MI-AU IESIT EXCELENT!!!Si e pentru prima oara cand fac,singura diferenta e ca eu nu am faina din tara si cred ca din acest motiv a fost nevoie sa adaug mai mult apa,cam 600 de ml,si 50 gr.de drojdie topita in apa caldutza iar in branza am adaugat gris fiert in lapte...mi-au iesit o gramada,asa ca am dat si pe la vecini,bine am facut!!!Toata ziua am fost laudata si sincer m-am simtit minunat,acum am incredere sa incerc cat mai mult retete,multumesc pentru video,chiar m-a ajutat!
Dupa ce am incerca 2 ..3 retete de pe net(forumuri)in care aluatul se lasa la dospit 40 min , domnul Mihai caruia ii multumesc foarte foarte mult de acest fimat explica foarte bine motivul pentru care LANGOSUL ESTE MOOALE!!! Cu celelate retete (aluatul se lasa la dospit) langosele ieseau cu aspect super frumos dar foarte tari!!! Recomand cu incredere aceasta reteta!!!!cu specificarea de a urmari cu atentie TOT filmatul!!!!
Va doresc sa fiti sanatos si voios inca 100 ani de aici inainte! Mi-am facut pofta, ce dura de 5-6ani, de langosi dupa reteta dvs. Dementa curata !!! Curcubeu pe cerul gurii !!!
La noi la Florida costa 7 dolari un langoș ceva mai mare decât palma, presărat cu brânză și smântână. Un sac de faina de 11,5 kg făină e 12 dolari. Așa că am învățat să îmi fac, daca îmi trebuie și de obicei fac pt 4 familii odată. Așa cum se fac langoșii in Ardeal, cu varza, cu brânză și mărar, cartofi, etc.si cu umplutura in ei nu pe deasupra.
"Cum spunea mama ta din Bucuresti la langos in romaneste?" - Adevarat ! Oare cum naibii ? Exact: Langos probabil e un cuvant original Romanesc ! :)))) Foarte tare !
Lángos Lángos with cheese and sour cream Alternative names Lalanga Type Flatbread Place of origin Hungary Main ingredients Flour, yeast, salt Cookbook:Lángos Lángos Lángos being fried Lángos (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈlaːŋɡoʃ]; Turkish: Lalanga[1]) is a Hungarian food speciality, a deep fried flat bread made of a dough with flour, yeast, salt[2] and water. It is also traditionally made in Vojvodina, Serbia, where it was introduced by the local Hungarians. Contents 1 Variations 2 Etymology 3 See also 4 References Variations Lángos is a dough made of water or milk and flour, with a dash of sugar and salt and fried in oil. Adding sour cream, yoghurt or mashed potatoes to the dough is optional, in the latter case it is called potato lángos (in Hungarian krumplis lángos).[3] It is eaten fresh and warm, topped with sour cream and grated cheese, or Liptauer, ham, or sausages, or most frequently, without toppings, just rubbed with garlic or garlic butter, or doused with garlic water. Other ingredients and accompaniments can be mushroom, quark cheese, eggplant, cabbage, kefir, omelet, and a confectioner's sugar or jam. It is popular all year long. As it is a rather affordable and simple food, it is often sold around bus stations (where commuters can purchase it), fairs, and all over Eastern European countries on local celebrations or sport events. Traditionally lángos was baked in the front of the brick oven close to the flames. This is the basis for its name; "láng" means "flame" in the Hungarian language. Lángos was made from bread dough and was served as breakfast on the days when new bread was baked. Now that people no longer have brick ovens and do not bake bread at home, lángos is virtually always fried in oil. Lángos is sold at many fast-food restaurants not only in Hungary but also in Austria.[4] In Austria, especially in Vienna, lángos is very popular as a fast food at fairs and in amusement parks like the Prater. Lángos is known in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Croatia as langoš, in Serbia as languš (although it is commonly called "Mekike"). It is also popular in Romania as langoși. Lángos is very similar to a version of frybread made by the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. Lángos is also very similar to Bhatoora. Bhatoora is usually served with chickpeas curry (or chole) as chole bhature, a popular dish in the north of India.[citation needed]. The Canadian BeaverTails is also closely related to Lángos. Etymology Lángos sold at a street vendor The name comes from láng, the Hungarian word for flame. The early-15th-century Glossary of Beszterce,[5] the most ancient currently known Hungarian "dictionary", reveals that the ultimate ancestor of flat breads was the panis focacius attributed to the Romans (of which derives also the Italian flat bread called focaccia). In ancient Rome, panis focacius[6] was a flat bread baked in the ashes of the fireplace (cf. Latin focus meaning "fireplace"). However, the modern lángos, despite its name, is not prepared near an open flame but rather by deep-fat frying, and among Hungarian foods it is instead the pogácsa which preserves the connection, both etymological and culinary, to the ancient panis focacius. Wikibooks Cookbook has a recipe/module on Lángos Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lángos. See also Boortsog Chiburekki Focaccia List of deep fried foods List of quick breads Mekitsa National symbols of Hungary Puri (food) Food portal BeaverTails
Acesta este adevaratul langos!.......Pacat ca nu ne-a lasat reteta completa.... (initial a pus 400 ml apa, apoi a mai adaugat dar, in final, care era cantitatea totala de apa nu se stie)......doar vorbarie multa si fara rost....
Really,cadaques1978 ?Is Lángos became a french product? I don't think so. Well, Láng is a hungarian word.Don't try to change that,like the guy above us..Thank you very much.I wrote in french a sentence from wikipedia that's all,has no connection with french language or something else from France like tongue.Sorry..
Yo everyone cut the BS, langoși is Hungarian products but it's a copy paste of Romanian traditional food I'm from dobroja and it's long long way from Hungary and I'm old enough to be a grandfather my grandmother, my mother made this type of product from Romanian patisserie. care sunt brânzoaice prăjite toată ziua the think it's potato stew the Hungarian call goulash which entire Transylvania copied the name which in Romanian language is "mâncare de cartofi cu carne"potatoes vegetable oil and some vegetables, little bit frying mixed and boil. Mâncarea de cartofi tipic românească cu carne de porc sau văcuță.take it easy maghiarilor,by the way, în langoșul* românesc, adică brânzoaică românească nu se pune cartofi sau piure de cartofi să ne înțelegem
Am mai vazut in comentarii, ca vreti sa ne mai faca so sa fie sanatos, oare care e adevarul? Multimesc de raspuns, Doamne sa fie sanatos daca e in viata. 🙏🙏
Doamneeee,a murit? Ca ati.spus Dumnezeu sa te .odihneasca,vaiiiii,chiar? Eu nu stiu, imi pare f. Rau,daca e asa, DUMNEZEU. SA VA ODIHNEASCA,CHIAR. IMI PARE RAUUUU,CUM DE NU AM STIU?😭😭😭😭
Dumnezeu sa te odihnească în pace Uica Mihai. Ne este dor de tine și ne lipsești mult. Nu o sa te uitam niciodată Uica Mihai.
MI-AU IESIT EXCELENT!!!Si e pentru prima oara cand fac,singura diferenta e ca eu nu am faina din tara si cred ca din acest motiv a fost nevoie sa adaug mai mult apa,cam 600 de ml,si 50 gr.de drojdie topita in apa caldutza iar in branza am adaugat gris fiert in lapte...mi-au iesit o gramada,asa ca am dat si pe la vecini,bine am facut!!!Toata ziua am fost laudata si sincer m-am simtit minunat,acum am incredere sa incerc cat mai mult retete,multumesc pentru video,chiar m-a ajutat!
Dupa ce am incerca 2 ..3 retete de pe net(forumuri)in care aluatul se lasa la dospit 40 min , domnul Mihai caruia ii multumesc foarte foarte mult de acest fimat explica foarte bine motivul pentru care LANGOSUL ESTE MOOALE!!!
Cu celelate retete (aluatul se lasa la dospit) langosele ieseau cu aspect super frumos dar foarte tari!!!
Recomand cu incredere aceasta reteta!!!!cu specificarea de a urmari cu atentie TOT filmatul!!!!
Aveti dreptate. E cea Mai Buna reteta
@@msm36999 Dvs ce cantitate de apa ati folosit pt reteta de langos?....Va multumesc!
Mare caterinca...am râs cu lacrimi 😂😂😂...mai vreau 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏
Sunteți veritabil în prezentări
Păcat că ați plecat prea devreme 😢
Va doresc sa fiti sanatos si voios inca 100 ani de aici inainte! Mi-am facut pofta, ce dura de 5-6ani, de langosi dupa reteta dvs. Dementa curata !!! Curcubeu pe cerul gurii !!!
Sa trăiești Uico multi ani sănătos sa ne bucuri cu retetele tale faine.multam fain ca ne faci zilele mai frumoase
Bravo Mihai esti cel mai super bucatar,tu si Veronica sunteti fanii mei favoriti,Domnul Isus sa va tina sanatosi si sa continuati
Sa iti fie somnul lin,o sa ne lipsesti mult Mihai Uica.
I-mi place mentalitatea si atmosfera in bucatarie!
O minune sa intamplat ,, au iesit . superrrr,,, mersii de reteta,,,
Păcat ca Uica Mihai nu mai este printre noi !!
Stie omu' ce stie ! :) Multumesc pentru sfaturi domnule Uica ! :)
Ce faaaaain!! Am invatat o gramada de la acest bucatar :) sa mai faceti videouri, Multumesc :)
La noi la Florida costa 7 dolari un langoș ceva mai mare decât palma, presărat cu brânză și smântână. Un sac de faina de 11,5 kg făină e 12 dolari. Așa că am învățat să îmi fac, daca îmi trebuie și de obicei fac pt 4 familii odată. Așa cum se fac langoșii in Ardeal, cu varza, cu brânză și mărar, cartofi, etc.si cu umplutura in ei nu pe deasupra.
no, carissimo, it was just a joke, the guy above jokes, too. I'm studying Hungarian and that is a great tip!
Cea mai tare reteta! 😎
Frumoasa colega ai Unica.
Língua romena. Romeno é uma língua que está relacionado para o Português. Romeno tem mais semelhanças com o latim, ainda mais do que italiano!
Trăiască langosul cu urda/brânza dulce 😋😋👍❤️
A iesit misto, dar ca la mama acasa... zi de zi imi facea mama Langos, cum naiba :)))
"Cum spunea mama ta din Bucuresti la langos in romaneste?" - Adevarat ! Oare cum naibii ? Exact: Langos probabil e un cuvant original Romanesc ! :)))) Foarte tare !
Lángos bun am mâncat. Înainte de a ajunge la Gheorghieni dinspre Sovata este o rulota pe stânga in pădure adevărat foarte buni
Veronicooooo, esti mai buna decat orice langos ... !
La Viena costă cel mai ieftin 3,50 -4,50 € și nu sunt decât intr-un singur loc cu adevărat bune.
Bravoooo 🤗🌹🌹
Dumnezeu sa te odihnească Uica!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lángos with cheese and sour cream
Alternative names
Place of origin
Main ingredients
Flour, yeast, salt
Cookbook:Lángos Lángos
Lángos being fried
Lángos (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈlaːŋɡoʃ]; Turkish: Lalanga[1]) is a Hungarian food speciality, a deep fried flat bread made of a dough with flour, yeast, salt[2] and water. It is also traditionally made in Vojvodina, Serbia, where it was introduced by the local Hungarians.
1 Variations
2 Etymology
3 See also
4 References
Lángos is a dough made of water or milk and flour, with a dash of sugar and salt and fried in oil. Adding sour cream, yoghurt or mashed potatoes to the dough is optional, in the latter case it is called potato lángos (in Hungarian krumplis lángos).[3] It is eaten fresh and warm, topped with sour cream and grated cheese, or Liptauer, ham, or sausages, or most frequently, without toppings, just rubbed with garlic or garlic butter, or doused with garlic water. Other ingredients and accompaniments can be mushroom, quark cheese, eggplant, cabbage, kefir, omelet, and a confectioner's sugar or jam. It is popular all year long. As it is a rather affordable and simple food, it is often sold around bus stations (where commuters can purchase it), fairs, and all over Eastern European countries on local celebrations or sport events.
Traditionally lángos was baked in the front of the brick oven close to the flames. This is the basis for its name; "láng" means "flame" in the Hungarian language. Lángos was made from bread dough and was served as breakfast on the days when new bread was baked. Now that people no longer have brick ovens and do not bake bread at home, lángos is virtually always fried in oil.
Lángos is sold at many fast-food restaurants not only in Hungary but also in Austria.[4] In Austria, especially in Vienna, lángos is very popular as a fast food at fairs and in amusement parks like the Prater. Lángos is known in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Croatia as langoš, in Serbia as languš (although it is commonly called "Mekike"). It is also popular in Romania as langoși.
Lángos is very similar to a version of frybread made by the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. Lángos is also very similar to Bhatoora. Bhatoora is usually served with chickpeas curry (or chole) as chole bhature, a popular dish in the north of India.[citation needed]. The Canadian BeaverTails is also closely related to Lángos.
Lángos sold at a street vendor
The name comes from láng, the Hungarian word for flame.
The early-15th-century Glossary of Beszterce,[5] the most ancient currently known Hungarian "dictionary", reveals that the ultimate ancestor of flat breads was the panis focacius attributed to the Romans (of which derives also the Italian flat bread called focaccia). In ancient Rome, panis focacius[6] was a flat bread baked in the ashes of the fireplace (cf. Latin focus meaning "fireplace"). However, the modern lángos, despite its name, is not prepared near an open flame but rather by deep-fat frying, and among Hungarian foods it is instead the pogácsa which preserves the connection, both etymological and culinary, to the ancient panis focacius.
Wikibooks Cookbook has a recipe/module on
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lángos.
See also
List of deep fried foods
List of quick breads
National symbols of Hungary
Puri (food)
Food portal
Se poate pune drojdie uscata?ce cantitate? MultiMedia
Arată super ,o sa le incerc si eu ! Complimente dnu Mihai!
no, from the french "langue" meaning something to be put on your tongue
hilarious,,,and that is why they call it langos and gulyas,,,because they are stolen from Romanians...very intelligent
vad numai pareri pozitive, o sa incerc sa fac cat de curand:) sper sa-mi iasa si mie...
Acesta este adevaratul langos!.......Pacat ca nu ne-a lasat reteta completa.... (initial a pus 400 ml apa, apoi a mai adaugat dar, in final, care era cantitatea totala de apa nu se stie)......doar vorbarie multa si fara rost....
Sunteti bravo
Le nom vient du hongrois láng, qui signifie "flamme".
auuu ce pofta am ,nu am branza ca acum ii faceam ,e ora 2/09 noaptea
si bucatrul e simpatic ,priceput bla bla nota10
prin partile mele se numeau scovergi.
Really,cadaques1978 ?Is Lángos became a french product? I don't think so. Well, Láng is a hungarian word.Don't try to change that,like the guy above us..Thank you very much.I wrote in french a sentence from wikipedia that's all,has no connection with french language or something else from France like tongue.Sorry..
Fain hhmm
Sint tare curios , tocmai incerc , dupa 10 incercarii,, si niciodata nu miau iesit,, sper ca de data asta sa iasa !!!!!
Odihna veșnică.
da nu se face, in loc de apa, cu lapte ?
Bună seara Uica îmi place să tevad știu și eu am
but still! Langos is not a hungarian word. It derivates from the same phonetic group like lingua, langue, etc., and originates in the Latin language.
pas de tout. Le nom vient de la langue latine: langue. "Flamme" est nommée parfois aussi "langue": "langue de feu".
Daaaa? Gasesti langoserii staradale in Australia? Pai eu sunt aici de 20 de ani si nu am vazut asa ceva draga!! Ce alte gogosi ne mai vinzi?
Şi EU am o Unguroaică acasă....... Nu-i de jucat.......
Je bote CALIC!!!!!!!!!!
que lingua estao falando hungaro?
Debora Koso Romanian
Uică, salivez numai cum te văd cum le prepari, iar izul vine de la sine...!!!
Mie mi- se pare ca au prea mult aluat! Dar, sunteti buni si haiosi!
Yo everyone cut the BS, langoși is Hungarian products but it's a copy paste of Romanian traditional food I'm from dobroja and it's long long way from Hungary and I'm old enough to be a grandfather my grandmother, my mother made this type of product from Romanian patisserie. care sunt brânzoaice prăjite toată ziua the think it's potato stew the Hungarian call goulash which entire Transylvania copied the name which in Romanian language is "mâncare de cartofi cu carne"potatoes vegetable oil and some vegetables, little bit frying mixed and boil. Mâncarea de cartofi tipic românească cu carne de porc sau văcuță.take it easy maghiarilor,by the way, în langoșul* românesc, adică brânzoaică românească nu se pune cartofi sau piure de cartofi să ne înțelegem
face comparatie intre o femeie si o gogoasa?
Langos cu telemea si marar! Yummy
Pofta buna
fara ou in aluat ?
Aoleu, oua nu se pun in langosi, doar la gogosi!!!!
vreau sä incerc cu cartofi si ceapä präzitä
La berlin sunt 5 eur bucata
nu drojdie nu sare nu ulei nu.nimik decat apa si faina ....sigur sant placinte
Placinta e altceva, asa se fac langosii!!!
La minutul 4:50 presara drojdie iar mai apoi pune si sare
Nu se pune deloc zahar in aluat ?
Nu se pune zahar si reusesc foarte bine. Tocmai azi am facut dupa reteta asta si sint super bune.
Ffff bune
Le am facut acum ci branza si altele cu cartofi si ceapa 🤗
Da ,dar nu sunt prea estetici! Trebuie să aibă și aspect!
Am mai vazut in comentarii, ca vreti sa ne mai faca so sa fie sanatos, oare care e adevarul? Multimesc de raspuns, Doamne sa fie sanatos daca e in viata. 🙏🙏
Nu există GLOB........ PĂMÎNTUL ESTE FLAT.
Daca-i plat (sau flat cum stii tu) du-te pana la margine si fa o poza sa vedem ce-i dedesubt. Nu ne mai tine in suspans
@@oviM3000 😂😂😂😂👏 super replica
Why not?
Soriiine, chiar ești idiot funcțional !!!
reteta mai tampita ca asta nu am auzit- cum sa lasi mai omu lui dzeu 15 minute la dospit? doar 15 minute? omule ai cu capul
Lasa tu mai putin la dospit, si o sa mananci "placinte", cum zic ardelenii, nu langosi ca in Timisoara :)
Ar trebui intai sa faci cum a facut el si dupa aceea sa comentezi eu am facut si sunt super pufoase si gustose
Doamneeee,a murit? Ca ati.spus Dumnezeu sa te .odihneasca,vaiiiii,chiar? Eu nu stiu, imi pare f. Rau,daca e asa, DUMNEZEU. SA VA ODIHNEASCA,CHIAR. IMI PARE RAUUUU,CUM DE NU AM STIU?😭😭😭😭