Marisa Sannia Bellita Bellita
- Опубліковано 4 лют 2025
- Un'altra canzone di Marisa Sannia, Bellita Bellita (forse con una sola t), da Melagranada, un album che abbiamo avuto la colpa di non ascoltare quand'era il suo tempo.
Le scene filmate sono da "Il Viaggio di Sonos e Memoria", di Gianfranco Cabiddu
Splendida Marisa brava tanto tanto.
Un ricordo sublime,.............
Bravissima non ho parole
Grandissima artista l'indimenticata Marisa e bellissima la nostra Sardegna di un tempo, più di quanto lo sia ora. Grazie e un saluto da Ozieri.
Grazie per la tua voce che proviene dall'anima ed io la sento tutta
Troppo bella troppi brava
Ma è una meraviglia sono sbalordito
Brava. Marisa, ora sei cielo. Moi non ti dimenticheremo mai. Ciao Bellita, Bellita.
Belliscedda, belliscedda. ❤️❤️
Marisa Sannia artista vera e pura; brano e video meravigliosi.
Troppo bello sono senza parole
Слово Чечен, шашан, сасан - в значении дипломат, красноречивый человек, обладающий гибким умом, умеющий разрешить любое сложное дело без применения оружия. Чечен, Шешен, чачан - в значении красноречивый человек сохранилось в тюркских языках [249; с. 676]. Американский исследователь Мэнли П. Холл, пишет о кавказском происхождении территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи Одина: «Как явствует из северных хроник, Зигге. Он прошел от из Черного моря в современной России, где оставил в качестве правителя одного из своих сыновей; то же он сделал в Саксонии и Франкии. Затем он двинулся в Данию, которая признала в качестве правителя его пятого сына Скольда, и оттуда в Швецию, где Гильф, отдав почести удивительному страннику, посвятил его в свои Мистерии. Тут Зигге и правил. Одной из столицей территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи он сделал Зигтуну, дал новый кодекс законов и основал священные Мистерии. Сам он взял имя Один, основал жреческий клан из 12 Дроттаров, проводивших секретные богослужения, вершивших правосудие и как пророки осуществлявших предсказания судьбы».
В те времена, народы могли безропотно принять в правители Одина и его сыновей, только при условии, принадлежности его, к загадочному народа бога, названья которых потомки произносили на разный манер: хал дей, сов дей, везен дели, . Главная причина, принятие правителей, желание этрусков народа преодолеть смутные времена, потому Один мог убедить только, красноречием и знаниями правосудия.
Questa canzone di Marisa ha un significato molto profondo ciao a te cara che canti con gli angeli!
Una delle più belle canzoni di Marisa e della Sardegna "sa limba nostra este su mundu"
Sei sempre Stata Meravigliosa e Indimenticabile CIAO GRAZIE 🙏🙏🙏💓💓💓💋👍
Una delle canzoni di Marisa che piú volte ho messo in onda alla radio nei miei programmi Sardegna nel cuore e Cantos e contos della Sardegna
Un nodo alla gola...un ricordo sublime, sottile, fatto di nostalgia e di ammirazione...semplice come il buongiorno sussurrato a una persona amata...buongiorno, Marisa. Ogni giorno. Fino a che il giorno sarà giorno, la notte notte e il tempo tempo... •••$ergio Gunnella©
Mi piace molto bella e commovente sono sarda di Gonnesa tutte le sue canzoni mi piacciono quelle cantante in dialetto
Un capolavoro.! ! capolavoro assoluto
Oh Sardigna mia, mamma cara. Gratzias Marisa.
From Dublin with love.
Marisa ci ha lasciato delle perle raccolte nelle profondita' del suo mare. Grazie!
La ninna nanna sarda piu' bella, ed una delle piu' belle in assoluto, che abbia mai ascoltato.
Bella canzone-sigla finale film I DIMENTICATI,brava e bella la SANNIA Marisa
che meraviglia!
Io sono della regione Sicilia , ma dico ne in Sicilia ne in nessuna altra parte della terra ho sentito una voce bella come quella di marisa e un genio insuperabile solo Lucio Battisti é come lei
Grazie Vito. Io sono sardo e sono felice di leggere un commento come il tuo, scritto da un amico che appartiene ad una terra “musicale “ come la tua . Penso che Marisa , leggendoti , ne sarebbe felice e commossa
@@wertheimer55 ma che bello amico tu non sai che gioia che mi dai nel capire che puee tu ti piace tanto la Marisa io a volte ci rimango così male quando non apprezzano questo genio come lei e non mi stanco mai di dire che geni come lei no non se ne trovano senza offesa per nessuno ciao grande amico Sardo
Che dire: Bellissimo brano e grande interpretazione di Marisa Sannia!
Grande grande grande Marisa Sannia sei un Genio al pari del Grande Lucio Battisti , sono così affascinante le tue canzone che non hanno tempo sono Siciliano sai , come canti fai innamorare le persone piu freddi di questo sistema , non ho mai sentito donne al pari tuo Grande Marisa
Ciao Vito ti faccio i miei auguri di buon natale e un felice anno nuovo con tante cose belli buona giornata
Solo un' amore come Marisa puo' cantare questa canzone!!!!!
Шедевр! Неперевершено, зачаровує! В поєднанні з відео!!!!!
Bravissima Marisa sempre la migliore peccato non ci sia +!
Eccoti Dolce Marisa la tua musica le tue canzoni da sogni da favola da fare appassionare da Oscar si dolce Marisa
Elegante brava bella stupenda dolce grande marisa sannia ci manca questa zolletta di zucchero e Cagliari non fa niente per ricordarla
Marisa resterai sempre nel mio ❤️ canzone meravigliosa!
Una voce, una donna bellissima. Grazie Marisa. Io conosco i tuoi parenti di S. Antioco. È un orgoglio per noi. Ciao sarai sempre nei nostri cuori. 💋💋💋
Dolcissima, Msrisa. Sannia.
Grazie mia dolce Italia per i tuoi figli: Marisa Sannia, Gianluigi Morandi, Michele Lacerenza, Nico Fidenco, Michele, Paganini, Vivaldi, Modugno, Ennio Morricone, Pietro Mascagni, Fabrizio de Andrè, Pietro Mascagni e tanti altri. Tu non lo sai Italia
ma sei la mia più grande passione. Vorrei stringere la mano di ogni italiano, ma non posso. Sono molto lontano. Ma posso
ascoltare ta tua música tristisima come un lungo sospiro al vento, per Marisa Sannia. Da vero.
Paulo Augusto de Barros (Brasile)
Un saluto dall'Italia nonostante tutto sempre Bella !
After the destruction of the territory of the ancient Chechen Aryan people of the republic (sassaniden reich) of the Byzantine state and the Arab Caliphate, the troops moved to the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people of the Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire. This fact is mentioned by the Arab caliphate of the historian al-Masudi about the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti of the Etruscans (Tsanar) of the empire - the direct descendants of the Alan in (Byzantine documents they are like Tsanar), one of the most glorious parts of the El Nakhs (Alans) of the circle of tribes and peoples. In the winter of 853, on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti, the Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire committed the greatest deed in their history. On the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, at the mouth of the Darial Gorge, they first stopped and then utterly defeated the 120,000th army of the Baghdad Arab Caliph, which invaded Transcaucasia. He writes about this war, about this victory and about the origin of the Etruscan Chianti (tsanar). century, cites the following information: “between the border region of the city of Kalaki (Tiflis) and the already mentioned fortress “Alan Gates” lies the kingdom of the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti of the Etruscans (tsanar) of the empire, whose King is called kerist vu in Phoenician - Greek (horepiskopos) , which is a common title for the local kings… They are Christians.
Anche Amedeo Nazzari
In questi giorni difficili, una canzone come bellita bellita ci fa sperare in un futuro migliore.
Grazie di 💜 a chi mi ha risposto la Sannia la numero uno al mondo per l'emozione che riesce a dare nella sua musica
Meravigliosa Marisa.
Grazie. Peccato che non ci sei più. Voce d"angelo.💋
Dolce Marisa sei la Donna più affascinante che mai tu e la tua musica divina creatura
Marisa e',sempre stata un tesoro di cantante sono sempre innamorato di lei !
MERAVIGLIOSA ; grazie ,.-
+Anna Lumino Grazie a Marisa. :)
Che meraviglia!
La dolce marisa Sannia la sento da una vita e la sua dolce voce mi e piaciuta. Sempre , sempre lei , la sua voce cosí bella non tramonterá mai , mai
@@lucianamarchese6681 Si vero Signora le sue canzone la su musica che fa venire I brividi come si fa a non amare tutto quello che fa ❓ si Signora Luciana perché per me non é morta . La sua voce e stata accarezzata dal sole e da un dolce vento in un suntuoso amore in eterno
Una donna e una voce bellissima.
Bellissimo video stupenda canzone.
Bravissima Marisa restera' sempre nel mio ❤️!!!
Marisa SANNIA grazie grande artista da Belgio una Sarda 💕💕👏👏👍👍
Brividi (detto da un napoletano) ❤️
È bellissimo che sia un napoletano a dirlo, considerati anche … tutti i brividi che la canzone napoletana non ha mai smesso di regalare a tutti .
Grazie di Cuore a chi mi ha risposto . la Marisa : Stupenda creatura la sua musica la sua voce i testi che interpreta sono capolavori di un grande poeta di un drammaturgo , Marina genio immortale 🙏💜💜💜🙏
Ciao vito come stai ? Io bene buona giornata
Queste opere in sardo della sannia sono da salvaguardare ai posteri
Istrana sa vida mari a eri molto gettonata da mio fratello la tua voce dolce che lincantava ciao mari
Meraviglioso brano, Marisa molto convincente nell'interpretarlo! Grandissima artista!
After the destruction of the territory of the ancient Chechen Aryan people of the republic (sassaniden reich) of the Byzantine state and the Arab Caliphate, the troops moved to the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people of the Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire. This fact is mentioned by the Arab caliphate of the historian al-Masudi about the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti of the Etruscans (Tsanar) of the empire - the direct descendants of the Alan in (Byzantine documents they are like Tsanar), one of the most glorious parts of the El Nakhs (Alans) of the circle of tribes and peoples. In the winter of 853, on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti, the Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire committed the greatest deed in their history. On the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, at the mouth of the Darial Gorge, they first stopped and then utterly defeated the 120,000th army of the Baghdad Arab Caliph, which invaded Transcaucasia. He writes about this war, about this victory and about the origin of the Etruscan Chianti (tsanar). century, cites the following information: “between the border region of the city of Kalaki (Tiflis) and the already mentioned fortress “Alan Gates” lies the kingdom of the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti of the Etruscans (tsanar) of the empire, whose King is called kerist vu in Phoenician - Greek (horepiskopos) , which is a common title for the local kings… They are Christians.
The ancient Chechen Alan people taip (clan) Chianti is one of the ancient Etruscans of the empire of tribes, who after the fall of Troy went to the Caucasus, and others to Italy, founded the sacred fortress of Chianti and directly took part in the construction of the ancient city of Rome. Cities and tombs of Chianti Etruscans Such structures can be found at Cortona, in Chianti and Vei. In the 6th century BC. the Chianti Etruscan dynasty ruled the city of Rome, after the invasion of the Byzantine state and the Arab caliphate on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people, the Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire merged with various Phoenician tribes. In the 13th century. Many on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti Etruscans (tsanar) of the empire due to the Chinese - Mongol invasion, leave the sacred territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti Etruscans (tsanar) of the empire and migrate to Europe and Italy to the province of Chianti to their relatives, who later glorify this province with fine wines (the secret of the wines of the Chiantians), the Chinese - the Mongols, due to the strong resistance of the Chiantians, are destroying to the ground on the river with. Don Chianti, in Chionti Tusheti, and the fortress of Tazbichi (Chianti-mokhk)
Troppo bella questa canzone e marisa è stupenda
Grande Artista!!!!
Capolavoro in parole e musica.
Auguri cara marisa sannia oggi sarebbe stato il tuo compleanno ci manchi tanto tanto avrei voluto regalarti una rosa
Grazie di cuore a chi mi ha risposto che meraviglia la Sannia per chi capisce di musica lei e innoverata nell'olimpo dei grandi , genio precoce
Un album splendido, "Melagranàda", con brani altrettanto splendidi.
Si, Bellita, con una sola T. Bel video e grazie per la condivisione!
Ciao Pas!
La mia nipote di 4 anni canta questa bellissima canzone
15/02/2018: Buon compleanno, Marisa
Un solo commento negativo a questa meravigliosa lingua e alla ancor più meravigliosa e amata voce di Marisa Sannia. Che poi commento negativo non è: mettete la traduzione! Chi , come me ama anche la vostra terra e le vostre canzoni prettamente sarde, le amerà ancora di più se ne comprende il significato profondo che esse hanno!
Ho amato ancora di più, per esempio( anche se le amavo già senza capirne tutto il significato)le canzoni popolari della bella terra di Sardegna: " S'aneddu"; alcune altre cantate da Maria Carta, come " Deus te salvet Maria" ; " No potho reposare " , etc. O come l'Inno dei 'Demonios'. Con la traduzione facilitate non solo la comprensione della lingua e della cultura sarda, ma snche di più anche l'amore per la vostra cara terra. E che, come italiana, sono fiera che faccia parte di un tesoro di cultura di una nostra amata isola e i suoi nativi. Grazie.❤
@@annamariaspano2304 Hai ragione e in realtà ci ho pensato, sai? Al punto che, tempo fa, su questo stesso video, misi in sovraimpressione, verso per verso, la traduzione italiana della canzone. Quel video l’ho poi postato su una pagina Facebook che è un po’ la gemella di questa e lì non è facilissimo ritrovarlo. Anche se, da qualche parte del mio PC, deve pur esserci ancora. Appena lo ritrovo … lo metto
Detto, fatto.
Si amico lo merita e come se lo merita perché lei é la più grande delle donne , al pari del Grande Lucio Battisti lei é immortale la sua musica é immortale io purtroppo sono ignorante con questi aggeggi elettronici non mi scrivo o no mi iscrivo o come si scrive per non fare brutta figura .
Marisa Sannia la Creatura piu Divina del mondo La nr uno al pari del Grande Lucio Battisti
Ciao Vito come stai amico sono preoccupato per il terremoto che succede nel catanese tu come va ? Scusami ma ti sento così una persona amica che.
Mi preoccupo ti saluto ciao
Buon compleanno, Marisa!
Cara Marisa per me sarai sempre con me ciao 🔯🌟🔯🌟🌟🌟🌟
unica grande marisa
bella come. Guido le canzoni di marisa
Слово Чечен, шашан, сасан - в значении дипломат, красноречивый человек, обладающий гибким умом, умеющий разрешить любое сложное дело без применения оружия. Чечен, Шешен, чачан - в значении красноречивый человек сохранилось в тюркских языках [249; с. 676]. Американский исследователь Мэнли П. Холл, пишет о кавказском происхождении территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи Одина: «Как явствует из северных хроник, Зигге. Он прошел от из Черного моря в современной России, где оставил в качестве правителя одного из своих сыновей; то же он сделал в Саксонии и Франкии. Затем он двинулся в Данию, которая признала в качестве правителя его пятого сына Скольда, и оттуда в Швецию, где Гильф, отдав почести удивительному страннику, посвятил его в свои Мистерии. Тут Зигге и правил. Одной из столицей территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи он сделал Зигтуну, дал новый кодекс законов и основал священные Мистерии. Сам он взял имя Один, основал жреческий клан из 12 Дроттаров, проводивших секретные богослужения, вершивших правосудие и как пророки осуществлявших предсказания судьбы».
В те времена, народы могли безропотно принять в правители Одина и его сыновей, только при условии, принадлежности его, к загадочному народа бога, названья которых потомки произносили на разный манер: хал дей, сов дей, везен дели, . Главная причина, принятие правителей, желание этрусков народа преодолеть смутные времена, потому Один мог убедить только, красноречием и знаниями правосудия.
Pension is sung by a Chechen woman from the Chianti teip of the Etruscans.
Grazie a chi mi ha risposto , la grande Marisa Sannia é un genio unico al mondo non ce paragone con altre Donne nel suo modo di cantare
@ Vito Virzi. T'invito a guardare il canale youtube che ho creato per Marisa Sannia.
es unaextraordinariacantannte
@@gaetanosassano1604 si era una Donna , una meraviglia un genio di grande valore . Grazie ❗
Прекрасная мелодия...
No no no no non mi togliete mai più la Grande Marisa Sannia per piacere , per piacere per piacere per piacere mi volete far morire ❓
The most sacred time of time, before the beginning of the new era, on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire on the Crimean peninsula stood the Vl legion (iron) who built a camp in Rafanei, in southern Syria, where the Vl legion stood for about 150 years . From here, the Vl "iron" legion is transferred to combat operations - to various points in Europe and Asia. There were quite a few of these operations in the biography of the Vl "iron" legion. These are the two campaigns of the consul Gnaeus Da Motius Corbulo in 54-58 and 62. AD, and the unsuccessful campaign of the governor of Syria Gallus against Jerusalem in the 66th, and, on the contrary, the campaign that ended in success during his war with the Byzantine state and the Arab caliphate. From Italy, ready to return to its Syrian base, the Vl "iron" legion is unexpectedly transferred to the Danube Moesia, where the Vl "iron" legion is not left on the stone from the Heroes who broke through the limes.
La voce maschile è di Franceso Pilu dei "Cordas et Cannas" complesso musicale di Olbia.
The song is sung by one of the last representatives of the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti of the Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire.
Una sarda che canta in sardo. Bravissima Marisa Sannia.
Слово Чечен, шашан, сасан - в значении дипломат, красноречивый человек, обладающий гибким умом, умеющий разрешить любое сложное дело без применения оружия. Чечен, Шешен, чачан - в значении красноречивый человек сохранилось в тюркских языках [249; с. 676]. Американский исследователь Мэнли П. Холл, пишет о кавказском происхождении территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи Одина: «Как явствует из северных хроник, Зигге. Он прошел от из Черного моря в современной России, где оставил в качестве правителя одного из своих сыновей; то же он сделал в Саксонии и Франкии. Затем он двинулся в Данию, которая признала в качестве правителя его пятого сына Скольда, и оттуда в Швецию, где Гильф, отдав почести удивительному страннику, посвятил его в свои Мистерии. Тут Зигге и правил. Одной из столицей территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи он сделал Зигтуну, дал новый кодекс законов и основал священные Мистерии. Сам он взял имя Один, основал жреческий клан из 12 Дроттаров, проводивших секретные богослужения, вершивших правосудие и как пророки осуществлявших предсказания судьбы».
В те времена, народы могли безропотно принять в правители Одина и его сыновей, только при условии, принадлежности его, к загадочному народа бога, названья которых потомки произносили на разный манер: хал дей, сов дей, везен дели, . Главная причина, принятие правителей, желание этрусков народа преодолеть смутные времена, потому Один мог убедить только, красноречием и знаниями правосудия.
The ancient Chechen Alan people taip (clan) Chianti is one of the ancient Etruscans of the empire of tribes, who after the fall of Troy went to the Caucasus, and others to Italy, founded the sacred fortress of Chianti and directly took part in the construction of the ancient city of Rome. Cities and tombs of Chianti Etruscans Such structures can be found at Cortona, in Chianti and Vei. In the 6th century BC. the Chianti Etruscan dynasty ruled the city of Rome, after the invasion of the Byzantine state and the Arab caliphate on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people, the Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire merged with various Phoenician tribes. In the 13th century. Many on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti Etruscans (tsanar) of the empire, due to the Chinese - Mongol invasion, leave the sacred territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti Etruscans (tsanar) of the empire and migrate to Europe and Italy to the province of Chianti to their relatives, who subsequently glorify this province with excellent wines (the secret of the wines of the Chiantians) the Chinese - the Mongols, because of the strong resistance of the Chiantians, they destroy to the ground on the river with. Don Chianti, in Chionti Tusheti, and the fortress of Tazbichi (Chianti-mokhk)
Emmediesse arr.
Territories of the ancient Chechen Alan people of the Cianti Etruscan (Tsanar) Empire.
The medieval work "Aja'im ad-Dunya" reports: "Nakhchivan" is the territory of the ancient Chechen Alanian people Chianti of the Etruscans (tsanar) of the empire - a large, comfortable city located on a hill, strongly fortified, the inhabitants of [Nakhchivan] are very beautiful and pleasant Etruscan people by nature, [adhere] to the Sunni and Shafi'i interpretations. They are [people] brave, fighters for their ancient religion of Adat law, faith, archery, hospitable, eloquent. Nakhchivans can speak all languages, no one can speak their own language…”[26]
Chi è la seconda voce??
Francesco Pilu dei Cordas e Cannas
@@battistaleone8388 grazie!!!
Sa limba nosta est su mundu
After the destruction of the territory of the ancient Chechen Aryan people of the republic (sassaniden reich) of the Byzantine state and the Arab Caliphate, the troops moved to the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people of the Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire. This fact is mentioned by the Arab caliphate of the historian al-Masudi about the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti of the Etruscans (Tsanar) of the empire - the direct descendants of the Alan in (Byzantine documents they are like Tsanar), one of the most glorious parts of the El Nakhs (Alans) of the circle of tribes and peoples. In the winter of 853, on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti, the Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire committed the greatest deed in their history. On the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, at the mouth of the Darial Gorge, they first stopped and then utterly defeated the 120,000th army of the Baghdad Arab Caliph, which invaded Transcaucasia. He writes about this war, about this victory and about the origin of the Etruscan Chianti (tsanar). century, cites the following information: “between the border region of the city of Kalaki (Tiflis) and the already mentioned fortress “Alan Gates” lies the kingdom of the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti of the Etruscans (tsanar) of the empire, whose King is called kerist vu in Phoenician - Greek (horepiskopos) , which is a common title for the local kings… They are Christians.
ndavi fimmini puliti nta Sardegna....
i contrari fimmini ennu bagginari..
Buon compleanno Marisa non so dove riposi ti avrei portato una rosa:qualcuno mi potrebbe far sapere in quale cimitero riposa?
Gianfranco ❓
@Gianfranco Melis E' stata cremata.
@@marisasanniayoutubeunoffic5879 mi dispiace che sia stata cremata avrei voluto sentirla almeno per una volta vicino !
.ciao Marisa sannia
@@gianfrancomelis7483 la ricorda dentro al Suo Cuore❤ non c'è bisogno di una tomba o di un giorno particolare per ricordarla...Lei sarà sempre viva🦋
We are well aware that the Irish people Arinas (Arinas) are the descendants of the ancient Chechen Alanian Chianti Etruscan Empire people. Ирландский народ Аринах (Arinas) это территория древнего чеченского аланского Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи.
At the direction of the Jesuit order, they killed and burned on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire of the righteous "Dai mokhk". T. From Savonarola in Florence. T.S. Savonarola was a friend of Michelangelo and Botticelli. Today, many world historians already know that he was a very stern and fair preacher of the sacred religion of adat law. European religious figures are well aware that he opposed the falsification of the Jesuit orders of the sacred religion of artifacts. You hardly know that he was also called a rebel, a subverter of authorities (including church authorities), he is considered a restorer of the sacred religion of adat law. Jesuit Order Masonic sect leaders know well that he was a very brilliant reformer. They still do not know how he managed to awe the crowds of believers in the sacred religion of the Adat law of the territory of the ancient Chechen Alanian people of the Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire. Those who listened to the sacred religion of Adat law to hot sermons, influenced the views and actions of the noble Etruscan people, such prominent people as Michelangelo, Botticelli, Maxim the Greek. That allowed him to do what politicians could not subdue the wrath of the French king Charles VIII, who conquered almost all of Italy, and save the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the Florence empire from robbery and violence.
Gianfranco sono vito l'altra giorno mi hai risposta io ho provato a rispondere ma purtroppo a volte quando sono fuori si cancella e fuori non ho Internet se puoi mandare i messaggi la sera dopo le ore 19 ma ascolto ogni sera la grande Marisa dalle 10-20 volte a sera perché la sua bravura e ineguagliabile
Ciao Vito e da parecchio tempo che non ti sento buona serata
@@gianfrancomelis3476 ho Giànfranco che bello risentirti ora ho sonno sai una cosa sento sempre la musica della grandissima Marisa Sannia lei era ed è meravigliosa . Buona notte amico mio
Turkish historians have restored the historical truth about the sacred territory of the ancient Chechen Alanian people Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the Urartu Empire
A little-known fact of the history of the clans of the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people of the Cianti Etruscan (Tsanar) Empire.
Слово Чечен, шашан, сасан - в значении дипломат, красноречивый человек, обладающий гибким умом, умеющий разрешить любое сложное дело без применения оружия. Чечен, Шешен, чачан - в значении красноречивый человек сохранилось в тюркских языках [249; с. 676]. Американский исследователь Мэнли П. Холл, пишет о кавказском происхождении территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи Одина: «Как явствует из северных хроник, Зигге. Он прошел от из Черного моря в современной России, где оставил в качестве правителя одного из своих сыновей; то же он сделал в Саксонии и Франкии. Затем он двинулся в Данию, которая признала в качестве правителя его пятого сына Скольда, и оттуда в Швецию, где Гильф, отдав почести удивительному страннику, посвятил его в свои Мистерии. Тут Зигге и правил. Одной из столицей территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи он сделал Зигтуну, дал новый кодекс законов и основал священные Мистерии. Сам он взял имя Один, основал жреческий клан из 12 Дроттаров, проводивших секретные богослужения, вершивших правосудие и как пророки осуществлявших предсказания судьбы».
В те времена, народы могли безропотно принять в правители Одина и его сыновей, только при условии, принадлежности его, к загадочному народа бога, названья которых потомки произносили на разный манер: хал дей, сов дей, везен дели, . Главная причина, принятие правителей, желание этрусков народа преодолеть смутные времена, потому Один мог убедить только, красноречием и знаниями правосудия.
Древнего чеченского аланского народа тайп (род) Чианти один из древнего этрусков империи племен,который после падение Трои ушли на Кавказ,а другие в Италию,основали сакральную крепость Чианти и непосредственно принимали участия при строительстве древнего г. Рим. Города и гробницы Чианти этрусков Такие сооружения можно встретить у Кортоны, в Чианти и Вей. В 6-ом веке до н.э. династия территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи правила древнем городе Рим, после нашествия византийской державы и арабского халифата территория древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи слилась с разными семитскими и финикийскими племенами. В 13-веке. Многие на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи из за Китайского - Монгольского нашествия, покидают территорию древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи и мигрируют в Италию в провинцию Чианти своим сородичам ,которые в последствии прославляют эту провинцию прекрасными винами.(секрет вин чиантийцы) Китайцы (Монголы)из за оказанного чиантийцами ожесточенного сильного сопротивления, разрушают до основания на реке с.Дон-Чианти, Чионти в Тушети, и крепость Тазбичи (Чианти-мохк) TOSCANA IL CHIANTI (ЧИАНТИ) SENESE IN AUTUNNO - The landscapes of Chianti - Full HD
The song is sung by one of the last representatives of the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti of the Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire.
The ancient Chechen Alan people taip (clan) Chianti is one of the ancient Etruscans of the empire of tribes, who after the fall of Troy went to the Caucasus, and others to Italy, founded the sacred fortress of Chianti and directly took part in the construction of the ancient city of Rome. Cities and tombs of Chianti Etruscans Such structures can be found at Cortona, in Chianti and Vei. In the 6th century BC. the Chianti Etruscan dynasty ruled the city of Rome, after the invasion of the Byzantine state and the Arab caliphate on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people, the Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire merged with various Phoenician tribes. In the 13th century. Many on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti Etruscans (tsanar) of the empire due to the Chinese - Mongol invasion, leave the sacred territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti Etruscans (tsanar) of the empire and migrate to Europe and Italy to the province of Chianti to their relatives, who later glorify this province with fine wines (the secret of the wines of the Chiantians), the Chinese - the Mongols, due to the strong resistance of the Chiantians, are destroying to the ground on the river with. Don Chianti, in Chionti Tusheti, and the fortress of Tazbichi (Chianti-mokhk)
After the destruction of the territory of the ancient Chechen Aryan people of the republic (sassaniden reich) of the Byzantine state and the Arab Caliphate, the troops moved to the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people of the Chianti Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire. This fact is mentioned by the Arab caliphate of the historian al-Masudi about the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti of the Etruscans (Tsanar) of the empire - the direct descendants of the Alan in (Byzantine documents they are like Tsanar), one of the most glorious parts of the El Nakhs (Alans) of the circle of tribes and peoples. In the winter of 853, on the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti, the Etruscans (tsanars) of the empire committed the greatest deed in their history. On the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, at the mouth of the Darial Gorge, they first stopped and then utterly defeated the 120,000th army of the Baghdad Arab Caliph, which invaded Transcaucasia. He writes about this war, about this victory and about the origin of the Etruscan Chianti (tsanar). century, cites the following information: “between the border region of the city of Kalaki (Tiflis) and the already mentioned fortress “Alan Gates” lies the kingdom of the territory of the ancient Chechen Alan people Chianti of the Etruscans (tsanar) of the empire, whose King is called kerist vu in Phoenician - Greek (horepiskopos) , which is a common title for the local kings… They are Christians.