Syncope - What is Syncope? | Vasovagal | Syncope Classification (ESC 2020) | Causes of Syncope

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @reginaperry436
    @reginaperry436 2 роки тому +7

    I have been going through this as a child and now it's happening to me as a Adult never knew this... Thank you for this wonderful video!!!

  • @ronnie_j91
    @ronnie_j91 3 роки тому +16

    I've recently been diagnosed with syncope and this definitely helped me understand my diagnosis a little better. I have only fainted 4 times but 3 of those times were recent. 2 were in one day. Thanks for the video. Definitely better than just reading on Google!

  • @Loralicious
    @Loralicious 5 місяців тому +2

    I've noticed that smoking cigarettes or marijuana prior to syncope is a common trigger for me. My syncope incidents are rare but that is the one thing they all have in common.

  • @funwithyoutubeee3164
    @funwithyoutubeee3164 10 місяців тому

    You are an AMAZING teacher, thank you so much for doing these videos. They are incredibly detailed and make learning hard concepts much easier. Thank you!

  • @rickym242
    @rickym242 2 роки тому +5

    I've been diagnosed with POTS for about a year and a half and I thought I only passed out just from that but I also learned from my doctor that I also have this when filling out my form to get a disability handicap placard! Great video!

  • @christianmorrison9287
    @christianmorrison9287 Місяць тому

    This is great. I would like to mention though that vasovagal is related to the vagus nerves. Damge to these nerves could cause this syncope with many more symptoms. You can have GERD, abdominal pain, chest pressure, hoarsness in your voice, and the worst symptom, fainting.

  • @cynthiaselene1496
    @cynthiaselene1496 2 роки тому +3

    This is SO INFORMATIVE!!! Thank you so much!!!!! 🙏🏼

  • @Faustian_Bargain_Bin
    @Faustian_Bargain_Bin 2 роки тому +1

    So helpful! Got a bunch of syncope questions in a row while studying for Step 2 and was having trouble sorting out all the etiologies.

  • @Ashleymaj
    @Ashleymaj 4 роки тому +12

    very comprehensive, thank you!

  • @hodgeh
    @hodgeh 4 роки тому +3

    Very clear, easy to understand and helpful. Thank you.

  • @ddfann
    @ddfann Рік тому +4

    I’ve had three Syncope episodes each caused by laughter. I laugh so hard sometimes I can’t catch my breath and the next thing I know my wife and daughter are sitting by me saying ‘It’s okay, you’re safe’.

    • @cjh199000
      @cjh199000 10 місяців тому

      Im a new laughter induced psynconaut. Still getting tested a lot. Hope its just the mild laughter type. Hope your doing ok now. Any helpful info for a new person with neurocardiogenic syncope

    • @ddfann
      @ddfann 10 місяців тому

      @@cjh199000 Wish I did, I was only taken to hospital the first time and they didn't really help. Each time it's happened since I've just stayed at home. While I've only had three full blackouts, I've had numerous close calls. I do find going on my hands and knees helps to alleviate it a bit.

    • @cjh199000
      @cjh199000 10 місяців тому

      @@ddfann ill keep that tip in my mind. Im getting worried its not so mild. I looked up this morning (sunny as hell) and it seemed that the brightness of the sun knocked me on my knees.

  • @RhesusMedicine
    @RhesusMedicine  4 роки тому +4

    Video Timestamps:
    0:00 Introduction
    0:01 What is Syncope? Definition of Syncope
    0:51 Syncope Classification
    1:04 Reflex Mediated Syncope / Neural Mediated Syncope
    1:06 Vasovagal Syncope
    1:53 Orthostatic Hypotension
    2:27 Cardiac Causes of Syncope
    3:02 How to diagnose Syncope / Syncope Diagnosis
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  • @richricogranada9647
    @richricogranada9647 Рік тому +5

    Now I quit, mas I used to watch YT videos on my iPhone, laying in bed on my side, until one day, I got an electrical shock in my brain upon waking up, that shot me down on the floor. It was a black out, a síncope, and I still dizzy from that, which happened yesterday.

  • @SaiKrishna-cx2ui
    @SaiKrishna-cx2ui 11 місяців тому

    Very good exaplainatio for Clarity take above🙌

  • @amnaibrahim9124
    @amnaibrahim9124 2 роки тому +1

    What a great explanation 🌸🌸

  • @existentialcatharsisvibe1709
    @existentialcatharsisvibe1709 4 роки тому +2

    thank you very precise and good for last minute review

  • @mollybrown8361
    @mollybrown8361 3 роки тому +12

    I think this happens to me every time I get an Injection or my blood taken. I can’t stop it from happening and I’m not scared of needles

    • @lilyandcandace
      @lilyandcandace 3 роки тому +4

      Ask for a butterfly needle they are for kids and syncope sufferers and lay down 🤞🏻

  • @kannankamal5446
    @kannankamal5446 3 роки тому

    This explanation more than enough perfection 🎊🎉👌💯

  • @Lilyrose7777
    @Lilyrose7777 Рік тому

    Thank you, your video was super helpful.

  • @mehak8827
    @mehak8827 2 роки тому

    Thankyou. I easily understood the topic

  • @anonmikey
    @anonmikey 2 роки тому

    this was incredibly helpful! thank you

  • @SaiKrishna-cx2ui
    @SaiKrishna-cx2ui 11 місяців тому

    For the diagnosis part thank you so much

  • @studybuddies6578
    @studybuddies6578 3 роки тому +1

    very clear explanation, thank you!

  • @gregdavidl647
    @gregdavidl647 2 роки тому +1

    Really good video. Do you have a reference list?

  • @dipudas9029
    @dipudas9029 Рік тому

    Very good presentation

  • @fellforfall9802
    @fellforfall9802 Рік тому

    Very clear, thanks a lot!

  • @caliyaqui8631
    @caliyaqui8631 3 роки тому +2

    In addtion to syncope can the jaw turn to one side of the face and shake like a seizure? Thanks

    • @scousertommy9
      @scousertommy9 2 роки тому

      not that I am aware ,I can have many attacks in just 1 hour but the people around me have never told me this.however I have seen some where that syncope is like a mini stroke and face dropping to one side is common to strokes.

  • @rosewhite---
    @rosewhite--- 2 роки тому

    If you have bad acid reflux for many weeks or months the lower gullet sphincter seems to stop working so food backs up in the gullet and feels like you cannot swallow or are choking.
    Then the pressure of the food causes pressure on the blood vessels from the hart and that reduces blood flow to the brain which suddenly shuts down.
    It is quite terrifying when it occured to me three times in ten days.

    • @irineliliuta8411
      @irineliliuta8411 2 роки тому +1

      damn same happend to me after 2 years of acid reflux i passed out after a drinking binge and smashed my face on the concrete....that and when i ve chopped my finger with a grinder

    • @rosewhite---
      @rosewhite--- 2 роки тому

      @@irineliliuta8411 Hi Irinel.
      My third passing out was really frightening as everything went black and I started falling over!

  • @MAH-tu1xz
    @MAH-tu1xz 3 роки тому +1

    Hi I have a question. What is the treatment for Vasovagal Syncope? Is beta blockers recommended? I ask because these attacks feel so much like an intense anxiety, panic seizure attacks of some sort, that shuts down the whole body to faint and become unconscious and then to reset the brain back to activation again very shorty after the attack/episode - to an almost immediate recovery. These attacks are very short lived when they happen because the recovery happens very fast attack the attack. The best way to describe when these attacks happen, is like a fast train that can’t be stopped. You feel Dizzy, sweaty, nauseous and disoriented afterwards to say the least. Urgggh.. 😒
    Also, is it the Adrenaline and cortisol in the body that went to fight or flight mode in this type of syncope attacks?

  • @bigwill9421
    @bigwill9421 18 днів тому

    This seems to happen for me from blood pressure issues. It says something about drug-induced which I'm wondering if the BP Meds are linked to it as a side effect.

  • @oishi5518
    @oishi5518 3 роки тому +1

    very there any duration difference though ?for regaining consciousness?

  • @Rvk15
    @Rvk15 3 роки тому

    Ty for the video..very informative 👌

  • @EternalF1re
    @EternalF1re 2 роки тому +1

    So I’ve had a few instances. A couple were due to fear / anxiety, on an aeroplane, going for a blood test etc. the rest are when I’m doing exercise. I can usually tell as I start yawning uncontrollably, sweating and getting dizzy. Is there a way to cure this? I’ve not yet told my doctor as I feel they’re always very dismissive on the few occasions I have previously been

    • @gotteskind_7
      @gotteskind_7 Рік тому

      I'm not sure about cures, but if you notice it starting to happen, sit down somewhere safe and put your head between your knees. Get blood flow going back to your brain. A cool wet rag to the forehead may help afterwards.
      I've had the same problem many times, getting blood drawn, seeing a friend cut his elbow open, cleaning out a cut on my thumb with cold water, and hearing stories about giving birth. It can really come out of nowhere fast and I almost was seriously hurt from falling a couple times. Only once or twice have I been able to catch it quick enough to regain equilibrium. Good luck finding help!

  • @samuelmechiho
    @samuelmechiho Рік тому

    this is helpful!

  • @sumanhazarika7563
    @sumanhazarika7563 3 роки тому +1

    Few months back i fell from a bike involved in a accident, i got a wide cut on my knee, i didn't know for some sometime that i was hurt but when i saw the site of injury i got very nervous suddenly, my heart started to beat very fast i felt very weak my head started to feel very light could not stand up or sit i wanted lie down and my vision started go dark but people nearby started shaking me gave water after some time... after 5 minutes i felt normal...i didn't fully faint but i still don't know what happened to me... doctor couldn't understand either they only asked if i vomited or not

  • @nancydrew8388
    @nancydrew8388 Рік тому

    Can you pass out and have low blood pressure, chest pain, throat discomfort & roof of mouth tingling from a 1/2 cc of lidocaine near joint in finger in effort to numb while taking out a splinter? I felt fine while they were working on my finger it didn’t bother me except after the lidocaine. Passed out right after the shot and my finger was bleeding a lot from the attempt to take out the splinter. Had to be rushed to the hospital. Blood pressure 90/60. Dismissed after 2 Ekgs. Have had blood taken many times & had no reaction. This was horrible and took a while to feel better.

  • @Ocyla
    @Ocyla 2 роки тому

    I have no issues with blood. I have no issues with needles. But when getting a blood draw and they poke me 3+ times, I pass out. Can't help it. Of course now I know better and most places will get someone else if they can't do it in 1-2.

  • @lillycloke1644
    @lillycloke1644 2 роки тому +2

    I just realized I had this back in the beginning of 2022 when I went to get a Covid test done at the hospital I went threw the drive up suddenly after i left I started feeling like I wanted to go to sleep I remembered telling myself I need to pull over and park just as I was looking I passed out while driving came to and a man was knocking on my window asking if I was ok I seen the hood of my car was smashed in I had hit a pole my chest had pains bad it was really scary this is and can get out of control if you don't get help for it.i was lucky that day bc I don't remember passing out.

  • @muhammadzainal8188
    @muhammadzainal8188 3 роки тому +1

    my first experience of orthostatic syncope made me think i have jumped time for a second.

  • @heizerush9830
    @heizerush9830 2 роки тому

    I've been experiencing this in the past 3 weeks and I just don't know what to do. Because I will suddenly feel uncomfy and there is this lazy headache and I feel like my body is weak.

  • @SR-tu2pb
    @SR-tu2pb 4 роки тому +1

    Can you please upload epilepsy?

    • @RhesusMedicine
      @RhesusMedicine  4 роки тому +3

      I will be covering epilepsy yes! Hopefully a topic that will help a lot of people out 🤞

    • @SR-tu2pb
      @SR-tu2pb 4 роки тому

      @@RhesusMedicine upload as soon as possible please

  • @shilpiawasthi9546
    @shilpiawasthi9546 3 роки тому

    thank u for caring

  • @hamidjan8410
    @hamidjan8410 2 роки тому

    How overcome from syncope permenantly because we I saw blood or surgery agian I feel it😰

  • @Kokin0
    @Kokin0 3 роки тому +1

    lmao it was so funnh when it happened to me becouse i litelearly landed in a basket of clothes my mother was screaming at me Xd

  • @2002drkrish
    @2002drkrish 3 роки тому


  • @spicy3273
    @spicy3273 3 роки тому

    I had this after pneumonia. Would start coughing and pass out. Doctors didn't have a clue what was going on. Just told me to stop driving.

  • @krystleirvin6733
    @krystleirvin6733 Рік тому

    That doesn't happen to me only because of my gallbladder. Welp no one being in trouble and being told just to avoid places they go is not the way to handle that I guess. I didn't think that was the right thing. That's why I wasn't living there anymore.

  • @jacklawer6389
    @jacklawer6389 3 місяці тому

    I have syncope, i cough violently before I passout, there is no warning not a millisecond.
    Im on the floor.
    I have copd.
    I have had all the cardiologist tests nothing

  • @happyandhealthy888
    @happyandhealthy888 2 роки тому +1

    less air in the room, not enough high blood pressure

  • @nj9851
    @nj9851 5 місяців тому

    I fainted on flights twice is it concerning?

  • @muhammedabdulmecid5818
    @muhammedabdulmecid5818 3 роки тому

    Thank u 😊

  • @suleimanjibril
    @suleimanjibril 9 місяців тому

    My son is 8 years old and he faints in his sleep and I don't what that can be

  • @keganturner9256
    @keganturner9256 3 роки тому

    is it also pronounced as sin-cope

  • @Fry139
    @Fry139 2 місяці тому

    Oh I’ve experienced this before, but I didn’t faint though (I think)

    • @Fry139
      @Fry139 2 місяці тому

      You may experience this on normal times or when having some fever based on what I experienced (it’s what I know right now)

  • @neyaboo2052
    @neyaboo2052 2 роки тому +2

    I have this.. its scary scary to just wake up and not know what happened. Its almost happens wen I poop and stand. Vs really only happens wen I'm too hot. I try to sit down or lay down so I won't fall.

  • @adamblackman6660
    @adamblackman6660 2 роки тому

    Cold water helps me. Some drinks, and maybe a wet towel around the neck.

  • @khaledaltowairgi9528
    @khaledaltowairgi9528 2 роки тому


  • @happyandhealthy888
    @happyandhealthy888 2 роки тому

    clavia kljucnica