Learn to do your research stop being led by the nose like sheep and be happy about it all they feed you about islam are lies and these videos are never meant for muslims but for the ones who know nothing about it so they think they know everything now. Here's a more precise count, including both direct and indirect mentions: 1. Prophet Moses (Musa عليه السلام) Direct mentions (by name): 136 times Indirect mentions (without name): Approximately 200+ times (e.g., references to Pharaoh, the splitting of the sea, the Ten Commandments, and the Israelites' journey). Total references: Over 336 times 2. Prophet Jesus (Isa عليه السلام) Direct mentions (by name): 25 times Indirect mentions (without name): About 75+ times (e.g., mentions of his mother Maryam, his miracles, disciples, the crucifixion controversy, and his return). Total references: Over 100 times 3. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Direct mentions (by name): 5 times (4 as "Muhammad," 1 as "Ahmad") Indirect mentions (without name): More than 300 times (e.g., references to "The Messenger," "The Prophet," "Your Companion," commands to obey him, and verses addressing him directly without his name). Total references: Over 305 times
This is one of the teaching of islam Surah Al-Kafirun, from verse 1 to verse 6 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Say, "O you disbelievers! I do not worship what you worship, nor will you worship what I worship, nor will I worship what you worship, nor will you worship what I worship. To you is your religion, and to me is my religion."
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its luck, it's me just being at the right place at the right time. I met a financial and trading consultant at a seminar back at Los Angeles later last year, where she was featured and interviewed and I reached out to her afterwards. Her name is Elizabeth Ann Hanson, I didn't know much about trading and investing so I spoke to her about it, she then later introduced me to her platform where I and other people could invest.
😂😂 i challenge you to read it You will find 2 options 1 you will believe islam is the truth 2 you will say damn, no i need to stop reading this and continue being a disbeliever afraid of quran
@@Seeker98094 Absolute plagiarism of Babylonians, Zoroastrians, Phoenicians, Christians, Gnostics, Sumerians, Jews, Sabaean Arab pagans, Nabataea's even the rituals copied from Hindus, who to this day circle temples, shave heads at pilgrimage and recite Vedic scripture from memory ...
@@Seeker98094 Let's not forget the homework copied, the embryology taken back to Mecca and Medina from an Anatolian physician, even copying his same errors in, embarrassing forging other people's work ...
@@Seeker98094 Despite the copying of Babylonian creation model and model of the solar system, the Quran failed to complete a correct observation the Babylonians made centuries earlier, can you guess what this is?
@@Seeker98094 With such dull miracles revealed that even many imams and clerics now admit cannot be claimed as either miracles or scientific why did the creator of everything (allegedly by the incoherent verses full of logical fallacies) fail to reveal facts that would have truly astonished all scientists alive today, it would have been so easy for an omniscient being to do so, for example this being (or rather men pretending it was from a such being) claims to be the ''Lord of Sirius'' .. why then fail to omit the secrets discovered centuries later about Sirius, or for that matter out of the trillions of stars and their many different types offer no more description of the mother than lamps and missiles to throw at devils. .. both are factually incorrect, incoherent and incomplete accounts and belong to a child's fable ...
Today's Islam was actually an anti trinitian Christian with some gnostic bible, they were mostly concentrated in today's iraq and syria but not in Saudi. Over time during the Abassad it becomes a religion, creating their own prophets call Muhammed. If we look at the ancient books "mahmad " Which means "The praise one" Was a title, people call jesus Christ as mahmad which is the praise one. But after some centuries those people make it their prophet creating all these story about prophet, which today we found zero evidence.
Muhammad didn't exist, but his followers were sheltered. Hear yourself, the video is not nothing short of a display of complete ignorance and a point to confusion in the mind of it's author or his exaggerated whatifmism.
The English noble quran is completly corrupt .inserts commentary into the quran verses sometimes even more commentary than verse.verse is not inspired verse when words of men are added,into quran verses ,.can not add to ,subtract,change,give commentary or agenda.anything interups,distracts,changes or hides inspired meanings, THE NOBLE QURAN EVEN INSERTS MOHAMMAD INTO MANY VERSES THAT DID NOT HAVE HIM IN THE VERSE AND DOES NOT BELONG THERE NOBLE QURAN COMPLETLY NOT ACCEPTABLE HOWEVER THE QURAN CALLED THE MEANING OF THE NOBLE QURAN HAS SEPERATE QURAN VERSES AND COMMENTARY AND IS COMPLETLY ACCEPTABLE
@@awwal5481 So, all this is whatifmism too? Most of the fossil fuel material we use today comes from algae, bacteria and plants, some of which date back even before the Devonian period,419.2 to 358.9years ago million years ago Crude oil is formed from the remains of dead organisms, mainly diatoms, such as algae and zooplankton that existed millions of years ago in a marine environment. Well before the time of Dinosaurs which was approximately 245 to 66 million years ago, Coal forms over millions of years from the remains of ancient plant material, primarily from vast swamp forests that existed during the Carboniferous Period (approximately 300 million years ago). Most of the fossil fuel material we use today comes from algae, bacteria and plants, some of which date back even before the Devonian period,419.2 to 358.9years ago million years ago Crude oil is formed from the remains of dead organisms, mainly diatoms, such as algae and zooplankton that existed millions of years ago in a marine environment. Well before the time of Dinosaurs which was approximately 245 to 66 million years ago Where the fuck was this God in this EMPIRICALLY supported TIMELINE? one of the biggest problems are "believers" Muslim or Christian, dumb as fuck idiots that take everything on face value, without really doing a smidgen of research, you can see these timelines everywhere, from the plastic bags you probably use when you go shopping, the fuel that runs a car, the bitumen that vehicles drive on, all comes from the same source!! with a time history that goes back hundreds of millions of years!! Where was this God? in this? playing Solitaire?? and this www.nps.gov/gumo/learn/nature/coralreefs.htm and this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Blue_Hole, we are in this is the modern tech world where decades of research can be uploaded in minutes for the world to to view not the dark ages, where complete innocent were burnt at the stake. Your Gods and Messiah's are just made up Bullshit! by a bunch desert dwelling nomads that knew shit all!.
The quran is originally partly (the so-called "meccan" surahs) a collection (corpus) of christian preaching texts used by the anti-trinitarian jewish-christians called Nazarenes, they are called "nasara" (نَصَرَ) in the quran, while the trinitarian (orthodox byzantine) christians whom they fought and hated are called "mushrikuns" (مشركون) ie "associators" or "polytheists" because they associate Jesus to God (which is "shirk" شِرْك that opposes to Allah's unicity called "tawheed" تَوْحِيدُ ). So islam is originally a heretic christian sect.
There is a trend among some secular scholars of Islam to view the religion's origins as a sect of Christianity. The design of the Dome of the Rock follows that of a Christian shrine.
Any architecture and building is influenced by the culture at that time. The Dome of the Rock Mosque was built by Christian engineers and workers. At that time, it was natural for the architecture of the mosque to be influenced by Christian architecture. The same was the case in Egypt 1,000 years ago. Mosques were built by Christian workers and engineers, so the mosque was influenced by Christian architecture. Now the opposite is true. Christians build churches, and they are influenced by Islamic architecture and decorations.
@@ibrahimelmasry-z3k How do you explain the fact that the Dome of the Rock doesn't mention Mohammad or his alleged magical flying donkey, or his important though private interview with Moses or God? How do you explain that?
Muhammad as a person is historical. He is mentioned in Sebeos History, Doctrina Jacobi and many other contemporary Greek writings. Whether the he was really the founder of Islam or just some Nestorian reformer who's sect eventually developed into Islam is unclear. Apparently the Christians of that time wrote his followers as merely heretics and not a seperate religion. It's possible many Caliphs well into the Umayyad era were Christian as their coins have a lot Christian symbolism.
This absolutely spot on, well done👍 scholars and historians have known this for a long time, and archaeologists have know along with scholars etc., that there was NO MECCA in 7th Century Arabia, specifically the Hijaz where Mecca was supposed to be👍
@@indubala3155 The Zum Zum well was totally inadequate, and in the 8th Century an aqueduct had to be built, Mel from Islamic origins did an excellent presentation on his channel about the fallacy of the well.
@@indubala3155 Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement. Quran. Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116 On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen. I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things. Quran. Surah Ibrahim - 22 On Judgment, Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
The best solution is the Qur'an in its original Syro-Aramaic reading. Saint Murad is working on that but we need to support him. Definitely read Saint Murad's translation from the Arabic, you'll see that Islam has no leg to stand on!
It does not say the whole koran is about Jesus but the 4 mentions of MHMD is more likely to be Jesus presented by the gnostics prevalent views to challenge the Doctrine of Trinity !
Wouldn't it be great to look through a one-way mirror into any moment in history that one chooses? If such a thing existed, I would definitely focus on religious history, especially that related to Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Lmfao no this was the worst most pathetic and easily refutable utterly garbage nonsense video i have ever seen. I can literally refute all his points with a comment if you're willing to read a bit, if not just feign illiteracy and remain ignorant, God only guides those who truly want his guidance
@لقيدرقد Islamic Scholars speaks how Muhammad changed His name after he received Revelations. There is two accounts. The Abbreviation "MHMD Jesus" the last recorded we have seen on was on a coin dated was 750 AD, with MHMD and Crosses on it.
it's Qutham Ibn Abd Al Lat meaning the "Qutham the son of slave of pagan Goddess named Lat. MHMD as mentioned in the quran could refer to Isa / Islamic Jesus which is considered as Messiah in islam.
The difference between a cult and a religion is just the number of believers and the difference between "a true believer" and a pagan depends on who holds the power...
Well a cult is also characterized by punishment for criticizing or leaving the cult's ideology, and for questioning its founders or leaders. Punishment can vary from verbal abuse to physical and mental damage, to imprisonment and cancelling.
One thing is certain, if the praised one was Jesus then their book got seriously b u tchered to h i d e the story of the B ible, the promised new c ovenant and the S aviour.
The Original Quran was just select passages and stories from the Torah and “gospels” translated to Arabic to win Arab converts and satisfy Arab Christians who didn’t speak or read Greek/hebrew
And it is He who begins creation; then He repeats it, and that is [even] easier for Him. To Him belongs the highest description [i.e., attribute] in the heavens and earth. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. - Quran 30:27
Jeremiah 14: 14 Then the Lord said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries[a] and the delusions of their own minds. 15 Therefore this is what the Lord says about the prophets who are prophesying in my name: I did not send them, yet they are saying, ‘No sword or famine will touch this land.’ Those same prophets will perish by sword and famine. 16 And the people they are prophesying to will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and sword. There will be no one to bury them, their wives, their sons and their daughters. I will pour out on them the calamity they deserve.
I think I understand what happened. In the early Christian church there emerged huge disagreements on the substance of Christ: was he man, was he God, etc… The council of Nicaea in 325 defined orthodox Christianity as believing that God is Trinidadian, that is, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that they are all eternal. However by 325 there were tons of sects across the vast spectrum of possibilities of non-Trinitarian christianity existing in the Eastern perimeter of the Roman Empire: Arianism, Nestorianism, Monophysite-ism, (to say nothing of Gnosticism) to name a few. From time to time, out of a desire for Roman solidarity the Roman Empire would persecute the non-Trinitarian/non-orthodox sects in the East. Consequently large numbers of these groups moved East of the Empire’s borders in the Fertile Crescent into the Babylonian/Mesopotamian lands. At the same time waves of Arabs would migrate north out of Yemen every time there was a dry spell there - especially after the collapse of the ancient dam there. The Arabs of course were attracted to the periphery of the Fertile Crescent, and appears to have pushed right up to the Euphrates in Babylonia - while many others thrived in trade and as bedouins. Beginning in 535 there were periods of bad weather (possible volcanic activity in Iceland) causing famine, followed up by plague (as the vermin moved closer to living near people). Plague would be detrimental to people living in the metropolitan areas and towns, but not so much on the bedouin. The Wars between Sassanian Persia and Eastern Roman Empire heated up and Sassanians conquered the Levant and Egypt from the Romans shortly after 600 - many peoples were moved out of Syrian by the Persians and they allowed Arabs to move in - a kind of ethnic cleansing. The Romans managed to take this back in 624. The combination of famine, plague, migration, and war rendered both Eastern Rome and Sassanian Persians weak and altered the balance of power vis-a-vis the Arabs who previously were almost unknown. Because the Arabs came from outside the Empire they would have morelikely been non-Trinitarian Christians. Some charismatic leader managed to rally the Arabs around himself and successfully bound the Syrian Arabs and the Eastern (Mesopotamian) arabs to his leadership. By the time of the dome of the Rock came about it appears that the Arab leadership needed to articulate a more distinct, more intrinsically Arab based religion - which then set them on the trajectory of Islam. There is no doubt that something happened to bring about Arab cohesion. Also there is John of Damascus discussion of Islam’s founder - John’s father was an official in Muawiya (the first Mauryian Caliph) in Damascus, Mauwiya was, according to tradition, a scribe to Mohammed in his last few years. So someone brought the Arabs together and defeated both Rome and Persia. John claims that Mohammed was misdirected by an Arian monk. It is also possible that the basic Islamic Narrative is largely correct as to what Mohammed did but the cities were not the same (Mecca and Medina - were maybe some other location). Anyway, my two bit take on this.
When you talk to somebody and described many events of history to him, how many Times you tell his name whom you describe facts and orders and histories? Please tell us.
I am a Christian but these arguments are terrible! The logic fails on many points: 1, Who said the Quran was meant to be about Mohammed?! It's supposed to be God's eternal word. You're just reading into it. 2, And the literal meaning of a name doesn't mean it can't be a personal name. Many common names have tittle-like meanings. 3, Late records doesn't prove he doesn't exist. There could be historical reasons for that, which may just make the records less reliable. We also see late records in the Bible. 4, Christ is distinctly mentioned in the Quran and cannot be conflated with the mention of Mohammed.
2. In the 7C century MHMD was used in its Aramaic form by Syrian christians as a title for Jesus. Also used for some very prominent Jewish leaders (exilarchs) as a honorary titling. Warlords may have used it (vainly from a bible perspective, kind of like the vainglory of Nebuchadnezzar). 3. There may have been various characters subsumed into the eventual figure, but you would expect details of his life to be in the Quran, if he was important, whereas the Quran does have edgy narratives between a teacher and critics it lacks those details of background and events that should be there. He can't be what the hadiths say, since there are mismatches. E.g is in northern Arabic, describes country features of a sort not near Mecca, but much further north, there's evidence e.g that many of the leading new Arab emirs were christians, from coins, until Abd-El-Malik in the 690s, wanting to overmaster the Byzantines, and Arabize his territories, made proto-Islamic moves. 4. But MHMD was a title for Jesus, and in the area the Quran was probably written (Syria), also a key polemic of the Quran is that Jesus was just a messenger, i.e not divine, but praiseworthy for sure.
@HeLpLOstGOdAny1 stop deleting my comments this is the facts : 1/ On Embryology in the Quran : 1. The Quran describes the stages of human development in verses such as Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:12-14), which mention the transformation from a drop of fluid (nutfah) to a clinging substance (alaqah) and then a lump (mudghah). 2. Islamic scholars, like Dr. Keith Moore (a renowned embryologist), have pointed out that the descriptions match modern embryology and were unknown in the 7th century. 3. Galen’s work was not identical to the Quran’s descriptions. He proposed that the embryo formed from menstrual blood, which is incorrect. The Quran does not mention this and instead speaks of seminal fluid and implantation. 4. The claim that errors were copied ignores the fact that the Quran presents a unique order and terminology that differ from Greek texts. 2/ On Babylonian Cosmology and the Quran : 1.The Babylonians believed in a flat Earth with a solid sky dome. The Quran, however, describes the heavens and Earth as having been joined together before being split (Surah Al-Anbiya 21:30) and the expansion of the universe (Surah Adh-Dhariyat 51:47). 2. Modern physics supports the idea of cosmic expansion (Big Bang theory), which is absent in Babylonian mythology. 3. Even if similarities exist, correlation does not mean causation. The Quran distinguishes itself by correcting errors in pre-existing cosmologies rather than merely repeating them. In short : The Quran does not simply copy ancient science; it presents concepts that were either unknown or corrected errors in prior knowledge. Scholars argue that its descriptions align with modern discoveries rather than outdated theories. If the Quran were merely copying, why would it not inherit the same mistakes? Instead, it presents a refined, unique perspective that was beyond human knowledge at the time.
Christians when they see a video from someone else they took and make it with little change anyway Muhammad s.a.w.s existed born in 570 in Mecca died in 633 Madinah lived in time with Walid ibn Velid and Umar ibn Khatab in perdian byzantine time have coins with his name is mosque Quba that he build in Madinah and his grave too
Muslim scholar Yasir Quadi in his infamous interview with Muhammad hijab said and I qoute him "the Islamic narrative of the foundations of Islam have holes in them" in other words it's all lies...
All the books talk about previous prophets but you fail to understand a simple truth, god since the beginning sent prophets and when a book was revealed it always mentions the next prophe, islam believe in all prophets and we love them all : Quran Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 136 Say, “We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him.”
Muhammad (ﷺ) is mentioned in the Quran multiple times, but Allah honored him by addressing him with titles instead of calling him by name. His name appears 4 times, and 'Ahmad' once, but he is referred to countless times as 'Prophet,' 'Messenger,' 'Muzzammil,' and 'Muddathir.' Allah says in Surah An-Nur (24:63): 'Do not call the Messenger as you call one another.' This proves that not mentioning his name often is a sign of respect, not insignificance. After hearing your first claim, I already knew how weak the rest of your video would be. I’m done with your nonsense."
No one was defined praiseworthy a plantation range from your mankind other than message of God and certifying stamp/endorsing seal/hierarchy/sign ing badge of the prophets and God has instituted everything with having knowledge" (word to word correct translation 33:40)
Friday evening prayer, strict ban on pork, circumcision for boys, headscarf for girls, white round cap for men, clothes above the ankle, halal/kosher food processing, men and women separated in the house of prayer... What's there not to understand? These are mandatory rules strictly imposed on all Muslims no matter where in the world, and yet, these rules are nowhere to be found in the Qrn. It's because all these rules are written in the Mishna. Jews. They are Jews, the people who wrote and thise who follow the Qran. Of course they would constantly talk about Moses and Abraham. And they reject Jesus as the son of God but accept him as the last great Jewish prophet. Shabat shalom to all Muslims in the chat!
It quite literally is not and is the most easily refutable nonsense rambling i have ever seen. I can literally replt with a single comment that will dismantle all of it.
@Peter-y5y9i Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement. Quran. Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116 On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen. I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things. Quran. Surah Ibrahim - 22 On Judgment, Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
Galatians 1:6-8 "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!" Gospel = that we are saved by our Lord and saviour Who came to Mohammed with a whole other gospel? An ANGEL This bible verse was written wayyyy before the quran excisted. God already knew..
Those who's hearts are filled with jealousy try to satisfy their hearts with prejudices , when the message is clear. O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women...... Al Quran 4-1 He said, "Our Lord is He who gave each thing its form and then guided [it]." Al Quran 20:5 Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion. Al Quraan 3:185 Say, "I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord - let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone." Al-Quran18:110 You surely cannot guide whoever you like ˹O Prophet˺, but it is God Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided Al- Quran 28-56 Please read with an open heart, May Allah SWT guide us and you all.
As you don't speak or understand Arabic am going give proper translation. The word Muhammad, used in the Quran , is an adjective, it means praiseworthy. God has used this word Muhammad FOR the Quran, NOT as a name of the prophet of Islam. God says that the Quran (the revelation ) IS Muhammad C praiseworthy ). God says , follow Muhammad ( the praiseworthy Quran) to follow Me. Attiu Allah Wa Atti ur Rasool, Obey God and obey the message (the praiseworthy Quran ), correct translation.
Isn't it strange that not only Moe never existed but also Abraham, Noah, Moses. Jonah, David and Jesus as written in the bible book. All historical fiction.
Archaelogical and textual evidences do exist there though, providing affirmations. The earliest times would be hardest to get connections for sure, but even say the Genesis account of Abraham c 1800 BC, the covenant he makes with the Word of God in Genesis 15, has been shown to be similar to covenant agreements from that time found in early cuneiform libraries. The names used are also typical of some of the names then used, as in cuneiform libraries in Syria.
@collybever Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement. Quran. Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116 On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen. I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things. Quran. Surah Ibrahim - 22 On Judgment, Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
Just like the pigeon who closes eyes when the cat arrives Or saying the crow is white etc etc Such a big fact in human history and such a nomimant personality whom all recognize and acknowledge and it's written on the British Parliament that here the law of Omar is applied and Omar was taught by Muhammad And on the US supreme court that the best judge is Muhammad By denying the existence of Muhammad you will negate Romans, Persians,Coptics etc , ie rewrite history or a type of vanity Although he was the first person in history to produce a Utopia or perfect society And one thing more which has to be clarified is that all the Prophets including Jesus are a brotherhood and Jesus gave news of the coming of Muhammad (please consult the real genuine Bible not the altered ones
1st argumemnt - "Why is Muhammad mentioned only four times?" Answer: Why would you mention someones name your talking directly. It's is more likely to refer him as you. 2nd argument:"Can the Muhammad in the Quran refer to Jesus?" Answer:Nope, Surah 48 verse 29 specifically says "Muhammad is the messenger of god. Those who are with him are firm against disbelievers." Compare this with Jesus's followers who left him when he was about to be crucified. No wonder why you didn't mentioned that verse and thought it to be "equally ambiguous". And you said," Muslims argue this to be Muhammad. Others argue that this refers to Jesus." I am very curious to know who argues this to be Jesus. 3rd argument: "Dome of the rock refers to Jesus" Answer: I didn't get the argument. How did it mentioned the praised one yet not mentioned Muhammad? But in case your accepting archeological evidence, there is a incription in mount Selah in Medina Which reads, " I am Muhammad ibn Abdillah". Ibn abdullah means " Son of Abdullah". Now I am curious how you proof the name of Jesus's father as Abdullah. 4rth argument: "Why delay in wrinting prophet's life's details?" Answer: Because writting tools were scarce in the early Islamic Empire. Only Things that were are important are written. Before anyone jumps and says, "What? Prophet's life is not important?". It is not that prophets life was not recorded. It is that they were not written in one particular book containing his life. They were only transmitted through Oral tradation. When the Islamic empire expanded and writting tools become easily accessable, the oral tradation that was passed down was authenticated and compiled in one book. Our authenticating science is way more relieable than that of your Gospels. My advice to you is to learn Arabic. Learn Arabic to understand why the four quranic mentions cannot refer to Jesus due to grammatical issues. Anyone who wants to know more about prove of his exsistence can watch this video ua-cam.com/video/-LCoK2EuukE/v-deo.htmlsi=0awM8D5Rj0m457KH
@@RaisulIslam-j2l study with reasoning,if u r curious u will find what to study. People cannot build 2floor building conquered Spain to india u belive I dont
@@urbandsouza7279 I have given you resources from non-muslim writers contemporary to him acknowledging his existences. And you are telling to trust that he didn't exist and still call that reasoning.
@RaisulIslam-j2l they have examined by schoolers. Schoolers don't deny his existence but question is he ? Your own sources and people projected as such quetion to rejection
(Risalah) to mean "Prophet Hood", since the Persian word "Cll." (Risalat) means "prophet hood" Hence, to hide the actual meaning of Quranic order "I, "i istbig ar ifbi" both the Quran Only (Quranist/Ahl-e-Quran) and traditional scholars destroyed the actual meaning of Quranic words "Ju," (Risalah) and "J,"," (Rasool), Therefore, if you believe that the Quran was revealed in Persian language you can certainly take Quranic words "t," (Risalah) and "J,'" (Rasool) to mean "Prophet Hood" and "Prophet" as they are the correct meaning of Persian words "eJl," (Risalat) and "J,'," (Rasool)
Also, “MHMD” isn’t “The Praised One” it is “The Beloved” as HMD derives from the shared HMD semetic triliteral root carrying deep meanings of coveting, desiring, yearning, etc. Christ is the Beloved of God.
I don't find this plausible at all. It just doesn't make sense. Plus you can't get Mahmood from MHMD in Arabic, as the video claims. It would be MHMŮD, a whole extra letter and not just diacratic marks. This does call into question the bias of the video when it gets basic facts wrong, let alone interpretations. Also, it's not surprising that Muhammad isn't in the Quran much, it's not meant to be a text about him. The Bible stories talk about Moses and Jesus but weren't first hand written by them. The Quran was by Muhammad, to guide his followers and not to tell them about him, which would be a waste since he was right there with him.
Amazing lies yes, this is only for unbelievers to make them blind and hate islam as if they know all about it, they lead you by the nose to hell and you're happy about it Here's a more precise count, including both direct and indirect mentions: 1. Prophet Moses (Musa عليه السلام) Direct mentions (by name): 136 times Indirect mentions (without name): Approximately 200+ times (e.g., references to Pharaoh, the splitting of the sea, the Ten Commandments, and the Israelites' journey). Total references: Over 336 times 2. Prophet Jesus (Isa عليه السلام) Direct mentions (by name): 25 times Indirect mentions (without name): About 75+ times (e.g., mentions of his mother Maryam, his miracles, disciples, the crucifixion controversy, and his return). Total references: Over 100 times 3. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Direct mentions (by name): 5 times (4 as "Muhammad," 1 as "Ahmad") Indirect mentions (without name): More than 300 times (e.g., references to "The Messenger," "The Prophet," "Your Companion," commands to obey him, and verses addressing him directly without his name). Total references: Over 305 times
Muslims will only laugh at how stupid this guy is because they make these videos for you not the so saying muslim to wake up because they are wide awake
In the early Christian church there was a division between several different opinions among the faithful as to the nature of Jesus. The mainstream held that Jesus was and is fully human and fully divine. This is the universal or catholic church. Another group held that Jesus was not God, but fully human, though like the prophets, inspired by God. This was the Nestorian church. (And there were others.) After the emperor Constantine called a meeting of the Christian bishops to hammer out a single statement of what Christians believe, the mainstream became legitimised by the state, and everyone else was persona non grata in the Roman Empire. Many left and ended up in Syria or Arabia, which already had big Christian, and Nestorian, communities. Mohammad, if he existed, grew up in an Arabia in which the religious environment was 1. Jewish, 2. Nestorian Christian, and 3. indigenous pagan animist/polytheist. In those days, to establish a new state, you needed an official religion to go with it, because popular sovereignty as a basis for statehood was not invented until the 18th century. A state is a sociological device for making aggression, grabbing, and fraud legal, safe and prestigious. A gang thieves and robbers = a state, in Arabia wanted to militarily challenge the Byzantine state (i.e. in modern-day Istanbul, Turkey) which had adopted catholic Christianity as its legitimating ideology. So these marauding Arab bandits MADE UP their own legitimating religion for this political purpose DECADES after alleged supposed "Mohammad" ever existed. They cobbled together an ideology intended specifically to justify Arab chauvinism and conquest. They based it on bits and pieces of 1. Nestorian Christianity ('There is no God but God, and the Praised One is his messenger'. Sound familiar?) 2. Judaism: descent from Abraham, circumcision, taboo on pork, and 3. Indigenous Arab paganism: Kabaa's 365 local deities, kissing black stone etc. Publish it to the troops with promises of reward of booty, slavery, and raping lots of young girls either in this world or the next, and you have Islam. Nobody was able to have the public conversation proving by evidence and reason that it is simply false, because of their simple and chronic expedient of murdering anyone telling the truth on this topic, approved by good ole "Mohammad". Until the internet came along. And now no-one can answer the critique against it except by endless circular illogic, changing the topic, getting angry, and every other fallacy in the catalogue. Islam is false to its roots, and evil, simple as that.
'Verily I say unto you, that every prophet when he is come hath borne to one nation only the mark of the mercy of God. And so their words were not extended save to that people to which they were sent. But the messenger of God, when he shall come, God shall give to him as it were the seal of his hand, insomuch that he shall carry salvation and mercy to all the nations of the world that shall receive his doctrine. He shall come with power upon the ungodly, and shall destroy idolatry, insomuch that he shall make Satan confounded; for so promised God to Abraham, saying: "Behold, in thy seed I will bless all the tribes of the earth; and as thou hast broken in pieces the Idols, O Abraham, even so shall thy seed do."' James answered: 'O master, tell us in whom this promise was made; for the Jews say "in Isaac," and the Ishmaelites say "in Ishmael."' Jesus answered: 'David, whose son was he, and of what lineage?' James answered: 'Of Isaac; for Isaac was father of Jacob and Jacob was father of Judah, of whose lineage is David.' Then said Jesus: 'And the messenger of God when he shall come, of what lineage will he be:' The disciples answered: 'Of David.' Whereupon Jesus said: 'Ye deceive yourselves; for David in spirit calleth him lord, saying thus: "God said to my lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. God shall send forth thy rod which shall have lordship in the midst of thine enemies? If the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah were son of David, how should David call him lord? Believe me, for verily I say to you, that the promise was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac.'
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin . Unfortunately this guy perfectly fits this description.
@@trentcheney7441 Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement. Quran. Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116 On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen. I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things. Quran. Surah Ibrahim - 22 On Judgment, Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
How can you muslims refute anything?? The only thing your allah left you with, are character assassin's and no answers!😂 Also, .." he that uses philosophy, uses logic; and he that uses logic, is a kafir." 😅 Hey Fatima, you're a female;; So, are you content that your allah calls you "half brain"???
2:51 it does not say praised one it say muhammed in arabic ... jesus in quran is called issa in all the quran from this you lose credibility among so many other lies I'm thankful i can read arabic otherwise it would be a nightmare to know the truth Surah Al-Ahzab (33), Verse 40 Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets. And Allah is Knowing of all things.
Mahmad means Praised One or Anointed One. Anointed by God in OT was priests, kings and prophets. The Anointed One in different languages: Messiah=Christ=Mahmad, Jesus is The Anointed One because he is The High priest, King of kings and seal of all prophets.
@jana_d2264 each one of them have names like us 😂 like adam abraham jesus muhammed moses stop spouting nonsense giving the meaning of a name doesn't automatically cancel the name and make it so praised one is the name its just the meaning but each one of our prophets have their name you should respect that
@@Seeker98094 I' m not speaking about names, I'm speaking about titles. Messiah is in hebrew, Christ is in greek, Mahmad in arabic, Anointed One or Praised one in english. They are all the same titles but in different languages, they all means the same. In Old Testament prophets of God Yahweh, kings (for example Saul or David) and priests of Yahweh was anointed by sacred oil, they were anointed ones chosen by God. But all prophets was prophesied of coming of The Anointed One of God who will be king, high priest and prophet in the same time, and redeem his people, all prophesies was fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth, that's why he is called Messiah or Christ or Mahmad, it is his title, not a name.
@@jana_d2264 1. Messiah and Christ Are the Same Title: "Messiah" (Hebrew: Mashiach) means "Anointed One." It refers to someone chosen by God, like kings, prophets, and priests in the Old Testament. "Christ" (Greek: Christos) is just the Greek translation of "Messiah." That’s why Jesus is called Jesus Christ-it means "Jesus, the Anointed One." 2. Muhammad Is Not a Title-It’s a Name: The name Muhammad (Arabic: مُحَمَّد) means "the praised one." This is an actual personal name, not a title like "Messiah" or "Christ." Saying "Messiah = Christ = Muhammad" is like saying "Jesus = David = Solomon" just because they were all chosen by God. That doesn’t work. 3. Who Is the Final Prophet in Islam? In Christianity, Jesus is the Messiah and Savior. In Islam, Jesus (Isa) is also the Messiah, but not the final messenger. Muhammad ﷺ is the final prophet, sent to complete the message of all previous prophets, including Jesus. The Difference is : You believe Jesus is the divine Son of God and the final savior. We muslim believe Jesus was a prophet and Messiah for his time, but Muhammad was the final prophet sent to all humanity. So, while Jesus and Muhammad are both important in Islam, Muhammad is not another name for Messiah or Christ. He is the last messenger of God, not just an anointed one like the prophets before him.
Learn to do your research stop being led by the nose like sheep and be happy about it all they feed you about islam are lies and these videos are never meant for muslims but for the ones who know nothing about it so they think they know everything now. Here's a more precise count, including both direct and indirect mentions: 1. Prophet Moses (Musa عليه السلام) Direct mentions (by name): 136 times Indirect mentions (without name): Approximately 200+ times (e.g., references to Pharaoh, the splitting of the sea, the Ten Commandments, and the Israelites' journey). Total references: Over 336 times 2. Prophet Jesus (Isa عليه السلام) Direct mentions (by name): 25 times Indirect mentions (without name): About 75+ times (e.g., mentions of his mother Maryam, his miracles, disciples, the crucifixion controversy, and his return). Total references: Over 100 times 3. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Direct mentions (by name): 5 times (4 as "Muhammad," 1 as "Ahmad") Indirect mentions (without name): More than 300 times (e.g., references to "The Messenger," "The Prophet," "Your Companion," commands to obey him, and verses addressing him directly without his name). Total references: Over 305 times
What is amazing about criticizing Islamic beliefs and denies the existence of prophet Muhammad (PUH), they forget that between Christianity and Islam is about 600 years, so Islam came after Christianity whereby many generations vanished and most people became unbelievers neither in Moses (Jews) nor in Jesus (Christians), Islam came to prove that there was Jews and Christians and told Muslims that Moses, Jesus and other prophets existed, So, if you deny Muhammad and Quran , how did Muslims knew that Jesus was the son of virgin Marry and ever existed, You deny Islam then you deny all other religions and Thora and Bible
You have the Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN) and the you have Islamic History. As Muhammad Hijab and Yasir Qadhi points out there is HOLES in the Standard Islamic Narritive. Then because minion are not to know these things they had to damage control.
Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement. Quran. Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116 On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen. I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things. Quran. Surah Ibrahim - 22 On Judgment, Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
1:33 The Qur’an isn’t centered on Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), it’s centered around *Monotheism,* something that is largely foreign to the New Testament and Christianity.
The Quran is centered on pagan Arab Monotheism. Mohammad simply changed the Arab pagan for pagan polytheist to pagan monotheism by forcing them to worship his family God Al Lah rather than their family Gods eg Al Lat, Al Uzza and Al Manat. If you have read the biography of Mohammad you would know what I am talking about.
@ - The Bible used by Arabic speaking Christians:- 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 (وَتَكَلَّمَ 👈الله ُ👉 بِكُلِّ هَذَا الكَلَامِ فَقَالَ: «أنَا ✡️إلَهُكَ✡️ الَّذِي أخْرَجَكَ مِنْ أرْضِ مِصْرٍ، مِنْ بَيْتِ العُبُودِيَّةِ. «لَا تَعْبُدْ 🗿آلِهَةً🗿 أُخْرَى مَعِي.) “And 👉God(الله[pronounced “Allah”])👈 spoke all these words and said: “I am ✡️your God✡️ who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. “Do not worship other 🗿gods🗿 with me.” - Exodus 20: 1-3 The word(s) between; 👉👈 is “Allah[الله]” ✡️✡️ is “your God” as understood by Israelites. 🗿🗿 is any other god(s) So it’s quite clear that “Allah” is the proper name of The Creator in Arabic. According to a Jew:- ua-cam.com/video/arZZ8Gidgw0/v-deo.html And another:- ua-cam.com/video/65zyICBKBPI/v-deo.html
Great research. I always had a feeling that Jesus's was born in Mecca in qurayesh clan who had an evil uncle named Lahab as specificly mentioned in Quran.
Christianity are the religion of the Gentiles which were founded by Paul (not Jesus) and were conferm by the Roman Emperor Constantin in the Council of Nicaea. Paul was the author and the writer of Romans, Philippians, Corinthians, Ephesians, Thessalonians, Colossians, Galatians and Philemon (a very rich man) . These are latters that Paul sent to the Romans citizens and they were all Gentiles. The latters are not inspired by Jesus or God. Jesus did not come for the Gentiles or the Jews or to create Christianity but only for the lost sheep of Israel. Read Matthew 10:5-6 and15:24 and also ask who's the author and writers names of these latters that I mention.
And who are the "people of Israel"? Do you think those are the Jews? Nope. The jews actually inherited the traditions of Israel, which were a politheistic canaanite agglomeration of tribes. The "lost sheep of Israel" are the poor, the widow and the repentant ones, be then Jews or Gentiles. That's the message of Jesus.
Al Quran is not a Biography of Mohammed, it the word of Allah to all the people. Unlike the Bible, it says what Jesus did, what Jesus said and how Jesus died. And there always a third person who says it, for example accoding to, Matthew, John, James, Paul, Mark, Peter and Jude. It's like a Biography of Jesus. If the Bible's from God, did Jesus preached using the Bible and talk about himself?
Even Christian and Judaism Believe isn't the Name of the religion. They follow a books but they didn't take their religion name from their books. Even Jesus said he didn't come with the new religion, but still following the "Moses teaches". It supposed "Mosesmism, Abrahamism or Jesusism, it's so weird when the name is too important to teach to people, supposedly it's be teach their religion name 2nd place after they learn Jesus and Moses name. Important things like name of religion never exist in their books? Makes sense? It's took many authors and writers rights?🤔
Stop the lies and you need to learn doing better research, here's a more precise count, including both direct and indirect mentions / and remember Quran is not the book of Muhammed but god to us it's not centered about our prophet but god and stories we can learn from, and rules we need to follow : 1. Prophet Moses peace be upon him (Musa عليه السلام) Direct mentions (by name): 136 times Indirect mentions (without name): Approximately 200+ times (e.g., references to Pharaoh, the splitting of the sea, the Ten Commandments, and the Israelites' journey). Total references: Over 336 times 2. Prophet Jesus peace be upon (Isa عليه السلام) Direct mentions (by name): 25 times Indirect mentions (without name): About 75+ times (e.g., mentions of his mother Maryam, his miracles, disciples, the crucifixion controversy, and his return). Total references: Over 100 times 3. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (ﷺ) Direct mentions (by name): 5 times (4 as "Muhammad," 1 as "Ahmad") Indirect mentions (without name): More than 300 times (e.g., references to "The Messenger," "The Prophet," "Your Companion," commands to obey him, and verses addressing him directly without his name). Total references: Over 305 times
The quran is revealed to the prophet when he's alive so it does not mention him in past sentences but present and talk to him and us directly so god don't keep saying Muhammed say Muhammed do Muhammed don't !
أكثر من سبع دقائق ضيعت وقتي فيها على سخافات لا يسألها حتى الأطفال !!! يعني في النهاية تريدون ان تجعلوا القرآن نزل على المسيح بدلاً من محمد خخخخخخ قسماً بالله من يصدقكم فهو أهطل . تعالوا نقرأ معاً النبوءة عن محمد في الإنجيل : وَهَذِهِ هِيَ شَهَادَةُ يُوحَنَّا، حِينَ أَرْسَلَ الْيَهُودُ مِنْ أُورُشَلِيمَ كَهَنَةً وَلاَوِيِّينَ لِيَسْأَلُوهُ: ((مَنْ أَنْتَ؟)) يو ٢٠/١ : فَاعْتَرَفَ وَلَمْ يُنْكِرْ، وَأَقَرَّ: ((إِنِّي لَسْتُ أَنَا الْمَسِيحَ)) . يو ٢١/١ : فَسَأَلُوهُ: ((إِذاً مَاذَا؟ إِيلِيَّا أَنْتَ؟)) فَقَالَ: ((لَسْتُ أَنَا)). ((أَلنَّبِيُّ أَنْتَ؟)) فَأَجَابَ: ((لاَ)). قال القديس أغسطينوس : "لم يقولوا ليوحنا: أنبي أنت؟ أي هل أنت واحد من الأنبياء؟ لكنهم سألوه قائلين "ألنبي أنت؟" بإضافة أداة التعريف. بمعنى هل أنت النبي الذي سبق موسى فأخبر عنه (تث ١٥/١٨)؟ أنكر هذا المعنى، ولم ينكر أنه نبي، لكنه أنكر أنه هو ذاك النبي. فالسؤال هنا : من هذا النبي الذي كان ينتظره اليهود ؟!!
I’m trilled you’re you’re open to truth,, 'Verily I say unto you, that every prophet when he is come hath borne to one nation only the mark of the mercy of God. And so their words were not extended save to that people to which they were sent. But the messenger of God, when he shall come, God shall give to him as it were the seal of his hand, insomuch that he shall carry salvation and mercy to all the nations of the world that shall receive his doctrine. He shall come with power upon the ungodly, and shall destroy idolatry, insomuch that he shall make Satan confounded; for so promised God to Abraham, saying: "Behold, in thy seed I will bless all the tribes of the earth; and as thou hast broken in pieces the Idols, O Abraham, even so shall thy seed do."' James answered: 'O master, tell us in whom this promise was made; for the Jews say "in Isaac," and the Ishmaelites say "in Ishmael."' Jesus answered: 'David, whose son was he, and of what lineage?' James answered: 'Of Isaac; for Isaac was father of Jacob and Jacob was father of Judah, of whose lineage is David.' Then said Jesus: 'And the messenger of God when he shall come, of what lineage will he be:' The disciples answered: 'Of David.' Whereupon Jesus said: 'Ye deceive yourselves; for David in spirit calleth him lord, saying thus: "God said to my lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. God shall send forth thy rod which shall have lordship in the midst of thine enemies? If the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah were son of David, how should David call him lord? Believe me, for verily I say to you, that the promise was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac.'
How many times Shaitan (satan) is mentioned in the Holy books? Does it mean that Shaitan is more honourable thsn Jesus Mosed and Mohammad? Mohammad existed. And he still exists because his tomb is in Madina. Where is your Jesus ?
Actually someone like an arab prophet seems to have been but i dont think he had the title of Muhamamd who as u said means is the praised one which actually is jesus coz jesus is the praised one, the messaih. Quran can really be read a christian text mostky but just a different form of theology. I actually think this arab prophet existed but i dont think he ever thought himself to be say equal in his mission to any prophet like jesus and moses. Definitely he did believe in rapture etc and jesus to come to judge as many verses seem to be apocalyptic which is very much characterestic of christian people who always did talk about jesus's coming at all times even till modernity lol. Muslims should actually read the quran properly most of it is borowwing verses and stories from syriac and presenting the abrahmic message to the arabs which highly exalts jesus but not till god.
This is false, the khuzistan chronicle mentions the Kaaba, and the patriarchs of Alexandria which is a early 7th century document mentions Mecca, and you’re definitely false about the last one, the doctrina Jacobi, the fragments of the Arab conquest, Thomas the presbyter and sebeos all mentioned Muhammad.
@@Paxia Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement. Quran. Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116 On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen. I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things. Quran. Surah Ibrahim - 22 On Judgment, Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
There is a Qur’an discovered in Damascus. On the cover of the Qur’an = the book = the Qur’an, the seal of the Prophet Muhammad, meaning the name of the Prophet Muhammad is written on the Qur’an and the date is recorded for the year 11 after the Hijra (the Prophet’s migration and his move from Mecca to Yathrib = Medina). The Qur’an was examined by carbon and spectral analysis. It was proven that it is from the time of Muhammad in documents discovered in Egypt, papyri from the year 87 after the Hijra, meaning only 64 years after the death of the Prophet, in which the name of the Prophet Muhammad and verses from the Qur’an are found. The currencies that the Umayyad state dealt with in Damascus after getting rid of the Byzantine currencies have the words Muhammad, the Messenger of God written on them.
@emmanuelladinin9539 Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement. Quran. Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116 On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen. I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things. Quran. Surah Ibrahim - 22 On Judgment, Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
@@peacock69mcp I’m not a Muslim, and no, the claim that the term “Muhammad” was used for Jesus is just false, non Muslim 7th century writers made it clear that this specific Muhammad was a prophet who appeared among the Saracens and was associated with the Arab army that attacked the Roman levant and Persia. The dome of the rock inscriptions also makes a clear distinction between eesa and Muhammad. Your own Christian 7th century writers such as John of Nikiu and John of Damascus criticized this “Muhammad” do you really think it would be logical for a Christian to do that?
Neither the Bible nor the Quran believe in Reincarnation.But there have been many cases of it around the world.Scientists and Intellectuals have probed into several such cases and found them to be true . What you sow,so you reap,Jesus said.in fact Reincarnation and the Law of Karma are intimately related.😊
Jesus says i am and the son of man shall be at the right hand of God. Allah says that the Kuran is only a reminder. Chapter 43:61 says Jesus is the sign of the hour. Jesus is indeed central from the Quran. He will come with the Gospel.
The hadiths ("Standard Islamic Narrative) though cannot be right. They claim the companions of Mohammed were the first 5 caliphs, this is not evidence din the 7C texts, also that the later Umayyad regime was totally Islamic, spreading Islam east and west by the sword. But Muawiya, the first Ummayad, had a rock inscription with a cross at the top, also coins with christians symbols such as crosses, and also in the 7C Maronite chronicle went to Jerusalem, and did various christian (!) pilgrimage rites. He possibly had Unitarian leanings, but hadn't rejected the biblical account (as the Quran does). The hadiths also have traditions that cannot possibly be correct, like a very filthy well being recommended for wudu, which includes mouth and nose washing, if that was really done, there would have been a lot of people getting seriously ill. Also some are deliberately mocking the prophet, and indeed Persian and northerners, not Hijazis, wrote down these hadiths.
While this may be true. And Ive actually considered this possibility. Jesus would not want us to care about that because what matters is Gods message. People are idol worshipping and worshipping Jesus. There are no images of prophet Mohammad which is best. If people are so misguided that they evolve to the point where they worship Jesus then it is best that people dont even think about that.Islam allows us to worship God in God's purity. Prophet Mohammad's message (in Arabic) is the only thing that matters. Those who understand understand that its better to not explore it because the intention was to focus on the message, which is what matters most. The message of Islam is definitely the continuation of Jesus's message and all the prophets messages of monotheism. People get caught worshipping other things all the time without noticing it. Leads to an embalance in life.
@@trentcheney7441 Cant really spend time arguing with someone who doesnt understand his own faith. Its a waste of time. Do you read hebrew or Koine greek? No .
That's it don't question it. No. Don't let yourself being deceived by the book written by satan himself. Isn't it enough that hundreds of years before this book comes we get a prophecy to not follow the religion given by an "angel" because it will be satan in disguise !?
Where in your gospels did Jesus ever say he was God. There is plenty of evidence saying other wise dont get me started. It is basic logic. If god knows the final hour and jesus doesnt know the final hour then he is not God. basic logic. Everything he did and said was by god's will.
If islam is a sect of Christianity as quoted, then why no one literally no one can bring a SURAH (CHAPTER) like HOLY QURAN...... can you please make a SURAH like QURAN.... 😂😂😂 try this challenge Many came many gone..
Muhammad in the Quran - He is mentioned by name four times, but is also referred to as Messenger and Prophet throughout. Could "The Praised One" Be Jesus? - No, because the Quran clearly distinguishes Jesus (Isa) from Muhammad. Dome of the Rock - Its inscriptions refute Christian beliefs but still affirm Muhammad’s message. Historical Evidence - Muhammad is mentioned in 7th-century sources, including non-Muslim writings and inscriptions. Was Muhammad Invented? - No, historical and archaeological evidence confirms he was a real historical figure.
The Quran isn’t a chronological narrative so you can’t come to conclusions like that. Muhammad of the Hadiths was a later creation. The historical man who started the Muslim movement could be anyone or multiple people historically and fables and legends combined by oral traditions which were written down later and attributed to one man/figure after Arab Rulers needed to create a Moses, Elijah or even “Jesus like” prophet for their NEW religion and theocracy to work
✝️PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE!!!! I want the one who runs this channel look up how yeshua was written in aramaic (NOT HEBREW!! ARAMAIC) And compare it to how MHMD was written in arabic. Youll be able to find much more info than ive found and it will be a great thing for your channel✝️ god bless everyone
Most of the fossil fuel material we use today comes from algae, bacteria and plants, some of which date back even before the Devonian period,419.2 to 358.9years ago million years ago Crude oil is formed from the remains of dead organisms, mainly diatoms, such as algae and zooplankton that existed millions of years ago in a marine environment. Well before the time of Dinosaurs which was approximately 245 to 66 million years agoCoal forms over millions of years from the remains of ancient plant material, primarily from vast swamp forests that existed during the Carboniferous Period (approximately 300 million years ago). Most of the fossil fuel material we use today comes from algae, bacteria and plants, some of which date back even before the Devonian period,419.2 to 358.9years ago million years ago Crude oil is formed from the remains of dead organisms, mainly diatoms, such as algae and zooplankton that existed millions of years ago in a marine environment. Well before the time of Dinosaurs which was approximately 245 to 66 million years ago Where the fuck was this God in this EMPIRICALLY supported TIMELINE? one of the biggest problems are "believers" Muslim or Christian, dumb as fuck idiots that take everything on face value, without really doing a smidgen of research, you can see these timelines everywhere, from the plastic bags you probably use when you go shopping, the fuel that runs a car, the bitumen that vehicles drive on, all comes from the same source!! with a time history that goes back hundreds of millions of years!! Where was this God? in this? playing Solitaire?? and this www.nps.gov/gumo/learn/nature/coralreefs.htm and this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Blue_Hole, we are in this is the modern tech world where decades of research can be uploaded in minutes for the world to to view not the dark ages, where complete innocent were burnt at the stake.
Half knowledge is dangerous So don't draw any conclusions before you known Christianity and Islam properly. Always there will be people to misguide you for their personal interests because they know common people don't have time to research let's make them emotional so they get benefits
Good first step. Now try to find Mecca of the Seventh Century, Hint no water in the desert. No Mecca, no Mohammed, No Quran.
wrong location
@@ScottJackson-b6s-y4jislam is fake
@AlexMkd1984 Jesus was not crucified
@@ScottJackson-b6s-y4j Prove that please.
@@deformissimia6935 prove what?
Easier to fool someone that to convince them they’ve been fooled.
The fool is u christians which believe God can be captured, beaten,made half naked, crucified and crying for help to a bigger authority.
Learn to do your research stop being led by the nose like sheep and be happy about it all they feed you about islam are lies and these videos are never meant for muslims but for the ones who know nothing about it so they think they know everything now.
Here's a more precise count, including both direct and indirect mentions:
1. Prophet Moses (Musa عليه السلام)
Direct mentions (by name): 136 times
Indirect mentions (without name): Approximately 200+ times (e.g., references to Pharaoh, the splitting of the sea, the Ten Commandments, and the Israelites' journey).
Total references: Over 336 times
2. Prophet Jesus (Isa عليه السلام)
Direct mentions (by name): 25 times
Indirect mentions (without name): About 75+ times (e.g., mentions of his mother Maryam, his miracles, disciples, the crucifixion controversy, and his return).
Total references: Over 100 times
3. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
Direct mentions (by name): 5 times (4 as "Muhammad," 1 as "Ahmad")
Indirect mentions (without name): More than 300 times (e.g., references to "The Messenger," "The Prophet," "Your Companion," commands to obey him, and verses addressing him directly without his name).
Total references: Over 305 times
This is one of the teaching of islam
Surah Al-Kafirun, from verse 1 to verse 6
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Say, "O you disbelievers! I do not worship what you worship, nor will you worship what I worship, nor will I worship what you worship, nor will you worship what I worship. To you is your religion, and to me is my religion."
@@Seeker98094 what you dont tell about is Abrogation. So stop the Taqiyya abdul
*I'm thrilled you created this!* It reminds me of my incredible journey from humble beginnings to achieving a comfortable life, earning a generous income of $89k biweekly, and a new chapter of financial freedom.
How were you able to do It?
Am a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 😭 of myself because of low finance but I still believe God
its luck, it's me just being
at the right place at the right time. I met a financial and trading consultant at a seminar back at Los Angeles later last year, where she was featured and interviewed and I reached out to her afterwards.
Her name is Elizabeth Ann Hanson, I didn't know much about trading and investing so I spoke to her about it, she then later introduced me to her platform where I and other people could invest.
Elizabeth Ann Hanson's doing she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.
Lovely! I enjoyed it like I enjoy a $100k monthly around the turn!!!
who recites quran is muslim
who understands quran leaves islam.
😂😂 i challenge you to read it
You will find 2 options
1 you will believe islam is the truth
2 you will say damn, no i need to stop reading this and continue being a disbeliever afraid of quran
@@Seeker98094 Absolute plagiarism of Babylonians, Zoroastrians, Phoenicians, Christians, Gnostics, Sumerians, Jews, Sabaean Arab pagans, Nabataea's even the rituals copied from Hindus, who to this day circle temples, shave heads at pilgrimage and recite Vedic scripture from memory ...
@@Seeker98094 Let's not forget the homework copied, the embryology taken back to Mecca and Medina from an Anatolian physician, even copying his same errors in, embarrassing forging other people's work ...
@@Seeker98094 Despite the copying of Babylonian creation model and model of the solar system, the Quran failed to complete a correct observation the Babylonians made centuries earlier, can you guess what this is?
@@Seeker98094 With such dull miracles revealed that even many imams and clerics now admit cannot be claimed as either miracles or scientific why did the creator of everything (allegedly by the incoherent verses full of logical fallacies) fail to reveal facts that would have truly astonished all scientists alive today, it would have been so easy for an omniscient being to do so, for example this being (or rather men pretending it was from a such being) claims to be the ''Lord of Sirius'' .. why then fail to omit the secrets discovered centuries later about Sirius, or for that matter out of the trillions of stars and their many different types offer no more description of the mother than lamps and missiles to throw at devils. .. both are factually incorrect, incoherent and incomplete accounts and belong to a child's fable ...
Today's Islam was actually an anti trinitian Christian with some gnostic bible, they were mostly concentrated in today's iraq and syria but not in Saudi.
Over time during the Abassad it becomes a religion, creating their own prophets call Muhammed.
If we look at the ancient books "mahmad " Which means "The praise one" Was a title, people call jesus Christ as mahmad which is the praise one. But after some centuries those people make it their prophet creating all these story about prophet, which today we found zero evidence.
Facts! This is why the Ethiopians sheltered the early followers Muhammad, they saw them as fellow Christians.
Muhammad didn't exist, but his followers were sheltered. Hear yourself, the video is not nothing short of a display of complete ignorance and a point to confusion in the mind of it's author or his exaggerated whatifmism.
The English noble quran is completly corrupt .inserts commentary into the quran verses sometimes even more commentary than verse.verse is not inspired verse when words of men are added,into quran verses ,.can not add to ,subtract,change,give commentary or agenda.anything interups,distracts,changes or hides inspired meanings, THE NOBLE QURAN EVEN INSERTS MOHAMMAD INTO MANY VERSES THAT DID NOT HAVE HIM IN THE VERSE AND DOES NOT BELONG THERE NOBLE QURAN COMPLETLY NOT ACCEPTABLE HOWEVER THE QURAN CALLED THE MEANING OF THE NOBLE QURAN HAS SEPERATE QURAN VERSES AND COMMENTARY AND IS COMPLETLY ACCEPTABLE
@@awwal5481 So, all this is whatifmism too?
Most of the fossil fuel material we use today comes from algae, bacteria and plants, some of which date back even before the Devonian period,419.2 to 358.9years ago million years ago
Crude oil is formed from the remains of dead organisms, mainly diatoms, such as algae and zooplankton that existed millions of years ago in a marine environment. Well before the time of Dinosaurs which was approximately 245 to 66 million years ago, Coal forms over millions of years from the remains of ancient plant material, primarily from vast swamp forests that existed during the Carboniferous Period (approximately 300 million years ago). Most of the fossil fuel material we use today comes from algae, bacteria and plants, some of which date back even before the Devonian period,419.2 to 358.9years ago million years ago Crude oil is formed from the remains of dead organisms, mainly diatoms, such as algae and zooplankton that existed millions of years ago in a marine environment. Well before the time of Dinosaurs which was approximately 245 to 66 million years ago Where the fuck was this God in this EMPIRICALLY supported TIMELINE? one of the biggest problems are "believers" Muslim or Christian, dumb as fuck idiots that take everything on face value, without really doing a smidgen of research, you can see these timelines everywhere, from the plastic bags you probably use when you go shopping, the fuel that runs a car, the bitumen that vehicles drive on, all comes from the same source!! with a time history that goes back hundreds of millions of years!! Where was this God? in this? playing Solitaire?? and this www.nps.gov/gumo/learn/nature/coralreefs.htm and this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Blue_Hole, we are in this is the modern tech world where decades of research can be uploaded in minutes for the world to to view not the dark ages, where complete innocent were burnt at the stake. Your Gods and Messiah's are just made up Bullshit! by a bunch desert dwelling nomads that knew shit all!.
The quran is originally partly (the so-called "meccan" surahs) a collection (corpus) of christian preaching texts used by the anti-trinitarian jewish-christians called Nazarenes, they are called "nasara" (نَصَرَ) in the quran, while the trinitarian (orthodox byzantine) christians whom they fought and hated are called "mushrikuns" (مشركون) ie "associators" or "polytheists" because they associate Jesus to God (which is "shirk" شِرْك that opposes to Allah's unicity called "tawheed" تَوْحِيدُ ).
So islam is originally a heretic christian sect.
They just copied parts of the Torra. The rest is made up shite.
There is a trend among some secular scholars of Islam to view the religion's origins as a sect of Christianity. The design of the Dome of the Rock follows that of a Christian shrine.
Which is most likely!
Any architecture and building is influenced by the culture at that time. The Dome of the Rock Mosque was built by Christian engineers and workers. At that time, it was natural for the architecture of the mosque to be influenced by Christian architecture. The same was the case in Egypt 1,000 years ago. Mosques were built by Christian workers and engineers, so the mosque was influenced by Christian architecture. Now the opposite is true. Christians build churches, and they are influenced by Islamic architecture and decorations.
But but but he supermaned to the Dome of Rock at night 😂
How do you explain the fact that the Dome of the Rock doesn't mention Mohammad or his alleged magical flying donkey, or his important though private interview with Moses or God?
How do you explain that?
Islam is said to be a creation of the anti-Trinitarian Judeo-Nazarenes. "MHMD" was also found on Christian coins.
Ive known this for a long time
Such a shame because it was complete and utter bullshit and i can literally prove it if you're not illiterate and willing to read a bit.
Muhammad as a person is historical. He is mentioned in Sebeos History, Doctrina Jacobi and many other contemporary Greek writings. Whether the he was really the founder of Islam or just some Nestorian reformer who's sect eventually developed into Islam is unclear. Apparently the Christians of that time wrote his followers as merely heretics and not a seperate religion. It's possible many Caliphs well into the Umayyad era were Christian as their coins have a lot Christian symbolism.
Also, there is absolutely no archaeological or historical evidence for the existence of him.
This absolutely spot on, well done👍 scholars and historians have known this for a long time, and archaeologists have know along with scholars etc., that there was NO MECCA in 7th Century Arabia, specifically the Hijaz where Mecca was supposed to be👍
There is no mention of historically so important Zum Zum well which has been till recently the only source of water for Mecca
@@indubala3155 The Zum Zum well was totally inadequate, and in the 8th Century an aqueduct had to be built, Mel from Islamic origins did an excellent presentation on his channel about the fallacy of the well.
Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement.
Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116
On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things.
Surah Ibrahim - 22
On Judgment,
Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
Because it was in Petra.Keep reading.
@@radchulo5349 Long debunked
Great work! 👍
Then what do you do with the Quran, which says to kill infidels? Jesus never said that He says to love your enemies.
Matthew 5:46
If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?
The best solution is the Qur'an in its original Syro-Aramaic reading.
Saint Murad is working on that but we need to support him.
Definitely read Saint Murad's translation from the Arabic, you'll see that Islam has no leg to stand on!
Simple. It was a later addition. It was edited to say that.
It does not say the whole koran is about Jesus but the 4 mentions of MHMD is more likely to be Jesus presented by the gnostics prevalent views to challenge the Doctrine of Trinity !
Look up Salwan Momika. We are supposed to do what he did so we can expose evil that says they are peace. It’s anti Christ spirit and idol worship.
Wouldn't it be great to look through a one-way mirror into any moment in history that one chooses? If such a thing existed, I would definitely focus on religious history, especially that related to Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Muslims be trying to find his location with this one Lmao
Dude, we literally have his grave
@@demonicavenger6987is that a threat Come To Texas and see if you get alive from here saying that 🤣
Lmfao no this was the worst most pathetic and easily refutable utterly garbage nonsense video i have ever seen. I can literally refute all his points with a comment if you're willing to read a bit, if not just feign illiteracy and remain ignorant, God only guides those who truly want his guidance
I know longer believe in a man named Muhammad but by his birthname Qutham!
The name "MHMD" use to be used as a Divine Title for the Messiah.
Is this name told by son of fahima and other fellows
Islamic Scholars speaks how Muhammad changed His name after he received Revelations. There is two accounts.
The Abbreviation "MHMD Jesus" the last recorded we have seen on was on a coin dated was 750 AD, with MHMD and Crosses on it.
it's Qutham Ibn Abd Al Lat meaning the "Qutham the son of slave of pagan Goddess named Lat.
MHMD as mentioned in the quran could refer to Isa / Islamic Jesus which is considered as Messiah in islam.
What about Mahomet? Sounds a lot like Baphomet
Islam is reaching. 1400 years and no definite proof that the prophet greater than JESUS ever existed. Soooooo sad
Wow! Thank you very much for sharing! 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
Amazing video
It really isnt. I csn literslly leave a single reply dismantling this whole shitshow of a series poor arguements and utterly incorrect statements.
More people need to know about this
Watch cira international video, dr jay smith and al fadi talked in detail about this topic
This aspect is truly "Thought provoking "Needs more delving into to convince all present today.
The difference between a cult and a religion is just the number of believers and the difference between "a true believer" and a pagan depends on who holds the power...
Well a cult is also characterized by punishment for criticizing or leaving the cult's ideology, and for questioning its founders or leaders.
Punishment can vary from verbal abuse to physical and mental damage, to imprisonment and cancelling.
Can you use AI or some tools to create audio and subtitles of various predominantly used languages by population and jointly upload along with video ?
I love this people whom I always mentioned them in prayer as the misguided people.
One thing is certain, if the praised one was Jesus then their book got seriously b u tchered to h i d e the story of the B ible, the promised new c ovenant and the S aviour.
Mhmd is a title referencing Yeshua - the man Mohammed is a manufactured Satanic character to deceive people
No proof the Bible was butchered in fact the Quran recommends reading the Bible and following it
@@cherkas009 OP questioned the butchering of the Quran not the Bible …
Mr al fadi does an excellent job on this topic
The Original Quran was just select passages and stories from the Torah and “gospels” translated to Arabic to win Arab converts and satisfy Arab Christians who didn’t speak or read Greek/hebrew
And it is He who begins creation; then He repeats it, and that is [even] easier for Him. To Him belongs the highest description [i.e., attribute] in the heavens and earth. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
- Quran 30:27
Jeremiah 14:
14 Then the Lord said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries[a] and the delusions of their own minds. 15 Therefore this is what the Lord says about the prophets who are prophesying in my name: I did not send them, yet they are saying, ‘No sword or famine will touch this land.’ Those same prophets will perish by sword and famine. 16 And the people they are prophesying to will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and sword. There will be no one to bury them, their wives, their sons and their daughters. I will pour out on them the calamity they deserve.
I came to know by proven fact 4 years back that word Muhammad is not for real human being
Rachel,the daughter in law of Ruth,was a priestess ofLa. Waraca,sister of Mohammed taught him the religion of Islam.
I think I understand what happened. In the early Christian church there emerged huge disagreements on the substance of Christ: was he man, was he God, etc… The council of Nicaea in 325 defined orthodox Christianity as believing that God is Trinidadian, that is, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that they are all eternal. However by 325 there were tons of sects across the vast spectrum of possibilities of non-Trinitarian christianity existing in the Eastern perimeter of the Roman Empire: Arianism, Nestorianism, Monophysite-ism, (to say nothing of Gnosticism) to name a few. From time to time, out of a desire for Roman solidarity the Roman Empire would persecute the non-Trinitarian/non-orthodox sects in the East. Consequently large numbers of these groups moved East of the Empire’s borders in the Fertile Crescent into the Babylonian/Mesopotamian lands. At the same time waves of Arabs would migrate north out of Yemen every time there was a dry spell there - especially after the collapse of the ancient dam there. The Arabs of course were attracted to the periphery of the Fertile Crescent, and appears to have pushed right up to the Euphrates in Babylonia - while many others thrived in trade and as bedouins.
Beginning in 535 there were periods of bad weather (possible volcanic activity in Iceland) causing famine, followed up by plague (as the vermin moved closer to living near people). Plague would be detrimental to people living in the metropolitan areas and towns, but not so much on the bedouin.
The Wars between Sassanian Persia and Eastern Roman Empire heated up and Sassanians conquered the Levant and Egypt from the Romans shortly after 600 - many peoples were moved out of Syrian by the Persians and they allowed Arabs to move in - a kind of ethnic cleansing. The Romans managed to take this back in 624. The combination of famine, plague, migration, and war rendered both Eastern Rome and Sassanian Persians weak and altered the balance of power vis-a-vis the Arabs who previously were almost unknown. Because the Arabs came from outside the Empire they would have morelikely been non-Trinitarian Christians. Some charismatic leader managed to rally the Arabs around himself and successfully bound the Syrian Arabs and the Eastern (Mesopotamian) arabs to his leadership. By the time of the dome of the Rock came about it appears that the Arab leadership needed to articulate a more distinct, more intrinsically Arab based religion - which then set them on the trajectory of Islam.
There is no doubt that something happened to bring about Arab cohesion. Also there is John of Damascus discussion of Islam’s founder - John’s father was an official in Muawiya (the first Mauryian Caliph) in Damascus, Mauwiya was, according to tradition, a scribe to Mohammed in his last few years. So someone brought the Arabs together and defeated both Rome and Persia. John claims that Mohammed was misdirected by an Arian monk. It is also possible that the basic Islamic Narrative is largely correct as to what Mohammed did but the cities were not the same (Mecca and Medina - were maybe some other location).
Anyway, my two bit take on this.
But there is a tomb of Mahomet in Medina ? Who is buried there ? Is it empty ?
The teachings from these religions are fundamentally different, Jesus is the way, truth and life.
When you talk to somebody and described many events of history to him, how many Times you tell his name whom you describe facts and orders and histories? Please tell us.
I am a Christian but these arguments are terrible! The logic fails on many points:
1, Who said the Quran was meant to be about Mohammed?! It's supposed to be God's eternal word. You're just reading into it.
2, And the literal meaning of a name doesn't mean it can't be a personal name. Many common names have tittle-like meanings.
3, Late records doesn't prove he doesn't exist. There could be historical reasons for that, which may just make the records less reliable. We also see late records in the Bible.
4, Christ is distinctly mentioned in the Quran and cannot be conflated with the mention of Mohammed.
Dayommmm youre smart brother from different faith
2. In the 7C century MHMD was used in its Aramaic form by Syrian christians as a title for Jesus. Also used for some very prominent Jewish leaders (exilarchs) as a honorary titling. Warlords may have used it (vainly from a bible perspective, kind of like the vainglory of Nebuchadnezzar).
3. There may have been various characters subsumed into the eventual figure, but you would expect details of his life to be in the Quran, if he was important, whereas the Quran does have edgy narratives between a teacher and critics it lacks those details of background and events that should be there. He can't be what the hadiths say, since there are mismatches. E.g is in northern Arabic, describes country features of a sort not near Mecca, but much further north, there's evidence e.g that many of the leading new Arab emirs were christians, from coins, until Abd-El-Malik in the 690s, wanting to overmaster the Byzantines, and Arabize his territories, made proto-Islamic moves.
4. But MHMD was a title for Jesus, and in the area the Quran was probably written (Syria), also a key polemic of the Quran is that Jesus was just a messenger, i.e not divine, but praiseworthy for sure.
I doubt if u're a christian
Hey muslim remove ur clown mask
@collybever You make solid points, certainly better than those in the video. thanks.
@HeLpLOstGOdAny1 stop deleting my comments this is the facts :
1/ On Embryology in the Quran :
1. The Quran describes the stages of human development in verses such as Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:12-14), which mention the transformation from a drop of fluid (nutfah) to a clinging substance (alaqah) and then a lump (mudghah).
2. Islamic scholars, like Dr. Keith Moore (a renowned embryologist), have pointed out that the descriptions match modern embryology and were unknown in the 7th century.
3. Galen’s work was not identical to the Quran’s descriptions. He proposed that the embryo formed from menstrual blood, which is incorrect. The Quran does not mention this and instead speaks of seminal fluid and implantation.
4. The claim that errors were copied ignores the fact that the Quran presents a unique order and terminology that differ from Greek texts.
2/ On Babylonian Cosmology and the Quran :
1.The Babylonians believed in a flat Earth with a solid sky dome. The Quran, however, describes the heavens and Earth as having been joined together before being split (Surah Al-Anbiya 21:30) and the expansion of the universe (Surah Adh-Dhariyat 51:47).
2. Modern physics supports the idea of cosmic expansion (Big Bang theory), which is absent in Babylonian mythology.
3. Even if similarities exist, correlation does not mean causation. The Quran distinguishes itself by correcting errors in pre-existing cosmologies rather than merely repeating them.
In short :
The Quran does not simply copy ancient science; it presents concepts that were either unknown or corrected errors in prior knowledge. Scholars argue that its descriptions align with modern discoveries rather than outdated theories. If the Quran were merely copying, why would it not inherit the same mistakes? Instead, it presents a refined, unique perspective that was beyond human knowledge at the time.
Christians when they see a video from someone else they took and make it with little change anyway Muhammad s.a.w.s existed born in 570 in Mecca died in 633 Madinah lived in time with Walid ibn Velid and Umar ibn Khatab in perdian byzantine time have coins with his name is mosque Quba that he build in Madinah and his grave too
Muslim scholar Yasir Quadi in his infamous interview with Muhammad hijab said and I qoute him "the Islamic narrative of the foundations of Islam have holes in them" in other words it's all lies...
All the books talk about previous prophets but you fail to understand a simple truth, god since the beginning sent prophets and when a book was revealed it always mentions the next prophe, islam believe in all prophets and we love them all :
Quran Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 136 Say, “We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him.”
Muhammad (ﷺ) is mentioned in the Quran multiple times, but Allah honored him by addressing him with titles instead of calling him by name. His name appears 4 times, and 'Ahmad' once, but he is referred to countless times as 'Prophet,' 'Messenger,' 'Muzzammil,' and 'Muddathir.'
Allah says in Surah An-Nur (24:63): 'Do not call the Messenger as you call one another.' This proves that not mentioning his name often is a sign of respect, not insignificance. After hearing your first claim, I already knew how weak the rest of your video would be. I’m done with your nonsense."
MHMD is a Messianic Divine Title for the Messiah.
MHMD Jesus!
Christ said on the cross "IT IS FINISHED" Muhammad was not a prophet or from God!
No one was defined
praiseworthy a
plantation range
from your mankind
other than message
of God and
ing badge of the
prophets and God
has instituted
everything with
having knowledge"
(word to word
correct translation
Friday evening prayer, strict ban on pork, circumcision for boys, headscarf for girls, white round cap for men, clothes above the ankle, halal/kosher food processing, men and women separated in the house of prayer...
What's there not to understand?
These are mandatory rules strictly imposed on all Muslims no matter where in the world, and yet, these rules are nowhere to be found in the Qrn.
It's because all these rules are written in the Mishna.
They are Jews, the people who wrote and thise who follow the Qran. Of course they would constantly talk about Moses and Abraham. And they reject Jesus as the son of God but accept him as the last great Jewish prophet.
Shabat shalom to all Muslims in the chat!
People won't die for a lie, but they will kill for a lie. Even if the Quran is originally about Jesus, it's about a false Jesus.
Read Talmud if how it describes Jesus ..unlike Quran
Read the hadiths it is from the same author with different topics.@hunerjalal1986
I'm shocked at how shocking so many game changing videos are. I'm terrified at how shocking this game changing video is.
It quite literally is not and is the most easily refutable nonsense rambling i have ever seen. I can literally replt with a single comment that will dismantle all of it.
@@Abz2205 I see that you lack the ability to detect sarcasm. It's OK, not everyone does.
Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement.
Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116
On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things.
Surah Ibrahim - 22
On Judgment,
Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
Galatians 1:6-8
"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!"
Gospel = that we are saved by our Lord and saviour
Who came to Mohammed with a whole other gospel? An ANGEL
This bible verse was written wayyyy before the quran excisted. God already knew..
God says " The devil has made their deeds fair-seeming to them. The devil is their patron today
Those who's hearts are filled with jealousy try to satisfy their hearts with prejudices , when the message is clear.
O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women...... Al Quran 4-1
He said, "Our Lord is He who gave each thing its form and then guided [it]."
Al Quran 20:5
Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion.
Al Quraan 3:185
Say, "I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord - let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone."
You surely cannot guide whoever you like ˹O Prophet˺, but it is God Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided Al- Quran 28-56
Please read with an open heart,
May Allah SWT guide us and you all.
As you don't speak or understand Arabic am going give proper translation. The word Muhammad, used in
the Quran , is an adjective, it
means praiseworthy. God has
used this word Muhammad
FOR the Quran, NOT as a
name of the prophet of Islam.
God says that the Quran (the
revelation ) IS Muhammad C
praiseworthy ). God says ,
follow Muhammad ( the
praiseworthy Quran) to follow
Me. Attiu Allah Wa Atti ur
Rasool, Obey God and obey
the message (the
praiseworthy Quran ), correct
Isn't it strange that not only Moe never existed but also Abraham, Noah, Moses. Jonah, David and Jesus as written in the bible book. All historical fiction.
Get some help, seriously.
Archaelogical and textual evidences do exist there though, providing affirmations. The earliest times would be hardest to get connections for sure, but even say the Genesis account of Abraham c 1800 BC, the covenant he makes with the Word of God in Genesis 15, has been shown to be similar to covenant agreements from that time found in early cuneiform libraries. The names used are also typical of some of the names then used, as in cuneiform libraries in Syria.
Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement.
Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116
On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things.
Surah Ibrahim - 22
On Judgment,
Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
Just like the pigeon who closes eyes when the cat arrives
Or saying the crow is white etc etc
Such a big fact in human history and such a nomimant personality whom all recognize and acknowledge and it's written on the British Parliament that here the law of Omar is applied and Omar was taught by Muhammad
And on the US supreme court that the best judge is Muhammad
By denying the existence of Muhammad you will negate Romans, Persians,Coptics etc ,
ie rewrite history or a type of vanity
Although he was the first person in history to produce a Utopia or perfect society
And one thing more which has to be clarified is that all the Prophets including Jesus are a brotherhood and Jesus gave news of the coming of Muhammad (please consult the real genuine Bible not the altered ones
where did you find MHMD? it's not in english. it's arabic. "The praised one" should be started with "Al"(Al-MHMD)
1st argumemnt - "Why is Muhammad mentioned only four times?"
Answer: Why would you mention someones name your talking directly. It's is more likely to refer him as you.
2nd argument:"Can the Muhammad in the Quran refer to Jesus?"
Answer:Nope, Surah 48 verse 29 specifically says "Muhammad is the messenger of god. Those who are with him are firm against disbelievers." Compare this with Jesus's followers who left him when he was about to be crucified. No wonder why you didn't mentioned that verse and thought it to be "equally ambiguous". And you said," Muslims argue this to be Muhammad. Others argue that this refers to Jesus." I am very curious to know who argues this to be Jesus.
3rd argument: "Dome of the rock refers to Jesus"
Answer: I didn't get the argument. How did it mentioned the praised one yet not mentioned Muhammad? But in case your accepting archeological evidence, there is a incription in mount Selah in Medina Which reads, " I am Muhammad ibn Abdillah". Ibn abdullah means " Son of Abdullah". Now I am curious how you proof the name of Jesus's father as Abdullah.
4rth argument: "Why delay in wrinting prophet's life's details?"
Answer: Because writting tools were scarce in the early Islamic Empire. Only Things that were are important are written. Before anyone jumps and says, "What? Prophet's life is not important?". It is not that prophets life was not recorded. It is that they were not written in one particular book containing his life. They were only transmitted through Oral tradation. When the Islamic empire expanded and writting tools become easily accessable, the oral tradation that was passed down was authenticated and compiled in one book. Our authenticating science is way more relieable than that of your Gospels.
My advice to you is to learn Arabic.
Learn Arabic to understand why the four quranic mentions cannot refer to Jesus due to grammatical issues.
Anyone who wants to know more about prove of his exsistence can watch this video
U need further study then u understand
@@urbandsouza7279 then tell me what to study.
@@RaisulIslam-j2l study with reasoning,if u r curious u will find what to study.
People cannot build 2floor building conquered Spain to india u belive I dont
@@urbandsouza7279 I have given you resources from non-muslim writers contemporary to him acknowledging his existences. And you are telling to trust that he didn't exist and still call that reasoning.
@RaisulIslam-j2l they have examined by schoolers.
Schoolers don't deny his existence but question is he ?
Your own sources and people projected as such quetion to rejection
(Risalah) to mean "Prophet Hood", since the Persian word "Cll." (Risalat)
means "prophet hood"
Hence, to hide the actual meaning of Quranic order "I, "i istbig ar ifbi" both
the Quran Only (Quranist/Ahl-e-Quran) and traditional scholars destroyed
the actual meaning of Quranic words "Ju," (Risalah) and "J,"," (Rasool),
Therefore, if you believe that the Quran was revealed in Persian language
you can certainly take Quranic words "t," (Risalah) and "J,'" (Rasool) to
mean "Prophet Hood" and "Prophet" as they are the correct meaning of
Persian words "eJl," (Risalat) and "J,'," (Rasool)
Rasul Allah is a title exclusively applied to “Isa” and “MHMD” in the Quran.
Rasul Allah = Mal’akh YHWH = The Angel of the Lord = MHMD = Jesus Christ
Also, “MHMD” isn’t “The Praised One” it is “The Beloved” as HMD derives from the shared HMD semetic triliteral root carrying deep meanings of coveting, desiring, yearning, etc. Christ is the Beloved of God.
I don't find this plausible at all. It just doesn't make sense. Plus you can't get Mahmood from MHMD in Arabic, as the video claims. It would be MHMŮD, a whole extra letter and not just diacratic marks. This does call into question the bias of the video when it gets basic facts wrong, let alone interpretations.
Also, it's not surprising that Muhammad isn't in the Quran much, it's not meant to be a text about him. The Bible stories talk about Moses and Jesus but weren't first hand written by them. The Quran was by Muhammad, to guide his followers and not to tell them about him, which would be a waste since he was right there with him.
Amazing work
Amazing lies yes, this is only for unbelievers to make them blind and hate islam as if they know all about it, they lead you by the nose to hell and you're happy about it
Here's a more precise count, including both direct and indirect mentions:
1. Prophet Moses (Musa عليه السلام) Direct mentions (by name): 136 times Indirect mentions (without name): Approximately 200+ times (e.g., references to Pharaoh, the splitting of the sea, the Ten Commandments, and the Israelites' journey). Total references: Over 336 times 2. Prophet Jesus (Isa عليه السلام) Direct mentions (by name): 25 times Indirect mentions (without name): About 75+ times (e.g., mentions of his mother Maryam, his miracles, disciples, the crucifixion controversy, and his return). Total references: Over 100 times 3. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Direct mentions (by name): 5 times (4 as "Muhammad," 1 as "Ahmad") Indirect mentions (without name): More than 300 times (e.g., references to "The Messenger," "The Prophet," "Your Companion," commands to obey him, and verses addressing him directly without his name). Total references: Over 305 times
Muslims will only laugh at how stupid this guy is because they make these videos for you not the so saying muslim to wake up because they are wide awake
How many brain cells you used to make this video
I learnt this through Dr Jay Smith and co.
Very interesting.
In the early Christian church there was a division between several different opinions among the faithful as to the nature of Jesus.
The mainstream held that Jesus was and is fully human and fully divine. This is the universal or catholic church.
Another group held that Jesus was not God, but fully human, though like the prophets, inspired by God. This was the Nestorian church.
(And there were others.)
After the emperor Constantine called a meeting of the Christian bishops to hammer out a single statement of what Christians believe, the mainstream became legitimised by the state, and everyone else was persona non grata in the Roman Empire.
Many left and ended up in Syria or Arabia, which already had big Christian, and Nestorian, communities.
Mohammad, if he existed, grew up in an Arabia in which the religious environment was 1. Jewish, 2. Nestorian Christian, and 3. indigenous pagan animist/polytheist.
In those days, to establish a new state, you needed an official religion to go with it, because popular sovereignty as a basis for statehood was not invented until the 18th century.
A state is a sociological device for making aggression, grabbing, and fraud legal, safe and prestigious.
A gang thieves and robbers = a state, in Arabia wanted to militarily challenge the Byzantine state (i.e. in modern-day Istanbul, Turkey) which had adopted catholic Christianity as its legitimating ideology.
So these marauding Arab bandits MADE UP their own legitimating religion for this political purpose DECADES after alleged supposed "Mohammad" ever existed.
They cobbled together an ideology intended specifically to justify Arab chauvinism and conquest.
They based it on bits and pieces of
1. Nestorian Christianity ('There is no God but God, and the Praised One is his messenger'. Sound familiar?)
2. Judaism: descent from Abraham, circumcision, taboo on pork, and
3. Indigenous Arab paganism: Kabaa's 365 local deities, kissing black stone etc.
Publish it to the troops with promises of reward of booty, slavery, and raping lots of young girls either in this world or the next, and you have Islam.
Nobody was able to have the public conversation proving by evidence and reason that it is simply false, because of their simple and chronic expedient of murdering anyone telling the truth on this topic, approved by good ole "Mohammad".
Until the internet came along.
And now no-one can answer the critique against it except by endless circular illogic, changing the topic, getting angry, and every other fallacy in the catalogue.
Islam is false to its roots, and evil, simple as that.
Devil worshipper's ☠️
'Verily I say unto you, that every prophet when he is come hath borne to one nation only the mark of the mercy of God. And so their words were not extended save to that people to which they were sent. But the messenger of God, when he shall come, God shall give to him as it were the seal of his hand, insomuch that he shall carry salvation and mercy to all the nations of the world that shall receive his doctrine. He shall come with power upon the ungodly, and shall destroy idolatry, insomuch that he shall make Satan confounded; for so promised God to Abraham, saying: "Behold, in thy seed I will bless all the tribes of the earth; and as thou hast broken in pieces the Idols, O Abraham, even so shall thy seed do."'
James answered: 'O master, tell us in whom this promise was made; for the Jews say "in Isaac," and the Ishmaelites say "in Ishmael."'
Jesus answered: 'David, whose son was he, and of what lineage?'
James answered: 'Of Isaac; for Isaac was father of Jacob and Jacob was father of Judah, of whose lineage is David.'
Then said Jesus: 'And the messenger of God when he shall come, of what lineage will he be:'
The disciples answered: 'Of David.'
Whereupon Jesus said: 'Ye deceive yourselves; for David in spirit calleth him lord, saying thus: "God said to my lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. God shall send forth thy rod which shall have lordship in the midst of thine enemies? If the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah were son of David, how should David call him lord? Believe me, for verily I say to you, that the promise was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac.'
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin . Unfortunately this guy perfectly fits this description.
@@trentcheney7441 From you video content.
Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement.
Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116
On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things.
Surah Ibrahim - 22
On Judgment,
Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
@@trentcheney7441 For you to post content like this shows you ignorance about Islam.
How can you muslims refute anything?? The only thing your allah left you with, are character assassin's and no answers!😂 Also, .." he that uses philosophy, uses logic; and he that uses logic, is a kafir." 😅 Hey Fatima, you're a female;; So, are you content that your allah calls you "half brain"???
2:51 it does not say praised one it say muhammed in arabic ... jesus in quran is called issa in all the quran from this you lose credibility among so many other lies I'm thankful i can read arabic otherwise it would be a nightmare to know the truth
Surah Al-Ahzab (33), Verse 40
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets. And Allah is Knowing of all things.
Mahmad means Praised One or Anointed One. Anointed by God in OT was priests, kings and prophets. The Anointed One in different languages: Messiah=Christ=Mahmad, Jesus is The Anointed One because he is The High priest, King of kings and seal of all prophets.
@jana_d2264 each one of them have names like us 😂 like adam abraham jesus muhammed moses stop spouting nonsense giving the meaning of a name doesn't automatically cancel the name and make it so praised one is the name its just the meaning but each one of our prophets have their name you should respect that
@jana_d2264 and the fact of saying messiah = Christ = Mahmad is crazy
@@Seeker98094 I' m not speaking about names, I'm speaking about titles. Messiah is in hebrew, Christ is in greek, Mahmad in arabic, Anointed One or Praised one in english. They are all the same titles but in different languages, they all means the same.
In Old Testament prophets of God Yahweh, kings (for example Saul or David) and priests of Yahweh was anointed by sacred oil, they were anointed ones chosen by God. But all prophets was prophesied of coming of The Anointed One of God who will be king, high priest and prophet in the same time, and redeem his people, all prophesies was fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth, that's why he is called Messiah or Christ or Mahmad, it is his title, not a name.
1. Messiah and Christ Are the Same Title:
"Messiah" (Hebrew: Mashiach) means "Anointed One." It refers to someone chosen by God, like kings, prophets, and priests in the Old Testament.
"Christ" (Greek: Christos) is just the Greek translation of "Messiah." That’s why Jesus is called Jesus Christ-it means "Jesus, the Anointed One."
2. Muhammad Is Not a Title-It’s a Name:
The name Muhammad (Arabic: مُحَمَّد) means "the praised one." This is an actual personal name, not a title like "Messiah" or "Christ."
Saying "Messiah = Christ = Muhammad" is like saying "Jesus = David = Solomon" just because they were all chosen by God. That doesn’t work.
3. Who Is the Final Prophet in Islam?
In Christianity, Jesus is the Messiah and Savior.
In Islam, Jesus (Isa) is also the Messiah, but not the final messenger.
Muhammad ﷺ is the final prophet, sent to complete the message of all previous prophets, including Jesus.
The Difference is :
You believe Jesus is the divine Son of God and the final savior.
We muslim believe Jesus was a prophet and Messiah for his time, but Muhammad was the final prophet sent to all humanity.
So, while Jesus and Muhammad are both important in Islam, Muhammad is not another name for Messiah or Christ. He is the last messenger of God, not just an anointed one like the prophets before him.
Who gave the order for Quran 5:33
Does that mean the islam is another christian confession beside roman catholics, Lutheran protestants and orthodoxe?
Learn to do your research stop being led by the nose like sheep and be happy about it all they feed you about islam are lies and these videos are never meant for muslims but for the ones who know nothing about it so they think they know everything now.
Here's a more precise count, including both direct and indirect mentions:
1. Prophet Moses (Musa عليه السلام)
Direct mentions (by name): 136 times
Indirect mentions (without name): Approximately 200+ times (e.g., references to Pharaoh, the splitting of the sea, the Ten Commandments, and the Israelites' journey).
Total references: Over 336 times
2. Prophet Jesus (Isa عليه السلام)
Direct mentions (by name): 25 times
Indirect mentions (without name): About 75+ times (e.g., mentions of his mother Maryam, his miracles, disciples, the crucifixion controversy, and his return).
Total references: Over 100 times
3. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
Direct mentions (by name): 5 times (4 as "Muhammad," 1 as "Ahmad")
Indirect mentions (without name): More than 300 times (e.g., references to "The Messenger," "The Prophet," "Your Companion," commands to obey him, and verses addressing him directly without his name).
Total references: Over 305 times
What is amazing about criticizing Islamic beliefs and denies the existence of prophet Muhammad (PUH), they forget that between Christianity and Islam is about 600 years, so Islam came after Christianity whereby many generations vanished and most people became unbelievers neither in Moses (Jews) nor in Jesus (Christians),
Islam came to prove that there was Jews and Christians and told Muslims that Moses, Jesus and other prophets existed,
So, if you deny Muhammad and Quran , how did Muslims knew that Jesus was the son of virgin Marry and ever existed,
You deny Islam then you deny all other religions and Thora and Bible
You have the Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN) and the you have Islamic History. As Muhammad Hijab and Yasir Qadhi points out there is HOLES in the Standard Islamic Narritive. Then because minion are not to know these things they had to damage control.
Share for them to realize what they are longing for 😮😮😮
Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement.
Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116
On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things.
Surah Ibrahim - 22
On Judgment,
Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
If one branch of a tree is poison, then the whole tree is bad ( Abraham branch 🌳) click me ❤
Good one
He may be in the Quran but he is not in the bible
1:33 The Qur’an isn’t centered on Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), it’s centered around *Monotheism,* something that is largely foreign to the New Testament and Christianity.
The Quran is centered on pagan Arab Monotheism. Mohammad simply changed the Arab pagan for pagan polytheist to pagan monotheism by forcing them to worship his family God Al Lah rather than their family Gods eg Al Lat, Al Uzza and Al Manat. If you have read the biography of Mohammad you would know what I am talking about.
@ - The Bible used by Arabic speaking Christians:-
(وَتَكَلَّمَ 👈الله ُ👉 بِكُلِّ هَذَا الكَلَامِ فَقَالَ: «أنَا ✡️إلَهُكَ✡️ الَّذِي أخْرَجَكَ مِنْ أرْضِ مِصْرٍ، مِنْ بَيْتِ العُبُودِيَّةِ. «لَا تَعْبُدْ 🗿آلِهَةً🗿 أُخْرَى مَعِي.)
“And 👉God(الله[pronounced “Allah”])👈 spoke all these words and said: “I am ✡️your God✡️ who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. “Do not worship other 🗿gods🗿 with me.” - Exodus 20: 1-3
The word(s) between;
👉👈 is “Allah[الله]”
✡️✡️ is “your God” as understood by Israelites.
🗿🗿 is any other god(s)
So it’s quite clear that “Allah” is the proper name of The Creator in Arabic.
According to a Jew:- ua-cam.com/video/arZZ8Gidgw0/v-deo.html
And another:- ua-cam.com/video/65zyICBKBPI/v-deo.html
Great research. I always had a feeling that Jesus's was born in Mecca in qurayesh clan who had an evil uncle named Lahab as specificly mentioned in Quran.
Christianity are the religion of the Gentiles which were founded by Paul (not Jesus) and were conferm by the Roman Emperor Constantin in the Council of Nicaea. Paul was the author and the writer of Romans, Philippians, Corinthians, Ephesians, Thessalonians, Colossians, Galatians and Philemon (a very rich man) . These are latters that Paul sent to the Romans citizens and they were all Gentiles. The latters are not inspired by Jesus or God. Jesus did not come for the Gentiles or the Jews or to create Christianity but only for the lost sheep of Israel. Read Matthew 10:5-6 and15:24 and also ask who's the author and writers names of these latters that I mention.
And who are the "people of Israel"? Do you think those are the Jews? Nope. The jews actually inherited the traditions of Israel, which were a politheistic canaanite agglomeration of tribes. The "lost sheep of Israel" are the poor, the widow and the repentant ones, be then Jews or Gentiles. That's the message of Jesus.
A religions are man-made.
Al Quran is not a Biography of Mohammed, it the word of Allah to all the people. Unlike the Bible, it says what Jesus did, what Jesus said and how Jesus died. And there always a third person who says it, for example accoding to, Matthew, John, James, Paul, Mark, Peter and Jude. It's like a Biography of Jesus. If the Bible's from God, did Jesus preached using the Bible and talk about himself?
Even Christian and Judaism Believe isn't the Name of the religion. They follow a books but they didn't take their religion name from their books. Even Jesus said he didn't come with the new religion, but still following the "Moses teaches". It supposed "Mosesmism, Abrahamism or Jesusism, it's so weird when the name is too important to teach to people, supposedly it's be teach their religion name 2nd place after they learn Jesus and Moses name. Important things like name of religion never exist in their books? Makes sense? It's took many authors and writers rights?🤔
Stop the lies and you need to learn doing better research, here's a more precise count, including both direct and indirect mentions / and remember Quran is not the book of Muhammed but god to us it's not centered about our prophet but god and stories we can learn from, and rules we need to follow :
1. Prophet Moses peace be upon him (Musa عليه السلام)
Direct mentions (by name): 136 times
Indirect mentions (without name): Approximately 200+ times (e.g., references to Pharaoh, the splitting of the sea, the Ten Commandments, and the Israelites' journey).
Total references: Over 336 times
2. Prophet Jesus peace be upon (Isa عليه السلام)
Direct mentions (by name): 25 times
Indirect mentions (without name): About 75+ times (e.g., mentions of his mother Maryam, his miracles, disciples, the crucifixion controversy, and his return).
Total references: Over 100 times
3. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (ﷺ)
Direct mentions (by name): 5 times (4 as "Muhammad," 1 as "Ahmad")
Indirect mentions (without name): More than 300 times (e.g., references to "The Messenger," "The Prophet," "Your Companion," commands to obey him, and verses addressing him directly without his name).
Total references: Over 305 times
The quran is revealed to the prophet when he's alive so it does not mention him in past sentences but present and talk to him and us directly so god don't keep saying Muhammed say Muhammed do Muhammed don't !
So like he said we don't know if it speaks about a person or a concept !!!
أكثر من سبع دقائق ضيعت وقتي فيها على سخافات لا يسألها حتى الأطفال !!!
يعني في النهاية تريدون ان تجعلوا القرآن نزل على المسيح بدلاً من محمد خخخخخخ قسماً بالله من يصدقكم فهو أهطل .
تعالوا نقرأ معاً النبوءة عن محمد في الإنجيل :
وَهَذِهِ هِيَ شَهَادَةُ يُوحَنَّا، حِينَ أَرْسَلَ الْيَهُودُ مِنْ أُورُشَلِيمَ كَهَنَةً وَلاَوِيِّينَ لِيَسْأَلُوهُ: ((مَنْ أَنْتَ؟))
يو ٢٠/١ : فَاعْتَرَفَ وَلَمْ يُنْكِرْ، وَأَقَرَّ: ((إِنِّي لَسْتُ أَنَا الْمَسِيحَ)) .
يو ٢١/١ : فَسَأَلُوهُ: ((إِذاً مَاذَا؟ إِيلِيَّا أَنْتَ؟)) فَقَالَ: ((لَسْتُ أَنَا)). ((أَلنَّبِيُّ أَنْتَ؟)) فَأَجَابَ: ((لاَ)).
قال القديس أغسطينوس : "لم يقولوا ليوحنا: أنبي أنت؟ أي هل أنت واحد من الأنبياء؟ لكنهم سألوه قائلين "ألنبي أنت؟" بإضافة أداة التعريف. بمعنى هل أنت النبي الذي سبق موسى فأخبر عنه (تث ١٥/١٨)؟ أنكر هذا المعنى، ولم ينكر أنه نبي، لكنه أنكر أنه هو ذاك النبي.
فالسؤال هنا : من هذا النبي الذي كان ينتظره اليهود ؟!!
I’m trilled you’re you’re open to truth,,
'Verily I say unto you, that every prophet when he is come hath borne to one nation only the mark of the mercy of God. And so their words were not extended save to that people to which they were sent. But the messenger of God, when he shall come, God shall give to him as it were the seal of his hand, insomuch that he shall carry salvation and mercy to all the nations of the world that shall receive his doctrine. He shall come with power upon the ungodly, and shall destroy idolatry, insomuch that he shall make Satan confounded; for so promised God to Abraham, saying: "Behold, in thy seed I will bless all the tribes of the earth; and as thou hast broken in pieces the Idols, O Abraham, even so shall thy seed do."'
James answered: 'O master, tell us in whom this promise was made; for the Jews say "in Isaac," and the Ishmaelites say "in Ishmael."'
Jesus answered: 'David, whose son was he, and of what lineage?'
James answered: 'Of Isaac; for Isaac was father of Jacob and Jacob was father of Judah, of whose lineage is David.'
Then said Jesus: 'And the messenger of God when he shall come, of what lineage will he be:'
The disciples answered: 'Of David.'
Whereupon Jesus said: 'Ye deceive yourselves; for David in spirit calleth him lord, saying thus: "God said to my lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. God shall send forth thy rod which shall have lordship in the midst of thine enemies? If the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah were son of David, how should David call him lord? Believe me, for verily I say to you, that the promise was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac.'
How many times Shaitan (satan) is mentioned in the Holy books? Does it mean that Shaitan is more honourable thsn Jesus Mosed and Mohammad? Mohammad existed. And he still exists because his tomb is in Madina. Where is your Jesus ?
Actually someone like an arab prophet seems to have been but i dont think he had the title of Muhamamd who as u said means is the praised one which actually is jesus coz jesus is the praised one, the messaih. Quran can really be read a christian text mostky but just a different form of theology.
I actually think this arab prophet existed but i dont think he ever thought himself to be say equal in his mission to any prophet like jesus and moses. Definitely he did believe in rapture etc and jesus to come to judge as many verses seem to be apocalyptic which is very much characterestic of christian people who always did talk about jesus's coming at all times even till modernity lol. Muslims should actually read the quran properly most of it is borowwing verses and stories from syriac and presenting the abrahmic message to the arabs which highly exalts jesus but not till god.
There's no kaba before 8th century.
There's no meca before 7th century.
Now there's no mohammed ?
This is false, the khuzistan chronicle mentions the Kaaba, and the patriarchs of Alexandria which is a early 7th century document mentions Mecca, and you’re definitely false about the last one, the doctrina Jacobi, the fragments of the Arab conquest, Thomas the presbyter and sebeos all mentioned Muhammad.
Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement.
Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116
On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things.
Surah Ibrahim - 22
On Judgment,
Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
There is a Qur’an discovered in Damascus. On the cover of the Qur’an = the book = the Qur’an, the seal of the Prophet Muhammad, meaning the name of the Prophet Muhammad is written on the Qur’an and the date is recorded for the year 11 after the Hijra (the Prophet’s migration and his move from Mecca to Yathrib = Medina). The Qur’an was examined by carbon and spectral analysis. It was proven that it is from the time of Muhammad in documents discovered in Egypt, papyri from the year 87 after the Hijra, meaning only 64 years after the death of the Prophet, in which the name of the Prophet Muhammad and verses from the Qur’an are found. The currencies that the Umayyad state dealt with in Damascus after getting rid of the Byzantine currencies have the words Muhammad, the Messenger of God written on them.
Who concocted this story?
@@emmanuelladinin9539 t is not a fabrication, it was taken from archaeological documents. Why do you reject the truth?
Jesus will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement.
Surah Al-Ma'idah - 116
On Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within you. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things.
Surah Ibrahim - 22
On Judgment,
Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.
How can a mere human be referred to as the Praised One?
The fabricators of the Quran really got this wrong
If he's the praised one who's praised 2 allah 😅😅
Quranic MHMD is Jesus Christ. This also explains those Syro-Aramaic dark-chapters that was deciphered as lectioneries and homilies about Jesus Christ.
No, that has already been debunked time and time again.
@Paxia what do you mean debunked? Lol...your Islam got debunked everytime and we are all laughing.
@@peacock69mcp I’m not a Muslim, and no, the claim that the term “Muhammad” was used for Jesus is just false, non Muslim 7th century writers made it clear that this specific Muhammad was a prophet who appeared among the Saracens and was associated with the Arab army that attacked the Roman levant and Persia. The dome of the rock inscriptions also makes a clear distinction between eesa and Muhammad. Your own Christian 7th century writers such as John of Nikiu and John of Damascus criticized this “Muhammad” do you really think it would be logical for a Christian to do that?
Neither the Bible nor the Quran believe in Reincarnation.But there have been many cases of it around the world.Scientists and Intellectuals have probed into several such cases and found them to be true . What you sow,so you reap,Jesus said.in fact Reincarnation and the Law of Karma are intimately related.😊
❤iSLAMiC Religion is Made by Men for Men.
That should be sister in law.
Jesus says i am and the son of man shall be at the right hand of God.
Allah says that the Kuran is only a reminder.
Chapter 43:61 says Jesus is the sign of the hour.
Jesus is indeed central from the Quran.
He will come with the Gospel.
The hadiths ("Standard Islamic Narrative) though cannot be right. They claim the companions of Mohammed were the first 5 caliphs, this is not evidence din the 7C texts, also that the later Umayyad regime was totally Islamic, spreading Islam east and west by the sword. But Muawiya, the first Ummayad, had a rock inscription with a cross at the top, also coins with christians symbols such as crosses, and also in the 7C Maronite chronicle went to Jerusalem, and did various christian (!) pilgrimage rites. He possibly had Unitarian leanings, but hadn't rejected the biblical account (as the Quran does). The hadiths also have traditions that cannot possibly be correct, like a very filthy well being recommended for wudu, which includes mouth and nose washing, if that was really done, there would have been a lot of people getting seriously ill. Also some are deliberately mocking the prophet, and indeed Persian and northerners, not Hijazis, wrote down these hadiths.
While this may be true. And Ive actually considered this possibility. Jesus would not want us to care about that because what matters is Gods message. People are idol worshipping and worshipping Jesus. There are no images of prophet Mohammad which is best. If people are so misguided that they evolve to the point where they worship Jesus then it is best that people dont even think about that.Islam allows us to worship God in God's purity. Prophet Mohammad's message (in Arabic) is the only thing that matters. Those who understand understand that its better to not explore it because the intention was to focus on the message, which is what matters most. The message of Islam is definitely the continuation of Jesus's message and all the prophets messages of monotheism. People get caught worshipping other things all the time without noticing it. Leads to an embalance in life.
Actually, Jesus is God and wants us to worship Him.
@@trentcheney7441 Cant really spend time arguing with someone who doesnt understand his own faith. Its a waste of time. Do you read hebrew or Koine greek? No .
That's it don't question it. No. Don't let yourself being deceived by the book written by satan himself. Isn't it enough that hundreds of years before this book comes we get a prophecy to not follow the religion given by an "angel" because it will be satan in disguise !?
@@omar1187 Actually, yes.
Where in your gospels did Jesus ever say he was God. There is plenty of evidence saying other wise dont get me started. It is basic logic. If god knows the final hour and jesus doesnt know the final hour then he is not God. basic logic. Everything he did and said was by god's will.
If islam is a sect of Christianity as quoted, then why no one literally no one can bring a SURAH (CHAPTER) like HOLY QURAN......
can you please make a SURAH like QURAN.... 😂😂😂 try this challenge
Many came many gone..
You should read the book, in the shadow of the sword by Tom Holland 🇳🇱 😄.
This will explain it to you.
😂😂 if it's a book of jesus just read it and you'll figure it out
Muhammad in the Quran - He is mentioned by name four times, but is also referred to as Messenger and Prophet throughout.
Could "The Praised One" Be Jesus? - No, because the Quran clearly distinguishes Jesus (Isa) from Muhammad.
Dome of the Rock - Its inscriptions refute Christian beliefs but still affirm Muhammad’s message.
Historical Evidence - Muhammad is mentioned in 7th-century sources, including non-Muslim writings and inscriptions.
Was Muhammad Invented? - No, historical and archaeological evidence confirms he was a real historical figure.
The Quran isn’t a chronological narrative so you can’t come to conclusions like that. Muhammad of the Hadiths was a later creation. The historical man who started the Muslim movement could be anyone or multiple people historically and fables and legends combined by oral traditions which were written down later and attributed to one man/figure after Arab Rulers needed to create a Moses, Elijah or even “Jesus like” prophet for their NEW religion and theocracy to work
Jesus is Horus Egypt god….go research the comparison between them they are the same 😊
✝️PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE!!!! I want the one who runs this channel look up how yeshua was written in aramaic (NOT HEBREW!! ARAMAIC) And compare it to how MHMD was written in arabic. Youll be able to find much more info than ive found and it will be a great thing for your channel✝️ god bless everyone
Most of the fossil fuel material we use today comes from algae, bacteria and plants, some of which date back even before the Devonian period,419.2 to 358.9years ago million years ago
Crude oil is formed from the remains of dead organisms, mainly diatoms, such as algae and zooplankton that existed millions of years ago in a marine environment. Well before the time of Dinosaurs which was approximately 245 to 66 million years agoCoal forms over millions of years from the remains of ancient plant material, primarily from vast swamp forests that existed during the Carboniferous Period (approximately 300 million years ago). Most of the fossil fuel material we use today comes from algae, bacteria and plants, some of which date back even before the Devonian period,419.2 to 358.9years ago million years ago Crude oil is formed from the remains of dead organisms, mainly diatoms, such as algae and zooplankton that existed millions of years ago in a marine environment. Well before the time of Dinosaurs which was approximately 245 to 66 million years ago Where the fuck was this God in this EMPIRICALLY supported TIMELINE? one of the biggest problems are "believers" Muslim or Christian, dumb as fuck idiots that take everything on face value, without really doing a smidgen of research, you can see these timelines everywhere, from the plastic bags you probably use when you go shopping, the fuel that runs a car, the bitumen that vehicles drive on, all comes from the same source!! with a time history that goes back hundreds of millions of years!! Where was this God? in this? playing Solitaire?? and this www.nps.gov/gumo/learn/nature/coralreefs.htm and this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Blue_Hole, we are in this is the modern tech world where decades of research can be uploaded in minutes for the world to to view not the dark ages, where complete innocent were burnt at the stake.
Duh... quran is not about Muhammad. Go study.
Half knowledge is dangerous
So don't draw any conclusions before you known Christianity and Islam properly.
Always there will be people to misguide you for their personal interests because they know common people don't have time to research let's make them emotional so they get benefits