El Born(La Ribera) in 4K | Barcelona, Spain

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Walk along narrow street of El Born district.
    It starts from Via Laietana to San Pere Mes Alt and you can see 'Palau de Musica de Catalunya' one of the most Beautiful Concert hall in the world. Passing many shops and Bars.
    You may see : Picasso Museum, Santa Catarina Market, Mercat del Born, Basilica Santa Maria del Mar, Iglesia Sant Pere. Hofmann Bakery, Casa Lolea, La chinata,
    -information form Wiki
    Many of the buildings date from late Medieval times. It was a well-to-do quarter during 13th-15th centuries, when it really was by the sea shore, and the area that today is named Barceloneta was still an island. Notable buildings are the Basilica de Santa Maria del Mar and the palaces along Carrer de Montcada, including the Museu Picasso, the Museu Barbier-Mueller d'Art Precolombí, and part of the Textile Museum.
    The former market hall Mercat del Born covers archaeological ruins which were part of the La Ribera district that was demolished after the Siege of Barcelona (1713-14) and the defeat of Catalonia in the War of Succession. Another place of interest is the Fossar de les Moreres, the site of a mass grave of Catalan soldiers fallen during the siege of 1714. Part of the quarter of La Ribera was demolished after 1714 to build a military citadel to punish the defeated city.
    The lower section of the La Ribera district, just below Carrer de la Princesa, and leading to Barceloneta is referred to as El Born after the 19th century market on carrer del Comerç that dominates the area. This is one of the trendiest and most touristic districts in the old city. It is a popular place for expats and contains many art boutiques, bars and cafés.
    The northernmost part of the quarter, La Ribera proper and Sant Pere, in contrast to El Born, is not frequented by tourists so much, even though it is between Arc de Triomf and Via Laietana, and actually constitutes a much poorer area with a larger number of migrant workers. It is being revitalised, but as with many other instances of urban development in Barcelona, the process has been ethically contested. The Forat de la Vergonya area, near Santa Eulàlia Cathedral, is such an example. The Biblioteca Francesca Bonnemaison is a cultural institution of the neighbourhood.
    바르셀로나 구시가지를 구성하는 세파트 고딕/라발/보른 지구중 하나.
    13세기~15세기 중세 건물들이 즐비한 곳이며 피카소 미술관이 있는곳.
    고고학 유물위에 세워진 시장계획터(mercat del Born)에서 부터 카탈루냐가 격었던 중세 역사 (왕위계승전쟁)의 상징인 1714탑, 그 옆에 서민들의 대성당이라 불리는 산타마리아 델 마르 성당이 있다.
    아래로는 바르셀로네타 항구에 다다를 수 있으며 위로는 산페레 길에서 세계에서 가장 아름다운 음악당 '카탈루냐 음악당'을 만날 수 있다.
    거리 곳곳에서 아기자기한 가게들과 맛집들이 모여있는 지역이다.
    - iPhone 11 pro.
    - Zhiyoon Gimbal
    - 2020/03/10
    #Barcelona #elborn #spain #스페인 #바르셀로나 #여행 #travel #viaje