  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • #bts #btsdatinggame #datinggame
    Hello guys!! :)
    Sorry for the late upload but I have come up with a new video..
    Hope you guys will like it :)


  • @susanlime8012
    @susanlime8012 3 роки тому +1

    135 subscriber 15 comment love your videos

  • @lolitaapplewhite8128
    @lolitaapplewhite8128 3 роки тому +1

    Murder cases were suddenly emerging in my city. It was always the parents of my colleagues in University ! Such a strange pattern I was trying not to consider it and stay positive.
    Moonbyul's(my bff) sister was coming for Christmas and we decided to throw a welcome party for her !
    Moonbyul sister took her handsome bff Namjoon with her to enjoy Christmas with us ! Me and him locked eyes and felt an instant connection !
    We all became really close friends ! A few days later another murder happened right next to my house ! It was also a parent of one of my colleagues !
    I felt so bad for him ! Hoseok was such a nice guy always cheerful and happy and his parents too why would someone do such a horrible thing ?
    I was hesitated at first but i went to gave my condolences we started talking and we became good friends i also introduced him to my friends
    The mayor of the city then hired a private investigator ! Know one knew of course who he was but i knew it was Hoseok ! Now he had one more reason to take the job ! Private investigator was his main job and he was quite famous in other cities ! It was his passion but this job was dangerous so he moved in another city with his parents who no one knew who he was, to start a new life on a new subject ! But life plays you games who would have thought that his family would lost their lives cause of random serial killer !
    One day i went for drinks with my friends and got drunk, it was pretty late when i was going back home ! I felt that someone was following me. I started running in fear and he followed too!
    I fell, turn to see a man with black hoodie standing few feets away from me. I got scared and started screaming ! He came closer to me but he stopped when someone shouted from behind.
    I turn around and see that this person was Taehyung the cafe owner i was drinking in, he helped me stand up and accompany me back to my home
    I didn't tell anyone about this and soon Christmas came and me and my best friend decided to go on a party ! I wore a cozy white winter t-shirt and a grey skirt with a black ribbon !
    Me and my bff went to the party that was held by the richest guy in Uni Kim Seokjin ❤️
    The party was nice but a blackout happened and when the electricity came back 2 bodies were hanging from the ceiling ! We all screamed in shock !
    Police came and also said that one more family murder had happened in my bffs house. We all run to the house to check the bodies but police didn't let us go near them they just told us the names ! A cold chill run down my spine when i heard the names of my bffs family 😰
    My friend had a break down no-one could ease her heart. Then Namjoon came from the crowd and told the police officers that he may have seen the killer !
    Namjoon described the killer and he was exactly like the guy who hunted me down the other day ! A guy with a good physhique
    and a black hoodie !
    I wanted to help so i walked the same path i had met the hoodie guy, everyday hoping to run on him again ! A month later he appeared !
    For my defence i was carrying a women safety stun gun ! I tried to hit him with it but he blocked me telling me that he was stalking me and wanted to kill my parents but they where out of town so he killed my bffs family. He was wearing a mask and I couldn't see his face that got me more scared than I already was! He got angry that he didn't killed my parents so he decided to kill me !
    While he was taking something out of his pocket i tried to hurt him with my stun gun but he dodged my shot and tackled me in the ground holding my hands from behind. I screamed in pain I tried to escape from his grip but he was too strong. He took out a sting gun from his pocket and shoot me in the neck, I fainted ...
    When i woke up I found myself tied to a chair in a cold basement.The masked man came inside laughing at me while removing his mask ! By my surprise the serial killer was time 7:33 picture 3 (i don't know him 🤣😅)
    I asked him why he does that he said that his parents commited suicide because his father was working as a janitor in the uni and things happened because of the college students and he lost his job. Poverty was already bad When they had that one job and it became worse when they lost it, they couldn't handle it anymore !
    He wanted to cause the same pain he felt !
    I felt pity and started crying !
    (No way !!! I wouldn't do that ! I would probably had a straight face ! If we consider these answers ! Sadly i am a person that would provoke him !)
    The killer looked me in the eyes and left ! I calmed down and tried to escape ! I found a forgotten, probably, knife and starting cutting the ropes of my hands ! When I release myself i run out, i found the door of the basement unlocked but of course the main door of the house was locked and I tried to find a way out, i found an old phone and started typing the first number that came into my mind ! I called Hoseok shocked and asked his help not as a friend who lost their parents to that killer but as the private investigator who run the case ! He told me to calm down and that he will take me out of there, right that time the front door started unlocking. Thankfully the killer didn't caught me! I was waiting for someone to come and save me, but the killer came inside, removed the ropes from my feet and draged me into his car.
    After that i waked up tied on a bed ! I was scared and didn't know what to expect next !
    He came inside laughing of course he warned me that if I tried to run away he would kill me !
    Then he gave me two options...
    1) To do whatever he says and he won't kill me or ...
    2) resist him and I die on the spot !
    I agree to comply with him. He smirked while walking out of the room.
    Two months later I was still there ! He has become less cold towards me and let me walk into the house I was trying to leave but never got the chance I was mostly sad and crying at night thinking of my friends and family !
    One day he finally got out of the house and that was my chance to escape ! Luckily for me I found the back door unlock and started running as far as my legs could take I didn't know where I was running to, I just wanted to get out of there !
    After running for God knows how long I founded myself in front of a shop, I got in and told the shopkeeper everything, he told me to come down and I asked for a phone, I then called 911.
    The police came and take me home I break down in the arms of my family. They were so worried about me, we were all crying in happiness. Even the shopkeeper was considerated of me and he gave me his number so I could call him and tell him that everything was okay and went back home safe.
    It took time to get over it, the thought of him taking in custody cause of all that he had done give me a relief but I was kind of sad for him he deserved it tho ! (WHY WOULD I BE SAD OF A MURDER ! NO REASON IS ENOUGH TO TAKE A LIFE !)
    After a few months that I was finally in peace I started dating Namjoon 💜 He was always in my mind after all !❤️❤️ He staying with my best friend to help her with the funeral and all ! They were both grieving ! Hee also lost his best friend that day 😔
    The end
    I have a question ! Why didn't he killed me if he wanted to ?

    • @creativeinfires9889
      @creativeinfires9889  3 роки тому +1

      Woow! This is good.
      Actually I thought about having the options to kill the MC but then I realised that after the killer gets to talk about his past to someone for the first time, he started to have a kind of bond with the person. That is the reason he didn't kill the MC. If you see my story, I had written that he was not always bad, the kids in the college bullied not just him but also his parents to the point that his parents got fired and committed suicide.
      I'm trying to show it in a different perspective. Ofcourse he committed murder, he is a criminal and no one shall be forgiven for that, but they too can get attached to people in some weird different ways. (As I have seen in some movies or books like that)
      At the end of the day, its a story... but never ever in real life, trust anyone who says that... specially if they are some serial killer on a spree killing for revenge 😂😂
      On the other... I guess yanderr version pt. 2 there the options where your life may come to an end before the end of the story. You can check that out if you want to. ☺💜

    • @lolitaapplewhite8128
      @lolitaapplewhite8128 3 роки тому

      @@creativeinfires9889 Of course i will ! ❤️ I remember the story and now that you told that i understand what you meant ❤️ In my opinion i believe that you should have said it in a way 🤔 Because he was a good person in the past doesn't mean that after loosing his mind and started killing he could still have the ability of sympathize and connecting with someone without a particular reason on top of that ! I mean what did the MC had to trigert that reaction !?! 🤔 What was so special about her ? That he waited a Month to appear again !?! That he never left the house EVEN ONCE IN TWO MONTHS !?! Even if she didn't have anything special from where does he know her !?!!!?!?!
      If the killer was one of BTS and the reader had him again it could make sense in some way! And became more interesting.
      Lets imagine ... Imagine with me 😊 In my story if i think about the characters i already have ...
      If the killer was Namjoon he must have started getting interested in me when we met and we had a connection ! The killers past stays the same until that time in the story !
      If the killer was Taehyung it he must have started getting interested in me because probably our daily spot was his café and i got his attention ! The killers past stays the same until that time in the story !
      If the killer was Jin ... It wouldn't make sense cause he is a rich guy with the mood for partying 😕😑 But when i think about the story if we made a story after his parents death my story would be like this ...
      He would probably got the lottery, maybe 😅 Then He snapped cause he was thinking why things came out like this and he didn't win the lottery earlier !!!! So he Change appearance and started again the University with a personality of the rich partying guy with LOTS of friends so he could become closer to his victims 🙂 Bouahahaha ! 🤣 So he starts killing but thats not enough ! He wants to see reactions so he held's a party with lots of guests well ... it Was His party so he could easily sneaks out and go to the nearby house for the killing cause as you said the house's must be close ! With so many guests no-one would remember if he saw him at the exact time and as the party organaser he was definitely there so he had an alibi !!! He comes back and its the time for the reactions ! He turns of the power and kills 2 ppl ! When the power came the melody of screams was running through his ears ! 🤣🤣 And why the MC was special ? He would easily watch her over at her bffs place that she must spend a lot of time there ! It would also make sense as a rich guy why he owned 2 BUILDINGS as we see in the story ! Cause for the way you say it, it seems like he owns them and that is a hole in the plot cause he comes from a poor family 🤔 Hahahahaha Now that i think about it is a good story what do you think 😜!?
      And the last one ! If Hoseok was the MURDER !!! Ouh ! I have thought about it a lot cause he had such important roles as a PI and also a friend who lost his parents from himself! So !!!!! He was a PI in another city his parents where dead as the story tells ! As a PI he has to be in secret ! So he usually make up roles ! He pretends to be deferend personality with different jobs to run the cases and because a person without a family is suspicious he rents one !!! But one time he messed up and he got fired ! He was working on a secret company who funded what he needed, even the rented family !!! But he grew to like that and he didn't wanna loose it so he kidnapped his rented parents and moved to another city ! That's why a guy who had already mastered one subject still leaved with "his parents" ! He was blackmailing them to pretend that they are a real family ! He had already lost his mind so he started the killings too ... One day "his parents" had started to become a trouble and he couldn't control them any more so he killed them ! Bouahahahaha ! 🤪😈 The MC has got his attention when they started to "become friends" ! When the mayor hired him he was laughing his ass out ! Who would have ever thought that the mayor hired the killer to catch himself 🤣🤣🤣 That's why in your story the PI didn't have any progress 🤣
      Also about the phone call i was so socked that i accidentally called him ! He pretended and Later that i saw the number i realized that no one will come to save me 😰 I hide when he walked in the house but he got me and we left for the new place !
      Hoseok is my favourite plot if he was the MURDER as i said as the characters descriptions and movements get more complicated the story becomes more fascinating ! ❤️❤️❤️
      What do you think ? Do you like my stories ? Can i become a fine screenwriter !? 🥺 Witch of this 4 do you like the most ?
      Also the extra story when you don't call 911 was kind of pointless 😩 Rather than kidnapping you and you escaped 2 months later ... In the meantime what happened !?! I mean i was really waiting for something to happened 😅
      Don't get me wrong i really liked the story! ❤️ Maybe you left the reader to imagine what happened in this period of 2 months 🤔🙃😏 Its a nice way too.
      Personally i love details 😜 But that's just my opinion 😉
      Also if the killer was the lover ... I had the Stockholm syndrome ! But i realized it after ! So i went and helped him escape so we could be together 🙃
      Don't misunderstand me please 🙏🙏 is just my opinion ! The story Is really great it has a nice base !❤️ I just believe it could become more !
      I am really curious for the yandere version 🤪😜

    • @creativeinfires9889
      @creativeinfires9889  3 роки тому +1

      @@lolitaapplewhite8128 woow!! I never thought it this way 😳😳 Its really good trust me!! You could easily write something like this. It'll become a good hit!! 🥺🥺
      Also, I left many blank spots bec it is a dating game. I could8gone in more details but I thought the readers might not like reading such lengthy stories so I left many things just the way they are.
      For the first, the killer was from the MC's college... so that shows the killer already might know the MC. Also the part where he don't harm her.. is she anything special? It could be that the killer might had a crush on her in the past or something like that... one more thing if you noticed, I never mentioned that the killer killed any of the students, but their family. So that would also be one reason why the killer didn't harm the MC.
      I wanted to give more depth and background of each character but bec of it being a dating game, I didn't go in detail. I have many details in my mind about the characters.
      Also the killer basically kidnapped the MC and didn't leave her bec he knew if he did, he would get caught. So he took her with him and about what happened in the 2 months, I didn't mention bec some people might not like violence or 18+ harmful things. So I left them there.
      If the MC don't call 911 and call someone else instead, it would take more time for the police to come... that would give the killer time to move away from there.
      If the MC directly calls the 911, then the police can reach faster and catch the killer. So for that reason there was that part.
      The killer must have sensed something due to which he started changing the place.
      These are just some fill ups that I didn't really mention there.. but yeah.
      Your version is really good too. I might get some inspiration from this and make some story in the future like this. 😅😅
      But really, you should write something. It would make a great story.
      I'm also planning to write something... like a fan fiction or something like that... but I'm not yet confident with my writing yet.
      I'm making these games to get a little more confidence and a hand on writing.. 😅😅

    • @lolitaapplewhite8128
      @lolitaapplewhite8128 3 роки тому

      @@creativeinfires9889 I get why you left blank spots in the story. Yes its a dating game and it has to be short ! So you should probably try leave behind the description details ! Some things where repeated if i remember correctly that wasn't necessary ! Make it short leave the details and say the facts ! 😉
      For example
      "Due to so many murder cases happening in the city,the mayor of the city appointed a famous private investigator (PI) but for security purposes his identity was not revealed"
      We already know that lots of murder cases was happening in the city that was unnecessary !
      "Due to so many murder cases happening in the city, the mayor of the city..." Why saying the city twice !?! Unnecessary ! We already know that it would be the mayor of our city !!!
      "appointed a famous private investigator (PI) but for security purposes his identity was not revealed" .... So here... "for security purposes his identity was not revealed" Unnecessary ! He is a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR ! His identity to be a secret is a must !!!! Thats also a repeat of the meaning i don't think that anyone in there right mind would think that PRIVETES investigator Identities Should be known !
      This could easily said like !
      Due to this circumstances the mayor hired a private investigator (PI)
      Short and simple ! That way you save time in the video and you can say more facts !
      Yes its a dating game that's why it has to be short and not tiring ... But you started with more details so in my opinion you should also end it with more details 😜 I mean you started writing it like a short fanfiction but in the meantime you got scared to say much so you cut things that in my opinion where important
      I don't say that what i said is the right thing i am just saying my opinion
      Killer being in the uni means that he knows the MC 🤔 Well yeah i get it 🤔 Now that i think about it more 😂❤️ I didn't consider that, my mistake, but still i would prefer more interaction
      You pointed me that the killer kills only parents ! But ... You mean that the 2 victims hunging from the ceiling were parents ? 🤔 You didn't say anything about that 🤔 So i assumed they could be also classmates that attended the party so he could be easily capable of killing other ppl to except parents
      I respect that you didn't say anything in the period of the 2 Months time ! You are right there ❤️ Ppl might not like it.
      I believe you could make a nice fanfiction cause i can see you want to describe and say a lot of things ! Due to the invisible rules for video like this your not free to create much ! So i believe you would write a nice story ☺️ I would love to read it ❤️

    • @creativeinfires9889
      @creativeinfires9889  3 роки тому +1

      @@lolitaapplewhite8128 Ah! Now I get it! Actually, you are right. I could've written it that way. Short and conscience.... but I think It didn't came in my mind like that. I just kept writing and then thought that this was too much so I stopped. You are very right about this... I will try to use this technique the next time I try writing one again. Thank you so much for telling me this... I'm still learning about these things and getting some guidance from someone really helps. ☺
      Yeah.. I didn't mention about the killer killing parents... in my story the two bodies hanging were supposed to be the bodies of the rich guy who was holding the party. But oh well...
      And yes, I was thinking to write some story sort of a way, but as I said.. I'm still a beginner in this. Till now I have only read books, writing was only till the extent of my diaries. But now I will start writing more and more so I can understand where are the few places where I am. I hope people are as chill and nice as you to point out my mistakes kindly when I do something wrong. 😅😊 I would be more than happy for that.

  • @andreanicolecornejo7510
    @andreanicolecornejo7510 3 роки тому

    My best friend: Chungha.
    The handsome guys: Taehyung.
    The boy whose parents were murdered: Yoongi.
    The smart PI: Taehyung.
    Kind coffee owner: Jimin.
    Type of outfit I wear: Rocker fashion style.
    Who is holding the party? Seokjin.
    The guy who saw the killer: Jungkook.
    What I carried to defend myself: Stun gun.
    Were I able to hurt him? NO.
    The serial killer is: #3.
    What was my reaction? Started laughing out of nervousness.
    Who did I call?: My parents.
    Does he catch me? Yes.
    Who is my boyfriend? Taehyung.

  • @kateemma22
    @kateemma22 3 роки тому

    I can’t believe Lee Jong-Suk would do this to me. Is it because I called 로맨스는 별책부록 ‘predictable’ on Tumblr?