I both agree and disagree. Personally, I *hate* Orange Cassidy (and his female WWE counterpart Wendy Choo) but he *is* SOMEWHAT of a draw. If you look at quarter hours, he does usually provide AEW a *tiny* bump...relative to their terrible ratings. I think comedy wrestling has it's place. That place, however, should not be within ICBM range of the main event or even midcard. OC and WC should be wrestling cool down matches between matches that *actually* matter. Not being IN matches that matter
@@VULGARxRM No one is going to stop watching an entire show because of one silly part of it, just stop. If that was true a significant amount of people would have been stopped watching the WWE. I can tell several things more sillier than OC. How about walking down the aisle throwing pancakes with grown men twerking? What about putting a former NFL punter in WrestleMania match? So we can pretend like AEW did something unheard of all you want but if you watch WWE that means you're a total hypocrite who grew up on it.
And here is the moment when the "Booker of the Year" just comes off as a money mark and a spoiled child PAYING to play with his toys. Does he gain something by throwing JR under the bus like that and feed him to the few marks that are amused by Pockets? Is he thinking "oh, by saying this I will come off as the babyface because I'm standing up for this great character!". Vince WOULD NEVER do that in an off-character conversation. And poor JR trying to do his best at this stage of his life and at the same time having to put over this horseshit against his will...
“I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.” - Jim Ross
He is a hypocrite, worse than McMahon, at least we know Vince is nuts and can be awful, Khan tricks you with his child face and "hello fellow children" attitude and then he r4p3s you.
One of the major issues with Orange Cassidy is that you can’t take anyone who loses to him seriously. Like, personally I think it’s a fun character that would be entertaining used every once in a while (way less than he’s used now), and in no major angles. But we end up seeing him in title matches, matches for tittle shots, major feuds, etc. and it just makes anyone losing to him look dumb
When I worked backstage at Capcom Cup 2019, I got to talk business with Kenny Omega's manager (not Don Callis, his actual behind the scenes manager). I was watching a dress rehearsal for Kenny and Ono's SFV reveal skit from catering where i was cutting LCQ footage and said "Cornette gonna have a field day if he sees this one" when Ono traded chair shots with Kenny. From there I knew that I had to watch my tone around Kenny's manager because he didn't have complimentary things to say after that and I wanted to keep him as a contact because you never know what kind of bridge you can build from someone like that. I did however say as objectively as I could that the Dark Order's debut at FyterFest greatly tempered my expectations for AEW and explained the particular reasons why (Evil Uno being corpulent and generally unthreatening, the masked goons looking super bush league etc) yet they got continuous TV time. The manager told me the same thing that Brian and Jim talk about in the second half of this vid: "They get ratings." Years later the Dark Order continue to get involved in everything that they shouldn't be involved in, even after the albatross of Brodie's death putting a dark cloud over the stable. Even if they still get ratings, it could also be because they're around guys that at one time should be rating getters, but their overall presence does nothing but ensure that growth isn't sustained.
They remind me of an indy version cross of like a dx nwo an lucha with the stupid masks an bringing that dam kid in all the time is fucken stupid!!! I understand the respect for Brody at the time but to keep bringing him into shows an stuff was an is fucken stupid!!!
I really liked Cassidy when he first appeared, even though I knew he belonged nowhere near the main event scene. I figured his character would evolve and he'd start to get serious, but it's been painfully stagnant. Right now I kinda wish that Arn Anderson would confront him, talk about how he never was the World Champion despite giving it his all and here's Cassidy not even caring. Could be the manager for Cassidy and force him to change his attitude, not like Arn got a whole lot to do now that Cody's gone.
@@knightishench8424 look out!! He might end up kicking you with those devastating kicks to the shins. Yeah..so believable. He helps put the "Embarrassing" in A'E'W
"We barley scratched the surface of what this guy can do. He's gonna make Steve Austin look like Brian Blair" - Tony Khan after blasting a rail of booger sugar
The problem with Pockets is the gimmick. It might work if he was an underdog or just a good wrestler that can fires up, but right now is a guy that doesn't even care beating main eventers and stealing their moments and credibility due his sheer absurdity.
Could you see a locker room with (for example) the road warriors, steve austin, bam bam bigelow, flair, hogan, ron simmons, etc. and in walks the booker with Pockets and tells them Pockets is the next guy to get a push? Welcome to modern wrestling everybody, where nobody's are somebody's and good work gets buried.
I would love it, when Ross's AEW contract expires, if JR did a guest spot on the Experience and have Cornette and Ross do an honest shoot on his time in AEW. Let's get "red ass" JR and Cornette talking about AEW. I know it probably won't happen since apparently Brian Last and Conrad Thompson don't care for each other. But yeah, when JR is no longer under AEW contract, I'd love to hear he and Cornette dish on the backstage dirt.
So basically you're saying these 3-ish years he's been with AEW, he's lied on every single episode of his own podcast when talking about AEW and Tony. That's called a psychopath and I don't think JR is one. He could have retired after the cancer diagnosis and no one would have blamed him. He's clearly happy there.
@@markitzeroartstudio JR is not a liar nor psychopath, he's a company man. He's always going to publicly promote the organization he's associated with. And even when he's no longer under AEW, I'm sure he'll still find positive things to say. However, JR is a lot more willing to give a complete picture when he's no longer officially under contract, such as when he wrote his second book. He was not associated with WWE and sure did have a lot of brutally honest things to say about himself, his boss, and the people he worked with.
@@marcussabom2696 He has never spoken about Vince the way way he speaks about Tony Khan. There's a personal connection he talks about quite often with Tony. Does that mean he doesn't have notes on how he wishes certain matches would go or not? Of course not, but he genuinely seems happy to be where he is. He could have retired in December if he wanted. He has plenty of money, according to himself.
@@markitzeroartstudio Again, you're conflating brutal honesty with being negative. Has the AEW just been all bad all the time? No, they've had some great moments. CM Punk vs MJF has been some of their best work, but they also have some incredibly bad things as well. I expect JR to promote and speak highly of AEW while he's under contract. And I'm sure some of it is even genuine. However, I don't expect anyone, not JR, not Paul Heyman, not even Cornette himself to just drag the ever living shit out of a company while he's under contract with them and hopes to someday work for them again. That's why I don't really trust a word that comes out Bruce Pritchard's mouth. If JR's contract expires tomorrow and he announced he was 100% officially done with being an active member of any wrestling organization, and just wanted to sit at home and do podcasts with Conrad, THEN I'd be interested in hearing his opinions on AEW. Until then, I expect JR to do what he considers to be the professional thing to do and hype the company you're working for.
My stance will never change on Cassidy, he's a disgrace of pro wrestling and I'll never give that jerk off the time of day, EVER. I go back to Grilling JR the night we lost Owen - let's make these big tough guys comedy acts, let's make them as funny as possible. Years later I'm still hoping this trend will get the hell outta wrestling.
Couldn’t agree more!! He’s a huge reason I refuse to watch any of AEW. It makes me sick and I see people, who aren’t wrestling fans, randomly share clips of him on Facebook and shit and they’re like “oh this is wrestling now huh?” It turns my damn stomach! Not that everything is great or even good today but he is a completely different type of LOW!!
@Ninja Assassin [忍者] the comedy act pinned Adam Cole. So that makes Adam Cole less than a comedy act, and he's challenging for the world title in a really boring and childish feud about whose friends are whose.
@Ninja Assassin [忍者] that'd b great if they kept him wit the BS, but when Adam Cole takes an L to him, they throw him in the ring wit sting, the face of whatever ladder match, fuck that, all set
Honestly cannot stand Cassidy. When the industry has had wrestlers like Bret Hart, Mr Perfect, Piper, Michaels, Flair... the fact Cassidy even shares a similar platform is insulting to the industry.
Jim Ross once called the biggest moments and biggest stars in the history of wrestling. His closest his friend in the business is the biggest draw ever. Now he spends his weeks trying to get Orange Cassidy,Sonny Kiss,Dwarf Dong sucker and Danhausen over as legitimate athletes?? Im sure the money is good but he knows he’s going out bad.
The theory is he isn't in it for the money, he just wants to be involved in the next generation of pro wrestling because he is alone since his wife's passing. It's a shame really.
Yesterday, when JR asked why is there thumbtacks under the ring(I paraphrase, but that was the general idea), I couldn't agree more with him. As soon as Britt took them out, I was like, "Why? Just why🤦🏿♂️...?". Bad enough that they took those unnecessary bumps, they made it worse with those damn thumbtacks😑. That said, I like to hear JR roll his eyes at some of the things AEW does👍🏿.
Jim can sell ice to an Eskimo! The manscape advertisement he does here is just incredible! Matter of fact, only advertisements I don’t skip on the internet are the ones on this channel! Just pure gold 😂
If Pockets wasn't presented as a legitimate threat and was on R-Truth level then it wouldn't look so ridiculous that Tony Khan or anyone takes him seriously.
I don't get why Cassidy is still a thing. It's the same joke over and over again. Even if you thought it was funny 3 years ago (I don't), how has it stayed funny when there's no depth or development to it? I do kinda agree that the guy is smart, he's gotten a national TV job actively advertising that he's not gonna try hard at what he does.
Should I be surprised that you didn't know that JR changed his mind and ended up liking Orange? “I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.”
Orange Cassidy is a great Mascot/Underneath guy but having him go and beat your top main event talent is absurd. Imagine if in 1998/9 you had Al Snow beat Stone Cold Steve Austin on a unsanctioned hardcore match and later say it doesnt matter because it was unsanctioned? Having Orange Cassidy beating Adam Cole is the freaking same and many, many wrestling fans say "uh is not the same thing" and I'm like yea you right Al Snow made more money than Cassidy cause back in the day everyone was making insane amounts of money but he was still an underneath guy and the mascot with the head gimmick. But it feels that slowly but surely Tony Khan is starting to get rid of the dead weight and cleaning house. Swole, Marko and now Janela are gone. If I was OC I be thinking of changing my gimmick cause he is sticking out with the addition of more sports like talent. Statlander seems to be already dropping the Alien gimmick so OC should do the same IMO.
I agree with this, another example would be Scotty 2 Hotty, he was deffo over with his ‘worm’ gimmick but that doesn’t mean he should be main eventing WrestleMania against Rock/Austin.
I actually wouldn’t mind Orange if he was just a comedy jobber that was nowhere near the top talent and his wins were few and far between. Unfortunately, Tony loves him so he’s booked as a decent midcard threat.
I quit watching AEW over OC being pushed as if his sloth style makes him super powerful. What makes AEW think OC is over? Just because the live crowd pops, doesn't mean he's over. You don't hear the guys and girls cringing in the back, and certainly not the TVs turning off at home.
Oc's gimmick would have been cool if he was still in his twenties. But knowing the dude is already close to forty and still embrace that teenage slacker gimmick is just sad actually. Imagine cheering for a middle aged man imitating a delinquent high school kid and then thinking it's cool. Lol!
If Orange Cassidy wasn’t on TV the AEW fans would still be watching, but by having him on a lot of people that wanted to give AEW a chance tuned out. This is absolutely true because I’m living proof. For all the things that bothered me about AEW when I did give it a look, the straw that ultimately broke the camel’s back was Pockets.
I know Jr doesn’t want to retire, but floating along completely checked out on the commentary isn’t the way to keep going. He should quit and focus on the podcast and speaking tours. Sharing stories of the actual good days of wrestling.
his wife is dead. It's super common for widow's too keep working long after they should retire to keepp themselves occupied. Plus he probably has grandkids he wants to put through college.
I would love for aew to sign Cornette and have him come in and Criticize the company much like he did back in 97 when he criticized the WWF and his two minute rant they used to show every week
When he wrestled as Fire Ant under a mask he was actually really good in the ring regardless of the gimmick because he could go and put on great matches like he was actually trying to be competitive. The problem with the Orange Cassidy gimmick is that it's all about the act with the stupid 'sloth style' and kicks, nothing is taken seriously, he doesn't try at all. Just my opinion.
Orange Cassidy tries hard to not try. That’s his gimmick. It sucks. No where near the gimmick of a Naito who also has a personality of being callous and nonchalant about everything but the difference is, Naito makes it look believable while Cassidy makes it look carny. I do not know if Cassidy is good or not (because he can actually wrestle when it comes down to the basics) but I do know that Naito is exceptional.
He's not against OC. “I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.” - JR
@@justint8635 Thank you. It was the first comparison that came to mind. Daniel Snyder was a rich guy who was always a fan of Washington's team. He is the embodiment of the fan who had enough money to buy the team and finally had the chance to do what he thought he could do, back when he was spewing his genius on a message board somewhere (We've all been there). Only to then buy the team and find out rather quickly, that he didn't know what the who/what he was doing and sucked at it. Much like most of us would. Instead of just accepting that he didn't have a clue and letting professionals handle things, he constantly meddled and ruined any chance they had of ever consistently winning. Khan has always been a fan of wrestling and, thanks to his old man, had the money to start a company and thinks he knows what he's doing, instead of hiring a professional booker and letting his team do the work, he constantly meddles, is in over his head and half the time, his story-line booking has more holes in it than Sonny Corleone, due to lack of experience and lack of detail.
@@Cruising_On_Lake_Havasoma Oh My God! That's a great comparison. If you think about it. The Cowboys had success under previous ownership and with Tom Landry coaching, but eventually began to lose steam over the years. Jones showed up and did the unthinkable. He fired Landry, hired Jimmy and within what, 2-3 years, they were winning again and ended up winning about three Super Bowls. He then fired Jimmy and hasn't won since. He's had little moments where they could have done better if he just stayed out of it, but he had to be the main reason for the success. That is SO much like Vince Jr. Vince took over the WWF and did the unthinkable, went Michael Corleone on the territories. The WWF then reached new heights of success that were only interrupted for what, 4 years in the early-mid 90s'? He then bought WCW and treated half the talent like next to nothing and it's been downhill ever since.
As everybody here said Orange Cassidy was good enough as a comedy act but if you have a guy that doesn't care beating up your main eventers, you have a problem. The thing is that I feel like pockets became a pet project for the boss, so he's here to stay. Another topic, the more I hear about Tony Khan, the more I dislike him. It's nothing new but he seems a crowd pleaser, the kind of guy that buys all the other kids with candies and feels entitled because of it, but mean enough to not have friends otherwise. A lot of recent stories of he saying or acting in a way with certain people but them betraying them, like with Chavo, Big Swole (after hearing her point of view, I feel sorry for her) and JR, and I won't be surprised if this was kinda the case with Cody, but time will tell.
He sucks at communicating. Had he just told Swole the truth straight up, nobody would have blamed him. We could all see she wasn't ready. But so is half this roster.
@@RKO1988 yeah, bullshit wins are perfectly fine. I'm completely on board with that but him being booked like how he is right now is dumb lol. They're basically saying Tony neese and lethal are below OC
I can relate to Ross on this. Have you ever seen/heard something that was so stupid and irritating that your inner monologue of the world just breaks free?
“Someone tell me why we need damn thumb tacks under the ring!” - Jim Ross 🤣🤣
My friend said at the TV for J.R. to "deal with it" & I said to him "that's exactly the problem"
It was that moment I stopped caring about that match. It was clear they did it for a cheap pop so Memeltzer and friends could cream
I legit died when he said that. Schiavone had to quickly save him suggesting maybe Britt and her team planted them there.
@@Hellwolf36 those thumbtacks gave the match an extra 5 stars
That was a good question, fo real. Those thumbtacks are ruining it😑👎🏿
Love when Jim starts going off for like 5-10 minutes and then has to ask Brian what the original question was again 🤣🤣
Lmao yes it’s always glorious
80% of the time when im ranting i ask my friend what i was ranting about they remind me and pisses me off even more and i go off again xD
@@BelgotLeons been there before lol
Wrestling needs Jim cornette. Timeless knowledge and intelligences
I do the same thing to my wife. 🤣🤣🤣
Jim Ross: "So whats the story behind Kris Statlander ?"
Excalibur: "Well, the story is. See came from a planet from outer space , ..."
Jim Ross: "Ok. That's enough"
That did happen, didn't it? LOL!!
What match did this exchange happen?
Which is why she is dropping the alien gimmick, thank god
Good wrestler, terrible gimmick.
Jim Ross - The hero we needed but didn't deserve. The amount of wrong that guy has put up with over the years from all directions, yet he still tries to make wrestling better.
Idk about that... See his wife's story.
Which means he's just as much to blame, by being part of the nonsense.
@@boojooo2340 what about his wife's story?
Jim Ross is a multi-millionaire. He has made more money than most of us would see in 10 lifetimes. I don't feel sorry for him one bit professionally.
@@boojooo2340 ????
Jim last night, "Somebody tell me why we need thumbtacks under the damn ring!" You can just tell he is exasperated.
@Michael 92 yep main event. it was already fucked, but that took me out of it completely
@Michael 92 ua-cam.com/video/gvw1_q87e54/v-deo.html
yeah, at 5:51
@Michael 92 Yes. The match was sloppy as heck. Lacked any and all rhythm and basically resorted to pulling out gimmicks and Rosa screaming every five seconds. At one point, Jim Ross actually shouted out what the commenter said (He nailed the quote word for word). Rosa took the first bump in it and it looked bad. Baker took the bigger bump in it and, instead of selling like Randy Orton, she sold like Orton for all of three seconds and then ROLLED OUT OF THE RING I KID YOU NOT. They even did a spot where Baker stacked the chairs to slam Rose onto them, but Baker took the fall instead, and got a TWO COUNT, but Rosa's finisher did the trick.
i loved that line
I heard that and busted out 😄
It's weird that Corny talks about Pockets for years now and the artist just realized he had never draw Corny as Pockets before lol
An oohhhhh how we needed it!!! Lmao
Travis Heckel is the artist.
Travis the goat 🤣
I’m reminded of what Kingston said recently: Kayfabe is dead but that doesn’t mean we have to piss on its grave.
Having Eddie cut promos is gold. Having him beat real mme fighters is garbage. That kills kayfabe
@@ronniejdio9411 How does that kill kayfabe? In kayfabe they are both real righters. So it would be one real fighter beating another real fighter?
Also recently when Danhausen appeared he said something along the lines of 'I don't get this Danhausen... But he's popular!!'
I can't wait for J.R. to bury AEW when he leaves
You'll be highly disappointed. Tony treats him very well. At worst he'll say a few things that he didn't like in his time, but he won't "bury" AEW
What a strange thing to wish for
@@josephcruickshank6710 if you dont make a complaint then Iiiiiiii WILL!... CHOOSE NOW!!-👇🏼
@@kanelfc98 what a strange comment, as no one made any wishes.
I like aew wwe is Disney and boring same people wrestle each week over and over waters down the ppv match smh
The scary part is Tony told this story to show how he "gets it". "I saw Cassidy as a talent. See."
Imagine having Jim Ross on your payroll, and you just being a fan with a lot of money thanks to your old man, but thinking that you know better.
Its crazy how some of their wrestlers feel the same as well! The audacity!!
And yet.... how many times has Jim fucked up on the mic over the past 6 months. So many times he's called either the wrong move, the wrong name for the person, or thought he was still in WWE. 15 years ago I would agree. Now? not so much.
@@ivenstorm cause hes disinterested. And he does have a condition so its understandable but its worse than it should be cause he doesnt buy what these guys are doing
@@ivenstorm because what he's being forced to call is not wrestling it's GARBAGE
@@ivenstorm that doesn't mean he's wrong about knowing what gets over in wrestling because he's been in it longer then I've been alive and I'm 38, that means he's disinterested because alot of the matches are nonsensical outside of a few smart guys like Punk, Bryan, MJF etc. Also he is getting up there in age and has a condition so he's gonna have off nights. But that doesn't mean he's magically forgotten what works in this buisness and it's a crime that Tony and the talent arnet mining that resource more. You have multiple great minds in your company and your telling them what works instead of asking them and listening to their wisdom. That's a huge mistake and one that is probably preventing them from growing further as a company
Orange Cassidy is an overrated mid-card who's been doing the same act since he got to aew. He has had 2 top feuds and they were both terrible. No one can convince me Cassady vs Jericho was good.
Apparently their mark fanbase would disagree with it. The crowd hijacks these shows.
@@Hellwolf36 I feel like marks are the ones who hate for the sake of hating
Orange Cassidy can definitely wrestle but his character sucks, the goofy kicks and him spending half a match not taking it seriously is annoying but he is trying his wrestling is fun to watch
Not even Jericho😂
@M Sund He can't talk
You can see JR also has a contempt for Danhausen too when he appears 😂😂
He's not the only one!
Growing up on those weekend horror movie hosts (Svengoolie, The Ghoul, Hoolihan & Big Chuck, Superhost), I have a soft spot for Danhausen.
Orange Cassidy broke so many sunglasses and never drew a dime! Lmao!
“Mediocre and subpar BS.” So Jim DOES know something about football. He described Tony’s Jacksonville jaguars. Lol
The Jaguars are his fathers team..i could be wrong but i don't think Tony has thing one to do with the football team.
@@Cabaret43 You are correct. His dad is the majority owner. However, Tony is the senior vice president of pro football technology for the Jaguars. And I believe that he is otherwise involved in other aspects of the team. Either way, my overall point was that the Jacksonville jaguars suck.😀
@@Cabaret43 he's their analytics guy officially, but he's definitely worked in the front office.
@@natebaxter9551 I guess my point was that you can blame TK for AEW sucking but i don;t think he's the reason the Jags do. That list is too long to blame just him lol.
@@Cabaret43 true, but let's not forget him getting into Twitter fights with his own players. Who does that?
Jim as pockets is some of Mr. Heckles best work 🤣
This goes to show that JR doesn't have the support of the people who know better because they want to fit in with the cool kids and it shows that AEW won't listen to vets.
“I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.” - JR
I think there comes a point where some of the older guys just literally CANNOT understand some of these newer gimmicks. No matter what, they just never are going to "get" Orange Cassidy or Danhausen, and that's okay. The business isn't the same as it was when JR and Corny were the ages of Orange Cassidy and Danhausen.
@@johnt.campbell316 That I agree with. I can only imagine how the wrestlers from the previous generation felt about the next one and so on and so on. There's a lot of it i don't like or get but things change and so do the taste of people.
@@redwolfe7049 indeed. Imagine for some of these guys, there's more than an entire generation between Orange Cassidy and JR. Think about the trouble you or I could have talking to a really old person. Then, imagine them trying to understand certain memes. It's never gonna happen; and that's perfectly fine.
@@johnt.campbell316 The new Gimmicks don't draw. It's not that we don't "Understand" The new Gimmicks, it's that they do not draw. AEW Can't even beat WWE"s Developmental show in views for crying out loud.
Because it kills anyone he beats, you don't exactly look strong being beat by a string bean with his hands In his pockets.
What a shock JR against Orange Cassidy yeah no shit Kahn
In my opinion if you want to fix orange cassidy, make him a heel and have him do all the pocket stuff as taunts to humiliate his opponents rather then for comedic relief
That could actually work.
Great idea
Yeah a 5'10, 165 pound heel
Cassidy used to keep his hands in his pockets until you'd piss him off, and he'd start to actually wrestle. Why doesn't go back to that?
firing the bum would be easier
Bad form from TK here, seems he threw JR (the most respected senior employees in the average fans’ eyes) just for a cheap media pop and to enter himself into the news cycle for a few days
How dare you doubt 2x BOOKER OF THE YEAR
Not really because JR sounds like hes warmed up to OC alot now. He hates some of it but he’s behind the character/person
@@mehoo8 He's just trying to be professional. He knows its hopeless. It's like Marge when it comes to Homer Simpson.
TK is just a conceited drip who thinks he is much smarter than hew really is. This is the exact same way he responded to complaints about Fulham's transfer dealings
Same shit with Scott Parker from Fulham . Tony bought a trash team together but he blaims the coach when they suck .
AEW Fans: Yeah! They got Jim Ross! The best announcer ever!
*J.R. criticizes AEW*
AEW Fans: He's old and out of touch! He needs to retire!
Cornette fans - "Yeah! Jim Ross hates Orange Cassidy! Ross knows what he's talking about!"
Also Cornette fans - "What? Ross praising Orange Cassidy? NO! I refuse to mention that!"
“I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.” - JR
@@mimseydemon1844 JR wants that dolla dolla
@@mimseydemon1844 Yep, JR like any good employee is gonna speak his mind once and then if the boss thinks the opposite, he knows what he needs to do to keep his job!
@@amitversion2 theyre not going to fire jim fucking ross for not liking orange cassidy are you insane
JR needs to retire because his commentary is starting to not make sense anymore. He just rambles about something. I want to hear the match called.
I would prefer if JR retired
Orange Cassidy would have been fine if he was kept as an underneath act. A literal mascot who pops up now and then for a cameo spot or jobber match. But he has overachieved and been overexposed thanks to Khan being such a fanboy.
I can appreciate running with what's popular at the time, but in my opinion OC really has no business being at the level he is in AEW right now.
Agreed. It reminds me of the Luchadores in WCW. As one match on the card, at the bottom of the card, they worked. Now, every other match is basically a luchadore styled match. No wonder only 1m people watch the show.
Well said
He would've been a fine character if he never wrestled
Dude is a joke character who just defeated Adam Cole for no goddamn reason
If they would get rid of the gimmick all together and give him something legitimate to run with he would probably get over much better. He’s actually athletic and can work. It seems guys don’t mind working with him, he appears to be safe because when a new guy comes in, he’s the first to wrestle em. I don’t think a lot of the guys would do it if they felt like he was actually terrible, that’s the sad part. Scrap the gimmick, if it’s not too late, and maybe everyone won’t hate him going forward
He would be amazing in WWE 24/7 card, he can be like R-truth archenemy.
We've barely scratched the surface of how far we can fling this guy out of the ring!
I tell you, Tony Khan is becoming the biggest mark for himself, I'm shocked he can get thru the arena doors with his gigantic head, a head that keeps on getting bigger, bigger... AND BIGGER!!
Orange must be Tony's bed warmer. It's the only think that explains this farce.
he needs a big head to hold all the cocaine he stuffs into it.
Becoming?? Dude he has been a huge mark for himself since day one.
He not only wants to dethrone wwe in ratings, he also wants to take Vinces place as the worst boss in the wrestling business.
@@carloscjr23 LoL. He'll
Herb Abrams himself waiting for that day that never comes.
Anyone who knows JR knows 'HE IS GOING TO SPEAK HIS MIND'. Corny knows him and VKM has said this also,"JR going to let you know how he feels". AEW marks can call him old and grumpy, he has forgotten more than they will ever learn about wrestling. And Khan is so egotistical, the so-called 'savior' of wrestling folks.
For every two things AEW does right, they do ten things bad. I dont have time to sit through the BS if I cant FF.
AEW is a worthless blemish on the face of professional wrestling.
FTR also Stated they aren't happy with their AEW run as well. the cracks are forming Tony Khan being two face to people more of that is coming out as well. the structure or lack of structure of AEW is starting to Show. look at all the talent Tony has acquired jacked up ratings yeah but quickly tony is making them job in Dark and elevation. its the same people on dynamite week after week. people don't even know they have over 100 wrestlers signed just in the men division.
Here's some JR speaking his mind. - “I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.”
@@matthewjuarbe5826 jacked up ratings? Where they barley hit a million at peak then quickly drop down to the 800ks. they barley beat the wwe c show.
@@elvangulley3210 im saying thats what they do every time they showcase a recently signed wrestler primarily from wwe rating go up even if not by much but you quickly see them jobbing them in dark and elevatipn after words.
I will never forget JR saying Vince fired my ass 3 times. JR was one of the best hands Vince ever had. JR went and signed the rock personally. He did his job off the headset and on the headset exceptionally well and deserved better
JR has always been very grateful to Vince for the opportunities he got and the money he made. Not sure what you mean by deserved better. I guess he deserves better than aew, but even J.R couldn't get people excited for the stuff wwe is doing right now.
JR doesn't deserve respect. He was just a simp for Vince with no self-respect. He literally kissed his boss' bare butt on live television. JR is a disgrace.
I agree JR is great, and getting The Rock arguably won them the Monday night wars. But disagree with saying deserved better, vince has given JR an amazing career full of working some of the biggest matches of all time, lots of money, and looked out for him when he lost his wife. Its always very easy to blame Vince, but he's a businessman who has to make difficult decisions
It seems to me that Vince is going to wind up spending his final years in shame and loneliness. I don't believe in karma, per se, but everyone's past DOES usually wind up coming back to bite them in the ass.
@@bryansansone3301 what because he had an affair? Literally millions and millions of people have done that in history. You lot try to cancel vince weekly, he will be okay
It's hilarious, in a sad and pathetic kind of way, that Tony Kahn thinks he's been proven right about Orange Cassidy two years later.
He lacks self awareness but he signs the checks so no one will argue with him
Orange Cassidy is over af with the fans whether anyone likes it or not.
@@skipg73 No, he's over with THIER fans. Just as Jim says, if you add up all the people not watching because of stupid shit on the show (like OC) you would see that silly gimmicks like him are doing much worse to grow the fan base than they are doing good.
@@VULGARxRM I both agree and disagree.
Personally, I *hate* Orange Cassidy (and his female WWE counterpart Wendy Choo) but he *is* SOMEWHAT of a draw.
If you look at quarter hours, he does usually provide AEW a *tiny* bump...relative to their terrible ratings.
I think comedy wrestling has it's place. That place, however, should not be within ICBM range of the main event or even midcard. OC and WC should be wrestling cool down matches between matches that *actually* matter. Not being IN matches that matter
@@VULGARxRM No one is going to stop watching an entire show because of one silly part of it, just stop. If that was true a significant amount of people would have been stopped watching the WWE. I can tell several things more sillier than OC. How about walking down the aisle throwing pancakes with grown men twerking? What about putting a former NFL punter in WrestleMania match? So we can pretend like AEW did something unheard of all you want but if you watch WWE that means you're a total hypocrite who grew up on it.
And here is the moment when the "Booker of the Year" just comes off as a money mark and a spoiled child PAYING to play with his toys. Does he gain something by throwing JR under the bus like that and feed him to the few marks that are amused by Pockets? Is he thinking "oh, by saying this I will come off as the babyface because I'm standing up for this great character!". Vince WOULD NEVER do that in an off-character conversation.
And poor JR trying to do his best at this stage of his life and at the same time having to put over this horseshit against his will...
“I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.” - Jim Ross
Few? Whole arenas are cheering OC
He is a hypocrite, worse than McMahon, at least we know Vince is nuts and can be awful, Khan tricks you with his child face and "hello fellow children" attitude and then he r4p3s you.
@@mimseydemon1844 ok aew boot licker, you earned your free tickets, stop.
One of the major issues with Orange Cassidy is that you can’t take anyone who loses to him seriously. Like, personally I think it’s a fun character that would be entertaining used every once in a while (way less than he’s used now), and in no major angles. But we end up seeing him in title matches, matches for tittle shots, major feuds, etc. and it just makes anyone losing to him look dumb
I haven't been able to take Adam Cole seriously ever since their match at beach break
@@MrSircharles05 yeah, if the match itself didn’t do it that finish DEFINITELY did
Jim's comments on Orange Cassidy generate more buzz than anything cassidy actually does lol 😂
When I worked backstage at Capcom Cup 2019, I got to talk business with Kenny Omega's manager (not Don Callis, his actual behind the scenes manager). I was watching a dress rehearsal for Kenny and Ono's SFV reveal skit from catering where i was cutting LCQ footage and said "Cornette gonna have a field day if he sees this one" when Ono traded chair shots with Kenny. From there I knew that I had to watch my tone around Kenny's manager because he didn't have complimentary things to say after that and I wanted to keep him as a contact because you never know what kind of bridge you can build from someone like that. I did however say as objectively as I could that the Dark Order's debut at FyterFest greatly tempered my expectations for AEW and explained the particular reasons why (Evil Uno being corpulent and generally unthreatening, the masked goons looking super bush league etc) yet they got continuous TV time. The manager told me the same thing that Brian and Jim talk about in the second half of this vid: "They get ratings." Years later the Dark Order continue to get involved in everything that they shouldn't be involved in, even after the albatross of Brodie's death putting a dark cloud over the stable. Even if they still get ratings, it could also be because they're around guys that at one time should be rating getters, but their overall presence does nothing but ensure that growth isn't sustained.
They remind me of an indy version cross of like a dx nwo an lucha with the stupid masks an bringing that dam kid in all the time is fucken stupid!!! I understand the respect for Brody at the time but to keep bringing him into shows an stuff was an is fucken stupid!!!
I really liked Cassidy when he first appeared, even though I knew he belonged nowhere near the main event scene. I figured his character would evolve and he'd start to get serious, but it's been painfully stagnant. Right now I kinda wish that Arn Anderson would confront him, talk about how he never was the World Champion despite giving it his all and here's Cassidy not even caring. Could be the manager for Cassidy and force him to change his attitude, not like Arn got a whole lot to do now that Cody's gone.
I love Cassidy but wow I love that angle
@@knightishench8424 look out!! He might end up kicking you with those devastating kicks to the shins. Yeah..so believable. He helps put the "Embarrassing" in A'E'W
@@HBKStyles hahah you fed marks are professional dribblers
I agree wholeheartedly
@@HBKStyles Lol because everyone and their mother believes pro wrestling is a real competition. Grow up
"We barley scratched the surface of what this guy can do. He's gonna make Steve Austin look like Brian Blair"
- Tony Khan after blasting a rail of booger sugar
The problem with Pockets is the gimmick. It might work if he was an underdog or just a good wrestler that can fires up, but right now is a guy that doesn't even care beating main eventers and stealing their moments and credibility due his sheer absurdity.
And his nonchalantness
For how long is this gimmick going to be interesting for their fans?
@@IronDiva right lol? its been like two years
It’s overdone to death too
What main eventers has he beaten in the last 8 months?
There needs to be a compilation of Brian laughing lol
Could you see a locker room with (for example) the road warriors, steve austin, bam bam bigelow, flair, hogan, ron simmons, etc. and in walks the booker with Pockets and tells them Pockets is the next guy to get a push? Welcome to modern wrestling everybody, where nobody's are somebody's and good work gets buried.
I don’t even really watch wrestling anymore but still listen to Jim frequently lmao
Wrestling is the shits these days. It's sad to see the biggest draw of all time come back to do a segment with Kevin Owens, I mean who is he?
@@jasonmyers8600 are you really asking who Kevin Owens is?
Orange Cassidy vs Danhausen is gonna be a slobber knocker!
as in "you'd have to be a slobbering moron to enjoy it"
I would love it, when Ross's AEW contract expires, if JR did a guest spot on the Experience and have Cornette and Ross do an honest shoot on his time in AEW.
Let's get "red ass" JR and Cornette talking about AEW.
I know it probably won't happen since apparently Brian Last and Conrad Thompson don't care for each other.
But yeah, when JR is no longer under AEW contract, I'd love to hear he and Cornette dish on the backstage dirt.
So basically you're saying these 3-ish years he's been with AEW, he's lied on every single episode of his own podcast when talking about AEW and Tony. That's called a psychopath and I don't think JR is one. He could have retired after the cancer diagnosis and no one would have blamed him. He's clearly happy there.
@@markitzeroartstudio JR is not a liar nor psychopath, he's a company man. He's always going to publicly promote the organization he's associated with.
And even when he's no longer under AEW, I'm sure he'll still find positive things to say. However, JR is a lot more willing to give a complete picture when he's no longer officially under contract, such as when he wrote his second book. He was not associated with WWE and sure did have a lot of brutally honest things to say about himself, his boss, and the people he worked with.
@@marcussabom2696 He has never spoken about Vince the way way he speaks about Tony Khan. There's a personal connection he talks about quite often with Tony. Does that mean he doesn't have notes on how he wishes certain matches would go or not? Of course not, but he genuinely seems happy to be where he is. He could have retired in December if he wanted. He has plenty of money, according to himself.
@@markitzeroartstudio Again, you're conflating brutal honesty with being negative. Has the AEW just been all bad all the time? No, they've had some great moments. CM Punk vs MJF has been some of their best work, but they also have some incredibly bad things as well.
I expect JR to promote and speak highly of AEW while he's under contract. And I'm sure some of it is even genuine.
However, I don't expect anyone, not JR, not Paul Heyman, not even Cornette himself to just drag the ever living shit out of a company while he's under contract with them and hopes to someday work for them again.
That's why I don't really trust a word that comes out Bruce Pritchard's mouth.
If JR's contract expires tomorrow and he announced he was 100% officially done with being an active member of any wrestling organization, and just wanted to sit at home and do podcasts with Conrad, THEN I'd be interested in hearing his opinions on AEW.
Until then, I expect JR to do what he considers to be the professional thing to do and hype the company you're working for.
Why would you hire Jim fkin Ross just to ignore him? He's right pockets is fkin awful. I hope Regal and Jim start a tag team and sort the shits out
My stance will never change on Cassidy, he's a disgrace of pro wrestling and I'll never give that jerk off the time of day, EVER. I go back to Grilling JR the night we lost Owen - let's make these big tough guys comedy acts, let's make them as funny as possible. Years later I'm still hoping this trend will get the hell outta wrestling.
Couldn’t agree more!! He’s a huge reason I refuse to watch any of AEW. It makes me sick and I see people, who aren’t wrestling fans, randomly share clips of him on Facebook and shit and they’re like “oh this is wrestling now huh?” It turns my damn stomach! Not that everything is great or even good today but he is a completely different type of LOW!!
I hate anything he's involved with. I can tell he can work but he does this shit instead so I roll my eyes and skip ahead.
He's great. Sad you don't see it.
@Ninja Assassin [忍者] the comedy act pinned Adam Cole. So that makes Adam Cole less than a comedy act, and he's challenging for the world title in a really boring and childish feud about whose friends are whose.
@Ninja Assassin [忍者] that'd b great if they kept him wit the BS, but when Adam Cole takes an L to him, they throw him in the ring wit sting, the face of whatever ladder match, fuck that, all set
"That's what pockets is, 2 dogs f'ing on the side of the road"
Me: Please let this inspire the thumbnail for this vid
We need a omnibus of Brian Just laughing at things.
I was intrigued by Orange Cassidy the very first time I saw him wrestle, but after that I could not care less.
This is why Cornette makes more sense than Meltzer ever will.
Honestly cannot stand Cassidy. When the industry has had wrestlers like Bret Hart, Mr Perfect, Piper, Michaels, Flair... the fact Cassidy even shares a similar platform is insulting to the industry.
Flair sucked he did the same match over and over and he was overrated
Jim Ross once called the biggest moments and biggest stars in the history of wrestling. His closest his friend in the business is the biggest draw ever. Now he spends his weeks trying to get Orange Cassidy,Sonny Kiss,Dwarf Dong sucker and Danhausen over as legitimate athletes?? Im sure the money is good but he knows he’s going out bad.
The theory is he isn't in it for the money, he just wants to be involved in the next generation of pro wrestling because he is alone since his wife's passing. It's a shame really.
I actually find Danhausen pretty entertaining.
OC with jim's face is putting off strong Dale Gribble vibes.
Yesterday, when JR asked why is there thumbtacks under the ring(I paraphrase, but that was the general idea), I couldn't agree more with him. As soon as Britt took them out, I was like, "Why? Just why🤦🏿♂️...?". Bad enough that they took those unnecessary bumps, they made it worse with those damn thumbtacks😑. That said, I like to hear JR roll his eyes at some of the things AEW does👍🏿.
I can't believe wrestlers bury themselves to work with him
Jim can sell ice to an Eskimo! The manscape advertisement he does here is just incredible! Matter of fact, only advertisements I don’t skip on the internet are the ones on this channel! Just pure gold 😂
If Pockets wasn't presented as a legitimate threat and was on R-Truth level then it wouldn't look so ridiculous that Tony Khan or anyone takes him seriously.
Vince in his prime > Tony in his prime or whenever actually
I love when he refers to OC as 'my little dog pockets' 😂
Orange Cassidy is like a not hilarious joke that you're forced to hear atleast once a week for the past 160 weeks
Orange Cassidy's surface has been scratched and underneath. He is Joey Janella with less creativity. They should relabel him Orange Jello.
I don't get why Cassidy is still a thing. It's the same joke over and over again. Even if you thought it was funny 3 years ago (I don't), how has it stayed funny when there's no depth or development to it?
I do kinda agree that the guy is smart, he's gotten a national TV job actively advertising that he's not gonna try hard at what he does.
Tenneva resident here, I was pretty shocked to hear Jim shout-out my little Southern hometown. 🤣
Why does it not surprise me that probably the smartest person in the company was against one of the dumbest ideas in the company ever?
The sad thing about this is that the owner is a bigger idiot than the guys he's pushing.
Should I be surprised that you didn't know that JR changed his mind and ended up liking Orange?
“I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.”
@@mimseydemon1844 so as JRs shrink You know yhis is his true feelings about OC?
Orange Cassidy is a great Mascot/Underneath guy but having him go and beat your top main event talent is absurd. Imagine if in 1998/9 you had Al Snow beat Stone Cold Steve Austin on a unsanctioned hardcore match and later say it doesnt matter because it was unsanctioned? Having Orange Cassidy beating Adam Cole is the freaking same and many, many wrestling fans say "uh is not the same thing" and I'm like yea you right Al Snow made more money than Cassidy cause back in the day everyone was making insane amounts of money but he was still an underneath guy and the mascot with the head gimmick. But it feels that slowly but surely Tony Khan is starting to get rid of the dead weight and cleaning house. Swole, Marko and now Janela are gone. If I was OC I be thinking of changing my gimmick cause he is sticking out with the addition of more sports like talent. Statlander seems to be already dropping the Alien gimmick so OC should do the same IMO.
I agree with this, another example would be Scotty 2 Hotty, he was deffo over with his ‘worm’ gimmick but that doesn’t mean he should be main eventing WrestleMania against Rock/Austin.
I actually wouldn’t mind Orange if he was just a comedy jobber that was nowhere near the top talent and his wins were few and far between. Unfortunately, Tony loves him so he’s booked as a decent midcard threat.
Midcard comedy guy who beats the no 1 contender who appears in the main event for the world title with a hug (Adam Cole)
I would mine either. I just hope him and Danhausen get healed up. We might see something different. Lol
Wait till danhausen hits after his leg heals. He sells even more merch, and he's a comedy boogeyman.
Amazing how much 2 months later, after Adam Cole match, what else had Pockets done?
Orange Cassidy was fun to watch for like 3 matches then his stick got old
Iron Shiek. "That punk kid kid tapped my shins with his toes. What the fu$$! I give that fu#$ as*** a closeline!"
Tony Khan will have to eventually admit that he doesn't know half of what he thinks he knows. Orange is a jobber. End of story.
1:10 Brian Last's hyena laugh has officially surpassed Jerry 'The King' Lawler's!
1:12 that laugh gets me every time 🤣
Shades of Cesar Romero. 🤡
JR now gets to Cosplay as a WWF/TNA Cornette sitting in a booking meeting with Russo.
Orange Cassidy = everything wrong with the wrestling business today.
If he can sum up Vince Russos style of writing in one phrase, it’s “Two dogs fucking on the side of the road”
I quit watching AEW over OC being pushed as if his sloth style makes him super powerful.
What makes AEW think OC is over? Just because the live crowd pops, doesn't mean he's over.
You don't hear the guys and girls cringing in the back, and certainly not the TVs turning off at home.
I love when Brian breaks character!
Oc's gimmick would have been cool if he was still in his twenties. But knowing the dude is already close to forty and still embrace that teenage slacker gimmick is just sad actually. Imagine cheering for a middle aged man imitating a delinquent high school kid and then thinking it's cool. Lol!
Goddamn, I had no idea he was 37. That’s crazy.
That was the entire DX gimmick
Hook with that gimmick would make sense
@@QAZ-OMEN Dx can also change to a more serious and aggresive stable depending on their storyline. Oc is just a clown act through and through.
@@jessycruz2465 I agree Stale oc sucks. Just wanted to point that out
Tony Khan has been captured by that mud-show quicksand.
If Orange Cassidy wasn’t on TV the AEW fans would still be watching, but by having him on a lot of people that wanted to give AEW a chance tuned out. This is absolutely true because I’m living proof. For all the things that bothered me about AEW when I did give it a look, the straw that ultimately broke the camel’s back was Pockets.
me too.
Orange tanks ratings every single week.
I know Jr doesn’t want to retire, but floating along completely checked out on the commentary isn’t the way to keep going. He should quit and focus on the podcast and speaking tours. Sharing stories of the actual good days of wrestling.
JR has been floating around completed checked out since 1993
his wife is dead. It's super common for widow's too keep working long after they should retire to keepp themselves occupied. Plus he probably has grandkids he wants to put through college.
Jim Ross should keep commentating he's the best
Orange Cassidy is most likely banging the Money Mark for him to get this much exposure
I would love for aew to sign Cornette and have him come in and Criticize the company much like he did back in 97 when he criticized the WWF and his two minute rant they used to show every week
JR looks like that guy from Beavis and Butthead
When he wrestled as Fire Ant under a mask he was actually really good in the ring regardless of the gimmick because he could go and put on great matches like he was actually trying to be competitive. The problem with the Orange Cassidy gimmick is that it's all about the act with the stupid 'sloth style' and kicks, nothing is taken seriously, he doesn't try at all. Just my opinion.
Orange Cassidy tries hard to not try. That’s his gimmick. It sucks. No where near the gimmick of a Naito who also has a personality of being callous and nonchalant about everything but the difference is, Naito makes it look believable while Cassidy makes it look carny. I do not know if Cassidy is good or not (because he can actually wrestle when it comes down to the basics) but I do know that Naito is exceptional.
So he all of a sudden stopped being a good in ring worker cause of a gimmick change???? WTF. YOU ACTUALLY SAID THAT.
Ill bet 50 bucks he did the exact same 6 moves
@@SwaggaLeo I think for the gimmick pockets is a great upper midcard act. He is much more tolerable in 6 man and tag matches
@@SwaggaLeo worse than that. A gimmick he came up with himself.
Even JR hates "My Little Dog Pockets". Not that Orange Cassidy can't wrestle, he just has such a shitty gimmick...
Honestly, I'm casual as hell on AEW. I've watched WWE since I was 5 years old. That's what I hope improves
Pockets, bucks and omega are exactly the reason I tune straight out of AEW when ever I try it
Jr is against a lot of stuff in AEW .
Rightfully so.
He called the Pockets ladder match with the big guys a “train wreck” 😂
He's not against OC.
“I admit when I first saw Cassidy, my old school self said ‘it’s never gonna get over stupid.’ And I was wrong. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and I was wrong on Orange Cassidy, he’s a fine guy. He’s a good Pro, and he’s got a different act.” - JR
HE beat Adam Cole and still didn’t get over that’s a shame !! Thank God for Jim Ross
AEW has decent characters, but nothing ever gets explained.
Good point ..they never really explained the OC backstop...why is he lazy? ...why doesn't he care ?
After last nights garbage match with Baker and Rosa, nobody can’t tell me JR is just doing this for the money and a reason to leave his house
Tony Khan is the Dan Snyder of Professional Wrestling.
Apt comparison.
@@justint8635 Thank you. It was the first comparison that came to mind. Daniel Snyder was a rich guy who was always a fan of Washington's team. He is the embodiment of the fan who had enough money to buy the team and finally had the chance to do what he thought he could do, back when he was spewing his genius on a message board somewhere (We've all been there). Only to then buy the team and find out rather quickly, that he didn't know what the who/what he was doing and sucked at it. Much like most of us would. Instead of just accepting that he didn't have a clue and letting professionals handle things, he constantly meddled and ruined any chance they had of ever consistently winning.
Khan has always been a fan of wrestling and, thanks to his old man, had the money to start a company and thinks he knows what he's doing, instead of hiring a professional booker and letting his team do the work, he constantly meddles, is in over his head and half the time, his story-line booking has more holes in it than Sonny Corleone, due to lack of experience and lack of detail.
Does that make Vince the Jerry Jones?
@@Cruising_On_Lake_Havasoma Oh My God! That's a great comparison. If you think about it. The Cowboys had success under previous ownership and with Tom Landry coaching, but eventually began to lose steam over the years. Jones showed up and did the unthinkable. He fired Landry, hired Jimmy and within what, 2-3 years, they were winning again and ended up winning about three Super Bowls. He then fired Jimmy and hasn't won since. He's had little moments where they could have done better if he just stayed out of it, but he had to be the main reason for the success. That is SO much like Vince Jr. Vince took over the WWF and did the unthinkable, went Michael Corleone on the territories. The WWF then reached new heights of success that were only interrupted for what, 4 years in the early-mid 90s'? He then bought WCW and treated half the talent like next to nothing and it's been downhill ever since.
@@Cruising_On_Lake_Havasoma Vince would be more like Jerry Buss than Jerry Jones.
I hate to break it to you Tony, but Orange Cassidy is literally all surface. There's nothing underneath.
As everybody here said Orange Cassidy was good enough as a comedy act but if you have a guy that doesn't care beating up your main eventers, you have a problem. The thing is that I feel like pockets became a pet project for the boss, so he's here to stay.
Another topic, the more I hear about Tony Khan, the more I dislike him. It's nothing new but he seems a crowd pleaser, the kind of guy that buys all the other kids with candies and feels entitled because of it, but mean enough to not have friends otherwise. A lot of recent stories of he saying or acting in a way with certain people but them betraying them, like with Chavo, Big Swole (after hearing her point of view, I feel sorry for her) and JR, and I won't be surprised if this was kinda the case with Cody, but time will tell.
Key words here: COMEDY ACT like Santino Marella NOT main event
He sucks at communicating. Had he just told Swole the truth straight up, nobody would have blamed him. We could all see she wasn't ready. But so is half this roster.
He should've been booked like the huericane. Losing most of the time but giving him a win every now and then.
@@EBraz Hurricane got a win over the Rock they should have booked him get a win over MJF or Kenny Omega (a bullshit win ofc)
@@RKO1988 yeah, bullshit wins are perfectly fine. I'm completely on board with that but him being booked like how he is right now is dumb lol. They're basically saying Tony neese and lethal are below OC
Well that's it, nobody will ever give a better promo for manscaped 🤣🤣🤣
What if Khan and Cassidy died? 😳
I can relate to Ross on this. Have you ever seen/heard something that was so stupid and irritating that your inner monologue of the world just breaks free?
Brian’s laugh dries your tears and waters your plants.
I love the Virgil laughs.
Wild. I was watching my local WCYB TV 5 he references here. And I never watch local TV...not surprised by his statement
When an owner is impressed over mediocre productivity then that’s what his company produces.
They're right. Pockets is great. JR realizes this now and he's probably helped Pockets get even better.
If only JR was allowed to have some more influence backstage smh